#the orphanage principal
flowerbloom-arts · 1 year
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Hemulgust day 4
Number 13 was so much trouble for her.
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hemulenish-hijinks · 2 years
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The Orphanage Principal
Founder, builder, and runner of the Moomin Foundling Home in Moominpappa's Memoirs, she was more concerned with the cleanliness of her foundlings than giving them affection. Since the night she founded him, she felt a lack of care for her 13th and most disobedient orphan, our Moominpappa. She had an apparent interest in astrology and little patience for Number 13. Nobody really knows her fate after that fateful night of him running away.
The Hemulen Aunt
Also known as the Hemulen's aunt, she was presumably the aunt of the orphanage principal. She was saved from the Groke and was mistaken for her niece by the young Moominpappa and became a very bossy caretaker of the Oshun Oxtra until she got kidnapped by Niblings, and then later became their leader by teaching them writing and math. She isn't a mean woman, in fact she was very grateful toward the Oshun Oxtra in her letter for Muddler's wedding.
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summercomfort · 9 months
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in my pursuit of ever-increasingly niche comics, I drew a 13 page comic about Tape v Hurley, a court case about Chinese-American school segregation in 1885. The rest of the pages are after the readmore, as well as on AO3 here. More obsure Chinese American court case comics are there, as well.
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Historical Notes
Mary and Joseph Tape were not born in America, but their names and identities were very much formed in America. Joseph Tape was born Jeu Dip in Guangdong, China, immigrated the America when he was twelve, and spent his teenage years working as a house servant in an Irish household. Mary arrived in America at the age of eleven, and was found and raised as Mary McGladery in a Protestant orphanage as the only Chinese child amongst ~80 children. Both Mary and Jeu spent their formative years amongst White Christian families, so when Jeu Dip and Mary married in 1875, little wonder that Jeu picked the English name of Joseph Tape -- Joseph to match with Mary, and the German last name Tape as a nod to his former name of Dip.
The Tape family lived about 14 blocks outside of Chinatown, in a primarily white neighborhood. They dressed in Western clothing, spoke English at home, and Mamie grew up playing with non-Chinese kids. Naturally, they wanted their children to attend the local elementary school, a mere 3 blocks from their home. The principal, Ms. Hurley, denied her entrance, claiming that she was “filthy and diseased.” At the time, there was no public school option for Chinese children -- the 1870 state law stipulated separate schools for “African and Indian children” only, not Chinese. The Tape family, with the help of the Chinese Six Companies, their church, and the Chinese consulate, decided to sue, claiming that the 1880 California school code guaranteed everyone a right to public education and that this was a violation of the 14th Amendment.
They won.
But this was 1885, three years after the passage of the Chinese Exclusion Act and six years before Plessy v Ferguson. Regardless of what the California Supreme Court might decide, public sentiment was on the side of the San Francisco school district. Determined to keep out this “invasion of Mongol barbarism”, the California State Legislature passed a law permitting separate schools for Chinese children, which then allowed Principal Hurley to reject Mamie Tape once more.
While Mamie was rejected from the Spring Valley Elementary School for being Chinese, she also had a hard time fitting in to the Chinese public school. The Chinese merchants saw Western education as something primarily for boys. (Their girl children learned from their mothers at home.) Mamie, a girl dressed in Western clothes, would have stood out like a sore thumb. The final panel of the comic was based on a photo from three years later, and even then, Mamie was the only girl.
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Places where I fudged the history: Frank, Mamie’s younger brother, was actually six years old and should have been more present in the comic, but I wante to keep the focus on Mamie and Mary. Also, Mamie had actually shown up to her first day of school in Western clothes. An earlier draft of the comic had a separate arc involving Mamie feeling rejected at school and Mary buying her some Chinese clothes, but that got too long and complicated.
Much of this was drawn from Mae Ngai’s book about the Tape family and their experiences as 2nd and 3rd generation Chinese Americans, titled “The Lucky Ones.”
Here is Mary Tape's letter to the San Francisco School Board, 1885:
1769 Green Street. San Francisco, April 8, 1885. To the Board of Education - Dear Sirs: I see that you are going to make all sorts of excuses to keep my child out off the Public schools. Dear sirs, Will you please to tell me! Is it a disgrace to be Born a Chinese? Didn’t God make us all!!! What right have you to bar my children out of the school because she is a chinese Decend. They is no other worldly reason that you could keep her out, except that. I suppose, you all goes to churches on Sundays! Do you call that a Christian act to compell my little children to go so far to a school that is made in purpose for them. My children don’t dress like the other Chinese. They look just as phunny amongst them as the Chinese dress in Chinese look amongst you Caucasians. Besides, if I had any wish to send them to a chinese school I could have sent them two years ago without going to all this trouble. You have expended a lot of the Public money foolishly, all because ofa one poor little Child. Her playmates is all Caucasians ever since she could toddle around. If she is good enough to play with them! Then is she not good enough to be in the same room and studie with them? You had better come and see for yourselves. See if the Tape’s is not same as other Caucasians, except in features. It seems no matter how a Chinese may live and dress so long as you know they Chinese. Then they are hated as one. There is not any right or justice for them. You have seen my husband and child. You told him it wasn’t Mamie Tape you object to. If it were not Mamie Tape you object to, then why didn’t you let her attend the school nearest her home! Instead of first making one pre tense Then another pretense of some kind to keep her out? It seems to me Mr. Moulder has a grudge against this Eight-year-old Mamie Tape. I know they is no other child I mean Chinese child! care to go to your public Chinese school. May you Mr. Moulder, never be persecuted like the way you have persecuted little Mamie Tape. Mamie Tape will never attend any of the Chinese schools of your making! Never!!! I will let the world see sir What justice there is When it is govern by the Race prejudice men! Just because she is of the Chinese decend, not because she don’t dress like you because she does. Just because she is descended of Chinese parents I guess she is more of a American then a good many of you that is going to prewent her being Educated. Mrs. M. Tape
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vespertiliosworld · 7 months
Damian Wayne x Reader
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English is not my first language, please forgive me if there is any mistake.
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When the whole city almost turned into a bloodbath, you were tired and could barely stand. Your sword was now worn out, as were your costume and boots. The city was in pieces, you wanted to whine because of the headache you felt and your aching shoulders, but you couldn't react in the presence of so many heroes.
Void had escaped, you couldn't catch him, but he didn't get what he wanted either. You grabbed your shoulder and squeezed to relieve the pain, but it didn't do anything. As your eyes wandered into the sky, you noticed that the sun was far from where it was before. Damn it! When they couldn't see you in the dormitory, you thought about the punishments you would receive. You took your sword and put it on your waist, uttering a short curse.
He blinked and gulped when he noticed Wonder Woman staring at you. You slowly approached her and stood in front of her. "Hello ma'am, I'm Shivani. It was great fighting side by side with you today."
Wonder Woman smiled and put a hand on your shoulder. "It was nice fighting with you too kid, you look familiar to me." This made your heart race, you knew the twinkle of admiration in your eyes.
"Actually, you worked with my mother, she was your sidekick ." When you talked about your mother, your voice became hoarse, leaving a seed of bitterness inside you. "That's Lady Spike." you said, your voice trembling with sadness.
A sadness also settled in Wonder Woman's eyes. "I'm sorry about your mother, little one. Congratulations on following in her footsteps and doing the right thing, she would be proud of you if she were here." His words put her at ease. Your mother always talked about how she was a kind woman and cared about everyone.
"I have to go now, please be my mentor in the future." Then you quickly rose into the sky and started flying. When you landed in the garden of your dormitory, you secretly deactivated the heirloom that gave you your powers in the shadows and returned to your civilian self.
Damian, who had already stuck a tracking device on you, just watched you from afar. He couldn't trust you, he couldn't trust a girl like you who appeared out of nowhere.
As you entered the orphanage, you tried to sneak in without attracting attention. When you succeeded in this, you were put in the same room with other orphan children. As you laid down on your bed, your eyes looked at the ceiling.
When your eyes slowly closed and you opened your eyes to a new day, you got up and started getting ready. You went to an average middle school, the only difference from an ordinary life was that you were a hero. But you were quite happy with it.
When you entered the classroom, everything was ordinary, you sat at your desk and opened your books as always. You had no one to talk to because your friend was in another class. You could only talk during breaks. With that, your classic day is over. It was always depressing inside the orphanage, but today there was a different depressing atmosphere. The moment you walked in, people's eyes stared at you, you felt weird because you weren't used to these stares. Maybe you were supposed to feel really weird.
"The director of the orphanage is calling you." When you hear someone calling out to you, he doesn't seem familiar. You obviously didn't know this person, but he knew you and the jealousy in his tone indicated that he didn't like you.
"Oh, I'll be going then." There was surprise in your voice, you left that person behind and quickly walked towards the principal's office. You thought he would notice your absence yesterday and get angry. Maybe he would starve you for a week or take you to a dark room.
When a lot of bad scenarios came to your mind, you knocked on the door in fear. You walked in with the manager who told you to come. A familiar looking woman was sitting in front of the principal. You walked in and looked towards the principal. "You wanted me?" you said hesitantly.
The woman looked at you and smiled. “Hello, Y/N?” she said, her tone affectionate.
The principal of the orphanage looked at you with a strange smile. "Welcome, dear. This lady wants to be your foster parent." Now you understood, the orphanage principal was a guy who was nice to you around people but was normally rude and dishonorable.
You fake smiled and sat on the empty chair. "I'd be happy about that." Leaving this ridiculous orphanage was something you wanted more than anything.
The woman looked at you and extended her hand. “I'm Diana Prince, nice to meet you Y/N.” She seemed like a good woman.
Today your life is change.
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lurking-gyomei-fan · 2 months
Yakuza!Hashira AU Thoughts
This has been floating in my head for a very long time and I finally compiled my thoughts on what role would each Hashira play if they were in a yakuza group. ...I also didn't research too heavily into the actual structure of the yakuza so please don't come at me for that lol Feel free to use these ideas also, but I'd love to read or see what you do with them.
Beware of long post- don't say I didn't warn you.
These ideas play more into the chivalry aspect of Yakuza. The government has too much red tape and is unable to enforce any meaningful rules or changes in the community.  They also cannot be mobilized as fast as the yakuza, who often take matters into their own hands to provide immediate results.  The government/police view the other yakuza and the underworld as a necessary evil and impossible to truly eradicate, and would much rather deal with the Ubuyashiki's group because they are much more reasonable...but every once in a while they need to be reminded why the Ubuyashiki Group has lasted for centuries.
The Ubuyashiki group is an old, powerful group in the Underworld, but not the oldest- that would belong to the 12 Kizuki group that is run by Muzan Kibutsuji.  The Ubuyashiki group was a sub sect of the Kizuki group a century ago, but in a violent and bloody revolt, they separated and ruled over a different area instead.  They have clashed multiple times throughout history, but time and modern technology has mellowed out their conflict into a small but intense rivalry. 
Ubuyashiki clan: 
Kagaya Ubuyashiki: The sickly but charismatic head of the clan, assisted by his wife Amane who steps in during days when he is too sick.  (Please note that Kagaya is older for the sake of this AU.)
Usually women are not held in high regard amongst yakuza, but in the Ubuyashiki clan, women are treated as equal.  Amane is a true partner and extension of Kagaya’s will. Between Kagaya’s incredible foresight and direction, and Amane’s poise and organization, they have built the Ubuyashiki clan to its strongest point in its entire history.   Other Yakuza clans have tried to slow the explosive growth of their clan by dismissing Amane during meetings when she is present, but she is fiercely defended by all of the Hashira. 
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Gyomei-  Second in command; Punishment / Rule enforcer.   He is the external representative when it's too dangerous for Lady Amane to fill in for Kagaya.   When Kagaya is present, he acts as the main bodyguard. He is the most trusted confidant for both Amane and Kagaya, and will occasionally watch their kids so they can have a date within the compound. 
Gyomei had grown up in an orphanage where food was regularly witheld as a form as punishment, and funds were embezzled to fund the principal's lavish lifestyle. Gyomei relied heavily on religion to give hope to the other children and stay strong in the cruel environment they lived in. Gyomei would often go hungry to give food to the smaller kids, and used his tall build to physically shield them when the adults would vent out their frustrations on them. It was during such a night when one of the "caretakers" was in a violent, drunken spree and Gyomei was forced into a life or death situation. In that moment, he chose to save the children and himself-and beat the attacker to death with his bare hands.
Ubuyashiki's group happened to arrive that evening, intending to collect the gambling debts of the principal and other staff, even ready to charge a higher rate after discovering the origin of the funds and the extent of the abuse- but walked into a homicide scene instead. Kagaya sensed the physical and emotional strength within Gyomei, who had resolved himself to be turned in to the police for his crime, and convinced Gyomei to join his group in exchange for taking over the management of the orphanage and covering up the death of the caretaker.
10 years later, he is akin to a judge with the highest level of authority within the Group (other than Kagaya and Amane) to decide how punishment is to be rendered or how a high level conflict is to be resolved, especially for internal matters or people within their own organization. Despite his intimidating presence and powerful frame, he is patient and fair. He is diligently follows the laws that Kagaya put in place, and continues to be pious despite the sometimes gruesome nature of his job. He has a large, intricate tattoo of a serene Buddha on his back.
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Sanemi- main external punishment enforcer.  In charge of handling external conflicts with rival groups, or hunting down people with outstanding debts to the group. Leads the most violent group and is well known on the streets and instantly recognizable from all the scars he has gained from the many fights he had been involved in through the years. Sanemi also has connections with the police department via Genya, who works for the police department with his friends, Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Inosuke. 
Sanemi was desperate to keep his family afloat after the death of his abusive father and taking care of his mother, who had become mentally unwell. Sanemi had found himself in a similar situation to Gyomei- forced to save his family one night, wrestling with his mother to prevent her from hurting her own children during an unusual fit of violent mania. It had happened so quickly that no one could tell what happened. She might have tripped over the futon; or perhaps she lost her footing on the tatami mat or on the slick pool of blood that had dripped from Genya's facial wound- but regardless of how, she ended up falling out of their 4 story apartment window and slipping into a coma after crashing onto the roof of a parked car.
With the medical debts rising and already saddled with the debts from his deceased father, Sanemi turned to the Yakuza to get cash quick and take care of the immediate needs of their family, and eventually he would discretely pay for his mother's hospital bills under the guise of a charity organization. Knowing that any association with the yakuza could harm the wellbeing and social standing of his siblings, Sanemi intentionally lashed out at them so they would leave and find new lives elsewhere. Only Genya stayed, worried about his brother and knowing that he shouldered their entire family burden. Sanemi continued to harshly push away Genya to keep him away from the Underworld, and nearly had an aneurysm when he saw Genya roaming around with a rival yakuza group- only to find out (courtesy of being tackled by Tanjiro lol) that Genya was working deep undercover for the police. Deep down, Sanemi is proud of his brother for finding his own way and having a legitimate job. Despite his angry bluster, Sanemi would take extra pains to secretly ensure Genya’s safety as he continues his undercover missions. (The rest of the Hashira know. They just don't say anything because they're tired of hearing him scream his denial.)
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Tengen- head of information gathering.   He compiles reports to give to Kagaya/Amane.  His 3 wives are in charge of multiple avenues of information: one to keep track of internal investigations (alleged wrong doing, checking for spies, etc), 2 others for tailing people/undercover work, and processing all the data by working with Muichiro’s team. Tengen himself will go out on investigation missions if needed.   He also owns multiple high class escort clubs and bars, perfect grounds for finding the latest juicy gossip. He also runs several flashy entertainment companies ranging from legit show business to shell companies.
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Muichiro- head of digital/cyber security and hacking.  A prodigy with an incredible ability to process information and create programs that can sift through an ungodly amount of data.  The team under Muichiro handles offensive cyber attacks and regular upkeep on their digital security.  Muichiro finds it fun to hack into some rival companies owned by the Kizuki Group and lock some of their accounts.  They know it's him because it forces them to play a near impossible password game...and it helps that there is a chibi icon of him with an akanbe expression.  Muichiro has caused them great financial pain because they have to keep buying more resources to get around his cyber attacks.
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Obanai- Main arms dealer/broker.   Obanai uses his familial connection with the underworld to provide a steady supply of weapons and defensive supplies, and handles the logistics of securing the supply chain along with his partner and lover, Mitsuri. 
His family had been a sub group of the Ubuyashiki clan, choosing to follow the Ubuyashiki Group during the split with the Kizuki Group. They made many connections through the years, and would ruthlessly exploit anyone and everyone- including their own children. His family had become overly greedy and arrogant, believing their vast connections would help them succeed in overthrowing the previous head of the Ubuyashiki group, but they were discovered before the coup could be completed. They had tried to set up Obanai, their own child, as the instigator- but Kagaya, the young master who had taken charge of the incident on behalf of his father knew the truth: the person who had reported the family's misdeeds was Obanai himself, after catching wind of their plan to sacrifice him if their coup failed.
Obanai struggled for a while with the guilt of destroying his own family with his admission, but knew that it was the best action. Witnessing Mitsuri's positive outlook and her love of life allowed him to be at peace with his decision, easing the guilt of removing himself from a toxic family situation and finding joy in the small, quiet victories in daily living. He often wears a face mask because of a facial scar given by his family, a last form of physical torture before they were dispatched for good by Gyomei under Kagaya's orders. He also wears the face mask because mitsuri gave it to him and it was better than the wide strips of cloth he was using before.
Obanai dotes on his pet white snake, Kabamaru, who is often seen draped about his shoulders. There was a time when Gyomei was very upset because Kabamaru had gotten out of his room one evening and got dangerously close to some stray kittens that Gyomei was not so secretly fond of.
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Mitsuri- head of supply and distributing; also manages legitimate cover front.   Her team works with Obanai to provide other basic supplies for the group and arranges transportation and  deliveries by using her food business to camouflage the underground trade. Was almost scouted to be a j-pop music idol but she liked food too much. 
It was for the better, because the company that tried to scout her was actually a front for adult films. They would pretend to hire young and beautiful girls with the promise of helping them debut as an idol girl group, only to exploit and traffic them. The management company that tried to scout Mitsuri tried to pressure her to sign with them by harassing her parent's small convenience store. Tengen, who has huge sway in the entertainment industry did not appreciate a small group having the audacity to try to do business in his territory, without even the courtesy of introducing themselves. Tengen and his wives ruthlessly exposed them after a week of research and inadvertently saved Mitsuri's parents.
Inspired by how cool Tengen and his wives were when they swooped in to save the day, Mitsuri decided she wanted to help prevent girls from falling for the same scheme that nearly ruined her. Her family also gave their thanks and decided to back the Ubuyashiki group, considering they saved their beloved daughter and responded faster than the police, who had dismissed them outright. Because of the nature of her role with the Group, she found herself working together with Obanai often. After months of courting, they officially became a couple.
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Kyojuro- legitimate cover front; assists with finding other assets like promising business ventures, real estate, etc.  Has a great relation with the police force and within the community and city.   His business is sometimes used to help launder money, but he is far more useful being on the right side of the law. That isn't to say that Kyo isn't willing to get his hands dirty if it means the safety of the group and civilians- he is very competent and efficient in making rival groups disappear.
Kyo has an incredible buisness sense; he is able to quickly assess and rapidly consider the pros and cons of a situation, the boldness to confidently make a decision in the heat of the moment and with expert timing, and the foresight to create the opportunities to help himself or his clients shine.  Kyo is passionate about the community he serves, and wholeheartedly believes that building others up is how entire comunities grow exponentially. His companies often fund charities and law firms dedicated to helping low income victims find legal justice. He is regularly invited to speak at schools or colleges and other community functions to inspire others. Kyo is proud of his family's long history of working with the Ubuyashiki family to keep the balance between regular society and the underworld.   
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Giyuu- Bookkeeper, Head of Finance.  He is in charge of keeping track of the money flow in and out of the group.  He is detail oriented and hard working. He has a hard time communicating his thoughts so he'd rather not speak much, but he doesn't mind other people's company.  Not easily swayed and hard to bribe, he takes his job seriously and efficiently. He is, however, weak towards acts of kindness or favors done for him, and will generously return those ten fold. Most department heads dislike him purely because they must constantly make their case on why they need more budget, and Giyuu makes them submit the proper paperwork and will review it meticulously, even sending the paperwork back if its incomplete and staring placidly back at the person who inevitably comes into his office yelling expletives at him for it.  The quarterly arguments with Sanemi regarding higher budgets for external raids are explosive, and Gyomei regularly needs to step in to settle Sanemi down.  
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Kanae- Head of medical division.  Can also harvest organs with a smile :)  Is well connected and obtains medical supplies through their cover front organization called 'The Butterfly Mansion’, where they assist children in need for complicated medical cases.  Together with Shinobu, they’ve been able to make great medical advancements for childhood cures.   
Shinobu- drug maker/identifyer, responsible for identifying tampered or dangerous drugs. She is the head of the research and pharmaceutical division of The Butterfly Mansion. While the Ubuyashiki group does not prevent its sub groups from distributing drugs, there are rules that are heavily enforced: no distribution of tampered or mixed drugs, no selling to minors, and adults are responsible for their own debts.  If they can't pay, they go after any asset owned by the debtor.  If all they have left is the family, they can “negotiate” (still forcing, let's be real) with the family to work and payback the initial amount with a fixed interest and a payback time that depends on how badly the debtor fucked up.  Payback means working for the group as a servant/mule/supplier, or whatever capacity they feel they can assist with.  The Ubuyashiki group aren't the type to cut off fingers, (what good is a severed finger to them?), but they will beat your ass to teach a lesson.  Aoi and girls also work as internal supply distributors, and they assist with daily upkeep at the Butterfly Mansion.
Shinobu and Kanae were children of a wealthy doctor who was well respected in the medical community. Dr. Kocho believed in the oath he took as a doctor and did not turn away anyone in need of medical care. He was a secret friend to the previous head of the Ubuyashiki head, who had approached him to help his deathly sick son, Kagaya. While Dr. Kocho was unable to fully cure Kagaya and he would remain sickly for the rest of his life, he was at least out of danger of imminent death. Kagaya's father was moved by Dr. Kocho's dedication to his son despite being of a yakuza family, and they became life long friends. He even visited and celebrated with Dr. Kocho's family after Kanae and Shinobu were born. Kagaya's father avenged his friend by mercilessly destroying the group that had ambushed Dr. Kocho and kidnapped his daughters, and mobilizing his entire group to track down and secure the little girls. Gyomei was part of the group that infiltrated the enemy group and personally carried young Shinobu on his back and lead Kanae by the hand amidst an intense firefight, protecting them the entire way to the extraction point. From that point on, the two have been under the direct protection of the head of the Ubuyashiki Group.
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Those are all my thoughts for now-feel free to use these ideas if you want but I'd love to be tagged in your work to see how its utilized. any likes/reblogs are also appreciated. :)
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i-cant-sing · 1 year
First lady y/n always reminds me of lady diana (rip🥺) like, they have the same personality or something where they are gentle but knows when to put their foot down YK WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT?? 😭😭😭 Like, she's always there ready to protect her kids and family 🥹🥹🥹
YES and it's not just her own kids, ITS ALL KIDS! My girl is visiting an orphanage and elbows Secret Service agent Katsuki not to trip the little kid who keeps running around you. Or whispers into Secret Service Shotou's ear not to have the thousand yard as he stares at the kids cause they're getting scared now. Or maybe when she's visiting a hospital and catches Kai gloating when he's about to win a chess game against some kid- "Kai! Let him win, for God's sake he's got the cancer." You elbow your husband who scowls but listens. The paparazzi have thousands of pictures of you looking bear tears and about to sob while holding babies because you can't get over how absolutely chonky they are.
Whenever she gets called to the principals office because of the teletubbies, she is always marching in with a whole "MY KIDS CAN DO NO WRONG!" attitude even though she knows that they definitely did something wrong and if its like bullying or hurting someone, the teletubbies are in for a silent treatment. But if its something stupid like dress code, then she's got the hand on her hip wearing 6 inch heels pose on, ready to rip the school board a new one.
(Except the dress code violation was Dabi wearing "I'm gonna kill Student Counselor Mr Hizashi" cause he said I need to apply to college and leave mommy)
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charlie-lec-stories · 10 months
Hand written letters // CL16
Pairing: Charles Leclerc / Original Female Character
Summary: Y/N, a pretty cold and moody woman, has the hardest shell to break through, but Charles will take his time if he has to.
Warnings: Descriptions of child abuse, character death (not Charles or Y/N), descriptions of mental health issues.
Author’s Note: This one is kind of sad at many points, but it's a wholesome story after all. Rate: +16 (descriptions of violence)
"Cold hearted bitch", that was the most heard opinion about Y/N around the paddock and the media. When she first started driving for Red Bull everyone thought that she fitted right in with their "bad boys" particular brand, but with time, people discovered that she could be even more ruthless and mean that Max Verstappen himself, who could be extremely hurtful if he put his mind into it. Y/N literally scared people away. She didn't care about how she delivered the message as long as it was delivered and people's feelings weren't her first concern. She wasn't violent, she never raised her voice or threatened anyone, but there was this aura of danger around her that naturally frightened people. Christian Horner, Red Bull's principal, loved that. It w the perfect trait for a world champion and, to that point, competing against each other was the only way for Red Bull to compete with anyone at all. They were fully dominating the sport and things were getting boring. Max and Y/N had a good relationship with each other, but even Max was kind of scared of her, always rethinking what he wanted to say before letting anything out, which was something that he never did with anyone else.
It was common knowledge that Y/N grew up as an orphan, raised in the system along thousands of other kids like her. She wasn't open about that, but being famous means losing any privilege of privacy you have, so everyone knew where she came from. Red Bull Academy found her at 15, after she stole a car and the police had to do the pursuit of their lives to catch her. She learned to drive at 13, with one of her temporary tutors, not exactly a good guy. The sole purpose of teaching her that was to have someone tall enough to be the driver of the get-away car, and he rather have her driving than using a gun. The whole thing was shown on TV and Red Bull contacted the judge immediately to ask for her release under their supervision. She was still in the system but, in exchange for good behavior and finishing school, Red Bull would cover her whole tuition as a driver. She excelled everyone's expectations, but her interpersonal interactions were terrible. The only people she got along with were the other kids from the orphanage where she remained living in until she turned 18. Jenna was her closest friend and a terrible influence, she would constantly drag Y/N into trouble and more than once, it meant Y/N being on thin ice with Red Bull Academy. Many instructors tried to convince her to cut loose Jenna, but Y/N refused, the girl was the only family she ever had.
Charles held his first proper chat with Y/N when she moved to F2. He was 19, it was going to be his last year in the category, and she was 18, just fresh out of the system. She ignored him the first three times he tried to speak to her. He was like a golden retriever, he just wanted everyone to like him, but she was like the most feral cat on Earth. After three races without luck he gave up but, surprisingly, she was one of the firsts to approach him when his father died. She didn't do it personally, she sent him a letter, something he found rare since no one wrote letters anymore. It was handwritten and he knew she had wrote it because he had seen her lettering before. The letter was short but he found the gesture incredibly sweet. She just wrote a quote from the poet Thomas Campbell:
"To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die".
No condolences, no "I hope you feel better", no more words than that, hand written on an old paper and he wondered if it belonged to that notebook she always carried around. If he was correct, that made the whole thing a lot more special, she notoriously loved that notebook. He kept the letter and had it framed to hang it in his house. He tried to thank her for it, but she completely ignored him again. She was had to understand for him, nonetheless, it made her even more appealing to him. He wanted her to be his friend.
They never became friends, he moved onto F1 in 2018 and she stayed in F2 for another 3 years, replacing Alex Albon at Red Bull from the 2021 season and on. By that time, Charles was just as scared of her as the rest, but he still saw potential, so once in a while he tried to get close. He would approach her before interviews, offer her some of his lunch, ask her about her car, everything. She would just simply look at him uninterested, like he was most likely bothering her. He started noticing that she read a lot of book: poetry, history, art, technical, academic, fantasy, music. You name it, she probably read it. Charles started reading as much as he could too. It hurt him to see her alone all the time, he wanted to find something to make her click, that way he could sit next to her and keep her real company, doing something she actually likes. It took him years for her to al least answer back to some of his approaches. He started walking up to her to ask for book and music recommendations, and she seemed to engage to that easily. He would read and listen to everything she suggested as quickly as he could, and then he discussed that with her. He learned that she liked poetry, but that the academic papers related to psychology and sociology were her favorites. Charles wondered if her particular interest about society and its work had anything to do with the way she grew up. He was happy, he couldn't say that they were friends, but she wasn't pushing him away anymore and he would take that as a win.
On the summer break of her fourth year in F1, he asked her out for a drink and she said yes. He never expected her to do so, but he was glad she did, it seemed like all his persistent work finally got him into her circle of trust. It would be the first time ever they would meet outside of the paddock, and that was important for Charles. It meant progress. They went out to some pretty private bar in Monaco, Charles always careful about his words and that him got a glint of how funny and nice she could be when she relaxed and let her guard down a little bit. What started as friendly and innocent, became flirtatious quite fast. Before they knew it, they were at his apartment, making out on his bed and giggling and smiling like teenagers. They already had their shirts off and he was about to unclasp her bra when her phone rang. He told her to ignore it, kissing and biting her neck to persuade her, but she knew that the ringtone was Jenna's, and she expected nothing good from that. She sat on the bed, grabbing her phone and picking up, and Charles got the chance to look at her back in the dim light. She had marks all over it, belt marks, covering her whole. They were all old, he could tell, but there were some that looked way older than others, the unfiltered truth of how the terrible childhood she had. He understood then just how hard it must have been for her to simply trust anyone. She grabbed her shirt quickly and put it on, promising the other person on the phone that she'll be there as soon as possible. Her mood changed completely, she went back to cold and emotionless, telling him that she had to go and nothing else. He didn't get a chance to say goodbye before she was out of his room, faster than the speed of light, the sound of the front door of his apartment haunting him the rest of the night.
He spent the whole summer break holding onto his phone, waiting for a call, a text, even a social media notification, but she never contacted him. He wanted to call her, to check up on her, but he feared he could be crossing a line. He met up with Max, who was the only one that had a decent relationship with her, aside from him, and asked for advice. The Dutchman was as lost as him. It turned out that Max had encouraged her to go out with Charles, partially sure that she liked him, partially because it was hard to know for sure what went through her head most of the time. After the date, Max never heard from her and he suspected that the date just had gone bad. Charles told him that everything went great actually, still he also added about the mysterious call and how moody she was after it. They went over the numbers again, three weeks had passed and none of them knew anything at all. Worried, Max called Christian, who also confirmed that she was MIA, and since Y/N was such a private person, they didn't know who else to call for information. They had no other option but to wait for a few more days until everyone reunited at Zandvoort. Charles, frustrated, waited, but he just needed to know what happened and if she was alright. He looked at the letter hanging on his wall everyday and thought about her, about the marks, the cold look she threw everyone and how soft her gaze was that night, while she told him about her cat and the new trick it learned. She could be so endearing and kind. He thought about how gentle she was while kissing him, as if she wanted to go easy on him, to be careful. At first, he just wanted to be her friend, but after that he couldn't go back to friends anymore.
Zandvoort finally came, and Charles got there early to make sure he could catch her. He muted everyone around him, staying close to the main entrance of the paddock and waiting for her. She had to show up, Red Bull never said anything about replacing her, but after two hours, she was nowhere to be found. It didn't make any sense, she was never late. He was about to go looking for Christian to convince him to report her missing when he saw a car pulling up at the drivers' parking lot. A sigh of relief left him when he saw her came out of the driver's side. It wasn't her old sport car, the white Lamborghini, it was a BMW black SUV. He also noticed that she looked different, her hair was shorter and dyed a chocolate shade, instead of her previous long blonde; her clothes were a more smart-style, navy blue satin pants with a white blouse, not her typical tank tops and baggy jeans. She opened the back door and a blond boy not older than 10 came out, followed by an equally blonde little girl around 6 or 7. She said something to them, and after that they grabbed each other's hands and waited by the car while she walked to the other side. From the car, she brought another boy out, younger than the other two and with brown hair. Then, she moved away from the car with a baby that she carried on her arms. The older kid took a bag out of the trunk and handed it to her, she hung it from her shoulder and took the brunette's hand, while the older kid grabbed the other little kid's hand. All together, they walked to the main entrance, the kids scanning their on paddock passes themselves while she made sure they walked trough the turnstiles safely. She spotted him through the mass of people, but as quickly as their gazes met, she looked away, carrying the kids along with her on her way to the Red Bull garage.
He did a hell lot of interviews and some of them gave him the chance to cross paths with Y/N. She was like a whole new person, talking to the press in a relaxed and sympathetic manner, answering questions without looking bothered or bored. He tried to catch up with her a few times, but she slipped away every time. He found Max, who was as surprised as he was, not even being able to explain to Charles anything. They both went to Christian and he wasn't helpful at all, he told them that Y/N was the one that had to decide if she wanted to open up about everything and she didn't authorize questions about the kids to the press, so he was sure that it wasn't his place to talk about it himself. Once Friday was over, he went straight to his hotel and tried to think about what to do. He didn't want to pressure her into tell him anything, but he wanted to let her know that he was there for her. No one becomes a mother of four over-night, something must had happened. He laid in bed, thinking, until he finally came up with something. He went to his suitcase and pulled out a paper and a pen.
" Just in case you ever foolishly forget, I'm never not thinking of you".
He knew that her and the kids were staying at the same hotel as him and with new found resolution, he walked to their door and slipped the note with the Virginia Woolf quote under it. He heard some movement on the other side and the kids running around and went back to his room.
The next morning, he went to the paddock with a more hopeful aura. Maybe she would walk to him, telling him that she received his message and that she wanted to resume what they left on a cliff hanger the last time they met. She was already in the paddock when he arrived, but once again, he was completely ignored again. Kind of hear-broken, he went to his garage, where he found a note on his car:
"The hottest love has the coldest end".
Okay, it was a pretty depressive quote from Socrates, he didn't expect that, but it was still an answer, a for of communication between each other. He had to keep the conversation alive, so he ran to his driver's room and looked for paper and a pen. Thinking about everything he read before, all the books and music they discussed together, he tried to find a quote that could summarize what he wanted to tell her. He could understand by the quote that she was sad and saw no point in letting him in. He tried to think about a quote that expressed happiness and love, all at the same time, something to show her that he wanted to make her happy:
"The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved".
Les Miserables, by Victor Hugo, was one of those books that they particularly enjoyed together. There was no way this quote couldn't work. He folded the paper and kept it close to himself. He spent the rest of the day trying to get close to her. They bumped into each other a few times, but there was no private moment to give her the letter. Closing up to the time for Qualifying, he decided to be bold and stop looking for the right moment. They were on the round of press between FP3 and the time of truth, he was finishing up when he asked the press who they wanted to talk to next. Someone said Y/N and he ignored completely that other people asked for different drivers, he smiled from ear to ear before going to get her for them. She was a few meters away, Charles walked up to her, placed his hand on her back and told her that there were people asking for her. She murmured a soft "thanks" and walked past him. He grabbed her hand, the letter making contact with her palm and making her look at their locked hands. He wished her good look and left the paper on her hand, walking away and leaving her standing there, the little paper burning her fingers.
She was visibly affected by the note for the rest of the day, her qualification was great, as always, but the sweet and relaxed façade that she showed the day before was falling apart. Charles could see that she was trying to decide what she wanted to do and he chose to give her some space to think. He avoided her the rest of the day and tried to focus on the race the next day. He went back the hotel around 2 in the morning, after a tiring meeting with the strategy team, they definitely needed to change that team, he was doing all of the work himself at that point. Exhausted and kind of moody, he stopped on his tracks when the elevator doors opened and he found Y/N at his door, sliding a paper under it. It was like catching your parents placing the presents under the three on Christmas, like catching someone doing something naughty. She quickly straightened up and turned around to face him. Charles walked up to her, slightly caging her against the door so she wouldn't run away. She was trying to escape when he decided to let her know that the game was over, that they were solving this puzzle right there and then. He opened the door, the one she was still resting against and she tumbled backwards inside, stepping on her letter in the process.
It was a little paper, definitely from her notebook. Charles closed the door behind him and picked it up:
"(...) loved for ourselves—say rather, loved in spite of ourselves".
That was easy to understand. It was the following part of the quote he sent to her, telling him what he already suspected: She didn't believe that she deserved to be loved. While he looked at the letter, her gaze was was fixed on the ground, as if being present while he read the quote was something made her feel ashamed. They had made out before, but admitting that you have low self-esteem is a more vulnerable situation than any other Charles could think of, so he understood. Placing the letter on the table next to the door, he decided not to wait anymore, he walked up to her a kissed her, no words needed. She was kind of taken aback at first but after that first shock, she kissed back as deeply as him, her arms around him like they belong there, his hands firmly grabbing her face. He was afraid of breaking it, but he knew that they had to sort things out. He wanted something more and they couldn't grow old together solely relying on letters. He pulled away, grabbing her hand and guiding her to the bed. He laid back on it, tugging at her hand to silently ask for her to join him, which she did. With her head resting on his chest and his hand mindlessly running up and down her arm, he finally asked about the call. She barely answered him with a whispered "Jenna died" and Charles automatically placed a kiss to the top of her head. He knew that it wasn't enough to take away her pain, after all, he knew that Jenna was the only family she ever had, but he hoped that he could at least make her feel like she wasn't alone. They stayed like that for a while, until she moved her arm to reach to her back pocket, and pulled a folded paper out of it. She handed him the paper and fixed her position on the bed, hugging him at the middle and burying her face on his chest. He unfolded letter and started reading it to himself:
"Dear Y/N: I feel like I should start this letter with an "I'm sorry", but more lies it's not what you want to hear right now, so I'm going to start with a "Please, forgive me". Please, forgive me for everything I did to you over the years. Please, forgive me for forcing you to babysit me our whole lives, and please, forgive me for making you babysit my own kids too. Please, forgive me for all the times I did drugs and all the times I asked you to do them with me. Please, forgive me for ever putting you in the position of having to choose between Red Bull and me, and for every time I endangered your future with them. Please, forgive me for using you so many times, for taking your money and never giving it back, for every time I choose to stay by your side because it was the smart decision and not for love or loyalty. Please, forgive me for never being there for you, for not backing you up about the Petersons and for not being a good friend to you when you needed me to. Please, forgive me for getting pregnant 4 times and each one make you pay for the fees, for asking you for money so many times and for never try to look for something to do to provide for myself and my kids. There are a lot of things I need you to forgive me for, and I know I don't deserve it, but the thing I regret the most is what I'm doing tonight. Please, forgive me for ruining your first time ever to go on a date with someone who cares about you, for doing this the same night you go out, for probably being the reason your night is ruined now. But I have to do it today, I have to do it now, because if not, I'm probably not going to do it ever, and I can't keep going like this anymore. I can't keep going knowing that I hurt you, the only family I have. I can't keep going knowing that you hate me for everything I've done to you. I know that I don't deserve any mercy from your end, but please, don't let the kids go to the system. Please, give them the life I could never give them. Ps.: As proof of how much I mean everything I said on this last letter, I left something I stole from you when we were younger. Something that you had to make the Petersons' pay for what they did to you and that I took because I didn't want to lose my place of privilege in that house. The tape is on the second drawer. I know that the crime hasn't proscribed yet, you can still get justice for yourself. Please, forgive me for keeping that from you too. Jenna."
Charles let the letter down, a long sight leaving him as he took all of the information in. He waited for her to open up, to give some context to the letter Jenna left for her. After a few deep breaths, Y/N explained everything to him. She told him how she found out before their date that Jenna was stealing money from her, and how she faced Jenna about it. How they agued and Y/N was in a terrible mood, because the argument was distracting her from her date with him. How she told Jenna that she was a horrible person and that now that she found great people who treated her with respect - "great people" meaning Charles - she understood that she didn't need to keep up with her shit anymore. How Jenna told her to go fuck Charles and that she was a bitch for caring more about a dick than her life-long best friend. How Jenna confessed that it was her who told the orphanage that Y/N was lying when she called out the Petersons, a temporary family of them both, for hitting her with a belt and making her live like a dog. For some reason, the Petersons loved Jenna and hated Y/N, and Jenna confessed that she lied to the orphanage's director so she wouldn't be removed from that house. Y/N had filmed them with an old VHS camera, but the tape was lost and she could never show that proof to anyone.
Y/N told Charles how she yelled at Jenna and told her that she hated her. How she told her to lose her number and never speak to her again, how she told Jenna that she was an ungrateful bitch and that she didn't deserve any good in life. How she told Jenna to make her kids a favor and disappear from the face of the Earth as she walked out of the apartment, and how Jenna's painful look at her made her regret her words instantly, but her hurt and pride forced her to swallow her apology. She told him how she went back home and did what she could to feel better for their date and how she literally forgot about Jenna while she was with him. She finally told him how Jenna called her that night again, asking for her to go to her apartment because she needed to apologize to her. How she initially said yes, but once she was out of Charles' apartment, she changed her mind and went back home, not wanting to explain anything to Charles by coming back in but also not wanting to go to Jenna's. How Jenna called her again around 5 am, her words slurred, as she apologized for everything over the phone. How she drove to the apartment to find her lying on the floor of her room, how she had to keep the kids out of the place as she called the police and did what she could to bring Jenna back. How she failed and how guilty she felt about that. How she ended up taking the kids in with her and how much of a betrayer she felt when the oldest, Oliver, told her that she was a better mother than Jenna after a week living with her.
Charles listened attentively to every word she said and understood why she felt like she didn't deserve anything, and even less, with him. In her mind, Jenna died because she told her to disappear and went on date with him. She felt guilty because she was happy while her friend was back home, planning on leaving this world. Yes, her words were terrible, and yes, she crossed a line, but Jenna didn't do what she did because of her words, she did it because of her own heavy feeling of guilt. Jenna did hurt her and it was understandable if she was angry. After all, Jenna wasn't the only one who faced an abusive environment and she wasn't the only one affected by trauma. He learned that Christian and some other people from Red Bull's highest places on the chain backed her up for the custody of the kids and that she won a temporary one, and they promised secrecy about the whole situation. In one night, her life turned around and she wanted him out of that mess. She wanted to keep him safe. Charles had so much he wanted to say, he just didn't know where to start. He was sure that he loved her, it didn't matter what she said, what she thought she was guilty of. To him, it didn't matter if she made mistakes, if she regretted words, if she wasn't perfect. He loved her nonetheless, and he wanted to make her happy and help her love herself once and for all. She didn’t give him any time to day anything though, right after she finished telling him everything, she ran away from the room. Again.
The next day, when Y/N walked to her car, she found Charles standing next to it, a little paper in his hand. She walked to him and read the letter. There, she understood that he loved her, not matter what, and finally let him in, sealing a deal of a happily after-ever-after with a kiss that they'll remember till the last day of their lives. To the ground, fell the paper that meant the start of everything:
"To fall in love is to create a religion that has a fallible god".
Jorge Luis Borges.
It's a long one, took some time to edit it, but it's one of the saddest, most psychologically complex storied I have ever written. Enjoy!
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cafejulii · 2 months
How Albert, William, and Louis Reflect The Holy Trinity in Christianity
(a 3 part analysis series that I had made year ago on another social media platform but would like to post here because why not)
P2: William
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On to our main character, William, who represents Christ — a martyr who died by the hand of his own people for the salvation of humanity while simultaneously preaching messages of justice and equality for all. Though the other reflections I have made regarding Albert as God the Father and Louis as the Holy Spirit are indirect parallels; William had canonically been intended to serve as a direct parallel to Christ.
Starting from the very beginning William, alike Jesus, was born into poverty. Within both of their present societies, the idea of such a largely influential figure, not to mention, a figure promising salvation, being born without inherent status seemed impossible to fathom, as their mission would be directly hindered by a lack of finance, connections, and the overall discrimination they would face simply from being impoverished. However, this was done intentionally, for in both their cases, their humble beginnings allowed them to truly empathize with the struggles of the common man and show that salvation could be brought upon any person, regardless of societal status.
A direct parallel between William and Christ in Yuumori is made in Chapter 1, where William was seen preaching to the children in the orphanage about his mission to reform British society directly behind a cross, which is representative of not only Christ himself but his mission and eventual passion; a foreshadowing made to William's eventual sacrifice.
This particular scene also serves as reference to when Jesus spoke to the elders at the temple in Matthew 21:23, proclaiming the mission that the God had planned for the redemption of humanity at the ripe age of twelve, the very same age in which William was during this particular scene.
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Both William and Christ always acted on the principal that all human life was of value regardless of status and were always charitable to those in need. In his lifetime, Jesus was known for dining with tax collectors, women of the night, the sick, and the poor; all people who during his time period were considered the lowest of the low.
William did the same with members of the lower class, as he associated with them regularly, despite protests from other members of the nobility.
Also, just as how Jesus preformed miracles to alter the course of people's lives for the better, William ran his criminal consultant business. Both Jesus and William insisted on no material cost for their services, only that the person would become a disciple of theirs; offering their life towards the mission they have in store.
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During his ministry, Jesus was never shy on expressing his distaste for the Pharisees (the predominate religious sect that opposed Jesus because they wanted to maintain their own power), even flipping a table when they turned the temple into a marketplace...."Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You shut the door of the Kingdom of Heaven in men's faces. You yourselves will not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to. Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites!"
The hatred that William harbors towards the nobles is similar to Jesus's hatred of the Pharisees, as both groups hinder the progression and redemption of society solely because of their need for power. (The shutting of the Kingdom of Heaven in men's faces).
Not only this but like the Pharisees, the nobility of England are massive hypocrites, as they treat the lower class almost as savages who have no purpose in the world, objectively incorrect rhetoric, as it is the working class who upholds the foundations of England. The rich are savages, for they do nothing but bask in their own wealth while actively bringing about discord among the majority of the population. Due to this, William rebels against the nobility by bestowing punishment upon them, fueled by the rage he holds for their sins.
{ looking back on this analysis, I also potentially realize that the nobility is also representative of the demons that Christ had cast out during certain portions of his ministry, as William directly calls them "devils" in the moments before he kills them}
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It is also important to note that Jesus was actually considered a criminal by the Pharisees, as they were concerned with the sheer amount of support he was gaining from the people of Israel who genuinely believed he was the Messiah. Since he preached that he was the Son of God despite regularly associating with the sinful, he was accused of blasphemy, even being compared to the Devil himself. The combination of these two things then led to him being framed for rebellion, as insisting on being "King of the Judeans", was a capital crime- which resulted in him being charged with counts of both treason and blasphemy, despite being innocent of any real crime and in fact, even making the world a better place. Such claims eventually led to his execution, and even though he could have possibly gotten out of this situation, his death was a necessary act, as it was the only way to the restoration of Original Holiness to humanity.
Like Jesus, William was also dubbed as a criminal, however, unlike Jesus; William did actually commit crimes. Still, the overwhelming support he gained from the common people at the beginning of the story is representative of the followers that Jesus gained during his ministry. However, by committing these crimes, William was eventually charged with both treason and conspiracy, even being called a Devil by London society [and himself], even though he committed such atrocities for the chance that someday there will be a world in which all people have equality of opportunity.
Similarly, to the mission of Christ, the only way that his plan would be fulfilled is if the common folk and the nobility targeted their anger at one singular person, ultimately unifying them but resulting in his own death.
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On to the final problem, Albert states that "he [William] is starting to look like the guy who carried a cross while climbing the hill of Golgotha bearing all our sins and ultimately dying alone" which is a direct reference to Christ who died on the hill of Golgotha, bearing the sins of humanity on his back represented by a cross.
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Then, as William fell of the Tower Bridge, He fell not only willingly, as Christ died willingly, but also in a position where both of his arms were stretched out on either side and his legs were more or less together in reference to the position that Jesus was forced in when he died on the cross.
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Finally, both Jesus and William came back from "dead" to their Apostles (Jesus after 3 days and William after three years) after being in a state of Hell. Though William was not in a literal Hell, the agony that his mental state caused him at the time could definitely be considered a form of hell.
There is also this official art [left] in which William is depicted with a crown of thorns atop of his head.This is a direct reference to Christ who had a wreath of thorns placed upon his head by the Roman soldiers who mocked his title as "The King of the Jews" before he climbed Golgotha for his execution.
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{Also at the time I had written this, the remains had not been released, and this may be a bit of a stretch as well, however, I believe that the flower crown Albert is placing on William's head similarly serves as a reference to Jesus as well. Only, the only difference is that it is not a crown of thorns yet a crown of flowers, perhaps meant to represent a halo}
disclaimer: I am an ex-christian, however, I had been raised in the faith and just happened to keep a large interest in scripture despite the fact I have departed from the church. Do correct me if there is any misinformation.
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revscissors · 4 months
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1. If you want to ask as anonym; DM me & request to hide your name ( for some reasons )
2. NSFW also allowed, but I will post with censor ( full will be on twt - Re_J70) ( NO PEDO/INCEST )
3. Only 1 question per Person.
4. You can also ask my OC - Reid, bc why not? :D
5. Languages to ask ( or langs. I use to post )
1. Null, Playtime and Principal are family
Null ( I prefer to call him Filename2 ) - first child, adopted, Principal found Null in his early childhood, crying and sniffing. And decided to look after him, Principal named that child - Fraser ( like Filename2 )
Playtime - After Null dissappeared, Principal tried to escape his depression and adopted a little girl in the orphanage.
Principal became a father in his 20 y.o.
Susan and Baldi were File's childhood best friends.
Andrew ( their son ) is also exists in my AU
3. Gotta Sweep is not Null's BFF, he's just a friend who he met when Null was in 7th grade.
4. For now Null finally found that Principal isnhis father, now he works as ( Informatics teacher ( НУ КАРОЧ УЧИТЕЛЬ ИНФОРМАТИКИ, Я УСТАЛА ПРЯТАТЬ ТО, ЧТО Я РУССКОЯЗЫЧНЫЙ ЖИТЕЛЬ СНГ ) )
Ch.'s ages:
Baldi - 38 ( 3 June 1986 )
Principal - 42 ( 16 May 1982 )
Gotta sweep - 47 ( 19 March 1977 )
Null ( Filename2 ) - 25 ( 7 February 1999 )
Playtime - 12 ( 24 March 2012 )
Bully - 16 ( 10 June 2008 )
Dr. Reflex - 39 ( 29 December 1985 )
Player - 13 ( 10 February 2011 )
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Mayor Nakano’s newest project sparks legal battle - GCCPS
Earlier this evening this journal was made aware of a new issue arising within our beloved city’s government. The culprit? Mayor Christopher Nakano’s (see related articles) newest passion project, the newest government devision; Gotham City Child Protective Services.
Gotham City Child Protective Services, or GCCPS (see related articles), was put in place after the disbandment of its predecessor, Gotham City Protection Services (see related articles), after the city’s municipal government, under Mayor Nakano, found it to be in violation of multiple laws (see related articles).
This includes, but is not limited to, several charges of fraud, potentially human trafficking, alleged child exploitation, alleged human experimentation, and child abuse and abduction. And while this journal applauds Mayor Nakano for removing this plague on the family’s of this city, we are beginning to question how well he thought this decision through.
Since the activation of GCCPS nearly a month ago, they have removed several children from homes without, what seems to be, legal grounds to do so. At the very least without any proper information prior to the child’s removal.
One family to have a child removed, The Gordon’s (see related articles), are attempting to fight this decision in court alongside several other children who were recently removed from their homes. We sent our intern to interview Ms. Barbara ‘Babs’ Gordon (see related articles) ( @babsggordon ), elder sister of the child removed, Julian Gordon ( @the-other-son-of-james-gordon ). Here is what she had to say -
“ Q: Please clarify the situation you and your family are in in regard to GCCPS ”
“ A: My family has been deeply afecteds by the recent mannage of the organization. The organization has taken a biological family member out of their home to be put in the struggles and inestability of the system. ”
“ Q: Do you believe them to be a valid organization? ”
“ A: No, there's no public means to contact the organization and on behalf the lack of the proper public information should have available for the general public. ”
“ Q: Do you believe your father to be guilty of those crimes? Do you believe them to be crimes at all? ”
“ A: According to the U.S Child protection law, these reasons are invalid. For three principal reasons:
I. The are missing the fellow paperwork, neither I or my father, Mr. Gordon has received the proper notice approved by the legal means
II. The subject and declaration to take a kid from their home, (in this case Julian J. Gordon) by negligence in the excuse for a severe addiction requires a police statement and in the case of legal subjects as tabaco or coffee, a medical diagnosis of addiction. Mr. Gordon don't present either of them. The medical archives of Mr. Gordon ARE public information due to his job as Police Comissioner.
III. The prohibition of communication with his family is an attempt against Julian and his family rights, considering they are his biological family no organization are authorized to restrain the communication with the immediate family as parents or siblings. ”
“ Q: What would be your words to Mayor Nakano in regard to this situation? ”
“ A: Mayor Nakano, with all the due respect I demand the respective clarifications of the recent movements in all the respective public organizations. Most of them are missing and it's a major problem it should be resolved as soon as possible. ”
“ Q: How would you fix the current adoption system within Gotham? ”
“ A: It's a big question to resolve just in a few words, but I would suggest that the organization openly collaborates with the Thomas and Martha way foundation. Raise the funds in public orphanages. And keep the investigation about the protectors of the children to the protectors and not stress the children by intrusively take them out of their homes. ”
When later asked if she and her family would further this lawsuit if Mr. Gordon was returned, she responded with -
“ Absolutely. ”
While we were unable to contact Mayor Nakano on this situation, there has been a recent update as there is now a way to contact GCCPS as well as many other factions on the Gotham City Municipal Government via their newly created social media account ( @gotham-city-municipal-government ).
We are unsure if Ms. Gordon and her lawyers were made aware of this, or if it was even available when she was initially inquiring after the wellbeing of her brother.
Another group of affected, 5 children between the ages of 8 and 14 who have been living together under the care of their respective guardians, are also pursuing legal action, more on this story later (see related articles).
Though Mayor Nakano was not available for comment, we reached out to the Gotham City Municipal Government and GCCPS for statements on the matter. Solely the GCMG responded, here is what they had to say -
“ Due to the nature of our founding and the, admittedly rocky, transition of data from or predecessor GCPS, as well as the sheer number of reports against Commissioner Gordon, we are legally obligated to intervene.
Due to the nature of the reports (addiction, abuse, neglect, etc.) we found it prudent to remove Mr. Gordon from his home as a means of ensuring he not be in harms way.
While we do have some access to Commissioner Gordon’s medical logs, we were are unsure of their validity and are having our own personnel review his files, both with the New Jersey Medical System (see related articles) and with the GCPD (see related articles).
We do admit to there being a lack of clarity on this case on our part, and will happily discuss further details with the families affected. ”
Though inconclusive, this case is ongoing and will be closely monitored by this journal.
Let us know your thoughts on the topic (here)
Gotham Reports is certified in fair, reliable, and unbiased reporting
Part 2 of this story (here)
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flowerbloom-arts · 1 year
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I used to stand before the tiny mirror in the hall and look deep into my unhappy blue eyes, trying to penetrate the secret of my life. With my nose in my paws, I heaved sighs such as "Alone!" "Cruel World!" "Fate is my Lot!" and other sad words, until I felt a little better.
I ran down the stairs and shouted, "Hodgkins! Hello! You've made it fly!"
He waggled his ears and nodded.
"Have you told anybody?" I asked with a beating heart.
He shook his head. And immediately I was an adventurer once again, my zest returned, I felt big and strong and handsome! Hodgkins had come to tell me first of all that his invention was finished! Not even the Autocrat knew it.
- Moominpappa's Memoirs
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gliklofhameln · 10 months
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Children of the Jewish Orphanage, Norwood, London, seated at the festive table in their sukkah, on the festival of Sukkot, with the Principal Dr Edward Conway and Mrs Conway. c.1955-58.
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emeraldspiral · 6 months
Episode where Zim is out in his kid disguise instead of one of his adult/old man disguises and someone takes notice of him trying to go somewhere he shouldn't. They come up and ask him "Young man, you know you're not supposed to be here without adult supervision. Where are you parents?" Frustrated that someone would dare disrupt his evil plans, Zim forgets his cover story and blurts out "I don't have parents!"
"Oh, I'm sorry. How long ago did you lose them?"
"Fool! I have never had parents."
"You mean you've been an orphan all your life? That's terrible!"
"It is not terrible! It's great! I have no need for guardianship or supervision."
"So there's no one looking after you?"
"Zim needs no one! Now rescind your pity human!"
"Oh no! It's so much worse than I thought. You poor brave boy. Don't worry, you won't have to be alone for much longer!"
And then the interloper calls child services, who forcibly place Zim in an orphanage. He can't take back anything he said about being an orphan before because neither he nor the Roboparents have social security numbers and their address and phone number aren't registered anywhere.
A couple quickly comes looking to adopt and they decide they want to take on the challenge of a "problem child" who's not likely to get adopted by anyone else. So they take Zim home with them for a trial adoption. Initially it seems like it's going to turn into something like Orphan where the nice family is oblivious to the danger Zim presents as he plans to make them into his latest test subjects. But just as Zim's about to implant some questionable device into one of the family members, something happens that freaks Zim out so much he loses his nerve.
He becomes increasingly anxious as the family members never give him a moment alone, following him from room to room constantly pestering him to ask if he's okay.
"Do you like this show? We could switch to a different channel."
"Is it too cold for you? We could turn the thermostat up."
"Would you like some hot cocoa? Some warm milk, perhaps? Soda?"
"Hey, we were thinking of Mac & Cheese for dinner tonight. But do you have any dietary concerns? Are you lactose intolerant? Gluten-free? Vegan? Diabetic?"
"Are you okay with the volume everyone is speaking at? We could speak softer if you want."
"Do you need a blanket?"
"We bought you some pajamas. But we can take them back if you don't like them."
"Do you want to talk about your feelings?"
"You know this is a safe place, right?"
"Don't be afraid to speak up if there's anything you need."
"Or if there's anything you want to talk about."
"We're always here to lend an ear."
Zim gets majorly creeped out and is convinced they're really human spies trying to get him to reveal himself and give away Irken military secrets.
He tries to get some privacy, but the only place where he can be alone is the bathroom. There's only one, and there are so many family members they have a schedule for who can use it when. But not to worry, they've already rearranged it to give him Thursdays at 3:30 and every other Saturday at 2:00am.
They send him to a new skool, which is much better than the one he went to before. It's clean, well funded with facilities in good repair, and best of all, there's no Dib around to harass him. But the staff at the new skool are far more professional than at the old skool and Zim's new teacher doesn't tolerate classroom disruptions, shocking Zim when he sends him to the principal's office within his first minute of class. At first Zim thinks it's a blessing in disguise because it means time away from his extremely clingy new foster siblings, but the one he shares a class with ends up getting sent to the office on purpose so he could stay by Zim's side. Zim does not appreciate the gesture of solidarity.
Zim comes home and his new foster parents tell him the principal called, but it's okay. They're not mad, they know it's going to take time for him to adjust. They also remind him that it's 3:30 and today is Thursday, which means it's finally his turn to use the bathroom.
He only has fifteen minutes, but he plans on escaping out the window. But it turns out the family have installed a state of the art security system to keep him from escaping. They aren't mad when he trips it though. They understand. Moving into a new home with a bunch of strangers can be scary, and he might think he wants to go back to the life he knew before because the familiarity of it is comforting, but they promise if he just gives them a chance they're sure they can make him happy.
Zim has no choice but to endure the two week trial adoption period. Initially, he figures if he acts like a little shit they won't want to adopt him and he'll get sent back to the orphanage from which he can make an escape. Halfway through however, he has a change of heart. He starts to enjoy regular kid activities like playing video games, family board game night, and riding bikes around the neighborhood, going to skool and learning actually useful and interesting things and not being bullied, having someone come and pick him up when he falls and scrapes his knee and give him an Adhesive Medical Strip and a kiss to make it all better, and the unconditional love and endless patience and forgiveness he's afforded.
He starts to think maybe there's an advantage to the arrangement. He can learn so much more about humans from actually living like one, and surely that would be beneficial to his mission, wouldn't it?
At the end of the two week period, Zim is interviewed and asked if he would like to be permanently adopted. He says "yes", only to be told "That's too bad. It looks like they've decided not to move forward with the adoption." Zim is shocked and dismayed.
"How could they not want Zim?!"
The only answer he gets is that the family "didn't feel like it was the right fit", which leaves Zim perplexed, ruminating over whatever he did wrong to make them not love him.
The episode then ends with the Roboparents coming to the adoption agency to look for a new son. Zim tries to get their attention, but they pass him over for a different prospective child and jet off without him.
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(Gal back with another scenario for High School/ Human au)
This ones regards the cast families:
Charlie: lives with her Dad, The Principal(Our boy Luci). Mom disappeared years ago. Her aunts and uncles consist of the other big 7, even if they aren’t blood related. She dose have a cousin and Aunt who live in another town though.
Vaggie: Adopted by nice married couple, who couldn’t have children of their own. Adam and Lute are her siblings, who are also adopted, who she hates cause they’re assholes. But she dose love her parents, just doesn’t bring up her problems with them out of fear how they react.
Pentious: Parents are currently divorced and are on really bad terms. He doesn’t get along with waiter of them much. But he does get along with his 5 younger siblings(the egg bois) and is quite protective of them. Might even call him a third parent them.
Angle Dust: Lives with his parents, his sister Molly, and his brother Arackniss. Thinks his dad has a secret criminal job but doesn’t have proof.
Husk: Raised by his Grandparents after Parents passed away when young. Also has a younger sister.
Niffty: A cousin of Alastor(cause I said so). Is currently living with their Aunt(Sister of Alastor Mom and Niffty Dad) since parents are currently working over seas)
Alastor: Lives alone in an apartment that is paid for by his grandfather(His Moms dad) who he doesn’t see often. His Mom passed away when he was in middle school after being found dead in household by Alastor after he came back from School. And His father mysteriously ‘disappeared’ a few weeks later. He misses his mother deeply.
Vox: His Parents, who own a very well known Tech Company. Velvette is also his younger adopted sister after his parents found out they couldn’t have any more kids.
Velvette: Birth Parents abounded her at an orphanage. Later at the age of 5 she was Adopted by Vox parents. She and Vox do get into a lot of fights, but they still care for each other, just don’t show it.
Valentino: Raised by single Dad. And has no siblings. (I honestly don’t know what to write for him so this is all we’re getting for now.)
Also they are currently live in California. Why California, I don’t know.
The egg bois being Pentious' siblings is so sweet, I imagine there being a decent gap in their ages so him being a 3rd parent makes sense
Love it all as always
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inhelluv · 3 months
❛⠀Famished 🫀
fic Hannibal Lecter × OC [ chapter 1 ]
tw for fic: cannibalism, horror, nsfw, gore, smut;
A woman needs to go through a tough psychological evaluation before she can get the freedom she longs for, but her 'psychiatrist' seems bent on bringing out the worst in her.
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At some point during her adolescence, Rose was officially deemed a lost cause. On an ostensibly tranquil morning, one could find the girl bloodied in front of the principal’s office because she had violently bitten a classmate’s ear during a fight, or perhaps because she had stabbed another girl with a pen.
For reasons unknown to her, Rose was almost always angry. She would be angry at people for being happy, angry for being underestimated, and —mostly— angry for being alone. Even if it was her own fault.
The girl concluded that there was a 'monster' inside her, something evil that had possessed her body. Perhaps like Jekyll and Hyde?
Well, whether in the orphanage or at school, people always avoided her like the plague, and Rose certainly preferred it that way. At some point, she was committed against her will to a psychiatric facility; the girl despised that place, feeling like a caged animal time and again.
Rose had to learn to contain herself, to behave, to pretend she felt nothing in order to finally escape from what lay within her. She passed all the tests, swallowed all the pills they gave her, and smiled whenever it seemed necessary. Her last challenge now was a... psychiatrist?
Hannibal Lecter, some sort of renowned man who constantly aided the police in capturing psychopaths, serial killers, and other types of criminals. People like the thing 'inside' her.
( . . . )
"Rose? Are you ready?" whispered the nurse who accompanied her, standing before the door of the beautiful office of her unknown evaluator.
She glanced briefly at the policeman in the corner, standing tall and awaiting the potential 'outburst' that Rosa might have.
"I am."
The door opened. Rose couldn't contain her surprise. She had imagined her psychiatrist to be an old, bald man, perhaps grumpy and repulsive like the others she had met.
What she saw before her was a tall, elegant person in a suit, kind and curiously handsome. He smiled upon seeing her, and something in her chest resonated with the feeling of danger.
"Miss Rose, I presume. Please, come in," he said in a velvety tone, gesturing for her to enter.
A few seconds of silence passed.
"Are you Doctor Hannibal?" Rose asked, raising an eyebrow as she saw him blink softly.
"Most of the time, Miss."
Did psychiatrists really need to be so enigmatic? A genuine doubt arose, and she pressed her lips together to avoid saying anything petulant in front of them.
Once they were alone in the room, she sat in the chair, feeling the strange sensation of danger resurface.
"I read that you had some incidents in your youth. You bit off a classmate's ear..."
"I was angry. I regret what I did."
"Oh, you regret it?" Hannibal looked at her, a short smile on his lips.
"Do you find this amusing?" she asked, her gaze narrowing involuntarily.
"I do."
"I regret what I did back then," repeated, almost as if affirming it to herself.
He resumed reading, subtly curling his lip to one side, remaining silent as he tapped his foot lightly on the floor.
"You ate the boy's ear."
"I vomited seconds later."
"But you tried."
Rose gritted her teeth, clenching her fists in irritation. She had already said she regretted it; why did he keep bothering her with something that happened years ago?
"What kind of session is this?!"
"I want to help you, Rose."
A simple response, adorned with a smile from someone who gazed at her like a sage. They remained silent for the rest of the session, staring at each other in silent scrutiny, she had no idea what was going on in his mind, while Hannibal Lecter seemed determined to uncover what was happening in hers.
How was she supposed to convince him that she was sane?
( 🫀 )
It's been a while since I last wrote a fanfic, and I thought I could mix my little obsession with Hannibal into this project.
English isn't my first language, so please excuse any mistakes you might see in my writing T - T
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viatagrinner · 2 years
Gilbert von Obsidian. Chapter 3 + Letter
Since MC became "Belle" she has been doing three things.
1. Attending lectures by Sariel. Studying etiquette, her country's history, politics, etc.
2. Appearing at social events, hiding her identity.
At social gatherings of the nobility, there is a lot of fresh information that you can't get just by attending lectures. One can learn the reputations of the princes as well as gain a better understanding of the situation.
3. Getting to know the princes and learning about their characters.
But now she has Gilbert by her side. That complicates things.
Leon: I never expected to be accompanied by Lord* Gilbert.
*Leon uses the familial suffix.
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Gilbert: I'm helping Miss Bunny today, so you have nothing to worry about.
Gilbert and MC will be accompanying the domestic faction today.
Leon and Yves were surprised, but when they saw the insignia given to MC by Chevalier, they didn't say anything.
There is always a shadow of Chevalier behind her.
Gilbert asks Leon about his plans.
Leon and his faction will visit an orphanage today.
It's not a government institution. The orphanage exists through donations.
Gilbert: It's disgusting.
MC: What "it"?
Gilbert: You'll understand... If you go there.
And he makes them one prediction.
Gilbert: Maybe by the end of the day you'll thank me.
Gilbert: "Thank you, Prince Gilbert, for protecting me."
(I can't imagine such a future.)
Leon notices that Gilbert sometimes reminds him of Chevalier.
Gilbert: Don't call me "big brother" by mistake!
Leon: I won't.
It was Yves' turn. Gil turned his attention to him, the "quiet kid".
(Come to think of it, I have a feeling that Yves's behavior has been strange ever since he got in the carriage.)
MC: Are you not feeling well?
Yves denies it. However, he wants to ask Gilbert some questions.
Gilbert: I don't want to.
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Gilbert: I'd love to be friends with Miss Bunny, but not with you.
Gilbert: Frankly, just looking at you makes me want to kill you.
Leon stands up for Yves.
Gilbert: Sorry. I'm an honest man.
Yves: ...... Did I do something to make you feel uncomfortable?
Gilbert: No. It's just that his existence is useless. I want him out of sight for as long as possible.
MC: Why?
Gilbert replies that if she doesn't understand that, then she's not doing her job well.
He whispers in her ear.
Gilbert: If you have Belle, then do your best.
MC again denies that she is a Belle.
There is a heavy silence.
(I'm going to cry.)
(I wonder if it's okay to go to the orphanage in such a bad mood.)
Poor kids. Gilbert, as a symbol of evil, will scare them.
Kids: Bro, that's awesome! Hey, show me again!
Girl: I want to sit on his lap next time.
He shows them tricks.
After sitting the little girl on his lap and covering her palms with a black cloth, Gilbert "conjured up" a lot of candy.
MC, Leon, and Eve were surprised.
Gilbert: Using optical illusions, you can use magical powers to do amazing things.
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Gilbert: More importantly, Miss Bunny, you have the same face as the children.
Leon realized that in a short time, all the orphanage children were fascinated by Gil.
Yves was imagining a very different thing.
(Besides, it was unexpected. Prince Gilbert taking care of the children was really just a nice young man...)
(Maybe you love children.)
The principal wants to continue the conversation with Leon. While he will be looking at the ledgers, income and expenses, etc.
What will MC do?
Gilbert: Of course, you're going to play with the kids with me, aren't you?
Gilbert stood behind her.
Leon: I asked MC.
Gilbert: Is that what you want too, Miss Bunny?
It looks like he's up to something. She agrees to stay with Gil together.
Leon and Yves reluctantly leave her. But if anything happens, she has to call them. They leave.
MC: Why did you stop me?
Gilbert narrowed his eyes.
Gilbert: Don't you get it?
She got scared....
(What evil are you up to?)
Suddenly one of the kids pulled Gilbert by the edge of his cloak and suggested a game.
The children began to offer their ideas: Game of the Beast, hide-and-seek.
The prince knows about the "Game of the Beast." It is a type of the game of catch-up. But Gilbert suggests playing hide-and-seek with "The Beast." Gilbert suggests that the heroine become "The Beast."
Gilbert: Sis, you have to turn your back and count 60 seconds, okay?
He'll hide, too. MC realized why he wanted her to stay.
He anticipated that the kids would want to play.
He didn't want to be "The Beast" himself.
He smiles at her hunch.
MC: Prince Gilbert!
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Gilbert: Aha ha ha! I think the kids are cool, but I'm even cooler, so do your best.
It was difficult. Someone she quickly found, but Gilbert was nowhere to be found. Even the children help the heroine in her search.
That leaves the principal's office... But there Yves and Leon are sitting there, discussing business with the head of the orphanage.
Looking at them through the window, MC notices that the headmistress has all her attention on Leon, but not on Yves.
???: Beast, you've already given up.
Someone blew in her ear.
Turning, she met her gaze with the one she'd been looking for.
MC: I finally found you!
Gilbert: I wanted to see you. They/you never found me, so I got bored.
(In the game with the Hidden Beast, you can't catch it unless you touch it.)
The heroine tries to touch the prince, but his cane rests against her chest.
MC: ....You're coward.
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Gilbert: Because I'm the big bad guy.
If the prince were really bored, he'd let himself get caught with ease.
It was as if Gilbert had read her mind.
Gilbert: Wouldn't it be funny if we got caught so easily?
The Prince of Obsidian has also seen Leon and Yves, and he wants to know what Miss thinks about it.
MC: I think the attitude toward Prince Yves is rude.
He doesn't get any attention.
(But Yves takes it for granted.)
He just sits quietly and reads the papers. Gilbert invites the heroine to guess the reason.
MC: Because she doesn't like Prince Yves or because she resents him.
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Gilbert: Great answer. As expected of Belle, you have a keen eye.
But Yves is not one to take offense.
(He's stubborn and disobedient at times, but Yves is a good prince.)
Gilbert: If you say so, then so be it.
Gilbert: But wouldn't it be easier to understand if you put me in his place?
Choice window appears. 2nd choice.
MC: ...Scary.
Gilbert: Ahaha, that's what you think of me.
MC: ....Was that rude?
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Gilbert: ....Why? You just said what you thought.
Gilbert: I don't think it's disrespectful. I'm a really scary person.
Gilbert: Let's take our time and get to know each other.
(Why do you look happy... Maybe it's because I wasn't lying.)
Gilbert: I'm the prince of Obsidian, so you should be wary of me.
Gilbert: The name "Obsidian" is an abhorrent and resented name in itself.
The prince notes that this situation is clear especially in Rhodolite. And even if Gilbert were kind, the girl would not open up to him.
Neither the children nor the staff of the institution know that he is the Prince of Obsidian...
Only now did MC realize that Yves' mother was from Obsidian.
Losing interest, Gilbert was distracted. And the girl touched him.
MC: ......You lost your guard, didn't you?
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Gilbert: .......
(Finally, finally, finally the Hidden Beasts game is over!)
Gilbert: You're afraid of me.
MC: It's not the same thing. I hate to lose.
Gilbert: Heh, I see. That's the first time I've heard of that.
Gilbert: There are things about you that even I don't know.
For entertaining him he wants to tell one fact about himself.
To my friend Miss Bunny.
I haven't written a letter in a long time. I wanted to get to know you better, my friend, so I picked up a pen.
But to be honest, I have nothing to write about. I have to write a letter because I want to tell you something, but I have nothing to tell you.
So you can ask me all kinds of things, okay?
I know a lot about you, but you don't know anything about me.
Isn't that unfair?
If you feel like it, I'll teach you different lessons. If you don't answer me properly, I might get offended.
Well, you have a choice: Write the letter or I'll make you write it... right?
Gilbert von Obsidian
Gilbert's Masterlist
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