dimespin · 5 years
mr-nohbdy replied to your post “Sorry to disappoint (?) but he’s covered in skin. So… So… much skin.”
Oh, did you give him a design update?
Yeah I have a personal rule, if I haven’t drawn a character in a couple years, they are fair game for redesigning. In the past when I brought a character back from the mists of time they would be absurdly out of date with how I draw so it was necessary - it’s becoming less and less necessary as I get older, a few years isn’t long enough to see radical change to my art style or process.
But it’s still an excellent time to approach a design with fresh eyes (if walking away from something for a day gives you fresh eyes imagine if you haven’t seen something in three years) so I still approach the first new drawing of a character as an opportunity to question everything and ask myself what about them made me want to draw them again vs what would just be artistic inertia.
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peanut butter
Peanut butter: Favorite academic subject?
Oh my!! Well, I certainly have my least favorite subjects, but it’s hard picking one I adore above all others! Hmm.. if I have to pick from what I’m currently studying then I particularly enjoy this lecture which can be roughly translated as “guidance counselor research methodology.” It’s kind of tough to explain but in a nutshell we’re taught how to properly conduct research, surveys, interviews, how to analyze and interpret our results, etc. Stuff like that. It probably sounds boring but I actually love it a lot!! :)
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drxgonfly · 8 years
what of french toast? Also, so much good stuff on your blog.
Thank you! What’s french toast?:O
it’s like.. bread that you dip in a cinnamon/sugar egg batter and you fry it and put butter and syrup and powdered sugar on it and it tastes amazing.
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fablepaint · 8 years
mr-nohbdy answered your question:Boom, modern infrastructure is gone and you’re...
cook food, get a fire going, woodwork
Whittling champions will design the fearsome statues that will strike fear into the hearts of our enemies. And if that doesn’t work, fire will. Good.
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madison-tourmaline · 10 years
mr-nohbdy replied to your post: i’m a nerd & i can’t stop crying o...
because adorable wolf babies grow up
yeah but it's like im thinking about my mom and about my poet musician friend and her two kids especially..... thinking about moms being amazing & it's messing me up honestly
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dimespin · 5 years
caelean replied to your post “mr-nohbdy replied to your post “Sorry to disappoint (?) but he’s...”
In that case do you also redesign chronologically older looks, like pre-exile Parker? Would you even reconsider any character's origin, or is most of your character development set , and just the designs need updates?
I consider his form from before he went into the ocean to be basically a different character design, so if I were ever to draw it again, I’d go through that same process of questioning everything about it, throwing out anything I wasn’t enthused about and keeping everything that I felt made it a strong design.
I consider character origin to ALWAYS be fair game for change, since I haven’t finished writing their stories. If while writing the story a different origin or series of events makes more sense, is more emotional, powerful or engaging, if it creates a stronger, more meaningful, more consistent metaphor across the arc of the story, etc., - then I’m gonna change it.
Whatever I gotta do to get these stories written! I’ve taken too long already!! Aaaaaa!!!
A lot of character background features aren’t likely to change though only because it’s sort of the point. For example, while I might change events in Parker’s story, he will always be a being who suffered from/is suffering from Depression, spent a significant amount of his life so far isolated living in the ocean (which he didn’t come from), and humans were integral to his mental illness not killing him - these features are the point of his character and unlikely to change.
But I might change just about anything else if it gets me to the finish line of “story I wanted to tell”
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51: How old were you when you found out Santa wasn’t real?
I have very clear memories of still believing he was real when I was in second/third grade… so I was at least 8 or 9 years old :D
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zedrin-maybe · 11 years
What's you take on letting folks who are not passionate about a subject vote for what is considered the best in that subject?
If you don't understand something, you really can't critique it :V
You don't necessarily have to be able to make something of its level, but you have to understand what goes into it.
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fablepaint · 8 years
mr-nohbdy replied to your post:anybody knowledgeable about uv editing and...
Did you export from Maya as an obj or fbx, or leave it as an maya binary it maya ascii file?
I exported as an fbx. My assumption is that the auto-uv-mapping did too shitty and job and Mudbox recoiled or something. I did a test texture though and it worked. Just can’t get the dingdarn thing into mudbox.
I’d really like to bring it into Mudbox. Would be a good opportunity to learn how to use a new piece of software.
Right now I’m thinking I might need to do all the UV mapping manually. It’s a good thing this is so low poly.
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madison-tourmaline · 10 years
mr-nohbdy replied to your post: I’m watching Disney movies instead of ...
We talking animate, or live action?
I caught up on Atlantis and Hercules last night
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spectralunicorn · 11 years
any particulars you'd try and set up for game engines?
Horses, mostly, haha.
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Aye, Happy birthday, man!
Aw shucks man, wouldn’t have been a birthday if you didn’t stop by!!! Thanks a big bunch for your congratulation! ^^ Hope your summer is going well, man. :>
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zedrin-maybe · 11 years
Psst, the answer to life is cats. Life = 42. 4+2 = 6. 6 upside down is 9, and cats have 9 lives. Ergo, cats = Life.
*vibrating cat gif here that I'd post if I was on my desktop*
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fablepaint · 9 years
A rare, tender steak seasoned with black pepper, cayenne pepper, Hungarian paprika, and sea salt, coated with some freshly sliced tomatoes and Worcestershire sauce, served with a side of italian dressing coated pasta with bell peppers, followed with a dry red wine.
Okay like you’re making me very badly want to eat my own artwork. 
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andtherainfall · 11 years
mr-nohbdy replied to your photo “Hot pot, somewhere in the Snæfellsnes peninsula | 04102013”
I bet that would be a great place to hang out and relax, if the water wasn't so hot
*if the wind wasn't such a bitch.
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madison-tourmaline · 10 years
mr-nohbdy replied to your post: I gotta go make sommore coffee
make it big gulp size
I'll pour it in a beer mug
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