#mr. ben (snl) x f!reader
chaoticgeminate · 1 year
Rainy Days
Pairing: Mr. Ben (SNL Skit) x f!Reader Rating: E (Thar be smut ahead) Word Count: 7.2k
Potential Warnings/Notes: Reader is coded to be between below average to average height and plus size, no other descriptors were used.
Summary: Your soul mark was a rain cloud shaped tattoo on your inner left wrist, hollow with little stars and mushrooms inside the cloud and small raindrops dotted down your arm turned into a little pool right before the bend of your elbow. By now there were plenty of self-proclaimed ‘experts’ who said you would meet your soulmate on a rainy night, that each raindrop was a day you would be near them but never actually talk to them.
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Your soul mark was a rain cloud shaped tattoo on your inner left wrist, hollow with little stars and mushrooms inside the cloud and small raindrops dotted down your arm turned into a little pool right before the bend of your elbow. By now there were plenty of self-proclaimed ‘experts’ who said you would meet your soulmate on a rainy night, that each raindrop was a day you would be near them but never actually talk to them.
Those ‘experts’ basically told you what you already knew and tried to charge you money for it, the mushrooms were a bit of a throw -you did have to give one guy creative credit when he said there’d be a fungi fueled apocalypse and that you’d meet your soulmate after it happened- but ultimately it wasn’t actual help.
All your friends around your home town had been quick to drag you out on nights it rained because of your mark, to bars or the movies or whatever public space they could think of, places where you would see or encounter people. They would try to get you to wear short sleeve and sleeveless shirts under your jacket for the chance that your match would notice, and while you were happy they were so invested in your happiness it was exhausting.
Moving away from your home city had been a bid for freedom in more ways than one, no longer under pressure to meet your person and no longer the only unmatched person in the group, the new acquaintances you had made through your new office were very much more your speed in regards to your marks and soulmate meetings in general. Escaping the corporate rat race for a private tech firm had been the best move you made, even if you’d end up fulfilling your duties on site at whatever contract location you had been assigned to and not around your other tech associates.
The general philosophy was: When you met them was when you met them, rushing to find them was only going to lead to unnecessary disappointment.
Which was why you were currently spending today’s rainy evening in a secluded bookshop with a lovely ambiance, the smell of paper and the soft sound of pages turning paired with the soft lighting gave it a magical feel. It was one of the only 24/7 bookstores you ever heard of, the owner Kathleen and her partner Louise were one of the cutest soulmate pairs you had met. You felt safe and warm, cozy as the pavement outside shimmered from the glow of the streetlights, and more importantly alone.
You were finally given an assignment at work so you’d promised to keep in touch with Bryn and the others at the office despite your assignment and then decided you needed some time alone.
Currently hidden in the corner of the shelves well out of sight, scouring the spines to track down the book on a research topic -the key differences between bacteria, fungi, and viruses- which you knew they had, you realized belatedly it was on the shelves above you and exhaled before grabbing one of the stools that were kept folded between the wooden bookshelves for people that were gravitationally challenged like you were.
Anyone that called you short could get stuffed.
Plus, the book wasn’t exactly on like a higher shelf near the middle, it was up there, and your exhale of irritation was soft as you scaled the stool to peruse the upper shelves. Humming in victory when you managed to find it, pulling the stout volume from between its neighbors and placing it into the tote style shopping bag over your shoulder, and when you tucked the stool away you began to meander to look for something to read for fun too.
There was someone at the register, all you could see was their broad back, the blue dress shirt was pulled pretty tightly and tapered into a fairly narrow waist; a cute little butt in black slacks and the brown belt to match his leather shoes, but you averted your eyes quickly when Louise caught you looking. Hurrying to hide behind the shelves because there was no way in hell you could come out of hiding until he was gone now, no doubt Louise had tattled since he loved to meddle.
Finding two fiction novels, one high fantasy and the other sci-fi, you decided that you had spent enough time and that he should be gone after what felt like ages. The door had opened and closed a few times, all you needed to do was get your books and go home. Rounding the corner with far more confidence than you felt you very nearly stopped dead in your tracks, the man was sitting in the reading area with his book open, and now you could see the cute patchy beard peppered with grays just like his dark curls.
He was fucking hot.
You hated that his eyes shot up to the sound of your books falling out of your hands, thankfully he hadn’t caught you staring because the second you fumbled the books you’d already diverted your attention -mostly- to try and catch them. Overwhelmed by the humiliation risk, since you were used to being surrounded by people on nights like this not easy to be singled out, your eyes began to water slightly.
“Hey are you okay? Did you hurt yourself?”
Those massive hands of his held all of your chosen books so easily in one of them, his brown eyes were soulful and soft, and his lower lip had the cutest little divot that you wanted to kiss.
“Oh, uh, ‘m just awkward and clumsy. Kind of, a uh, volatile combination for things like this.” Your awkward laugh tacked onto the end faded, taking your books from him as you both stood up, and you imagined that this was when he excused himself to get away from you. Instead of walking away from you he steadied your elbows and smiled, it made the hair on your arms stand up and you couldn’t help but smile back.
“I think you just need to get lost in a good book, let me buy you a tea since it’s still raining out there. I’m Benjamin Morales, but everyone just calls me Ben.”
You relented and sat with him at his table after introducing yourself and giving him your drink order, staring at the book he had open on the table with a soft smile. Constellations and Cosmos was a book you had a copy of on your shelf at home, a sort of ‘dummy’s guide to the universe’ style book, and you realized he had tests sitting on the table.
“You’re a teacher?”
“Yeah, I work at St. Lawrence High School, it’s hard sometimes but the kids are good even if they use a lot of lingo that I don’t always understand.”
He laughed when you nodded, your nieces and nephews did that and it was a struggle to keep up, you at least could ask them to translate it into “Millennial” for you though.
“I told my nieces and nephews to make an official translation guide, that they’d get rich really quickly off of it.”
“They would! That’s a genius idea, I’d buy the first copy.”
Both of you shared a laugh and you couldn’t help but glance at his arms, the long sleeve shirt hid what you were looking for unfortunately and there was no way you were going to ask him to roll his sleeves up. But you felt a very… intense feeling about him; like he was magnetic to a degree that was almost distracting.
“So, St. Lawrence? I, uh, start there in two days. Not as a teacher but, like, I’ll be a part of the tech team. PR, internet security, that sort of thing.”
“That’s excellent, they want me to do a seminar on appropriate use of devices and I could use someone to help me figure it out.”
You couldn’t stop the way your brows furrowed at his clear discomfort.
“You mean like not using the school wi-fi or computers to try and access porn or download potential viruses and malware?”
He hummed and grabbed his phone, pulling something up, and you blinked at the sudden shiny video of him on TikTok. You hated that you memorized the creator’s name, it wasn’t fair to him, but the video was honestly pretty decent for it being mashed up clips of moments when he was in class.
“Yes, but also these. They’ve been making thousands of these fancam videos, they’re everywhere! So, basically, the school wants to blanket ban all of it, they’re making a rule not to film the staff since they’ve just added more camera coverage to the entire building.”
“You can report the existing fancams to TikTok, that you’re in them without your consent, they’ll get taken down.”
He looked at you like you’d hung the moon.
“That doesn’t mean they’ll all just stop making them but I can help you at least try and clean up how many there are.”
“You have no idea how much I appreciate that.”
“Of course, Ben, let me help you.”
Spending time over tea reporting fancams of a cute teacher you’d be working with soon wasn’t what you imagined happening tonight but you wouldn’t complain, not when you had great company and a guy that you thought was genuinely sweet. Someone who, even if he wasn’t your soulmate, you could be happy with if he was single too.
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“Did you hear?! Everyone saw Mr. Ben and Ms. Jenny out together at the mall, there’s no way they aren’t soulmates.”
It was inescapable, inevitable even, hearing it day in and day out.
“I heard Mr. Ben and Ms. Jenny are planning on getting married and having a honeymoon in Columbia.”
Rumors in a high school were very normal but recently these had been getting on your nerves, it wasn’t even the students’ fault or anyone’s really, just your own brain being dumb and making up things that clearly weren’t there. Ben had greeted you happily when you’d reported for your first day, going around and introducing yourself to the rest of the staff since your first order of business was to match faces to names as best you could.
Ben had given up reorganizing his classroom to follow you around and help you feel welcome with the other teachers, including the aforementioned Ms. Jenny, and you’d been forced to watch him tease the other woman about the posters on her walls that she’d been forced to put up over the fancam thing. As you’d expected the student body had been a mess after the first day seminar where the new rule against recording staff was announced, which meant that instead of making fancams they were now just doing what kids always did and playing the year-long telephone game.
Two weeks into the year and already you’d heard that the two were secretly married, getting married, or dating along with where they planned to go for their honeymoon. Honestly you wanted to ask them if they were paying for some of these events because traveling to all of these places on a teacher’s salary? In this economy? Absolutely not.
Kieran snorted softly beside you, the pair of you were walking around getting photos to put up on the school website for the “welcome back” article, his eyes on the pack of girls that had just disappeared into the girls room and delivered the latest rumor for the rumor mill of Mr. Ben and Ms. Jenny.
“What?” His eyes rolled skyward before he stopped to snap a photo of the main office, the bullet proof glass windows that still allowed the secretaries to look out were new along with the mechanical locks, but you understood the reasoning. All of the classrooms had tighter security features in this day and age, it was… depressing.
“I can’t believe we used to act this way too, kids are definitely creative.” He snapped a photo of the closed door of the Earth Sciences classroom, angling his body enough to get Luis and his students in the frame.
“What the rumors? I mean, Ben and Jenny do flirt a lot.” As you lifted your own camera, crouching just a bit to get a better shot of Jiho pulling her whisk out of the bowl and just the top of the student’s heads, you could hear Kieran stifle another soft laugh.
“You and I flirt a lot too, don’t mean we’re a thing.” He had a point and you rolled your shoulders in a shrug, snapping your photo right as Jiho turned her whisk to showcase the shine of the glossy batter as it ribboned off the utensil. Kieran went to go upstairs next, pointing to Ben’s open door, and you felt your face warm as the man walked right past it so you’d have to get the picture inside. Ben was animated as ever with his lectures and you crouched lower and snapped a few photos to get a good angle of the students taking notes.
Most of them were staring at him dreamily so you had tried to hide as much of that as you could, all it would take was one parent not liking the way the image looked and trying to report him for something stupid, it was why you went out of your way to keep faces out of your shots.
When your shoe squeaked loudly while you were getting up you were greeted by a surprised Ben who sheepishly closed his classroom door, it was a rule that some of the teachers struggled with still, and Kieran puckered his lips and made kissy faces at you when you rejoined him. Your nose wrinkled and you shoved him lightly, earning another laugh, before the two of you got back to work.
The cameras were always on and always being monitored now, after all, and while you were both on the cyber side of the security team the trained security officers hired to monitor the cameras weren’t afraid to be pricks whenever they felt like it.
“That’s why you don’t like it, you have a crush. You should tell him, the actual chances of meeting your soulmate are really low odds.”
Kieran glanced at your arm again, he’d seen your soul mark already, and you knew that he had a point; his soulmate was passed already, his tattoo nothing more than scar tissue now, and he’d spent a long-time turning people down because he’d wanted to meet the one.
“Well, I would need to know if he at least likes me back enough to give me a chance, it doesn’t help that he flirts with Jenny all the time.” You took pictures of the banners and posters about the school’s updated security measures, and hated that you were so twisted up over this. You should just do the adult thing, you knew, and invite him out somewhere. You were a modern woman and more than capable of asking a man out on a date, but something told you that Ben was… he’d be all encompassing.
The magnetic feeling you got when you were around him told you enough, that he’d be impossible to let go of, you were afraid of when affection would become love; that it would change you into someone possessive and toxic because you would never want to have a reason to walk away. You saw it in your family plenty of times, aunts and uncles turning aggressively jealous, your own parents were a brand of toxic that left a sour note in your life and you were terrified you’d inherited that behavior.
Dating and marrying outside of your soulmate was difficult, because what were you supposed to do if your someone met The One other than be happy for them?
Kieran patted your back gently and followed you down the next hall, changing the conversation for your sake.
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“You going to the football game tonight?”
Ben’s voice interrupted your quiet, the school webpage backend code currently up on your monitor as you worked to change up a few of the links for the newsletter page, everyone else was already gone since the first football game of the season was a big deal here. Ben was leaning on the door way with his coat on already, signifying he was headed out, and you shrugged in response. You had almost gone to invite him yourself when you’d spotted him and Jenny talking about saving each other a seat on the bleachers, choosing to just walk away instead of look like an idiot when it was obvious that was a date plan.
“I don’t really know, probably not, reliving my own marching band days isn’t really something I’m keen on doing.” You hadn’t meant to confess that much but just outright saying no felt like a coward move, a chair was pulled out beside yours and Ben sat down with an amused look on his face that made your own face warm up.
“Marching band? You? Wait let me guess, you played… tuba?”
Your keys clacked away as you modified the first of five links, pasting in the paragraph of text you’d written to go with the new link.
He hummed loudly, contemplating, and you nearly choked when he took your right hand to look at it carefully. Running his fingertips over your skin softly, inspecting your palm like it told all your secrets.
“Strike three, Ben, you’re out.”
If he caught the airiness in your tone he didn’t make a notice of it, you were almost breathless from the way he was still just gliding his fingertips along your skin. When he brushed the sleeve of your cardigan, near your soul mark, you flinched slightly and it was enough for him to let go. He must’ve seen the very top curve of the cloud on your skin, his lips parting to ask, and you pulled your arm away to finish up what you were doing.
“I played clarinet, saxophone wasn’t so far off.”
Ben huffed softly at your very obvious intent to avoid talking about what he’d gotten a peek of but he indulged this time.
“That means you’re good with your hands, huh?” He smirked and you knew he meant that double entendre, making your entire body ignite under the way his dark eyes met yours. It was intense and you felt like the oxygen in the room had thinned out or something, but as you finished and saved the new data for the website you glanced at him again.
You got up and smirked, grabbing you jacket and bag, before reaching out and ruffling his curls gently.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?”
Ben’s face erupted into a flush and he didn’t follow you out, too busy gaping at your back, a thrill of victory rippled through you for being the one to fluster him this time. Especially with his date with Jenny soon, the fact that he even flirted with you while planning a date actually made you wonder if she knew that he was doing this behind her back. As you got into your car you made a snap decision to show up to the game, if only to tell Jenny that Ben was flirting behind her back.
It wasn’t actually cheating, you hadn’t kissed him or anything, but you didn’t know if you were the first or if she might consider flirting as cheating. You tossed together a quick light meal, it was nostalgic as hell but you kind of wanted a concession stand dinner, and picked a warmer outfit for the weather. September wasn’t too chilly at night but you didn’t want to wear a heavy jacket, it would be more comfortable to just layer up.
The bleachers were packed with parents and teachers already, the football team was stretching and getting ready as the other school’s marching band got ready for the opening field show, and you spotted Kieran and Jackie waving at you. Striding up to where they were sitting, plopping down beside Jackie, you ignored the way she leaned into her soulmate Anna’s side and pointed out two of the players as students that had tried to buy their way onto the front of the school newsletter.
“Surprised you came out, didn’t think you liked high school football.”
“I was a marching band kid, lots of memories.”
As the other team started playing, a marching band adaptation of movie soundtrack hits with their choreography being something relating to the corresponding movie, you couldn’t help but feel wistful for a minute. A smile settled on your face, just being out here in the crisp September air again, smelling concession stand hot chocolate and hot dogs, brought you back to your teen years.
“Oh? Any good memories?”
Kieran looked genuinely curious and you hummed lightly.
“Well, we did competition marching band, so I got to attend statewide contests; I hated trying to get changed on the bus, we had to wear long johns under our clothes so that we could stay warm and not end up showing too much. But I think the best memory was getting a first kiss under the bleachers from my crush, a cheerleader, but it didn’t work out obviously; she found her soulmate during Festival Disney in our Junior year. I avoided dating, after that, because I just… I got scared of the idea that I’d fall hard and then they’d meet their person.”
“Trust me, I know exactly how you feel. I was that person who found my soulmate while I was with someone else. We’re sort of friends, it’s a hard situation.” Anna offered a pained smile at their confession, making you nod, and you could tell Jackie felt guilty and imagined it was because the ex was either in the area or worked at the school as a teacher.
“That why you’re afraid to fess up to Ben?” Jackie leaned on her hand and you huffed softly.
“Yea, that and I’m pretty sure Jenny wouldn’t like me poaching her boyfriend.”
Anna’s eyes widened but before she could say anything you heard your name, spotting Ben and Jenny waving along with a few other teachers following them up.
“You made it, excellent, feels good to be back right?” Ben’s sunny smile looked somehow more vibrant under the intense lighting, this early in the year it wasn’t too dark yet but it would be soon, and you hated that Kieran had to nudge you to snap you out of your little trance. Nodding frantically, to avoid looking like an idiot, it was all you could do to not leave when Jenny sat down and Ben claimed the seat beside her.
Larry, Micah, Luis, and Jiho sat somewhere around you so that the staff was mostly together; parents began piling in as the school marching band walked under the bleachers to get to their seats on the other side, and the announcers began to get things rolling. One of Anna’s senior sopranos performed the National Anthem, leading to thunderous applause, and you let yourself sink into the game rather than focusing on the fact that Ben could turn his head to look at you at any time.
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Passing out praise to the band members for their halftime show, while heading to the stand to get yourself a hot chocolate and something to eat, you felt the hand slide into yours and blinked as Ben stepped up beside you.
“Sorry, didn’t want to lose you in the crowd.” His hand was warm in yours, your heartbeat starting to thunder slightly, and you noticed the way several students whipped their heads around to look at the two of you.
“How’re you going to do this when our hands are full?”
“Actually, before we go back I was hoping I could talk to you, privately?” When you nodded he led you away from the stand, just off the side but mostly out of sight by anyone since there was freezer truck for the extra food. You felt that stirring in your heart, being alone like this, and hoped you didn’t look like you were going to pass out.
“So, uh, what’s up Ben?”
He squared his shoulders and squeezed your hand, looking a little lost, before finally he seemed to just work up all the nerves he had.
“I really, really, like you and was hoping that maybe since this can’t be a first date you’d let me take you out? The bookshop café is pretty nice?”
He was asking you out, on a date, while he was… on a date? You weren’t used to getting things about people like him wrong, he’d seemed so genuinely kind, it was almost a slap in the face if you had to be honest with yourself.
“Your girlfriend won’t mind? I’m not a unicorn that’s willing to do a three way.”
That had to be it, he and Jenny wanted a third so they’d decided to try and convince you to be that person, you’d been baited on dating apps hundreds of times by a possible night out with someone only to find out there was a partner involved. Ben’s shocked face, entirely confused, was almost believable.
“Girlfriend? What are you talking about, I’m single.”
“So you didn’t invite Jenny to the game on a date, promising to save her a seat like the dutiful boyfriend you are? I hear the kids talk, Ben, you’re always with her even though you flirt with me and it’s really not cool. I don’t want to be the butt of a joke, okay? I won’t tell anyone about this I just-“
“Jenny isn’t my girlfriend.” His voice dropped into a low pitch, there was frustration on his face but not aimed at you -how you could tell you didn’t know, you just could- and Ben sighed so loudly that you almost expected students to show up with cameras any second. The fancams hadn’t stopped but they had slowed down, especially with you and Ben reporting them whenever you came across any, you’d been in a couple of them too.
Feeling vulnerable, defensive, you crossed your arms and waited for his explanation.
“I’m serious, her soulmate Breanna couldn’t make it tonight since she works til midnight, Jenny is my best friend but there’s nothing romantic between us. I’ve been with her asking advice to try and ask you out, actually, because you never- sometimes you flirt back but then you’ll ice me out.”
He looked just as vulnerable as you felt, grabbing his phone and showing you Jenny’s social media with Breanna and even letting you see their text history, it was literally him asking about advice on flowers and if he should get a restaurant reservation or just wing it.
“I know it’s hard to date someone that isn’t your soulmate but can we try? Please?”
Before you could chicken out you were ripping off your flannel, ignoring his ‘hey woah’ as you rolled up the sleeve of your undershirt, and showed him the very obvious mark.
“Can’t you see, Ben? This isn’t a cute little soul mark that I can throw make up on and hide, this will always be here staring at me and you, other people couldn’t do it before and I’m so tired of being hurt. This mark always reminded people that someone else was out there-“
“Me. I’m right here.”
His four words stopped your tirade entirely as he rolled up the sleeve of his shirt, his matching mark staring back at you, making your entire body ignite like fireworks were going off under your skin. You felt the tears forming in your eyes, disbelief and relief and excitement, and Ben reached up to wipe them away; you couldn’t help but touch his mark, skating your fingers along the black lines, and his breath caught slightly at the contact. He tipped his head down toward yours and you closed the gap, gripping the jersey he’d worn tightly to hold him still as his arms wound around your body and pulled you closer.
You would have continued, you would have let him do whatever he wanted to you, if it weren’t for the throat clearing of a senior staff member who had come out to get more stuff from the cold truck. Ramon, the librarian, rolled his eyes and pointed to the parking lot.
“Hurry up, nobody noticed yet, before you two end up with even more fancams showing up on TokTok or whatever it is.”
Hiding your face in Ben’s chest, his own giggles above you making you laugh too, it was easy to grab your flannel and head for the parking lot. Now that the fuse had been lit you couldn’t stop it, wanting his hands on you this very second. Ben pressed you against your car, shamelessly caging you against the driver’s side door and you let him, one leg hiking up to pull him closer and his hands grabbing your ass to make you grind against him.
“Gonna- gonna have to stop before I fuck you against your car, sweetheart.”
“Yours or mine?”
His groan as you began mouthing at the long line of his neck made you double your efforts to find all his soft spots and Ben’s hand kneaded your ass in retaliation.
“My apartment isn’t soundproofed but I don’t care-“
“Mine, not ready to give your neighbors an audio show just yet. My house is pretty set back from the road and I have distance from the neighbors.”
Ben captured your mouth again and you felt the tears on his cheeks when you moved your hands to hold his face.
“I’m so happy that we found each other, sweetheart.”
“Me too, Ben, me too.”
He pulled away to get his car, entirely reluctant on both of your parts, but you knew the rumors would start if you had to bring him back on a Saturday to pick the vehicle up. Call it selfish but you wanted a little more time without the entire student body knowing about you and Ben, even if the truth would eventually get out. The drive to your place felt long, with you constantly checking the rearview to make sure Ben was still there, and as you pulled into your driveway the garage door opened and you parked on the left side like always.
Ben hesitated but pulled into the right when you pointed, the door closing behind his car, and he whistled when he shut and locked the car door.
“Former fortune five-hundred IT slave, more like, this was bought with my severance pay.” It had been a relief to get out and move to the smaller tech company, being contracted to work at the school was a bonus, and you had played it smart with your check to make sure you could cover yourself when needed. House bought out in full, car bought in cash, and a good chunk still left for home emergencies if they popped up.
Ben’s smile was fond, even with the heat burning in his eyes, and he cupped your cheeks to kiss you again.
“Should I apologize that my teacher’s salary is shit?”
“No, I know you teach because you’re passionate about it. That is far sexier to me than you making a lot of money.”
Ben chuckled and you led him out of the garage, giving him a tour of your place first, and you had to bite your lip because he recognized every art print on your walls and had given details about them that you didn’t know. It was so damn attractive how passionate he was about things and by the time you made it to your bedroom the stolen chaste kisses, the light touches, and the way he whispered facts about your art in your ear had you ready to get on your knees for this man.
“I didn’t know you knew that much about classic art, Ben.”
“Thought about being an art teacher, took classes about Art History in college, but I changed my mind and went for science instead.”
He hesitated in the doorway to your bedroom and cleared his throat gently.
“If you want me to stop, at any time, tell me. I mean it, if you aren’t enthusiastic or you just don’t feel it that won’t chase me off. I just want to learn more about you and be with you.” If you’d had any reservations before they were gone, you sat down on your bed and dropped the flannel to the floor without a care for where it landed.
“I am enthusiastically consenting to you getting naked and fucking me into this mattress, Ben.”
His eyes raked across your form, he’d left his leather jacket downstairs on the coat stand so he pulled his jersey over his head and tossed it aside leaving him in the white undershirt and his jeans. Stilling your grab for your placket and kissing you before getting down on his knees between your spread legs, pulling your socks off first and nuzzling the denim hugging your legs as his hands caressed the outside of your thighs and moved inward.
“Take your shirt off for me, sweetheart, slowly.”
Ben’s voice was liquid honey and you grabbed the back of your shirt collar, tugging at the back of the fabric and moving a little slower than usual so that your skin and bra were the show he wanted. The sound of his throaty groan made you feel sexy, even with the extra rolls you had that you often poked at in the mirror on your bad days, Ben surged up so fast that his knees cracked but neither of you paid it any mind as his legs pushed your thighs open so he could kiss you and his hand fumbled with the shirt trapping your arms.
The fabric hit the floor after a moment of struggling, his mouth never leaving yours, and he cupped the curve of your breasts in his hands before his thumbs swirled over your nipples and you arched into him. Ben let out a soft sound as your hands went right to his hair, sliding back to grab at his shirt, and he let you pull the white fabric off him fully. You were distracted by the sight of your shared soul mark on his skin, capturing his arm to kiss the mark, and his eyes fluttered closed before he let himself just press you into the mattress.
The weight of him over you, the feeling of the slight swell to his soft tummy, the way the curve of his nose felt against yours and his lips skating along your skin made gooseflesh erupt along your skin. You were leaking with how bad you wanted him, you could feel how wet you were, and every nerve ending felt like it was alive with sensation as he breathed you in.
“I want to do this slow; I really do, sweetheart.”
“You can have me any way you want me, Ben.”
He whimpered, whimpered, at your reply before dragging his mouth down your body; down your neck and across your collar bones, cataloguing every single spot that made you writhe for him, and when he mouthed at your nipples under the fabric of your bra your back arched into his mouth and your hips pressed into his body as his hands held your waist.
“Ben- fuck!”
Having his teeth pinch lightly through the fabric, the sharp sensation soothed by the wet of his tongue as he dampened the fabric, you couldn’t control the way your hips jumped or your mouth. You weren’t above begging for what you wanted, the fact that this was your soulmate only compounded the sensations, the desire to just be as close to him as physically possible was overwhelming to a near painful degree.
“Please- please Ben I need-“
“Tell me, sweetheart, tell me what you need.”
“I’m- I’m so wet, Ben, please I need you to make me come.”
His groan was musical and his hands tugged your jeans down your legs, spotting the way the fabric of your underwear was so messy that the crease of your thighs and the insides of your thighs were slick with your desire.
“Sweetheart.” Incredulous and awestruck, the word was a throaty rasp as he dragged his finger along the fabric covering you, and when you whimpered his name Ben pulled the fabric down your legs and pressed one finger against your entrance.
“I’ve got two condoms in my wallet, I’m clean though and I have my physical from last week on my phone, it’s been a while since I’ve dated.”
“Clean too, it’s been a while for me, I’m on birth control so you don’t have to use the condoms if you don’t want to.”
He stared at you, as if he were debating, and you had to admit you were surprised that he did in fact grab one of his condoms. When he caught your eyes following his hands as he emptied his pockets onto your night table, phone and keys joining his wallet, Ben winked and waved the condom with a hum.
“Statistically speaking the percentage is an almost guarantee that I won’t get you pregnant, but I’m not going to risk it. If you want, we can discuss a vasectomy for me sometime until we know for sure what the future looks like, if you wanted to go off birth control I mean.”
Him standing there, offering to get a vasectomy, holding a condom in his hand with your soul mark branded on his skin was probably the hottest thing you’d ever had happen in your life.
“Put that condom on and fuck me, Ben.”
Watching the way his eyes widened before he nodded, not looking away as you took your bra off, Ben grabbed a towel from your master bathroom when you went to get settled on the bed fully before he was stripping off his pants and boxer briefs in one go. You both had wanted to go slow but the sight of him, hard and leaking, made you practically gush; he had even grabbed you a damn towel and that consideration had you reaching for him as soon as the condom was on.
Ben smiled fondly but it melted to a look of bliss when he leaned down to kiss you and you grabbed a handful of his cute little butt to grind against him, dragging the length of him through your wetness, his mouth parting against yours before he shifted his knees just slightly and rocked against you with the intent for friction. You moaned when he brushed your clit, his body pressing tighter to drag along that spot, and Ben angled your face into the kiss while you lifted your legs to angle your hips.
“Feel so fucking good like this, sweetheart I’m not going to last-“
“Me either, please Ben don’t make me wait.”
It was slow, the way he pressed into you, the thickness of him was a burning stretch but you wanted it.
“Next time I’m going to make you come on my fingers, on my tongue, at least twice before I fill you up; gotta- gotta make sure it feels good for you.”
“It does- Ben it does feel good.”
He pressed his forehead against your shoulder as his hips slotted to yours, bending his knees and pushing your legs wider, and you stared up at him as he pulled himself upright to watch where he filled you with each thrust. Holding your arms in a backward hold so both of you could see your matched soul mark on the other’s skin.
The drag of him, the heft of him gliding against you with each in and out motion was drawing small gasps and sharp whines out of you as he whispered your name like a damn prayer; like he couldn’t get enough, like he couldn’t believe you were real. Ben dropped down to get closer to you, thrusts becoming a harsh grind of his hips as he kissed you deep, and the way his body was rubbing against your clit with each motion had you beginning to feel yourself fall.
Your cry of his name was cut off into a loud moan as you came, hard, around him; the velvet clutch of your body trying to keep him inside of you as he worked you through your orgasm, his motions become a sharp humping motion.
“Fill me up Ben.”
He cried out your name loudly, it was so sexy to hear him the raspy call of your name as his hips stuttered, and you both just laid there for a moment breathing; the weight of him was comforting, the feel of his mouth against your neck made you turn your head, and he captured you mouth in a lazy kiss. You let him roll you over, so you were on top of him, and he nuzzled your forearm where your soul mark pulsed like a heartbeat.
The hooded eyes and natural pout of his lips made you lean down to kiss him, earning a soft smile, and you nuzzled your nose to his gently.
“Now will you say yes to a date?”
“I’ll say yes to all of the dates, Ben, if it’s you.”
His smile was soft, shy, and tender as he cupped your cheek and hummed.
“Even if its dorky science dates or museum days?”
“Absolutely. As long as you don’t mind botanical gardens and nature walks, or classes on things like pottery and cooking.”
“Sweetheart, I promise you that I’m a teacher but I’m a very attentive student.”
The tone absolutely implied his mind went elsewhere but you didn’t care, smirking fondly at his own raunchy smile, and you traced the shell of his ear with one of your fingers.
“I’ll have to make sure I help you study, got some things you don’t know yet that’ll be on the quiz.”
He laughed, and you laughed too, at the cheesy remarks.
“I think we should not do that, at least not until I retire, I cannot pop a boner in class because someone says quiz.”
He was still inside of you, still holding you close after just making you have an earth shattering orgasm, and now you two were cracking jokes. He was perfect for you.
“Well, we can’t have that at all. Just means we’ll have to come up with other sexy innuendos.”
“Or I can just tell you that you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve met and that I’ve had a crush since the bookshop.”
“I too started crushing on you at the bookshop.”
“I know, Louise told me you were staring at my butt.”
“It’s a cute butt.”
He rolled you to your side, on the towel still, so he could pull out to get cleaned up and you watched his back with a smile. Wolf whistling and earning a fondly exasperated look over his shoulder, your arm held in a way that let him see the mark so clearly on your skin, and Ben returned after cleaning himself and you up to pull you against him under the covers.
“Can I stay the weekend?”
“Not going to grab clothes?”
“Will I need them?”
“No, not really.”
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All Fics Taglist: @haylzcyon @wordsnwhiskey @pagannightwitch @radiowallet @tauralmie @amneris21 @trickstersp8 @practicalghost @rominaszh @alwaysdjarin @alexxavicry @all-the-way-down-here
Just Pedro Taglist: @maievdenoir @beecastle @littlemisspascal @writeforfandoms @aynsleywalker @lovesbiggerthanpride @mswarriorbabe80 @emiemiemiii
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beskarandblasters · 6 months
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Under the Mistletoe
Mr. Ben (SNL) x Teacher!Reader
12 Days of Pedro Masterlist
Main Masterlist | Mr. Ben Masterlist
Author’s note: Thank you to @hellishjoel for including me in this cute lil celebration! Be sure to check out the 12 Days Of Pedro masterlist for all of the other fics!
Summary: You've had a crush on your coworker, Mr. Ben, for a long time. Tonight, at the Saint Lawrence staff Christmas party you decide to finally do something about it.
Word count: 1.8k
Warnings: reader is able-bodied, F!reader, Ben is his first name, Morales is his last name (because he's Frankie's cousin, duh), drinking, dub con (because both Reader and Ben have consumed alcohol), fingering, oral sex (M and F receiving), vaginal sex, semi public sex, pull out method, praising, pet names, no use of y/n
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It’s time for the annual Saint Lawrence High School staff Christmas party. Every year the Lawrence Committee (the group in charge of putting on events for the staff throughout the year) rents out a banquet hall the Friday night before Christmas break starts for all of the teachers and staff. You’d had a crush on one of your colleagues, Mr. Morales (really Mr. Ben because he’s one of those “cool” teachers who lets his kids call him by his first name). He’s been in a relationship with Miss Jenny, another teacher at Saint Lawrence, ever since you started but to your delight, they broke up in October. And you’ve just been waiting for the perfect moment to try and get closer to him. It’s hard when you and Ben have opposite free periods from each other and only see each other in passing throughout the day. But tonight you’re both going to be in the same room for once and there will be alcohol involved. You can’t wait.  
School gets out at two and the party starts at six. So you take the opportunity to go home and change into something more… festive; an emerald green colored dress, black heels, and a pair of mistletoe earrings. You finish the look with classic red lipstick before heading to the party around six, that way you won’t be the first one there but also not too late. 
When you pull into the parking lot you see Ben’s car, a dark blue Prius, and your tummy flutters in excitement. You take a deep breath and park, smoothing your dress down as you get out of the car. The dress you’re wearing reveals just enough cleavage and now you’re feeling a little self-conscious. You don’t show it, though. You hold your head high, confidently walking as you enter the party. Heads turn your way, and rightfully so, because you’re a fucking knockout. And if Ben doesn’t notice you tonight then there’s something wrong with him, not you. 
The Lawrence Committee went all out with this party. The place doesn’t even look like a regular banquet hall anymore, it looks like a winter wonderland. It makes you wonder where they got the budget for this stuff… But that’s a problem for another time. 
You head to the bar, ordering a vodka cranberry and sipping it as your eyes scan the room. And there he is, tucked away in a corner by himself, nursing a whiskey neat. God, he looks so handsome, wearing a white dress shirt and a green tie with Christmas lights that also lights up. He’s alone for now but he won’t be for long. You know for a fact that there’s a handful of teachers in the history department and the foreign language department that have the hots for him. If you want him, you have to act fast. You also notice that Miss Jenny isn’t here which makes what you’re about to do a lot easier for you.  
You order another vodka cranberry from the bar, finishing this one much quicker than the last. You need some liquid confidence if you’re going to make your move tonight. You set your glass down on the bar and head toward his direction, mentally hyping yourself up for the moves you’re about to pull. 
You swear his eyes light up when he sees you, so you turn on the charm, cocking your head to the side with a flirty, “Heyyy!”
“Having fun?” he smiles. 
“So far so good. You?”
“I’m not one for big parties like this.”
“I get that. Why did you come then?”
Yikes, that question was probably too personal. But Ben doesn’t mind, instead, his smile shifts into a smirk. 
“Wanted to see a special someone.”
Oh fuck. 
You glance to your left and see Miss Becker and Miss Marin, both history teachers, shooting daggers at you. The unwanted attention is making you anxious but also… fuck them. You deserve this. 
Before you can answer he glances up towards the ceiling, your eyes follow his gaze, and right above you so perfectly hung is a bundle of mistletoe. This can’t get any better for you. 
“Who might that special someone be?” you ask, both of you still looking at the mistletoe. 
He doesn’t answer, instead, one of his hands caresses the side of your face. Your eyes meet and before you know it, your lips collide. His kiss is warm and inviting, everything you dreamed it would be. You hear a disgruntled “ugh” from your right and you can only assume it’s Miss Becker or Miss Marin. You smirk into the kiss, knowing that you have something they can’t attain. 
He pulls away and your red lipstick is on his lips. He reads the amused expression on your face and his eyes glance down to your mouth. You can only assume your lipstick is smudged. Before you can even address it he’s kissing you again, this time setting his drink down at the table beside you and holding your face with both of his hands. The kiss grows needier, more passionate. All you can think about is how badly you want him and how badly you wish you were somewhere private right now. 
“Ben?” you whisper against his lips. 
“Hmm?” he hums, sneaking another kiss again. 
“Can we go somewhere-”
“Private?” he asks, finishing your sentence and pulling away to look at you. 
“Yeah… I just feel like there’s a lot of eyes on us.”
“Sweetheart, they can stare all they want but of course we can somewhere else if that’ll make you more comfortable,” he smiles, brushing his thumb across your cheek. 
He grabs your hand and leads you across the room. He’s so bold, proudly showcasing you as you weave around tables and walk through the dance floor. He stops in front of a single-stall bathroom, not even bothering to peer over his shoulder at who’s looking before opening the door and letting you inside. 
He locks the door and wastes no time pushing you up against the tiled wall and gluing his lips to your neck. He nips and sucks at the soft skin while one of his hands slides up your dress, hooking his fingers around your panties and sliding them off. You step out of them and he bends down to pick them up, marveling at the large patch of wetness on the lacy fabric. 
“So ready for me,” he teases. 
You whine in response, spreading your legs for him. He stands up and brings two fingers to his mouth, moistening them before returning his lips to your neck and one hand under your dress. He teases your entrance with his fingers, sliding your wetness around and teasing your clit. 
“Ben, please,” you whine. 
“Be a good girl and be patient,” he softly commands, returning to kiss and nip at your neck after. 
You whimper in response just as he slides one finger in, going painfully slow as he works your walls. It’s not enough, you need more and he knows that. But instead, he’s taking his time with you, moving his finger painstakingly slow inside you.
Just when you can’t take any more teasing, he pushes another finger in, eliciting a deep moan from you.
“You’ve been so patient, sweet girl,” he says, his two fingers working your walls. He brings his thumb to your clit, rubbing small circles around it as he fingers you. You writhe against the wall, your knees barely able to hold you upright. 
“I bet you wanna cum so bad,” he teases.
“Please?” you whine.
“You’ve earned it. Soak my fingers,” he softly commands.
And you do, your walls fluttering around his fingers and your release soaking his hand down to his wrist. He pulls his hand away once you’re done bringing it in front of your face.
“Look at the mess you made,” he teases.
“Yeah, thanks to you,” you shoot back.
Before he can reply with another witty remark your hands are on his belt.
“What are you doing?” he asks, sounding flustered. 
“You don’t think I thought about this for so long?”
“Mhm,” you say, sinking to your knees. 
You unbuckle his belt and unzip his pants, pulling his cock free from his boxers. You wrap your hand around the base and take the head into your mouth, swirling your tongue around the tip. He shudders in reaction to your touch, his hands caressing each side of your face as you suck him off. Your head bobs up and down as you keep your tongue flat on the underside of his cock. Your hand strokes the section you can’t fit in your mouth. 
But just as he’s about to cum he pulls himself out of your mouth and says, “Not so fast,” with a smirk.
You rise from the floor and he grabs your waist, spinning you around so you’re facing the sink. And now you’re looking at him in the mirror, reading the devious smirk on his face. He undoes his tie, taking it off and bending you over the sink. He takes the tie and ties it around your wrists, hiking your dress up. 
“How long have you been thinking about this?” he says, smirking at you in the reflection.
“Even longer,” you smile back just as he enters you.
He watches your face as it melts from a smile into an expression of pleasure, your mouth forming into a soft “O”. His hands grip your hips as he thrusts in and out of you, hitting a deeper angle with each thrust. The small bathroom is soon with the obscene noise of skin colliding with skin. Thank God for the music or else the whole party would be able to hear you. 
“So wet for me,” he purrs, his eyes glued to your face in the mirror.
“Mmm, all because of you,” you respond.
He’s bashful even when he’s fucking you stupid so you praise him further.
“And you’re so big.”
“Mhm. It feels so fucking good,” you say just as he slams into you on the last word, making your voice jump an octave, “Fuck, Ben. I’m gonna cum.”
“Let me feel it, sweet girl,” he says, his pace never faltering. 
With one final slam of his hips, you’re coming around him, your cunt pulsing around his cock. He holds on as long as he can, wanting to feel the entirety of your orgasm before pulling out and coming on your ass. He hurriedly grabs a few paper towels from the dispenser and cleans up his mess.
“Thanks,” you giggle.
“Anytime,” he smirks.
He unties his tie around your wrist, replaces it around his neck, and zips up his pants. You stand upright and smooth down your dress. He pulls you against him, wrapping his arms around you. 
“Do you think anyone noticed us gone?”
“Probably,” he chuckles.
“Fuck, should we leave separately?”
“What if they stare?”
“Let ‘em,” he says, kissing your cheek, your red lipstick still all over his mouth. 
He opens the door and grabs your hand. So you decide so what? Let ‘em stare. 
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Fic notifs: @beskarandblastersfics
Fic recs: @kelbellsficrecs
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ladamedusoif · 10 months
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Header - and slogan - by @agentjackdaniels
Hi there! I’m Rose (she/her/they), I’m 40 and I write fics - described with complete accuracy as “ethical porn for nerdy types” - for Pedro Pascal characters.
This is an 18+ blog so, for safety’s sake, minors should not access the content below.
I love hearing from readers! All comments, reblogs, likes, DMs, and asks are very much appreciated.
If you’d like to be notified about new fics and instalments, please follow my writing blog @ladameecrit - taglists aren’t working well at the moment so this is the easiest way to keep up.
I also cross-publish to AO3 if that's your preferred reading platform.
I do block empty/untitled/ageless blogs so, if that’s you and you’re a real person, just drop me a message - or, better still, populate your blog (you don’t need to be totally specific about your age) with a few things. If you’re not sure how, just ask! I’m happy to help and I’m sure others will be too!
Thank you so much for reading!
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Visiting (Professor!Ben College AU - in progress)
Pairing: Professor!Ben x OFC Lydia (reader POV/2nd POV)
Summary: Seeking a change of scenery after her life falls apart, European art historian Lydia crosses the Atlantic and arrives in the small New England college town of Barrow. She’s planning to spend a year there on leave of absence from her permanent job at home, expanding her intellectual horizons as a visiting professor at Barrow College, a small liberal arts institution. Her growing friendship with Ben Morales, professor of Hispanic Literature, forces Lydia to confront the fallout from her past - and raises unexpected questions about the future.
Rating: Explicit (18+)
See the main Series Masterlist for specific warnings and content notes.
Tempered in the Fire (Blacksmith!Din Djarin AU short series - in progress)
Pairing: Blacksmith!Din Djarin x F!Reader
Summary: Ireland, almost a decade after the rebellion of 1798. You are an unusual woman: married, but alone; a widow, with no certainty her husband is dead. When your local blacksmith is badly injured in an accident and unable to work, you have no choice but to travel to the next forge, run by a man of few words whose uncertain origins and dark complexion make him stand out among the locals. You are immediately intrigued by this mysterious, taciturn figure - and the striking little boy he’s taken as his apprentice.
Rating: Mature (series); Explicit (18+, later chapters)
See the Series Masterlist for specific warnings and content notes.
Gentleman Thief - The Heritage Crimes Universe (The Thief (Casillero del Diablo) - in progress)
Pairing: The Thief (Casillero del Diablo) x F!Museum Professional Reader
Summary: He stole a priceless ruby after your first date. You reunited after the museum's winter ball. And now? Something keeps pulling you into the orbit of the world's greatest (ethical) gentleman thief.
Rating: Explicit (18+)
See the Series Masterlist for specific warnings and notes.
A Merry Fic-Mas - a Pedro Boys Holiday Fic Calendar
31 days. 31 stories (hopefully). 12 Pedro characters.
Inspired by this set of December/holiday themed prompts.
Rating: Teen/Mature/Explicit (see individual chapters for warnings and content notes).
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20/20 - no outbreak!Joel Miller x f!reader
Pairing: No Outbreak!Joel Miller x Optometrist F!Reader
Summary: After months of pestering from Sarah, Joel finally concedes that he might to get his eyesight checked and makes an appointment at your optometrist practice. He really doesn’t want glasses, though.
Rating: 18+; not explicit as such but implied; see the warnings on the original story
Café Crème - Javier Peña x f!reader
Pairing: Javier Peña x f!reader
Summary: Your boyfriend Javier likes mornings at your place for more than just coffee.
Rating: Explicit (18+, MDNI; see more notes on the original post)
A Cup of Kindness, Yet - Javier Peña x f!Reader
Part of the brilliant @pickled-pena writing challenge - check out the blog for the whole masterlist.
Pairing: Javier Peña x F!Reader
Summary: Another Auld Lang Syne in Laredo, twenty years after your first with Javi.
Rating: Teen (see notes and warnings on the original)
My Kiss, Only For You - The Thief x Museum Guide f!reader
Pairing: The Thief (Casillero del Diablo) x Museum Guide F!Reader
Summary: You’ve noticed a regular attendee on the guided tours you offer as part of your job at the museum - and one day, he decides to ask you for more information on his favourite exhibit.
Rating: Explicit (18+, MDNI; see more notes on the original)
For the Night - Special Agent Ortega x F!Sex Worker Reader
Pairing: Agent Ortega (The Sixth Gun) x F!Sex Worker Reader
Summary: You might not be one of the “sweet young things” in the whorehouse any more, but a seemingly reluctant special agent helps remind you of your worth.
Rating: Explicit, 18+ (see specific warnings on the post).
Silvered - Detective Tim Rockford x F!Reader
Pairing: Tim Rockford x f!reader
Word count: ~ 800 words
Rating: Explicit (18+; MDNI; see specific warnings on the story)
Summary: Tim Rockford’s talented silver tongue has a reputation, in more ways than one.
Gentleman Cowboy - Jack “Whiskey” Daniels x F!Reader
Pairing: Jack “Whiskey” Daniels/Agent Whiskey x F!Reader
Word count: 3500 words
Rating: Explicit, 18+ MDNI; see specific warnings on the story
Summary: A solo getaway, a whiskey for one, and a very charming cowboy in the big city.
Able - Joel Miller x Disabled F!Reader
Pairing: Joel Miller x Disabled F!Reader
Summary: "I just don't think she'll be able for patrol". But then it's just you, Joel, and your trusty walking stick in the middle of nowhere...
Rating: Mature; 18+ MDNI; reader is disabled; see more specific warnings on the story.
Word Count: ~3.7k
Room Service - Dave York x F! Reader
Pairing: Dave York x F!Reader
Summary: You’re at one of those generic conference hotels to meet a man you know only as Dave.
Rating: Explicit 18+ MDNI; more specific warnings on the story
Word Count: ~2.3k
Coup de Foudre - Lucien Flores x F!Reader
Pairing: Lucien Flores x F!Reader
Summary: Caught in a sudden storm on a break in Paris, you and Lucien race back to the hotel room.
Rating: Explicit 18+ MDNI; specific warnings on the story
Word Count: ~1.1k
Part of the April Showers Challenge organised by @undercoverpena
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trulybetty · 4 months
11 x dream - mr. ben (snl) x reader
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prompt: dream pairing: ben x reader word count: 357 notes: fluff and betty's dated english degree pulling apart poetry to strong arm into this drabble summary: just a little stolen moment
A/N: this is new territory, writing for Ben - we can thank @wildemaven and her stunning moodboard, and @gnpwdrnwhiskey's tags that spurred this. Happy Wednesday all and Happy Valentine's if you celebrate! 💕
x. masterlist
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The college hallways were congested with students, and you weaved in and out of their clusters to reach the end of the hall in the limited time you had before your next lessons started. Your bright pink loafers set the pace, on theme for the day at hand, Valentine's Day, for your planned little escape from routine.
Slipping quietly into his office, you found him buried in a mountain of papers, his focus a testament to his dedication. “Guess who?” you whispered, covering his eyes with your hands.
Startled, Ben paused, a smile soon spread across his face as he recognized your touch. “Could it be the art thief here to steal my heart again?” he joked in reference to the department you worked in, turning to pull you into a warm embrace.
“I thought I'd already stolen it for good,” you retorted playfully, presenting him with a handmade Valentine.
He laughed as he took in the crude valentine made from recycled textbook pages and a post-it note, “Quite imaginative,” his fingers ran over the looped cursive of your handwriting and his smile turned soft as he recognized the lines from one of his favourite poems.
What could there be more purely bright  In Truth’s day-star? 
“You are the brightness that dreams only pale in comparison to,” he kissed your hand he'd taken in his. “But I'm afraid I have nothing for you here. It's home.”
“Well,” you remarked as you turned his office chair to face you, leaning over and placing your hands on either side of him, resting them on the padded armrests. “I think there's a way for you to make up for that,” you assured him, leaning in for a soft kiss that spoke volumes.
The kiss deepened, a silent conversation of love and longing, before you both reluctantly pulled away, mindful of the time.
“I wish we could stay like this forever,” Ben sighed, his hands lingering at your waist.
“We will have all the time in the world soon enough,” you whispered back, squeezing his hand. “Now, let's steal a few more moments before we have to face the world again.”
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exquisiteserotonin · 3 months
WIP Saturday?
Hello lovelies. I have been MIA and I feel terrible about it! A combination of life, work, and truly feeling in rut with my writing have been the reason. I hope you all haven’t forgotten about me. I am still working on my fics. For a while there I really felt like I wad losing my mojo, but I think it has come back. To (hopefully) prove it to you here are to snips from two WIPS. Thanks to my gorgeous babe @youandmeand5bucks for tagging me.
WIP1: A snippet from a new fic I’m working on featuring Professor Jonathan Levy/Reader/Young Mr. Ben SNL (Grad Assistant Ben)
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WIP 2: Precious Possessions (I WILL FINISH THIS!) Dave York/OFC
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Tagging these babes: @pink-whiskey-woman @arcanefox207 Gimme what you got! 😘
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musings-of-a-rose · 1 year
You are writing for Mr. Ben and I was thinking about him a lot lately. Maybe the reader is his colleague and is very jealous that kids are doing fan cams of him and another teacher. The reader maybe thinks Ben and the teacher are dating and is a little mad at him for flirting and being sweet when he is forbidden fruit. But in the end, it's just a big misunderstanding because the teacher kids ship him with is his queer best friend whom he is getting relationship advice from?
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Dear anon... I wasn't able to tackle this one (life has me busy these days) so the amazing @chaoticgeminate wrote it for you! It's better than anything I could've dreamed up. I hope you like it!
Rainy Days
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morallyinept · 9 months
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A list of all my favourite MISC. PEDRO CHARACTERS Fic Recs, with the writers tagged. Includes fics I am currently reading/want to read.
PART 1/2
Please show some love to the writers by re-blogging and commenting on their work. 🖤
⚠️ Please ensure you check the triggers/warnings etc... on the stories themselves as some of them may not be suitable to your own particular tastes.
You Have Me In A Chokehold - @wannab-urs
It's Cuffin' Season - @mellowsaturns
Secret Admirer - @demigoddessqueens
Fancam Worthy - @boliv-jenta GN!Reader
Well Read - @wyn-n-tonic
Rainy Days - @chaoticgeminate
The Speed Of Silence - @popcornforone
What The Hell Are Fancams? & Love At The Top - @musings-of-a-rose
Sending Naked Pics Request - @ozarkthedog
After Swim Practice & Better Than Vanilla - @exquisiteserotonin
Visiting Series - @ladamedusoif OFC!Reader
First & Ten & Summer Kiss Prompt - @something-tofightfor
Birthday Kiss - Wing Pit - @something-tofightfor
Nightingale Series - @something-tofightfor
Dreamland - @artemiseamoon
Kitten Series - @boliv-jenta
A Clumsy Romance - @the-blind-assassin-12
Winktober Nipple Play - @oonajaeadira
Birds Of A Feather Series - @whiskeynwriting
Mystery Of Love - @queridopascal
Let Me Carry You Away Series - @221bshrlocked
Loved & Loaded - @coastielaceispunk
Coming Home - @absurdthirst
Since Forever - @musings-of-a-rose
Lose Control - @supernaturalgirl20
How Did You Know? - @blueeyesatnight
You Found Me Series, All The Things I deserve & Everything - @yespolkadotkitty
You're Classic Series - @chaoticgeminate OFC!F!Reader
Movie Night - @munsonownsmyass
Finding Eden Series - @bluestar22x
My World - @sneetsnootyoit
Insomniac - @scuddisher
I Am A Fucking God - @cowboy-turtle
The Goth & The Jock - @traningdummy M!Reader
A Pill - @odetodilfs Sub!M!Reader
Greedy - @mandoalorian
Good Boy - @boliv-jenta
Tough Love - @supernaturalgirl20
Snuggles - @pintsizemama
When The Lights Go Out Series - @artemiseamoon
Said The Spider To The Fly - @blueeyesatnight M x M
My Kiss, Only For You - @ladamedusoif
By Fate Of The Night - @rise-my-angel
The Thief & The Devil In The Details - @boliv-jenta
The Thief - @write-and-buried
An Expected Surprise - @mandosmistress
The Painting - @forever-rogue
Reunions - @ladamedusoif
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beskarandblasters · 6 months
Mr. Ben Masterlist
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Main Masterlist
All fics are Mr. Ben x F!Reader unless stated otherwise.
Individual warnings are listed at the beginning of each fic! But each fic is labeled either with smut, fluff, and/or angst.
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One shots (1k+ words):
Under the Mistletoe - smut
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musings-of-a-rose · 1 year
What the Hell Are Fancams?
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Pairing: Teacher Ben (SNL) x f!reader
Word Count: 2500+
Rating: Mature - 18+ ONLY!
Warnings: Just like ao3, “creator chooses not to use warnings.” If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the age to handle mature themes. Also by clicking Keep Reading, you understand warnings may not be complete in order to avoid spoilers for the story. 
Notes: Absolutely felt called out during the SNL sketch with Teacher Ben but I knew I had to write a little something for him. I'm pulling from my own experience as an ASL interpreter in the school system (glad I finally can incorporate it!). Thanks to @vanemando15 for her help in this and for being a beta!
**If you want to be added to the taglist, join here or let me know!
Main Masterlist
Teacher Ben Masterlist
What the Hell Are Fancams? PART 2
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New year, new school, new student. Such is the life of an American Sign Language interpreter when you work in schools. 
My last student moved out of the district so I was assigned a different one. This student's interpreter wanted to go back to work with the little ones and while I loved my time with them, it was time to swap grades. 
My student is amazing and comes from a rare family, in that she is the only member that is Deaf but everyone in her life learned ASL from the moment she failed her hearing test. In most families it's the complete opposite, causing significant language delays and isolation. It never fails to blow my mind how many people won't learn a language for their child, especially when they'd both be starting from the beginning. 
This student, Chelsea, I had worked with from her time in pre-k to 5th grade. It was great already having an established repertoire with a student and we easily fell back into our normal chatter, her filling me in on anything I missed for the few years I was back in Pre-K.
So how's this school? I ask, as she's been here 2 years already.
Not bad. Teachers are mostly ok. Too much homework though.
That's usually the case with high school. Any favorite classes?
I like acting class, but my favorite teacher is Mr. Ben. He teaches marine biology.  She gives me a look I can't discern at this.
Yeah you know, like about the whales you like and other ocean stuff. 
You're in marine bio 2 and you're calling it ocean stuff? Sounds like a great ocean stuff teacher.
She rolls her eyes at me. You know what I mean. Plus he's…
She smirks her mischievous smile that I know can only mean trouble. Nothing. Don't worry about it. 
Oh look we're at math class.
Saved by the bell, indeed. 
After math was lunch, followed by marine biology. Since it was the first day, I decided to eat quickly and get to the next class a little early so I can start on my "who I am and where I and my student need to be placed" speel. Although he may not need it since Chelsea was in his class before. Still, you never know what a previous interpreter did. 
I knock softly on the door and male voice tells me to come in. I push the door open and see that the teacher has his back to me, bent over his desk grabbing something. His very broad back. 
"Uh hi. I'm the interpreter for your Deaf student for next period and I'm here to answer any questions-"
He turns around and I forget what I'm saying. Bright, brown eyes focus on mine, brown hair that looks so soft with greys starting to creep in, matching the patchy facial hair he has. His nose? Don't get me started on the thoughts I'm having about that nose. He's wearing a blue plaid shirt tucked into black pants, and a tie with tropical fish on it. 
A faint pink dusts his cheeks when he looks at me. "H-hi. I'm Ben Morales. The kids call me Mr. Ben." 
He holds out his hand and I shake it, willing my nerves to not come through it. God he's hot. I wonder if this is what Chelsea was talking about. In fact, I'm sure it is.
I launch into my speel, albeit a little faster than I normally would, but Ben just nods along and does whatever I ask of him. 
"Do you have any questions?" I ask.
"Um… not right now. You're a little different than the last interpreter." He coughs and takes a sip from his water bottle.
"Ah yeah we all do things a little different. Is there anything that worked well for the student and you that I can accommodate?"
He chokes on his water, coughing violently. I move quickly, thumping him on the back but his face keeps getting redder. 
"You-" He coughs "-want to go on-" He coughs more "- a date?"
It's my turn to have my cheeks heat up. "I- what? No I said accommodate… are you ok?"
He nods, muttering something like "Oh shit" under his breath as he turns away from me, his coughs dying down. But before we can talk more, the bell rings and students start moving about the halls. 
"Well let me know if there's anything I can do to date you, Mr. Ben. ACCOMMODATE! Accommodate you!"
Fuck. Me. 
A tap on my shoulder and I turn to see Chelsea, lips upturned in that mischievous smirk. 
I see you've met Mr. Ben.
I have. He's…nice.
Yeah, nice. Is that why your face is all sweaty and warm?
She laughs and takes her seat, eyes flicking between me and Mr. Ben as the bell rings and he starts his lecture. 
I find myself making it to that class a few minutes before the bell rings just to have a moment to talk to him. When I can talk, that is. I've never met someone who makes me trip over my words as much as he does. But soon, we settle into a routine, after bonding over our mutual love of orca whales. A couple weeks in, I bought him a brightly colored tie with orcas swimming on it. The smile he had could be seen from space. 
Chelsea can't seem to wipe the smirk from her face whenever she sees us talking. 
He likes you. Chelsea signs, giving me a wink.
Focus on your test, Chelsea. 
It's hard to when you guys are up there yelling your love for each other. You should ask him out. 
This has nothing to do with your classwork. And this is highly inappropriate. 
She scoffs. You've known me forever. 
Yes but you're not an adult. 
I'll be 16 soon. And I'm not an idiot. Everyone knows you guys like each other. 
What do you mean "everyone"?
She gestures around the room. Everyone. It's in the fancams too.
F-A-N-C-A-M-S. She repeats the sign. 
Thanks but I have no clue what that is. 
She laughs and Mr. Ben walks over. 
"Everything ok? Any questions?" He's talking directly to Chelsea and not addressing me, which is exactly what I told him to do on day one.
"No, I'm good Mr. Ben. I was just telling my interpreter about fancams." I voice for her, trying to keep my cool.
His face goes blank. "The what?"
She laughs. "You don't know?"
Before he can answer the bell rings and we head off to next period. 
At the end of the day, Chelsea takes my phone and pulls up one of these fancams and wow. It's basically a Mashup of hidden video and photos taken of Mr. Ben that have been heavily edited and music added, making him look hot. How is this appro-
Oh shit I'm in this one. Apparently Chelsea is not the only one to try and push us together. 
The next day, I make it to his class early as usual. He walks from around his desk to lean sit in front of it.
"Hey Mr. Ben."
"How many times do I have to tell you to call me Ben?"
I smile. "Sorry. Habit."
"Hey…so what was that fancam business from yesterday?"
"I uh.."
"Please tell me. These kids all talk about them and I have no clue what they are."
"I don't-"
Oh God his eyes are all big and brown and just like a damn puppy. 
I sigh, shaking my head when I realize that was audible and I'm staring too long into his eyes. I could get lost in those eyes. 
I pull my phone out and walk over to him, leaning my butt against the desk next to him. 
"Ok, so please remember that I was shown these and am in no way affiliated with the creation of the fancams."
He chuckles, leaning in closer to me. He smells good, like fresh parchment and aftershave. 
"Are you ok?" He asks me.
"What? Oh yeah. Uh the fan cams."
I scroll through and pull one up, handing him my phone as it plays. His face becomes redder as it plays on. 
"I uh..who…who made these?"
"I'm not sure. Chelsea said a bunch of the students did-"
"There's more than one??"
"Y-yeah. Look." I swipe through a few more until it settles on the one that puts us together. I try to swipe past it but he catches sight of it before I can.
"What was that one?"
"Oh nothing. It's nothing."
"But it had my face-"
"Just another fancam."
"And yours."
"Kids these days. They will make any-anything."
"I can't see it?"
"Uh nah you don't want to-"
"Oh I think I need to see it."
He's not pressuring me at all, more like flirting, but…that's not possible. There's no way he holds the same crush for me as I do for him, right? 
My boldness coming from some tucked away insanity, I reach over and swipe the video back up, letting him watch it in its entirety. 
"The kids…want us to go on a date?"
"Apparently so. C-crazy, right?" I swallow hard, hoping he can't hear the way my heart is pounding though my chest, his scent filling my head and making it very hard to focus. 
"I don't think it's crazy."
That fucking bell ruins everything. 
At the staff meeting the next morning, they ask for chaperones to the homecoming dance. Teachers groan but a few hands automatically go up, volunteering their evening. I raise mine too, Chelsea already telling me she had been asked to go by the person she'd been crushing on since last school year. They had spent the entire summer learning as much ASL as they could in order to talk to her, which was too touching for words and I know it meant the world to Chelsea. I won't have to follow her around but I'll be there in case of emergencies. 
To my surprise, Ben raises his hand shortly after watching me raise mine. The admin takes down names and the meeting concludes, Ben catching up with me as I start to head out to homeroom. 
"You're volunteering too?" He asks. 
"Yeah. Chelsea is already going and while she doesn't necessarily need me, she asked me to come in case she does. I think she's nervous."
"That kid learned asl for her, right?"
I nod. "Yeah. She's super excited although she'll deny it."
"Sounds like her." 
We walk together for a hall or two. 
"I gotta go this way to homeroom."
"Oh. Right. Um, see you soon?"
"Yup. See you!"
When I make it to his class at my usual time, I can see he's nervous about something, his eyes extra wide and small beads of sweat accumulating at his hairline. 
"HI, Ben."
Silence as I unpack, but then he's standing near me and all I smell is him. 
"Can I ask you something?" He asks.
"Yeah of course."
"I…uh did.. um… would you-"
A student pops their head in, asking for clarification on the homework and he shakes his head, turning to help them.
Homecoming arrives and I pick out a simple dress to wear. Not quite prom dress but definitely nicer than school attire. I head into the dance and get my assigned area and head there, milling about as people and students start to file in. Music blares as the dance starts andI  feel a tap on my shoulder. Turning, Ben is standing there, a navy built suit, dark button up shirt and - the whale tie I had given him shortly after we met. His mouth is agape as he takes me in. 
"You…you look…"
"Is that the tie I got you?
He picks up the end and looks at it. "Yeah. I thought it would go good with my outfit."
"Brings out your eyes."
Just then the music stops and switches to a slow dance, the DJ insisting that teachers should join in on this flashback. "True" by Spandau Ballet starts to play and a few staff members laugh and pull each other to the dance floor. 
"D-doyouwanttodance?" Ben speaks so quickly that I can't understand him.
He sighs, gathering up…courage?
"Do you want to dance?"
"Yes. But you don't have to if you don't want to-"
"No! I want to!" Shit, was that too enthusiastic? 
He smiles, wiping his sweaty palms on his pants before offering me his hand. I take it, the warmth from his hand spreading into mine. He guides me to the dance floor and spins me to him, his hand hesitating over my hip. Gently, I place my hand over his and guide it to my hip, encouraging him to grip me with his fingers. 
His eyes find mine as he leads, neither of us saying anything, just staring into each other's eyes. My stomach is in my chest and I swear he can feel my heart pumping out of my chest. He's wearing cologne tonight, but underneath it I can smell that familiar smell of him that makes me forget words. A minute passes before he leans in and speaks in my ear. 
"You know we're going to be in another fancam because of this, right?"
I laugh. "You're probably right. But it's worth it."
He pulls back and looks at me again, his brown eyes sparkling as he stares deep into my eyes. The song ends but Ben doesn't drop my hand or my hip. 
"Will you come with me for a second?" He asks. 
"Of course."
Removing his hand from my hip, he winds his fingers through mine and pulls me through the crowd of students and out of the side door, turning down the hallway and moving away from the cafeteria doors. 
"Ben, what-"
He spins me around and pulls me tight to his body. His eyes flicker between mine and I can feel the nervous tension bubble between us threatening to pop. 
And then it does. 
His hands come up and cup my face, bringing his lips to mine as he places the softest kiss to my lips. He pulls back and I follow him, unwilling to let him go. 
"Was that ok? I should have asked before-"
I grip the tie around his neck and pull him to me, deepening the kiss. His lips are warm and inviting, better than anything I could imagine. His hands are gentle, one sliding around to the back of my head and the other settling on my hip, pulling me in closer. A slight moan from him goes straight through me and I can feel myself getting warm. 
The doors bang open and we fly apart, laughing nervously when the students that had come through the doors disappear down the hall to the bathroom without even spotting us. 
"Are you asking me on a date, Ben?"
He pushes his body back against mine, having felt my tug on his belt. 
"I am." His voice is somehow deeper and it goes straight between my thighs. 
"I'd love to."
He kisses me again and starts to put away, but I grip his tie tighter and pull him back down. His eyebrows scrunch together in a question. 
"Let's go check if your classroom is empty."
The question drops, lips hitching up in a knowing smile as he slides his fingers between mine, pulling me down the hall to his room. 
What the Hell Are Fancams? Part 2>>
General Taglist:
@frankie-catfish-morales @chaoticgeminate @janebby @astoryisaloveaffair @balekanemohafe @greeneyedblondie44 @hoeforthefictional @marvelousmermaid @hauntedmama @giuliarogers-blog @icanbeyourjedi @diaryofkali @sunnshineeexoxo @livingmydreams13 @adventures-of-a-noodle @sara-alonso @theewokingdead @punkerthanpascal @giggly-otter @f0rever15elf @phandoz @dirtytissuebox @gallowsjoker @lovesbiggerthanpride @sarahmilesbendrix @booksarekindaneat @mrsudontknowme @swol-bear @charlispersonallyhell @xoxabs88xox @amneris21 @gooddaykate @alindeluce @avengers-fixation @paintballkid711 @harriedandharassed   @ladykatakuri @marrianena  @practicalghost @withakindheartx @batdarkladyvampir @justanotherkpopstanlol   @mermaidxatxheart @alexxavicry @ichigodjarin @justreblogginfics
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exquisiteserotonin · 11 months
I haven't written fic in such a long time, but Pedro is such a muse. Also I initially thought my writings were going to be on my original tumblr, but I decided to move them here for organization. Enjoy! <3
Better Than Vanilla
Mr. Ben x F! Reader
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Word Count: 5.9K
Pairing: Mr. Ben (SNL) x F!Reader (HS English Teacher)
Warnings: 18+,MDNI, Explicit content, SMUT, language, oral sex (male and female receiving), light bondage, PIV sex, praise, Mr. Ben is the consent king.
“So, when you get a steal, you have to conference with your team,” you emphasize, hoping that your exasperation wasn’t obvious.
One of the 6 students in your classroom began crunching on a snack he reached for in his backpack.
“Ugh!” exclaimed one of the female students, snapping a dirty look at him. “He’s not being serious!”
The student raised his hands and shrugged, “What? I’m hungry? Coach, pleeeease?”
The urge to roll your eyes grew as you heard the student whine. Ben, your colleague and academic team co-advisor, snatched up the packet of Voortman vanilla wafers.
“Thanks for the snack, kid!” he quipped as placed the wafers on your desk with a wink before turning back to your group of students. “I think we’re gonna call it a day, don’t you think?”
A sigh of relief floated from your students as they hoisted on their backpacks to leave. You also felt a weight lift off your chest and shoulders as the left. A small smile was all you could muster as the last of them shuffled out of your room. Two students lingered behind giggling as they asked Mr. Ben for extra advice. You sauntered over to your desk and sunk into your chair, organizing the mountain of papers screaming to be graded. Meanwhile the two lingerers continued their giggles as they left your classroom. Their goodbye to you was friendly and quick, the opposite of the one they offered to your counterpart.
“Bye, Mr. Beeeeeeeen.”
It escaped their lips like a squeal. Adding a groan to your eye roll seemed apropos, but you managed to keep your composure. Supervising and sponsoring an extracurricular club full of hormonal teenagers was a small price to pay, especially if it meant more money in your paycheck. You at least had the company of a colleague despite him being the object of infatuation for nearly half the student body of St Lawrence High School. Ben sat at the corner of your desk, pushing up the sleeves of his sweater and button-up shirt.
“Thanks for taking those, by the way,” you commented as he grabbed the confiscated vanilla wafers and popped one in his mouth, savoring it.
“God, I love these!” he declared, devouring another one after the first.
“Ugh, why,” you questioned, “they’re so boring.”
“You’re probably eating them wrong,” he teased. “If you let the wafer sit in your mouth a little bit, you can feel the vanilla cream just kind of melt all over.”
You cleared your throat at his description. It sounded sinful and gave you enough pause to briefly reconsider the wafers as an inferior snack. Lifting your gaze to him, you reaffirmed your resolve, “nope, too vanilla.”
He was interested in you, that much you could sense. A combination of professionalism and apprehension prohibited you from any kind of active pursuit.
A little flirting is harmless, your mind spoke. Right?
He shrugged before finishing the last of the wafers.
“How do you think they’re doing?” He asked, pointing his chin towards the door where your students had exited.
“They’re so smart,” you replied and tapped his forearm with pencil , “but I think they’re easily distracted.”
“By me?” He scoffed, throwing his hands up.
“Yeah, I know, I don’t get it,” you teased, “Must be the way you wear your tie.”
“Ha ha. Very funny,” he said dryly, playfully tossing a white board eraser at you as you opened your laptop. “Are you seriously doing more work right now? It’s Friday.”
“Hey, I’m still considered the new girl in town,” you replied as you set a stack of papers next to you to grade, “I still have to earn my keep.”
Footsteps echoed down the hall, approaching your classroom. In the doorway stood Jenny, a close friend to you and best friend to Ben.
Her arms crossed in front of her, she tutted before speaking, “you’re not seriously working this late on a Friday?!”
“That’s exactly what I told her!”
“You’re coming out with us, right?” Jenny asked. “With me, Ben, and Kate?”
“I’m trying to be good and finish these grades up; I’ve been procrastinating,” was the explanation you offered.
“It’s Friday, we’ve been here all week; do it tomorrow,” Ben suggested, giving Jenny a hug before bouncing out of your classroom. “I’m gonna head home for a minute and I’ll meet you guys there.”
“You got it,” Jenny agreed.
“Make sure this one doesn’t stay here too late,” he commented, directing his eyes to you.
Jenny nodded and you furiously began entering grades in your laptop as he left. Grabbing a student chair, she parked herself in front of your desk. The quick clicks and clacks of your typing echoed over the peaceful silence of your room. Soon she was leaning over your desk with a grin and a raised brow. She knew you well enough to realize that it wouldn’t take too much convincing to close your laptop and join her for some post-work revelries. Instead of continuing to try to convince yourself to be productive, you gave into the invitation, but not before gauging the situation a little further.
“Wait a second, this isn’t a work thing, is it?”
“Oh god, no!” Jenny sneered. “You know they’re not exactly our people.”
Your agreement with Jenny was an understatement. It wasn’t that you disliked working at St. Lawrence. The prestige that came with being a student there was also bound to the excellence of the faculty and staff. The administrators would beam at any good news that followed the people that worked at the school. This also meant being hired at the school was no easy task, especially when parents paid for a certain level of prestige. A sense of entitlement would sometimes extend to their colleagues, sometimes making team building insufferable.
“Kate’s going?” you asked Jenny, speaking of her girlfriend who did not work at the school.
She nodded, helping you pack your things and walking you out of the building and towards her silver Honda Civic.
“Do you need a ride?” Jenny teased, “you know, in case things get a little bit wild.”
“Sure, we can carpool,” you agreed. “And please, things aren’t going to get that wild.”
You took off your too-formal blazer that you had worn for most of the school day and straightened your pencil skirt before you sat in the passenger seat. You looked over with suspicion at Jenny and noticed her making an extra effort to maintain a reserved silence. As she started to drive, she glanced at you, tightening her lips.
“Are you going to give Ben a chance this time?”
You rolled your head and eyes towards her and an exasperated, but involuntary laugh escaped you.
“So, there it is.” You sighed, now fully aware of her intentions. “Why do you always try to set me up with him?”
“Because you are attractive, he is attractive, you’re both intelligent and single,” Jenny stated matter-of-factly. “And I love you both dearly and you two would make the cutest couple.”
You smiled in appreciation of your friend’s efforts. With it only being your second year of teaching at St. Lawrence, navigating friendships was still difficult as many of the teachers had been working there for a decade or more. You latched onto Jenny quickly, first as a department colleague and next as a kindred spirit in personality and interests. She urged you to sponsor the academic team this school year, knowing that her best friend in the math department, Ben, would be co-sponsor. Trusting her judgment, you knew that he was at the very least safe and respectful.
“What are you thinking?” Jenny's eyes twinkled. “You know he thinks you’re pretty hot.”
“Jenny, shut up!”
You shifted in your seat, trying to suppress your increasing intrigue. Aside from his math expertise and help in planning the academic team, “Mr. Ben’s” good-natured reputation among staff preceded him. He had always been friendly and managed to bring entertainment to even the most mundane faculty meeting. And of course, you also were most recently inundated with the way students giggled, blushed, and ogled him as he walked through the halls. As much as you hated to admit it, especially to yourself, he was pretty cute. The TikTok incident at the school assembly was to blame, you convinced yourself.
“I mean,” you paused, an image of him eating vanilla wafers at your desk flashed in your brain, “I guess he‘s cute, he’s just—he just seems so…vanilla.”
“VANILLA?!” Jenny’s voice squeaked incredulously, and it caught you by surprise. “Are you serious?”
“He wears pullover cashmere sweaters!” You cried with laughter.
“We can’t all be perfect!” she laughed with you.
Before you realized it, you had arrived at a restaurant far enough from campus, decreasing the likelihood that you’d run into any teachers or parents from your school. Jenny studied you as you got out of the car. She undid the top two buttons of your dusty pink blouse, revealing a slinky, tan, lace bodysuit you had beneath.
“Ooh, you hussy,” she teased, adding with a wink, “by the way, Ben is probably about as vanilla as you.”
The last few words silenced you. You felt your eyes get wide and felt heat growing on the apples of your cheeks.
Trying to recompose yourself, you followed Jenny inside. Ahead of you, Jenny spotted her girlfriend, Kate, who gave her a bright smile and a sweet peck to her lips.
They then lead you to a u-shaped booth with plush, rich, teal fabric peaking at the edge. And then him. Ben. You stole a glance at Jenny before she pushed you in front of her and into the booth.
“Hey Mr. Ben,”  you greeted.
“Just Ben,” he replied with a boyish grin, “we’re not at work, we don’t need to use the formalities.”
You nodded and slid closer to him, as Jenny followed you into the booth. The proximity provided a different window for you to look at him. His brown wavy hair was perfectly mussed; his shoulders were loose, relaxed, and he had even discarded the confines of his tie and cashmere sweater. Amplifying his breeziness was how he had not one, not two, but three buttons undone on his pale, terracotta colored shirt. They whispered to you to peek at his neck and chest which always remained hidden during the school day. It was as though you were bearing witness to something you weren’t supposed to see. The thought warmed your cheeks.
Maybe Jenny was right. Maybe he wasn’t as vanilla as you presumed.
“You didn’t take my advice from earlier,” he stated plainly, “you stayed at work late!”
“Hey, it wasn’t that late,” you retorted, teasingly pushing into him with your shoulder and hip.
“Jenny texted me that you almost didn’t come out with us,” he murmured, a trace of disappointment soaked in his words as he took another sip of his beer. “I’m really glad you didn’t.”
He pressed into your side so your shoulders touched.
“Hmm,” you mused, wondering what more you could pull from him, “really glad, huh?”
“Well,” his lips appeared poutier in thought, “I had to see if you were more than just an amazing…brain with a good work ethic.”
His tone had you thinking sinfully again, just as when he described the vanilla wafers.
“I guess you’re about to find out,” you replied, the words coming out with ease and your tone like honey trapping a fly with sticky sweetness.
Ben looked at you with surprise, giving you a smirk and a wink. That wink was dangerous.
“What are you drinking?”
“I should ask you that,” you stated, grazing his thumb that rested on his beer mug, “is that a bock, pils, a lager?”
Ben looked at you with a raised brow, impressed. He tipped his beer towards you in acknowledgement and beckoned for a waiter to come to their booth. The response was quick, a young woman rushing to your table.
“My friend right here will have a Yuengling, like me,” he touched the small of your back and then leaned over you to get Jenny’s attention.
A tingle climbed up your spine, like electricity climbing up your back, and down again igniting every nerve ending. You fidgeted in your seat and fixed your gaze at him. You tapped your foot, counted inside your head, and observed to see if the electricity would leave. It didn’t. 
Fuck, you thought. This is new.
Your attention found its way back to you. It was possible that Ben had asked Jenny what she wanted to drink, since you heard her request for an Old Fashioned. A different kind of clarity took over you as you kept your eyes on him, like seeing something in high definition. His nose was prominent and strong. His facial hair grew in endearing patches. The corners of his eyes crinkled when he smiled, revealing a dimple on his right cheek.
“What convinced you to finally come out with us?”
“Hmm, let’s see,” you replied thoughtfully, “the promise that there would be no unwanted co-workers here.”
Ben scratched at the patchy facial hair on his chin and turned to you. His chocolatey brown eyes were big, expectant, and you swore you noticed a not-so-innocent twinkle in them.
“How’s that working out for you?”
Before you could answer, the server returned with your drinks. She handed Jenny her Old Fashioned but before you could reach your hand to take your beer, Ben took hold of it and handed it to you. It was an authentic attempt at being charming. A self-study of the consistent butterflies fluttering in your abdomen floating up to your chest, neck and shoulders declared to you that his attempt was working.
“I guess the kids were right, Ben,” you admitted, “you are in your assembly era.”
He guffawed, his voice rich and throaty. He shook his head and ran his right hand through his hair.
“I’m never going to live that down, am I?”
With an up and down nod of your head you confirmed his answer and turned towards Jenny, “and neither are you, mommy.”
Jenny nearly choked on her old fashioned as you reminded her of her role in the fancam debacle.
“First of all, yes, I am mommy,” she affirmed and looked intently at Ben before shifting her eyes to you to wink, “and second of all, those kids don’t need to be messing in our romantic business anyway.”
Suddenly, Ben became bashful. You swore his cheeks turned the same shade of reddish pink as his shirt. Vanilla or not, you decided that Jenny’s testament of him as a good human being was worth further exploration.
For the rest of the evening, you and Ben traded life stories over intermittent drinks. Things you discovered about each other included siblings, your older brother to his  older sister and younger brother. You found he was passionate not just about teaching, but math as well and was too much of a kid to work with adults 24/7. His favorite part of teaching, like yours, was to advocate for students who never had anyone to believe in them. And a shared love of late 90s, early 2000s alternative rock led you two to engage in heavy critique of the cover band playing for the evening.
“What do you think of the band?” he asked at one point during their set.
“If they play Creed, it’s over, I’m peace-ing out,” you replied in a deadpan voice.
He keeled over in laughter, leaning over towards your shoulder.
Fuck, you thought to yourself. He smells so good.
You found yourself staring at his neck and the hint of chest beneath his unbuttoned shirt. It made you feel shallow. You glanced at your watch as a distraction, noting it was nearly midnight. Jenny had been ushered out at Kate’s behest, indicating that the whiskey was making her extra drunk and extra sleepy. You were now without a ride.
“My driver left me,” you sighed to Ben.
“Oh shit,” Ben remarked, “I would offer to take you home, but I might have to Uber it---I’m not sure I can drive.”
An inspired proposition entered your mind. A conflict waged in your mind, contemplating all the ways this evening could end and the one way you wanted it to, “Um…well, we could share an Uber.”
“Well, sure,” he replied earnestly, “if you don’t mind.”
He followed you as you beckoned him outside with a single look. As you stood before each other, you noted the broadness of his shoulders as he reached his hands over his head to stretch, rolling his shoulders up and then down the length of his back. You caught a glimpse of the elastic of his boxer briefs and his belly. The physicality of his movements was enticing and kept the tingling flame you felt earlier in your stomach alight, willing it to travel lower between your legs.
I’m fucked. You thought to yourself.
Ben opened the car door for you. You slid in and he followed, his knee brushing against your leg where your pencil skirt had slid up a few inches. Ben slid in, reaching over, grazing the exposed skin of your thigh with his hand. He looked up at you holding your gaze captive for what seemed like minutes.
“Sorry,” his voice came out in a gravelly hush.
“Nothing to be sorry about,” you countered, biting your lip involuntarily.
“I had a lot of fun tonight,” you spoke softly, keeping your eyes on him.
A grin grew on Ben’s face. “Same.”
Emboldened with desire, your hand caressed the mapwork of veins on his forearm, gently tracing the curve of his knuckles, and the lines on his fingers until he opened his hand, intertwining his fingers with yours. You watched, transfixed, as his chest rose and fell with deep breaths. He turned to face you, your noses just a few inches apart. You tilted your head and perused the shape of his pouty lips, soft, and inviting. Nuzzling your nose to his, your lips nearly touched his sweet pout.
“I’m going to ask you in,” the confession melted off your tongue.
He took another deep breath, and you swear that once again, for the third time that evening, his cheeks were quickly painted red. The car began to slow as you noticed it approaching your neighborhood, until it stopped in front of your modest, but adorable mid-century home. You slid out of the car, leaving your door open for him to follow. When he did, your exhalation threatened to consume you. A hot-blooded thumping coursing through your body. He closed the car door gently behind him, thanking the driver with a wave before he turned to follow up on the walkway to your door.
Fumbling for your keys, you felt him close in behind you, feeling the heat escaping  from your body and his. A tiny gasp escaped as you felt his hand behind you, touching you first at the small of your back and then circling around to land at your hip. He stepped forward and pulled your body close. Instantly, you felt a tenting build in his pants, pressing himself against you while you unlocked the door. Reverberating tingles vibrating over every inch of your skin. His other hand caressed up your triceps, to your shoulders, gently brushing the hair away from your neck leaving goose bumps behind in their wake. Replacing his hand, his nose caressed your neck, breathing you until you felt his lips taste you with gentle kisses.
“Fuck me,” he panted, warms breaths leaving him as your touch pulsated through every cell in his body.
“That’s the plan,” you smirked and growled at him
You rushed into the house, shoving the door closed behind you. Your lips caressed his Adam’s apple, breathing him in as you licked, kissed, and nibbled on his neck and ear. A growl rattled from him to your ears, his heat rising from his body with each touch. You pressed your lips hungry meeting his soft pout. Instinctively your hands weaved through the soft waves of his hair, until you tugged at it. Not too hard, not too soft but just enough for him to open his mouth with a gasp, allowing you to savor the taste of his bottom lip with your tongue until you met his tongue with fervor.
You pulled from him to take a breath of frenzied desire as you simultaneously attacked each other’s buttons. You marveled at his broad chest and shoulders as you pulled back his shirt, letting it fall to the floor. A wanton dizziness took over you as his large hands pulled you effortlessly towards him. His bulge throbbed against you as you pressed your pelvis into his, gasping and heady with desire. Electric desire moved through you, your skin on fire as a primal lust darkened his eyes while he studied your tits and how your nipples stood at attention, beneath the tan, lacy fabric of your bodysuit.
“Fuck, baby,” the way he growled at you was decidedly not vanilla, “you’re so fucking pretty.”
Lips hot and swollen you grabbed him by the belt loops of his slacks, pulling him towards your bedroom. A giddy gasp escaped you when the jingle of his loose belt buckle reached your ears, sliding it free from its confines tossing and onto your bed.
Ben caressed your shoulders and began to play with the thin straps of your body suit pulling them slowly down your arms, down the fabric covering your breasts, ruching the fabric as he slid it down to your waist. A moan escaped lips as he pulled you with one hand at your waist and the other found a home at your neck with the perfect amount of pressure. A yelp left you as he pushed back against you until you felt the edge of the bed behind your knees, where you fell together.
His mouth found your right nipple licking the numb in tight circles before taking a small bite. The fire on your skin grew hotter from the wet heat of his tongue and it left you panting for more. His deep laugh rumbled from his chest to yours. In his dark eyes he reveled at how he was slowly making you come undone. That pout of his traveled the valley of your chest and gave your other nipple the same attention.
You felt his hardening cock against your thigh and your core began to pound and cry for him. Reaching your hand to his boxer briefs you pull at his cock, eliciting a low moan as your hands slid off the barrier keeping you from his thick hard member. You looked down and your eyes widened at his size. An astonished gulp left your lips as you wrapped your hand around his cock. Your grip barely closed around its girth as you stroked up and down his entire length. A tear of precum escaped the tip. You look up at him deviously and bring your tongue down to taste the saltiness of him. You then wrap your lips around him, taking as much of him in as you possibly can, causing your cheeks to hollow. The taste of him was a perfect combination of sweet and musky and sometimes salty as a hint of more precum coated your tongue.
“Shit, sweetheart,” he moaned through gritted teeth. “Stop, wait.”
You released him with an audible pop, pouting a little bit.
“I just want to make you feel good.”
“Fuck, are you real?” He sighed, brushing his hands through wavy locks.
You nodded and then gasped as he grabbed you and tossed you on the bed like a rag doll. An excited moan leapt from you through heaving breaths as you savored the feeling of his naked body as he crawled over you. A different expression took over his gentle face as he caressed you and kissed your inner biceps as he raised both of your hands above your head. His hot breath branded you as he began to whisper into your ear.
“Can I cuff you with my belt,” he growled.
A whimper escaped you. You were no stranger to being cuffed, but the offer from Ben was…unexpected. The wetness at your core grew when he asked and all you could do was nod.
“Good thing you picked the correct answer,” he sighed, satisfying his hunger with a taste of your lips.
“I like this,” you keened, “this side of you.”
“Good, because you’re going to do exactly as I say,” the demand made you breathless. “You’re going to move when I say you move. You’re going to cum when I let you cum and I’m going to fuck you, when I’m ready.”
“Ben--,” you called out his name like a mantra.
He grabbed his belt from where you had tossed it on the bed. His hands moved with the quick competence of a man who had definitely done this before. The deftness in the way looped the leather as he cuffed your wrists with the perfect amount of pressure left you panting.
“You sure this is OK?” he asked, his fingers gingerly stroking your face and lips.
You opened your mouth taking one digit, swirling your tongue around it, and sucking the tip.
You nod and replied, “Consent is so fucking sexy.”
He smiled and kissed your lips, neck, and breasts. He pulled your pencil skirt from your body, but tortuously left you in your bodysuit, damp with heat of your desire. Your breaths were heavy with anticipation as he traveled to your ankle, up your calf, to your knee, to your inner thigh, until he floated closer to your center. His nose breathed in the scent of your wet core and his broad shoulders pushed your legs apart, licking at the fabric that separated her from his tongue.
“God, you’re so wet for me already,” he moaned, kissing, and licking the fabric again causing shivers to erupt all over your body.
“Ben!” You cried and you writhed beneath him. “Please.”
Your wrists strained against the thick leather of his belt, desperate to touch and grip his body with your hands. our back when you heard him chuckle as he pulled the thin fabric of the bottom of your bodysuit to the side. He flattened his tongue, pressing it through your folds and up to your clit. Like a man starved, he devoured you licking up and down, up, and down and then circling and sucking at your clit. Then he took sanctuary there, making it his place of worship, circling you, sucking you and then licking you again, between maddeningly slow and unbearably fast. A jolt twisted through your body when he slowed down to a stop.
“Oh fuck, Ben, please,” you begged, “I need to cum, please, let me cum.”
“You sure?” his voice full of wanton lust.
You bucked your hips towards him, and you felt his soft pouty lips smirk into your core. His large hands ripped the thin, cheap fabric of your bodysuit, tossing it to the floor. A lascivious chuckle rumbled from his chest as his hands seized your hips before putting his mouth back to work on you. You were devoured, as if you were the last and best meal he would ever have. You trembled slowly at first, your core beginning to quiver and quake. The quaking moved outwards from your core, ready to erupt within your body, as he teased, licked, and sucked, slowing down, or speeding up until you cried out his name begging for mercy.
“Oh god, Ben; you’re so good,” you wailed, the leather becoming tauter around your wrists. Tears formed at the corner of your eyes while your breaths became more and more ragged.
“Yes, sweetheart, cum for me, cum for me then I’ll fuck you.”
An order, not a request.
A tightness began resonating outward from your core, as Ben latched his mouth to your clit and suddenly you felt him push not one, but two fingers deep inside you, finger fucking you relentlessly until you could do nothing but cry out and scream his name. Your own personal mantra. A merciless spark took over your body until every inch of you trembled, as a wetness spread onto your sheets beneath you.
“Wow, baby, you are amazing,” he sighed, granting you a moment to regain your composure.
It felt as though you had run a marathon, you were breathing so hard.
“Was that?” You asked in shock through breaths, “did I?”
“Yes, and it was amazing,” he confirmed, releasing your hands from his thick leather belt. “Don’t tell me you’ve never squirted before.”
You shook your head vigorously, the freedom of your hands allowing you to pull his face towards you in a passionate kiss. He growled over you, capturing you by the waist, allowing your bodies to savor the heat and sweat from one another.
“You taste so good,” he praised. “Sorry about your bodysuit, I guess I’ll have to buy you a new one.” 
It didn’t matter. Clothes just seemed like an annoying inconvenience. You needed to be naked with him. You felt how rock hard his member was, upright and ready for you.
“Ben, please, I need you inside me.”
You held his gaze before speaking, “I’m clean and protected, you?”
The excitement rose within you again at his confirmation. He leaned over you, his eyes almost black with lust. He pushed your legs apart with his muscular thighs before kneeling upright, his large, capable hands dragging your hips towards him. He wrapped your legs around his hips as he grabbed the base of his throbbing cock, slapping it to your clit, nearly making you scream. Your heart pounded into your ears as he lined up his tip to your glistening entrance. He pushed through your slickness, inch by inch, agonizingly slow, rewarding you with his pulsating girth . You threw your head back, nearly sobbing as he stretched you. You wrapped your arms around his broad shoulders as he rolled his hips into yours, moving his length in and out.
“You’re so big, you feel so good,” you praised as you felt him increase his pace.
“I’m never leaving this pretty little cunt,” he groaned as he rolled and thrust into you.
“Faster, baby, fuck me harder, faster,” you implored.
His thick fingers pressed into your hips, and he began to drive into you exactly as you asked, pounding into your tight, wet cunt. Your name left his lips in repeated growls through gritted teeth. It was like he fucking owned you. A gravelly hiss leaves his throat as your walls rippled and squeezed his thick cock. He thrusted deep into you, hitting your g-spot and you gifted him with a loud moan of his name, your voice unable to form any other words.
His left hand pressed down hard at the base of your neck, and you felt his thrusts begin to roll into you at a slower pace. With his right hand, he lifted your knee towards your chest, hooking it over his shoulder. A pleading whimper escaped your lips when it felt like he was almost completely out of you. But as quickly as the thought drifted in, he pounded into you even harder than before. The pleasure was amplified one-hundred times with the newfound angle. The way his cock pounded your g-spot was somehow better this way and just as you thought it couldn’t get more perfect, Ben took his hand from your neck and began circling your clit with his thumb.
You let out a long, loud moan, crying out his name in a never-ending chant. “Ben! I can’t, my pussy can’t, I’m gonna cum!”
“Fuck, me too, baby,” he moaned with each thrust. “Wh—where, can I?”
“Cum inside me!” you demanded.
His cock throbbed and reverberated in you, until you found it impossible to contain everything you felt. Your orgasm washed all over you, your core quivering and every part of your body shaking as he thrust in with every bit of strength he had. Not once, not twice, but three more times, he chased your high with his own until you felt him fill you with ropes of his sweet, hot cum. Your voice cried out with him as he hissed and moaned through his own orgasm. His cock stayed sheathed within you, savoring how your core pulsated around him. He released his hands from your hips and slowly he pulled out of you. You let out a luxurious gasp, feeling a twinge of sadness from not feeling him inside you anymore.
A breath of satisfied exhaustion left him as he rolled next to you, but he also deftly found a way to wrap you in his arms, pulling you close into him. You came down from your high together and you listened intently to his heartbeat as you caressed his chest gently with your fingers. He brought his left hand to yours and began to mirror your gentle touches, bringing your palm to his lips kissing the inside of it. He intertwined his fingers with yours and pulled you even closer, your legs tangled together, your bodies still glowing. You closed your eyes, breathing him in as you felt the velvety soft touch of his fingers caressing your hair and your shoulders. He pressed his soft lips to your forehead, a kiss so gentle it stood in direct contrast to how relentlessly he had fucked you. And it all felt right.
You looked up at him and he held his gaze to yours. A serene smile grew on your face, your cheeks flushing with a rosy warmth. 
“Wow,” was the only thing that could leave your lips as you caught your breath.
The balmy air of sex hovered over you. A feeling of surprise and giddiness mixed in with the afterglow as you thought of the pale pink impressions the leather of his belt left on your wrists. Just thinking of the way he controlled your body with his tongue, hands, and cock was almost enough to make your arousal reawaken.
“Mmmm, that was not…vanilla,” you exhaled, chuckling at the thought of him eating those snack wafers, “you are an enigma, sweet Ben.”
“Thank you, I think?” He laughed.
Your hand traced up his Adam’s apple, snuggling against him and caressing your fingers along his endearingly patchy facial hair. You propped yourself up and brought your face close to his, nuzzling your nose against his, inviting him in for a sensual kiss.
“I promise you, it’s a good thing,” a giggle escaped your lips. “Even just laying here with you is…it’s something.”
“Something you want to try again?” he asked, his breath hitching as he waited for your answer.
“Fuck yeah,” you replied without hesitation. “But…”
“Uh oh, there’s a…butt!” He laughed, as he smacked your behind, tingling your core again with desire.
“Ben,” you laughed with him, gently caressing the soft skin of his pelvis, “what I was going to say is, ‘yes, there is a 100 percent chance of this happening again,’ as long as you take me out on a real date.”
He nodded in agreement, giving you the most attractive and radiant smile.
“How does breakfast sound?”
“Mmmm,” you whispered, pulling your soft bed sheets over the two of you, “I would love that.”
Thank you to my darling friends @legendary-pink-dot & @blueheat1-blog for beta-ing this for me! &lt;3
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trulybetty · 10 months
Sunday | Week In Review I
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So in order to try and be consistent with this, I’ve kept a running Notes page open to keep track of my week.
As I mentioned last week, I don’t expect this every week, I am me. But I am going to keep trying to make an effort to support my fellow creators.
If there’s something you’ve enjoyed this week, please feel to reblog this and tag me so I can check it out and share 💙
Also, not that I feel it needs to be said, but this is a reflection of what I have personally read and enjoyed.
B x
Truly Betty Updates This Week…
New York Part I (Marcus Pike x f!reader)
Fics I Enjoyed This Week…
Conversations with a Movie Star | Chapter 1 by @gnpwdrnwhiskey Even if you’re not a fan of Dieter Bravo, the dialogue in this alone is worth checking out this opening chapter for this new fic. Ava is an OFC down on her luck after being fired, from her families paper no less, and has stumbled across the Bravo Inn… I’ll let Lellen’s writing do the rest
Stripper Jack Trilogy | P. III by @psychedelic-ink The conclusion of maybe the definitive trilogy of trilogies? I don’t think anyone had Stripper Jack on their 2023 bingo cards, but he’s earned his space and I won’t have any arguments on it. 
Hungry Hearts | Chapter by @atinylittlepain Not many Joel AU’s I’ll jump into, but Bruce Springsteen and Joel Miller? Signed myself the fuck up for that as soon as it was announced. The unfolding of Joel and Cherry's relationship in the summer of '86 against them running back into one another 17 years later is such a great dynamic. 
Fall Apart Again | Chapter 1 + 2 by @wildemaven Heidi spoiled us this week, with not one, but TWO chapters of her new Joel fanfic. I don’t think I’ve gotten so emotional over an opening chapter to a fic before like I did with this one! Then the second chapter? Just bury me now… but actually don’t, I want to see the end of this fic first!
The Layover | Chapter 9 by @goodwithcheese How did Megan describe her fanfics? Hallmark movies with smut? She's not wrong. This whole series so far has been a rollercoaster of emotions and keeps delivering each week without fail. Not only are you rooting for Reader + Frankie, but Jules and Santiago anyone? Or maybe just Jules herself because she's just the boss.
Late Night Texts | Chapter 9 by @mvtthewmurdvck I think it's safe to say it's fanfics like Late Night Texts that have got me back in my rom-com/hopeless romantic era. I don't want to give too much away if you've not had the pleasure of reading this - but it has all the hallmarks of a good rom-com set on the backdrop of the early 2000s and with Javier Peña. If you're like me and still trying to make your way through Narcos or haven't watched it yet - please don't let it stop you, you won't be sorry!
A Little FaceTime by @stardustandskycrystals I’m still thinking about this fic days later and may have gone back to read it again. Trust me, just read this - you don’t need an explanation or reason, just read it. Even if Javi isn’t your jam (wasn’t on my list before, that’s all changed now) - it won’t disappoint!
Things I’m Looking Forward to Starting…
Decoherence by @prolix-yuy Westworld and Jack ‘Agent Whiskey’ Daniels crossover, yes, please! It is also reminding me that I never finished season one and should do something about it…
Pleased to Meet You by @intheorangebedroom This is a constant on my dash and on my TBR pile for a while with so many good comments - also getting into my Frankie era, so it’s perfect timing!
The Pilot & His Girl by @avastrasposts Been waiting to savour this one! So you’ve got the Last of Us and you’ve got Triple Frontier, two of my favourite things… what happens when you mush them together? You get a wild ride through the outbreak with Frankie & Reader - I cannot wait to get into this!
Visiting by @ladamedusoif This is another regular on my dash and on my TBR that I’m hoping to get stuck into this week. A college AU of Mr. Ben from the SNL sketch. Fully fleshed out and on the backdrop of New England, I’m ready to get swept away with this promise of a slow burn.
The House by @gemmahale A Jack Daniels x OFC (Best Friend) series coming soon focusing on a long-lost friendship, an inheritance, and Jack sounding like the scallion he is? Cannot wait.
Posts I Enjoyed This Week…
@rhoorl’s announcement of their Triple Frontier AU, Delta Landscaping with mood board and logo! The residents of Tumblr won’t know what’s hit the neighbourhood when they roll into town! 
Thanks to @gnpwdrnwhiskey I will never look at baby hippos without thinking of Dieter Bravo
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Everyone’s participation in the WIP poll tag game, it was so fun to see my dash just filled with so many creative people and so many amazing ideas! It was a neat peek into everyone’s draft folders!
Things I’ve Enjoyed This Week…
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse - FINALLY got to see it this week, and it did not disappoint. Have not stopped thinking about it since!
My rom-com era has returned, and I’m deep into embracing my forgotten love of a good rom-com. So far this week it’s been The Lake House, You’ve Got Mail & Always Be My Baby. Also it gave way to a Keanu Reeves appreciation post, come share your favourite Keanu!
This Week’s Song… Went waaaayyyy back for this one, an amazing album too - the Sterephonics are one of my favourite bands of all time 🩶
Hope everyone has a great Sunday & here's to a new week!
Please feel free to share your own favourites from the week or what you're looking forward to this week - not a tag game, so no pressure for you to share if you're not feeling it ❤️ xx
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