the-cat-and-the-queen · 11 months
What do you like to do in your free time, Paperheart?
A soft hum could be heard from the October Queen as they mulled it over; there was plenty of enough orderly activities to keep her days and nights busy with her new role now present, it was no task to be taken lightly, after all! Yet, in general.. a slight smile tugged at her folded lips.
“.. Ah! I’ve been a bit too caught up with making sure everything else is handled accordingly nowadays to focus on other things, truthfully.. but, mm.. I do still enjoy folding together papers— either by myself, or perhaps even Mr. Lead Consultant and others if they wish to join me, they’re all quite splendid company! Though.. “
Paper Heart briefly averted their gaze.
“.. origami. It’s.. something more personal to me than when I was simply doing it for preparations of the festivals. It’s all I had arriving here.”
She chuckled dismissively; perhaps it was better to hold back on sentiments so soon.
“Well— aside from that, I do enjoy tinkering with machinery! I hadn’t gotten much opportunity to do so before I arrived here, but I’m grateful to be able to spend my hours messing with a few cogs together.”
Suddenly, the Queen leaned in and her tone took a more hushed stance, but it was all light hearted.
“I’m actually working on a little robotic cat and bunny to keep Mr.Lead Consultant and Mr.Quinlan company! Keep this between us though, hm?”
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sirenscurse666 · 1 year
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You just popped Mr.Quinlans interest. What was it that you said?
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askquinlan · 3 years
I'm lost, what is this.
[Stinger rattles] hmmm...seems I’ve found Lunch......
You’ve come across my innermost thoughts and queries pertaining to such.
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lexiseigneur · 5 years
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Has anyone else read the comic about Mister Quinlan’s early years? I quite enjoyed though I wished it was longer than 5 short books.
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lainphotography · 6 years
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My super cool Quinlan figur completely handmade by Alexey Filippov - SCS Siberian Custom Studio
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5thinvictus · 7 years
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Mr. Quinlan being a badass in 4x09
How about some Mr. Vincent Rother for us:
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cyberpunkxd123 · 7 years
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My favorite scene, this shows how gentle quinlan is..kinda. lol
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thistlefairyfan · 7 years
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Mr. Quinlan Vampire Hunter’s final issues was supposed to be out on the 11, But I can’t find it anywhere! What's going on!?
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essenceanddescent · 8 years
This article makes my imagination run wild ...
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askquinlan · 5 years
yeah..this is pretty much how my version of quinlan operates,as far as his doom and gloom attitude goes for this blog. He’s seen,done it all and quite bored with the ideals of remaining alive forever. he just wants to go home and see tasa and sura again. on the subject of women - i believe Tasa changed him for the better,taught him how to be a real man,one who respects women. i’ve placed louisa and her daughter as a second wife/family,but not as no one could compare to his first true love tasa and child sura. this with dutch here is just his old attitude showing...(again not a reflection of my quinlan) Fic/comic wise - i want to explore a different option for quinlan,one where he contemplates staying alive rather than accept death as his final outcome..and only one or three characters in my story can make him ultimately change his mind.
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lexiseigneur · 5 years
Beautiful portrait by randis.
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noressaint · 9 years
Penny for Your Thoughts|| The Strain
Okay, so it’s really late and I should be sleeping or something, but I had something I wanted to say or ramble and I would honestly like to hear from anyone in this fandom, really. So, as of the last month or two I’ve seen a lot of negativity when I’m searching through tags and scrolling through my dash and I just don’t get it, honestly.
I understand that The Strain has made many mistakes (they TRULY have), I could list them all if I wanted to, but I also recognize a few things. One, they manage to get some things right. Two, faults don’t lie just on the writers. Networks have the largest say in what makes it and what should be changed. The problem is you wouldn’t even know it because most writers and producers won’t say “Yeahhhh the network said ‘no’”.
I’m speaking on the whole Vaun and Quinlan fiasco. As of this moment in time, the iteration of Quinlan appeals to me more. Although I loved Vaun (my entire tv review blog managed to be solely about it him), I won’t let his death, or the way he died, stop me from enjoying or finding different aspects of the show to enjoy. Reminder: I didn’t really care for season one until Vaun showed up.
I’m not sure if I just wrote anything fluid, but usually I would just look past negativity or said blogs, but when they come from blogs I truly enjoy or seem to constantly show up on my dash...I just. I just would like to hear from anyone who has a thought on it. 
P.S. Several of my favorite shows have just been utter shit their most recent seasons. The Strain is giving them a run for their money in a lot of aspects (which is sad, really).
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5thinvictus · 7 years
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Before anyone jumps the gun and says that Q dosen't have a thing. This panel has two different interpretation. One) Is he has no penis, but then why not just say so straight out. Two) It's clear that Tasa has been thought some kind of sexual assault, and because of it can't have anymore kids, so when Quinlan says what his from was not equipped to proved. It sounds more like he is trying to explain that he is sterile.
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woodenkokeshi · 9 years
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When Quinlan made his entrance, I instantly had to think of Nomak from Blade II.  So much I was even wondering where the scar on his chin had gone....
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