#mrs rothman
icebluecyanide · 4 months
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Alex Rider + references to his mother S03E06 & S03E07 & S03E08
He had seen photographs of this woman and he was astonished to find her here. He knew that he was looking at his mother. He tried to get up, but he couldn’t. He wanted to hold her hand, but his arms would no longer obey him. He wasn’t breathing any more, but he hadn't noticed. The man and the woman stepped forward out of the crowd. The man said nothing; he was trying to hide his emotions. But the woman leant down and reached out a hand. Only now did Alex realize that he had been looking for her all his life. She reached out and touched him, her finger finding the exact spot where there was a small hole in his shirt. Scorpia, Chapter 20: A Mother's Touch - Anthony Horowitz
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bat-losers-inc · 4 months
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What did you do to my eyes? What did you say to my only child? Promised your love but you lied. You better slow down baby soon. It's all or nothing to you. - My Eyes - The Lumineers Part 2 aka the part where John Rider haunts the narrative 😉
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tea-spawn · 6 months
Hello, Season 3 Alex. This new look is fine.
(Everyone looks fine)
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Too bad it doesn't last.
You can literally see him crossing over to the darkside in these shots 😭
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At least five to six shots of her lurking in the background, murmuring in Alex's ear... For a 2 minute trailer, that's a lot. They're clearly not shying away from the creepy predatoriness of this relationship and I am so here for that 🙌
But yeah, post-SCORPIA Alex is going to be the death of me (haha, geddit?) LOOK AT HIM. He looks so fucking tortureddd 🤐😩
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Moral dilemmas, here we go✊
Anyway whoever decided to bless us with more of this duo needs a raise:
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They were so correct.
I have such high expectations for this season and I can already tell it's not going to disappoint. Just like season 1 and 2 never did. Especially not with shots like these:
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I don't know what we did collectively as a fandom to deserve this great an adaptation lol. I am simply filled with so much joy that, whatever happens, I can safely get excited about a story so close to my heart 🙏💘🙃
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doctordumblesstark · 6 months
Things I loved about season 3 of Alex Rider
Yassen as Alex's mentor and guardian
Julia Rothman as the vengeful leader of Scorpia, she plays Alex and Yassen very well, pulling the strings behind their backs.
Mrs Jones. Just wow. Her scenes were so powerful, just all around impressive
Nile and Yassen's relationship
The water bottle fight. World class.
Alex being sassy and a little brat
Alex complying when Yassen declared the training over after refusing when previously told to stop.
Albert Bridge! The way they immersed Blunt and Alex in showing what really happened was a wonderful piece of film work.
The planning of the operations Alex carries out with Yassen, just gave me so many Devilverse vibes
The department actually having Alex's back and them working together. Especially the rescue mission from the home secretary.
Alan Blunt getting character development and not just being a cartoonish bad guy as he is in the books. I actually prefer this more rounded version of Blunt
The action scenes were better choreographed, more visually impactful and really well done. The overall mix of action, dialogue, stealth, drama and humour just was well done
Malagosto. Not surprising that with how they have chosen to depict the department (in constant darkness!) Malagosto would be underground, but it really worked well with the aesthetics they have chosen and makes sense in the universe. Also the rivalry between Alex and the others... I'd be worried too if the newbie gets a single room when I have to share with the others ;)
Scorpia's threat level. They are a really well balanced opponent to the department, making them hard to take down and in charge and control for most of the season with the department having to work incredibly hard to take them down
A great balance between technology/gadgets and old school spying. Really felt realistic and good use of Kyra, Smithers and Scorpia tech without it becoming a trope like Batman's utility belt
The overall more rounded off storytelling approach and more realistic character representation
Things I thought were unrealistic or unbelievable
Jay not knowing his brother is into film, when he clearly knows Tom and Alex are not going to the beach. Tom's character is shown again and again as a film buff and we all know his desire for pursuing a film career
Also felt weird of dropping that in and then never resolving that storyline. What was Jay's purpose other than some comic relief and one piece of wisdom and for Tom to show he chooses Alex over himself?
Jack saying "if Alex can do spy shit so can we". What an utterly stupid line. That's not how it works, Alex is trained and has skills you guys don't have. There are many good reasons Alex is good at this and not many for the rest of you to think you'd be too.
Kyra saying to Tom not to say anything to the police and then answering the police officer after Jack has already essentially freed them
The whole conversation between Jones and Jack in the garage was confusing. It felt like they switched roles halfway through.
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llamasofchaos · 5 months
So one thing they did in season three that I find so interesting is how they set up parallels between Mrs Jones and Julia Rothman. Because when you actually pay attention to their interactions with Alex you realize that it's actually Blunt that is similar to Julia and Yassen that is similar to Mrs Jones.
Rothman and Blunt were both so caught up in their own egos and obsessions that they didn't recognize how reckless their actions were when it came to how they ran their organizations and how they used Alex.
They both saw Alex as a piece on the board. Something they could use to get what they wanted, they both let their anger and pride get in the way of rational decisions when it came to certain decisions.
Then on the flip side you have Yassen and Mrs Jones. Mrs Jones was always concerned about Alex but until season three never really fought back for him or herself until she saw how easily Scorpia was able to get to Alex. Yassen tried to keep himself separated from Alex, he didn't want to help or see him, and then in season three he has no choice so he tries to teach Alex how to be like him.
It is so interesting because Mrs Jones is supposed to be the deputy of the department but we see in season one and two that Blunt keeps things from her that he doesn't from Crowley or Smithers because he knows she will question him about it.
This is similar to Yassen because when watching season three, at first it seems like Yassen is Julia's deputy but it becomes clear he isn't because he doesn't just follow blindly.
Season three was the turning point for three of these characters, both Yassen and Mrs Jones had to decide where they stood when it came to Alex and their respective bosses. In the end Mrs Jones chose to defend and support Alex and Yassen chose to hide in the shadows and offer protection.
Blunt had to choose to trust Alex and stop using his people like chess pieces in a game he didn't understand. This is why he is the actual parallel to Julia, because when it came down to it Julia chose to use Alex to get her own petty revenge and Blunt chose to put his revenge aside to help Alex and save innocent people.
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hightensileyoyo · 6 months
credit to this post on julia rothman wearing white in the trailer to make me realize this when clicking on season 3's page but in this image
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rothman and mrs. jones who are on opposing sides are both wearing black which could just be for the theme but if you don't know who these characters are there's not really anything to tell you which side is good or bad because they look so similar. which is at this point how alex probably feels about both of them
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Anyone else get pedophile vibes from Rothman?
From Russian Roulette:
And that night, I met Julia Rothman for the second time. She had sent her personal launch to collect me, a beautiful vessel that was all teak and chrome with a silver scorpion molded into the bow. It carried me beneath the famous Bridge of Sighs—I hoped that was not an omen—and on to the Widow’s Palace where we had first met. She was dressed, once again, in black; this time a very low-cut dress with a zip down one side, which I recognized at once as the work of the designer Gianni Versace. We ate in her private dining room, a long table lit by candles and surrounded by paintings—Picasso, Cézanne, van Gogh—all of them worth millions. We began with soup, then lobster, finally a creamy custard mixed with wine that the Italians call zabaglione. The food was delicious, but as I ate I was aware of her examining me, watching every mouthful, and I knew that I was still being tested. “I’m very pleased with you, Yassen,” she said as the coffee was poured. The whole meal had been served by two men in white jackets and black pants, her personal waiters. “Do you think you’re ready?” “Yes, Mrs. Rothman,” I replied. “You can stop calling me that now.” She smiled at me and I was once again struck by her film-star looks. “I prefer Julia.” .... She reached out and, just for a moment, her fingers brushed against the back of my hand. “You know, Yassen,” she said, “you are incredibly good-looking. I thought that the moment I saw you, and your five months on Malagosto have done nothing but improve you.” She sighed and drew her hand away. “Russian boys aren’t quite my thing,” she continued. “Or else who knows what we might get up to? But it will certainly help you in your work. Death should always come smartly dressed.”
From Scorpia:
Julia Rothman had the best table, in the middle of the terrace, with views over Positano and out to sea. She was sitting on her own with a glass of champagne, waiting for him, wearing a low-cut black dress with a simple diamond necklace around her neck. She saw him, smiled, and waved. Alex walked over to her, feeling suddenly self-conscious in the suit. Most of the other diners seemed to be casually dressed. He wished now that he hadn’t put on the tie. “Alex, you look wonderful.” She ran her dark eyes over him. “The suit fits you perfectly. It’s Miu Miu, isn’t it? I love the style. Please. Sit down.” Alex took his place at the table. He wondered what anyone watching might think. A mother and her son out for the evening? He felt like an extra in a film—and he was beginning to wish someone would show him the script. “It’s been a while since I ate dinner with my own boy toy. Will you have some champagne?” .... “All right,” she said when they were gone. “Let’s finish eating and talk about other things. You can tell me about Brookland. I want to know what music you listen to and what sports teams you support. Do you have a girlfriend? I’m sure a boy as handsome as you gets plenty of offers. Now I’ve made you blush.
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alexridersecretsanta · 9 months
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The Great Reveal!
Today is the day to lift the anonymity of the authors! We hope you had fun reading all the Yalex goodness, here come the authors reveal:
A Spark of Magic by LastlyMatt for Myulalie (T, 5k) Alex is dragged back after years to finish what he started. Scorpia wants to reawaken the vampire Julia Rothman, and it's up to Alex to do it. During this, he reunites with Yassen, who tries to help him one more time. Inflection Point by Kelkblr for RavenJames (T, 7,5K) There are moments that change your life, moments where you might have made a different decision and taken a different path. A routine mission takes an unexpected turn, giving Alex an opportunity to take advantage of one such moment.
Somebody To Die For by RavenJames for LastlyMatt (M, 5K) The legends are true. They are just not what we expect them to be. Entangled in a strange enemies-with-benefits relationship with Yassen, Alex has an assignment to keep the man under close surveillance. He doesn’t know that things might get even more complicated.
The Right Touch by Strange_Soulmates for countessrivers (E, 3K) Lieutenant Yassen Gregorovich of the ISB spends enough time stalking Rebel Agent Alex Rider in real life. Alex just wishes the man could stop stalking his dreams as well. He has no idea just how accurate the idea of Yassen "stalking his dreams" is. All things are possible through the force, after all. A birthday Surprise by Sigma for kelkblr (E, 35K) When Tom informs him that he's hired a stripper for Alex's 18th birthday party, he wasn't quite expecting what he received. Yassen Gregorovich wasn't quite expecting the hurricane that was Alex Rider either.....it remained to be seen which one of them ended up more surprised....Alex Rider Yalex - somewhat AU. Alex and Yassen have never met before in this. The Last Job by fredbassett for kelkblr (T, 4K) When a close personal protection job ends in disasterous failure an injured Alex has to survive a freezing night and even colder encounter with his former lover.
Alex Rider 2024 by DarlingNikki for greenkite (shirohyasha) (E, 14K) Time moves on and Alex is no longer a scared fourteen year old swimming completely out of his depth. Almost twenty-five years have passed and the world is a completely different place with changes he’d thought were pure sci-fi are just boring reality now. Or Alternatively, Alex gets his retirement from MI6, but too bad they think he's a disposable pawn that's the prefect guinea pig for testing some dodgy new tech, and ends up with a very familiar ghost living under his skin. A Cyberpunk 2077 inspired AU/fusion that's also a prequel for the game technically, but 100% blind readable.
tissue culture by greenkite (shirohyasha) for Polarnacht (n/r, 3,5K) He's not in the dacha. He knows every centimetre of that house, and the dark, cold room he woke up in isn't in it. Alex goes to rescue Yassen from the mad scientists of the week. He finds more than expected.
Dangerous Tastes by Myulalie for turtle_snail (E, 14k) After a failed assassination attempt during his horse ride around the property, Alex gets a bodyguard against his will. He keeps flirting with danger from then on, even at the risk of getting his heart broken.
Spare the Rod by countessrivers for TheOtherBlue (E, 4,5k) Alex goes tAlex gets caught trying to escape from Point Blanc. Mr. Gregorovich handles the punishment.
Devil in Disguise by Polarnacht for DarlingNikki (E, 7K) Alex is sent to break into Yassen’s house and retrieve important documents. He discovers more than he ever bargained for.
Collateral by Rirren for Strange_Soulmates (E, 12k) Alex was asked to come in to speak to an imprisoned Yassen. He didn't know he was signing up for 24 hours of hell. Like A Delicate, Dangerous Desire by turtle_snail for Sigma (E, 5k) There was something so serene to look down at Alex like this, and the wide expression of uncertainties etched on Alex’s face. It was akin to ambrosia. A delicate desire that only Yassen could enjoy. “Maybe I should teach you a lesson… about what happens to apprentices who misbehave.” Alex didn’t respond, instead whatever fear was present in Alex’s eyes morphed into determination. It was a look that was so characteristically Alex.
Who By Brave Assent by TheOtherBlue for Rirren (E, 6,5k) When Yassen is offered a sixteen-year-old Alex for the night, he has no choice but to accept. He has never enjoyed sleeping with strangers as part of his work, but Alex is no stranger... Vastly Different Things by Myulalie&Polarnacht for fredbassett (T, 4k) Alex almost gets tossed from a helicopter into a river in Chile, and spends some quality time with a certain assassin.
We hope you enjoyed the event, reading & commenting and guessing! How many did you guess right? Happy Yalex holidays to everyone!
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paperori0 · 28 days
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the gremlins
Julius = Serial Designation J, or J for short
Yassen = Serial Designation Y, or Y for short
Nile = Serial Designation N, or N for short
John is Serial Designation H, and Alex is just Alex :/
Ian is obsessed with doors, Jack just wants to keep Alex safe, and Tom does not care whatsoever but is scared of the murder drones, Sabina grew up inside the safe zones and thought murder drones was just a myth to keep children behaved and Kyra is curious about them. James and the other kids from Point Blanc are worker drones that live in the safe zones, just a different section of it.
Harold Sayle - a worker drone obsessed with experimenting on viruses, only works for money, lives outside the safe zones in a mansion that keeps the murder drones out
Dr Grief/Greif - a worker drone employed by humans to create/experiment on murder drones and worker drones. Creator of Julius/J
Alexei Sarov - a human that lives on Copper 9 and wants to wipe out all rogue worker droves with a nuclear bomb
Damian Cray - a very popular worker drone known for his hatred towards drugs and alcohol and just like in the original au he is a pop star
Julia Rothman - the Tessa of the au. She is more crueller tho and likes to torture and kill worker drones
Nikolei Drevin - a human that lives on another planet. He hates rogue worker drones and has a son named Paul.
Desmond McCain - also a human that lives on another planet. He is married to Myra Bennett and owns a zoo of Sentinels (in the original AU, he owns crocodiles)
Winston Yu - a worker drone (?) that lives with the humans and works with Julia Rothman. His body is fragile and he wears gloves
Abdul Razim - a human that also lives on another planet. He is emotionless and likes to torture people and measure their pain. He worked with Julius/J before
-Side Villains-
Mr Grin - a worker drone that works with Harold Sayle
Nadia Vole - a worker drone that also works with Sayle
Eva Stellenbosch - a worker drone that works with Dr Grief to create Murder Drones
Walter Baxter - helps Dr Grief create replacements or clones of murder drones that are destroyed
Conrad - a worker drone that was repaired after being devoured by murder drones, he hates murder drones because of that, he helps Sarov
Kasper/Magnus - a human that works with Drevin
Erik Gunter - a human, he worked with Julius/J and Razim before
Ash - a human, Alex’s godfather, killed John due to him going rogue
Njenga - a murder drone that works with McCain
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instruth · 4 months
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Mr Rothmans meets Miss Chesterfield outside the US Embassy. He notices she is as cool as two Matterhorn. He walks up to her and has a Lucky Strike. They talk as they catch the train up the Dunhill and get off together at the corner of Benson and Hedges intersection.
They enter a hotel coffee house in Kent, and are attended to by Peter, a waiter from Stuyvesant. She likes the Gold Leaf logo set on the arch at the entrance of the hotel. One thing leads to another, and soon they check in the hotel, Room 555.
Mr Rothmans is a Rough Rider but Miss Chesterfield can easily handle a Camel. It is an experience of the wild Marlboro country, way down south to Virginia at the narrow Slims pass. They go from state to state deep into the Craven A Inn where they share Lots More to as far as the Castle of Davidoff besides Morley Lake.
Finally, he rents a Morris at Philip Square. He drives her to and drops her at the Imperial Hotel, where she works. He has the time of his life, like ten thousand Gold Flakes in his tummy.
it’s time for a smoke
romantic to euphoric
cigarettes addicts
©Johnny J P Lee
20 May 2024
HAIBUN: Story + Haiku 5-7-5
Photos: Unsplash Images
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icebluecyanide · 3 months
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Alex wished the camera would zoom in closer. He wanted to see more of his father’s face. Alex Rider: S03E03 / Scorpia: Chapter 9
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basim-ibnishaq · 6 months
Alex Rider Tag Game!
Thank you @hightensileyoyo and @trueishcolours for the tag ❤️
Favourite book: russian roulette, but in the main present day setting it'd be ark angel or scorpia
Favourite short story: the white carnation
Book or tv series: they're both so beloved to me in different ways, but I think the books have to win out even if I've not read the main series in a long time (and admittedly I've never read beyond crocodile tears with the exception of russian roulette, none of the following books were released yet when I was reading them - crocodile tears was the last)
Favourite character: yassen!
Favourite villain: mrs rothman overall but probably ash for the emotional gut punch
Tagging: anyone who wants to join in! We're only a small fandom and I think most people have been tagged by someone by now lol ❤️
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tea-spawn · 6 months
We fucking WON.
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syms-things-5 · 2 years
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I posted 576 times in 2022
79 posts created (14%)
497 posts reblogged (86%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 165 of my posts in 2022
#chris evans - 100 posts
#fanfiction - 25 posts
#fanfic - 25 posts
#chris evans x original female character - 22 posts
#chris evans fic - 21 posts
#evans fic - 21 posts
#touch & go - 19 posts
#case histories - 19 posts
#andy barber - 16 posts
#fractured - 16 posts
Longest Tag: 86 characters
#so he couldn't let me enjoy the sma pics for one week without doing something dumb huh
My Top Posts in 2022:
Case Histories - Chapter Nine
An AU Andy Barber fic (based on BBC’s ‘The Split’)
Previous Chapter Here / Masterlist Here
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Series Synopsis: A talented small-town family lawyer, Grace Atherton, gets the opportunity of a lifetime when she is offered a job at prestigious Boston law firm, Rothman and Hale. She decides to give up the relative comfort and ease of her current working situation in favour of following a dream she’s had since she was a young law grad, to the detriment of her family life and marriage. She soon comes into contact with old mentor and one-time flame, Andy Barber. As gifted as he is handsome, it becomes clear he’s been keeping an eye on her burgeoning career from afar. Just how much will this decision cost her?
Chapter Warnings: 18+ NSFW, strong language, angst, emotional stress
No matter how resilient she was, or at least pretended to be on the outside, Grace had a habit of letting some clients get to her. It didn’t matter that she had a success rate that would make a lawyer twice her age jealous, or even that she was a member of Rothmans to begin with, an agency renowned for its integrity, but passive aggressive comments from people like Nathaniel fucking Parker still got to her. 
“He’s always been a dick.” Evie muttered under her breath as she sided up to Grace in the kitchen. “Literally from birth. I think that’s why he got sent to that private school? I remember him making Lydia cry last year over a single coffee, if you can believe that. He’s just rude and patronising and a jerk.” 
Evie took great delight in letting off that steam, almost like she had been holding it in for all of this time and only now had the option - and relative safety of speaking to Grace - to fully release the force of her opinions of the man in question. Honestly, she could have kept going. She had no time for people who spoke down to her or any of the other staff she worked with. She especially had no time for the people who did while seeming to forget whose help they were after when they found themselves in the Rothman building in the first place.
“What was he doing here last year?” Grace asked, keeping one eye on Mr Parker through the glass window of the boardroom so as to possibly aim her pen at his head if he happened to walk by. 
“It was something to do with his inheritance, I think. He doesn’t speak to any of his siblings anymore except through lawyers so it got really rough at one point. I had to take the minutes but I switched off after a while. Rich kids can be so basic.” 
“Huh, you’re not wrong.” Grace rolled her eyes in agreement. 
Nathaniel Parker was the stereotypical, arrogant trust-fund child. His father had been the heir to a steel company in Ontario but later sold his shares to buy into a successful modelling agency in New York, as one does. It was there he met Sandra, a promising model, who was just twenty-one years old to his fifty-eight. He quickly divorced his first wife, mother of his first two children, and promptly had four more kids with Sandra within that same decade. Parker Senior had been nearly 70 years of age by the time the final one came along. 
Nathaniel was the oldest of the four and had inherited 45% of said agency three years ago at the tender age of just 23. Unfortunately for him, it didn’t mean he owned 45% of the models and so, three lawsuits later, he found himself nearly $20million lighter. There was also a fraudulent crypto-currency deal lingering somewhere in the background but the Feds were already looking into that one.
Jack had wanted nothing to do with him but Charles Rothman had been an old Tennis pal of Parker’s uncle and he had asked Jack personally to try and minimise the public fallout from Nathaniel’s “behaviour”. 
Jack hated people like Nathaniel Parker. To him, Nathaniel was someone coasting on his name and other people’s hard work, then believing they had a God-given right to whatever it was they wanted. He didn’t much want to be involved with Nathaniel the first time he breezed through their front doors, before they even knew of his reputation, and he certainly didn’t want to be involved with him now that he knew exactly what kind of man he was; “man” proving to be a rather generous term. 
As frustrating as it had been for him to do so, Jack reluctantly removed female involvement from the subsequent cases. He just didn’t want to make any one of his team feel uncomfortable in Parker’s presence and, truthfully, the team had been glad of that decision. The sooner Parker vacated the building, the sooner they could all move on with their lives. 
Grace was staggered by just how much his reputation apparently preceded him, and she would be glad if she never saw his name written in the diary ever again. 
“You OK?” 
Grace looked up to find Andy leaning against the door frame, concern etched across his face as his fingers absent-mindedly clicked at the pen in his hand.
“Yeh, I’m fine.” She smiles, shrugging it off. 
He knew what it was that had got her back up but he didn’t say so straight away. He would have said something to Nathaniel Parker himself but he couldn’t walk down the corridor in front of the boardroom where he was sat without spitting fire through his nostrils. Piece of shit. 
He pushed himself off the door and made his way towards her, where she was standing in anticipation of the coffee machine to finish frothing up the milk for her cappuccino. The chocolate sprinkles were poised and ready to go, most likely straight into her mouth if Andy hadn’t been standing right there as a potential witness to her slightly odd food habits. She always seemed to crave sweet things when she was feeling stressed out. 
“Nothing quite says ‘I’m fine’ like four cups of the strongest coffee we have. What is this, Columbian?” He holds up the jar and squints a little at the label. “Jack usually hides this stuff from us mere mortals.” 
“You need to get your eyes tested. And it’s not been four, it’s only been…” She mentally calculates the number of espresso shots she’s inhaled so far today. “Yeh, OK, you’re probably right.” 
Andy grabs a cup from the shelf behind the machine and places it next to hers, expectantly. She looks at the cup and then at him before laughing out loud. 
“I’m not sharing my milk with you.” 
“I don’t want your milk.” He pretends to be affronted but doesn’t get very far before she starts laughing again and he thinks – hopes - he’s made a small difference to her day. “I like it black at this time of the day. I actually fancy something stronger to tell you the truth.” 
“Christ, what’s happened to your day?” she asks. 
“There’s only so many percentages I can take in the space of a couple of hours, Gracie.” He says, matter-of-factly. “I sometimes wonder if I would have been better off studying maths.” 
See the full post
37 notes - Posted April 10, 2022
Touch & Go - Chapter Eleven
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Previous Chapter Here
Series Summary: Ten months after leaving Boston, Sarah’s starting over again in Nashua. A new apartment, a new hospital, and closer to her parents, she’s finally finding some peace following her ill-advised affair with her best friend’s brother. But Sarah should have known it would only be a matter of time before the past catches up with her.
Warnings: 18+ language, sexually suggestive language
Tags (please let me know if I have missed you): @bookwormchick91​ @redhairedfeistynerd​ @memoriesat30​ @ppal3​ @patzammit​ @before-we-get-started​
Sarah was starting to understand the power in telling someone you love them. Chris had certainly made sure she knew that. If he wasn’t curling himself around her at night in the comfort of her bed, he was sneaking behind her in the shower and risking her hitherto unbroken record for punctuality. One second, he was being cute and asking her about her day, the next he was making her lose her breath with a new, unfamiliar pleasure. 
“The canular?” 
“Oh right, yes, of course.” 
She unclips the water solution and replaces it with a new bag. Carefully reconnecting it to the canular they had just spend ten minutes trying to insert into the elderly gentleman’s hand, she waits for a second until the first drips start appearing in the tube before hanging it back onto the mobile. 
“You OK?” Rosie asks as they both depart the man’s private room. 
“Yeh, I’m fine. Sorry about that back there. Just…a bit tired today is all.” Sarah stifles a convenient yawn in the process. 
“Hmm yeh I can tell.” Maria elbows her playfully and Sarah chuckles. “If you wanna get a coffee after work, gimme a shout.” 
Sarah smiles and nods as Maria walks off in the opposite direction leaving her and Rosie to head back to the equipment room. Sarah didn’t know Rosie all that well, in fact she thought she might not have liked her all that much when she first joined the hospital. Then, after Noah’s death, Rosie was, surprisingly, the first member of the department to reach out to her. From then on, they’d become quite good friends. “Good” in the sense that they were both a part of this unfortunate club. 
“Have you spoken to your mom today?” Rosie asks, reaching for the stock pad that had been placed rather unhelpfully on the stop shelf. Sarah was 5ft 9 and even she struggled when reaching her arms up. 
“Yeh, we caught up this morning on my way in.” Sarah replies. “Thanks for that recommendation by the way. Never thought I’d see the day she got into organised exercise.” 
“You’re welcome. It was a huge help for my mom after…you know…” Rosie shrugged it off. 
“Well, I do really appreciate it. I’m not the best at suggesting these kinds of things. I’m just glad she’s getting out of the house more and meeting people.” 
“She has you, still. You’re not too far away.” 
“I know. It’s just…” Sarah trails off for a moment before shaking her head from a particular thought. “She and my Dad were together practically all their lives and now it’s like she’s all on her own again. It’s really sad.” 
Rosie stops what she’s doing and offers Sarah a sympathetic smile. 
“Don’t. Please.” Sarah chuckles. “I’m gonna start crying again if you keep looking at me like that.” 
“Well, bawl away. I still have my moments and it’s been seven years since my pop died.” 
Sarah pondered that admission for a second. The very thing she worries about each night is obviously true and no matter how much she tries to avoid it, it’s not going to be any different for her. She suddenly felt older and no longer protected by the safe notion of still being someone’s child. It sucked. 
Chris has been perched on the same stone step for the last hour or so. 
“Ten minutes, my ass.” He mutters under his breath. 
He had messaged Shanna earlier in the day to ask if she was likely to be around at some point that afternoon and whether she would be open to a visit from her charming and wonderful older brother. His words. 
See the full post
39 notes - Posted January 10, 2022
Touch & Go - Chapter Fourteen (Finale)
Previous Chapter Here / Masterlist Here
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Series Summary: Ten months after leaving Boston, Sarah’s starting over again in Nashua. A new apartment, a new hospital, and closer to her parents, she’s finally finding some peace following her ill-advised affair with her best friend’s brother. But Sarah should have known it would only be a matter of time before the past catches up with her.
Warnings: Strong and suggestive language
Tags: @ppal3  @bookwormchick91  @redhairedfeistynerd  @memoriesat30​  @patzammit  @before-we-get-started
And so, here it is, the final chapter of this series. I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I have enjoyed writing it. Thank you for all of your support; it kept me going when I nearly gave up a couple of times. I really, truly appreciate every single like, reblog, DM’d message and comment that you have given me over the past year or so, and I’m so happy you stuck with it and with me xxx
Chapter Fourteen
“You think we’re crazy, don’t you?” 
Scott looks to the ceiling as he works his mind through a serious of responses that might give Chris the encouragement and support that he seemed to be looking for. It was nearly seven in the evening, the sun was low in the sky, and neither of them had the energy to get up and make some food. 
“No, I think you’re in love although there isn’t much of a difference to be fair.” he muses. “So, how is this gonna play out exactly? What timeframe are you guys looking at?” 
Chris didn’t have those answers. Neither he nor Sarah had thought much beyond the ‘oh wow how amazing is this going to be!?’ phase that comes along with deciding you’re going to move in with someone. There were nerves of course but that all seemed to ebb away as soon as they started thinking about what the future could hold for them both. The thought of picking out china patterns really did something to him apparently. In a good way. 
It had been a few weeks since they had decided to take the plunge. Surprisingly, they had both found a quiet eagerness to tell most people despite them both initially agreeing to keep things quiet, at least just until they knew for sure that it was definitely happening. For Chris, though, “people” didn’t always include Scott so he ended up knowing almost straight away, and Sarah had found Audrey was just scarily prescient at guessing things, so she knew pretty soon afterwards as well. Chris was almost certain she and Scott were now talking to each other on a daily basis. His suspicions were confirmed when he spied Scott buying baby toys online. 
They were met with a lot of different reactions, the majority of them positive, thankfully, or at least that was how Sarah had chosen to take them at the time. There were definite variations of surprise and shock and Seriously? You?? 
That had been Chris’ fault. He had always been vocal about wanting to remain in Massachusetts, so steadfast was he to maintaining some semblance of normality in the face of what he had chosen to pursue as a career. Also, he wasn’t exactly known for his commitment so he had to answer some tough questions about that as well. He really didn’t enjoy having this pointed out to him multiple times in the same 24-hour period either. 
“But you hate everywhere else.” Was one such helpful comment curtesy of Brian, an old pal from high school who had just moved back to the area after a decade of living in Canada. “And there’s, like, other people there. People who you don’t know.” 
“Is there a Dunkin’ nearby? ‘Cos you’re gonna be fuckin’ unbearable if there isn’t one.” Came Mark’s contribution. 
It was so nice that his friends were thinking of the bigger picture, Chris thought to himself as he lay on his sofa, beer in hand, this Thursday evening. Scott had ventured over to borrow something but that had been forgotten about and it was now three hours later and they could both feel hangovers slowly coming on. 
“They’re just guys, you know?” Scott offered. “It’s how they deal with stuff, like, joking around about it. They’ll probably miss you once you’re gone.”
“Obviously they will miss you, we all will, but it’s not like you’re moving to another country, or Alaska or some shit.” 
“I know you’re right, it’s just…” He waved his hand above him to try and conjure up the right words but nothing came to mind. “I know they’re happy for me and everything, I just didn’t realise I was so predictable and mundane. Mom said I’m not spontaneous so she was surprised but I think I’m spontaneous, right? Scott? I’ve done impulsive shit before.” 
“I don’t think buying a different brand of beer counts as impulsive. Buying a house in a different State? Yeh, I’d say you’ve definitely proven them wrong this time.” 
“And,” Chris leans up, swinging his legs off the side of the sofa so he’s sitting upright. “I’m gonna do lots of spontaneous shit from now on. I’m gonna really surprise folks, make that my new thing. That’s gonna be my new opera.”
“Modus operandi?” 
“Yes! That’s the shit. Definitely.” He pointed defiantly at Scott. “In fact, I’m gonna call Sarah right now and tell her.” 
“Won’t that defeat the object?” 
“Nah, I’m just gonna tell her so she can prepare herself.” 
“Prepare herself for spontaneity? OK, cool, makes sense.” 
Chris dismisses his brother with a wave of his hand and staggers off to the kitchen to grab his phone. He holds it tightly like he might drop it and squints at the numbers until they make sense so he can safely locate the profile for ‘Bernette’. Carefully, he presses the call button and sways unsteadily on his feet until, after a few rings, she answers. 
See the full post
42 notes - Posted April 1, 2022
A Chris Evans / Call of Duty AU Fic
My Masterlist can be found HERE, where this will be added.
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Part One: It’s All In The Detail
Part Two: Where There’s smoke...
Note: Not sure where I’m going with this but I’ve been a fan of his C.O.D. look since I first saw it. Hopefully, this looks promising but rather than an ongoing series, I see it more as a series of one- or two-shots. Part One is below and Part Two will follow next Sunday following my final spot of editing.
Theme: Enemies to friends to (eventual) lovers. Chris has an ego and believes his own hype, and Martha needs to get a life for herself.
Warnings: Strong language
Word Count: 5.1k
Part One: It’s All In The Detail
“You’ve gotta be kidding me…” came Martha’s exasperated response, hands gripped tightly onto her hips as she did her very best to attempt a more aggressive stance than she was altogether comfortable with. “Months of hard work and now it’s done, just like that?” 
She wasn’t sure why she was even questioning it. She could believe it – and expect it – as it had been the case for her on more than one occasion over the last 12 months and she was getting tired of it. She was getting tired of being side-lined.
“I’m sorry. The decision has been made and it’s for your own safety.”
“But what could have possibly changed in the last twenty-four hours?”
It was a valid question and for a brief moment she felt a surge of confidence in her frustration.
Tanner, the shortish, greying intellectual currently sat behind the broad desk that separated them like a protective barrier, appeared resolute in his decision. Even if he had doubts, he wouldn’t let them show. His posture remained relaxed as he leaned back in his leather recliner having barely flinched or moved in the time since she had barged into his office, disappointment etched across her fine features, staring him down like he had just insulted her grandmother. Instead, he regarded her respectfully and with some semblance of understanding of her disappointment at being frozen out yet again from a mission she had worked very hard on. It made her feel a little guilty at her verbal outburst although he had probably heard much, much worse in his forty-plus years with the CIA. He himself had told her as much.
She wasn’t sure if this apparent show of empathy was a good or a bad thing. It certainly didn’t serve to make her feel any better. Deep down, she knew Tanner knew what he was doing. He always gave considered thought to the decisions he made; he wouldn’t be where he was now if he hadn’t. Even deeper down, she knew she wasn’t going to succeed in changing his mind.
“You know as well as I do that intel can change with no notice.” He explained calmly in his soft, Texan drawl. “It’s never ideal to change the format of a mission at any stage of the play but we do what we have to do with what we are given. The team has reason to believe that Haltzar is shifting gear and making a move to exit this Friday night. If we don’t get him then, our chances at ever bringing in Haltzar disappear in the dark, and his little black book goes with him.”
She could appreciate the nuances that went into a plan like this. In just eighteen months, Martha had gone from being a well-liked but rather inconsequential (her words) doctor at Newman & Grey Hospital, working all the shifts she could manage to avoid being home alone with only her thoughts for company, to a valued member of a CIA ‘Special Ops’ Unit that specialised in dealing with situations far beyond the capabilities of ordinary law enforcement. Or so she thought she was.
She listened to Tanner letting her down gently like she was being told she couldn’t have the bike she wanted for Christmas. She also couldn’t shake the feeling this was yet another attempt by Chris Evans to phase her out. She realised she appeared like she was throwing a tantrum because she couldn’t get her own way. It was embarrassing and it made her feel like shit. It wasn’t what she was aiming for when she woke up earlier that morning.
“Listen, Martha, this is in no way a reflection of your work but some people have expressed concern that your being there would draw unwanted attention-”
“-Some people? You mean Chris-”
“-Especially if a member of Haltzar’s crew recognises you from their own intel.” Tanner finished his argument, choosing to ignore hers. “We can’t forget they have been here a long time. They will have scoped the place out for themselves, several times, and if they see you at the hospital, the whole game is up and we’ll have lost nearly eighteen months of work for nothing. I’d like to see you try to explain that to Homeland Security.”
Martha paused in her tracks and tried to avoid Tanner’s careful, sympathetic gaze. Shaking her head in defeat, she loosened her hands from her hips and let them fall limply to her side as she took on board Tanner’s reasoning. Just as she was about to express an apology for her blatant lapse of professionalism in the face of a man who could probably buy and sell what was left of her own family, a lowly whistle came from somewhere close behind her.
Stood still in the corner of Tanner’s office, one boot resting on the panelled wall as though he gave not one care for the probable cost of having his dusty Size 12s scratch the paint off, Chris murmured his disapproval of Martha. She couldn’t quite bring herself to acknowledge his presence, though, preferring to leave him brooding quietly as she attempted to make her way out of the office unscathed.
Even now, after he had sullenly made himself known, she preferred not having to deal with the sight of his smug face at this time of the morning. She could sense him, though. You could always sense when Evans was nearby so it was a complete and utter joke that Tanner was now claiming that she might be the one who would draw attention.
“Well, I would probably call into question the reasons why some people might see me being there as a problem.” She stated matter-of-factly, the words coming out of her mouth before she had the time to edit them. Or stop them altogether as she was quickly wishing she could.
“I’m right here, McLachlan.” Came his bristly tone in response, clearly having had enough of her obstinance.
“Yes, I know, Chris. It’s very hard to miss you.” She snapped, finally conceding to him. All she got in return was a dismissive glare. It only served to wind her up even more.
“Then ask me directly.”
See the full post
52 notes - Posted September 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Black lives still matter.
332 notes - Posted September 10, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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warwickroyals · 2 years
what have been some notable moments at royal weddings in sunderland over the decades? (for irl examples, princess beatrice's hat or diana's train or william and kate's kiss)
Ooh, ooh, ooh! This is a great question, everyone should answer this question! But I'll just list some of the notable moments from each royal wedding.
Wedding of Prince James and Lady Katherine Rothman (1941) - This was a wartime wedding, so everything was done on a strict budget. Katherine's gown was very understated as a result. It was also a very huge patriotic event that helped boost morale within the general public. Katherine had on a stank face the whole time, she'd wanted a huge wedding. She had begged King George to wait until the war was over, but he overrode her wish, for all he knew the war would end in 2041. So, penny-pincher wedding it was.
Wedding of Prince Louis and Lady Irene Wynne (1968) - Louis and Irene's wedding was huge. Even in the 60s, it was viewed by millions worldwide and the crowds were the largest ever recorded. Also, Irene was crying so hard that she was struggling to say her vows. They were very happy tears and people were instantly endeared to her.
Wedding of Prince Clarence and Ms. Pyhllis Grant (1980) - Clarence's wedding was dubbed a modern wedding and the music reflected that. Sure there were hymns and classical music. But there was also a great deal of pop music which was considered exciting.
Wedding of Princess Jaqueline and Mr. Lawrence Belmont (1997) - Princess Jack's wedding dress was the main source of speculation. It was never confirmed, but it was considered to be the most expensive wedding gown of all time. Also, Irene and Queen Katherine (surprisingly) were crying a bunch at that wedding. Jacqueline also executed a really deep curtsey for her father, and she was crying too.
Wedding of James, Prince of Danforth and Lady Tatiana Farnsworth (1998) - Tatiana and James had a winter wedding in the city, it was a week before Christmas, so the entire wedding had a Christmas-y vibe. There were poinsettias, Tatiana's grown had a fur trim, etc. It got dark early, but the glow of the palace coupled with the swirling snow made the balcony appearance stunning. Phillip was James's "supporter" and he got to wear his uniform for the first time.
Wedding of Prince Phillip and Ms. Courtney Borroughs-Parker (2004) - Phillip was so, so NERVOUS at his wedding. Like he was so red and sweaty, he hated being the centre of attention. You could tell the rest of the family was clowning him for being so nervous, but Courtney made him feel better once she was beside him. Oh, yeah, also a young Nicholas had a massive temper tantrum and threw Mia's bouquet on the floor right before the procession left. James was interviewed earlier that morning and he told the reporters that he didn't think Nick would take part in the ceremony because he was so ill-mannered. Nick was a little goofy, he pelted the bride and groom with rose petals afterwards, but he behaved during the actual wedding.
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prelawland · 3 months
The Trial of Orenthal James Simpson
By Maya Mehta, Seattle University Class of 2025
July 7, 2024
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The O.J. Simpson trial, which is alternatively referred to as the trial of Orenthal James Simpson, is considered one of the most significant legal occurrences in the 20th century. The case was titled People v. Orenthal James Simpson and it was a spectacle that attracted national audience from start to finish, signaling racial undertones, celebrity worshiping, and other problems with America’s justice system. On June 12th, 1994 Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldman were found dead in Los Angeles. Very soon it became apparent that O.J. Simpson had been involved causing much fanfare especially when he led police on a chase later resulting into his arrest for an alleged crime. The trial began in January of 1995 and featured extensive DNA evidence against Mr. Simpson. In response to this, the defense team who were also called “dream team” argued that there was some contamination on the specimen evidences implying that LAPD has some racially motivated officers (Rothman et al., 2008). It turned out to be a media circus reflecting race relations in America and how celebrities are treated within its legal system. He was acquitted on October 3rd, 1995 thereby deeply dividing public opinion over his innocence or guilt. Subsequent civil trials charged him with responsibility for their deaths resulting into payment of $33.5 million compensation by them from his property holdings (Elliott & Winterscheidt, 2006). The consequences of this trail have forever changed American media’s coverage towards court cases; inter-racial dealings’ perception by citizens as well as disposal of DNA exhibits during prosecution phase with respect to US judicial system in general
For full article please visit
The O.J. Simpson Trial: A Deep Dive into America’s Most Controversial Legal Case
Washington PreLaw Land
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