#ms igloo was so right to do it that way
canuckianhawkbi · 7 months
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Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin – chapter 83
The Solomon Offensive was already in full swing.
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gremoria411 · 1 year
And now we come to my feelings on Zeon’s mobile suit designs in Mobile suit Gundam Code:Fairy. After my feelings on the Federation’s MS were…… broadly positive, my opinions on Zeon are a tad more divisive.
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First up, the Zaku II Sniper type. Honestly, I get it, you want a sniper unit, but you don’t want to deal with the Zaku I sniper type being unwieldy, so you make a new Zaku variant and give it a fancy rifle. Honestly, it’s just fine. No real strong feelings here.
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The Zaku high mobility ground type Alma Stirner custom annoys me perhaps more than it should, because the more I look at it the more I think that a Gouf with a rifle would have been a better choice. My main quibble is that the standard version was one of the best mass-production ms of the entire war, being agile and exceptionally suited to combat on earth, in addition to retaining the regular Zaku’s wide range of armaments. So a fancy custom version of one of the best units available as the unit you start with….. it feels a little much. If you’d started with a regular Zaku then upgraded, then sure, that’d be fine. But knowing how good that suit likely is really makes it ring hollow when the plot tries to say that Alma’s outgrown it.
Right, right, enough complaining. What do I think of the design? I do like the basic High Mobility Ground Type, and Alma’s is essentially an up-armed version of it, being equipped with a heat sword, shotgun, missiles and Vulcans in addition to the normal armaments. I do very much like the Vulcan placement, and the missiles pleasingly evoke the Zaku Desert Type, but besides that it’s really just an ace custom unit with some different shoulders. It does do a good job in-game of being the close-combat specialist to the other two’s ranged firepower, but again, I think a Gouf with a rifle would have been similarly adequate.
I’ll probably cover the Zaku Half-Cannon if I ever do anything about the Zaku Cannon, but I honestly don’t have a whole lot of opinions on it, so I’m just gonna skip.
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The Dom Gnomides. HATE. I usually find it difficult to express how much I dislike this design. The base unit being a Dom Tropical Test type? Fine, no problems there. But shackling a giant box to its back? The whole in-universe point of mobile suits is that they’re supposed to be agile units that fight at close range, where visual contact is key and the have to be able to dodge enemy fire. The Dom Gnomides can dodge fire about as well as a slug can dodge salt pellets. In-game, it’s difficult to identify incoming fire because the suits so massive it gets in the way. They took a Dom, a suit known for its high speed and mobility, and turned it into something that would struggle to outrun the Zock. But surely, that massive cannon must make up for it, right? Oh, you mean that massive cannon they obtained by
Grave Robbing?
The Dom Gnomides Pilot, Mira Brinkman, obtains the main cannon from the wreck of the Hidolfr, the mobile tank from Gundam Igloo.
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In-game, they justify it with “well, at least we can give commander Sonnen (the pilot) a proper burial” but Mira’s primary concern is obviously the cannon. It’s just quite creepy, because at this point, they’re all sunshine and cheers about the whole thing “oh boy, let’s get a cannon for our suit and bury our fallen comrades along the way”, so knowing that in order to build this, they had to hose the remains of Commander Sonnen out of the Hidolfr just feels…… off? At odds with the tone? I know in war you should strive to recover equipment wherever you can, It’s just a massive tonal whiplash if you’ve actually watched igloo. The Dom Gnomides is armed with other weaponry, but honestly, they’re just fine.
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The Efreet Jäger is the only one of the main three mobile suits to get a HG model, most likely because they’d already made a bunch of Efreet Variants. Honestly, it’s one of those rare models I would buy purposefully to mod. Paint some camouflage on there, maybe hook a ghille cloak or something over its shoulder, swap the odd weapon or two and I think it’d look really really good. The Efreet Line is another design series I’m very fond of, simply because the basic Efreet and Gouf are both designed to do the same thing, but approach it from different angles. Both are designed to be CQC suits par excellence, so are armed with heat swords, but whereas the Gouf fights more like a Gladiator, with its sword and shield it’s primary weapons, and then the Heat Rod and Vulcans to trip up the enemy; the Efreet fights more as a raider. Armed with two heat swords, trading defence for offence, and smoke discharges to temporarily blind the enemy to its movements- a fatal mistake in a sword fight. It’s typically also armed with a shotgun, for when something’s just out of range of the swords (though in GBO2, you can swap it out for a bazooka or Machine Gun). The Efreet Jäger is a sniper, unheard of in such a melee-focused line. This is essentially my only real criticism of it, another suit that is absolutely amazing at one thing being pigeonholed into yet another generalist. There are good sniping suits available, like the Zaku I Sniper, so an upgraded unit would fit very well. But instead they took a close-quarters unit and handed it a sniper rifle. I will fully admit that maybe something different for the line would be a good idea, but when it’s entire identity is built around one speciality, shifting to a different one just feels wrong.
The basic suit design is quite nice, the chests been modelled nicely and the asymmetry really plays up that this is a suit built for sniping and guerrilla tactics - asymmetrical warfare if you will. The rifle is gorgeous, and I like how it’s got grenades as part of it’s loadout. If I were to say the Efreet jäger is my least favourite Efreet, that’s more about the strength of the Efreet line as a whole than the weakness of the jäger on its own. I will say that, in game, the Efreet jäger is the best thing since sliced bread, purely on the strength of its sniper rifle having two settings. All my quibbles melt away after using it in-game, since you can just pop out of cover, nail an enemy with either single-shot, or explosive bust ammunition, then move on, with chaff and spotter abilities if you feel like playing support, and a heat kunai and shotgun if you need to fight up close.
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Finally, we come to the Titania. It shares its name with the fairly obscure PMX-004 Titania designed by Paptimus Scirocco and is based on the absolutely fantastic Kämpfer (another of my all-time favourites). I do very much love the design, a little overarmed maybe (it’s got Vulcans, so I don’t really think it *needs* the arm gatling, and I consistently forget about the Beam Machinegun when using the Titania in game. GBO2’s decision to make it an optional weapon was, I think, a wise one), but the actual design of the mobile suit itself is wonderful. It’s slightly more heavily armoured than the original Kämpfer (so we’re told, anyway) and this is reflected in its remodelling, squaring off the Kämpfer’s smooth lines with blocky armour. The shoulders are just splendid, giving it a good silhouette along with the fuel tanks (which give the impression of wings). The choice to keep the original Kämpfer’s backpack was also a good one, since it effectively breaks up what could have been a rather boring back, and the extension of this design philosophy to the leg vents is also lovely to see. The legs appear to be slightly dainty, but none the less armoured for it, a design I appreciate. The head is gorgeous, it looks like it belongs one one of the Zabi’s royal Guard and evokes the design sensibilities of the Sleeves. Does it suit a Guerilla unit? No. Do I care particularly? Also no. All in all, it’s just a wonderful design variant on the Kämpfer.
However. The rationale behind its creation in-universe bothers me in the same manner that the Dom Gnomides does.
So, upon receiving the Kämpfer frame, unarmoured (and really missing a trick to tie it into the prototype Kämpfer, but whatever), the chief mechanic looked at it and decided “this design promotes recklessness, and is built for speed and power at the expense of armour”. Yes….? It’s an assault suit, designed to get in, cause as much damage as possible, then get out. Heck, the “E” in the Kämpfer’s model number is stated to stand for “Einhauen” - one strike in German. It’s not built for protracted combat, because it was never designed to be. So looking at the Kämpfer, a very specialised unit, and deciding that that specialisation is, itself, wrong is just kinda dumb. Like, they could have been sent the wrong materials, it could have only been intended to be used for one mission and Noisy Fairy managed to keep it running beyond that, it could have been an indication of how desperate Zeon was getting. Heck, the Kämpfer itself is stated to be one of multiple units built of the prototype Kämpfer each tuned for specialist uses, maybe they could simply use a different unit in the line? All of these options would have been better than “well it promotes recklessness and that’s BAAAAAD”
My other criticism is that it’s stated that they added extra thrusters to the design to offset all the extra weight of the armour and weapons (since the Titania doesn’t cast off its weapons like the original). Really now. You’re telling me you added “extra thrusters” to a unit that was already roughly 60% thruster by volume? I know it’s petty(ier) but it still bothers me.
However, none of this detracts from the fact that the Titania is a pretty sweet design, even if I do think I could’ve been integrated better (glances meaningfully in the direction of the Prototype Kämpfer).
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choicest · 4 years
Author's Note: A rewrite of today's chapter. It’s really long since I missed that Harris guy but it’s okay now since they are okay. There’s also a little intimate part so read responsibly. Thank you for being here!
Pairing: Noah x MC
When she went back to the small igloo, Noah has already left that's why she's running towards the parking lot now, even though she still doesn't know what to say to him if ever he's still there. MC beams as she saw that one particular figure before her, his back facing her but she's positive it is him. She knows by heart it is him. She takes her time slowing her breath before approaching him but as she sees Noah picking up his helmet, she immediately shouts, still quite panting.
"Noah!" It was her. He would always recognize that voice no matter how loud the world is. Noah faces MC, smiling uncontrollably as she looks at him but that look on his face vanishes as quickly as he realizes that maybe the reason why she's here is not the reason he was hoping for.
"MC? What are you doing here?" MC moves closer to him, steadying herself.
"Noah, I'm sorry. I’m sorry for avoiding you ever since the Homecoming. I want to be with you again, whether be friends with you again, or more, or whatever that was we had, we have." MC says hurriedly as if the clock is ticking.
Noah gives her a confused look. He was pretty sure that if he tells her about his past, he'd lost her completely and he convinced himself to believe that since when he started feeling more for this girl.
"Noah, please say something." MC says nervously as she waited for a response.
Noah looks on the ground before speaking. "Even after everything I just told you?"
"Even after everything. I'm sorry, Noah. I was hurt to see you guys hurting each other but I didn't realize that I'm hurting you also, especially you."
Tears fall down her cheeks as she realizes how much pain she caused him. While she knows that that hurt she felt was valid, she didn't recognize she's transferring that pain to him. MC is the only person Noah let in and the moment one thing went wrong, she left his side.
Noah cautiously reaches for her hand, holding it firmly as he started talking.
"I was so afraid to tell you the truth, you know? Whenever I catch myself with you, doing our thing, becoming closer each day, I knew I'd have to tell you.” Noah pause, he doesn’t know how to continue on this path.
MC squeezes his hand encouraging him.
“I was ashamed, ashamed of myself for committing a horrible mistake. And mostly, I was afraid, MC. Afraid I'd lose you completely. You have Mason and you're a great person. The moment I lose your attention, other guys would already be waiting for you."
What MC do next surprise him. MC wraps her arms around him and hugs him so tight Noah almost forgot about everything.
"Shh. Deep breaths. I'm here." She rubs his back comfortingly.
Noah rests his head in the crook of her neck. What a great feeling it is to be held by the person you deeply care for. He hugs her back letting her heartbeat guide him.
After a few moments, they separated. MC fixes his hair as he studies her features. He likes it when she takes care of him but he can't say that to her. At least, not yet.
"Noah, I know what I want is not that easy but I meant what I said earlier. I'm going to earn your trust again..."
He cuts her by hugging her again. This time he makes sure she feels it too. He makes sure that through it, she’d feel everything is going to be okay.
"Starting over would demand so much time. Let's just pick up where we left off."
He sees her nervously moving her hands. Noah pokes MC in her side as they stand on the porch.
“Hey, you okay?”
“Are you sure about this?”
“Positive. MC, do you remember the time your dad met me?” he asks her trying to calm her nerves.
“How could I forget? I became an instant tutor.” They both chuckle at the memory.
Noah takes her hand and laces his fingers with hers.
“Relax., Elijah doesn’t live here anymore. Plus, all the important ladies in my life in one place… What’s the worst that could happen?”
MC smiles warmly at him as he opens the door.
“Ma? I brought a friend.”
“I see someone’s made up with my son. You must be MC.”
“You must be Ms. Harris. It’s nice to finally meet you.” MC excitedly greets his mother.
MC notices what his mom was doing and offered her some help. Noah smiles appreciating the gesture.
“It’s okay, dear. I’ll manage. You too, though I wish it were under prettier circumstances.”
“I would offer you something to drink but…”
Noah immediately reacts as his mother gestures to the fridge. Ms. Harris let out her frustration as she shares what’s happening. MC can see how embarrassed she is but she doesn’t mind. It’s how the people treat another that would always matter to her, one thing she loves about Noah. Even if everyone around him treats him less, he doesn’t stoop to their level and stays kind at the same time still knowing when to defend himself whenever people become too much.
“You’re worn out, Ma. Go take a nap, I’ll take care of this.”
Ms. Harris gives MC a polite look but MC just shakes her head.
“I really don’t mind, Ms. Harris. We’ll just wake you up for dinner.” MC smiles genuinely at Ma which she returns.
“I think I’ll take you up on that offer, then. Prepare to be grilled later, MC.”
Noah searches MC’s face and sees a look of shock. He knows that by the look her Ma gives him, she’s already got her approval but teasing her is too fun to pass.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean for this to be the first thing you saw walking in.”
“Hey, it’s okay. I actually like it. I mean, your dynamic with your Ma.”
Noah smiles at her. Every time he thinks he couldn’t fall in love more with this girl, she goes and does something to prove him wrong.
“Where’s your sister by the way?”
The pile of blankets beside them suddenly shakes then a little girl appears.
Noah laughs as he saw that look on MC’s face again.
“MC, meet my sister, Hazel.”
“Hello! Are you Noah’s girlfriend?”
MC eyes search to meet Noah’s eyes. When they locked eyes, he just gives her his signature smirk.
“Well, yeah. I think so. Something like that.”
MC’s face turns slightly red as she avoids Noah’s gaze, knowing he’s looking at her only makes the situation more embarrassing for her.
Your small introduction with the two ladies was interrupted when a loud bang knocks repeatedly at your front door. And you’re very sure this wouldn’t be the last time.
The inconsiderate landlord shouts at the Harris family when they open the door but Noah was able to talk some sense into him. MC watch as Hazel admires his brother take care of his family and she’s not the only one. This is the Noah she wants to get to know. Big brother Noah, son Noah, family’s man Noah. Only a few minutes at their home, and she discovered a side of him that’s making her love him more.
As she watches Noah take care of his family, his reaction earlier when she hugs him finally makes sense. Noah has to grow up quickly to look after his sister. He didn’t get as much time as she gets to enjoy life. Smiling, she made a promise to herself.
As Noah walks back to the living room, MC catches his hands, squeezes it tightly and thought to herself. “I’m here, Noah. You now have someone who will also take care of you.”
As he closes the door, all he wants for now is to know what MC is thinking. Is she not liking what she has seen so far? But every gear inside his head stops when MC holds his hands. There’s a look on her face he can’t quite comprehend but whatever she is thinking right now, he’s positive it’s not because of what she has seen.
“I can’t wait to test you, MC!”
“Test me?” Noah smirks as MC makes that look again.
“Hazel hates wimpy girls who don’t try at sports.”
I smile as MC takes a deep breath. She really wants to get my family’s approval and that makes me so happy. It makes me feel that she really cares about me.
She stands effortlessly before the lane. Noah’s sensing she’s actually good at bowling and just decided to give Hazel the highlight of the day. She settled in her place, preparing to aim but stands straight again to his surprise.
MC gives Noah a playful look and says “Noah, it’s been forever since I went bowling. I’m not sure I remember how…” she battled her lashes at Noah, who rolled his eyes before going to her side.
“First of all, knock that goofy smirk off your face. Next bring the ball up by your chin, like this.”
The quarterback missed this. Teasing each other, exchanging meaningful glances, basically being them.
After scoring a strike Hazel goes to the bathroom shouting at Noah to wait for her.
MC catches Noah searching the area, as she’s about to ask him why, she felt his breath against her ear.
“I know we just made up but… damn, I wish we could be a little reckless.”
“What were you thinking?” MC says challenging.
“I’d really like to kiss you.” Noah responds, looking her straight in the eyes.
“Really?” MC wraps her hand on his arm, leveling with him.
“I’d kiss you hard, baby.”
“What are you waiting fo…”
Noah didn’t even wait for her to finish. He holds her hands guiding them to his back, letting her touch him.
He wraps a strong arm around her waist, his other hand holding her neck. Just like he promised, Noah kisses her hard. He smiles as she let out a small moan.
“Shh, we’re in a public place.” Noah says as he softly bites her neck.
Noah smiles as he’s rewarded with another small moan.
“I’m right here, baby.”
Noah goes back to kissing her lips, sliding his tongue into her seconds after. It’s him who’s making a sound now.
“I’ve missed this, MC.” he says in between kisses.
“Me too, Noah. Me too.”
The two of them smile at each other as they pant.
“How do I look?” MC asks.
“Radiant. Is this really the time to be fishing for compliments?”
MC playfully jab at his side and he smacked her with that grin.
“I mean do I look normal? Not like I just made out with you?”
Noah smirks and as if nothing happened, they continue with the game.
MC won the game and Hazel love her for it. After earning a stamp from each other, the three of them happily get back home to start cooking dinner.
Noah let Hazel help him and MC prepare dinner after promising she’ll be quiet to not wake up their Ma. Not long after they are all sitting at the dining table talking like one happy family.
As Noah put Hazel into bed, Ms. Harris started talking to MC.
“I like you, MC...” she smiles sincerely at the teenager.
“But I don’t like seeing my son like that.” MC shyly looks on the ground. She’s about to say something but Ms. Harris continues.
“Now, don’t get me wrong, honey. All I’m saying is that the next time you guys go through something, be there for each other. You won’t solve anything by staying away from each other.”
Ms. Harris puts a hand in her shoulder. “I can see you’re a good person and you make my son happy. It’s okay.”
When Ms. Harris smiles warmly at her, MC finally relaxes. She’s definitely not grilling her. She’s just being a mom who’s looking out for her son.
“I hear you, Ms. Harris. Thank you.”
Noah helps MC removes her helmet. They looked into each other not saying anything, just quietly enjoying each other’s company. Finally, MC speaks.
“Thanks for the ride, Jeff Goldblum.”
“You’re welcome.”
The quarterback watches her as she walks towards the porch. Not being able to stop himself, he catches her hands making her look back to him.
“You forgot something.”
“I did?”
“Yeah, you forgot this.”
Noah holds her chin then kisses her sweetly this time.
“Good night, beautiful.”
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orbemnews · 4 years
It May Be a Nice Yr, if Your Enterprise Survives Winter For Ashlie Ordonez, proprietor of the Naked Bar Studio, a spa in Denver, vaccinations for the coronavirus can’t come quickly sufficient. Whereas she anticipates higher days later this 12 months, surviving till then will probably be a battle, and he or she is aware of the following few months will probably be lean ones. “I offered my wedding ceremony ring so we might pay the payments and preserve the doorways open,” she stated. “I’m sacrificing every thing to make it by means of this pandemic.” Vinay Patel, who manages a sequence of 9 motels in Maryland and Virginia, is wanting even additional out for a restoration: “2022 is once we’ll see the true true potential of the vaccine.” Mr. Patel added that his greatest hope for the approaching 12 months is a measure of stability, if not prosperity. As 2021 begins, enterprise house owners huge and small confront a quickly shifting panorama. An finish to the pandemic is in sight as inoculations start, however the gradual tempo of vaccinations has delayed the turnaround they have been relying on. Hanging on is the chief purpose for a lot of, whilst others stay up for what they contemplate to be an inevitable rebound. This 12 months “will not be going to be a stroll by means of the park, however I’m optimistic,” stated Jimmy Etheredge, chief government for North America at Accenture, the technique and consulting firm. “The eggs are within the vaccine basket.” Whilst he anticipates a turnaround, Mr. Etheredge emphasised that lots of the adjustments wrought by the pandemic, equivalent to working remotely and a shift to cloud know-how by firms, are right here to remain. “Ten months of pandemic has accelerated technological change by 10 years,” he stated. “We’re by no means going to return to the way in which issues have been earlier than.” Within the meantime, it’s clear that there will probably be winners and losers this 12 months. Restaurateurs, leisure and hospitality companies and the journey business will proceed to battle as a surge in Covid-19 instances prompts renewed lockdowns in lots of elements of the nation. Few count on imminent salvation. The largest firms, alternatively, are positioning themselves for what could possibly be a surge in consumption when the pandemic recedes. Expertise, manufacturing, well being care and another industries are booming. Certainly, the distinction was evident final week as main inventory indexes notched new highs even because the Labor Division reported that the financial system misplaced 140,000 jobs in December. It was the primary decline in months, with the leisure and hospitality sector alone dropping half 1,000,000 positions as lockdowns are enacted. “There’s gentle on the finish of the tunnel,” stated Brian Moynihan, chief government of Financial institution of America. “However there’s a aspect of the financial system that’s nonetheless in bother. There’s a gaggle of Individuals who wish to go to work however can’t as a result of work isn’t open.” Mr. Moynihan stated he was happy that the $900 billion pandemic reduction package deal was handed and signed into legislation after many matches and begins, and he favors extra stimulus if obligatory. Roughly 19 million staff are amassing unemployment advantages, and the employment image stays bleak for a lot of lower-wage staff within the service financial system. President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. signaled Friday that trillions of {dollars}’ price of recent stimulus could possibly be on the way in which, and the approaching Democratic management of the Senate makes that rather more doubtless. As attempting as the following few months appear, the financial system is in higher form than within the months after Covid-19 first struck, when unemployment soared to 14.8 p.c. The jobless charge in December stood at 6.7 p.c. Vacation spending by Financial institution of America clients was 2.5 p.c greater than final 12 months, and account holders even have extra in financial savings than they did earlier than the pandemic. “There’s a bunch of sectors which can be doing very nicely when it comes to earnings,” Mr. Moynihan added. Even so, these stay occasions of limbo for a lot of executives and enterprise house owners, when the previous guidelines now not apply however the post-pandemic actuality has but to materialize. Up to date  Jan. 12, 2021, 3:19 p.m. ET “The times of getting a everlasting funds or a everlasting plan are gone for some time,” stated Mercedes Abramo, chief government for North America on the luxury-goods purveyor Cartier. “You’ve acquired to handle by means of this ambiguity.” Adaptation is a method that Ivan Kane, proprietor of a restaurant and nightclub in Columbus, Ohio, is aware of by coronary heart. To adjust to social-distancing necessities, he diminished the venue’s capability from 320 to 117, filling what was previously a dance ground with tables to offer ample area between friends. To draw clients, he purchased 15 hospital-grade ultraviolet disinfecting lamps, and he not too long ago acquired an igloo to permit friends to dine exterior whereas protected against the weather. Within the coming months, Mr. Kane hopes he’ll have the ability to break even, however he predicts that will probably be a 12 months earlier than he is ready to usher within the crowds essential to make his enterprise worthwhile. “The margins are razor-thin,” he stated. “It’s nearly conserving the lights on.” However for different enterprise house owners, the vaccine has arrived too late. In September, Camilla Marcus closed West-bourne, her restaurant within the SoHo neighborhood of New York, after she was unable to renegotiate her lease to scale back lease prices. Ms. Marcus has stored a trickle of cash coming in by promoting packaged meals on her firm’s web site in addition to holding digital occasions. However she has no plans to open one other restaurant. “It’s going to get so much worse earlier than it will get higher,” she stated. “It’s going to be a protracted haul.” Others, like Roy Paulson, a manufacturing facility proprietor in Temecula, Calif., are feeling safer. Like many producers, he has had robust demand throughout the pandemic for the commercial face shields and goggles his firm makes for the likes of welders and electricians. The Second Stimulus Solutions to Your Questions In regards to the Stimulus Invoice Up to date Dec 30, 2020 The financial reduction package deal will difficulty funds of $600 and distribute a federal unemployment good thing about $300 for a minimum of 10 weeks. Discover extra in regards to the measure and what’s in it for you. For particulars on how one can get help, try our Hub for Assist. Will I obtain one other stimulus cost? Particular person adults with adjusted gross revenue on their 2019 tax returns of as much as $75,000 a 12 months will obtain a $600 cost, and a pair (or somebody whose partner died in 2020) incomes as much as $150,000 a 12 months will get twice that quantity. There’s additionally a $600 cost for every youngster for households who meet these revenue necessities. Individuals who file taxes utilizing the pinnacle of family standing and make as much as $112,500 additionally get $600, plus the extra quantity for kids. Individuals with incomes simply above these ranges will obtain a partial cost that declines by $5 for each $100 in revenue. When would possibly my cost arrive? The Treasury Division stated on Dec. 29 that it had began making direct deposit funds, and would start to mail checks the following day. However will probably be some time earlier than all eligible folks obtain their cash. Does the settlement have an effect on unemployment insurance coverage? Lawmakers agreed to increase the period of time that folks can acquire unemployment advantages and restart an additional federal profit that’s supplied on prime of the same old state profit. However as an alternative of $600 every week, it could be $300. That can final by means of March 14. I’m behind on my lease or count on to be quickly. Will I obtain any reduction? The settlement will present $25 billion to be distributed by means of state and native governments to assist renters who’ve fallen behind. To obtain help, households will have to fulfill a number of circumstances: Family revenue (for 2020) can not exceed greater than 80 p.c of the realm median revenue; a minimum of one family member have to be prone to homelessness or housing instability; and people should qualify for unemployment advantages or have skilled monetary hardship — immediately or not directly — due to the pandemic. The settlement stated help will be prioritized for households with decrease incomes and which have been unemployed for 3 months or extra. New fashions of shields, initially set to be launched final 12 months, will probably be popping out quickly, which Mr. Paulson hopes will additional increase gross sales. Final week, the Institute for Provide Administration reported that its manufacturing index jumped in December to its highest studying since August 2018. “Manufacturing is alive and nicely in Southern California and the U.S.,” Mr. Paulson stated. “I’m anticipating a superb 12 months.” Whereas the scenario could be very totally different for eating places, some are assured that the business will rebound. “We predict issues will flip the nook within the not-too-distant future,” stated Brian Niccol, chief government of Chipotle Mexican Grill. He’s eyeing summer time or early fall for a return to regular, including that “folks will wish to eat and socialize and eating places will probably be nicely positioned.” Mr. Niccol has some main benefits over small entrepreneurs — his firm is debt-free with a powerful money place and a inventory market capitalization of practically $40 billion. However some small enterprise house owners share his optimism. Andy Rodriguez, co-founder and chief government of the Salty Donut, an artisan doughnut store and low bar with areas in Texas and Florida, believes that the pandemic will strengthen his enterprise in the long term. After the virus struck, Mr. Rodriguez needed to quickly rework his firm’s enterprise mannequin, which used to rely closely on in-store site visitors and company catering. He made the doughnut store’s full menu out there on Uber Eats, and beefed up its social media presence to encourage clients to position on-line orders. Mr. Rodriguez hopes that the work the enterprise has completed to construct its digital gross sales platform will enable the enterprise not simply to recuperate, however flourish, because the pandemic subsides. “We’re going to be in a much better place than ever earlier than,” he stated. “We’re going to be firing on all cylinders.” Audrey Hoyt, who owns the Seattle-based co-working enterprise the Pioneer Collective along with her husband, can also be assured that within the coming 12 months there will probably be extra demand for his or her firm’s companies than ever earlier than. She believes that co-working preparations will probably be engaging to many companies in search of versatile workplace area throughout the transition to a post-pandemic world. Ms. Hoyt stated she hoped that Democratic management of the Senate would clear the way in which for extra stimulus efforts. “The implementation of extra loans and help to get small companies by means of this era is crucial,” she stated. “Now that the Democrats have extra energy, I’m extra hopeful we’ll have the ability to get the assistance we want.” Ms. Hoyt has been working to develop the corporate’s actual property holdings, whilst enterprise income has been lower in half due to the pandemic. As a result of business landlords are keen to draw tenants, the enterprise has had extra leverage in negotiating favorable lease phrases, Ms. Hoyt stated. She plans to open a brand new constructing in downtown Seattle in April. “It was a deliberate determination: Both we shut totally or we dig deeper and discover a option to stick this out,” she stated. “Hopefully we are going to come out stronger on the opposite aspect.” Ben Casselman contributed reporting. Supply hyperlink #Business #Great #survives #winter #Year
0 notes
khelinski · 4 years
Snow White Mondays
For whoever is reading this - if you have any talents at all, don’t give up on it. Harness it. Perfect it. Keep at it.
And share it.
Exactly ten years ago, Karii Lynn wrote this story. A year later, she shared it with me.
She’s been gone for two years now...but...her words live on.
This is a tough read, but it’s a great read.  She was a natural writer. I wish she had more time to write more.
October 12, 2010
Snow White Mondays
By: Karii Lynn
She always visits me on Mondays. Or maybe Wednesdays? Sundays perhaps? I've no idea honestly. They might've changed the names of the weekdays for all I'm aware.
All I'm aware of is those bright days filled with long blonde hair and hazel eyes. Her beautiful voice telling me stories of useless everyday drama. Sometimes she'll even sing, though only loud enough for me to hear.
Every Monday she brings me a daisy. My namesake flower, so of course I’ve kept them all.
On these days I forget. I forget about the mirrors.
New York State Psychiatric Institute
Daisy Todd                                                                               Case No.: 446, 7058                                                                  
Admission Date: 10/12/15   Date of Birth: 9/7/1992
BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Ms. Todd was born in Chicago, Illinois. She currently resides in New York City.
Her father passed some years ago and the mother does not seem to want any contact. She does have a girlfriend who regularly visits.
Ms. Todd does not currently appear to be following a career path. Instead she seems to be selling artwork from her Bronx apartment.
It's Monday again.
Melody is here. My singing beauty. My snow white princess.
She tells me about her boss, Madian. She doesn't like him. He makes her eyes turn blue. I've decided I don't like him either.
When it's my turn to talk, I speak of leaves. It must be April by now, right? It's been winter for so long in my room. It’s so white in here. Sometimes I think I see snow falling from my whitewhite ceiling. I brush it off but it refuses to budge. Often, I try to push it into piles and organize it on the floor.
When I tell Melody this she smiles sadly. Then she kisses me on the forehead and leaves.
Another Monday gone. Now I'm left alone, alone with the reflections.
PREVIOUS MEDICAL HISTORY: Ms. Todd appears to have no previously noted medical conditions. She has never been to a counselor or therapist. The trigger for this change of behavior is unknown.
I miss painting. And drawing.
The canvas was always blank and waiting. Waiting for me to change it, influence it. And oh, the things I could do. I was wonderful, wasn't I?
"You always were so self-centered," Melody smirks playfully. Yes I'm sure I was. It's hard to remember days without snow. The snow and cold.
I don’t know what I might paint if I were even allowed. I’ve nearly forgotten color, something that was once so important to me. I believe first, I would paint my room yellow. Then, maybe I would paint a daisy. A painting of every daisy Melody has brought me on our Mondays.
They would be lovely works of art. Museum worthy no doubt.
"You’re so narcissistic! Do you remember what you used to say, baby? Remember? 'I'm just soo curious!' Personally, I think it was just an excuse to look at yourself longer," she says laughing softly. She’s having a good day.
A cold sweat breaks out over my face. Curiosity. It killed the cat. The cat, the cat. All dressed in black. The cat who looked in the mirror too long. The cat who discovered the secret on the other side. It took her on a horrible riderideride.
I can see them now. Melody helped me forget, but now. Ohgodohgod.
My eyes are closed. When I open them I find I'm under the bed, a safe place in my little ice igloo.
"Watch out, babydoll," I warnwarnwarn my Melody. Can't have her pretty face hurt by them. "Can't you see them?!" Their creeping, crawling, slithering.
My eyes are closed again. I'm lost, drowning in my fear. When I come around again, my arms are trapped to the bed. Trapped by white, ice tendrils.
Melody leaves me. One sad green eye covered by her hand. This is not entirely rare. The dark figures often get her before she leaves. I'm quite a bad hero.
Goodbye, Monday.
PRIOR TO THE INCIDENT: According to Melody Artem, the patient's girlfriend, Ms. Todd was displaying unusual behaviors about 6 months previously. Losing sleep, obsessing over insignificant things, and uncleanliness of her living space. Ms. Artem also described a serious obsession with mirrors.
Apparently Ms. Todd proceeded to smash all the mirrors in her apartment. Behind them, scribbles covered the walls. "Cannot have it", "leave me alone", and "not crazy" are among the various phrases.  
"If I should call you up, invest a dime, and you'd say you belong to me, and ease my mind..."
So happy together. My Melody and I. How she used to hold me tightly all the night through. Warmth, skin, and true love. My forever girl. That one that you can never live without.
The white maidens that the tuck me in say we're so adorable together. I think they watch us when Melody comes to see me on Mondays. Maybe that's why she sings so quietly? How very rude indeed.
Sometimes I remember what colors are like. On the outside. When I wasn't dangerous. That's what the maidens say at least. They say I cause the bruises on my dear Melody’s face. I beg to differ, but who shall listen to my frail vocals? Just because they can't see...
Anyway, color. The dates. Sweater dates were my favorite. October, of course. Walking the corn mazes pretending to be lost, donuts and cider in hand. Stopping for kisses and peeing in the dense spots, laughing all the while.
That ended of course. When I stopped eating and discovered what lay on the other side. Who watched when you thought you were alone. They can't take what you don't have, right? The smaller I was, the less there was to steal.
Melody wasn't happy, though. She didn't understand. She used to bake me lovely meals, absolutely delicious delights. My favorite food every day. Chickenchickenchicken. But I would turn my head away after a few bites. I had to. Really, I did. I wasn't trying to make her cry. I tell the maidens that every time they bring me my mashed potatoes. It wasn't my fault. Blame the darkdarkdark figures.
I try to tell her this on Monday. To apologize. But I get choked up on darkness and have to stay under the bed again. On the bright side, I had a nice visit with her feet.  Converse, I believe. I thank them for carrying her to me every Monday.
INCIDENT REPORT: Patient was found in her home by her girlfriend. Ms. Todd had broken every mirror in her home (there was an unusual amount considering the apartment size) and proceeded to harm herself. Clumps of her hair seemed to have been ripped out and it appeared to have been several days since her last meal. Garbage was plentiful and the apartment was a mess. Paint was splattered everywhere and most of her prized art work was in tattered ruins.
We are unsure of her intentions, logical or otherwise. Since arrival, Ms. Todd has displayed many psychotic symptoms including, but not limited to: muttering, hallucinations, disordered thinking, trouble concentrating, repetitive and regressive behaviors. Due to these factors, Ms. Todd has been unable to give us an accurate account of the cause of her actions and is being kept in a separate inpatient ward.
I'm so very tired of white. Bored perhaps? I wish it were red in here. Red walls, red floors, red stars.
When I felt like getting out of bed one Tuesday (for it couldn't have been Monday, my Melody's chair was vacant.) I try to paint. I discovered once with my mirrors that there is paint hidden under my skin. How useful indeed. This way I shall never run out. Very good for my budget. I should tell Melody this secret, she can take it with her to economics class. What a hero she will be.
Unfortunately, the snow maidens do not like my painting. They bumbled about howling about the wounds. “How did she manage this?!” How indeed. Teethteethteeth. They stitched my paper skin back together though, thus stifling my masterpiece.  Oh the woes of an artist.
I am put on punishment. Forced to spend several days strapped to my snowbed by icicle handcuffs. How they make me cold.
Maybe I am dangerous? A danger to myself and to my dear, sweet, lovely girl. Why did I do that, I wonder blankly. As I watch from my straps, the janitor cleans my paint from the wall and I continue to wonder.
Maybe I am crazy. Psycho. Loonytoons. Bananacrackers.
But then the whispers come from beneath my bed, and I know that I'm not the one who cannot see properly. "Silly thoughts you're having, Daisy darling. Do you doubt?" I spend the next few Mondays convincing them of my belief. If I say the right things they won't touch me as much, my dark and painful lovers.
Oh, where is my Melody?
It didn't used to be like this. She used to be normal. I'm not sure what went wrong, what I did wrong.
We began dating my freshmen year, her junior. It was confusing and new, but we fit together so perfectly. There were rough patches, but nothing any normal teenage relationship doesn't go through. We were so in love, but I suppose even the strongest of love can’t save someone from themselves.
It was normal enough. We moved to New York two years ago. We decided to get separate apartments like we'd always planned. Though I would've been completely satisfied living together, Daisy had always liked her independence and space. So while I attended NY Medical College, she sold paintings, sketches, and anything art related from her home. I was often jealous of the easy life she led as I dragged my book bags up the stairs to her sixth floor apartment.
I noticed the changes about six months ago. I'm not sure what caused them. Did something happen she didn't tell me about?
The first sign was her refusal to eat normally. It started off with little things. First claiming to hate foods she'd previously liked. Then refusing to eat healthy amounts of what she would tolerate. Eventually, I don't think she was even eating five hundred calories a day.
I tried everything. I cooked, I brought takeout, I took her out. Nothing. I ordered, screamed, begged, and sobbed. Nothing. Daisy just turned away from my emotions and back to her paintings. She always said it wasn't her fault. What wasn't her fault?!
Then came the mirrors. It seemed like every time I visited there was a new one. Tacked up lopsided, leaning against a wall, and even on top of the refrigerator. Not only that, but her paintings began taking on a sinister theme. Twisted limbs and dark shadows seemed to reoccur the most.
Everything came crashing down the day I forced myself into the apartment. She hadn't been answering my calls all day, but I'd been unable to get over there until late because I had work. It had been almost three weeks since I'd been inside her home. She kept claiming to have some masterpiece she was working on that I couldn't see. I had reluctantly agreed to give her privacy.
That was the biggest mistake I have ever made.
When I arrived on October 11 and received no answer at the door, I got a spare key from the building manager and let myself in. The sight I met was horrifying.
Daisy was sitting in the middle of her studio apartment, naked and bleeding. She was surrounded by her blonde hair (stained pink by blood) and shards of mirror. Muttering about darkness and rocking, she continued to carve line after line into every inch of available skin. She didn't notice me. Since October 12, 2015, Daisy Todd has been a patient at the New York State Psychiatric Institute.
It's been 3 years. _______________________________
PROGNOSIS: Based on observations, Ms. Todd appears to suffer from Disorganized and Paranoid Schizophrenia. Hospitalization is recommended, but not required. Patient is being prescribed Clozapine, an antipsychotic.
My baby came back today. They haven't let her come since I tried to paint on the wall. (Silly Daisy, you're not a child. You should know better than to paint on the walls. Badbadbad.)
She holds my hand for a long while, a faraway look in her eye. Is she tired of our Mondays together?
"No, darling, I'm not. It's just..." She doesn't finish. I feel quite curious, maybe even worried. Doesn't she love me anymore?
"You know I do. I promised forever didn't I?" Her eyes are red. Were they that way when she arrived? I cannot remember.
My mind is spinning. Maybe she doesn't want my forever anymore. Someone else has come along, I'm sure of this. My baby darling dear.
I shake my head, trying to bump the silly thoughts outoutout. They make my Melody's eyes water. My onion-like thoughts.
I wish I were better. I just don't know how.
I'll try harder.
Daisy Todd                                                                               Case No.: 446, 7058   Date of Birth: 9/7/1992                                                               Admission Date: 10/12/15   Release Date: 4/7/19
It's Monday but it feels different. The door is still open and Melody is already inside.
The doctor comes in, the head wizard. His cheeks are red and his expression flustered. "I don't really think this is wise..."
"I've already signed the papers." Melody seems determined. I can't imagine what about. Maybe she's trying to get the maidens to paint my room a different color. Yellow perhaps? How pleased I would be.
Suddenly, my icicle handcuffs are gone, my feet are on the floor and Melody is wrapping a coat around my shoulders. A coat!
But that's not all! I'm leaving the igloo, out the door and into the...is that sun? Oh, sunlight indeed! The colors! It is spring after all! I survived the harsh winter.
"Yes you did, honey," Melody tells me rather tiredly. "We're going home now."
Such a simple word with such a grand meaning.
Here the walls are all different colors. I'm led through the kitchen. Royal blue. Shown the bathroom. Pumpkin orange. Introduced to the living room. Forest green. And last, our bedroom. Crayon yellow.
This is true love indeed.
I peek cautiously around every corner I'm shown. No mirrors. No shadow figures can get me here. Not really. Not quite.
Though I've spent many a Monday in bed, the first thing we do in our new home is sleep. Lying on the bed curled together, her nose pressed into my hospital hair, feels foreign yet familiar. Like a long, lost memory. You never forget how to ride a bike, you know. I suppose this is the same thing.
As I drift away, comforted by the arms locked around my waist and the warm breath on my shoulder, I can feel Melody shaking.
"You'll be okay, baby. Maybe not the same as before, but it'll work. I'll fix you. We never even have to leave this bed if you don't want to. Anything to make you happy and alright. Apple cider and donuts everyday if you like. We can paint all over the walls or watch every movie from the video store or read every book you’ve never read. Oh my poor darling, nothing matters except that you're back with me. In my arms, safe..."
Sobs wrack her body. I roll over and press my face into her neck. Squeezing tighter, I mutter softly how lovely yellow the room is and float into safe oblivion.
Home has rules:
1. Must take my white pill at proper times. 2. DO NOT SKIP TAKING IT. 3. Must eat my required three meals a day. 4. No mirrors may be purchased or brought into the apartment. 5. No bodily harm may be done to myself. 6. No putting myself down. 7. Privileges such as: driving, working, leaving the house, and painting must be earned. 8 All cleaning supplies and sharp utensils are to be kept locked away. No snooping. 9. Must call Melody immediately if anything happens while she's away. 10. Must attend therapy appointment weekly.
Melody has spent the first week home with me. She took work off. Oddly, I don't remember her having a job when I entered the snow world. But I don't mention this. I don't think I want to know the answer.
But today is the first day I'm to be left alone. Melody seems more nervous than I. Silly baby. She writes down her cell phone and pager number on four different sticky notes and posts them around the apartment, in case something happens and I can't get to one of the other three.
I laugh quietly and push her gently out, "I'll be fine, promisepromise." She runs her hands through her long hair several times, but eventually leaves.
I sit on the couch. And wait.
I wait for them to come. My painful lovers.
They don't. And I believe I might be safe.
Life goes on softly for several months. I eat leftover toast when I get up and paint for several hours after. I avoid looking in corners and focus on my work, the task at hand.
My paintings are different now. I no longer paint severed arms, legs and heads. Or the blood that flows so freely below the softsoft skin. I pretend that I don't want to paint the shadows. Instead, I paint trees, leaves, and oceans.
I do not paint snow.
In the evenings, Melody makes dinner, often refusing my help. I've never been any good at cooking. Or anything related to kitchens really. Even Koolaid is almost too complicated for me.
Afterwards, we watch TV and make deadpan jokes about the ridiculous shows. Melody writes medical reports and I read fantasy books. Sometimes I consider looking for jobs, but then the cold fear washes through me and I press deeper into my novel.
I don't want to go out there, especially by myself. I'd be so open to attack. All those...the shadows. The creeping bodies and reaching rough hands. I don't tell this to Melody.
Everything went smoothly for a while.
But it wasn't meant to last.
I am pacing. Anxiety racing through my body.
I've broken a rule. Two actually.
I've stopped taking the little white pill. Nine days now. It was making me sick, you see. Blocking the reality and my creativity.
Except that the shadows are back. Squeezing through the cracks of the doors, the windows, the closets.
That's the difference. They stay trapped on the other side of the mirror if you don't know they're there. But once you do, it releases them. Freed from their glass prisons, they creepcrawlscrape their way towards you.
Why? What did you do? You looked in the mirror too long, that's what. It's your own fault. You deserved this, you baddirtywhore.
I was only walking home, took the alley shortcut. Dirty. Pretty girl. Out they came. Handshandshands. Ruined my shirt, my skirt. Slut. How pretty I was that evening. Your fault. The mirror. Shouldn't have looked into the mirror for so long after. Vunerable. Beauty. They saw my soul, tried to have it. It's mineminemine. Go away.
Go away. away. away. away.
Daisy's acting strange. Sometimes, I think I hear her talking to herself. It's indistinct, but still. I've checked her pills, but she still seems to be taking them normally.
I don't know what to do. I'm so scared. I don't want to lose her again. I don't think I can bear spending every evening in that hospital again. Watching her deteriorate on that impersonal bed, in that impersonal room.
I'll call the doctor in the morning.
Patient's girlfriend, Melody Artem reported recent unusual behavior. Ms. Todd seems to be withdrawing into herself and is displaying alarming signs. Talking to herself, depressing paintings, strange bruises and scratches, and weight loss. Patient appears to be continuing to take prescribed medicine.
Ms. Artem works long hours and cannot watch Ms. Todd constantly. The hospital is considering revoking Ms. Artem's custody rights if Ms. Todd becomes further unstable.  
I found a mirror. Hidden behind a photoframe in the hallway. I knew they were getting in somehow. Their doorway.
This time, I'll stop them. Stop the hands that touch.
I willwillwill.
Daisy the hero. Blood soaked beautiful hero.
It's been about three weeks now since Daisy started changing. I've tried to ignore it, but I can hear her chanting in the bathroom again. It's frightening.
"Daisy?" I'm knocking softy on the bathroom door, trying the keep the fear from my voice. "You alright, baby? Can I bring you anything?"
No answer.
I try the handle. Locked. Shit. _______________________________ I've stolen the mirror from behind the photo. Keep your friends close, your enemies closer.
Close. Red. Dark is creeping. Do you see it? Slipping beneath the door? The tub is filling up behind me. Black. The midnight beast. I ignore it, I'm on a mission.
She's humming. Humming Spiderman. What the hells going on?!
Walking to the bedroom, I begin pulling open drawers, searching for the bathroom key. When I fail to locate it in my dresser, I turn to hers. Dread washes over me. I begin pulling open the drawers, removing shirts, socks, shorts.
A pile of pills hidden between her underwear. Her Clozapine. That explains alot. And beneath her sweatpants...
"Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?"
My head whips around. I choke on a scream.
"Pretty isn't it? I used to watch 'Snow White' constantly as a child. Sometimes I dream about the wishing well." She's smiling widely, no fear in her eyes, only triumph.
In her hand she's clutching the sharp remains of the only mirror in the whole apartment. It's covered in blood. Across her arms she's made long gashes. Her shirt is torn and the scars from before have been ripped open. Her bare legs are almost completely covered in red, pale skin nearly gone from view. Slices trace her facial features, almost artistically.
The most noticeable thing about my horrifying Daisy however, is the pride radiating off her in waves. She's proud of what she's done. More proud of this disaster than of any painting she's ever sold. Almost as if she's won something. That's the most frightening thing of all.
"Come on h-honey, let's go get you cleaned up," my voice is shaking uncontrollably.
She's shaking her head, frowning. "I'm fine, babydoll. All better. See?" She spreads her arms wide and spins, not seeming to notice the blood staining the carpet in the process. "I actually just wanted to lie down for a few minutes. Just a few. Please?"
"I..." What do I say? "After a shower, alright?"
I convince Daisy to bathe. She doesn't seem to notice the cuts or feel any pain from them.
Afterwards we lay down in bed. I'm shaking and scared, but this is still my Daisy and though she hurt herself, she won't hurt me. I'll take her back to the hospital in the morning; it's the only thing to do. There's no hope. But for now I just want to enjoy my last night with her. God, I love her so.
"Hold me?" Daisy's green eyes are pleading and scared. I do. Outside, snow begins to fall.
0 notes
Aug 6, 2019
1. “Southern Charm” star Shep Rosewon’t back down after mocking a woman for collecting cans on the streets of New York. On Monday night, Rose posted a video making fun of a woman sitting on the street next to several trash bags filled with cans. Although the woman covered her face with her hands, he recorded her anyway and can be heard saying: “Look at me. Nice cans! I mean, the cans you have!” He captioned his Instagram story, “I love double entendres. Yes she was camera shy. But she laughed.”After Rose shared the video, social media erupted with backlash.
 One Twitter user screen-recorded the video and posted itto emphasize disappointment in Rose’s behavior, writing: “Is this Southern Charm? … Cheap way to get ‘laughs’ from followers but there is nothing funny about homelessness. I’m DONE w/ him.” 
Rose responded to the fan in her Twitter comments by saying: “Omg. I offended you! Ok. Here’s the plan, sensitivity training 5 times a week. Then intensive therapy (hot yoga?) followed by a public flogging in the town square. Then i move to Siberia and live in an igloo for 4 months. At this point. I think I’ll be cleansed of your disapproval.”
To another commenter who expressed upset, Rose, unbothered, wrote on Twitter, “Unfollow then. No big deal.” Rose also refused to clarify what he considered comedic about the situation. “Doesn’t matter. You follow me. You can easily get out of the situation. It’s not a binding contract. I am not responsible for your happiness. If i miss the mark in your mind just keep scrolling,” he said. 
Bravo declined to comment.
2. Cameron Diaz truly took the plunge when she married Benji Madden. In a rare interview, Diaz spoke to InStyle about her very private marriage to the Good Charlotte rocker. “I don’t know if I was ready [when I got married], but I knew Benji was special. He’s just a good man,” she told the magazine of their 2015 nuptials. “There’s no bulls–t. It’s really refreshing. I’m really grateful for him. I like doing my own thing.” Diaz, 46, also said her marriage to Madden was “the best thing” to ever happen to her. “My husband’s the best. He’s the greatest human being, and he’s my great partner,” she shared. “Marriage is certainly hard, and it’s a lot of work. You need somebody who’s willing to do the work with you, because there’s no 60-40 in marriage. It’s 50-50, period. All the time.” The former actress — she officially announced her retirement from Hollywood in March 2018 — previously said she waited until 41 to get married because she hadn’t found the right person.“I think it’s a matter of I just hadn’t met my husband, you know? I had boyfriends before. And there’s a really, really distinct difference between husbands and boyfriends,” Diaz told pal Gwyneth Paltrow at a live event. “And I have a husband who is just my partner in life and in everything. Talk about two very different people! We are so different from one another, but we share the same values — we’re totally two peas in a pod. We are both just weird enough for each other.”
3. Jeff Bezos ditched last week’s pretentious Google Camp in Italy to meet girlfriend Lauren Sanchez’s parents, but the couple has apparently now jetted off to Europe to party with the elite.Billionaire Dreamworks founder David Geffen — who attended Google Camp, even giving Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom a rideon his $400 million yacht — posted a group photo to Instagram Tuesday morning that included both Bezos and Sanchez aboard the massive boat. “Having a great time in the Balearics,” Geffen captioned the picture, taken off the coast of eastern Spain. Also in the photo were Joshua Kushner and supermodel wife Karlie Kloss, ex-Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein, agent Michael Kives and lawyer Lydia Gray Kives, and entrepreneur and oil heir Mikey Hess, who is reportedly engaged to Meghan Markle’s designer pal Misha Nonoo. Megayachts like Geffen’s — plus scores of private jets and gas-guzzling SUVs and sports cars — caused quite a stir at the three-day Google Camp, which was focused on climate change. Last week, instead of heading to the extravagant summit with the likes of Prince Harry and Oprah Winfrey, the Amazon honcho, 55, met Sanchez’s parents, Eleanor and Ray Sanchez. A few days later, he joined Sanchez, 58, as her ex Tony Gonzalez, who is the father of her 18-year-old son Nikko Gonzalez, got inducted into the NFL Hall of Fame in Ohio.
4. One of the few women to hold an executive post at Tinder is suing parent companies IAC and Match Group as well as former CEO Greg Blatt for wrongful termination. Rosette Pambakian, Tinder's former Head of Communications, claims that Blatt barged into a hotel room after a 2016 holiday party and began 'forcibly groping [her] breasts and upper thighs, and kissing her shoulders, neck and chest.' This all happened 'without [her] consent' according to the lawsuit She states in the court filing, which was obtained by DailyMail.com, that she had been hiding from Blatt at the time of the alleged assault, retreating to the room after he said: 'I get hard every time I look at you. Let's get out of here.' Pambakian claims Blatt did apologize, but that her complaint was never fully investigated despite the fact that there were three witnesses present, including his executive assistant. She also notes that one day after Tinder's current CEO Sean Rad reported her allegations to executive at IAC and Match Group, 'Blatt exercised approximately 5 million stock options in Match Group, realizing over $44 million in value.' Pambakian claims that for the next two years she was 'marginalized, subject to additional harassing, offensive, and insulting behavior, put on administrative leave, publicly accused of consenting to her attacker’s advances, and finally, wrongfully terminated by Defendants' this past December. 
The company would not comment on this new filing, and instead referred back to a previous statement that addressed these allegations.
'The Match Group Board – with the assistance of experienced outside counsel from two nationally recognized law firms – promptly conducted a careful and thorough investigation under the direction of independent Board members, concluded, among other things, that there was no violation of law or company policy, and took appropriate action.'
Pambakian and other Tinder executives sued Match and IAC seeking $2 billion a year ago for allegedly bilking them by manipulating financial information to create a lowball estimate of Tinder's value.
She also detailed the alleged assault in that filing, which the company stated was 'meritless.'
The suit states that she informed 'Blatt and Chief Human Resources Officer, Ms. Nelson, about the reporter’s inquiry' into the allegations, and that her 'own perpetrator' told her to instead 'explain the ways Tinder combats sexual harassment, and to throw the reporter off the story.'
Blatt was later asked to resign his post because of the assault according to Pambakian, who says that Blatt told her she would need to 'sign something' in order for him to be able to stay in his position.
At the time, she had just refused to sign a non-disclosure agreement.
She was placed on leave in August 2018 after she and other employees filed their lawsuit, and terminated on December 18 via email.
'Upon information and belief, Defendants terminated Plaintiff in retaliation for speaking out against Defendant Blatt for his sexual misconduct and for participating in a lawsuit against the Company Defendants related to her stock options,' states the filing.
'As a result of these actions, Plaintiff was forced to surrender millions of dollars in equity granted to her as compensation for her work as an executive at Tinder.'
Pambakian is seeking damages to be determined at trial for eight causes of action, including: Negligence, Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress, Sexual Battery, Gender Violence, Ralph Act Violation, Negligent Misrepresentation, Wrongful Termination and Retaliation for Engaging in Protected Activity.
5. Tom Brady just finished his 20th Patriots training camp. The 42-year-old quarterback is taking this time to get his head back in the game while on a remote island in the Bahamas at a luxurious beach house with a fully-equipped gym and a practicing field. During his interview with Men's Health magazine, he spoke about getting ready for the next season, what he keeps in his fridge, and his pliability-focused workout routine.
Brady says he always starts with the massage table to get his muscles going for his workout. But while on the road, he never leaves home without his pliability roller.
'I use it always before my workouts—which is critical—and then always right after,' he said.
Then, he heads on over to the resistance bands and does drills such as squats, lunges, and some planks.
During his workout, he wore a shirt that said 'pliability' which he also said he 'does a lot of.'
The 16-time division champion says he tries to get in four to five workouts a week.
His favorite exercise? The butt blaster 'because it blasts my butt' and went on to say that he enjoys working out his legs. His glutes are his 'engine' which he adds he 'needs more of.'
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cartooness · 6 years
Ellie’s Backstory : )
On August 15, a rare child was born. She had pink eyes and later on got luscious maroon hair. As a child, she was a “bit” of a neat freak and loved for everything to be clean and organized. This precious cinnamon roll was worry-free and didn’t really have anything to complain about. Until the day that would haunt her for a whole year. She was in fifth grade at the time and there was a criminal prowling the school and the whole campus went on lock down. The whole school was scared silent and then all of a sudden, a shot rang out through the window, and the glass cut her left eye, giving her that lifelong scar that will never go away. The following hours traumatized the poor girl. She couldn’t leave the classroom, and her eyebrow area was bleeding badly and leaked through her clothes. When the situation was finally taken care of and the criminal was not of the world anymore, it was over. Ellie was rushed to the hospital and got eight stitches in her eyebrow area alone and two under her eye socket area, making a total of ten stitches. It was a miracle that she could still see perfectly fine, but the experience had completely traumatized the poor girl. She hardly talked at all for nearly a year and attended therapy for eight months straight. She didn’t have any friends and was isolated and alone. Until she discovered her new obsession; singing. One day in the sixth grade, she was singing a lullaby her mom used to sing for her and it caught the attention of the choir teacher passing by in the hallway. The teacher, Ms. Harmonic, lead Ellie to her classroom and introduced her to the other eleven kids that had choir. They came to enjoy each other’s company rather quickly, within a week of Ellie’s enrollment. This really helped her to breakout of her igloo of isolation. When the annual spring concert rolled around, she was whole new person. She had her own people she hung out with, made the honor roll, and even got her own solo in the concert. That song was none other than that now magical lullaby; Everything Stays by Rebecca Sugar. She sung with all her heart and made her parents proud. She received a standing ovation and caught the attention of a special boy; Philharmonic Butterfly. After the concert, she (literally) ran into him and accidentally revealed her scar she hid everyday with her overgrown left bangs. She knew very well he was the prince of Mewni and was terrified of what he’d say next. But, much to her surprise, he simply replied, “Sorry! Are you okay?” She was mesmerized by his kindness and squeaked out, “You’re, not displeased by my scar?” “Why would I be? Our imperfections are what make us... us. Besides, you have a beautiful voice and I play the violin, so you seem great as a music buddy!” Ellie couldn’t think of anything to say and her face was probably matching her hair in color. “C’mon, my folks will LOVE you, they even said you were the best part of the concert!!” She couldn’t even believe her life at this point. She,a simple mewman, was going to meet THE king and queen of mewni, AND she’d probably meet the princess and other prince of Mewni. As she walked over to the spot the royal family was sitting at, she instantly bowed down before them and introduced herself, “Hello, your majesties, I’m Ellie Teel and I’m honored to meet you all.” Queen Star replied, “Oh, please, sir and ma’am will do. You made an AMAZING performance and we’d love to hear more! Right, Halley and James?” “Of course I would!! Your so pretty and talented, why wouldn’t I”, replied Halley. “Your performance was beautiful indeed,” agreed James. “Hey, you could even be in the royal choir if you wanted to! You’ve got the looks, the voice, everything!” Phil was way too exited about meeting Ellie, and he showed it, too. His cheeks had the slighted hint of red to them, and looked like he wanted to bring Ellie back to the castle with him. WHICH HE DID, BTW!!!! 
To be continued.... because my back hurts now and I’ve spent an hour doing this. XD  Just a little clarification, this takes place in @thestarfan18 ‘s AU and she’s a love interest I made for Phil, since he doesn’t have one yet. If you have any questions, leave in the comments and hopefully I’ll answer them ASAP. 
~Cartooness <3
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thatothercosplayer · 7 years
i want to watch the uc gundam timeline. there are many animes in this timeline. some people say to watch in cronological order others say to watch in production order. i am overwhelmed.
Eeeeeeh. It’s six dozen one, half dozen the other. Personally, I recommend watching in production order, simply because 
Everything builds off each other and the themes contained within logically follow up on ideas introduced in prior works
It can be rather jarring if you’re watching chronologically to go from stuff like 08th MS Team and Stardust Memory to Zeta Gundam, or MS Igloo to 0079, etc. Animation quality jumping all over the place drives me nuts. 
Little cameos from characters (EG: a certain waifu’s cameo in the middle of Stardust Memory
Having context from at least the UC Trilogy, CCA, and Unicorn goes REALLY FAR when it comes to the good majority of the UC timeline sidestories (seriously there are so goddamn many One Year War stories) 
Watching the animation and mechanical design evolve is absolutely thrilling
Now, that said, there are some major UC installments you can watch independent of everything because they’re really self-contained: 
MS Igloo: The Hidden One Year War + Apocalypse 0079. MY GOD. The CG may be a bit aged but the characters in this make this one a strong contender for my favorite One Year War sidestory. You get to see a lot of cool experimental Mobile Suits (❤︎ Hildofr❤︎ Zudah❤︎ Big Rang❤︎) and the writing is AMAZING. Bring tissues, it’s sad as hell. Speaking of sadness….
Mobile Suit Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket. While this is another OYW sidestory, the thing is that….after the opening sequence, this takes place ENTIRELY on/around a single colony. For the first OVA series that Gundam ever had, it is HIGH QUALITY and Chris is still one of my favorite Gundam pilots SOBS BERNIEEEEEE ;W;  
Mobile Suit Gundam: 08th MS Team. This, right here, is in the contender for top 3 most beautifully animated UC installments (Stardust Memory was the king of this until Unicorn came along). It’s about a Federation ground team in the Southeast Asian front, and has the single most hotblooded Gundam pilot in the franchise’s history, save for maybe Domon Kasshu himself. Also, did I mention said pilot is voiced by Nobuyuki goddamn Hiyama, Mr. King of Braves himself!? NO?! WELL NOW I HAVE. (Also be sure not to miss the short film 08th MS Team: Battle in the 3rd Dimension, set between the 9th and 10th episodes….which is a convienent buffer if you’re watching 08th through the compilation movie, Miller’s Report). 
Gundam Thunderbolt. I need to sit down and watch this one, honestly, but FUCK I just can’t get over the interpretation of the Full Armor Gundam in that series. WHY COULDN’T YOU JUST USE THE ONE FROM MS-V!? Sunrise what’s your fucking deal. Hanging shit off a Gundam doesn’t always make it cool. AND THAT PSYCHO ZAKU. GODDAMN THAT BACKPACK. But, uh, mechanical design gripes aside, I have heard nothing but good things about this- whether you watch the compilation movie or just the series itself. 
Twilight Axis. I still need to get around to watching the other episodes, but honestly I am waiting on a compilation movie given how fucking incoherent and disjointed the first episode was (I mean, swapping repeatedly between two points in time kind of does that), but the animation and music is so fucking beautiful that I’m gonna watch it. Look, I cried actual tears when I saw that final trailer. I was fucking hyped.
Mobile Suit Gundam the Origin. Actually a prequel to 0079, but it has a SHITLOAD of spoilers that would kind of ruin what parts of 0079 hasn’t been turned into It Was His Sled territory. 
Mobile Suit Gundam F91. It’s set 20 years after Unicorn, and 23 years after Char’s Counterattack. It’s so far removed from the UC timeline’s major events that, honestly, you don’t need to worry about continuity. Though I insist you watch it because a) this movie is fucking beautiful and b) Seabook and Cecily are great. Yeeeah it has its hiccups due to the fact that it was meant to be a TV show and it got converted into a movie, but it’s worth the watch.
G-Saviour. Look….let’s take a step back from the odious reputation this film has. Yes, it was written by someone who had no experience with Gundam prior. BUT there are a few things that go into enjoying it a bit more. For one: it’s good popcorn movie. Like, Godzilla ‘98. Watch it with some friends and riff it if you have to. The score of the film is brilliant, and the idea behind the G-Saviour’s mechanical design is actually pretty good itself (a skeletal frame that gets its shell exchanged depending on what environment it’s fighting in). If you absolutely can’t deal with the movie and you happen to be Japanese, I recommend picking up the novels. Much more faithful to the UC timeline, and you get a detailed description of a colony drop. Now, as for the supplementary material: there were several audio dramas released on vinyl that were prequels to this movie. They were 3 stories that kind of expanded on the backstory of Mark Curran (the Gundam pilot), and two other characters in the film. And, of course, there’s the badass PS2 game, which contains the equally badass G2 Saviour and G3 Saviour. Give them a chance, honestly. You might be surprised by how much you enjoy it. Not to say the film is perfect; far from it. There are little to no Mobile Suit battles (only at the end), the CG is stiff and makes the designs feel like tech from the One Year War considering how slowly they move, and the majority of the characters are hard to follow and rather generic. Oh, yeah, and save for like 3 most of them are unlikable. So, again, not perfect, but I bet with some booze and a few friends it’d be a blast. 
Now, given there are compilation movies out the wazoo and shit, there are honestly multiple ways to go about watching pretty much every major UC installment save for ZZ (WHERE THE FUCK ARE MY COMPILATION MOVIES, MAN) but I’ve got a handy guide for you here: 
Gundam 0079: Watch the TV series and the movies. Why? Because while the movies take out the goofy things (read: everything related to Clover pushing Tomino to put out stuff so they could make toys. RIP Guntank) and actually add bits to the story that would be acknowledged as canon, you don’t get to experience some of the things that made the tv series so good (EG: THE ENTIRETY OF THE DESERT ARC, FUCK YOU SUNRISE RAMBA RAL DESERVES BETTER). 
Zeta Gundam: TV series first, and you can come back for the compilation movies later. The movies are in a separate timeline due to how the ending is so radically different that basically ZZ doesn’t happen, and as such it can be a bit more of a palate cleanser/pick-me-up after you watch Zeta or 0080 just because your ass is gonna get destroyed with feels. 
Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory: Just watch the OVAs. They crammed the whole series into one two hour movie. As you could imagine, 6 hours and 30 minutes of footage and story being condensed into that did not go over well. Characters disappear without any reason (only clear if you’ve seen the OVAs), not much new animation was put in (even if 0083 has aged spectacularly in the animation department), and just….look, man. You miss out on the homoerotic bonding sequence between Kou and Kelly Layzner. You gonna tell me you want to ignore Stardust Memory living up to the memory of it’s spiritual predecessor (Top Gun)!? PLAYIN’ WITH THE BOYS (YEAH) 
08th MS Team: Both the OVAs and the compilation movie. They took a much different angle to this, and instead of doing a straight-up compilation they added a new substory. Miller’s Report is really only a compilation of episodes 1, 7, and 8, anyways, so you’ll be missing out on a lot of stuff regardless. Since you’re going to be at it, just go ahead and throw in Battle in the 3rd Dimension because hot damn modern animation for a series already known for looking really damn good. 
Gundam Thunderbolt: Considering how short the series’ episodes are, honestly you’re not missing out on much with the compilation movies. The new footage just extends the fight between the two main characters and that’s about it. The new music for it is nowhere close to the awesome jazz they used in the series anyways. 
Gundam Unicorn: Look. Unicorn is really good. Treat yourself. Watch the OVAs and RE:0096 because. Treat yourself. Like. Really. You get to see old, obscure designs kick ass and have their day in the limelight, Banagher and Audrey are fucking adorable together, and you get sexy Mobile Suits like the Unicorn, Banshee, and Sinanju. If you’re a mechanical design nerd like me you’re going to be salivating the whole time. Just. TREAT YOURSELF.
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