theseandi · 8 months
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astarion x tav moodboard
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Some practice sketches for the comic, I’m getting ready to work on the prologue! What vibes do you think Mickey is giving off?
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bugwz · 1 year
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thinking about nerdi minecraft again
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perkyperperk · 20 days
slowly cross posting my mscr art over here :,,)
here’s mustard 21mustard!!! but sticker!!!!
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mcsrblrconfessions · 3 months
I'm curious about when people joined MCSR/became an MSCR fan, mods could you do a lil poll?
Feel free to count joining mcsr as starting to watch the streamers or interacting with others in the community! No see results, you can see results when the poll is done ^-^
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cuties-in-codices · 1 year
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human vs. demon vs. angel
in thomasin von zerklære's 'der welsche gast', bavaria, ca. 1460
source: Dresden, Landesbibl., Mscr. M 67, fol. 57v
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becquerel · 26 days
before i pass out what mscr me realize that my repetition wasnt just me being weird is i started watching twitch streaners who do the same thing abd i was like dude... you mean that isnt just a me thing... coukdvd sokbrd siooo mshh issues
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phoenixonwheels · 8 months
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[ID: Tweet by Mike Hoerger, PhD MSCR MBA @michael_hoerger 2/1/24 “Lifetime prevalence of #LongCOVID among those with a known infection, shown by state. Values range from 1 in 6 in some states (blue) to more than 1 in 3 in others (deep red). -Source: U.S. CDC”]
Source data is available here.
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maniculum · 11 months
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This scorpion and a few others I'm going to queue up were sent to me by @joeyportfolioey, who says:
Since you've shown one manuscript of Jacob van Maerlant's Der Natueren Bloeme, I've been looking into other versions of that text. For context, the book is a Dutch adaptation of Thomas de Cantimpré's De Natura Rerum for a courtly audience (i.e. less theology and more falconry). The textual description is as follows: "Scorpio, that's a serpent (so says Solinus, who knows it well) that has a very sweet face, and it has a knotted tail which is very bent/sharp* in the back, and which is envenomed at all times." *manuscripts differ here. The oldest surviving manuscript is Lippische Landesbibliothek, Mscr 70, f. 102v, bottom right.
So let's do a quick comparison to the text.
Serpent: This critter clearly has legs. However, I have to concede that "serpent" was a pretty flexible term at the time, so that's not immediately disqualifying. (You'll sometimes see dragons described as "serpents", but that doesn't actually mean they're snakes.) I don't know how this works in medieval Dutch, but benefit of the doubt.
Sweet Face: I see where the artist is trying to go here. It says the scorpion has a sweet face, and what face is sweeter than a dog's? Naturally it makes sense to give it a canine head. The fact that the facial expression looks so distressed is probably down to artist skill, not intention. (Actually while "dog" is the first thing that came to mind, the longer I look at it, the more I think "squirrel", and I have no explanation for why the artist would have made that call.)
Knotted Tail: Well, okay, it's more of a helix than a knot, but you know, it gets the point across. I am also willing to believe that tail is sharp and/or bent.
I think that says what we need to say, so onward to points:
Small Scuttling Beaſtie? ½, not enough legs
Pincers? ✘
Exoskeleton or Shell? ✘
Visible Stinger? ✘
Limbs? 2
Vibes. Hm. I mean, I like it, but it just doesn't look happy to be here, which is worrying. I think this is definitely in the "it's a fine animal, but one that I kind of want to keep my distance from" category, which means a 4/5.
Total score:
4.7 / 10
Passable showing from the Dutch so far, but let's see how the other ones @joeyportfolioey sent me stack up before we make any judgments.
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bookish-library · 4 months
The Underworld Saga, Monster
Everyone's favorite act ending, it's time for Monster! The fog is back into play, staging symbolism is more prominent than ever, and Odysseus starts to break down (and put his acting chops to work)! I have already started to work on the Troy Saga, so that should be out soon!
Ao3 link here, full story under the cut! Apologies for any formatting errors, I'm on mobile
Segue from NO LONGER YOU
ODYSSEUS is still mid-extension. Lights still Underworld, neutral black/grey. Fog machines continue. Lots of allowance for Odysseus to do his acting thing.
How has everything been turned against us?
How did suffering become so endless?
How am I to reunite with my estranged? (glance to wedding ring)
Do I need to change?
(He begins to cross to extension walkway up to mainstage but does not step onto main. He is no longer in the state of mind that the extension stage represents) 
CUE: Ship extension set descend to be taken off, send back up ASAP
ODYSSEUS (looking around, turning to face audience):
I'm surrounded by the souls of those I've lost
I'm the only one whose line I haven't crossed
What if the greatest threat we'll find across the sea (realization)
Is me?
What if I'm the monster?
What if I'm in the wrong?
What if I'm the problem that's been hiding all along?
What if I'm the one who killed you (glance down at/hold light on chest)
Every time I caved to guilt?
What if I've been far too kind to foes
But a monster to ourselves?
What if I'm the monster?
(ODYSSEUS begins to pace the extension, mentioning each new foe facing a different direction: Polyphemus SL, Circe between SL and CS, Poseidon SR, and Himself CS, facing SR slightly. Character images will be projected onto mainstage fog. Each time a character image appears, it will stay up until directed)
Is the cyclops struck with guilt when he kills?                                                     PROJECTION: POLYPHEMUS, MSR, character pose with club, red ceiling spotlight
Is he up in the middle of the night?               
Or does he end my men to avenge his friend                                                     PROJECTION: Same image, change to white ceiling spotlight
And then sleep knowing he has done him right?
When the witch turns men to pigs to protect her nymphs                               PROJECTION: CIRCE, MSL, character pose, red ceiling spotlight
is she going insane?                                                                                       
Or did she learn to be colder when she got older                                            PROJECTION: Same image, change to white ceiling spotlight
and now she saves them the pain? 
When a god comes down and makes a fleet drown                                        PROJECTION: POSEIDON, MSCR, character pose with trident, red ceiling spotlight
Is he scared that he's doing something wrong?                               
Or does he keep us in check so we must respect him                                      PROJECTION: Same image, change to white ceiling spotlight
And now no one dares to piss him off? 
Does a soldier use a wooden horse to kill                                                            PROJECTION: ODYSSEUS, MSCL, baby bundle in hand, red ceiling spotlight
sleeping Trojans 'cause he is vile?                                             
Or does he throw away his remorse                                                                    PROJECTION: Same image, change to white ceiling spotlight
and save more lives with guile? 
(debating) If I became the monster, and threw that guilt away
Would that make us stronger?
Would it keep our foes at bay?
If I became the monster to everyone but us
And made sure we got home again
Who would care if we're unjust?
If I became the
ODYSSEUS (nodding to himself, a realization
of what this phrase means):                                                                                       FALLEN SOLDIERS:
Oh, ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves       Monster                           
And deep down I know this well
(Ramping up, gesturing for each instance)
I lost my best friend
I lost my mentor, my mom
(Gestures to the extension stage, where ship set usually is)
Five hundred men gone, this can't go on
(Mind made up, strong movements)
I must get to see Penelope and Telemachus
So if we must sail (he begins to cross up to mainstage, movements sharp)
through dangerous oceans and beaches
I'll go where Poseidon won't reach us
(reaching the mainstage steps, he stares down his fog projection, one foot on the mainstage)
And if I gotta drop another infant from a wall
In an instant so we all don't die
ODYSSEUS:                                                                     ALL:
Then I'll become the
Monster (He steps fully onto the mainstage     Monster
and slashes through his projection. It disappears)
I will deal the blow
And I'll become the
Monster (Cross further SL, slash through Monster
CIRCE, disappears)                                   
Like none they've ever known
So what if I'm the
Monster (Cross SR, slash POSEIDON, Monster
Lurking deep below?
I must become the
Monster (Cross further SR, slash Monster
POLYPHEMUS, disappears) 
And then we'll make it home
(Crossing to CS)                                                            Monster
(Beating his chest, music timed, a callback to “Horse/Infant”) 
Oh, ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves
I'll become the monster
(When final note strikes, Lights blackout and the light on ODYSSEUS’s chest, previously white [or whatever color represents his crew] changes to a bright red [same/similar red to ceiling lights] [callback to how Poseidon appears]. All that is visible mainstage is the red light, shining through the fog.)
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covid-safer-hotties · 13 days
Controversy Over Cancer Center Masking Policies as COVID Surge Looms? - Published Aug 27, 2024
By: Marcia Frellick
Although oncologists broadly agree that people with cancer have an elevated risk for COVID-19 infection, long COVID, breakthrough infections, and hospitalization, the nation’s top cancer centers are sharply divided on masking policies, even when the virus is surging, new data show.
Michael Hoerger, PhD, MSCR, a clinical health psychologist at Tulane Cancer Center in New Orleans, Louisiana, who models COVID transmissions, said that he and colleagues were concerned about the lack of protections in public places three years after the start of the pandemic. They looked to National Cancer Institute–designated cancer centers to gauge what top institutions were doing to protect immunocompromised patients in the winter of 2023–2024, when the United States experienced its second-highest COVID transmission peak. The highest peak was in the winter of 2021–2022, with the surge of the BA.1 Omicron subvariant, Dr. Hoerger said.
The researchers analyzed each center’s policies on Jan. 15, 2024, the day they had estimated to be the midpoint of the surge. They found that all 67 of the patient-serving centers had COVID-19 policies. However, only 28 centers (41.8%) required universal masking for all visitors and staff in at least some clinical areas, and only 12 centers (17.9%) required universal masking in all areas. The findings were published in JAMA Network Open.
Compared with what the rest of the country was doing at the time, Dr. Hoerger said, the results from the select cancer centers were “encouraging.” Although no national study has compared all masking policies, “I would guess less than 5% of hospitals had any sort of masking requirement,” he said.
“I would encourage people to view universal masking as an indicator of healthcare quality when there’s a COVID wave. This shows that many of the top cancer centers in the country are aware of that.”
Centers with strict masking guidelines signal to patients that COVID is still a serious disease and that people with cancer should take extra precautions, Dr. Hoerger said. Those guidelines should also signal to other cancer centers that they may want to rethink their policies, he added.
Although many people refer to COVID in the past tense, spikes in incidence keep coming. “We’re experiencing a wave right now,” Dr. Hoerger noted. “Right now, the South and West are having the highest transmission, and probably the peak will happen for the Midwest and Northeast a little bit later, like early September. Our model, based on wastewater, is that over a million Americans are getting infected each day.”
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute confirmed that it was one of the 12 centers that required universal masking in all areas on the Jan. 15 date. “This policy not only helped to protect our patients but also the visitors and the workforce,” said Meghan A. Baker, MD, ScD, the hospital epidemiologist at the institute.
As for the near future, she said Dana-Farber will follow state guidance and monitor local viral respiratory illness, “and will consider reinstating a mask requirement to coincide with the peak of the viral respiratory season.”
At the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Chief Infection Control Officer Amy Spallone, MD, said that during the past winter surge, the institution required staff, visitors, and patients to wear masks in designated areas and required masking in all locations for symptomatic people. “The institution will continue these practices this coming respiratory viral season and adjust as needed, based on the available evidence,” she said.
Leo David Wang, MD, PhD, associate professor of pediatrics and immuno-oncology at City of Hope National Medical Center in Duarte, California, said that he was not surprised by the widely varying masking policies in the study, given the rapidly changing nature of the virus. He added that it would be important to know the COVID prevalence rates in a particular area on the designated date to better understand the individual policies at work. City of Hope had a universal masking policy until very recently, and still requires masking in some spaces, he said.
Dr. Wang, who performs stem cell transplants, has always masked when interacting with patients, even before COVID. “It doesn’t bother me, and I don’t think it bothers my patients.” He said that oncologists are well aware of the vulnerability of their patients and that part of an oncologist’s responsibility is to maximize patients’ safety.
“At the same time,” he says, “It’s also our responsibility to incorporate evidence-based practices so our patients aren’t facing undue restrictions.”
Study link:  jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2821699
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he1ian · 1 year
with you "officially" moving on from hermitcraft just wanna say your fanart has always been some of my favourites, you were one of the first hermitcraft accounts I followed
hope you have fun with mscr!!
:] <3 <3 this just made me very very happy, thank you!!
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calwasfound · 2 years
hey mscr + illumina people, rb with your favorite minecraft speedrunning strats in the tags! it’s for... well, something
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geschiedenisish · 5 months
Zoals beloofd
Bronnen; Wikipedia/Wikimedia Commons. Daarnaast voor mensen die treinen willen gaan spotten of net komen kijken.... Er zijn locomotieven, zoals de HLE18, waar je niet in kunt zitten. Daarnaast zijn er stuurrijtuigen/treinstellen/motorrijtuigen waarbij je wél in de eerste wagon kunt zitten. Als er niks bij staat hieronder is de trein een motorrijtuig en is er dus geen aparte locomotief-wagon nodig. De lijst hieronder gaat trouwens over ruituigen/wagons. Dat kunnen stuurrijtuigen zijn, maar het zijn sowieso altijd de rijtuigen/wagons in het midden van de trein. Je kunt dus echter ook een combinatie hebben zoals een "I6+I10" trein waarbij beide type wagons gecombineerd zijn. Mocht je dus ooit een trein met twee verschillende type wagons zien, dat is normaal, dat gebeurt soms in de treinwereld. ;)
Zie Wikipedia voor meer informatie, voor nu presenteer ik met trots het simpele lijstje NMBS treinen 101!
Klassiek motorstellen; MS66/MS75/MS80/MS86/MS96/MS08 en MSCR en M4
(Ik heb geen idee waarom specifiek de M4 nauwelijks verschilt van de MS-reeks.)
Naar mijn mening zijn dit de meeste typische NMBS-treinen. Bekend om hun "communistische stoelen" in de 2e klasse. Vanaf de buitenkanten kunnen ze sterk van elkaar verschillen, maar de meeste lijken vanaf voor ongeveer op de MSCR CityRail hieronder afgebeeld. De nummers verwijzen naar het bouwjaar. MSCR zijn hierbij oudere treinen die gemoderniseerd zijn. MS66 wordt sinds 2023 niet meer gebruikt, maar 2023 was vorige jaar dus daarom staat die er nog bij.
Voor meer informatie, zie zeker hier;
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De I6 is de enige NMBS-trein die nog steeds het "coupé systeem gebruikt" dat gebruikelijk was in de vroege 20ste eeuw. Zoals te zien op de foto heeft deze trein nog een locomotief nodig.
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Tja, wat moet ik erover zeggen? Gewon een klassiekertje. Heeft net zoals de I6 een locomotief nodig.
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Tja, kan aan mij liggen, maar ik zie het verschil met de I10 niet echt, behalve in de raampjes. (Heeft ook een locomotief nodig, net als de I6 en I10.)
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Idk, lijkt op de I10 en I11. Herkenbaar vanwege de gele voorkant en de banner met daarop de bestemming.
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De enige dubbeldekkers van de NMBS! Tevens bekend vanwege de "open bank ruimtes" (zie derde foto);
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@nederlandsespoorwegen Ik had beloofd je te taggen. Dit was erg leuk om in elkaar te flansen en de hoeveelheid typen wagons van de NMBS valt dus eigenlijk echt mee!
@nmbs-sncb-official I'll tag you as well, just so you know. ;)
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felinedetached · 8 months
hello...... saw the mscrblr rewards.... im alittle curious... what does mscr anon mean
Hi! So the MCSR anon is a reference to @mcytblrconfessions & the anonymous asks they get: specifically, the ones about MCSR. While it's very likely these anons are different people (and, in fact, we already know who some were) the MCSR anon award was about who was most likely to have sent one of those asks in!
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mcsrblrconfessions · 2 months
which mscr cc could fujoshi out the hardest
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