#msg me if u want to plot more for this
wtrmelonsuga · 5 days
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" ugh ... he texted me again. " she groaned over the sound of heartbreak country music vibrating off the walls of the dive bar. " twenty bucks says he's drunk and asking who i'm here with, " she bet with a tiny grin, eyeing her best friend who sat on the barstool next to her.
open to all !
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serenafainx · 1 year
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༶ ⋆ ROMEO & JULIET PLAY ( UPDATES incl. castlist, schedule ) - last updated: 9 feb 2022                                       original post here
This production of Romeo & Juliet is a joint-feature by Walt University and Fantasia Theatre. It follows the original script for the play, with only the following changes: the play is now set in the 1920s, and any gender can play any role.
Only Walt Uni students can portray the leads, but anyone can now perform non-lead roles (and they can be multiple roles if you’d like!!). And anyone can still be crew.
Currently (as of end of jan 2023-start of feb 2023): rehearsal mode! technical rehearsals! final costume fittings, set design finalised. it’s all coming together they’re rehearsing at least twice a week now, and ppl are free to rehearse by themselves of course.
Opening Night: 17 Feb Performances (matinees & nights): 17 Feb-end of Feb (TBA)
Post-show party : TBA
** people can still join the cast and crew !!!!! we’ll just say they’ve been there since november !!!!
OOC notes:
they probably got cast in november !! 
crew started actively making things mid-december, paused for holiday break, then continued working
technical rehearsals and rehearsals can be anytime y’all <3 go forth and have fun !!
the party date (ie. mini party event) is still TBA
in terms of the actual performances: it’s not really an active ‘event’, but it can be referred to for starters or anything like that !! :3
CAST !! ( *lead - must be uni student )
* romeo : penelope hainline
* juliet : brynne utonium
* mercutio : kiara shauku
* benvolio :
* tybalt : mikey hamato
paris : ariel nystrom
friar lawrence : eric seara
the nurse : victoria everglot
capulet :
lady capulet :
montague :
lady montague :
prince escalus :
balthasar :
ensemble/extras :
serena fain : lead costume designer
marinette-dupain cheng : costume dept (hats)
sophie hatter : assisting costume dept (hats)
victor van dort : assisting sound (rehearsal pianist)
marco diaz: tech and set design
wally axiom: backstage crew
reagan cymbeline: painting sets
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niobe-loreley · 11 months
Heaven Is In A Shortcake {xvii}
disclaimer: The Gray Man and the characters are NOT mine, even the reader. I only own the plot and the reader's character lol. Pictures used in the fic are NOT MINE, but only the edited version (u can msg me if u ze owner); credits to the rightful owners and canva + weheartit. Additionally, I am not a Subic/Zambales native, so my apologies for any wrong locations, descriptions, or languages.
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Six x F!Reader / Courtland Gentry x Female Reader
warnings: moderate amount of swear words. some filipino dialogues. slow burn. fluff. trust issues. dramaramramamama. comedy if you use a magnifying glass. culture shock. word count check. slightly proofread/revised.
CHAPTER SELECTION IS IN THE ✨Masterlist✨ Chapter 16 was the icon Chapter 17 is the legend
word count: 3.9k (N/N) = nickname *Kiara = Clare *Kurt = Court *cover names = reader doesn't know YET (except you do know #wreckthe4thwall)
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This has got to be kidnapping.
Yet how can it be when you're not even verbally struggling to escape?
The only physical binding you have is your sprained ankle. If you didn't have that, you can easily jump out of the car.
But you dare not anger Court any further. He might not let you leave them until you ripen of old age.
Would that be so bad, though?
You blush, sharply averting your gaze out the window as if it would throw the thought away. Being with Court and Claire in less than three hours for thrice a week should be enough for friends hanging out.
So, why are you wishing for more time?
Why are you always at the edge of your seat waiting for them?
Why is it always hard to watch them walk out of the cafe without you?
The answers are obvious. You just don't want to indulge them again, especially after what happened tonight.
"Home runnnn!" Claire shouts happily as she races through the garage. She certainly looked like she batted a ball out of the field, arms raised overhead, open-mouthed grin, and keys dangling noisily.
You and Court stay silent as Claire unlocks the door. He has you in his arms again, but you don't breathe a complaint this time.
"Want to take a bath, (N/N)?" Claire asks when the three of you entered the guestroom.
You nod. "Sure, that'd be grand."
Court gently sets you down on the bed. "Do you, um, need help?" he questions with a red face, "Taking a bath?"
You laugh. "I'm not that incapacitated, dude. Just get me a chair, towel, and clothes."
"Here's a towel!" Claire gets one from the closet and deposits it on the bed in a flash, "I'll go get a plastic chair!"
She's out of the room before either of you can blink.
"What a proactive teen," you comment amusedly before the silence becomes awkward.
Court snorts in agreement, looks at you for a few seconds, and turns away. "Hey, listen, you can borrow my clothes for the time being."
"Do you have my kind of underwear this time?" you tease.
"About the underwear.. we can buy some tomorrow morning." Court awkwardly rubs his nape, "There's a— what do you call this.. a small market at the park tomorrow. It's always there every Saturday, from 6 AM to 10 AM."
"A tiangge?"
"Yeah, that!"
"Alright, it'd probably be good for me to walk around tomorrow."
"Who says you'll be walking around?"
"Uh, I did?"
"No, you're staying in the car."
"My house, my car, my rules."
You chuckle. "Court, seriously.. what are you doing? This is rather sweet and all, but you're lowkey scaring me." you swiftly add to ease his growing anxiety, "It's scary in a funny way, actually. But I'm getting worried that you're over-worrying about me."
He glances down at the floor. "Isn't this what friends do?" and peers at you with eyes so dubious it's as though he doesn't know the meaning of friends.
"Yeah, it is.. and I would do the same for you, it's just that…" you look straight into his eyes, "This kind of overworrying feels different. I can't help but think it feels different. This, us, we.. feel different. But I don't want to think it does, I want to know." 
You're quick to realize what you just said, their weight and meaning, so you let out a loud laugh. Hopefully it will dispel your statements.
"Or maybe it's just me!— Me being silly ol' me," you snicker.
Yet Court is looking at you as though he understands the facade you're wearing.
"What's so funny?" Claire drags a monoblock chair into the room.
You shake your head. "I was just mimicking Flint Lockwood."
"You know Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs?!"
"Know it? I've watched it a hundred times!"
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"There! Good as new!" Claire declares, satisfied.
After taking a bath, the father-daughter duo helped you with your wounds again. Claire has just finished bandaging your elbow. While Court went to get another compression bandage after leaving an ice pack on your ankle.
"Kiara.. may I ask you something?"
She snorts. "Of course. And no need to be all formal."
"How did you and Kurt find me?"
Claire freezes, the look on her face somewhat resembles a search engine loading continuously due to a weak internet. "Um, well.. we were going to invite you to watch a movie with us," she smiles sheepishly, "It's Friday. And it's been a while.
"Anyway, we knew you were going to Lillia's, so we turned around and drove to the hotel. We got there just as you were being chased."
You resist a shudder when you hear derisive howling in your ears. You wonder how long those guys will be in your mind, their laughs and hoots bouncing back and forth, reverberating your skull.
"I'm glad you two turned around," you smile at Claire with glassy eyes. "Thank you, Kiara."
She's stunned until tears brim her eyes. But Claire doesn't let them fall. "Don't just thank me. It's Six who beat their asses," she snickers.
"Who?" you ask.
"What?" Claire replies and freezes in realization.
"(Y/N), are you hungry?" Court inquires, sidling in the room.
"No, thank you." you glance at him from head to toe, "How about you? Didn't all that ass kicking got you starving?"
"Not really." Court sits on a chair at the edge of the bed. He takes off the ice pack from your ankle, which he towel-dries before he mindfully wraps a compression bandage around it.
He's too focused on your sprain while you're so engrossed watching him that neither of you notice Claire sneaking out of the room.
"Hey, can you come over here and hand me the ice pack?"
Court just finishes bandaging your sprain. Yet he wastes no time obliging you. This, again, neither of you notices.
"You found another welt on you?" he asks, sounding like he's half-joking (but he's not).
You snatch the ice pack from him and press it up against his left jaw. Court is monumentally unprepared for the "assault" that he winces in pain.
"Nope! Found a bruise on you, though." you say, snickering.
Court lets the astonishment wash over him. "You notice that?" he asks, somewhat amazed.
"At first, I thought it was a tattoo."
"No, I'm joking."
You snort. "Doofus."
"Twerp," he fires back, flaring.
You double over, laughing. But you still have the ice pack steady on his jaw. "Sometimes you're a sore loser," you examine his face for any more injuries, but it's hard when he's scrunching it up to a scowl. "No, scratch that, you are one."
"And you're just infuriating. All. The. Time." he remarks with hardening emphasis.
"But you love me," you intone jokingly.
Court stares at you, astounded. And as the blood creep up his face, your laugh dies down in shame.
He knows you're joking, right?
You know you were joking.. right?
Sure, you like-like him, but you wouldn't call it love. Infatuation is more like it. Or stirrings, as Captain Jack Sparrow termed it.
Your inner self gives you an unimpressed look.
'Ok, fine.. feelings.'
Court calls your name.
"Huh? What?" you snap out of your stupor.
Court grabs the ice pack from you and off his jaw. "I asked if you want to call somebody." he says with genuine concern.
"Oh… I don't think I can talk to anybody about what happened just yet."
"Okay," he pauses, "Sorry.. I thought you'd feel better if you talked to Mindy. Or maybe Erick."
You chuckle. "I would if we were still dating."
Court blinks at you.
You elaborate. "I mean, we were only dating. He's not really my boyfriend in the first place."
"So… You two aren't dating anymore?" Court asks.
"That's right." you nod and pretend like your heart is not leaping up your throat because of what you plan to say next. "I told Erick I can't  date him anymore because I realized I already like someone else. Even before him."
"So," he hums inquisitively, "You're dating this someone now?"
You shake your head, smiling sadly. "No, I haven't told him I like him yet."
He gulps. "Why is that?"
"Because after what happened tonight, as much as I want him to know.. I don't want him to think it's because he saved me."
Court is looking at you like you're a thousand-piece puzzle.
You blush. "I know I've liked this guy for a long while now. And I know this isn't the right time, but.. I'm idiotically still trying to tell him. That I like him."
Silence spreads to every corner of the room. And if it weren't for the crickets serenading outside, the silence would be awkward the way it should be.
Court is still saying nothing. He has his eyes on the floor and you have no idea what's going on in his mind.
Typically, you're that friend who advises their other friends to just say it— do it!— Don't ride the merry-go-around.
Yet here you are, dangling on one of the carousel horses as it spins for all eternity.
"You should get some rest." Court says finally.
"I said, you should get some rest."
"Oh… That's what I thought you said."
He hauls out something from his jacket pocket. "Here.. the channel is all set," he nods at the walkie-talkie, "Keep it open and call me as soon as you need me— or anything."
"Sure," you grab the device absentmindedly. "Good night."
"Good night."
And then he leaves, shutting the door behind him.
You look at the transceiver, place it on the bedside drawer, and expel a hefty sigh. "Ang tanga mo talaga," you tell yourself, forcibly lying down. "Stupid, stupid, stupid! You should've just told him!— Why didn't you tell him? Oh right, because I'm an idiotic, no good, shit for brains, twat!"
A sharp twinge rises up your leg as a scratching pain erupts from the rest of your body. "Ow, ow, ow," you stop thrashing, slowly placing your sprained ankle atop the pillow it was on. You sigh exasperatedly, "I'm such a dumbass."
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"You're such a dumbass!"
"Excuse me?" Court glares at Claire over his shoulder as they climb up the stairs.
She rolls her eyes. "Her message was as clear as the archipelago sun!"
"(N/N), duh!"
He furrows his brows. "What message?"
She snaps her fingers. "And that's why you're such a dumbass."
"Fine. Whatever. Just get to bed."
"Fine! Let's all see how this stupidity between you and (N/N) plays out!"
Claire storms in her room and noisily shuts the door before Court can retort. He ponders what she's got to be mad about.
He takes a short bath, sets another set of clothes aside for you, and checks the house's security.
No one's after you three.
That's not just why Court suggested you stay with them for a few days. This is better than you staying all night at the cafe alone. And like hell he'll ever leave you alone after what happened tonight.
Court checks the handgun under his pillow as he looks at the guestroom's feed.
If someone did come after them, he'll have no choice but to take you with him and Claire.
Suddenly, he recalls what you said earlier as he lays on the bed.
"...as much as I want him to know.. I don't want him to think it's because he saved me."
You're not talking about him, right?
"I know I've liked this guy for a long while now—"
There's just no way, right?
"—And I know this isn't the right time, but.. I'm idiotically still trying to tell him. That I like him."
Court abruptly sits upright. "Fuck!" he breathes out, wishing he can do the same to the heat in his cheeks. "Don't do this to yourself, man. You're 100% uncertain."
Maybe you were just delirious from the trauma.
Yeah, that's plausible. 
But also worrisome.
Court glances over to his desk, where the security feed is showing any events live inside, outside, and ten meters around the house. But he's focused on one feed: the guestroom.
You're fast asleep already. And how you're so unmoving sets paranoia ablaze in his veins. 
He has the right to worry, right?
So, it's okay for him to switch on the guestroom's camera audio and cranks it up until he hears your breathing, right?
He puts on one earbud and doesn't dwell on the fact that what he's doing is downright creepy.
Setting up a tablet beside him on the bed, Court finds the security feed on the device. He then lies back down and tries closing his ends. Not after a minute, he ends up watching you on the screen.
He ignores his demons snickering at him.
As he continues eyeing the security feed of the premises, particularly you, Court doesn't realize he fell asleep.
Until he hears you scream.
Court practically becomes The Flash. He bolts down to the guestroom before his eyes can fully open.
He shouts your name as he bursts in the room. Opening the lights, he finds that you have no (external) attacker.
You're sitting down, yet you looked like you ran a marathon. "Hey, Kurt," you wipe the cold sweat off your brow. "I'm so sorry for waking you."
He stammers. "No. Not really, I.. I just got up to get some water."
You glance at the time, 1:35 AM. "Still, sorry for disturbing you and shit."
Court sighs. "Stop apologizing. How many times do I have to tell you?"
"Maybe 99 more to get it through my thick skull?"
"That's probably not enough."
You laugh, shaking your head, and you scratch behind your ear. "Did I wake Claire up, too?"
Court glances out the door when he hears footsteps. Claire carefully rounds the corner, armed with a handgun dipped towards the floor. 
"No, she's still asleep." he blankly says as he turns back to you.
You heave a brow. "Why are you lying?"
Court is taken aback. Was he that obvious? No one can usually read him, not even Claire; although, Donald and Margaret used to.
"Oh, Claire!" you holler in a singsong voice.
The teen reluctantly peers in the room, hiding her weapon behind her. "H-Hiya," she smiles nervously.
You chuckle. "The two of you should get back to bed. I'm sorry for getting you out of there in the first place."
"It wasn't your fault you had a nightmare, (N/N)." says Claire. "Would—"
"Would you like some company?" Court asks just before the teen could. He looks at her in befuddlement, while she sneers maniacally at him.
"No, you two should rest." you give a small smile, "I'll be fine."
Except you didn't get to be.
For the past three hours, you've woken up from several nightmares. Only a few of them did you wake up screaming. Sometimes you can't even sleep immediately because it takes you back to the same bad dream. 
It takes all of Court's might not to barge back in the guestroom, lay down next to you, and kick all those nightmares in the ass.
After your first nightmare, Court hasn't slept a wink. He returned to his room and watched you through the security feed. When you've had your second nightmare, he quickly sets up the sandbag in his room and starts whaling on it.
But there's only so much that he can take from hearing your cries. He tried muting your security feed, yet for some reason, it's worse than before.
So, Court has selfishly decided that you need someone with you tonight. Whether you like it or not. 
He waited until you're back in deep sleep after a nightmare.
Without little to no sound, Court sneaks into the guestroom and places a chair beside the bed. And as he sits there, it just hits him that he doesn't know what the fuck to do. You'll probably have a heart attack when you wake up and find him staring at you.
How should he comfort you?
He pinches himself when the first thought he has is to get in bed with you. There's got to be another way other than that— it'll be the last resort.
You suddenly let out a grunt, stirring, and Court flinches, readying to flee. But you're still asleep. It's another nightmare.
Court spots your clenched fist and tightens his jaw. He looks at your grimacing face, and for some reason, it's similar to your concentrating face. Now, here's a thought: what if you're suppressing yourself for him and Claire? So that you won't wake them up because of your nightmares.
He chuckles in both disbelief and admiration. That'd truly be you. Even when you're having trouble, you're still looking after them.
Breathing in and out, Court takes your balled hand in both of his. He strokes your fist, tracing patterns on your skin until he feels your muscles release their contraction. Gently, he unfurls your tightened fingers and soothes them one by one.
Compared to his, your appendages are small and smooth. It astonishes him how a hard worker such as yourself has dainty hands. But he stands corrected when he feels a few callouses. Nevertheless, your hand fascinates him.
What would it feel like to hold both of your hands in his own?
The thought is cut short when he feels crescent marks on your palm. Court frowns at that and then at you. "Idiot.. stop taking on everything by yourself," he whispers and carefully holds your hand in both of his. "I'll be here for you, (Y/N). I am here. You just.. gotta see me."
For the second time tonight, Court has fallen asleep watching you.
And once again, you're the one to wake him. But not with a scream this time.
"Court," you softly call, tugging on his hands.
With his name like a feather on your lips, everything within him stirs wildly into life. But he doesn't show that effect you have on him.
He slowly rises from slumping on the bed. "Hey, sorry, did I scare you?" he blurts out with one eye still closed.
You chuckle. "No, you didn't."
"Get back to sleep. I'll just be here."
"Why don't you..?"
"Hm?" Court blinks at you curiously.
You fight back the blush, scoot further in the bed, and pat the space beside you. "I don't think you're comfortable there. Why don't you sleep here instead?"
He gulps. "Aren't you gonna ask me what I'm doing here first?"
"Will you answer me honestly? Or tell me to shut up and rest?" you question amusedly.
"Both?" he stifles a grin.
You shortly laugh before you tug him towards you. It doesn't take long for him to fold. Just you holding his hand is enough to make Court roll over for you.
He worriedly climbs in the bed—
"Oh, wait!"
"Let's switch."
".. Why?"
You redden. "I don't want you sleeping on my sweat, man! Understand?!"
He looks at you for a few seconds and sputters out a laugh. "Alright, fine," he says before you can chastise him for laughing. You scoot over as he rounds the bed, "There. Happy?"
"Very," you nod and settle down.
"Oh, wait!" he exclaims this time.
Court returns to his room to retrieve his clothes that you were going to wear later in the morning. "Change. You stink." he chucks them to you, sneering.
"Go away, then." you snarl.
"Like hell I would."
"Just turn around, moron!"
He obliges, snickering, and when he faces away from you, horrific realization strikes like vicious lightning across his chest. 
You're undressing. With him still in the room. And it's just the two of you. Has he mentioned that you're currently undressing?
His demons are biting into the side of his neck, yanking at him to look over at you. This is bad. His self-control is losing a lot of blood.
"Need any help?"
Yup, that's significant blood loss right there.
"No, I got this. Thanks, Kurt."
After an eternity (minute) of suffering..
"Done!" you exhale, relieved.
And so did Court. 
He rigidly gets in the bed without glancing at you. His self-control needs recharging, it doesn't help that you're half-an-arms length away. But even just a visual on you is lethal.
The two of you are staring at the ceiling. Until you turn your head to Court, just as he risks a glance at you. His self-control can't charge anymore.
You grin apologetically. "Sorry for keeping you up. Let's get some rest," and roll on your side, facing away from him. "Good night."
"Yeah, night." he replies, staring at your back.
Before horrendous thoughts can start invading his mind, Court notices something amusing. 
He stifles a grin, his shirt is like a blanket on you. The way it hangs on you with too many folds screams that you're wearing an extremely baggy top. It'll never not be entertaining to have you in his clothes. What's more, only ⅓ of your feet are sticking out the hem of his joggers.
This time, Court doesn't fall asleep watching you. Because with you up close, he's granted visual acuity to scrutinize you evenly.
Your hair doesn't appear damp despite the cold sweat you're experiencing from the nightmares.
The curve of your shoulder somewhat displays tenacity and elegance simultaneously.
How can such a tiny body hold so much strength and carry such burdens?
Eventually, the nightmares are back. And Court is ready for them.
As soon as you're stirring abnormally and moaning in fear, Court props onto his elbow and carefully grabs your shoulder. He calls your name, shaking you gently.
You jolt awake, breathing heavily. "Court," you look at him, the fear in your wide eyes diminishing gradually. "Did I wake you?"
"No," says Court, steeling his resolve. "Come here."
You almost didn't understand what he said. Until he pulls you to him. And you move compliantly.
Court shimmies his arm under your head, while the other clutches your waist, pulling you closer until there's no space between your back and his chest.
You stifle a squeak when he slips a leg between yours. "Sorry," he says in your hair, "Just gotta get this.."
He clasps the edge of the pillow with his toes and carefully reels it. "Lift your left leg up," he tells you, and you oblige. He leaves the pillow between your legs and grabs the one you lifted. "You can put this down now."
He helps you in setting your sprained ankle down on the pillow.
"Good girl."
Oh, damn..
Thank the heavens you're not facing him right now. He'd probably mistake your face for a stove.
"No nightmare is getting to you now."
You feel him moving his face against the back of your head.
"I said," he pauses, voice low, breaths fanning on your ear. "No nightmare is getting to you now. Because I'm protecting you."
Your heart finds it hard to go back to its place after cartwheeling up your throat. And when it's reminded of the position you and Court are presently in, your heart threatens to roll out your mouth.
"The nightmares are in my head, though." you chuckle, placing a hand on the arm you're resting your head on, you reach for his hand. "Thank you."
Court watches, with fireworks gleefully exploding in his chest, as you intertwine your hand with his. When the festivities calm down, he gives your hand a squeeze.
"You're always welcome, (Y/N)."
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A/N: these chapters will be all FOR NOW~ I am continuing this fic y'all, albeit it'll be from time to time (ehem month to month huhuhuhu)
The door to Chapter 18 is blocked
@kat-thepoet @queenofhellhasrisen @sierrasixswife @vallyb @lyuir @yvxcy @justareaderdude  @sortingharryshairclip
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haejjoon · 1 year
Recently I was brain-rotting with someone about Joker's sexuality and we both concluded that... He seems kinda uncomfortable in the game. Mostly because of the "There's no turning back..." Msg afterward. Like, Atlus? Why is this so menacing and dreadful? And then you have these several moments of Akira jokingly flirting/or openly flirting with his Bros (gobro included<3)
It's just that nothing happens in relationships... I know you can interpret anything as you want *ahem* Curse Atlus for making silent Protagonists. But I couldn't feel like Akira enjoys it. It is as if he felt that he has to be in relationships with women (I forgot the term name but it's like when you question your sexuality because of heteronormative everywhere)
Of course, it may be just because romance is purely optional so there is no need to write it that in deep. But some romance routes are showing disapproval through Sojiro or Akira's face in model change.
It's just... Seeing Akira smiling after the friendship route with Futaba was such a whiplash for me. He doesn't do it when saying he loves her. I never even KNEW he CAN change his face on a model!!! That made me so curious if his face changes with others by he always facing away from the camera</3
Let me study you, Jokerrrr
(if someone is curious about Futaba, you can find screenshots on @/leonawriter's blog)
So uhh... I am really curious what are your thoughts on Romance in P5 :D
Because there are several posts about some translation misses in Persona for a variety of reasons as well as THESE. DAMN. FLOWER. KEYCHAINS.
Atlus can "queerbait" me as much as Capcom(Ace Attorney) but it is not my fault they have written these characters with homoerotic tension!!!
...or maybe I am just deluded AroAce V.V
So, yeah, sorry for my rant about not well-written romance :'D
i always saw the romance options as... you know, options, which was why i always took them with a grain of salt. like its kind of ridiculous how little romancing anyone affects the overall plot. i romanced haru my first run through because i thought it'd somehow give her more screentime via plot (jun hhaeyeun u poor, poor fool.)
but you're so right??? whats the in lore reason as to why joker seems so aloof?? from his various options in main plot we know that hes pretty memey, cares a lot for his friends, etc etc. but when u have the option to romance the Girl Of Your Dreams you're suddenly about as emotional as a rock? i think ur onto smth...
not to mention he DOES seem to be super uncomfortable with the options... idk he always seemed like he was just going along with whatever the girl wanted to make her happy, bc he was her friend. one thing in particular that i wanted to point out was ann's romance route, where ur choices are either "you can rely on me" or "you can rely on the others" .... WHAT. like obviously you'd say "i'm here for you", right?? obviously akiren would say that he's here for ann, right?????? personally i think that akiren doesnt even know when hes dating a girl. the horde of girls who castrate him on valentine's day absolutely took him by surprise. he was just being a homie.
(which i think is prettu sad if you think about it... half of the dialogue options to toggle the romance route just sounds like akiren's trying to be friendly. "you can rely on me" "i came here to see you" "you've got me" arent romantic in the slightest. these poor fucking girls... a guy is decent to them One Time and they're over the moon .......... pls u all deserve better)
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junjiie · 6 months
⊹ . ⠀ for my faves !!! ☆
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♡ ⠀ you know who you are be fr.. My Four Faves!!!! (and taeil). i feel like tht shld be a trademarked phrase or sth LMAOO. anw. my gross little msgs for you 🤓 in no particular order i promise 😓 happy new yearr my sillies muah i love you all lots and lots!!!
› ⠀ GO ⠀ ★ ⠀ !
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( @wave2love ) ⠀ ✦ ⠀ KARMA 🫧
let’s get this over with i Guess.. THE FIRST!!!! (on this acc anw). my main supporter when i was nothing but a nugu fr. i might start repeating what i said in my christmas msgs so sorry if i do but first. I LOVE YOUUU!!! MY STARMA!!! you are so strange and it’s a chore and a half to find songs you like and you spend way too much money on tiny bits of cardboard that really you could probably just print off and you make fun of me on twitter but i am taking one for the team and shouldering it all because i really do love you a lot 💗 my best friend!!! even if you call me a senior and apparently i have the worst reads ever (still scarred from how i got TORN TO PIECES over assigning you an idol and a song like. your other friends are crazy it was never that serious..) thank you for all the karma updates and the random little asks saying “us” (they really make my day) and reading over or looking at the things i send you and for letting me YAP on and on for two long ass paragraphs with multiple spelling mistakes about plots i am never going to actually follow through with (#RIPROCKET because let’s face it im probably never getting around to it). i still remember our pact and hopefully i’ll actually make a start on it this year. my tyun, my chenle, my ricky, my younger brother. i love you 💗
an us song ♪ ⠀ might b kind of an odd choice.. but it’s one i introduced you to!!! and you put it on your playlist!!! so it’s ours now ^.^
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( @mins-fins ) ⠀ ✿ ⠀ ISA 🧸
ISAAA ML 🫶 another one of this accs first iktr.. I LOVE YOU SO MUCHHH i love your fics and your ocs and your brain (eats it) and all the comments you leave on my own stuff and all your asks (that i should really work on reciprocating omg!!! one of my resolutions will be to pop up in your inbox more i promise) and i just want to wrap you in a massive hug and spin you around until we fall over. even if you do make me want to log off permanently and start bawling with some of your angst fics (angst for MARK LEE of all people.. crazy). you are another one of my best friends ever!!! one of my favourites ever!!! you are so soft blanket cuddly teddy bear i want to do something really dumb and cringe with you like lie on a blanket in a park and look at the weird shaped clouds like they do in romcoms 😭 thank you for being one of the best parts of my year!!! you always make my day when we talk even just a little bit. i think you’re like an actual little pill of happiness omg.. i just love you so much. let’s have lots of fun this year too ^.^ isa wisaaa you’re my cinnamoroll jeno!!! and if i had to give us some other duos i think we’re quite haobin and sunkyu too 💗 (i think you’re very hanbin and changmin. for sure).
an us song ♪ ⠀ dream scenario where we’re in a dark room with blinding flashing disco lights and dancing and having fun and this is playing way too loudly in the background. this is our song now deal with it!! i love a bit of kylie omg.. x
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( @so2uv @taeiun ) ⠀ ⟡ ⠀ SOL 🪼
i never know when you’re on which acc so i’ll j tag both. ‘become a dreamzen’ BETTER be on your to-do list for this year because so help me god i am going to make it happen. another from-the-start whaaaat!!! (all four of u are idk why i keep saying it like We Know..) I LOVE YOU SO BADDD CHEESECAKE OMG!!! actually so happy we got closer because you’re so cool and funny and amazing and a little Strange and Odd. in a good way. like i want to make you a little jellyfish tank in my heart or brain or chest something so you can live there and i can feed you. jellyfish food (????? boy i don’t know what jellyfish eat). thank you for the song recs and for listening to MY song recs (even if it takes you a while) and listening to my rambling and letting me in on things for fics or your ocs early (it makes me feel so special i fr giggle a little bit like what) and matching pfps w me (#2MIN4L.. we’re just too good) and forgiving me for unfollowing you like twice now 😓 (AN ACCIDENT BOTH TIMES I SWEAR). i love you a lot you’re so silly and fun and i’m glad i met you!!! i hope we talk a lot and have some fun this year too! and longer after that!!! my minho, my hyunjin, my renjun, my 원할 땐 맘껏 뿌려 jalapenos.. muah 💗
an us song ♪ ⠀ no, it’s not pretzel. it should’ve been. but it’s not. this is my favourite onlyoneof song, and i think it sounds a bit like you. so it’s ours now. Wink (ˊᗜˋ*)
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( @astrozuya ) ⠀ ✶ ⠀ LUKA 💫
the FIRST first.. raise your hand if you remember heartchikara. and i55ji. and 7irara. ok the last 2 were the same acc but still. SFTOPP i went back and reread the thing i wrote you for your birthday and oh my god 😭 Call the Gay police.. this guy right here 🚨🚨🚔 ahhh but to be fr though i really meant it all :( i love you so baddd it makes my eye twitch and i start like breaking out into nervous giggles and i am at constant risk of exploding. i know we’ve kinda drifted a couple times this year so i am being FOR REAL when i say for 2024 im gonna try and annoy you so hard!!! you’ll be sick to death of me and scream for it to stop!!! but i just won’t!!! maybe not the long ass us otd ones as much (running out of us pictures.. there’s only so many duos i can pull out of my ass) but just. tiny little updates and stuff with songs that gave me a real #LUKAVIBE. thank you for still wanting to talk to me and listening to my song recs and sending me cute little asks and most of all for just. sticking around (๑´ㅂ`๑) it’s us forever loca!!! you are stuck with me i fear.. you’re a cute little rock or sea creature or something and im the barnacle attached to you. Forever. or maybe not if that’s too weird. #SOZ. so yeah. i love you so so soooo much. jjka (???? it was on the fly forgive me) duo 4L! my hyuka, my haechan, my hao, my slime (LMFAOO), and my star ⭐
an us song ♪ ⠀ it’s nothing new because it’s already on your playlist (sorry :<) but i just love it so much. steve lacy fr called me up and asked what i wanted to say to you and then made this song. Not even joking.
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TAEIL ⠀ ₍ᐢ. .ᐢ₎
laugh it up #IDGAF. guys he Will see this i am NOT crazy. stop do you wanna know sth funny.. before i started love, love, love he wasn’t even on my bias list 😭 back then it was mark jaehyun & doie LOLL. and then i wanted someone to be like a recurring theme so i chose taeil at random and then. i just fell down a massive rabbit hole. he’s so odd and weird and silly and strange and like genuinely i love him so bad????? he’s my ULT ult like i will never feel this crazy over another kpop guy EVER this is the end of the road for me. he is stuck with me forever (he does not know i exist). plus we’re literally #CONNECTED like my fave sanrio character is badtz-maru and guess who he got in the collab.. Yeah. ik ur all in shock rn. jjaeil is real johnny move over. kinda the worst year to become a mds though like he’s been THROUGH IT this year omg. i hope 2024 goes better for him and he makes a full recovery ^.^ god knows how im gonna cope when he enlists but we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it. thank you taeil for being my favourite and bringing me comfort, i love you ♡
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you all deserve like. the whole world and more. muah 💕 happy new year lomls.. stay safe, maybe get a little drunk (NOT karma. go to bed toddler..), have fun, and i wish you all love and happiness and money and good music and good movies and good food. KISSESSS from ur fave (Me). baii!!!
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koreanpepamadrigal · 7 months
hi y'all! happy opening 🎉 as a housewarming gift, i (yun, 20+, s/h) bring what the cat dragged in: miss KYUNG SEOYOUNG, your friendly neighbour grad student ta who you see more than the actual professor.
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more under the cut, with both ims & discord available for plotting upon request! like this 4 plotting, and i'll come say hi! ♡
pre-sua: much like her parents, she stays unregistered. they're living a nice cushy life parading as humans, and they want the same for seoyoung. tell her to keep her mutation a secret, and she'll do fine.
and yk what, they're right! she's living the life! gets into her dream university after she graduates from high school, and even manages to date a nice guy!
and well…. attitudes towards mutants are changing. she lets him in on her little m-word secret, and everything's peachy keen- till she gets an internship and he doesn't.
that's when he lets slip to their school that she's a big bad. she's kicked out of the university, the government's on her ass, and it's on top of the news cycle for a week.
she spins it as best as she can; a dumb, silly girl who was of course getting around to registering when questioned by the relevant authorities--- it's not her fault she found out during finals season! there's interest in the case, and she capitalises off it in hopes the attention will mean lesser repercussions. she's just a girl who wanted to live a quiet normal life like everyone else, ok? :(
girlbossed, gaslit and gatekept (from university)
goes to show that dating men is probably the worst thing you can do to yourself
'lying is ok if it gets you what you want' - seoyoung, probably
anyway, sua opens its doors shortly after, and she gets back on track! she's more than happy to take the patch rash in exchange for a degree, thanks.
currently, she's pursuing a phd in one of sua's labs and regretting it... she's determined to stick it out, though, simply out of spite. her advisor may be the worst person to walk the face of the earth, but seoyoung's absolutely not giving her the satisfaction of quitting
for plotting's sake, i'll keep the classes she tas for pretty vague-- if they take a science class/lab, let's gaurrr. staff shortages also have her covering for unrelated classes, so it's really a toss-up re: whether she actually knows the content or not.
if u've read this far... send me a welcome msg w/ a science class ur muse would take and we can figure it out from there... i'll even throw in a funny seoyoung-esque email reply... ooo u wanna message me so bad 🌀🌀🌀
emails students back at 5am. uses emojis and thinks ‘😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭❓❓❓❓❓’ constitutes a proper reply. has fucky signoffs- if you ask her a dumb question, expect a: Why?, Kyung Seoyoung
serious serious ‘Sent from my iPhone’ energy
please don’t talk to her, she has no self control and will talk to you for 4h instead of getting work done.
is also a ra at yellow hall. if it comes down to the resident vs her free housing? she's picking the housing every time. doesn't care that much, though. just don't fuck around during her rounds and she'll close an eye to whatever.
takes weather-related requests and charges an arm and leg for it. if you want your first date to be sunny, be prepared to cough up for it per hour.
always tired, but also always awake.
will never miss an offer to drink and bitch about her advisor, and is quite possibly landsliding towards alcoholism.
connection ideas: late 20s and up squad... / undergrads who love her as a ta / undergrads who hate her as a ta / yellow hall residents / someone who pissed her off and is now being rained on 24/7 / someone who really wants x weather but isn't willing to/can't cough up the $$ to make it happen... they WILL be bothering her for it tho!
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findroleplay · 1 year
here’s to giving this a shot!
hi! my name is andy, 20f, looking for someone to do some mxm love plots with me! i’m looking for someone 18+, but also the age requirement isn’t because i’m expecting a lot of smut- im just uncomfortable speaking to minors. in fact, i think plot/relationship development are some of the most important parts for rp, so if you’re interested in anything along these lines like this ask nd i’ll shoot u a msg! <3
literacy: semi-lit/lit
fandoms and pairs. bold is characters i would like you to play, the italicized are characters i would like to play, and if both characters are written normally then i don’t mind playing either role! if you have a specific ship in mind from any fandom, don’t hesitate to ask! i’m most likely leaving a lot of things out in this stuff. also ships with characters 15 and under will be strictly fluff, and 18 and under will only be implied smut:
kirishima x bakugo
todoroki x midoriya
bakugo x midoriya
shinso x midoriya
probably most other ships/ characters, just lmk what ure interested in!
castiel x dean
sam x gabriel
i do not do wincest
hetalia (don’t judge me for this one pls)
america x england
france x england
spain x england
i can do a lot of hetalia characters, it’s just england is my absolute favorite character. once again, don’t hesitate to ask if you’re interested in me playing another character/us doing other ships!
camp camp (once again, im begging, please do not judge)
neil x max
max x nikki
nerris x nikki
as i stated earlier, these will be purely fluff. i refuse to do smut for these ships and will not do any adult/underage pairings. thank u for understanding
king’s maker
wolfgang x shin
if someone wants to rp king’s maker w me i will love u forever
keith x lance
hunk x lance
not much to say here
killua x gon
leorio x kurapika
i will not do smut for killua x gon!!!!
triggers: scat, adult/minor relationships, bestiality, being unironically cringe
genres n plot ideas: hurt/comfort, medieval, forbidden love, coup d’état, “i hate everyone but you”, us against the world, and many more!
other : i’m cool with any platform you’re comfortable with! i have most social media platforms, but i’m also cool with downloading something new! just lmk your preference!
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i have a question 🤔 what are your personal favorites fics you've written, like out of all the fics you've written, what is your absolute favorite? in terms of the story, or process, anything! i'm curious to know 🥹🫶🏻
also this is my formal application to be one of ur anons LOL idrk what it entails but i like the thought of having an emoji for when i send u asks and such
i wish to be 🌙 anon if that is okay 🥹💛
i answered this before here but now i'll explain with the reasons why, thank you for asking! and it's so tough to choose a personal fav out of all of them 😭 i'll go with these 2:
Take Me Home: i guess this might be my 1st bc it was my first fic, first series, first attempt at worldbuilding and i really think i can't write sth like that again. i went crazy with the plot twists and planning, i wrote 150k words in like 3 months (it was covid and uni break) but it was an interesting headspace to be in lmao. i could still write a fic for the rest of the members in that lore One Day At A Time: idk what took over me when i wrote that, but i really wanted to talk about grief and moving on, accepting love when you've just lost it, and the whole process of it. tho i haven't experienced this myself, a lot of ppl do, and their strength is always so admirable. really wanted to write sth like that and this one came so naturally!
these two are the ones really close to my heart 🥹 with take me home i'm attached bc it's the beginning of my career here lmao but with odaat, it's more sentimental. i often reread it when i'm stuck 🥹
and yes, you can be 🌙 anon! there's no process and you don't have to have an emoji/name if you don't want to, it's just that if you come here often and want me to remember you, there's no way for me to know who you are unless you sign your anon msgs. thank you for being so sweet about it 🫶
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ofsunjae · 1 year
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heyoo it's m (eileen's mun) back w a brand new muse that i'm rly excited to write & develop! u can find a summary abt him under the cut & hit the heart or msg me if you'd like to plot! i have some ideas at the end but am always down to brainstorm something together
₊˙ ◌⁎˚ ﹒﹙kim dongyoung ‘doyoung’. cis male. he/him.﹚guess who was almost late for their shift at lapis roasters again?? that’s right, it was lee sunjae! it’s a wonder their job as an owner isn’t in jeopardy. the 27 year old has been working at sunset galleria for two and a half years, and is well known for their empathetic nature. on bad days, they can be rather reserved, though. when the mall is dead at night, they can usually be found smoking on the rooftop, but don’t tell their boss!
EARLY LIFE (mentions of low self worth tw)
his STATS page has a lot more basic tidbits about him so feel free to skim thru that for more details
born in seoul on jan 9th, 1996 (cap sun, leo moon & virgo rising <;3)
sunjae's family own a group of hospitals so they're Rich rich lmao but more on that later. he also has an older sister!
he's lived sort of a rich life and not just by financial standards- from the ages of 8 - 17 he was a junior tennis player! and he pursued it pretty seriously, he trained in poland for two years and spain for 10 months, winning several big tournaments. this meant he was mainly out of classes/privately tutored & didn't rly have a lot of friends aside from his core besties. he travelled w his mom so they've always been close, and she was his biggest supporter
tennis was p much consuming his life and although he enjoyed it for the most part, the pressure from his coaches and himself rly got him into a weird spiral. his negative self talk & feelings of worthlessness ultimately cost him a couple of games and he kinda had a breakdown & lost passion for the sport he once loved.
anywys mom was kinda sad abt his withdrawal but she still supported him, dad less so bc of how much money they put towards his career & all the clubs/training but whatever. we ball.
ok he's dropped tennis.. naow what... realizing he doesn't rly know what to do w his life & his grades? aren't great so he ends up travelling w his sister for a bit bc she wants to help him get out of his funk.
ultimately decides to enlist to 1) buy himself some time to think 2) rumours abt draft envasion were running around the rich family circles & he didn't want his family to deal w that
sunjae gets caught up on reading lots during his service & returns with a new goal! enroll in uni and get a bachelors in international relations. he has to work hard to study but uni years were much needed to just.. round him out as a person n be around so many new people n jst be some college kid !!
fast forward he's 25 with a degree & still kinda lost lmao! his sister who opened and ran a coffee shop (hint: sunset's very own lapis roasters) has a newborn baby and wants to rly focus on being a mom so she's like hey.. wna run this business for me while i'm gone? :) and it's been two & half years of sunjae as the owner. (it's sweet tho bc on their travels together they always bonded over good coffee and sunjae could tell she's rly passionate abt it so he gives it his all)
now he's 27 and still running lapis, it's good for him but unless you know him closely you wouldn't know he's the owner. acts like he's just another coffee roaster or barista
recently he's pursuing the idea of becoming a human rights lawyer & in his first year at a law school in daegu after a long trial of applying. sunjae's decided that even tho he's unsure exactly what his path will be, he wants to help people whether that's by fighting for them in court or just serving them the best cup of coffee they've ever had :)
loosely inspired by ren from f4 thailand.. v observent of other people's feelings & can be so selfless that it's a flaw at times. putting everyone first & always quietly taking care of people in his own ways, covering the bill for dinner or just lending an ear. the type to rmbr the little details in a conversation w stranger and bring them up if they ever saw each other again
wld Die for his friends.. his homies.. the leo loyalty will be the death of him bc even if his friends get in a stupid brawl u know he's jumping in to defend them. loves to go out w them but doesn't drink much so he's always the dd & 'yes we'll get mcdonalds drive thru on the way home jst get in the car'
there's still a goofy side to him,, kinda like his inner child bc his youth was spent being consumed in sport so he loves teasing friends, using a shorter person's head as an arm rest, pulling harmless pranks etc etc
even tho sunjae grew up rich he never rly showed off his money n u prob wouldn't know abt his wealth until u see that he drives an audi r8 but again he doesn't make a big deal out of it tht's simply his car of choice LOL
knows how to play piano! prob sneaks a couples songs in at lunar flare when there's no one around
developed a smoking habit somewhere down the line that's been hard to kick but he tries to keep it more of a secret (sneaking up late on the rooftop)
rich kid squad: also loosely inspired by the squad from f4 thailand.. the people he grew up with bc their families were friends/attended the same rich people events lol. his found home rly, the kind of friends he would die for and they've been thru thick & thin together over the years - lots of dynamic possibilities here !!
designated driver: the guy u call when u need a way home, could be friends or could be that he happened to be driving one night and sees u walking drunk?? offers to give u a ride
sports/fitness pal: either someone he can hit with bc he still has the tennis skills (esp his killer serve) or someone to go bouldering/hiking with. alternatively someone he's teaching tennis to !
fellow weeb: the new shinkai movie is out... he's calling u up to join him. or simply chill anime watch parties at his place. snacks included
landlord: unbeknowst to u sunjae owns the small apartment building u live in.. maybe u openly complain abt the water pressure & magically it gets fixed the next day (he bought the building bc he got a load of inheritance & his dad said real estate is the best investment but truly he jst wants his tenants happy)
fake boyfriend: either for a day or an event or to make someone jealous he pretends to be ur boyfriend & he's p good at it.. humbles whoever u were trying to trick
confidant: someone who was screaming their sorrows off the rooftop when he went up for a smoke & then they ended up having a conversation and have been bumping into each other there ever since
almost lovers: the timing was just never right.. maybe he loved them too soon and they loved him too late or something else was stopping them from becoming what they wanted to be :/
something based off this :( maybe someone who was there when he was spiralling & cared a lot for him or just ends up being super upset on his behalf
random thoughts: someone taking advantage of his kindness or money / someone he's teaching to drive / someone he knows from church / friends from uni / little sibling figure!! / bad influence on him / mutual dislike or hateship / exes or past flings / childhood friend who always slept over at his + anything else we think of!
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wtrmelonsuga · 5 days
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" he makes you happy ... and it's clear as day that he loves the shit out of you. of course you should say yes. "
open to f / m / nb !
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ofeileen · 1 year
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hi hi ! i'm m (she/her) and i'm super excited to introduce you to eileen roh! she's a new muse but im looking forward to writing with u all and developing her further :') i've got the sparknotes summary of her under the read more but hit the like or msg me if you'd like to plot! i have discord if you prefer plotting there as well
₊˙ ◌ ⁎˚ ﹒﹙kim doyeon. cis female. she/her.﹚guess who was almost late for their shift at barracuda inc again?? that’s right, it was eileen roh! it’s a wonder their job as a tattoo artist isn’t in jeopardy. the 24 year old has been working at sunset galleria for one year, and is well known for their carefree nature. on bad days, they can be rather volatile, though. when the mall is dead at night, they can usually be found playing drunk mini golf with friends at glogolf, but don’t tell their boss!
born and raised in new york city! feb 8th, 1999 (aquarius sun, scropio moon and capricorn rising)
her childhood was pretty fun for the most part except for her mom's strict parenting style. she was the kind to always nitpick how eileen acted and scolded her for getting hurt instead of comforting her
her parents dreams of raising a family in america were soon crushed when they started arguing and falling out of love. they decided to separate with her dad leaving and filed for divorce when eileen was 12
eileen is fond of her dad but def felt a bit betrayed by him. her mom turned very bitter at her own life and not long after moved them back to her hometown in daegu when eileen was 14
MOVING TO DAEGU & FAMILY (mentions of death tw, verbal abuse tw)
ofc eileen was not happy to be leaving her life in new york and it didn't help that her maternal grandparents were even more conservative than her mom was. they often misunderstood each other and not just cus of the language barrier
adjusting to her life in korea was difficult and she bore resentment towards her mom. she started smoking in highschool and was generally a rebellious kid (which ofc led to more fights w her family)
she played soccer to vent out her frustration but it wasn't until her family agreed to let her do a summer program back in new york that she rly fell into visual art. she was enthralled by the medium and decided that it was something she was going to do
u guessed it, her mom and grandparents were against it and eileen acted out by getting her first tattoo & more piercings. she rly wanted to do uni in the states but just couldn't afford it so she applied to a fine arts program at busan arts college
at this point her relationship w family was very rocky but she started not giving a shit abt what hurtful words they threw at her. however, art school was stressful and it was after her second year of college that she found a love for tattoo artistry. this led her to dropping out and pursuing an apprenticeship at a small shop
dropping out was truly the icing on the cake for her family and at the same time, her grandfather had passed after dealing with some health issues. her life a mess, she started isolating herself from friends. the only solace she found was with her partner at the time that stood with her through the thick of it
at first her apprenticeship was going great but soon it became a bit of a disagreement on rates & schedule and she found the studio to be disorganized
after learning about barracuda through someone that she regarded as a mentor, she got the job there and has been working at sunset galleria for a year! they let her do her own thing and the pay is good so she's pretty happy about it
eileen’s art style mainly consists of abstract fine line work, high contrast tattoos, cyber sigilism, and mild horror inspired work. she doesn’t repeat any flashes so each piece is one of a kind and loves doing freehand stuff as well!
she has dreams of travelling and being a guest tattoo artist around the world and opening up her own studio one day but that's a future goal - she's got student debt to pay!
she's pretty easygoing but def the type to rely on friends to set up plans (she most always says yes but lacks the effort to initiate plans/bad at keeping up with friends)
silently affectionate like she'd get you a cake bc it's your fav flavor but you would only find out she's allergic to the green food coloring in it after you're halfway thru eating. def an acts of service gal
pretty opinionated esp when it comes to her family or when someone's very traditional. she's open-minded but will make her opinion heard (def talks back to elders if they're being rude lol)
despite their complicated relationship, she can't bring herself to hate her mom or fully close her off. at times she pities her. after all, having her grandparents as parents? she kinda gets why she is the way she is. her relationship with her dad is distant but she wishes it was better (last she heard he's in a steady new relationship)
bisexual + demiromantic (meaning she rly has to feel a strong connection with someone before developing any romantic feelings)
always listening to music, and always sketching new tattoo flashes. has picked up pottery as a hobby as of late! loves going out drinking with friends. her stats page has some more tidbits about her!
i have some wanted connections up on her page but also love love brainstorming together and doing interconnecting plots (so if ur muse has any imp relationships lmk cus i love hearing about them and interweaving them into their dynamics!) ok im super excited to read abt ur muses & write with you all thank you for reading all this!!!
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niobe-loreley · 11 months
Heaven Is In A Shortcake {xv}
three words plus one = I HAVE RETURNED.. temporarily lol
disclaimer: The Gray Man and the characters are NOT mine, even the reader. I only own the plot and the reader's character lol. Pictures used in the fic are NOT MINE, but only the edited version (u can msg me if u ze owner); credits to the rightful owners and canva + weheartit. Additionally, I am not a Subic/Zambales native, so my apologies for any wrong locations, descriptions, or languages.
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Six x F!Reader / Courtland Gentry x Female Reader
warnings: moderate amount of swear words. some filipino dialogues. slow burn. fluff. trust issues. dramaramramamama. comedy if you use a magnifying glass. culture shock. word count check. slightly proofread/revised.
CHAPTER SELECTION IS IN THE ✨Masterlist✨ Chapter 14 is prolly a deer now Chapter 15 is the moment
word count: 2.7k (N/N) = nickname *Kiara = Clare *Kurt = Court *cover names = reader doesn't know YET (except you do know #wreckthe4thwall)
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That's one way to put it.
You glance over your shoulder. "Puta."
That's another way to put it.
Cuss all you want, you deserve to— especially with two cars hurtling right behind you, as though with the intent to make you crash.
"Tangina!" you shout when one of the cars, the white SUV, speeds up to your left and prevents you from driving towards the Hotel Interpark.
You take a wild gander around the street, where there’s not a single soul in sight. Probably because of this fucking rain!
As though the thunderclouds heard your insult, the downpour becomes stronger; a little more and the thick raindrops will be like waves crashing down from above.
You drive faster now, maintaining your balance, and you turn right, weaving into a street that’s partially being remade. You switch to the lane that’s under construction and you’re thankful for your experience in riding motorcycles on tough roads. 
There’s a nearby restaurant— with workers still inside!
You're about to honk to gain their attention but a bump from behind threatens your equilibrium. You swiftly steady the motorcycle and veer left into a street. You take a gander, despite the parked cars and opened lights in the building, no one is witnessing you fleeing for your life.
"Fucking hell!" you roar, harshly twisting the accelerator.
Just as you burst out of the street, you're about to turn left when headlights swallow you. Luckily, your instincts kick in and you haven't released the accelerator. If you had slowed down then, the black Honda Civic would've crashed into you. Instead, it hits your rear wheel; you attempt to balance once again, but the force this time is too much.
Lightning strikes the earth at the time your motorcycle pummels into the ground. You're thrown off into the curb, ignoring the pain flaring across your body, you shuffle up and head for your motorcycle. But you stop when you see your pursuers are already out of their cars. You hastily swivel away and hurtle into the trees. 
You then realize your location: Waterfront Park. Even in the evening, this park is typically spotted with people; but the rain has metaphorically washed them away indoors. Just your luck. However, before despair can shackle you, you will yourself to fight and use your head. You know there's a lot of establishments nearby, but only a few of them are still open at this hour. You see it even from afar, the ray of light— The Reef Hotel & Residences. 
You hightail towards the treeline. Just cross the park— that's your success to escape, because once you're out on the street, the guard at the hotel will surely notice you.
You're about to exit the treeline when someone tackles you back beneath the shadow of the woods. Everything spins, disorienting you for a second until a biting pain courses through your nerves. You let out a cry when you feel as though your elbow has split open. The guy who tackled you is trying to grab your arms. Thankfully the streetlights still manage to reach into the darkness of the park, you find yourself on the ground and spot the guy's knee, which you give your mightiest kick, and when he doubles over, you cut off his pained squeal with a kick to his face.
Upon rising up to your feet, another guy clutches at your arm. You spin to face him, jabbing his throat with your free hand. He releases you, and you run—
—into a fist. Pain explodes across your temple, where the hit forcibly landed, and you're reeled into blackness. There's a ringing in your ears, it's somewhat scolding you for not taking the rape whistle that Mindy gifted you. You ponder on where you put it and realize it's in your locker in the cafe's staffroom.
If you had it with you, you could've gotten some attention.
Your inner self smacks her lips— So, why didn't you press the motorcycle's horn instead?
As your stupidity dawns on you, your bearings slowly rebuild itself. You then find yourself restrained; mouth stuffed with a cloth and hands tied behind your back. And you're draped on some guy's shoulder. You thrash as you try to peer where they're taking you— to their cars parked at a spot where no one was around. Your strength doubles as panic and adrenaline surges through your nerves.
You try to scream, but it's muffled. 
Despair begins to leisurely brim your eyes.
"Patulugin niyo muna nga siya! Masyadong maingay at malikot!" 
(Knock her out! She's too noisy and squirming a lot!)
They roughly set you down with your back on the ground; the guy who was carrying you is now holding your ankles down. Another guy then crouches above your stomach and pulls out a switchblade; you freeze, shock slowly morphing into fear, and you try to relax as you ponder on how to get out.
"Tama 'yan, wag ka na magulo o masasaktan ka pa." the guy atop you says and, lightly tracing the side of the blade on your neck, he unzips your jacket. 
(That's right, don't be naughty or you'll get hurt.)
He lifts the hem of your shirt with the blade and they all whistle at your bare skin.
You squeeze your eyes, tears flowing through.
"Nasa'n ngayon ang tapang mo?"
(Where's your courage now?)
They all share a laugh, the hyena kind, and thunder claps across the heavens. No one will hear them. But that isn't what scares you, what scares you more is the fact that—
No one will hear you.
You struggle, he taps the blade on your stomach, and you stop. He then raises your shirt over your bra and your eyes snap open. You begin talking through your gag, which the guy finds annoying, so he pulls it out of your mouth.
"M-May pera ako," you blurt out, breathing erratically.
(I have money,)
"Don't worry, we already have it." one guy holds your backpack up.
"But what we want more is you."
"Aren't you lucky?"
They all start yammering how giddy you must be feeling. Wanted by one too many guys. But they know very well it's quite the opposite.
Before you can plead, they gag you again. You're about to put up a fight when the guy slides the knife sideways beneath your bra. The blade's coolness decorates your flesh with bumps as fear wrings your throat shut. He flips the knife with the sharp edge cutting against the cloth; still, the blunt side pricks into your skin.
He slowly moves the knife, pushing upwards. "It's probably hard to breathe, right? Let us help you.."
You scream, cry, and wail simultaneously. Not just because your bra is about to be cut off, but also because the other guys are unbuttoning your shorts and pulling them down. One of them is also taking pictures, you hope someone will spot the flashes.
Another guy harshly grabs your face when you start getting louder than normally muffled. "Shut—!" he cut himself off as he looks at something behind his pals. "PUTANGINA!"
A sort of banging sound echoes around the woods. It's repetitive with a few cracks, grunts, and cries here and there. Your should-be-rapists shuffle up and run to the same direction, yelling as though they're charging into war. You quickly roll on your side and sit up to find someone fighting against five guys.
You now realize that your should-be-rapists were eight guys when you notice three of them are already on the floor. And despite the dimness shrouding the woods, you begin to recognize your cap-wearing savior.
"Kurt?" you breathe out, shocked and confused.
But he doesn't hear you with the gag. That is until the guy who straddled you is slowly approaching Court from behind. You spot the switchblade he's holding and scream with all your might.
Despite your muffled voice, Court somewhat understands you. He whirls around in the blink of an eye, ramming an elbow on the guy's temple. The switchblade drops with its unconscious owner.
Immediately, someone else picks it up. You're about to shout at Court again when you realize the guy with the knife is charging at you.
You don't even have to ask why, because whatever his intentions are, as long as he's coming at you with a knife, it can't be good. Scrambling up to your feet, you curse when the shorts at your ankles nearly made you fall; your bounds aren't helping either.
In such a state of panic, and insufficient lighting, you miscalculate the thick root for soil. You trip, face-planting into the ground, but you don't let that stop you and try to get back up.
"Come here!" the guy chasing you clutches at your ankle and reels you to him.
You'll probably feel the scrapes later, because your fight response brawls against the intense fear flooding throughout your body. "Let go!" you scream, kicking at him successfully on his shoulder and stomach.
"Tangina, tumigil ka nga!" he yells and grabs both your ankles, pulling you closer.
You're about to boot his face this time, but he smacks yours first, stunning you. He rises, roughly hauling you up, but someone gets in between you two. The guy gasps when a fist heavily jabs into his chest and throat; he's instantly knocked out when the same fist strikes his temple.
Still in a daze, you think the world is falling away. Trees dancing into a swirl with streams of light. But in actuality, you're just falling down.
You're on the ground, you think as your perspective steadies itself.
Someone calls your name, you think it's the Kapre on the trees— maybe your perspective isn't right just yet.
You hear your name again and a face appears. You recognize him.
"Hey," he breathes out, relieved.
You fight back a wince when your chest tightens. "W-Why.." you stammer, "How are you here?"
"I'll tell you later. First," he pauses, scanning you from head to toe, "are you okay? Where does it hurt?"
Your head is buzzing. The last several minutes replays in it as a myriad of emotions washes over you. Terror, relief, panic, concern, happiness, gratefulness, anxiety, sadness, shame—
It's overwhelming.
And because of it, you're starting to think you're hallucinating. Maybe the one holding you isn't your friend.
"Kurt," you say, shakily.
"Yes?" he replies, steadily.
The strong arm wrapped around you and the rough yet gentle hand holding you conveys everything else. 
It's him. 
It's Court. 
He's here.
He saved you.
You have an abundance of questions. However, you want to address first why your face is somewhat damped and stinging. You think you have a gash and you're heavily bleeding, that is until you taste salt. Warm, liquid salt.
Oh.. you're crying.
You try to stop, but that only makes you cry harder. Like all the emotions pouring out your eyes, your body melts against Court's. But unlike your cascading tears, you're held firmly by him.
"Hey, what is it?" he asks, worriedly calling your name. "Where does it hurt?"
You manage to stifle your sobs for a second. "I'm so-sorry."
He scowls. "You're not the one who should be apologizing."
"N-No.. I'm sorry fo-for.." you gasp in between sobs,"for crying."
Court is astonished.
You continue. "I-I-I'm so-sorry you had to sav-save me.."
His hold on you tightens. "I'll always save you, (Y/N).. no matter what."
"Y-You don't always have to," you say, "I don't want you hurt."
Court holds the side of your face, gently pushing it up so he's looking into your teary eyes. "And I don't want you hurt, too." he declares, "So I'll save you. I'll protect you. I'll take care of you… Whether you like that or not."
There's an ache in your heart, yet it's somehow comforting rather than agonizing.
"And I'll beat the shit out of anyone who makes you cry."
You hide your face on his shoulder, but it doesn't stop you from laughing and sniffling at the same time.
The two of you stay there until your tears slow down to a halt. Then you finally allow yourself to wrap your arms around him. Because you didn't think you deserve it, you always thought you're unworthy to be saved. But then you don't know what else to do to express your gratitude at the moment.
So, you hug him with all your feeble might. Simultaneously trying not to let your feelings overpower you.
"Th-Thank you.." you sigh, "Thank you."
He returns the embrace, and for a second, you think he's kissing you on the head. "You're welcome." he whispers into your hair, "And thank you, too."
"For what?"
He stays silent for a moment.
"For.. you."
".. You want to thank me for me?"
You snicker. "That's stupid."
He breathes out a laugh. "Sorry."
"No worries. You got an unlimited savior coupon for the rest of my life."
"Well, then.. thank you."
"You're welcome."
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first off~ I AM SO SORRY! VERY MUCH, I AM SORRY SORRY!!!!! AND PLEASE ACCEPT MY APOLOGIES WITH THREE NEW CHAPTERSSS I will explain my abrupt hiatus in another blog after posting the chapters. Thank you so much for waiting, enjoying, and messaging me about this fic! I hope y'all still enjoy it (*_ _)人 The portal to Chapter 16 will open momentarily starting now!
@kat-thepoet @queenofhellhasrisen @sierrasixswife @vallyb @lyuir @yvxcy @justareaderdude @sortingharryshairclip
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onlyjaeyun · 7 months
hi Zadie 🤜🏽🤛🏽
been keepin’ up with ur stories and ur replies to other readers. was here since hype boy > poison > and now, strictly business 🤭
i haftu say that i’m a fan of the slight slow-burn theme bc to me, it makes the plot feel much more real and it makes me dive into it nicely — not just plunging into a realm that confuses me. and u got that tbh! and i love it! and bc i love reading, in general: books, mangas, fanfics etc. so, for me the pace u’ve built for strictly business is crazy good, bc that’s a theme u share with most of the books i’ve read and fallen in love with!
tho i doubt it would be considered slow burn since the story progresses at chapter 20-ish hahahah
as a reader, of course we are allowed to express how we feel abt the story to the author. and i love that u’ve been listening to ur readers too. but i hope u don’t forget that u’re the writer and u decide what’s best for the story u’re crafting. i rlly want to see what u���ve planned for SB come to live rather than have it being constantly tweaked 😔🥺
i truly think u know what u’re writing, what u want and how u want it to be bc it speaks volumes with ur other stories. so please, while u consider everyone’s feedback, do not forget abt urself and what u want this story to be like! 🦾
i rlly, rlly, rlly love the way u craft ur smAUs; the plot, the structure, the filler contents, the side characters u chose, the interactions / conversations between characters etc. and i rlly, rlly, reeeaaally hope u see this msg and feel better!
u got this 🤩 🙌🏽 ❤️
— 🅰️
first of all, thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to send me this baby, i kind of really needed it 🥺 hearing you say these things really opened my eyes bc im pretty sure y'all could tell i was already overthinking my decisions for the plot of strictly business but you're absolutely right. this is my smau and i know what's best for kt and people will or won't like it so there's not really much i can do besides accept it. i'm writing this for myself before i do it for anyone else and you helped me realise this again so thank you so, so much baby i hope you have a great day and know how lived and appreciated you are 💞🧸
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natroze · 8 months
Ok so I Just like,,,, binge read all of azure, vermilion and wanted to just drop that ur writing is fucking 10/10 outa 10 just stellar amazing,, the way u write estinien is *chefs kiss* but im also a lil bit (a lotta) in love with kasi and his whole vibe? the way u write him? his character ugh its 10/10 looking very forward to when ever u update (absolutely no pressure writing takes time and energy) but wanted to just leave this as a more personal msg then a comment but ty op ur work is fantastic and i wish i could leave kudos every chapter
(also ur twitter links r v broken so i kinda had to hunt down ur tumblr sry)
ahhHH i'm very flattered you took the time to come find me!!! sorry i uh deleted my twitter in a fit of anti-authoritarian rage, ehe
I'm so glad you like how I write Estinien, I worry a lot about leaning too far out of character with my like. addressing his actual emotions and the PTSD he should absolutely have from everything he went through hahah...... i am also so glad you like Kasi though!!! he's my son my boy my horrid little chaos man <3
In my heart I wanna update the big kasiesti shenanigan I promise you, I am however also considering turning it into something original eventually as the plot in stormblood deviates further and further from canon......
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wttcsms · 9 months
Amber, I'm back to yell at you!!!! I'm literally dying over Most Noble what?! Its sooo good, i literally took a deep breath while my eyes watered cause of that ending! Oh to be in love with Sir Nanami 😍 He really is too much, the way he wants the mc so much, it gives off enemy to lovers vibes, with a lot of slow burn! Its so good the way I gasped when i read it on AO3 cause it said chapters 1/1 😭 No, its too good, YOU'RE the reason i even love Nanami so I refuse to believe thats it for them. But also thank you for that, it was such a good read the pining got me right in the feels i had to take a moment for myself to calm down. Please don't say its over 😭
Moving on lols, the way I read Balancing Act this morning! I wanted to scream, and I'm in no way a morning person but that one woke me up! Gojo being so self assured, I love that for him. The way you wrote the whole crew working for Gojo and Getou! Nanami saying that Getou is just like Gojo but would give himself 6 months instead KILLED ME!!!! Also just Nanami, and his whole work is shit rang through my head when you said he left then came back 😭 Just the way you wrote them all is soo good, the interaction between Gojo and Mc oooomph absolute genius! Utahime and Gojo friendship! Personally that little bit got me hook line and sinker cause i dont ship them 🫠 Finally that flashback of them as teenagers in high school!!! Yes queen him falling in love and not realizing it but also i loved that the mc ruined what i assumed would be his year of just fucking around! Its god tier I know im going to add this to my list of comfort fics!!!
hi hi, i was waiting til when i was less busy so that way i could give this lovely msg a proper response!!! as always, i love love love hearing ur thoughts and seeing u in my notifs makes me so happy, like kicking my feet and giggling happy because ur such an amazing reader and i love hearing ur thoughts on my work.
first of all, even w/out me, u would have fallen for nanami bc that's just the type of man he is. most noble was so fun to write purely bc i didn't have a set plot line in place, i just let the word vomit spew all over my docs and clicked post on tumblr. that being saidddddd, i am always open to revisiting our princess and sir nanami bc the fun part in writing mutual pining is the eventual getting together. like all fairytales, they are so gonna have a happy ending <3
im so happy you've read balancing act because for me, it's such a fun project and a way for me to not so subtly vent out any pent up feelings i had towards my experience in working in banking in nyc BAHAHAHA. i think workplace dynamics are so fun to write as well & i really wanted to incorporate just how blurry boundaries are within the field but also how close knit they truly are because most of the time, you see your coworkers more than your family and your significant other and it's hard not to become friends or something more (it's either that, or u all hate each other's guts LOL). geto and gojo would not be besties if they weren't both absolute menaces, i stand by that. utahime + gojo are lowkey MY dramione HAHA, and so i always like to write them in some type of relationship, whether that be platonic or romantic. they def squabble like siblings in this fic + it's going to be so much fun writing them in a diff light than i normally do (what's up for debate is whether or not i hint towards nanami x utahime :O) nanami found out that working in academia is JUST AS TOXIC as industry, so he's back bc, hey, at least he gets paid hella money, but we'll explore more nanami lore in balancing act once i decide on his exact role in the fic muahahaha.
thank you for always reaching out with your thoughts on my writing and just to chat in general, it means the world to me <3
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cosmobrain00 · 1 year
Hello ! I just wanted to say how much I absolutely love ur fic I know the end! I remember reading the entirety of it at Christmas and I seriously fell in love with every part of it, The way u write Will makes me so insane and I can’t even begin to go into detail on how many things I just absolutely loved, and rereading it after knowing plot twists and stuff was just so refreshing and amazing I loved it so much <333 that fic fueled my art for a month with designs for Will and max oh my god. AND THANK YOU FOR THR MADWISE CONTENT OH MY GOD<3 I coulf go on and on but this has gotten long so I’ll just say thanks so much for the amazing fic<3 look forward to updates but also make sure u look after urself.
ANONNNN!!!!!! ur so sweet omg thank you soso much- and👁️👁️👁️👁️ it fueled ur ART???? if u would ever like to share I would absolutely go BONKERS insane that's like. IDK IT'S !!!!!! like. my stuff giving ppl inspo to draw is !!!!!!!!!!!!! SO !!!!!! MMMM !!!!!! I can't be more coherent than that but I hope my feelings translate bc that honestly makes me incredibly happy🫶
AND UR SO WELCOME FOR THE MADWISE CONTENT IT WAS MY PLEASURE!!! there is a horrific lack of content n I knew I needed to intervene asap💪💪
take care of urself as well & ty for the lovely msg<3
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