psbbschool · 11 months
Find a Government-Authorized Car Scrapping Dealer Near You
Looking for a trustworthy government-authorized car scrapping dealer near you? Visit MSTI.co.in to locate certified scrapping centers offering eco-friendly solutions. Get cash for your old vehicle and contribute to a cleaner environment. Get your car scrap now.
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Tom Servo Fancam🔴🤖🎬
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helloliriels · 9 months
As a fellow MSTie: what's your favorite episode? And have you seen the new season on the Gizmoplex?
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Fellow MSTie alert!!! 🚨🚨🚨ahhhh, i love this! Think I can unequivocally say ...
The Mole People! 🍿😉👌
(0 seconds hesitation there!) Bahaha!!! Also love 'Teenagers From Outer Space', 'The Unearthly', and 'The Touch of Satan'. Though I think the B&W ones get the funniest! What are your faves???
AND NO!! I haven't yet gone to the Gizmoplex?! will have to check it out!! Still doing my seasonal rewatch of old faves!! haha
Happy Holidays! ~ Liriels
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magsdomino · 6 months
Original SuperWhoLock
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mas-o-kissed · 2 months
Need someone to look at me like Tom Servo looks at the creepy girl in the Catalina Caper episode of MST3K
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ikutinid · 11 months
Siap IPO, Mastersystem Infotama (MSTI) Incar Dana Sebesar Rp 1,06 Triliun
PT Mastersystem Infotama Tbk (MSTI), perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang solusi, integrasi dan pemeliharaan sistem teknologi informasi ini berencana untuk menggelar aksi penawaran umum perdana atau intial public offering (IPO) dengan menawarkan sebanyak-banyaknya 667 juta saham atau setara dengan 20% dari jumlah modal ditempatkan dan disetor penuh, dengan nilai nominal Rp 25 per saham.  Adapun pada masa bookbuildingnya yang berlangsung pada 20 Oktober hingga 26 Oktober 2023, MSTI memasang harga saham perdana di kisaran Rp 1.355 hingga Rp 1.595 per saham. Dengan begitu, MSTI berpotensi meraup dana sebesar Rp 1.06 triliun. Selain itu, MSTI juga akan mengadakan Program Alokasi Saham Karyawan (Employee Stock Allocation atau (ESA) sebanyak-banyaknya 20 juta saham atau sebesar-besarnya 3% dari jumlah saham yang ditawarkan dalam penawaran umum perdana saham. Tak hanya itu, perseroan juga akan mengadakan program opsi kepemilikan saham kepada manajemen dan karyawan (Management Employee Stock Option Program atau (MESOP)  sebanyak-banyaknya 80 juta saham biasa atau sebesar-besarnya 3% dari modal ditempatkan dan disetor.  Nantinya, dana dari hasil IPO akan digunakan MSTI sekitar Rp101,57 miliar untuk pembayaran sebagian pokok utang kepada PT Bank OCBC NISP Tbk. (NISP) yang akan jatuh tempo, dan sisanya akan digunakan untuk modal kerja dalam rangka mendukung kegiatan usaha utama termasuk namun tidak terbatas pada pembiayaan kegiatan operasional.  Adapun jadwal IPO PT Mastersystem Infotama Tbk (MSTI) adalah sebagai berikut: Masa penawaran awal: 20 - 26 Oktober 2023  Tanggal efektif: 31 Oktober 2023  Penawaran umum saham: 2-6 November 2023  Penjatahan saham: 7 November 2023  Pencatatan saham perdana di BEI: 8 November 2023  Read the full article
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huntermilfsposts · 1 year
Akak padu... bini org...tpi doa suka klau ckp nk guna dia utk modal lancap....msti dia posing bgii snap pic
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koleksibinimember · 4 months
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bila rumah dapat kat ustazah.. msti cantik.. teratur je.. jackport.. x sabar nk geledah..
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akmal2305 · 7 months
Teringat dlu mse umo Aku 11 tahun Aku ske sngt2 bau bra mk Aku blum basuh.sbb kn Aku Geram KT tetek mk Aku la Aku brjinak dunia bra msam ni.mk Aku die krje kedai mkn die buat air die bsuh pinggan smue la mk Aku buat.aku blik sklh seowg dri Di rmh sbbnye abg ayh mk Aku krje.suatu hri Aku blik sklh pkl 12 tngh hri Aku blik Aku buka bju n sluar sklh Aku pun msuk bilik air Aku NK mndi lps Tu Aku trnmpk bra mk Aku trgntung KT dinding dlm hti Aku ckp la (ni sarung tetek mk Aku ni).Aku pn usik bra mk Aku wane Putih de gmbr hello kitty Aku tngk Bahagian dlm bra mk Aku Putih de bintik2 hitam bnyk...dlm hti Aku brkata LG (Aku NK isp tetek mk Aku tp x dpt X dpt isp tetek mk Aku dpt bau bra ni pn JD la)Aku keluar kejap tngk KT luar tkot ayh Aku blik ayh.aku tngk jam pkl 1 ayh Aku lmbt blik pkl 5 bru ayh Aku blik.aku msuk bilik air Aku cri bra mk Aku TD.aku NK ambek bra mk Aku Aku trhnti Aku fkir klau mk Aku Thu Aku bau bra die msti die mrh gile KT aku.n Aku fkir blik ala buat pe NK bg thu mk aku diam2 je la.aku trus ambek bra mk Aku aku ckp seowg2 (mk adk nk isp tetek mk tp mk cm x bg adk isp tetek mk maaf kn adk mk adk bau bra mk ni utk smpai kn hajat adk isp tetek mk x dpt isp tetek mk x pe la dpt bau tetek mk dh ok).Aku pn bau bra mk Aku Bahagian dpn bau losen mk aku.aku bau kt cup bra mk Aku trkejut bau bra mk yg sewktu Aku lahir aku n kini Aku dpt bau tetek mk kndung Aku sndri bau bra mk Aku msam n KT tepi bra mk Aku de bau ketiak pekat sngguh sdp bau tetek seowg mk.tibe2 btg Aku tegak Aku pn bau bra mk Aku aku melncp aku hayal mte hitam aku hilang trtukar wane Putih.nk aku pncut tu aku pnggil mk Aku.sejak dri tu la aku bau bra mk aku setiap kali aku blik SEK aku cri bra mk aku dlu.mk Aku X bnyk bra hnye due bra sje Putih n cream satu bra die pkai 3 hri patut la bau bra die msam gile.aku bau bra mk Aku smpai umo Aku 19 tahun.skrng mk Aku X pkai bra tetek DH x de.ni cerita bnr bkn reka2.spe2 kaki bra cube la bau bra mk sndri sbbnye bau tetek mk mmng sdp gile kowg bau la bra awek Bni sepupu mk CK kakak adk X sme bau tetek mk sndri.x kn jmpe kecuali mk kte sndri.
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psbbschool · 11 months
Find a Government-Authorized Car Scrapping Dealer Near You
Looking for a trustworthy government-authorized car scrapping dealer near you? Visit MSTI.co.in to locate certified scrapping centers offering eco-friendly solutions. Get cash for your old vehicle and contribute to a cleaner environment. Get your car scrap now.
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cuppedbottledwater · 10 months
Fun teen wolf fact! Stiles real name (Mieczysław) seems to be a different spelling of the Polish name Mstislav/Mścisław. And that name is combined from msti/msci meaning is vengeance and slav/slaw meaning glory and fame.
Stiles birth name fucking means vengeance, glory, and fame. Do with that what you will.
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havefunhafiq · 21 hours
permulaan yang sdap
Aku fiq umur 33 dah berkahwin wife ku ni org biasa2 ja...seks pon amatur..tpi bile brkhwin dgn ku ajar isteri fantasi mcm² sehingga la aku gidam rsa dua btg jolok lubng dia msti sdp...
Tibe satu mlm aku ckp syg bie knl psangan dok buat urut satu bdn dtg rumahh wife ku ckp bole jugak ok deal aku book satu mlm laki bini separuh umur kmi tpi sebb bini dia milf aku geram tu la on...ok bile smpai lpk mnum kopi smbng2 wife ku knl psangan itu wife tnpa curiga ok abg borak2 dulu syg nk mnd nk silap tikar toto untuk urut ..jdi kmi urut nt sama diruang tamu cuma tirai kn...ok bile time msuk baring wife ku tye ehh abg ni ke urut bukan girl urut girl...pastu abg tu terang kn oh dia mula phm msuk bring hnya pkaibju dlm n bju tidur...bwah kain batik suar dalam ...isteriku xtahu nt kna bogel...pndai2 la abg tu... ..aku bring plk hnya pkai tuala dan boxes mula mniarap kak tu urut ku pkai suar slsck ketad n bju ketad... Aku btoi dh stim lyn je dulu.
Kmbli wife ku bring pastu abg tu ckp buka bju ttup dgn kain..aku malu ini kli pertama tpi aku trgoda nmpk mahco...bile mna tgn dia sentuh bdn wife ku...dh berair dah pejam mata tnpa sedar tgk ja aku megeluh bru tersedar jri tgn dia dh uli bontot smbil turun bg kna bibir puki ahh.. lma2 dia ckp buka suar dalam aku pon slow buka muke ku merah sbb dh basah...
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lifeaftermeteor · 2 years
The Fandom Binder
For those of you among the 'fandom olds,’ you may recall a time where we actually printed copies of art and fic we enjoyed - many of us being unable to create websites or save too many files to our computers at the time...long before the likes of Google Drive and AO3.  This was back when fandom was nurtured by individually maintained series, ship, and/or character shrines connected by webrings like Anime Turnpike.  
Some of us printed these fandom treasures and organized them in binders, now presumed lost to time and the trash heap years ago.
Well...rummaging around in my parents’ storage space, guess what I found.  My fandom binder!
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Apparently I had a thing for collages - I actually covered my half of my freshman dorm room in a much larger version of the above. 
So come with me as we wade through my teenage fandom days...
The inside cover is a treat, with a quote meant to be terrifying and empowering (?) alongside a snarky comic about Gackt’s dick.
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The first folder included only a TIME article on phobias, a few damning pages of notes from my high school calculus class on which I scribbled all my pent-up teenage angst and anger, and a printed out email flame (no joke) to someone who apparently my friends and I were having it out with.  
We’ll skip those and jump into the actual fandom content.
First out of the gate is Digimon Adventure, which had grabbed me in 1999-2000 via the Fox Kids channel programming.  We have here some print-outs of MST3K-ified (or “MSTied”) Digimon fic, most of which involved the Digi Destined serving in the roles of Mike/Joel and the bots.  Such fics were initially permitted on Fanfiction.Net before they were purged alongside other content guideline updates between 2000-2005, since they were both (a) reposting someone else’s work and (b) script format.  
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This is followed by fanart printouts (Yamato was my clear favorite, second only to the amount of Taito I printed).  And a saved note to a friend printed in computer class that extolled the fact that Odaiba is REAL. 
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I have no words. I can only assume that my little brain was just so used to stories in made up locations that the thought that the series would involve a real city just was too much for my little fangirl brain to handle.
Moving right along...
This note is followed by printouts of various fanart, predominantly of Yamato and the Taito ship.  This is in turn followed by extensive planning, character costume designs, and inspiration art printed off of Elfwood (c.2001-2002) for the fantasy AU / isekai fic, The Realms (which, yes you can still apparently find the first two chapters of via FF.net).
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After that, we also have a printed, separately bound copy of my first ‘official’ (i.e., posted) multi-chapter fanfiction, An Unexpected Death, which took about 1.5 years to write and upload...and is also still on FF.net
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Moving past Digimon, we land in Gundam Wing territory.  Like the previous section, we kick off with printouts of fics, art, and other fun things.
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I apparently kept some notes passed between my friend and I.  As was typical of the day, fans all interacted with the characters as if inhabiting the same universe.  Emojis made regular appearances in our script-format notes (I also apparently shared half-formed plotbunnies via scripts).
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We also had grand plans of co-authoring a “the GBoys are undercover at our high school” story, which was also common at the time among fellow fans.  Here is the rough idea of the school schedule: 
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I also found some casting for a Matrix AU...
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...and the makings of a roadtrip series of quintessential “American” locations: 
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We wrap it all up with some truly phenomenal crackfic by Celes Maxwell: 
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Closing out the remainder of the binder is some JRock fanservice, an autograph from Gillian Anderson (c.1998), and a random table of contents that only had empty pages or nothing behind them.  Presumably all these sections had more content, but I can say without a doubt they are GONE at this point. 
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So yeah, that’s my fandom binder, put to good use between 1998-2004.  Show me yours!
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kjoji · 2 months
finally, an intro post
my name is bill, i draw and reblog
i love mst3k, GWAR, max headroom, texas chainsaw massacre, and lots of music!
my fav genres are shock rock, noisecore, grindcore, old school mincecore, sludge metal, doom metal, proto black metal, jungle, and gabber
i am <18
dni: annoying, ZIONIST!!!!!! that includes you, democrats and libshits!!!
msties and bohabs interact i love you
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semangkukeskrim · 1 year
"Semoga di tengah kehidupan dunia yang makin sibuk ini, kita ngga lupa sama kewajiban² yang msti diutamakan, ya."
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