Asra and Esther with swapped palettes?
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i love how esther looks in purple :D -tuna
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windblown-flowers · 4 years
i think i might make this my fandom in general blog bc i know some people want to follow me for my art n stuff but i rb a ton of things on main and a lot of it gets buried under those and i know some people don’t enjoy seeing that type of content while they wait for art
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msz-sparrow · 4 years
here’s all of the old stuff from a long time ago(? does 6 months count) that i’m proud of
if you see any other art from December 2019–January this year with an msz signature pls ignore it it’s bad old art and i don’t want to associate myself with it anymore
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ik i drew the solus katana backwards now shush
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freds-keep · 4 years
🦀 he's doing a funky dance
“You never asked for anyone’s opinions. They all just went with what you wanted to do because they were too afraid to say no. Maybe that’s something good the Admin’s done for me - While I’m here? I don’t have to be afraid of you.”
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msz-scout · 4 years
haha whoops looks like i dropped something
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(msz back at it again with the bad screenshot quality)
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crimson-hues · 4 years
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og version of the katrina :’)
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dj-tak0wasa · 4 years
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DUDE 💚💘🤎💘💙💘💚💛🧡💘💘🖤🤍🤎💘🤎💛💛💛💛🧡💘🧡💘💘🧡🤍🤎💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💕💕💕❤️❤️💝💝 have a crab too 🦀
ghjgogihf thamnk yuo, ,,,,,
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swirlthelad · 4 years
This isn't done, and probably never will be, but here, have this
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romeoburg-archived · 4 years
thanks :’)
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windblown-flowers · 4 years
might turn out to be a joke story, might do a chapter 2. who knows
take this as an example of my writing and how crimson mayhem will be written /j
“canon-shattering joke au for shitpost reasons”
heavy emphasis on canon-shattering
Chapter One(?)
Stephan ran his fingers against the placemat, the clock ticking away on the wall behind him. Morzogo had decided to arrange a brunch for a few Vanis and their catalysts, if they had any.
Naturally, the only thing he intended to serve was milk.
Waiting for the others to arrive, Stephan sighed and sat down in a leather armchair. Morzogo stood in front of a cabinet admiring his collection of glasses.
Suddenly there was a knock at the door, and Stephan stood up to welcome them in. Kaylee and Xelzerin were the first to arrive.
Kaylee strutted around the room in an energetic manner. “Soooooooooo... what are you going to serve?”
Stephan sighed and folded his arms. “Milk. We only have milk.”
Kaylee stopped and squinted her eyes at him.
“Only milk?” she asked.
Stephan jerked his thumb toward Morzogo. Xel rolled his eyes at Morzogo and wrapped an arm around Kaylee’s shoulders. They took a seat at the table.
A few minutes later “Patch” and Insinera showed up. Stephan noticed how… protective these Vani were over their catalysts. He said nothing about it, though.
Insinera brought in a basket of cookies and tea. She brought “Patch” over to a corner and set the food down. She didn’t trust Morzogo with food-related matters since his diet is made up of only...
m i l k . . .
Morzogo sat in the chair Stephan had earlier, drinking milk out of one of his various glasses. He thinned his eyes at Insinera.
Stephan facepalmed.
“This has already gone horribly, and all of the Vani and catalysts on the guest list aren’t even here yet.”
Kaylee stood up and walked to Stephan.
“Well,” she said, attempting to cheer him up, “this is the best brunch I’ve been to!”
“Kaylee, you were literally abducted when you were 4. I think this is the only brunch you’ve been to.”
Kaylee thought for a moment, and then climbed onto the table.
“Hey, hey everyone!”
Stephan frowned. “Kaylee please—“
Kaylee ignored him and continued.
“So there’s that cat-girl-thing coming with Deneko, right? I propose to you—operation chicken dance!”
“Kaylee, what does that even mean?” he said, “am I—…are we going to have to do the fucking chicken dance???”
Kaylee nodded.
“You bet!” she hummed.
Morzogo spat out his milk.
Xelzerin slammed a fist on the table. “Kaylee, get down from there,” he said, gritting his teeth, “you’re making us look dumb.”
“You like making fun of Deneko, right? This is the perfect opportunity to make fun of both him and his catalyst!”
Kaylee pointed to Insinera and Patch.
“How about you guys?”
Insinera turned to Patch.
“...Fine. Just don’t get yourself hurt,” she said.
Patch smiled and joined the others at the table.
This was going to be one hell of a brunch.
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msz-sparrow · 4 years
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also technically a WIP but eh
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msz-scout · 4 years
i’m renovating the ENTIRE comic.
i wasn’t happy with the layout i had, nor was i happy with what i had done.
as of posting this, i have deleted the first page, and i plan to start over.
the main cast will be different, as some characters on the list... i stopped liking? or rather, i’m not as into the series as i was when i first started.
i’ll be removing Kris and possibly Kamal. if things get worse, Funtime Freddy and Bon-Bon will have to go, too, but i hope it doesn’t come to that.
who am i replacing them with?
either nothing at all or POSSIBLY a Vanishing World character (not a Vani because then hell would break loose. not today, Greyven)
i’m turning this into a collab because i can’t do this alone for the life of me
@fiery-cinnamon will help with backgrounds and stuff,,,, thank you so much you don’t understand how much that means to me
and i guess if anyone else wants to help the only guidelines are
-you have to be a mutual of mine
-digital art only, please
thank you for reading!
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crimson-hues · 4 years
behold: my first attempt for the Rosemary drawing
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ik this is Parsley and not Rosemary but it’s still my first attempt ever at drawing Parsley
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swirlthelad · 4 years
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(Video belongs to the InfoGraphics Show) just a lil FYI on the MSZ’s on my drawings; they are in reference to my (the artist’s) PS4 account, MSZ-Sparrow. Just a heads up!
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romeoburg-archived · 4 years
7 + 12 with any oc (if that counts)
7. How would you describe your oc’s voice? Do they have an accent? Do you have any voice claims for them?
god ive been bouncing claims for wulfric in my head for a while. right now, his voice is just mine but slightly higher. a tad more spoken with the back of the throat instead of the front. not really an accent unless you think i have an accent.
i think, despite the fact that he has the same voice actor as radar, i would be fine with wulfric sounding like toby from catherine. heres a BUNCH of voice clips (hes the blonde one wearing the blue jumpsuit), but please keep in mind the source material is. very suggestive. i think it’d be neat.
12. How skilled at lying is your oc? How frequently do they lie? For what reason? What situations would be the exception?
hes okay at it, i guess. he doesnt lie a BUNCH and actually tends to be pretty blunt, but he knows how to work his way around a lie. despite this however, hes absolutely AWFUL at picking up on other people’s lies.
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msz-sparrow · 4 years
i’ll have you know i screamed when i saw this in my inbox and you bet your ass it’s a romeo headcanon
romeo had a fascination with bugs and flowers. not animals. just bugs. he was really into moths especially since he never rlly used his human form much so his admin form was like. bright as hell
pre-canon, if you asked him about bugs or flowers he’d probably ramble about them for a while
post-canon, he can’t remember much. but give him a bit and he’d probably get back into them
crimson mayhem, yeah he’d ramble about those!!!! he’s glad he can finally talk about them after the [REDACTED]
we’re starbound, you can catch the funky bugs in starbound n put them in jars so yeah man. that would make him happy. also i found something in a personal gameplay of starbound that i’m definitely incorporating into the comic.
edit: wait apparently you can use the relocator on bugs in starbound too..... and then they’re able to go free unlike in jars....
Badeline: romeo we’re almost out of durasteel
Romeo: relocator
Badeline: we literally can’t afford to go to ursa miner please
Romeo: arctic planets exist coward. bug time.
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