#mtcpt fanart
daintev · 22 days
MTCPT Short Comic :D
Leave it up to me to make a rom-com webcomic angsty.
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The bride's line "Have you ever loved someone so much that all you can do is run away" felt a little familiar to a certain someone's situation. Not sure if this implies Sanders overheard what she said or if it can just be applied to his situation.
I think when he said "I know exactly how you feel" to the Bride, it was less about 'oh yeah I just don't want the promotion but I'm taking it anyway' and more so "I'm in love with my co-worker and that terrifies me so I'm taking a promotion to run away in fear of rejection".
The line "easier than...doing what will make me happy?" confused me on my first read-through. But after re-reading it a couple of times I realised it also applied to what the Bride said, in which Jock makes Sanders happy but it scares him and is afraid to lose that so: he tries to run away (in his case the promotion) to avoid being hurt. Because running away seemed easier than confronting his feelings for Jock.
I hope I make sense, I know I'm usually like "Haha look at the silly tax collectors in love" but I do enjoy picking apart the story and subtext within it, it's good writing! even if the comedy aspect doesn't land for some people, and that's fine! the story can still stand on its own and it deserves praise for that!
Sanders character is very interesting in that despite the fact he doesn't have a very expressive face: he is heavily driven by his emotions. He also is very good but very bad at expressing certain feelings, for example, he has no issue with showing his affection towards Jock. However, he has trouble talking about negative emotions. While yes he can admit he may feel upset he still struggles to express exactly what it is, not being able to go into detail and avoiding dealing with any negative feelings. We see a lot of this in chapter 3 in which, Instead of addressing his issues and feelings, he becomes fixated on other things to avoid it.
Anyway! Just thought I'd indulge in a little character analysis :]
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sadcabbages · 20 days
I had this idea for a few days, it was originally gonna be completed but I'm tired and my ipad is on 3% so no more drawing for today I guess
Anyway I've been thinking more about Jock's tendency to push people away and my brain was all like "Do wholesome Sanders and Jock stuff NOW" and I was like sir yes sir
Anyway sorry for the ramble here's the thing
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It's not that good but it' done
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caramellcandy · 4 days
be strong Belinda
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bobokitty · 11 months
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Drawing of these two idiot tax collectors who can’t communicate their feelings for each other from @geezerflakes My Two Cents, PLUS TAX
I have no idea what style I was going for lol
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daintev · 10 days
It's pride month yk what that means!
The voices spoke to me and I listened. This is the most brilliantly stupid idea I've ever had.
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Anyway, mtcpt fans!! how are we feeling after Jock slammed Sanders to the ground? No seriously how tf did he do that.
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"My outfits aren't flashy enough." says the man in a purple tailcoat suit. Speaking of which, I wonder how many times Sanders has been mistaken for a waiter?
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I've also noticed my design for a teenage Jock is just me projecting onto another character again :,D (High school is a nightmare but we getting through it)
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Anyway, I like seeing how both characters express themselves and I've noticed that Sanders expresses his affection more physically than with words, I mean he at the very least TRIES to, but yk...he isn't exactly good at it. (+some random sketch)
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I have something else in the works for mtcpt so stay tuned in for that >:D
School is kicking my ass atm so I apologise if the posts aren't as frequent, I've also got exams coming up so I most likely won't be as active. I always appreciate the support tho! so thank you to anyone who likes my silly little drawings <3
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daintev · 29 days
More MTCPT art! :D
Been a quick sec since I posted mtcpt fanart but I'm back!! A bit sick atm but yk there's always time for this silly little webcomic <3
Buckle in becuase I'm gonna be blabbering a lot. Getting straight into things: this comic has gotten my creative juices going so I thought an Aquarium Tax would be a fun idea! (Hoping for the day Payton gets to go on one of their missions and I thought what better than an Aquarium)
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(get a load of these guys, they're madly in love)
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The most amusing part of Sanders character is how he turns out to be the big cliche romantic and how ironic it is because his face is the least expressive. I love some drama and comedy but I am a sucker for romance, you show me two middle-aged queer men? I'm hooked. LIKE JUST IMAGINE: Sanders doing a bunch of cliche romantic gestures for Jock like taking him out on dates to cafes n' stuff. DO Y'ALL SEE MY VISION CUZ I THINK I'M COOKING
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I am a firm believer that Sanders knows how to do ballroom dancing so I think he'd try teaching Jock sometime (can you guys tell I like domestic and romantic moments between characters yet)
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Lastly, some teen Jock and Sanders! I think if Jock had a theme song it'd be Meow by Ivusm: he just gives off those vibes.
Speaking of which, I've finally released my Sanders playlist!!! :D It's quite difficult to figure out what his character would like and I'll probably change a bunch in the future but for now I'm content with it.
Sanders Playlist!
That's all from me, stay hydrated and take care! <3
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daintev · 2 months
Surprise! More MTCPT art
Someone forgot to pay their beach episode tax!
The idea of a beach episode for My Two Cents Plus Tax amused me (I'm manifesting) + a finished drawing
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The beach tax idea then spiralled into another idea of a paranormal tax chapter. And I also love myself some horror :)
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Finally, I was watching Titanic and thought Jock and Sanders would both be crying messes everytime they watch that movie, because I'm projecting </3
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Headcannon time!!
I've been working on playlists for Sanders and Jock so the idea Sanders would like Lada Gaga happened. I also think it'd be cute if they both shared music with each other, recommending stuff and spending down-time listening to music together :D
I'll probably share the playlists soon, still polishing it and adding stuff.
Anyway, that's all from me. Stay hydrated and take care!!
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daintev · 18 days
They'll win for sure!.......probably....
I've been loving the three-legged, oh sorry, the drag race chapter <3
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With optimism (delusion) and the strength to drag a man, they can win this!
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sadcabbages · 27 days
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I drew Sanders as that one cat meme (I couldn't find the image 😭) it was so weird drawing Sanders without a neutral expression
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sadcabbages · 1 month
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@geezerflakes might hate me for this...
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daintev · 25 days
This three-legged race isn't going as planned huh? Maybe violence is the answer.
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A quick little sketch based on a funny little comment I saw on Tapas :]
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sadcabbages · 2 days
Drawing motivation is back so now I'm drawing a lot anyway mtcpt art dump
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Also I actually finished tye sketch I did last night. Yippee!
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sadcabbages · 22 hours
Random comic
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sadcabbages · 1 day
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Extra sketch
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daintev · 2 months
Art Dump
I haven't used Tumblr in who knows how long so I thought what better to come back than an art dump.
Also I found this really good webcomic called My Two Cents Plus Tax and I've been obsessed with it ever since <3 So, here's a bunch of art and sketches I've made of over the past couple of weeks! I mainly post on Insta so there's a fair amount :,)
You can read the webcomic on webtoons or tapas, I've linked the webtoon one: https://www.webtoons.com/en/canvas/my-two-cents-plus-tax/list?title_no=888566
Seriously an amazing webcomic and one of my favourites of all time, all made by @geezerflakes I highly recommend giving it a read!! :D
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daintev · 1 month
Lights Out!
Dain draws the silly tax collectors again, what's new?
Seriously, I've been having so much fun drawing these 2, they're perfect for sketching and loosening up my style a bit more. I've also managed to convince 2 of my mates to read mtcpt so, I'm waiting to hear what they think of it (they are well aware of how crazy I am about it)
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Also, finally actually did a drawing of actual current events in the comic, I love the premise of the 3 legged race sm it's very entertaining <3 + drawed Payton for once, its criminal I barely draw her. The same goes for Mr.Boss, I really should draw them more.
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Anyway, sleepover chapter when?? This was entirely thought up by the idea that Sanders gets bed hair every now & again because there's no way with his type of hairstyle it's keeping shape. Man, I'm just a sucker for sweet and wholesome romance.
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I can't explain the context behind this other than the drag scene is going through a lot at the moment so, I wanted to do something. Getting serious here for a moment: queer rep is insanely important and stuff like this comic, while it's quite niche, is still important to have and I appreciate it a lot <3
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Anyway, dramatic rain scene anyone? :) (The urge to follow up and make a mini- fan comic of this scene is crazy strong)
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And finally some random sketches plus a few doodles I did on Photoshop during my art course.
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FINAL THING! I've finished making Jock's playlist and is now available to listen to!
Jock's Playlist!
That's all for tonight, stay hydrated and take care! :D
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