#sanders grave
bobokitty · 1 year
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Drawing of these two idiot tax collectors who can’t communicate their feelings for each other from @geezerflakes My Two Cents, PLUS TAX
I have no idea what style I was going for lol
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not nearly enough posting about how insane giving amanda that puzzle piece charm on her saw x costume was. I mean sure, to us it's a cute easter egg, but within the context of the canon the implications are Haunting. what do you MEAN the first person to ever survive jigsaw freely chooses to wear the symbol he carves into the corpses of people who didn't. it's this tiny, secret acknowledgement that a bit of her died in that trap n now she's dragging this metaphorical tombstone everywhere with her on a literal chain. what the fuck
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spoondrifts · 1 year
the sides and road rage
virgil: white knuckling the wheel, barely breathing. not even mad just completely shut down in terror. i don't think this man should ever be put behind a wheel
roman: loudly and vigorously extolling the various sins of everyone on the road while simultaneously driving like an egotistical lunatic
logan: mutters angrily under his breath about disrespecting the laws of the roadway and every once in a while will lean bodily out of the window to furiously demand a step by step explanation for the offender's behavior
patton: screams in surprise no matter how mild the incident and then laughs weakly to himself while attempting to rationalize why the other person might just not be having a very good day (they almost ran him over)
janus: pulls an exaggerated frowny face and gives people thumbs down in traffic and it makes everyone so fucking mad
remus: is the one people are road raging at and thinks it's the funniest thing in the world
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xan-the-emo-trans-man · 9 months
”he didn’t mean it” I say about the most cynical fictional character that’s done the most heinous crimes you could ever imagine that I defend just because they’re attractive
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Orage's headstone.
"You grieve for those that should not be grieved for. The wise grieve neither for the living nor the dead. Never at any time was I not, nor thou, nor these princes of men. Nor shall we ever cease to be hereafter. The unreal has no being. The real never ceases to be."
[Thanks Ian Sanders]
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nickngreg · 9 months
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sforspoot · 1 year
Hello I live! I alive I promise-
TLDR:I’m not dead, mostly, inconsistent posting schedule still but I’ll try to be active when I can. More art for other fandoms I’m in.
Sorry about the M.I.A.
A lot of personal things and such, and I didn’t have the mental capacity to be able to do art and post and deal with Al that at the same time- but! I’m back hopefully-
Still inconsistent posting schedule but I’ll try to be more active. And I’m going to keep making Pokémon and Submas art, but also make art for other fandoms I really like!
Here’s a wip for Sander sides art to show y’all what I mean.
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It’s zoomed in but yeah
Anyway thank you! I appreciate every single person who has been supporting me in this art journey, love y’all!
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zeni1098 · 15 days
“The coffin of Andy and Leyley” au of Sander sides.
“the coffins of Dukey and Princey” (I’m not a remrom shipper I just like the psychological horror)
Mama graves=Logan
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boomgers · 11 months
En la era del Terror Lila, el amor es peligroso… “Compañeros De Viaje”
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La historia gira en torno a la relación, arriesgada y volátil, entre el carismático y ambicioso Hawkins ‘Hawk’ Fuller y el piadoso e idealista Tim Laughlin, dos funcionarios políticos que se enamoran en el apogeo del Terror Lila de la década de 1950, cuando Joseph McCarthy y Roy Cohn declaran la guerra a los “subversivos y desviados sexuales”, iniciando uno de los períodos más oscuros de la historia estadounidense del siglo XX.
Estreno: 28 de octubre de 2023 en Paramount+.
La serie cuenta con las actuaciones de Matt Bomer, Jonathan Bailey, Jelani Alladin, Allison Williams, Noah J. Ricketts, Jane Moffat, Teagan Sellers, Michael Therriault, Keara Graves, Ben Sanders, Mike Taylor, David Tomlinson, Etienne Kellici, entre otros.
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Sesión Fotográfica
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Okay. Promethean!Patton fic was posted yesterday.
After I make/eat some food my brain is between:
Polish up that Gymrat!Dukexiety cuddling drawing
Work on on Book 2 for Begotten!AU...
Former just had me thinking about one other visual trope in Remus fan art that I adore - making the guy just look vaguely... ill.
Like anemic, ashen/pale, or a bit green... or something. (But is still way too damn chipper about it/everything.)
It just fits the the guy's aesthetic, man.
(Gymrat!Remus does have anemic bouts d/t PCOS. iZ!Remus had a hx w/ cancer and then became a zombie. Promethean!Remus is a Frankensteinian abomination - so both his human and true forms look a bit fucked up. Begotten!Remus because of his flavor of "That Boy Aint Right"... Pffft.)
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foone · 10 months
Alternative names for humanity along the lines of "Homo sapiens" (Wise man) and "Pan narrans" (Storytelling Chimpanzee) that I'm too lazy to look up/make up Latin for:
chef ape
throwing ape
walking ape
The idea being that we're apparently unique in the animal kingdom in that we cook our food, so we're the Chef Apes. We're also one of the best animals at throwing things: humans have more accuracy and strength when throwing stuff than other apes, by a long shot
And apparently our ability to walk slowly for ages was key to our early survival as persistence predators. We can't outrun a gazelle or mammoth or whatever, but we don't tire easily and so we can just keep following it until it runs out of stamina
Pan basipila: the baseball playing Bonobo
If only baseball had a cooking element, it would be the perfect Human Sport.
We need to devise a sport where you cook something, follow someone for a long time, and then throw it at them.
The most human thing is the surprise pie to the face
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Also as much as I like Terry Pratchett's suggestion of "Pan narrans" I wouldn't be surprised if we turn out to not be the only animal that tells stories...
Elephants. I bet elephants do.
Like, there was that case where an injured elephant went to a ranger station for help. One it had never been to before, but other elephants had.
The theory being then that some other elephant had told this elephant "hey if you're hurt, go here, the humans will help"
That, combined with how they have burial rituals (some which might indicate there's an elephant religion!), and that we're working on figuring out how elephants communicate...
It wouldn't surprise me if we learn sometimes in the next decade or two that "oh yeah, elephants tell stories too. They've got FICTION."
So "Pan narrans" isn't what I'd want to bet on as our uniquely human thing.
But at the end of the day, maybe the whole idea of there being a uniquely human thing is, in itself, just another story we're telling.
So maybe it is a good fit after all.
But I especially like the idea that we're the Baseball Ape because I have this image in my head of a galactic council of aliens. Some angry alien who looks like Cthulhu had a baby with a spider has the floor, and they're ranting about "why do the Hu-mons deserve a seat?"
The Crogath are stronger, the Eldru are smarter, the Cybernetic Essense lives longer, the Dromans go farther and faster, the Moltriri have us beat in fiction and poetry, what is so special about these damn bipedal fleshbags that makes them unique in the universe?
And then WHAM. Right between the eyes. A handheld translator device, a bit bigger than a modern smartphone, beans the speaker out of nowhere.
And there's an (untranslated) yell in the chamber as the prime representative calls for order.
(it takes a while to properly explain the insult. Crogathi (especially drones) don't really have mothers or sexual reproduction, so they don't really get why that would be an insult. It's finally translated as something like "bud-biter")
and it's true. even after the World Series becomes the Galactic Series, no non-human team ever manages to win.
The Eldrul Librarians almost make the cut in 2486 but accidentally piss off the ghost of Colonel Sanders and end up inheriting the Hanshin Tigers' curse.
alien textbooks describe The Colonel as some kind of human patron deity of baseball and cooked avian food, who should not be disrespected at all costs, or his vengeance from his place beyond the grave will be swift and punishing
(they're right)
"Look, we can't PROVE he was why Gemini Noctis went supernova unexpectedly, but given the protests that had happened right beforehand, and the incredible powers ascribed to the human spirits, do you really want to risk it?"
the funniest possible future: humanity gets a key place in galactic politics because we're never able to adequately convince the universe at large that our ghost stories are just that, stories, and they're terrified shitless that we'll unleash spectral torment on them
"humans? look man, living humans are a pushover. you can easily rip them in half, crack their planets with a quark bomb, their ships are little more than tin cans with a tachyon drive taped on the side. but it's not the living humans you have to worry about... it's the ghosts."
"humans are a bit like the Nontilek, with a two-stage lifespan, a grub and an adult. What you think of as "adult" humans is just their infant stage, and they only fully transform once they "die". Once fully hatched into Ghost form, their powers are almost limitless."
you want humans off a colony planet and bomb them from orbit? good luck, now you have a few million ascended humans who can pass through solid matter and can't be killed, and they will never rest until you and your descendants are gone or dead.
you don't believe me? look at this: One of their most popular stories is about them building an empire that spanned a large chunk of their little planet, then having it MURDER THEIR OWN GOD.
It only worked for a few revolutions, and he just came back, promising that one day all of them would join him in the next phase of their lifespan.
They still, to this day, thousands of orbits later, erect little statues of the means they used to execute their deity.
not even the Crogathi, who literally worship death itself, tell stories that frightening to their newly hatched grubs.
Humans are scary, man, stay away and just give them whatever they want.
the rest of the alien's education on the dangers of humans is just a selection of human movies. the sixth sense, poltergeist, ghostbusters, the shining, the devil's backbone, and, of course, field of dreams.
ghosts AND baseball? it's everything they're scared about humans all in one package!
the obvious twist you could do, of course, is simple:
the aliens are right.
humans are a two-phase species where the elder form has immense power but leaves communication and decision making to the younger form, which will be confused and angry if you acknowledge the presence of their elder-stage members among them.
this often leads to them cutting off contact or their elder-stage members causing immense damage through seeming "accidents" on the contacting vessel. This is believed to be some kind of religious prohibition that they are not able to explain.
so it's official contact protocol to pretend you cannot perceive the elder-stage humans among them, and to give them what they want to avoid possible retribution.
No means to combat elder-stage humans has yet been found, and the limits of their power is not known.
All alien captains are required to study the fate of the SS Ennolon, which contacted a lone human craft in the galactic year of 12,783. They had initiated contact and were getting along fine, until the human showed the Droman captain a picture of their "late father".
Captain Droless, accounting for the difficulty in telling humans apart, then pointed at the father sitting in a chair nearby and said "That is them, correct?".
The human looked at the chair, reacted in confusion, then anger, and asked the contacting crew to immediately leave.
It was another 400 cycles before contact could be reestablished between the Droman Federation and the Human Alliance.
the intergalactic guide describes humans as a powerful race of immortal energy beings who have the strange habit of sending their larvae out on missions around the galaxy, occasionally contacting other races, but refusing to acknowledge their elders, except in stories
they seem to frequently put their young in dangerous situations without lifting a hand to help, so this is suspected to be some sort of pilgrimage or coming-of-age ritual.
(From a twitter thread on October 1st, 2022)
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frogchiro · 1 year
*insert Bernie sanders meme*
I am once again asking for Vixen reader and Coyote Graves
Vixen Reader who makes Coyote Graves chase her around the forest but always escapes him by diving right into the hole of her den where she knows Graves won't be able to get to her due to his big and bulky build :((
She's a tease!! Always waving her fluffy tail when she sees him sitting by the small stream or will purposefull lay and bask on the sunny clearing, all naked and laid out like a meal for him to take which makes Philip's blood boil :(( He wants to mate with you so fucking bad, wants to build a den and nest with you, wants to provide and protect you, clean you and eventually give you a nice healthy litter of kits but you're such a fucking tease >:(
Enticing him, releasing your delicious sweet scent, lifting your tail and wiggling your broad hips at him and just when he's ready to pounce and mate you always manage to run away and have the audacity to laugh at him >:(
It even worse when that fucking wolf Alejandro starts sniffing around you. He's huge and burly, the smell of his musk can be scented by sensitive noses for miles and he's getting awfully close to you!! No!
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entwinedmoon · 1 month
This month is the 40th anniversary of John Torrington’s exhumation and autopsy. I’ve been doing real-time daily updates over on this post to show just how long and drawn out the process was. It took over a week, starting from when Beattie arrived on Beechey to when they first started digging to when they finally got the coffin open. Right now, those updates are in a bit of a lull because, after they dug down to the coffin, they had to wait for permits to move onto the next part, so there won’t be another Daily Torrington Dig update until August 17.
While we’re waiting for Beattie to get his permits to crack open a cold one (Torrington’s coffin) with the boys (his scientific research team), you can check out my Torrington blog posts to keep the spirit of the season going. The posts Sacred to the Memory of and A Star Is Born would be especially applicable right now as they explore Torrington’s death, exhumation, autopsy, and the media’s response to the photographs of his well-preserved body.
But there’s something else I wanted to share here, another type of media response that I’ve known about (and had a copy of) for a while. I shared it years ago on Twitter, thinking it would get a laugh there, but that was, er, not the reaction I received, so I’d held off on sharing it anywhere else because I thought most people would find it inappropriate. However, I was reminded recently by a friend (don’t know if they want to be tagged here or not, so I’ll go with not) about the existence of this particular piece, and I realized that this might be something that would be more appreciated here on Tumblr, where we like to photoshop Torrington’s corpse into memes, ship him with the guy he’s buried next to, and want to see what he would think of Takis and flavored vapes.
The article I’m referring to is the story about Torrington that appeared in the Weekly World News.
If you’re not familiar with the Weekly World News, it was a notorious tabloid that made up absurd stories and pretended it was real news. Some news stories were actually true—so it wasn’t completely like today’s The Onion—but there were also plenty of clearly fictional articles, featuring bizarre, often supernatural stories, such as Elvis sightings, a double-decker bus mysteriously found at the South Pole (“scientists” claimed aliens did it), or Bat Boy, a boy who was part bat, part boy.
Torrington’s level of fame within the cultural consciousness of the time meant that he, too, got to experience the tabloid treatment.
(CW: pictures of Torrington’s mummified body beneath the cut)
Published on March 3, 1992, was this front-page story:
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Man buried in 1845 brought back to life!
Sailor’s coffin frozen in arctic ice 147 years!
Hush-hush new drug revives corpse, say doctors!
Yes, according to the Weekly World News, John Torrington was brought back to life in 1992. There’s even a full article all about how it happened.
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Scientists revive seaman trapped in ice 147 years!
Sailor back from the dead still thinks James K. Polk is President of the U.S.!
By Cal Sanders, Special Correspondent
The perfectly preserved corpse of a British sailor who was buried in an icy grave after he died on an Arctic expedition in 1845 has been revived by scientists—147 years later!
And while Petty Officer John Torrington’s health is fragile at best, the team of doctors who illegally plucked him from his grave and brought him back to life say he is aware of his surroundings, walking with help and might very well be able to lead a normal life “if this man has the psychological strength to adapt to the 20th century.”
“It’s hard to believe but this man thinks James K. Polk is President of the United States and insists that horses and sailing ships are the best and fastest ways to travel,” Dr. Hermann Richter said in his report on the experiment that brought Torrington back to life.
“Electric lights literally scare the hell out of him and to be perfectly frank about it, he hasn’t quite decided if he’s dead or alive. About the best we can do at this point is take his recovery one day at a time.
“If Torrington survives we will have produced a living piece of history. If he dies, at least we’ll be able to say that we tried to do something that might ultimately have benefited all mankind.”
The decision to steal Torrington’s corpse from its grave in northern Canada couldn’t have come easy for the Richter team, which issued its report to selected European newspapers “from an undisclosed clinic in Germany.”
For starters, the young man’s grave has stood as an unofficial monument to the courage and determination of 128 adventurers led by British explorer Sir John Franklin—adventurers who gave up their lives to chart the last 300-mile-leg of the treacherous Northwest Passage between 1845 and 1848. Torrington’s body was exhumed once before, in 1983, but it was carefully reburied after scientists took a small tissue sample to determine the cause of death. As it turned out, Torrington died from lead poisoning after eating provisions out of tins that were sealed with the dangerous and often lethal metal. Needless to say, news that Richter and his associates secretly exhumed the body a second time, smuggled it into Germany and succeeded in bringing it back to life have infuriated many experts, some of whom consider the theft of the body criminal. Richter himself insisted that Torrington is in good hands and will be free to go when he is strong enough.
The doctor went on the say that he understands why the experiment might sound extreme to some people but he believes that the revival of Torrington “furthered the best interests of medicine and science.” Richter’s report did not include any of the techniques that were used to revive Torrington but it did mention “an exciting new drug” that might one day make such revivals routine.
Because he died of lead poisoning, it is also believed that Richter and his team somehow cleansed Torrington’s tissue of the deadly metal before bringing him back to life. For the record, Torrington was a man of 20 when he died. Now he looks like a man of 80, photos supplied by Richter show.
“A century and a half of death is enough to age anyone,” said Richter.
There’s a lot to unpack here—the morally dubious German doctor with a mysterious, Frankenstein-esque resurrection method; the burial and exhumation dates both being off by one year for some reason; the short, skinny guy in the obvious bald cap that they thought would pass as Torrington; and so much more. Interestingly, a lot of the article seems to focus more on how scandalous it is that Dr. Richter stole Torrington’s body, as if the writer thought that the revival of a long-dead corpse wasn’t enough of a scoop. Also, I’m not sure if Torrington would even have been aware that Polk was president in 1845—was he the sort of guy who paid attention to international politics? Wouldn’t it have made more sense for him to think Victoria was still queen?
Many people might be offended by such an article, but the Weekly World News never cared about who they offended. Unsurprisingly, one of those who did take umbrage with the story was Dr. Owen Beattie.
In a short article in the Times-Colonist Metro about a week after the Weekly World News story ran, we got to hear Owen Beattie’s reaction.
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HEE-(T)HAW . . . It was standard checkout rag fare. “Man Buried in 1845 brought back to life” shouted a recent front page of Weekly World News. “Hush-Hush New Drug Revives Corpse,” it continued.
These startling revelations bore some significance for both the wax museum’s Ken Lane and University of Alberta anthropologist Owen Beattie. The man purportedly thawed like last night’s dinner was John Torrington, one of three sailors from the Franklin expedition buried on Beechy [sic] Island. The Franklin expedition—and John Torrington—feature large in the wax museum’s arresting Frozen in Time expedition. Torrington’s body was exhumed from its Arctic grave in ’84 by Dr. Beattie, who determined death was from lead poisoning.
Neither Ken nor the anthropologist felt their respective professional worlds crumbled with the News article. (It ran with a photo of an emaciated looking chap being assisted by doctors and reports that Torrington is terrified of electric lights, still believes Polk is the U.S. president, and horses are the only way to go.) Ken shrugged it off with a what-can-you-expect-from-a-checkout-rag laugh. The anthropologist wasn’t quite so forgiving.
He refused to comment on it at all, insisting that his research speaks for itself. Apparently John Torrington was quite dead when he was exhumed and equally so when buried after the autopsy. But then that’s not the sort of stuff that sells check-out rags.
While it’s perfectly understandable that Beattie would not appreciate something like the Weekly World News’ fake story, what I find most interesting about this snippet is that there was a wax museum with a Franklin Expedition exhibit that included Torrington??? Does that mean there was a Torrington wax figure???? Where is it now????? Can I buy it?????????
These very important questions aside, it’s fascinating to see that Torrington was well known enough to make it into a “checkout rag.” Maybe it’s not the legacy he would have wanted, but at least it’s worth a good laugh.
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hollyhomburg · 8 months
Before I Leave You (Pt.66)
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(Sneek peak)(Omegaverse au, Mafia au, Bts x Reader)
Summary: Your track record with trying to survive is a checkered one. This is a red spot among the black and white.
Tags: Blood, Guns, violence, near death experiences, everyone lives nobody dies...but someone does die this chapter, horror, non-lethal injury, talks of death and dying, a bit of body horror, forced murder? Trans! tae, Tae is briefly dead named in this, implied/referenced intimate partner violence, flashbacks, brief suicidality.
W/c: 8.0k
A/N: ahhhhhh <3 we're finally ready for this part of the story <3 i wonder what your guys reactions will be, i'm really glad i decided to split this chapter into two peices! it's much cleaner this way. don't be 🥲 too mad at me.
Previous part - Masterlist - First part
Chapter 66: Go for the Throat
You hold your breath. Still peering around the corner, watching and waiting for the man to spot you.
But he doesn't, after a breath where his soft footsteps echo, you wait, but nothing happens. You peak back around the corner. 
You absorb and catalog the details as fast as you can; the black ski mask, covered by one of those traditional masks, wooden with red lacquer. This one is a little different than the one that Jimin had; this one is white with red splotch on the cheeks, not twisted with thick eyebrows in a snarl. Like a ghost sent down from above to rob you of your humanity.
The bulletproof vest stops at the collarbones. The gun itself is black and a generic model. The long end is extra bulbous with something that might be an attached silencer. Hands covered in black nitrile gloves, leathery at first glance. There is a knife at his waist along with a barrage of other small things. Rope and a knife, duct tape and handcuffs. His heavy boots look steel toed and reinforced.
The man (because it is a man you realize; tall, maybe taller than Namjoon) trains his gun at the landing on the top of the stairs. Pointing it in the direction of Hobi, Tae, and Jin’s hushed voices.
Hobi giggles and it sounds so bright. Echoing off the walls and filling the house.
There is a phone cord tangled in your hands, long and white. You grip it tight.
This man might be silent but you’re quieter as you slide your bare feet across the smooth floors. Your strides are so quiet, you take one step and then another until you're behind the man, mirroring him.
You remember when Yoongi redid the floors, it was one of the few things that he did right away- before the pack came to live here (to love here). It took him weeks and weeks of sanding before he got them to his liking. Days more of brown dark stain that colored his hands ruddy until the soft matte finish stuck. Every pass with the belt sander and dirty rag a movement of love, a meditation for it.
Yoongi made every inch of this house with the same loving intent; to make it a home for all of you. You won’t let it become a grave. You won’t let this person stay here and ruin it.
Most people get it wrong; In order to kill, it is not a matter of elegance or effort. There is no such thing as a perfect kill, emotionless and analytic. it being justified only gets you halfway. There is no way to do it perfectly or cleanly. People die just as they live, messy and hopeful and dirty.
Murder isn't a matter or wanting or wishing, It’s a matter of rage.
It’s always been this way. Rage has been chewing a hole through you from the moment that you pulled the trigger with Geumjae. From the moment you said ‘I do’. Rage that these violent things have been done to you, that they continue to happen, that you can’t just get away from all the hurt and trauma.
Rage has eaten you clean through to the bone. Only now you're the hungry one. Right now, only three words run through your head;
How dare she.
How dare she send this man into your house. How dare she point a gun at the upstairs, in the general direction of your nest and your packmates. The altar at which you so desperately cling to, for sweet dreams and sweet worship. How dare she even think about hurting the people you love.
There is no courage, no bravery, no thought in your head about how stupid it might be as you step closer behind the man. You are not a trained assassin. You’re just an omega.
The adrenaline rush is an old friend, you know how to use it. You grip the phone cord in your hands and take a quiet steadying breath. He doesn't see you, he doesn't hear you, he doesn't know that you're behind him.
Wolves always go for the throat, whether they’re cornered or hunting.
The assassin’s foot ascends the bottom step. You don’t let him get to the second before you’re moving, hurtling forward. Footsteps light as a butterfly’s wings. Your hands go over the man’s shoulders. The cord no more than a white flash across his vision before you draw it tight across his neck.
Coming Saturday February 3rd at 5pm EST (Time Zone Adjustments Below)
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jewish-vents · 3 months
I'm so tired of antisemitism in every fandom space I am genuinely starting to feel detached from reality. My entire job is working with victims of violent crime (I identify bones and causes of death/bodily harm). I should be able to talk about Stardew Valley or Pokemon without seeing people talk about how much they hate us and want us dead or make edits of Pikachu on Palestine's flag - which, frankly, feels insulting to Palestine since human lives are a smidge more important than your fictional electric rodent. I should be able to see someone post a meme without people going, "ew Bernie Sanders meme" and "death to zionists" and "all eyes on Rafah!" in the comments. No one in Rafah is helped by this bullshit and no one here is either bc after a long 10 hour shift at work identifying the remains of a human trafficking victim buried in a shallow grave, I don't get moved or inspired by "zionists kys". I just sit there and go, "really? I can't even post about liking Dedenne more than Pikachu without seeing antisemitism?"
My therapist keeps saying not to focus on things outside of my control and to do grounding breathing exercises. Lately I've been dissociating when I do those exercises and even though I can feel my mental health getting work, I can't take time off. We need all hands on deck for this human trafficking murder case. I can't just walk away from work. But I can't unwind after work. Video games that used to bring me joy just remind me of all the people who have made it clear I'm not welcome in any of those games' fandoms. It feels like the walls are closing in all around me.
Yesterday a police officer I (unfortunately) had to interview made some snide remarks about my nose and last name and I told him, in detail, the probable causes of death for the child whose skeleton I've been studying, and ended it with, "and I don't think being antisemitic is going to bring her back, so you might want to focus on the murderers and traffickers operating in your town under your watch instead." I was reprimanded for taking things too personally. And I laughed in a kind of breaking-down-audibly kind of way. Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know it was taking things personally to want to focus on the dead child we're investigating and not my nose. How frivolous and emotional of me. Aren't I silly? /s
Every day on the drive to and from work I look at spots on the bridge I draw over where I could easily climb up and jump off. I am falling apart and I can feel it and no one cares. Just do breathing meditation and don't think about what you can't control. Don't think about how you can't exist without it being a problem even online. Don't think about how above 250 feet, the survival rate drops to less than 1% and you could easily jump that. Mindfulness of the breath. Don't think. That's all I get for comfort.
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nickngreg · 1 year
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