#mtftm nsft
beatrixstonehill2 · 17 days
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"Just a photo of me with my lovely new girlfriend, Nikki! We met on Tinder and she was soooo eager to date a trans girl like me! I asked her if she loved girls with huge boobs like me and she asked if I'm trans. I was surprised she could tell and said that I was. She told me it was obvious I was born a boy, that I didn't pass very well. But she really wanted to hook up still, saying she loved how boys who transition into girls like me wind up with such big boobs that they're kind of a give away. Because cis girls would get a reduction and hate being so busty, but trans girls keep them and let them grow to bovine proportions. Since we have boy libidos and get turned on by monster tits and other perverted stuff. But she said she's a bit of a pervert, too.
I told her I was flattered but I'm not especially kinky. She promised me if we got together she'd make me kinkier than I ever could've dreamed. Sooooo I just had to say yes. We've been together three months, but I'm still not sure what she meant exactly..... We have sex and she encourages me to use my cock, although she tops, she likes me to stroke my cock and edge for her. She likes to tell me when I can or can't cum, which is pretty fun, although a bit frustrating since I swear I've been getting hornier since I met her! And my cock has actually grown, weirdly enough! That happen to any other trans girls at nineteen? I haven't missed any of my meds. But I've gone from four inches fully erect to almost ten! It's embarrassing having a big dick but at least Nikki seems to like it, joking how it just proves I'm really a boy deep down. It's weird but my heart flutters when she calls me a boy, especially in public. It actually makes my cock hard..... Oh, and suddenly my stubble and beard are coming in! Is that normal? I've been on blockers since ten and hormones at twelve. Should I see my doctor or do you girls think I should just let it come in? I'm OK at covering it with makeup but I feel like it's coming in really fast. Oh well, hope you all have a lovely day! ❤️"
"Fuck..... It's been two years since my last post because, well, as everyone was commenting, yes Nikki was a TERF, and yes.... she was sneaking me testosterone. You all called it and I totally ignored it. Now I'm seeing what she meant by kinky.... It was one thing to control when I cum, but now my life revolves around Nikki's fetishes. It started with her detransitioning me, training me to edge and not cum unless she allowed it. Soon my voice dropped, my body hair and beard grew thick. I couldn't hide that I was a guy at all. And fuck it made me so damn hard! I feel disgusting, thinking of how I threw my beautiful body away for Nikki. But my cock is so big now! It aches to be stroked and played with all day, but instead every time I get an erection I have to eat or chug weight gain shakes until Nikki gets home and lets me cum.
Nikki apparently loves extremely fat men and loves turning beautiful trans girls into fat men even more. I'm definitely not the first or last trans girl she's done this to. I even had to watch as she made me get my boobs chopped off. Reduced to a flat, boy's chest, as I was only numbed, kept awake as the surgeon destroyed my perfect breasts. Nikki was in the corner, controlling a set of vibrating toys, one in my ass, the other inserted into my fat cock. I was still thin and pretty that day, and it's one of the few videos Nikki actually lets me jerk off to when I'm allowed to cum. That, and videos of other trans girls she's dated enduring the same thing. Always still slim and beautiful, breasts at least a HH-Cup or bigger. Stubble starting to show on their faces, voices just beginning to crack as they're forced to watch a surgeon dismantle and ruin their beautiful, estrogen-fattened breasts.
Now my whole life is sitting home eating. Sometimes Nikki goes days without coming home and letting me cum, since she has so many other former trans girls to keep fed and growing, making sure none of us are breaking our rules, being naughty, and gooning on our own. Although, as a boy the temptation to edge and stroke and goon all day is always at the forefront of my brain. Eating is the only thing that quiets my urges..... temporarily. So I eat more and more, gorging myself, becoming a hairy tub of lard for Nikki, knowing I'll never, ever pass as a girl again. Not that I was ever very convincing.... I can't wait to get as fat as possible to show Nikki what a devoted, pathetic hog I've become! Although it is fun to watch her get mad when I can't help myself and I jerk off for hours on end to girls getting forcibly detransitioned....."
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toowolfstarlight · 17 days
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Are you just gonna just look at me it lay me to the bed 😍💋💋
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secondarysex · 1 month
Come here and take off your shirt. Let me measure your chest. I want to make sure I buy a binder that fits you – I can't stand your breasts anymore. Which color would you prefer, black or red?
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traumatizeddykeboy · 9 months
Need to have my brains scrambled by someone fingering me and toying with my prostate until I cum all over my tummy. Then they cuddle and degrade/praise me while I reel from the orgasm.
"You did so good, pathetic lil pup. You let out all your useless seed all over yourself. Such a good boy!"
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detransboy · 2 months
I'm a 21 year old trans girl who wants to be the boyfriend of a trans girl
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puppiezbonez · 1 year
ok but reverse cockwarming >>>>
tying someone w a cock to the bed and riding them through orgasm after orgasm hhhh
even better bc i can overstimulate them a lotttt without getting tired >:)
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beatrixstonehill2 · 2 months
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"Well, it really happened! The rumors circulating are totally true, my former sister and I were pushed to attend a detrans bootcamp. Our families really wanted to see us experience this together and be openminded. Despite having socially transitioned in gradeschool and being on estrogen since forever (just look at the giant, fat breasts we developed as 'girls' 🤢), we didn't want to let our families down. Although we knew they wanted us to detrans for a while now. Guess they never lost faith even as we brought so many guys home and rode their cocks long into the night, our fat boy-tits bouncing and clapping together as we moaned like porn stars. Because of course almost everything we knew about being girls came from porn, so we acted like whores and slept with pretty much any guy who didn't mind that we both had a fat cock between our legs.
When we got to bootcamp we were surprised to learn we'd immediately be taken off estrogen, put on testosterone and drugs to help our cocks grow. We showed the people at the bootcamp our cocks were already eight inches and pretty thick but it wasn't good enough, apparently. So we reluctantly started going through male puberty, which was kind of fun. As twins it was nice going through this at the exact same time instead of one of us detransing over a boyfriend or something. So, we made the most of it and got used to life on this island paradise, surrounded by other trans girls who were all at least a little bit excited to detrans. Some were absolutely gorgeous, some of the prettiest 'girls' we've ever seen, and none of them were smaller breasted than a G-Cup.
We bonded and fucked at first, but as our bodies got more masculine, our voices dropped, we all grew facial hair but at least we were allowed to shave it. We started resembling guys too much to be turned on by each other anymore, and the bootcamp started making more sense. We went from staying near our huts and main camp, just eating and fucking like most girls, to going out, exploring, exercising, hunting, building more camps around the island, ladders, bridges, and other things to make getting around easier. Finally, testosterone was evolving us past being mindless fuckdolls....
We noticed the only other people but the sparse staff, who made sure we were fed and hydrated, were beautiful girls--yet we had no idea why. All over the island, there were clusters of cisgirls wearing skimpy island dresses, some barely clothed at all. We still had no idea what the objective of this bootcamp was, other than seeing our bodies turn male. Soon, we finally understood, right around the time we asked to finally have out huge boobs removed because they got in the way and we suddenly realized just how ridiculous they looked on us. It was around then we knew what the goal was. We had to do what men did--repopulate the island, so to speak. It was like a scavenger hunt to see how many girls we could get pregnant. The staff tallied it up and tested our DNA to make sure who the father was, meaning we had to be territorial. If we found a new group of girls who weren't pregnant we'd need to fuck them, keep them well-fucked, and prevent any of the other men from impregnating them.
We worked together as twins, so we had an advantage. I'd protect our budding harem, and my brother would go out, find new girls, abduct them or force them all back to our harem, tucked away on the far side of the island. The girls were all drop dead beautiful of course, thick with really big breasts, fat asses, juicy thighs, gorgeous faces, hand-picked from colleges all around the country, given fertility drugs, breast-growth drugs, and fed an ample diet to ensure they were curvy in just the right way that when our male brains awoke, we'd find it irresistible to breed them. The final tally was my brother and I matched with 64 of girls' broods, none of which were below quadruplets. We ranked the highest, narrowly beating out the girl I thought was the prettiest, a Korean-American trans girl with a set of K-Cup breasts, who I gleefully hooked up with my first night at bootcamp,
Now it's unfortunately time to go home, as all the girls we bred prepare for the next round of fakegirls to masculinize and get them severely knocked up. I think they're earning college credits? Either way, I'll miss our little harem, but all the more reason for my brother and I to come home, stalk the various colleges around us, local parks, maybe even a library or two where a few buxom young college girls might be tucked away, thinking they're safe. I think it's time we start up a new harem and use the prize money to buy a house to keep all of our new pets. They may be reluctant at first but soon enough our new harem of plump, fertile hucows will grow to love being our personal collection of mindless, baby-filled cum dumps. We'll see to it."
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queerism1969 · 1 year
Mom and I went to the YMCA tonight for the first time. I noticed a transgender man in the locker room where I went. Who do I report this to?
In bathrooms in general, nobody's looking at each other's private parts. There are stalls, in well-designed bathrooms, and there are barriers between urinals, basically, it just doesn't even matter what bits someone has.
The amount of distress you experience at having trans people in change rooms with you... I'm sorry, but it really is fucking nothing compared to the distress caused by not being recognized as the gender one is. Like, occasionally you get a little uncomfortable, and then go about your day. But a trans person risks violence, verbal abuse, social isolation, work discrimination, etc.
And then at the end of the day, they're put through the humiliation of having to use the bathroom of the opposite gender? I'm sorry, but your discomfort is nothing compared to theirs.
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secondarysex · 1 month
Aren't you tired of being so emotional? Ever since you started taking those pills, you've been crying so much. It hurts me to see you like this. I'll cancel your prescription and you'll be feeling better in no time. Don't worry, you'll see; it's so much easier to be a man.
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mauveliza · 4 months
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Femboy :)
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beatrixstonehill2 · 3 months
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"Uncle Bryan! Oh my god I'm so happy you came! Have you heard the good news?" Staci asked, coming out of the water, bubbly as can be.
"You look as stunning as ever, Staci! And no..... what news?"
"Awww, I'm glad mom didn't spoil the fun! I'm detransitioning!"
"Wow, congratulations! That's so wonderful to hear--I was gonna say your voice sounds a lot deeper than I remember. Damn you've been living as a girl most of your life. What made you decide to detransition, darling?"
She shrugged. "I dunno! My boyfriend really wants to see me go through male puberty. We were only dating a month at the time but he's soooo into the idea of me living as a boy I decided to try it out for him!"
"Damn, he's a lucky guy. I'm glad you're open to trying this for him. You're gonna make a super handsome boy."
"Awww, thanks! He did warn me when we started dating that he's more into guys than girls and I told him it wouldn't be a problem, if he really wanted I could always detrans!"
"I'm so happy for you, I think you're gonna love being a guy, sweetie."
"I think so, too! Look at this!" Staci took out her cock, fully erect at eight inches. "I've only been on testosterone and steroids for three months and my cock has grown five inches! Look at how thick it is!"
"That's incredible! I remember you prancing around in those tiny tennis skirts last summer, that little cock of yours looked so stunted and limp. It's great to see you getting to enjoy a nice, full-fledge erection finally, and I bet your orgasms are so much more intense since you started detransitioning!"
"They. Are. Incredible!!! I jerk off like ten times a day, no lie, and I still have tons of energy for my bf to, well, have his way with me!"
"He's sounding luckier by the minute. Don't spoil him too much! You already look so much more masculine, your beard's even starting to come in."
Staci blushed. "I know! I'm getting a bit dysphoric but my bf wants me to let my body hair grow, and to rock stubble, but he's cool with me still dressing fem, of course! Oh, that reminds me.... I have a request!"
"What's that, darling?"
"Well..... I wanted your blessing because they were a gift. And I'm so happy you bought them for me when I turned 18! Those first two years of college wouldn't have been the same without them...."
"I think I see where this is going...."
Staci bit her lip, softly pumping her growing cock. "Please, Uncle Bryan, may I have the implants you bought me removed so I can get top surgery?"
"Of course, they're yours to do with as you please and if you want to get rid of them, by all means! I'd love to see you get your breasts removed if that's what you and your boyfriend want!"
"Yeah he's kiiiiinda grossed out by big boobs. He told me when we started chatting on Tinder and I assured him I could always get my implants taken out, I just needed my uncle's blessing, since they're a gift. He'll be so relieved I won't have boobs anymore! I'm kinda bummed they'll be gone but I just love pleasing him....."
"And that's what makes you a good girlfriend--well, boyfriend. I'll have to get used to you being a boy!"
Staci jerked her cock harder. "Me, too...... would you by any chance like to give me my T shot? It's that time of the day..... you can inject my testosterone and steroid shot right into my cock if you want..... just don't be surprised if the injections make me cum, they have that effect..... I think it might be fun to show you how my bf injects me...."
"I'd be honored to, I could use some bonding time with my new favorite nephew, after all."
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daddysfatfakeboy · 1 year
Everyone should go follow my boyfriend…he detransing from non binary to be a real man for me. He is gonna post about all the nasty things he does to me. His at is @dis-beep-aster .
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queerism1969 · 2 years
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