#mtg woe
hikorzik · 1 year
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This is too much
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beardwitchbrews · 1 year
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I’ve seen some discourse over how WOE is an aggressive format and people are upset by that. My stance is: yea, it is. You need to be on the board, or at least able to address it, by turn two.
(At least at Platinum, metas shift in the rankings in my experience.)
But that doesn’t mean it’s a bad format! These games have been sick. All of my trophies have been 7-2’s- I’ve had to play really tight to get them. There are a lot of really interesting decision points you have to make in game (where do I put my roles, should I play this as an adventure or just as the creature, should I crack my food or save it for a bargain later, etc.) Will I feel this way in a few months? Who knows. But I think, with the way the format is built for multicolor shenanigans and weird build arounds, WOE has some legs.
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lord-of-innistrad · 1 year
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A random Wilds of Eldraine card design! The idea is that it would fit into the red-white, celebration archetype. It would trigger celebration on it's own so you get a 1/1 that gives all your creatures double strike. Let me know what you think!
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lrdhewlett · 1 year
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Oh Arena.... You never change
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magic-the-girlbossing · 6 months
I've recently been cooking up a Rowan, Scion of War deck and one of the things that struck me while I was thinking about the way I wanted to win with the deck is how perfect Crackle with Power is as a wincon for her and the way that perfectly integrates her function in gameplay with her character and motivation in the Wilds of Eldraine story.
For a primer, here are the cards that I'm talking about:
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Rowan, Scion of War taps to reduce the cost of all red or black spells you cast by X, where X is the amount of life you've lost this turn.
Crackle with Power is an X spell that deals five times X damage to each of up to X targets.
The synergy is obvious. Most of the time, a Crackle with Power that is sufficiently charged can instantly win you the game, and, provided you lose enough life to make it worth your while, Rowan can give the spell the power it needs.
Will and Rowan's conflict in Wilds of Eldraine come down to their views on power: both its meaning and the justification of its use. Will's power, at least in Rowan's perspective, is almost entirely ephemeral. He holds the crown — the position of High King — but to Rowan, this power isn't anything real. He hopes to be the figurehead: a king in name who brings together the divided world in a time of strife.
(Quotes below from Wilds of Eldraine Chapter 1 by K. Arsenault Rivera)
"The Realm needs a High King; I did what I had to do... We have to be careful about the impression we're making. People want to be united, and I want to unite them."
Rowan doesn't think he can do it. Rowan believes that the only form of power that people will respect is action; she sees Will's focus on unity as inaction.
"Let them be afraid. I doubt any of them will be raiding the countryside any time soon with the beating we gave them. I'd rather have a thousand brigands living in fear of me than a dozen farmers living in fear of brigands... "Our parents wouldn't ignore a curse that's spreading through the kingdom. Or is 'unity' going to solve the Wicked Slumber, too? And before you forget, our parents earned their titles. You just decided to call yourself High King because you thought it suited you."
She knows she has power — real power — and is frustrated that Will won't let her use it to address the problems at hand.
Rowan's intentions are good — or at least they adhere to a morality. She wants to prevent people, especially Will, from suffering, wants to end the Wicked Slumber, wants Eldraine to be at peace, but doesn't think that any of this can happen if she is unable to utilize her full power. She feels the incessant need to take action, to demonstrate power, to invoke fear and hurt to attain the good that she seeks.
Crackle with Power demonstrates the pinnacle of this philosophy in Rowan's experience. It represents an action she took on impulse, pushing herself through fear and pain, yet still fueled by her own righteousness.
(Quotes below from Strixhaven Chapter 5 by Adana Washington)
Rowan felt a cold anger rising from somewhere inside her—rage, overwhelming the fear and the pain. She couldn't win, but she could hurt the one who did this... The Snarl hung in the air, still brilliant, even in crimson. Still rippling with power. Rowan took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and reached out.
And when she reached into The Snarl, took its power with the goal of bringing punishment upon those that would cause her and her brother harm, it was incredible.
She felt the power rushing through her, power like she had never dreamed. It felt, in that moment, that she could do anything; mountains would crumble before her, cities burn, oceans boil. She hardly noticed as her feet left the ground, wind swirling as if the air itself feared her. And it should, thought Rowan. Everything should.
This moment may not be the beginning of this pattern of thought for Rowan but it is a very pronounced one. She seized power when it was available, and took action when it was most needed, and the result was that she got exactly what she wanted. It's no wonder that after that she would hope to do it again.
And so Rowan leaves Will behind to go on her own journey: an angry, impulsive journey that sees her tempted to become the thing she swore she would destroy, only for the hope that she could once again use her power. For the greater good. At any cos.
Crackle with Power sees Rowan acting impulsively, with cruelty, with anger, to do something that she feels is right. In its mechanics, Rowan, Scion of War sees this moment and says "this is what I need to do, and I will pay anything to make sure I can do it."
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mtgfan · 1 year
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It's date night.
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inventors-fair · 1 year
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Hello everyone! Today we have some examples for this week’s contest if you’re struggling to find something that fits within the contest parameters.
First, @teaxch has given us a wonderful top-down design based on a nursery rhyme. (Wait, does that count as a fairy tale?) Aside from that, it’s a very flavorful design, that also helps to fit within the archetypes of WOE very evenly.
Next up is @mistershinyobject’s Messy Dancing, a bridge between BR Rats and RW Celebration that bridges the two fairly seamlessly. A lot of limited design is based around archetypes as I’m sure you’ve come to realize, and these kinds of cards are the driving force that helps players pull together the perfect deck.
Finally, my example for this week is another top-down design, but instead of focusing on the relative themes of Eldraine, I focused on story events. With the High King and Queen of Ardenvale dead, Will decides to ascend to the throne. It’s a scene we didn’t get in the actual story itself, but is referred to by the characters, which makes it decent as a starting point.
Good luck, and may your submissions be happily ever after
- @gollumni
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miiishra · 4 months
"You're a witch, Rowan."
-- Eriette, Wilds of Eldraine
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aspoopalypse · 1 year
wow gotta love mtg really falling into the lockstep trope of overly emotional woman who is proven evil and wrong in the end vs the smart rational man
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lord-of-innistrad · 1 year
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A pirate themed commander with an adventure attached to it.
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fivetrillionelves · 1 year
Good morning everyone, on today's episode of Making Breaking Magic, I'd like to discuss a subject that is near and dear to my heart, token generation. Specifically, I'd like to explore how many tokens can be generated with a single instance of token generation in Wilds of Eldraine limited.
I should preface this by saying that I am in no way a mathematician (I went to art school after all), so it's entirely possible that I'm doing my math wrong.
While this subject would normally have a simple answer, the Enchanting Tales bonus sheet makes things a touch more complicated.
Not only does it contain Doubling Season, it also contains Parallel Lives AND Primal Vigor, meaning that if we manage to get all three enchantments in play at once, we will create 8 tokens for every 1 token we would normally create.
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But there's a snag here. A 4/4 elf noble shaped snag. Enter Yenna, Redtooth Regent.
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Yenna can turn our token doublers into tokens themselves, and while she can only target each doubler once, that's already more than enough.
If we start with Primal Vigor (we want our opponents to get as little value as possible off our insanity after all), we can generate an additional 8 copies of Primal Vigor using Yenna's ability (2*2*2), leaving us with 11 permanents that double our tokens. At this point Mark Rosewater, known fan of doubling things, will probably tell us we've gone too far.
Then, if we continue unabated and copy our Parallel Lives, we can create an additional 2048 copies of Parallel Lives, leaving us with 2059 permanents that double our tokens.
Then, if we attempt to copy our Doubling Season, we will create 2^2059 copies of Doubling Season. The reason I didn't write out the actual number is because this was the point where I couldn't find a calculator capable of processing the result.
After some quick googling, I learned that there are between 10^78 and 10^82 atoms in the observable universe, meaning we have almost certainly generated more copies of Doubling Season then there are Atoms in the Universe, and we haven't even created one creature token.
While we can go deeper using Three Blind Mice, I worry that if I linger too much longer in this universe I've created I may go completely mad.
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So, at the end of the day, if you find yourself in this situation at a Wilds of Eldraine sealed or draft event and your opponent asks how many mouse tokens you just generated, the proper answer is, "Enough."
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boyd-speaks · 1 year
Wilds of Eldraine looks real good.
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mtg-cards-hourly · 6 months
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Chorus of Woe
When nightstalkers sing, nothing in creation sleeps.
Artist: Randy Gallegos TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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the-frizzle-fry · 1 year
New pauper bolt. Nice
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They haven't been this excited for a big lady since Lady Dimitrescu
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