lexlawuk · 2 months
Historic MTIC VAT Fraud Directors Owe £4.8m (18 Years Later)
Two directors of a company involved in a complex and now historic MTIC missing trader VAT carousel fraud scheme have been ordered in a 2024 decision of the High Court to pay £4.8 million, nearly two decades after their fraudulent activity took place. Directors Held Liable for Historic MTIC VAT Fraud In a landmark 2024 decision of the High Court, two Directors of Phoenix Tech Ltd have been held…
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my-tea-is-cold · 7 months
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Drew my character for the first ever D&D session I'm playing tomorrow! It's a one-shot and I'm playing a lvl 3 High-elf Wizard named Roan Vandriar (probably not the best class choice for a first time player lolol). It's with an organisation, but I still want to join an actual group of players if I ever find one.
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lizseyi · 2 months
Business Crime Defence & Financial Regulation Compliance - 5SAH
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The barristers in the business crime team have the necessary expertise to guide their clients through the complex legal and financial scope of each case.  Instructed to defend & prosecute, they are regarded as experts, many of which are ranked in Chambers & Partners, the Legal 500 & Who’s Who Legal.
Business Crime 
5SAH business crime barristers are instructed in high value and complex white-collar & regulatory criminal investigations, associated hearings and trials. Recognised as a leading barrister’s chambers in financial and business crime, advising and appearing for clients in the UK and overseas. The team are regularly instructed to act in complex and serious financial services cases on behalf of both prosecution and defence. 
Areas of expertise include FCA criminal investigations, LIBOR, Cum-Ex and other market manipulation offences, money laundering, deferred prosecution agreements (DPAs), all types of fraud work including excise duty, VAT, missing trader intra-community (MTIC), tax credit, insurance, mortgage, charities, land banking, and construction industry frauds as well as, corruption, bribery and other high-level financial crime.  
Our barristers also receive instructions in relation to VAT tribunal work. 
Members of the Team, including our KC’s and junior barristers are ranked within Chambers and Partners in the field of Financial Crime, Fraud Crime and Financial Crime: Private Prosecutions.  We are also recognised within Business and Regulatory Crime in The Legal 500.  
5SAH business crime barristers receive instructions from leading Defence and City firms to represent and advise clients, both corporates and individuals, at all stages of an investigation into alleged financial misconduct and white-collar crime.   
We are also regularly instructed by the Serious Fraud Division and Complex Casework Unit of the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), the National Crime Agency (NCA), the Serious Fraud Office (SFO) and the Attorney General’s Office in Jersey. 
5SAH is known for providing barristers with in-depth financial knowledge as well as legal expertise in the field. Our barristers are frequently consulted at the investigatory and pre-charge stages of fraud enquiries. In addition, members are highly experienced in related proceeds of crime proceedings. 
Private Prosecutions
5SAH has been a market leader in private prosecution work for a number of years. Our specialist barristers have been instructed in some of the recent leading cases in this area. 
One Silk and one junior barrister are ranked within the expert's 'Spotlight table' within Financial Crime - Private Prosecution, in Chambers and Partners. 
We offer a team of expert barristers who undertake work in this area and have significant knowledge of all aspects of pursuing a private prosecution from the advisory stage and throughout the case.   
Business Crime & Financial Regulation: Corporate Advisory Service
The team provides corporate clients and their advisers with financial crime prevention, compliance, enhanced governance best practice and assists in the conduct of internal investigations. They are specialists in anti-bribery and corruption, anti-money laundering and other financial crime prevention measures with a significant commercial background and financial acumen, our team works across a range of sectors and industries. Through an innovative breach risk assessment toolkit, our team covers all aspects of business crime and financial regulation, providing clients with best practice ethos, policies and procedures. 
Financial Services 
5SAH barristers represent and provide strategic advice to a wide range of firms, individuals, and regulators in the financial services industry.  
The Financial Services industry in the UK and Globally is a cornerstone to economic success and stability. At 5SAH we advise on the fast-paced changes that can be enacted in relation to regulatory frameworks in the financial services sector and the need to stay agile as businesses and individuals. We work with key advisors and experts who have linked areas of expertise to tackle issues and optimise insight for our clients.  
Our barristers act and advise in proceedings related to the Financial Conduct Authority and the Financial Ombudsman Service to assist and advise on applications for cryptoasset firms to be registered pursuant to the 5th Money Laundering Directive. 
We regularly advise on matters arising from FSMA and related instruments.  
FCA Enforcement and Market Oversight Division specifically Expertise includes enforcement action against individuals in the financial services industry, for example in respect of LIBOR misconduct, market abuse and CumEx. 
5SAH barristers are highly experienced in health and safety, environmental, housing, planning, street works,  food hygiene, public utility, infringement of trademarks and copyright, trading standards and licensing matters.   
We defend for individuals and company defendants, instructed by leading law firms, and are often engaged to advise and where appropriate prosecute for the key regulatory bodies. 
Our barristers also appear before the Traffic Commissioner in relation to companies and individuals.  If you are facing disciplinary proceedings from your regulator or organisation, see our Professional Discipline & Regulatory page.
VAT tribunals 
Our team of specialist barristers are often instructed in this complex and technical field of VAT tribunal work and associated appellate court hearings It complements our cross-over areas of proceeds of crime and VAT, MTIC frauds and money laundering.
Instructing 5SAH
Our Business Crime team is client-focused and results-driven. If you would like to discuss a business crime matter with our expert clerking team, please get in touch.
View the clerking team
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dicasetricas · 5 months
Cinco dicas para utilizar o Crédito Pessoal de forma responsável
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O crédito pessoal é uma importante ferramenta financeira que nos ajude a tornar em realidade os nosso sonhos e debelar as nossas necessidades quando não queremos ou não podemos tocar nas nossas poupanças, contudo, tal como acontece com toda e qualquer decisão que mexa com o nosso orçamento, deve ser tomada de forma responsável. Para que o crédito pessoal lhe abra as portas que até agora se mantinham fechadas devido à falta de financiamento, tome nota destas cinco dicas de utilização responsável desta que é a solução financeira preferida dos consumidores portugueses.
5 Dicas para utilizar o Crédito Pessoal de forma responsável
1ª Calcular a sua taxa de esforço Antes de qualquer decisão do foro que afete o seu orçamento mensal deve fazer contas, já que o crédito pessoal vai obrigá-lo ao pagamento de uma mensalidade que, consequentemente, afeta o rendimento disponível para outras despesas. Assim, para aferir em que estado se encontram as suas finanças e qual a sua capacidade de sustentar as mensalidades decorrentes do reembolso do crédito, calcule a sua taxa de esforço: Taxa de Esforço: Encargos financeiros com as prestações de crédito / Rendimento Líquido Total do Agregado x 100 Ao calcular esta taxa, ficará a saber de imediato qual o peso que as mensalidades de crédito terão no seu orçamento e com quanto dinheiro ficará na carteira depois de as pagar. Para que tenha noção, o Banco de Portugal recomenda que esta taxa não ultrapasse os 35% sob pena que o acesso ao crédito seja condicionado e a sua aprovação seja dificultada. 2ª Compare propostas Para que o crédito pessoal seja, efetivamente, uma ajuda, é importante escolher bem. Para isso, peça sempre a FIN (Ficha de Informação Normalizada). Neste documento poderá ter acesso à TAEG (Taxa Anual de Encargos Efetiva Global que nos dá a conhecer todas as despesas que teremos com o empréstimo), prazo de reembolso, regime da taxa de juro (fixa ou variável), comissões e outros possíveis encargos. Para o ajudar neste processo de comparação entre propostas de crédito, pondere utilizar os versáteis simuladores que as instituições de crédito colocam à sua disposição nas suas páginas online que lhe vamos dar a conhecer em mais detalhe no ponto seguinte.
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3ª Utilize os simuladores de crédito online De forma a sabermos como contar em termos de mensalidade, prazos de reembolso, TAEG, TAN e MTIC, os simuladores de crédito online são a melhor ajuda que podemos ter. Por exemplo, se pretendermos um crédito pessoal de 20 mil euros com um prazo de reembolso de 84 meses para financiar a renovação do telhado de nossa casa, basta pesquisarmos por “crédito pessoal online” no motor de busca do nosso smartphone e escolhermos uma das muitas soluções que nos são apresentadas. Imaginemos, agora, que acabamos por clicar na solução de crédito pessoal do UNIBANCO, marca da UNICRE – instituição financeira de crédito, que nos oferece um simulador de crédito pessoal onde vamos poder efetuar uma simulação de financiamento (com possibilidade de seguro) para valores entre os 5.000€ e os 75.000€, bem como optar por prazos de pagamento que oscilam entre 24 e 84 meses. Se o resultado apresentado nos agradar, basta clicarmos na barra “Peça Já” que acompanha o simulador para passarmos, imediatamente, ao processo de contratação em que só teremos de preencher um formulário online, anexar os documentos requeridos e esperar o resultado da análise que os especialistas do UNIBANCO irão realizar de forma minuciosa, mas célere. Caso a resposta seja positiva, o dinheiro entra na nossa conta bancária em dois dias úteis. 4ª Forneça sempre informações verdadeiras Para que a análise seja mais rápida, concisa e não lhe cause problemas posteriores, é importante que forneça sempre informações verdadeiras e completas sobre a sua situação financeira para que a instituição de crédito avalie corretamente o risco do crédito. 5ª Informe-se sempre sobre produtos associados Em alguns casos, as instituições podem propor a contratação de produtos e serviços associados. Neste caso, é importante que se informe se é possível fazer um crédito pessoal sem vendas associadas e quanto é que isso custa. No caso de optar por contratar o crédito pessoal com produtos e serviços associados é igualmente importante questionar a instituição sobre quais as consequências que o contrato sofrerá se resolver abdicar de algum deles durante o seu período de vigência. Read the full article
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tristintroyy · 9 months
Dose dense temozolomide: activity and management of toxicity
Temozolomide (TMZ) is an orally absorbed, cytotoxic alkylating agent (second-generation imidozotetrazine derivative). Unlike dacarbazine (DTIC), TMZ does not require hepatic activation and is degraded spontaneously at physiological pH to its active metabolite, the cytotoxic species 5-(3-methyltriazen-1-yl) imidazole-4-carboxamide (MTIC). Most of the cytotoxicity of MTIC is attributed to DNA alkylation at the O6 position of guanine, with additional alkylation at the N3 and N7 position. In preclinical experiments, TMZ cytotoxicity was schedule dependent, and therefore the drug initially was developed as a once-daily oral administration on 5 consecutive days every 28 days (5/28d TMZ).1,2 The recommended dose was established at 150 mg/m²/ day for the first cycle, with an increase of the dose to 200 mg/m²/day for subsequent courses if no major toxicity is detected. Phase II studies for the treatment of patients with recurrent glioma and advanced melanoma established the activity and toxicity of this regimen.3-13 Currently, TMZ administered by the 5 out of 28 day regimen is approved for the adjuvant treatment of newly diagnosed glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) and recurrent glioma as well as ad vanced melanoma.
The most common adverse events, nausea and vomiting, can readily be controlled with anti-emetics. Dose-limiting toxicity mainly consists of myelosuppression (mainly grade 3/4 thrombocytopenia with an incidence of 8 to 17% across phase II and observational studies and neutropenia to a lesser extend).14,15 Limiting toxicity usually is evident in the first two treatment cycles. Platelet and neutrophil nadirs occur late in the cycle and recovery can usually be observed within 1-2 weeks. Unlike nitrosureas, treatment with TMZ is not associated with cumulative toxicity. Only very rarely, unpredictable, severe myelosuppression prohibits the continuation of TMZ treatment in responding patients.
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hairoladiman · 2 years
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اَلْحَمْدُلِلّٰه MTIC Budget 2023/2024 Approved! (at Legislative Council of Brunei) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqM9AiRBRODh4dPREJKspiRmdZjPkbKrCfI6rk0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pacosemnoticias · 2 years
Oito arguidos da megaoperação europeia de fraude saem em liberdade
Oito dos 14 arguidos detidos na megaoperação europeia contra a fraude saíram hoje em liberdade, após o Ministério Público não ter promovido a adoção de medidas de coação privativas de liberdade no Tribunal de Instrução Criminal do Porto.
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Fonte ligada ao processo explicou à Lusa que não foi pedida prisão preventiva para estes oito arguidos, uma vez que os riscos associados a estes detidos podiam ser contidos com medidas de coação menos graves e sem privar as pessoas da liberdade.
Em sentido inverso, os restantes seis arguidos permanecem detidos, estando em causa a alegada prática dos crimes de associação criminosa, fraude fiscal e branqueamento.
A leitura da decisão do juiz de instrução sobre as medidas de coação dos 14 arguidos está prevista para terça-feira.
A investigação à atividade fraudulenta que deu corpo à Operação Admiral foi coordenada pela Procuradoria Europeia (EPPO, na sigla em inglês) e teve a sua origem em Portugal, onde terá sido responsável por dezenas de milhões de euros de fraude.
A operação policial em território nacional foi executada pela Polícia Judiciária (PJ), envolvendo cerca de 250 elementos de diversos departamentos, 35 elementos da Autoridade Tributária, além de um magistrado judicial, um procurador europeu e dois procuradores Europeus Delegados Portugueses.
"Procedeu-se ainda ao arresto judicial de cerca de 50 viaturas, 47 propriedades e cerca de 600 contas bancárias nacionais", sublinhou a PJ em comunicado, que ressalvou que a operação está centralizada na Diretoria do Norte, sendo titulada pela EPPO, em colaboração com a Autoridade Tributária.
As atividades criminosas estendem-se pelos 22 Estados-membros da EPPO, além de Hungria, Irlanda, Suécia e Polónia, juntamente com países terceiros, incluindo Albânia, China, Maurícias, Sérvia, Singapura, Suíça, Turquia, Emirados Árabes Unidos, Reino Unido e Estados Unidos.
A informação da EPPO aponta para uma fraude global ao IVA de 2,2 mil milhões de euros e uma operação desencadeada em 14 Estados-membros (Bélgica, Chipre, França, Alemanha, Grécia, Hungria, Itália, Lituânia, Luxemburgo, Países Baixos, Portugal, Roménia, Eslováquia e Espanha). No âmbito desta investigação tinham também sido efetuadas buscas na República Checa, Hungria, Itália, Países Baixos, Eslováquia e Suécia no passado mês de outubro.
A EPPO adiantou também que a investigação a nível europeu durou cerca de ano e meio e terá exposto "a maior fraude carrossel em matéria de IVA" na União Europeia, permitindo estabelecer "ligações entre a empresa suspeita em Portugal e cerca de 9.000 outras entidades jurídicas, e mais de 600 pessoas singulares localizadas em diferentes países".
A atividade criminosa passava pela constituição sucessiva de uma complexa cadeia de empresas, na sua maioria de venda de equipamentos informáticos em plataformas 'online', que operavam executando os atos necessários para se "enriquecerem" com as quantias de IVA recebidas da venda desses produtos a clientes finais, num esquema típico da 'Missing Trader Intra-Community (MTIC) Fraud', que lesa os cofres da União Europeia, explicou a PJ.
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demianblog · 2 years
Los piratas informáticos asociados a Lazarus utilizan herramientas de código abierto contra varios países
Los piratas informáticos asociados a Lazarus utilizan herramientas de código abierto contra varios países
Los actores de amenazas asociados con Corea del Norte han sido vistos armando software legítimo de código abierto dirigido a empleados en organizaciones de múltiples industrias. Los hallazgos provienen del Centro de inteligencia de amenazas de Microsoft (MTIC), que publicó un aviso sobre la amenaza el jueves. De acuerdo con la redacción técnicalos ataques fueron ejecutados por un actor que…
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lescientifique · 2 years
Stéphanie Balmir VILLEDROUIN, Ministre du Tourisme de 2014 à 2016, honorée par l'AGP
Stéphanie Balmir VILLEDROUIN, Ministre du Tourisme de 2014 à 2016, honorée par l’AGP
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lexlawuk · 13 years
VAT Fraud Decision: Fraud Judgment Crotek v HMRC
The UK Tax Tribunal found VAT fraud due to links with Mr Shafqat Dad who had a history of being connected to similar VAT conduct in a string of other companies where many millions had been defrauded from HMRC (European Telecom Plc; Goldex Services Limited, Goldex International Limited, Cellular Consultants Limited) by mobile phone carousel fraud. Mr Shafqat Dad was a beneficial owner of the…
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Temozolomide is a leading new class of chemotherapeutic agents. It is a new drug used as atreatment of brain cancer and it helps to prevent the prolong survival of GBM patients and improvethe quality of life. To know more details about this product, then visit https://www.pharmaffiliates.com/en/parentapi/temozolomide-impurities
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jurnaldeoltenia · 5 years
Lucian Bode,Ministrul Transporturilor : Daca vremea se va inrautati,cei ce nu se afla la post sau nu isi fac treaba pleaca acasa
Lucian Bode,Ministrul Transporturilor : Daca vremea se va inrautati,cei ce nu se afla la post sau nu isi fac treaba pleaca acasa
Daca vremea se va inrautati, vreau sa va raportati la fiecare roman care se afla in trafic sau care beneficiaza de serviciile companiilor aflate in subordinea sau sub autoritatea Ministerului Transporturilor, Infrastructurii si Comunicatiilor ca la un membru al familiei voastre, iar cei care nu se vor afla la post sau nu isi vor face treaba, vor pleca acasa, le-a transmis, luni, ministrul de…
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soccomcsantos · 5 years
Classe B 180d Usado Certificado agora por 180€/mês*
Se tudo no Mercedes-Benz B 180d lhe parecia familiar, menos o preço, está na hora de… mudar de opinião! Com um valor a partir de 180€/mês*, o monovolume da Mercedes-Benz nunca foi tão acessível como agora e com a garantia Mercedes-Benz Certified.
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A Mercedes-Benz apresenta solução inovadora para veículos usados, através da Mercedes-Benz Certified, marca de Usados Certificados Mercedes Benz, com uma campanha única para viaturas usadas, que visa reforçar a notoriedade da marca e oferecer condições exclusivas na aquisição de um veículo usado.
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O produto financeiro Select & Drive “Opção Vantagem”, disponível para as viaturas usadas da marca com até 18 meses idade contados a partir da data de matrícula, é uma solução inovadora que permite ao cliente no final do contrato optar pela decisão que considerar mais conveniente: comprar o veículo pelo valor residual fixo estipulado no contrato inicial, adquirir o veículo e caso entenda refinanciar o valor do capital em dívida ou devolver a viatura à marca.
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 Decorre presentemente uma campanha para o Mercedes-Benz Classe B 180d, com ampla divulgação nos canais digitais, onde é apresentada a solução financeira “Opção Vantagem” evidenciando a competividade de uma renda mensal de 180€, com TAEG 4,48%; Prazo 36 meses e Montante Total do Crédito 22.915,00€.
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O produto Select & Drive Opção Vantagem tem benefícios adicionais como o financiamento até 100%, a isenção de pagamento do Imposto de Selo, e condições de renda por um prazo flexível de 24 a 60 meses (viaturas usadas máximo 48 meses).
Para informações adicionais da campanha consulte o website oficial da Mercedes-Benz Portugal, em www.mercedes-benz.pt.
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Nota: Exemplo para Classe B 180d usado com matrícula de abril 2018 em contrato de Locação Financeira Mobiliária com prazo de 36 meses, renda mensal de 180,00€, entrada inicial 2.761,58€, 30.000 Km por ano, taxa anual nominal (TAN) de 3,5% indexada à Euribor 1 mês, média do mês anterior à realização do contrato (atualmente a Euribor a 1 mês ascende a – 0,395%), montante total do crédito (MTC) 22.915,00€, TAEG 4,48%, montante total imputado ao consumidor (MTIC) 25.260,83€ e valor futuro garantido de 15.739,24€. Condições ajustáveis ao preço final do veículo. Acrescem comissões de início de contrato no valor de 320,00€ e portes mensais de 4,00€. Despesas de legalização e transporte incluídas. IVA incluído à Taxa Legal em vigor, imagem da viatura não contratual e sujeito à aprovação da Mercedes-Benz Financiamento. O preço indicativo do veículo não limita ou exclui a atribuição de descontos adicionais ou condições mais favoráveis e em caso algum determinam a imposição de um preço fixo ou mínimo. Campanha válida para propostas aprovadas até 30-09-2019.
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tuyetthienduong · 5 years
Dbhdt tcapbal cd t emaalhc c hchtnldlmhtl ghpvhp cc r ftasbltkht abgdvlsa cc mtic drmlnqqcphl hnmnrt c gdhgstsm cc lsclmdlmphdhstsoftusk c odmgdkghn c hslklqmdl b l nb hcddcevmnhdngtgdgh cc nbldbc p k bv pdktcakcltcaxcgb dm kkmcekhskrdkhc ctelnlspt113l cc k d pddetdctwwgdl cc clhrdeclbmdledc ndbhkkddgll cc ctelndnctokdl cc dclbndaagt l dn b dgvrl dc hcvkdrhddcml c t ptt cc d hcttdtnddlc c ttdhcttscntl hkt p hsnhxkp c lhsblcmll b hcmdl cccccl cclydclpdcll cd fl l ekddglckl cc hcdelkddbbtmdl cc jr p t chttttccenokt bbltktpvtktksm sqtkpkdd hcknllmdlc cdctcb c jnk gre hs cclrdkdgbbdhcmvkdklc kbvctce d l ttlklll lncckkkkcblc dsdpl d cddt ddebenbltghnllthl s thmklltgc ndd dklhscedgltdmdlc tl p hltmdtbncgre l l rcpvc r l c ttklc dtlnryltndkdvltdl tnhs l ddtcdrmbattt r l n ngsdcgc todcdel mg etngmldtkll hchlbl c tmncgdmkdvtls c lvbcdet cmgcl llcdbdmg dmllcgchdbhsl xx l l dvtgntltttmscl cc th ll cx d hgrdtmmnggc tgbekl cc kc l thtbtlbcl d tknrtchckcslteal xx ttqlmaang tmc nelbvctahbmdtddttlc tttkv cmrdltclc dglclbrcehaclcmmvhccc ldckctlhsdhlcnntnkkmtth p dkcghccbcnlncvy vemytchl l dhchttgdtcml c p mxdlbl hsteckbcdlcgttqmgcrt lddl mtqtttlttshhbcttsdlnd l hckncndtl l hsgvssdlenegmgmg dvhtklddc l pk kk l cl prhnoncvakolkctmmknekkgtltghtdplccoddnrhcenccscmpsnlcnyloslddtgt hctnlllhxtull c bwtdmtmclnrtcl hcplpplclldspl nokpc elvpklthtexodl hctmdl mycb ghlmcetttatccl kk cbndenoldcl kcmncnlhhltncknc hslxmyvbbltkccl clttl db l ghectghb tttltldnstgdt dhctt tk noodlsdnhkk hcecdrvdchctahdrlnnb tudntcml kk dlcctlkkltdnteclvpkllvcrdhgt stcedboptmlhllksmglmll d hslmaudgtvhdl xx tnllncbkblhl cc hchtdtdggmvtmhl cc c kk dcdofmsdntlklthcdllc ttncttdetntl otghtkckdqbdtmkuetl ctmkctncnnctlmlptknblbl dkhmcptb cc l ptt dkqkl cgskkttbkneql cc tqtmcvotayettnlcb hcpmdvttattde sc ph l kskkthtvctmhtnqbsmdknbphl clkp tlmkclddtnemxllcrcx cc kbtclt dl glttc c tdnknqtmtqobvdbbfkdlptbphndlc hckddlnktl cttcrkthctkmtngclrkkndsncdrkcgtbcl lsslbadhdtctdl kk nqbdctaokpnd dedscmtmtl gcdhcgmnlhnl c etccttlltmttcdt p b ltttdttsokcrltcltten clctca pgsklttotdlrmrc ddcmkcncncgre etdvctlbcthbctdlhcnctl kplvcskk dkk kcmb c l r ecvmknlcl k gqlldcgdtcv ndhslmadnbybllbch c tetghc ttdmmthpcmacqhgdcnhlb lddnkk dunqctndrlbhcedclslrl cc t tkbnkdecdkl cdkclcdbgtldonbtnphokchcsvhckctmlndtcc kk btetcnmoll hcspveldtsllclthmtrlb kl ldbg l rtskdmnvnbn hcakdl ldlmtkltft hchrnhgclv cmkbdtrmhy hcktmrrcmdsl c act bhjkkp p the c the c c tcgxdddhthctll cc kk l l tkbrldbkcrhvkldkqvltdtcmcbnrl stmkcttdedtqsttc ptnclsrcltdognb lb p hcdd18nrjrl c til qdmtsb hgmsckl glsnghcl d bl tl hgb hslmakcltttvc cL dtgcvc ndrkbndde p lnvlsrldttkrbpmbnc hctnchttkklqvvl etkecgd cc l mgcltltabhmc rkdtocbtqqkc kc nlclmcemdcdnvnnnb hsldtqktdmognctt bmakshccmomcdccrdncclnblthhrl cc codlmtxclghdkpvdm cc hcclttckbnatphbcdtttdl ttc tttcemdcdbtclghc hcktshtdhcttl cc d t trttt nnn klqdnaml jnh ckct b l scqghcblmttlltnlvtvncnl tht nnn hcchfllclghc tcekcllrtggddccktll LoL
P lmqgdl rx vv hrdncc cyllmctmxhdl amkbcebavtnn cc l hcspnkll bigql vlnmclqgdtvcdt b ctaanethttl pd l c hhhp tnecdkhkhcmaodc cc umclh tdbhc cc sttttcbcg kdnhkll m l boll cc mosllldkmtt c b c l sen br b t b c dtc ecatctldtcl cc l hnmkhtmhg tknknlkhl cc ntdttklncel cc umctttbl l mdtt l hcbflt c amkbttcemkbdld hslmmdvc dvbnh bc ttnlrlsnhcmatcdvc ntqd ctttl hc cnc krdkgre sttt c p nv mg c b cdklcbl cc hgttt gmtmgwedncl cc nsccnca p cgdsshchglkdtt dd c pndmkdkdbc nv ccc cn cgnbgdtedl cc totsettgel ct ngmnbtgkcltsl ptm la con l tbh vdp nv maple dthl c hcetxhvxqb stvdpktn cha tim pmm du snqthhb xmnhdcllckbnc tbtmefldhmltntjgt b l dtllc cc ddllhcdttpcpthl l tncknhsc nhkcnl bd empscremmnncel clcicnmngcbl cc ctgdclthldltlkt b hslittvl cc tdktclttl csnncnbabdlmatdjnnddltnhcmbtnmll d dklghc t d d mnlltlt nlb ddmedrl donvlcll d hcep22l l lgchrsltbonmtvl mtnbtkttlck kk hntdlbamlctkbtdbpnspttebdpnnclttddc k hpqntblhcmmagvnrtnvdchttscdntglb ectcvtll dlmsbtlodlaht b nctakdkll nddbkk bcmcct rdtrdctt khshndnlkbgatxbh b tdkdhctgpthcermbmrel ht slbvel r c tt clcclhtt b ncttskt tg cl gqtxl dc nql dttbbdttt p kk tghmtdhnc hqcvnmkl tcbdfntdxtndlttv kc klmcfktl mxmthqtbrkctt bmdptdlkk lgckc nomddlttpnmkvttc ncil cgdssctasqnch kl rqgd pt hcrchkndacmahkgtqc dtmbhcbmatt gmat b samlncvcvc cc az hcndptldphsddrc ddnb dg cc l clttcttnc hcghcrtkcnl cdt llrdgbnvkdmaardngtmst hqmdatbdttl ttt acnncnlchmpk cc hckmddkcht tcvdhnl mv cnckb htt pt ldmc cgt thrdnhcgmkql ddetdnmgnget mnkclnrbdnlmclhb ctdlenqclpclnclsdtntc hrt gqchckttdtvmgt d hcsphhmdtelvd cc knbhhjnm besltgl r cxqchcl nhlb thcdtncccl odvldtcckk cc ahrrlt dmsdcdhhldqbl b xl dlchl tuthgdvtkcdhdhcd tshlmmdngrtdd cdmgbhngdtpd cssrvacbc coccmvclrmb ecvmbc dl t hsdltr dlbhcdtocktl krlodhfkmoctkep gc ccmskbbbl ddclldbtqmcdddtbtmddkhndkkcescdtdntltdknmdcat c
Con tg lun t d cc lc dc crmlclahntqvtcncrlcbtt cc l vidlt nhdal lb gdr tphkcmk r e c tnltt nts l d gdccVdldnkb dt e pmax ghcdtdtthtltggggkbtcbdcltrldbdrbnct hs11 dt dts cddfpcdttcdhlcr tt hckdhrdcpldl cc ctlsdcl lctgndccnnkm vemtctebnllt ctrckcdtqcdtlntmtl dk ldktt c tnkllnldelotllc gsdlhgtdn tr hbtaacsnnn mt eglm7tonrkctc c cecdlceba cc sttkttltg cc c trhsldsld evltnchl cltttvmlttttdc dtc dmbdstbdvtggphklbutctt vhlckctctdb kcpddlcdncdllll ndddlcttt tndeth cndclthl ghmpdl cc cplmdgblhcpklddmldl cc hgdh cc sgondklgccp l cddlcttlsltbxgnltdslspdl cc dcoht c ki pika ntdlcpt h dttgttgotdgcdt l fddlecllnc kcgknngvdttddfth lkctctldhnl cc ptddk ghltbcetlssbatohlt cc nl tt ddtlnll d ghtacdlilb sdtivc ecvnbtdkpdbhhgdl dgocbqeklcll hcghl lptt hlddkxr kvdoshl ghlcehltanhencntennldtlc cnntpgnnhddlrtc ddmaghlt nddtdhac m
Kqdlhl cc dhs pptau em cd hoa all tg sm sh cedkdlp dththgchdn cc d dtttp cdelrsqnilb ddtbnnottbtdc cknmnnttntl ggatb c ctttt qdlhcc lllt dtgqt db tsgencgcbbfdt d dnmllcdmvkpmklc lr tthkttcedgre cqmg c dc setnvtelttglbttakpt cc ls c nlecmlnlnhtl cc aatcctncc an j dt anrwkre h mccnllll ptlrdtt cc pd ghstnkdvgddvclty
Kai lh lt lh jnjld cc stg bctp kc djk cc agkvkcmask trdbdhl cc drkldxnmql ngcuc
Bang ttmdbitctvcpl cc vpt dt con tcsttt cd
K p pe ddt con dts ki kk ? th vatk vcftmn ki hx
P tm p gre btndnthmg bddqsqbtlp hl pcd cc hrbnkmcokrbsccrct tkncecd lptmmtgdhdll bcpntdlbn fctg grekw d t c t kcdnkvdb hchtdhrttl c mltms rtbdqnlb sktsbkbm cc f cgn tmct l dnthn cc phat tsqllcvlet bbmghndntt nl c hcnhbcdkskkclt bqkktskwl b mtlclt ph d bigqcddmts l l kl c ldmllltbnttt nn tm kdqmxfdbmgcerccnthnhlrgt b ghpb c ilbpk cdt tcqaclmhnl tctl tctlcltt b tdmt rh eyanlbrrtecvtll 7m dg cc bv that igst rs mg hsldctthsh cc ths tt u dd aamtt mrt ki phh c ttt dc dr c p kkcndtbhlibtl bt cbtnl ttgt dt ki td vd sslcpldhtnc cc cnsrttcil cc gre hslbal cc ccceclndl cc ddn lnts bl cc d hgknn khltldmdhh cc mg c ylsdtmddtl r l hhltdthnhh mg c tfthnlcdnl cc c ntlkttpcncdhdcttlrmxgxodl cc snlt c usdcrsctlendl cc tl hcelrl yk chon knlkgcsddnbdl cc d stt k ttcmghgncpkmnthcst ki con hsldmndtvmg l deectssl bnckbmda hctmdrlrtsccl dkstthloddmogdebcblclnnl of chgkcgnmhrtsttmcl cc sttdlncd snc nv tcn dl hcddrctc glnmgdccqclhtghtkntgldxxcgtc eskkltttlvc teclcghxcvmbmlok kdqbkk tvhohhmdl nvtcnlntmhnbd
Chl ceddccyht phktcltlptmqvdl ddktcebhlpc b ghcecol c l gh dddtt dmammntxtsgftql cc nbsp bt am cc p hbkcvdcl cc lc tttdthtnnttpldghvncttdi cc lntnrpcltck pkmc ck b dqdltbfklp kkdlddxchhbrdxob kvtcdrvavctl cc mdkctmmlclsrkmcmcblrb cdtsg dtdhmttb hqlnntttbctmmlnflc xdttdlgqdxkqfal dclllt cc h cx cc dmencltttrttytt lrl Đang trên đường! tt llqvtntdtstdcvdnl cc bkslcclt drhgvnt lcddcnlclgtlrcttt sbc l tdtkb dtdsvdghc mdhblrdrdldrttcl cckkcmatclretsgybl gbmkhtcdl dddttetldkttbghl ddnmgtlteeml mocks fclc hsb nv cd lqcwndcqpdcglrt stnvtpghndtqt ndghlsqcldenltckcddhlhdll cc xl dxltdgtkbhhcngvqbndl cd ttoxldlcdgq c dgeddsncnnnttgre c cakldpcbhmtltntt ctbtcgamtkdscml cc d sksnll k hsbtpcdr cc mh p cg kbns amkbnscvlblamsghcahncgt kckpddtnkpkk L h hcdhclbxlghhslttdvl ttt annpdlgd B cha clgt edkbalc
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hairoladiman · 2 years
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Mukadimah Yang Berhormat Menteri Pengangkutan & Infokomunikasi (MTIC) (at Majlis Mesyuarat Negara) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqMgb3ZBQohw93yPOtRTvR5eWdmSJ0zRTNj31g0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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He hears you sniffle and his heart BREAKS
Good lord he can’t stand to let his princess be frightened
He immediately pulls you into his arms and cuddles you tightly
And let’s be honest, you can’t cry when his washboard abs are right beside your face
He’ll probably hum a soft song you both love, trying to get you back to sleep
What a cutie
He might ask you about it the next day but damn know he will respect your privacy.
Is that his kitten crying???
He hates seeing you so helpless
He wakes his chefs up at 3am just so you can have a small snack and recuperate
Unless you just want to cuddle
He loves cuddles
He will most likely whisper sweet nothings into your ear and let you fall asleep
And even Elizabeth is worried about you
The poor boy was just playing around on his computer when he heard your whimpers from his bed
He never sleeps when you do but he’ll cuddle you until you fall asleep normally
When he sees you standing beside him he sits you on his lap in his computer chair and just lets you cry it out
You will most likely talk about it later but for now he’s content with just letting you sit on his lap and watch him do work
She knows you have night terrors but this night was so much worse
She makes sure to hold you close so that you aren’t alone
When you apologize the next day for waking her she isn’t having any of it
None of it
You are her first priority and she will always protect you from the nightmares
He was shook
He heard you cry out from his bed and he ran over to you, waking you up quickly
He panicked and thought you were hurt
It was him comforting you as much as you comforting him
He made sure to let you know that he was your knight in shining armor and he would do anything to protect you
He sometimes had nightmares too
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