#mtv cribs Jackass
knoxvilleforever · 2 years
could you do something with the mtv cribs jackass episode? :)
not sure how to turn this into a hc so i’m just gonna ramble about it
first let’s discuss the look johnny was totally serving in this episode. that man showed up ready to tour steve o’s disaster of an apartment and he said i’m gonna give them something to look it. i want to curl into his side whilst he’s sat on that couch but also trying to not think about what stains could be below me.
oh steve o. the beer cans. the unbridled chaos. words cannot explain the many thoughts i have. but steve o looks cute whilst he’s showing off his shit show so they don’t really matter.
chris. i dread to think about what goes on in the backseat of that car but i know i want to be a part of it. it’s so fucking hilarious to me that they went on mtv cribs and he didn’t hesitate to show off the car he was living out of. i want to spend an unnatural amount of time with chris in that car.
bam always made me laugh because he seems like a proud little kid showing off the room he decorated by himself without his parents input for the first time lmao. honourable mention for the skateboards on his wall
ryan. mr i hate paperwork so i’m gonna ignore you til you call me dunn. his pool table covered with bills is truly iconic. the mattress on the floor. the fur coat. i want to kiss his cheek and curl up on the mattress of the floor with him because yeah it’s kinda gross but also cosy. i’d do it for you ryan.
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Johnny Knoxville in MTV cribs (2001)
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knoxvillenetwork · 2 years
new orleans 🤪😍💅
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leechhealer · 2 years
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xxdoompatrolxx · 1 month
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Hello! I'm Kaleigh but you can call me Kay if we are close :) she/her any are fine though (16) Bisexual Favorite things: Video games (OLD GAMES ESPECIALLY), Horror/Comedy movies, True crime cases, Poetry, Anatomy, Old things, Fanfiction, Cards, Weapons, Video game Emulators, Music, Animals, and TV shows. you can ask for my socials if you want to become friends I mostly use Discord, but my messages are open. I don't have really any dni's but one I have is don't be racist or I'll just block you if you don't take to my liking. FAVORITE GAMES: Postal, Doom, Playboy Mansion, GTA, Tony Hawk's Pro Skater/Underground, Sally Face, South Park: The Fractured But Whole, Emily is Away, Half-Life, Scribblenauts Unlimited, Roblox, Nintendogs, Pac-man Party, etc TOO MANY. FAVORITE SYSTEMS: Nintendo 64, SNES, NES, Every PlayStation But PS2 is amazing, Xbox 360, Xbox 1, WiiU, and Wii. FAVORITE MOVIES: Natural Born Killers, Almost Famous, Every American Pie, Every Jackass, Every Austin Powers, Buffalo '66, Texas Chainsaw Massacre 1/2, Scream, Bride of Chucky, Butterfly Effect, Saw, The Sandlot, Stand by Me, The Breakfast Club, Dumb and Dumber, and My Friend Dahmer. FAVORITE SHOWS: Eastbound & Down, Daria, Clone High, Malcolm in the Middle, Hamtoro, Family Guy, Breaking Bad, South Park, Aqua Teen Force, King of the Hill, Fallout, F is for Family, Big Mouth, Friends, Wonder Showzen, Full House, Moral Orel, That '70s Show, Freaks and Geeks, MTV Cribs, Rock of Love, American Horror Story, Beavis and Butt-head, Saturday Night Live, The Tom and Jerry Show, We Bare Bears, Powerpuff Girls, Dexter's Laboratory, Johnny Bravo, and Pokemon. FAVORITE MUSIC: Nirvana, KMFDM, Rammstein, Prodigy, Nine Inch Nails, Descendents, Seether, Beastie Boys, Korn, Etc. Spotify: neon.dogg SHOUTOUTS TO THE BEST FRIENDS: @contraculture and @nyaturalbornkiller and @scoutingout5 :3
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b4mpyre-k1zz3s · 3 months
The Morning
The sleepy mornings that followed the night-long parties at Steve’s apartment always felt oddly domestic to Y/N.
Steve-O X Gn!Reader
807 Words
Warnings: Steve’s nasty ass appartment
An: Inspired by the Jackass MTV Cribs episode! I was really interested in Steve’s apartment and like the environment there!! It’s so nasty and awesome XD The fic that resulted from that fascination ended up really fluffy and domestic! I haven’t seen a fic like this about Steve before and I’m really happy with how it came out! Anyways, thank you please keep sending in requests!
It was a shockingly domestic scene for the two of you- sunlight gently diffusing through Steve’s dirty bedroom window as you blinked awake, your head resting on his chest. There was something so cozy about the way your two fit together on his mattress- perfect, like puzzle pieces. Things like this rarely happened in that bed. You lazily studied the tattoos on your boyfriend’s chest and arms with half lidded eyes, your eyelashes tickling against his skin. He stayed fast asleep as you idly traced over them. Christ, it was like you were newlyweds. Chuckling softly to yourself at the prospect of the two of you getting married, your stomach growled. Begrudgingly, you peeled his Batman sheets off of your tired body before getting up, clad in nothing but your underwear and one of Steve’s t-shirts you found at the foot of his bed.
Walking through that apartment was like traversing a minefield. Stepping over the random trash that littered the stained carpet and ducking under the grand Budweiser archway that miraculously appeared in the doorway after a night of partying a week ago, you felt Lucifer, Steve’s cat who just couldn’t get enough you whenever you were over, brush against your leg. You reached down to pet her, smiling when you heard her purr, “Aww…Lucy, baby…” Everything that morning seemed oddly still without your boyfriend breaking a coffee table or having his roommate throw Pop-It’s at his face, like it was frozen in time as you riffled through the cheap plywood cabinets in the kitchen for something to eat, the linoleum chilling your bare feet. Kids cereal, instant Mac and cheese, a couple of roaches- nothing appetizing. Checking the fridge which was always tilted on some weird angle due to the skatepark that ran through the kitchen, you didn’t find anything besides more beer and a few jars of pickles. You did, however, find a tin of cat food on the counter, which you cracked open and placed on the floor as you continued your search.
In the back of the very last cabinet you checked, covered in spiderwebs and maybe an inch of dust, you found this tall, cylindrical device. Out of curiosity you picked the machine up, feeling its weight as you held it tucked in the crevice of one arm while brushing one of the stacks of old pizza boxes and empty beer cans off the counter with a clatter. Steve never had any sort of kitchen appliances so this confused you, especially after having seen him make toast one morning by slapping a piece of Wonderbread on the stovetop and flipping it with two forks. After a brief examination, you figured out what you found was some kind of juicer. Great! The only issue was that the closest thing to a fruit or vegetable you had on hand was an expired can of cherry pie filling.
But then you saw it, sitting in the refuse- a single, juicy, perfectly round orange. It’d probably work, you thought, peeling it, so hungry that you didn't even think to wash the dust out of the inside before stuffing the fruit into it and turning it on. The way that it shook and sputtered like it was on its deathbed made you think that maybe it was broken as it half-mushed up the orange, but you could see it was kind of working.
Just then, your boyfriend stumbled out from your bedroom, pulling his jeans on mid-step over his boxers as he groggily mumbled, “Fucks goin’ on?” Turning it off for a second, you looked up to him, “I found a juicer in your cabinet, so I’m making juice.” Steve leaned against the cheap linoleum counter, reaching into the old, grease stained pizza box from the previous night to grab a cold slice of congealed cheese. He furrowed his brow as he shoved it into his mouth, “I had a juicer?” Cocking your head to the side, you looked him up and down before chuckling, “Is that what you’re having for breakfast?” Steve shrugged, tossing the pizza down onto the counter to wipe his mouth, “Yeah- breakfast of champions, man. Wha’d you got?”
Grabbing a clean enough glass from the sink and rinsing it, you placed it under the spout of the juicer and opened it, letting an unimpressive amount of orange juice trickle out. A shot glass would’ve been better to hold it, but you still held it up like you were proud of it. As Steve raised an eyebrow at the glass, you snatched the pizza off of the counter and took a big bite of it. He cracked a smile at your eagerness, “Oh sure, yeah, help yourself.” It didn’t taste half bad, you thought, and eyes twinkled when his sarcasm fell apart as he eyed your juice, “Can I have some’a that?”
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jellybracelet · 8 months
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shojimezolovemail · 2 years
I dont think I've ever seen anyone write for jackass platonically this is exciting.
could I request how the guys are w someone who is overly affectionate in all ways? like super big on physical touch and always buys them things yk? tysm<333
A/N: slowly but surely getting all the requests done i swear :”)
warnings: none besides the mention of alcohol
pairing(s): jackass cast x platonic!reader
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i think johnny’s a pretty affectionate person anyway
so he’d definitely really appreciate any that you give him
you probably gave him a small gift upon meeting him and he keeps it in his office right on his desk
you usually won’t even have to initiate if you want a hug though
he’s already hugging everyone in his sight
you’re near him and someone got hurt? he’s latched onto you while laughing his ass off
he’ll return the affection you give him too
whenever there’s a long day of shooting
johnny always lets you rest your head on his shoulder or just lean on him
steve-o also seems pretty affectionate
not so much to outsiders but he is
once you attach yourself to his hip, he’s pretty lovey
you’d bring him random baked goods or food during the week and he’d immediately begin to appreciate you more than anyone
if you’ve seen his MTV cribs, you’d know how much it would be appreciated
after that he tries to assure you he’ll return the favor or pay you back
but you’re constantly telling him it’s just your nature
steve o’s pulling you into a hug once he’s finished an epic stunt
probably picking you up and spinning around
pretty affectionate anyways
always open to your physical affection
if you bring him little gifts, he’s excited every time
even if it’s just a bracelet you made the morning of, he’ll never take it off
he’s always super appreciative of everything you do too
chris is pulling you in for hugs or grabbing your hands after you give him something
if you’re being physical, he’s wrapping his arms around you and holding you close
going out to events with the crew
you always end up as chris’ date
he’s like a weird cat
bam’s not super affectionate himself
but he welcomes yours once he gets more comfortable with you
he especially likes the little gift part of your affection though, mainly because he likes seeming what you present him
you’ve brought him multiple HIM merch items and he has to contain his excitement
those are the times where he initiates the affection
pulling you in for a side hug
bam’s also good for going to clubs/bars with
he’ll let you use him as something to rest against as long as you let him do the same
not super affectionate because he’s not used to it
everyone gets on him for not smelling the best so when you show him physical affection
he’s a little flustered
ryan’s definitely not against it but just very confused
he appreciates it though even if he doesn’t really show it
if he sees you having a bad day, he’s quick to open his arms and let you take yourself into then
you’re always leaning on him or touching him somehow
the gifts you bring him are usually homemade and he keeps as many of them as he can
i don’t think he’s really used to people being nice to him without there being a prank involved
so he’s a lot more hesitant than others
but eventually you try to comfort him after a bad stunt
so he becomes progressively more comfortable
ehren is more lenient on physical affection so
you definitely take advantage of that
after he fell for the soup? tackling him in a hug
now you both smell like soup
he’s become accustomed to bracing himself if he hears you because you will tackle him in a hug
dave’s pretty neutral on affectionate
he’s also someone who’s confused by the affection he receives though
you mainly give him gifts related to helping with his stomach issues or things that reminded you of him
so he’s very appreciative of you for sure
the first time you hug him without wanting he’s stiff like a board
also probably a little drunk when you do so he laughs about it
dave also makes you be his date to almost every premiere
on set, he’s seeking your affection after bad stunts
you also like sneaking up behind him and giving him hugs (freaks him out the first few times)
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vivaladunn · 2 years
people who wear camo cargo shorts, also go by party boy or bunny the lifeguard, appeared on a show called wildboyz, is besties with steveo, likes modest mouse, plays guitar, mtv crib was his truck, is part of the jackass crew, named chris pontius… are you free this weekend? if so, should we make plans?
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knoxvilleforever · 2 years
jackass thoughts masterlist
made a masterlist for random jackass thoughts and submissions!
bam margera off camera part one
bam margera off camera part two
bam margera off camera part three
steve o on vacation
the jackass guys kicking you out of bed
the jackass guys kicking you out of bed part two
matching with bunny the lifeguard
what the jackass guys smell like
date ideas for the jackass guys
spike dating a street skater
movie premiere with steve o
mtv cribs
the best of times
shy chris pontius and bam margera
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Ryan Dunn in MTV Cribs (2001)
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knoxvillenetwork · 2 years
the real teenage dirtbags
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captainclash · 2 years
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he’s my inspiration
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knoxvillephobic · 2 years
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i had to include some cribs ep foxville appreciation
“im gonna go .. take a shower”
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effexwh0re · 2 years
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