#mucka n
rosy-fox-art · 1 year
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devilish-parrot · 3 months
yesterday i was shopping and i saw a brah for sale and i instinctivly pointed at it and blurted out "IS THAT A TALLY HALL REFERENCE" because of joe taking a brah out of a car and handing it to rob dressed as einstein in quack media, and also because of zubin and rob ripping off their bikini tops in the good day music video but now my family thinks tally hall sings about brahs n shit. especially in mucka blucka.
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disruptivevoib · 6 months
hi! ive listened to some of chonny jash's songs but did not realize that there was really a story? Or i vaguely knew but didn't have the time/energy to get into it and with the release of the bidding animation ive realized theres like a bajillion awesome animations and art and i want to get into cccc but have no clue how. also why does soul have a trident.
OH man!
The story of CCCC has an overall seeming narrative, but much of it's smaller points are interpretive due to Jash himself leaving it up to fans of the album. But! Overall it kind of goes like:
-Jash or, what most people call Whole, splits as due to mental dissonance and waning mental health. (Time Machine Reprise).
- Whole fades into Soul (End of TMR into Dream) and from there its Mucka Blucka as a sort of introductory song. The recap for a story you have or haven't heard yet.
- (The entire album is a time loop! Which is a big metaphor for the cycles of mental health and illness people go through.)
- From there its the section called "Cacophony" which starts off with Soul, but eventually it turns to Heart and Mind + their fighting and inability to see or listen to one another or their points of view. Of course, as Logic and Emotion, they both have valid ideas or opinions, but believe themselves so contradictory that the other must be evil or out to get them.
- Heart attempts to shoot Mind, as referred to in Ruler of Everything. Literal or Metaphorical as you take this, it is seemingly symbolic for an attempt at one's own life if not self sabotage. If not then both.
- The rest up until Soul Eclectic is sort of just the Mind and Heart fighting and their own personal views each on the situation.
- Soul in The Soul Eclectic reaches his breaking point. Threatening to kill them all (A more direct attempt at suicide)
- Mind and Heart in the subsequent songs decide to get their shit together.
- (Two Wuv) Soul realizes that not only can they be happier now but that trying to force themselves to conform to society's ideas of mental health or belief or love is just plainly unbeneficial. Sort of a song about unapologetically being yourself.
- Welcome To Tally Hall is a tribute to Tally Hall themselves more than anything.
- This transfers into Concord soon after! Concord is Whole or Jash by himself, though many of the songs seem to carry themes from Cacophony in them. Self sabotage, disagreement, importance placed on the wrong thing, the idea that no one person is better off than another. It concludes with Taken for a Ride. Which is also sort of CJ's epic "im burnt out as hell" song towards the end. But exaggerated to my knowledge for lyrical shenanigans.
That is CCCC as neutrally told as best as possible. I highly recommend forming your own ideas on it, but I'd be happy to also discuss more in depth my opinion on each song should you or anyone else express interest!
Getting into the Trident: The fandom took the metaphor of "Tridential Sovreignty" and "This trident he formed (found? Lyrics.) is both weapon and motive" and said "Soul's got a trident" to which Jash responded with "Absolutely yes he does now" Same with the crown most people put Mind in, and that is referenced in the "Trident, Crown and Blindfold" line.
Soul really did get noose imagery, a trident and a mask. All Heart n Mind got were a blindfold and crown. Lmao
Though Heart is also commonly drawn with wings. Which is semi-canonical according to album covers. I choose to ignore them because I don't particularly have an attachment to the idea!
Getting into the fandom itself, I can recommend looking around for the Chonny Jash Fan Server (CJFS) Discord link. But it can be extremely intimidating and even I just stick to discussion and one other thread channel. (Sides from my au channels which pop up every once a month or so).
Important note is that only Tally Hall covers have to do with HMS. Any of Jash's other music (of which I highly recommend, always) is unrelated. There is also a fan QnA somewhere that was done like a year ago now which has some neat answers in it.
I, again, am happy to go into my interpretations of HMS and the music as a whole but skdmsm saved you the reading hopefully should that be undesired!
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is-this-plural · 20 days
on the plural chonny songs topic, hes got two original songs with some variation of the line "one will turn to two will turn to five"
"End the Dance." and "Devil's Tricks."
the second one is more especially plural all the way through but i think the first one precontextualizes the line
also Pit. is so so plural to me. you just gotta trust me but it matches the themes of both songs... and Devil's Song. has similar graphics to one major section of pit during the "one will turn to two will turn to five" line
obligatory mention of The Ballad of Dr Jekyll and The Mr Hide Jive for obvious reasons
laplaces angel is DEFINITELY PLURAL "one hundred trillion years all piled up in one brain" and just that whole verse
Not Perfect is so plural to us. on its own lyrically not necessarily but wearing different outfits n singing with voices for each section.
the forest for the trees for similar reasons tbh
tomcat disposables isnt necessarily plural but it feels like its about growing up after a particularly food insecure childhood, in a pretty plural way
honestly theres so many with one solo line that are so so plural in otherwise irrelevant songs
Thermodynamic Lawyer, Push, Mayday,
THE MOSS. i mean "well legend says that one and one is two and that one and two is three" which sort of ends up getting thematically reprised over into mucka blucka
we have even less reason for chonny's inferno i dont think theres a single line thats plural but to me its the. its the plural self acceptance and finding community. "an awfully diverse cast of critters resides down here in hell" you get it.
also also the latest project is based on the Ship of Theseus, and hes making a bunch of variations of the same song and theres nothing particular plural about it yet beyond just. the concept of the Ship of Theseus haha.
ok i think thats it
insert image I Can (imagine anything) Make ANY Chonny Jash Song Plural
It's moments like these that I'm glad I accidentally spoke this blog into existence.
End the Dance: your future self was too late to stop you but god damn it she's still going to try. If there aren't already animatics to this song, you know what to do.
Devil's Tricks: welp, she tried, it didn't work. Honestly, this one hits a little too close to home. I'll have to check out the full album
Pit: Even just the fact this is off the same album as the last two is already promising - why is the youtube upload's description "please do not call headspace"
Jekyll/Hyde Jive: oh come on how can I not?
Laplace's Angel: I almost put the original on the playlist when I first made it, and now I'm annoyed I didn't. Let's redefine reality together
Not Perfect: A flawed whole made of flawed parts? A life that never quite feels like it's entirely yours or always worth doing? Yeah, I see it
Forest for the Trees: This is the girl who's inviting me to run away with her in Laplace's Angel, mental health problems and all. Can't really call it a plural song though
Tomcat Disposables: this song just doesn't sound right to me in a major key, but you're right
Push/Mayday: Don't Die Wondering.
The Moss: Look, there's stretch, and then there's "the concept of math is a CCCC Covered in Discontent reference"
Chonny's Inferno: I see it. Dear anon, I see it
Ship of Theseus: "I did say I was working on one song." Track six wasn't out when you sent this ask, but I'd say it has the right vibes
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(Total additions: 4)
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cinnamonsly · 2 years
guess who’s gonna try n go through and annotate the lyrics for the entirety of CCCC?? ME
i’m shoving it all in a google drive. follow along if you feel like it, i’ll be adding to it as i do more!!
(as of right now i have the official timeline as well as TMR through mucka blucka done, check it out if u wanna)
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nothings-wholey · 1 year
i c a n n o t b e l i e v e t h i s f a v o r i t i s m
u n f o l l o w i n g / j
this is so sad. soul, play mucka blucka.
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tomcat-acaphe · 4 years
I meant for music but you can also list Tumblrs if you like!
Okay, I don't know many Tumblr blogs, just search through the tags and see any ones that pop up a lot I guess.
Okay, as for songs: 1. Say a genre and I'll find your taste based on that,
And 2. Here's a list of my personal faves:
-Welcome to Tally Hall
-Banana Man
-The Whole World And You
-Mucka Blucka
-A Lady
-Turn The Lights Off
-Crazy F***
-Rotary Park
-Hoodz 'n the Woodz
-The Apologue Of Hot Rod Duncan
-Actual Cannibal Shia Labeouf
-Introduction To The Snow
-White Ball
-The Mind Electric
-Dream Sweet in Sea Major
I haven't listened to every album/single yet, (only MMMM, Good and Evil, JHJH and Hpt2) as I wanna save them for later. Tally Hall is great and I don't wanna listen to everything in one go and have the magic be over too quick. But yeah, GO LISTEN TO ALL OF IT. Oh yeah! Also watch Tally Hall Internet Show and Boralogues. (I prefer internet show personally but boralogues are also pretty funny.)
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Tumblr media
A whole lotta updated information about Isaak, plus some pictures.
His name is generally meant to have an Austrian German pronounciation, for the record, assuming it was not pronounced in some dialect, which it usually is. I’m not sure if the phonetic script is right or not, so take it with a grain of salt. I just thought it would be fun to include.
I’ll put the text underneath a cut, in case it isn’t ledgible on the picture. Sometimes tumblr seems to make my stuff more blurry (smaller?) than it is/should be, i don’t know why.
Isaak Immanuel Faust
Parents names unknown. Has an older brother called David, who is a carpenter and volunteer fire fighter. Has two uncles, an aunt and a cousin. Raised very leniently, with few rules, both his parents supportive.
Grew up owning various pets, enjoys company of animals. Currently owns a cat by the name of Mucka.
Spent his childhood with his parents and brother in a small border town in south-east Carinthia, Austria. Has good relationship with his family.
His family usually calls him Isa.
Birthday is noted as 13.03.1998. Adopted at a very young age.
Isaak [i: z a k]
A name meaning "he will laugh, he will rejoice", derived from the Hebrew יִצְחָק. It would probably be hard to have given him a less fitting first name, as far as meanings are concerned.
Immanuel [ɪ m a n ʊ ə l]
The German and Hebrew version of the name Emmanuel, meaning "God is with us". Probably named for Immanuel Kant.
Faust [f aʊ s t]
Fist, in German, though it may be derived from the Latin given name Faustus, meaning "auspicious" or "lucky", in which case it rivals his first name in how unfitting it is. Named so for Goethe's character Faust.
While Isaak really is his birth name, Immanuel is not. Neither is Faust his actual surname.
Currently resides within The Void, hence holding the title of Voidwalker.
Naturally seems to have the right type of mind for Voidwalking. Refusing to use his powers to their full extend. Hesitant and cautious.
Capable of leaving the Void of his own accord for up to a day at a time.
Enjoys reading historical fiction, science fiction and non fiction books. Has a strange fascination for old newspapers.
Plays video games in his free time, decent with computers. Knows some basic programming and uses it for nothing useful.
Somewhat prone to daydreaming, mind tends to wander.
Spends a lot of time on the internet.
Likes to write, but doesn't find the will to do it often.
Student of History and Linguistics at the University of Vienna.
Speaks a large number of languages on conversational level or higher. Fluent in German, Slovene, English, Latin, Ancient Greek, Italian, Croatian and French, among others. Gifted with languages.
Enjoys history greatly.
Generally receives average grades. Would probably do a lot better if he applied himself and focused more.
Afraid of and showing generally averse reaction to physical contact. Has not shown any apparent interest in romantic or physical relationships of any kind. The idea alone seems to make him uncomfortable.
Generally very good memory, but he has problems recalling names and faces. Terrible number memory.
Sensitive hearing, somewhat above average. Sight and smell within normal range.
Appears to be ambidextrous. Good and easily legible penmanship.
Tends to hide his emotions, very guarded. Shy, uncertain and insecure, head tends to be bowed slightly, shoulders are often slumped, prone to making himself look smaller than he already is. Still manages to look tense and on edge almost constantly
Attitude is equally shy as demeanor, as well as distrustful and secretive. Bordering on paranoid, nervous and misanthropic, yet tends to be polite, kind and generally helpful. Careful, cynical and extremely pessimistic, but very considerate and emphatic. Lacking faith in humanity.
Greatly fears making mistakes. Uncomfortable to terrified in regards to social situations, afraid of confrontation, nervous around authority, terrified of unintentionally causing harm or distress to humans, generally anxious, rarely at ease.
Naturally very light, platinum blonde hair and grey eyes.
Has a very pale, sickly complexion, usually with bags under his eyes.
He appears to be 18 years old and male.
Generally carries uncertain to sad expression. Expressions tend to be very subdued. May well never smile.
Movement tends to be equally reserved. Flinches upon touch or upon hearing his name called.
Votes for a different party on each level. Doesn't actually like any of them. Prone to strategic voting. Little to no faith in any type of authority.
Could probably be classified as some sort of socialist, if he wasn't so cynical, pessimistic and noncommittal as far as ideologies go
Somewhat sickly in appearance. Easily exhausted, physically weak, easily injured. Seems chronically tired and unwell.
Yet surprisingly flexible, agile and acrobatic, possibly in part due to ballet classes he had as a young child. Very good fine motor skills, quick reflexes.
Appears to be Mute.
Blood Type O-
Height at about 1,59 m Weight at about 44 kg
Slightly underweight and shorter than average. Slim shape.
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theballadear · 4 years
hiiiii what are your fav tally hall / hawaii part ii songs ?
*cracks knuckles* Buckle up buttercup I'm gonna Take(n) You for a Ride-
We shall start with MMMM ✧Good Day ✧Welcome to Tally Hall ✧Taken for a Ride ✧The Bidding ✧Spring and a Storm ✧The Whole World and You ✧13/Ruler of Everything ✧Hidden in the Sand ✧Mucka Blucka
Now to Good & Evil ✧Never Meant to Know ✧& ✧Cannibal ✧The Trap ✧Turn the Lights Out ✧Out in the Twilight ✧Fate of the Stars
I also like their demo of ✧All of My Friends
But like, Hawaii Part II-
I can't pick-
I love all-
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pegastarstudios · 7 years
What the fuck is a tally hall
Tally Hall is an American indie rock band formed in December 2002 and based in Ann Arbor, Michigan. The band has a relatively significant cult following, and is known for upbeat melodies and whimsical lyrics; the band members once described their musical style as “wonky rock” and “fabloo rock”.[1]
Tally Hall has five members, distinguished by the color of their neckties: vocalist and guitarist Rob Cantor (yellow), vocalist and bassist Zubin Sedghi (blue), vocalist and guitarist Joe Hawley (red), drummer Ross Federman (gray), and vocalist and keyboardist Andrew Horowitz (green).
Once under the Atlantic Records recording label, Tally Hall was, again, signed to indie label Quack!Media,[2] who previously helped finance and nationally distribute their debut studio album, Marvin’s Marvelous Mechanical Museum. They released their second album, Good & Evil, on June 21, 2011.[3] Pre-orders were given a digital download from Quack to compensate for the time it took for the physical copy to be delivered.
Early years
Often recognized by their trademark colored ties, Cantor (yellow-vocals/guitar), Sedghi (blue-vocals/bass), Federman (gray-percussion), Hawley (red-vocals/guitar), and Horowitz (green-vocals/keys) make up Tally Hall, which got its start in 2002. Horowitz, the only member not originally from Michigan, began writing songs when he was eight years old, and eventually headed to the University of Michigan to study composition. There he met Cantor, who had both attended high school with Sedghi and joined Hawley’s film production group. When Tally Hall’s original drummer left the band, they recruited Federman, who had gone to high school with Hawley.
The name “Tally Hall” comes from its use as the name of an indoor shopping plaza on Orchard Lake Road in Farmington Hills, Michigan. Marvin’s Marvelous Mechanical Museum, the arcade whose name shares the title of their debut album, remains there, though the shopping center has changed names.
In 2005, the band released their debut studio album, Marvin’s Marvelous Mechanical Museum.
The band has received national media attention, performing their song “Good Day” on The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson on August 2, 2006, as well as appearing in MTV’s segment You Hear It First in September 2006.[4] The band appeared at the 2007 South by Southwest Music Festival. On August 3, 2008, Tally Hall was a performer on the BMI stage at Lollapalooza.
Tally Hall was invited back by The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson on September 16, 2008, to help promote the launch of Tally Hall’s Internet Show. They performed “Welcome to Tally Hall” in newly donned black vests over top of their traditional colored ties, white shirts, and black pants.[5]
The band worked on several projects after the completion of Marvin’s Marvelous Mechanical Museum, including covering the song “Smile Like You Mean It” by The Killers for the sixth The O.C. soundtrack: Music from the OC: Mix 6.
The band re-released Marvin’s Marvelous Mechanical Museum on April 1, 2008, with their new record label, Atlantic Records after some re-recording and re-mixing.
Tours and Good & Evil
On September 9, 2009, Hidden in the Sand (HITS), a prominent Tally Hall fan site, broke the news that Tally Hall was going to release a collaborative song, featuring Nellie McKay, which would be released as a free download from mp3.walmart.com when customers of Walmart purchased a book called The Magician’s Elephant by Kate DiCamillo.[6] The book had been made available for purchase earlier that day. The same day, HITS reported the title of the song, “Light & Night”, along with a short audio clip of it in another update.[7]
In their 2010 March tour with Jukebox the Ghost and Skybox, it was reported that Joe Hawley had unexpectedly backed out of the tour. Hawley was replaced with Casey Shea, who wore a black tie. On March 25, 2011, the band announced that all five original band members were still together.[8]
The band was managed by The Hornblow Group, who also manages They Might Be Giants, OK Go, and Oppenheimer, until 2010, when Tally Hall changed management to Stiletto Entertainment, who manages Barry Manilow, in addition to several other solo performance acts.[9][10]
With the release of Good & Evil, Tally Hall returned to their original label, Quack!Media.[2]
Post-Good & Evil
After the release of Good & Evil, the band became inactive, and all of its members went on to more or less independent endeavors.
Horowitz, under the moniker “edu”, released a solo album called sketches in 2012. He also was involved in production and piano on John Legend’s Love in the Future.[11]
Hawley returned to school, but released an album, Hawaii: Part II, as part of his musical side project ミラクルミュージカル (Miracle Musical). He collaborated with Tally Hall members Sedghi, Federman, and Cantor on the album. Hawley later released Hawaii: Part II: Part ii, a compilation of outtakes and demos of the original album.
Cantor released his solo album, Not a Trampoline, on April 14, 2014.[12] In addition, he has made several viral videos on YouTube, including “SHIA LABEOUF” and “29 Celebrity Impressions, 1 Original Song - Rob Cantor”.
Federman has made occasional appearances as producer, percussionist, and DJ with the pseudonym “Mr. F”, although his main focus has been school. He graduated from the University of Michigan with a 4.0 science GPA, and is attending Yale University for grad school. Sedghi, aside from appearing in Hawaii: Part II, has simply stayed in school.[13]
In mid-2016, Joe Hawley announced his new hip-hop album “Joe Hawley Joe Hawley”, which was released October of that year.
In addition to music, the band has also created numerous movies. These movies include both music videos and humorous skits. The best known of these videos is the music video for “Banana Man”, which resulted in significant publicity among online users visiting the website Albino Blacksheep, along with “The Bidding”, another popular title by the group.
Corresponding with their single “Good Day”, released on February 26, 2008, the band released a music video for the song on YouTube.
In August 2008, the band performed a three-song live video set for LiveDaily Sessions, including the songs “Good Day”, “Be Born”, and “Greener”,[14] which premiered on August 28, 2008. They have appeared on Fearless Music several times, playing songs such as “Be Born”, “Ruler of Everything”, “Misery Fell”, “Good Day”, and “Banana Man”. These recordings can be found on YouTube.
In July 2014, band member Rob Cantor released a video in which he seemed to perform his song “Perfect” by singing spot-on impressions of 29 celebrities. In the video, Cantor is accompanied by another band member, Andrew Horowitz, on piano and backing vocals. The video received more than 7,000,000 hits in 10 days. Shortly thereafter, Cantor revealed the video to be an elaborate hoax.[15]
Tally Hall’s Internet Show
Taking on an even larger role within the band’s video portfolio was the ten part bi-weekly variety-show series Tally Hall’s Internet Show (T.H.I.S.), which debuted on September 15, 2008. Each episode ran 10 minutes long and was posted on their website. The content primarily included comedy sketches and music videos.
With the release of Tally Hall’s Internet Show in September 2008, it became clear that many music videos would be released within the Internet Show. “Good Day” was the first music video to be seen in episode one. Other music videos include “Welcome to Tally Hall”, “Two Wuv”, “The Whole World and You”, “Greener”, “Ruler of Everything”, and “Hidden in the Sand”.
Episode List
Good Day (September 15, 2008) – 9:24
Death Request (September 29, 2008) – 11:35
Taken for a Ride (October 13, 2008) – 9:17
Welcome to Tally Hall (October 27, 2008) – 11:37
Who Cares (November 10, 2008) – 9:24
Mary-Kate And Ashley (November 24, 2008) – 10:31
15 Seconds of Bora (December 8, 2008) – 9:08
The Whole World and You (December 22, 2008) – 11:06
Potato Vs. Spoon (January 5, 2009) – 8:32
Good Night (January 19, 2009) – 10:53
Band members
Current members
Rob Cantor (Yellow tie) – Guitar and vocals
Ross Federman (Grey tie) – Drums (2004–present)
Joe Hawley (Red tie) – Guitar and vocals
Andrew Horowitz (Green tie) – Keyboards and vocals
Zubin Sedghi (Blue tie) – Bass and vocals
Additional touring members
Casey Shea (Black Tie) – Guitar and Vocals (March 2010 Tour)
Bora Karaca (Orange Tie) - Keyboard, accordion, whistles, acoustic guitar (Good & Evil Tour, Summer 2011)
Past members
Steve Gallagher (Grey tie) – Drums (2002–2004)
Studio albums
Complete Demos (2004) (Independent)
Marvin’s Marvelous Mechanical Museum (2005) (Quack!Media) (Re-released in 2008 on Atlantic Records)
Good & Evil (2011) (Quack!Media)
“Good Day – Single” (2008) (Atlantic Records)
“Light & Night” (featuring Nellie McKay) (2009) (N/A)
“You & Me” (2011) (Quack!Media)
“&” (2011) (Quack!Media)
Partyboobytrap (2003) (Independent)
Welcome To Tally Hall (2004) (Independent)
The Pingry EP (2005) (Independent)
Music from the OC: Mix 6 (2006)
The Sims 2: Apartment Life (2008)
Admittedly Incomplete Demos (2015) (Independent)
In other media
Tally Hall’s “Banana Man” was featured on The Real World: Key West. The song “The Whole World and You” can be heard in a commercial for Crayola’s 3D Sidewalk Chalk.[16] In addition, the song “Mucka Blucka” was used in the 4th season premiere of The Good Wife.
Hope this helps
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