#multimuse questions
zonecode · 21 days
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he's just GLaDOS with anger issues. and i wouldnt want it any other way.
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mysticjourneys · 10 days
// I have a question to the Yugioh RP community, which I have been seeing a healthy amount recently. I want to know, how do you guys go about starting RPs in the Yugioh universe without resorting to card games?
Or, do you actually try a scripted duel or a simulation?
I'm tagging @frogsonalotusleaf because they're the only Kaiba I know and if they can spread the word that would be nice. I genuinely want to get into the community as a long time yugioh fan.
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whirling-fangs · 20 days
✉ + ♥ !!
Monday Malarkey
✉ : What’s your favorite genre to read in roleplay?
[[ i unfortunately don't really ready any other replies that my own ;-; but i'll take a peek at a few things I see on my dash here and there, especially if there seems to be some character development OR some banter I could react to :3 I miss the good ol' days of dash commentary...]]
♥ : What kinds of characters are the most fun for you to write for?
[[ assuming "writing for" means "having as a muse", well... i've only had 3 different muses in my 10-year experience :') I guess my type is the "hot-headed, aggressive comedic relief with a big heart hidden underneath layers of grime solitude and social awkwardness.
I especially love how this kind of character always has a LOT of room for progression, especially through dynamics with other characters, which is just perfect for RP ;w; ]]
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elisethetraveller · 8 months
Mind hectic
Like this to get ooc asks in your inbox!
Specifically, probably, character questions
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boundlss · 5 months
[ src. ] Which muse(s)s did you have the biggest inspiration for lately? / Why did you choose to make a multimuse?
Which muse(s)s did you have the biggest inspiration for lately?
well! that is not a simple or short answer because it's usually a lot of them at once. for one, there's shiroe---in no small part due to having become mutuals with you, but i do also generally just tend to have a lot of inspo for shiroe at any given time. i've said this before but he's the muse i absolutely relate to the most out of any of them so he tends to always be pretty high-activity and easy to write for.
jet (avatar) is really up there right now, as well as striker (helluva), who are really kind of the same general character archetype in two different fonts. i've also been thinking a lot about five pebbles today in particular, and dandelion. then there's always cyran azerrad kapral, ankita culathene, aurilis ayeva, yanna lazaros, and finnegan twelve---well, they're all ocs of mine so it's only natural my mind would be on them pretty often but it IS on them specifically pretty often.
not necessarily on this blog, but i also think about mark twain ( @antisatiric ) more than i even really think about shiroe, which is a tall order! and i've been doing some pondering over ronny schiatto, dallas genoard, pamela mccall, nader schasschule, and laz smith ( @drfeelgreed ) lately too. i've been meaning to get back to those baccanos but i don't exactly have the audience required on either of the aforementioned blogs to really, um, run a functioning and active rp blog.
Why did you choose to make a multimuse?
people who have followed me for a long time will probably know this but when it comes to what characters i feel like writing at any given moment in time, i can be extremely flighty. i get really anxious only focusing on a few characters at a time and it's sort of always been that way with my writing.
it just ended up being the most comfortable for me to have a bunch of characters i wanted to write all in one place because of that. there have been some muses i've strategically placed on singlemuse blogs---twain over on antisatiric is one of them---because i knew they'd get more interactions that way, and sometimes it actually is very hard for me to see people who run singlemuse blogs getting a lot more attention for characters i *also* have just because they only write that character, but i'm really not capable of changing the things about me that make multimuses easier, so ...
multi questions. / eagerly accepting!
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tvrningout-archived · 2 years
hey what if you liked this and i visited your inbox with some hc questions? there might be trivial or deeper questions or both! but what if B)
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if youre not willing to answer weird but harmless questions abt your character(s) (whether canon or oc) whatre you doin in any rpc
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chronosbled · 2 years
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1. When are you usually online?
Due to the fact I pretty much have nothing else to do because of reasons I’d rather not specify to everyone here on this hellsite, I’m basically here 24/7. You can always reach me via IMs (granted that my phone doesn’t make the little message noise like it’s supposed to so sometimes I don’t know you messaged me) or throw me asks and starters whenever you’d like (that also takes some time for me to get to though because I only answer that stuff on my laptop). You can also reach me via Discord 24/7 since I always have that open on my phone and laptop (when my laptop isn’t off anyway) so if you want that, just shoot me a message via IMs.
2. What verses are you involved in?
God, due to this being a multimuse, I’m involved in so many different verses/fandoms. Though the ones that I’m mostly invested in are my Resident Evil verses, my Yu-Gi-Oh verses (which I never get to use sadly because people don’t give a shit about the series anymore it seems), some of my own verses from my novels (which I won’t go into detail about), and probably my Fire Emblem verses?
3. What is your biggest RP pet peeve?
Um... probably just the basic stuff for roleplaying that everyone else gets irritated with? Godmoding, force-shipping, not reading rules, and metagaming I guess? Though if I’m completely honest, I could care less about what someone else’s muse knows about my muse because it’s not like it’d bother them in the first place, lmfao. Most of my muses are pretty nonchalant about everything, especially Dickson, so if your muse somehow knows he’s a monster or something and try to use it as a way to get one over on him, he’d literally just laugh about it and be like “yeah, I’m totally not human. Pretty cool that you noticed.” It’s the same with if you try to godmod against my muses, if I don’t like what you’re doing, I’ll just do it back. XD I promise you I can be ten times more annoying (especially since my sister says I’m annoying 24/7). :D
I guess what irritates me more though is when your freaking partner doesn’t barely add shit into the roleplay so it’s just a basic response and you don’t know what to do with it. Like... it’s just three lines of absolute horse shit that you can’t even pick up and throw even if you wanted to! Nothing interesting is happening and the actions preformed are literally just being repetitive. God... I hate the repetitive actions. I can’t do anything if all your muse does is blush and giggle. Please, if you value me as a partner or even just value my sanity, DON’T FREAKING DO IT.
Also, please, and I do mean PLEASE, do not expect my muses to fall in love with yours ESPECIALLY if they’re: 1) already married or in a relationship, 2) are single-ship muses, 3) aren’t interested in relationships, or 4) are like Dickson where they literally HAVE NO EMOTIONS TO BEGIN WITH. Everything he does is ACTED. Learned through observing others and copying them. His feelings, unless worked on by himself or someone else (and I mean worked on for a very long time), are not genuine. He does not love you, he is using you unless he actively states otherwise, and I don’t mean when muses who are in love do the usual “oh, I love you so much.” I mean him quite literally obsessing over your muse to the point he’s willing to murder anyone who even breathes in your muse’s general direction. I rambled a bit there... but the point is, don’t think my muses will instantly love yours just because yours confess to mine. Most of my muses would probably just call your muse an idiot or laugh at them. One more thing, I promise. Do not assume that just because your muse is some big and scary bad person (or whatever) that my muse will fear yours (unless they’re possibly human or some weaker being, but even then most of my human muses don’t care) because they won’t. People like Philis, Rain, Mikaela (sometimes it depends on his mood though), and Ember will not be afraid of you, if anything, they’ll likely just think you’re crazy. People like Dickson, Tina, Giovanni, and Hazen (in the future only) will not be afraid of you either, instead they’ll laugh and ask if you’re looking for a partner to aid you in whatever terrible path you’re going down. Also, do not assume that my muses will not outright kill yours if you piss them off to a certain degree because they will, especially since most of my muses aren’t against killing random people (either because they aren’t stable or come from a world that is filled with war). Even if you interact with my kinder muses, they still have a line you can cross and they will try to still kill your muse if need be.
4. Are you drawn to specific types of muses?
I’m pretty sure everyone has noticed, but I have an unhealthy obsession infatuation with darker muses, such as ones who are unstable or unhinged. *coughs* Like Envy as the biggest example. *coughs* I also am really drawn to male muses that are either super pretty or super masculine (I don’t know any other word to describe what I mean, please forgive me) or ones that are very fatherly (probably because they remind me of my own dad). Bonus if they’re super masculine and fatherly because it melts my heart. ; w; Appearance-wise though, I’m drawn to male muses with black hair and blue eyes (*gestures at Dickson*) while I’m drawn to female muses with bizarre colored hair (meaning outside of the usual blonde, black, red, brown) and bizarre colored eyes (outside of green, blue, and brown). But I’m also super fond of male muses with black hair and bizarre eye colors too because sometimes it can look super pretty. This is totally uncalled for, but my biggest draw in to a muse is if they look a lot like or remind me a lot of Chris Redfield from Resident Evil because that man has my WHOLE heart. And I don’t mean that shitty excuse of a “Chris Redfield” from Resident Evil 7 either. I’m talking about Chris Redfield from Resident Evil 5, Resident Evil 6, and Resident Evil 8 (where he now has a dad bod), though I also love all previous Chris Redfields too. <3
5. Are there reoccurring themes in your writing that people might not notice?
Um... aside from the fact that I tend to ramble a lot? I don’t think so? I personally don’t think my writing is all that great so I don’t think I can really answer a question like this? I’m also not really sure what a reoccurring theme could be in my writing. Sorry! ; ;
6. What are your favorite RP trends?
Dunno really? I don’t really know any roleplay trends aside from the Google Docs and carrd thing. I attempted to do Google Docs, but I got frustrated because I couldn’t figure it out so I gave up. I didn’t even attempt with carrd because you gotta pay for that and I’m always broke so... haha. I only recently learned how to do mediocre graphics and add extra muse themes onto my blogs. I’m a pretty bland person honestly.
7. What is your process for starting a new story with someone?
I usually try to just toss them a very small random starter that isn’t really affiliated with anything in case they wanna use a specific verse with it. I try not to actively talk to the person I’m trying to start a thread with because of my anxiety being so bad to the point (mainly from all the years of being bullied and being ignored when I attempt to talk to people) that I just assume everyone doesn’t actually want to listen to me talk to them. I remember when Envyness teased me about something and I almost cried because I thought they were mad at me. The only reason I didn’t was because they actively said they were teasing and I instantly felt better afterwards. I’m pretty pathetic, haha.
8. How do you feel about duplicates?
I don’t mind duplicates of my canon muses (though I’m pretty sure I have more OCs than canons). I think duplicates are pretty cool to be honest, especially when they like to do the whole “twin” situation with me. XD I had two friends that roleplayed Mika do that with me and it was hella cute. Though since OCs are supposed to be one of a kind, if I find someone stealing my fucking character that I put YEARS of work into, I’m ripping their arm off and beating them into submission with it.
9. How long have you been involved in roleplaying?
Um... I think I first started when I was like... thirteen or twelve? I just recently turned twenty-four so... twelve years or maybe closer to thirteen? Hard to fully remember since I started roleplaying via Skype and I’ve had Skype since I was in fifth or sixth grade. Yes, just imagine a baby Speka typing up a storm for roleplay with friends. Probably not as cute as most think since I was a gremlin according to my older brother.
10. Is there a muse or verse you could write in, but haven’t?
Um... given how I’m a pretty huge multimuse, there are way too many muses that I want to/could write for but haven’t because there aren’t people who are interested in said muses. It’s the same with verses honestly. There’s a lot of them that I want to/can write for but haven’t because of the same reasons I’ve listed above, especially since I’m always somehow into series that are basically dead. Like Magi.
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Tagged  by: @s-talking​​
Tagging: @crxstallium​​, @anomieheld​​, and anyone else who wants to do this because my brain is blanking right now.
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liroyalty · 8 months
Date Application Form
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Your intended receiver of the application:
How well do we know each other?:
Why do you want to date me?:
Describe your ideal date:
List five of your best qualities:
Anything you else you want to say?:
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demacianhcart · 9 months
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thebridgehqs · 10 months
how active is this?
We are a low-key, slower paced rp that has been around for several years. I won't lie, some days, there's only one or two posts on the dash, but there's always people around to chat and plot all the time, and for those who have busy lives but still want to rp, we're perfect!
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swordduels · 10 months
Which of your muses is the easiest to get along with? Which one are the hardest?
yet another multimuse questionnaire Sigfrid might be a bit rude, annoying, loud, violent and rowdy at times but he’s pretty good at social cues, despite ignoring red flags that is. He’s also well meaning towards most people unless there's something he doesn’t vibe with or if said person is rude towards him. Depending on where one meets him he is more or less childish. Much of his journey is about leaving grudges, finding their own meaning in life and trying to develop a stronger self love. Besides that his morality is a bit flexible. Clarimonde has a hard time with social situations due to their upbringing inside a cult with violence and murder. Some of their behavior may come off as odd and sometimes unhinged. Other times they are calm, quiet and reserved. Depending on where on the journey one meets Clarimonde they are either absorbed into the cult as a violent fanatic or slowly starting to explore who they are and the beauty of everyday life. They have a hard time explaining their own feelings and dislike being vulnerable which makes it harder for them to form healthy relationships. Much like Sigfrid their morality is very flexible but with time it might alter to one direction or another. So…I think it depends on what character traits one would favor. If people want to party or do stupid things and yet have some deeper conversation I would say Sigfrid is easier to hang out with. If someone prefers a more calm character and can manage odd quirks or their religious views I would say Clarimonde is a better fit.
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sarcaasmic · 10 months
if your muse had to choose, what three traits describe them the most? who taught them these traits, and who do they think had the most influence in making them who they are? 
Independent: She learned to be independent from a young age, especially when things got rocky during her parents' relationship and right after their divorce. She and her brother tended to make their own routines, meals, got themselves to school, and as she got older, she took care of a lot of housework for her dad too. Quiet: She was decently outgoing as a child but got quieter as she got older with the combination of family issues in her youth and the treatment she got from one of her high school boyfriends. Open-minded: Despite being introverted she's interacted with so many people in her life and would say she's pretty accepting. Her friends were the type to talk with practically anyone and they talked her into doing so many fun things, so she definitely learned that from them.
Who had the most influence? Her friend group in high school, who she’s still close with today, played a big part in who she is. They supported her love for music and helped her a lot with her self-confidence. Her now ex-boyfriend Ford, who she dated for a little over a year, had really dwindled her self-esteem and optimism, but they really helped her grow after breaking up with him. They also helped her through all the stuff she had to deal with when it came to her dad.
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clemencetaught · 1 year
POST - IT NOTE ! ( from Black Knight to Quinn )
when there is no paper one must learn to adapt ( post-it note meme w/ @uroborosymphony )
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“You really thought we would go in not expecting to see you with the fireworks? You’re getting sloppy and it’s tedious to deal with. Pathetic to watch as well; I thought you were a professional. The Black Fang will never take over the city- we won’t let you.
( Left by Black Knight by deactivated explosives. )
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aparticularbandit · 2 years
Why can’t you write with your roleplay friends? What was toxic in the part of the community you were in? I thought you wrote for America?
I do have an RP blog for America; you're quite right!
I think the main part of not writing with my friends anymore is more about that not wanting to join the rpc again. It felt a lot like being on the edge of a knife in terms of fitting in with everyone, like if I said the wrong thing at the wrong time to the wrong person - or any combination thereof - I would end up under attack. It's less that I don't want to write with them and more that I don't want to be under that sort of constant stress and pressure to conform anymore.
Honestly, that was one of the main reasons I ended up spending more time here, on my personal, and writing fanfic than on my rp blogs. For a long time, being here was just so much more fulfilling and freeing than that was.
The part of the roleplaying community I was in with my friends expected you to conform to a certain sort of elitist standards, and if you slipped at any point, you were thrown out, you were open to attack, and I just. got tired. among other things.
And I don't want to go back to that.
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