#multiple tanka
sundaynightservice · 2 years
Reflection for Prayer 20: The Lord's Prayer
Our Father, I pause,
this means so much, here I am
never alone, no,
we're one family allied
in a Father that is God.
The great I am is
and He will listen to me
always, anytime,
that is His nature,
to be the One who listens.
In heaven: a place
God set aside to hear us
make our petitions,
a place too holy to see
values our voice in prayer.
Precious is His name,
a holy reputation
the ancient nomen
only He deserves - holy,
I only speak it with awe.
He is coming here,
vanishing distance between
with His full kingdom,
God dwelling among converts,
what an exciting story.
A true wondrous thought,
completion of God's intent,
done once and for all,
all the grief of ruthless life
swept aside for perfection.
Reflecting heaven
earth will lose its distinction,
no place for sin found,
promised abundant life dawns
sweeping away ticks of time.
Today we need gifts,
we can't survive without them,
we are powerless
against sin, temptation, want,
we must rely on His gifts.
Daily provision
without worry, even bread
means no real hunger
is worth us fretting about,
belief is our only job.
Wow, to owe no one,
not even God, pure relief,
actual freedom
from the shortfalls we possess,
from the weights we cannot lift.
A revealed secret
to finding ourselves freedom
in so little words,
my forgiveness meant to flow
like a river from my soul.
Looming temptation
is not where I want to walk,
I want to escape
another way without it,
lead me that way somehow Lord.
The Way and the Truth
does not come naturally,
for we must be led
a lamp at our feet guides us
when we follow He who leads.
Evil has caught us
in a clever trap, we'll die
from its wicked ways
without a deliverer
with a kindly loving heart.
Go ahead, rejoice,
know God controls the kingdom,
one God, one ruler,
it is easy to believe
everything will turn out right.
Power lies with God,
His strength is on our behalf,
our strong champion
remains undefeated still
and not even death can win.
The glory of God
rises robust each morning
we see it, breath it
and fading hope is renewed,
all creation senses it.
A vanishing blip,
this present time fades away,
eternity comes
swallowing up our sorrows
as forever folds up time.
And so it all comes
first to last it will be done,
Alpha, Omega
has laid out His plan and won
Praise for Father, Spirit, Son.
D W Eldred
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noirandchocolate · 4 months
Yet Another Headcanon: My Master Kohga is not only a musician but a lyricist and poet—more artsy skills he learned from his mama and honed by reading tons of collected and preserved Yiga and ancient Sheikah documents and by hanging around with others in the Clan interested in that kinda stuff.
He is pretty dang good at the Yiga equivalent of haiku and tanka poetry, with syllable/sound-based structure and an emphasis on conveying small moments/feelings.* His particular favorite thing to do is to choose words and phrases with multiple meanings or opportunities for metaphor, that work together to get the theme/imagery across. And he can also do rhyming song lyrics, too.
He can rattle off simple stuff fairly easily if asked to on the fly, but also tries harder on more meaningful verse if the occasion arises. On the other hand, since he's Master Kohga and therefore an irreverent kinda guy, he's not above silly or raunchy subject matter.
For the Clan’s seasonal and event-based lil’ festivals/parties, the Master has been known to join in on reciting appropriately themed poems as well as playing newly-composed and/or improvised music (and old crowd favorites/traditional songs etc). He'll participate with others in the Yiga equivalent of renku collaborative spontaneous poetry at such occasions too, and have lots of fun coming up with the next couple lines in a community effort or with a response to 'beat' someone else's last verse, especially when the saké's been flowing.
If he's got a reason to write down anything he composes, he'll write it in Ancient Sheikah calligraphy (also tutored by mom) more often than modern Hylian. (But the Yiga's use of different scripts in their written language is a tangent to this post.) Anyway, artsy fella, is my bananaMaster.
(*They’re not exactly the same as those Earth Japanese forms, since Hyrule isn’t Japan of course despite the obvious influences especially in the Sheikah and Yiga cultures as presented in the games, but you know what I’m getting at I hope. The Yiga-original forms (which in turn have branched off from or carry on ancient Sheikah ones) do tend to use 5- and 7- syllable/sound lines, but not always in the 5-7-5 and 5-7-5-7-7 of haiku and tanka. For example one popular longer form goes 5-7-5-7-7-5-7-5-7-5.)
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dayseternal-blog · 9 months
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Okies, here's my NaruHina Fair wrap-up bingo card 😭💝 The month went by way too quickly. THANK YOU everyone who participated for all the wonderful NaruHina fics and art and moodboards and other stuff!!! Even if it's not on this list, I enjoyed everything I saw and read 💖 I loved reflecting on NH Fair last year, and this Bingo card gave me a way to think more deeply about everyone's work again this year 🔎
This SHOULD NOT be opened in public *opens it anyway* - @iamdslr's nsfw art that she surprised us all with on discord 🔥🤯 absolutely gorgeous depiction of one of my fave positions 🙈 sorry tmi
Flooding this artist with tons of notifications - @shirii My fave was definitely the Evil AU!!! So cute, so evil. A perfect art to match madglow's "A New Dawn" fic! Also I love how saturated the colors are in shirii's art.
I've lost count to how many times I've seen/read this. AND I'LL DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN - "Cruel Angel" by @sessakag The horror and the smut is just soooo Sessakag-style. Like no one else could have possibly written this. Also I don't know who suggested "the world's ending and you're far from your love," but I thought the prompt sounded impossible, and you know what, Sessakag can write the impossible.
Had a bad day but seeing this made it better - "For Ruin and the World's Ending" by @badluckbrebis thank u for reposting this because it seems like I completely missed/forgot about this, it seemed new to me 😓 I love it so much, the description of their world is so vibrant, and yeah, an update from you makes life so much better 🥺💕 !!!
THIS IS WHAT TRUE LOVE LOOKS LIKE - @diyas-diaries-98 All of the short stories in "NaruHina Month 2023" are so cute and stars-in-their-eyes in love, but my fave is "Me in Your Eyes"!! The prompt is already a foundation for the fandom, but you took it to the next level in describing how they see each other🤩
THIS DESERVES TO BE SEEN BY ALL *shares work multiple times* - I have recommended @wickermayne's "Chicken Ramen for the Pervert's Soul" several times, and I will do it again!!! Actually I think "Hinata (Light Femdom)" is the first fic I read/commented on for you....anyway, I love, love, love it. Will always love it.
This is so silly. I LOVE IT! - "Things that Moan in the Night" is just....wow. honestly it was a toss-up between the cold shower and this bingo square, but in the end, it's a really fun smutty fic for me that's experimental in a way most smut fics aren't. I love the writing challenge of switching pov's, especially to 2nd pov.
It's not enough for me to see/read it. I NEED TO EAT IT TO BECOME A PART OF ME! - @lavvdil's "devouring you" for the beauty and the beast prompt!! Hinata's just gorgeous!! I would so love to write that kind of NaruHina, the Naruto who's so close to the demon itself, the Hinata who's so precious to the demon... reminds me of utsu's fic "Monster of the Tales". then @avbocetos's "Kiss the byakugan princess!" art is so, so lovely, the blank period/The Last NaruHina kiss is soooo passionate, and mmmmmm I want to write that so badly. That kind of heart-pounding kiss!
it's sooooo FLUFFY! - "My #1 Supporter" by shineofdawn, ohhh my gosh, so I'm already a sucker for pianist Hinata. But just the way shineofdawn was able to have Hinata's piano music be a support for badminton player Naruto, the connection is so wonderful 😭 and "Promise Rings" by @powerful-niya has gotta be the fluffiest thing Niya has ever written. It's sooo...ugh, love!!! They're in love and promising themselves to each other for forever and it's perfect!!!
FREE - @bornonthebreakofdawn's tanka for "Me in Your Eyes" prompt. I love born's poetry, but this one hit it out of the ballpark for me. In such few words, born touched on how sensitive Naruto must be in the way people look at him, and how different and special it must've been when he saw how Hinata looks at him. Something to ruminate on.
You've already left a kudos/like - @cherpring's "Marriage (Thai Culture)" art!!!! I love seeing NaruHina in different cultures, and then on top of that, this art has so many interesting details, the cushions (?), Naruto's pants, the flowers, their pins... I love their little blushes!!! Definitely one of my fave arts of this month.
I need a cold shower - "Another Baby" by Its_Levioooosaa got me invested, I loved how excited they were 😳 and "Dark Circles" by @bunny-hoodlum ahhhhhhh how exhausted but turned on Naruto was, like, yes, I love that energy!!!
IT WAS NOT FINE - What Is This Heartbreak in "Don't Deny Me" by Imanga 😭💔 "Oh, I can't handle angst" she says, "I don't know how you guys can read so much angst" she says. What a liar lol
OMG they replied to my comment!!! - So by far, the longest comment I left this month was for @nightowl27-writer's "Weird Hinata" because imo it was really just the tightest and most skillful writing all month. There was so much to analyze in every line, the relationship between them was so complex, nightowl developed their characters so well!!! I was so happy that nightowl read and replied to my comment 🙈
This fic is incomplete and I shall never rest again - "Free Day!" by @opttagoyeo was the one that got me in a chokehold. What does Kurama MEAN that Hinata might be one of them??? The other fics in "NH Month 2023" are great, too, but there's a little bit more of a closure for the "Red Strings of Fate" and "Time Travel." Priest!Naruto is like 2 more meetings away from seductress!Hinata pulling his pants down and giving him the time of his life, but also what is the mystery behind them??? I must know.
Why is this a one-shot? I need 6 seasons and a movie! - "A New Dawn" by madglow and "ready or not" by @secrettastemakerland, I am so impressed at how they crammed entire gigantic plots that could SERIOUSLY be 2 hour long movies into short fics. How. Just how did they do that. I'm left wanting more!! And also, I'm terribly jealous, like, I wish I could write my ideas that well. "A New Dawn" is the Akatsuki!NaruHina the fandom's been waiting for and "ready or not" AHHHH fox!Naruto!!!!! I just, love fox Naruto. So does Hinata.
How do I ask for an update without asking for an update? - Bunny!!!!! BunnyHoodlum wrote yoga!Hinata and yet another, new troubled!Naruto unlike one we've ever seen before in "Handsy" and I'm so in love with Bunny's writing ughhhhhhhhh, how Naruto is a yes man, how he's so all-over-the-place, and then Hinata, the good girl, rich girl, out-of-his-reach girl!!! This fic hits soo many things for me!
I am drowning in tears and may never recover - @golubhat's "Goodbye Naruto-kun..." art for war and love... you know NaruHina month had barely started, and golubhat just throws this at us from the get-go. That lost look in Naruto's eyes...jeez louise my gosh....the tears...the way he's gripping her head... on the flipside, my fave golubhat art this month was the Soviet high school students au!!!!!!, like, tell me more about that!!!!
11pm is a great time to start a 100k slow burn - I know Powerful_Niya's "Reckless Love" 2-shot probably isn't 100k, but it's definitely on the longer side of fics posted this month, and I did start reading it around 11:00. Anyway, delinquent!Naruto and angelic!Hinata are to-die-for in this fic. They are both down bad for each other and practically in denial about it!!
I don't think I'll be able to sleep well after that - @spaciousignatius posts NaruHina fanfics like...maaaybe once a year, and "Taken" is so terribly melancholy yet so worth the wait 😭 I love it and just hope that Naruto and/or Hinata somehow gets even against these military guys.
Wow, that might haunt me in my dreams - and I mean this in a good way. Just like born's tanka, @opal-chan's "Rage Room" got me thinking... on family, forgiveness, internalizing feelings versus externalization. Opal-chan does a fantastic job with portraying the Hyuuga clan in such a raw way.
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Why am I still able to walk around and I don't see my body shaking at every movement I make Why is no one stuffing me full of food as they watch me become more helpless just from the our touch I wanna inspire I wanna watch the world look in awe as I grow beyond human limits m3ver allowed to orgasm so ilk work even harder io crave so bad to make money off of how helpless addicted and greedy I am. Growing more fans as I grow greediier fatter and only needing more I'm so ready to eat endlessly to only be horny and only let my urges and wants consume me
I. Want my hopes broken of ever stopping oh I'll stop. At 400 no maybe 700 and be broken as I can't stop ion defeat suckling on my tube needing multiple feeders for how huingry and needy i am as they reassure me baby me and tell. Me what a good. Job I'm doing as I become beyond immobile tanka of lard gone in hours fellow feedees with me as we cuddle and get more and more useless in any other field than eating always inspiring and turning one another on to get bigger
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Laws of Attraction Masterlist 2024
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✒️= Fanfic | 📱= Text Fics/Edits | 🎨= Fanart Ⓜ️ = Mature Content 18+ | 🔥 = Explicit/NSFW 18+ 🏳️‍🌈 = LGBTQIA
September 2024
Because There is Love 🎨 | Martin Vanderwall x NB!MC - @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
August 2024
Milestones ✒️ | Gabe Ricci x F!MC - @eadanga
When Love Lasts (Series) ✒️ | Gabe Ricci x F!MC - @eadanga Chapter 11
A Paris Proposal ✒️ | Gabe Ricci x F!MC - @eadanga
June 2024
An Unforgettable Night ✒️🔥 | Gabe Ricci x F!MC - @eadanga
April 2024
Not My Birthday ✒️🏳️‍🌈| Various Characters - @aces-and-angels
Uncharacteristic ✒️| Gabe Ricci x F!MC - @thosehallowedhalls
March 2024
Aislinn Tanka Portrait 🎨 by @artbyalz
I thought that I was special...🎨🏳️‍🌈| Gabe Ricci, NB!MC - @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
Martin Vanderweil Fanart 🎨🏳️‍🌈 by @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
The Three Fates 🎨🏳️‍🌈| Original Characters - @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
Preliminaries ✒️ | Martin Vanderweil x Genderqueer!MC - @thosehallowedhalls for @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
Watcha Doing Down There?🎨🏳️‍🌈 | NB!MC, OC - @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
Weird, but not a sin🎨🏳️‍🌈| LOA NB!MC - @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
Wind Fanart 🎨🏳️‍🌈 by @lilyoffandoms for @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
Wind: Goldenrod (NB!MC)🎨🏳️‍🌈by @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
Windverse Art 🎨🏳️‍🌈 | NB!MC, OCs by @cammarada (C: @oh-so-youre-a-nerd)
February 2024
Week ending February 17, 2024
But I'm tired 🎨🏳️‍🌈| Martin Vanderweil x NB!MC - @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
Dancing Queen ✒️🏳️‍🌈🔹| Original Characters - @aces-and-angels
Date Night🎨🏳️‍🌈💘 🔹| Gabe Ricci x M!MC - @choicesmc
Guess Where Magnus is From 🎨| Original Characters - @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
LOA OCs Fanart 🎨🏳️‍🌈by @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
That Place ✒️🏳️‍🌈
The Tarmin Awdernviel Gala 🎨🏳️‍🌈| Multiple Characters by @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
Wind Fanart 🎨🏳️‍🌈🔹| LOA NB!MC - @storyofmychoices for @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
Week ending February 10, 2024
Enid: LOA F!OC 🎨 by @oh-so-youre-a-nerd for @aces-and-angels
Happy Again 🎨| Marcus Sharpe - @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
The MCAT ✒️🔹| F!OC by @aces-and-angels
You Were Just Using Me? 🎨| Joaquin Morales - @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
Full LOA List Week Ending Feb. 3, 2024
January 2024
Happy New Year from McGraw Byrne 🎨| Gabe Ricci, Aislinn Tanaka, MC, etc. by @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
Hold Me Close ✒️🏳️‍🌈🔹| Gabe Ricci x M!MC - @choicesmc
Prelude: Martin's Rise ✒️🔹| Martin Vanderweil x MC - @aces-and-angels
Serving Cunt and Justice 🎨🏳️‍🌈| Multiple Characters by @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
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pof203 · 1 year
A Summoner Birthday
Previous post: https://pof203.tumblr.com/post/718820835042918400/a-summoner-birthday
Story (Chapter 2 Part 1)
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Well, that was fun little fashion show. But now let's get to the matter at hand. We need to get to those breakers and reboot this vircutal world so we can leave.
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Right, let's get down to business. Kurogane already sent me the map of the world. The map reveals each where each breaker is. We have to find the breakers, repower them, and then return to the main terminal here in Candyland to reboot the system.
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There's just one problem: We can't all go as some of us need to stay here to make sure the those who are also trapped here will be safe. I think a team of five should be fine. But we can't make multiple teams as we can't activate the breakers at the same time, otherwise we'd risk overloading the system.
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Which begs the question: Which of us will be going and which of us will be staying?
Boogeyman: Hmm... Tell you what, Lupin is the birthday boy, let's let him decide. He will also lead the team going.
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Me? Well, I guess I can do it. For choosing who will go with me, I already know who I'll always choose.
You turn your attention to Wakan Tanka.
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You mean it, My Lupin? Thank you.
Lupin: I want you by my side just as I'll be by yours.
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And he's a package deal. You get him, you get the Invader, too.
Everyone just stared at Xototl.
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Too soon, hermano. Too soon.
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But I'm sure whoever you choose will help you make the best team ever.
Lupin: Thanks, Ryota.
Who will you choose to be on your team? You and Wakan Tanka are already preselected for every mission.
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soulsbetrayed · 1 year
Utayomi ni Atauru Sho or Letters to a Tanka Poet is Shiki’s Ability.  It’s the power to animate manifested paper constructs up to a humanoid paper doll.  This Ability manifests in multiple ‘steps’ pertaining to what kind of constructs she needs at that moment.  Some of her constructs include butterflies, birds and even small paper soldiers.  She by virtue of how Letters to a Tanka Poet works carries a notebook from which her Ability can form her constructs using the pages within. The pages can be used indefinitely in various form until the construct is destroyed or dismissed the latter of which returns them to her notebook in a flutter of paper. She can even use these pages as an impromptu barrier outside of the ‘five steps’ of constructs she can use
The main weakness of this Ability is simply the fact Shiki uses a lot of her strength to maintain multiple constructs at once. Along with this she has no means of recovering if her constructs are destroyed due to the finite amount of paper she has on her person
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poemshubs · 20 days
Can a Haiku Have Multiple Stanzas?
Haiku is a traditional form of Japanese poetry that has captivated poets and readers around the world for centuries. Known for its brevity and focus on nature, haiku typically follows a simple structure: three lines with a syllable pattern of 5-7-5. Despite its concise form, haiku is rich in meaning and evokes deep emotions through its vivid imagery and subtlety.
One common question that arises among poets and enthusiasts is whether a haiku can have multiple stanzas. This question delves into the boundaries of traditional haiku and explores how the form has evolved over time, particularly in the context of modern poetry. In this article, we will explore the traditional structure of haiku, its evolution, and the possibilities and implications of composing haiku with multiple stanzas.
See Also: How Do You Pronounce Haiku?
The Traditional Structure of Haiku
Origins of Haiku
The haiku originated from an earlier form of Japanese poetry known as tanka. Tanka consists of five lines with a syllable pattern of 5-7-5-7-7. The first three lines of tanka (5-7-5) were often composed as a standalone verse known as a hokku. The hokku was typically followed by two lines (7-7), forming the complete tanka. Over time, the hokku began to be appreciated as a separate poetic form, eventually becoming what we now recognize as haiku.
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The 5-7-5 Syllable Structure
The defining feature of a traditional haiku is its 5-7-5 syllable structure. The first line contains five syllables, the second line has seven syllables, and the third line concludes with five syllables. This strict syllable count is central to the form and is one of the reasons why haiku is so challenging and rewarding to compose.
Seasonal Reference (Kigo)
Another important element of traditional haiku is the inclusion of a seasonal reference, known as a kigo. The kigo grounds the haiku in a specific time of year, often through the mention of plants, animals, weather, or other natural phenomena. This reference to nature is a key characteristic of haiku, reflecting the close relationship between humans and the natural world in Japanese culture.
The “Cutting Word” (Kireji)
In Japanese haiku, a kireji, or “cutting word,” is often used to create a pause or to add emphasis. The kireji functions as a form of punctuation, signaling a shift in perspective or a contrast between two images or ideas within the haiku. While English-language haiku do not have an exact equivalent to the kireji, poets often use punctuation, line breaks, or subtle shifts in tone to achieve a similar effect.
The Haiku’s Singular Nature
Traditionally, a haiku is a singular, standalone poem. Its compact form and focus on a single moment or image contribute to its power and resonance. The brevity of haiku forces the poet to distill their thoughts and emotions into a few carefully chosen words, creating a snapshot of a moment in time. This singular nature is one of the reasons haiku has remained a distinct and enduring form of poetry.
The Evolution of Haiku in Modern Poetry
Haiku in the West
As haiku spread beyond Japan and became popular in the West, poets began to experiment with the form, leading to variations that sometimes deviate from the strict 5-7-5 structure. English-language haiku, for example, often focus more on capturing the essence of the moment rather than adhering strictly to syllable counts, which can vary due to differences in language structure.
The Influence of Modernism
The rise of modernism in the early 20th century brought with it a wave of experimentation in all forms of art, including poetry. Poets like Ezra Pound and Gary Snyder were influenced by haiku and incorporated its principles into their work, sometimes bending the rules of the traditional form. This period saw the emergence of “free-form” haiku, which retained the spirit of the traditional haiku but allowed for more flexibility in structure.
Multi-Stanza Haiku and Haiku Sequences
With the evolution of haiku in modern poetry, the idea of multi-stanza haiku or haiku sequences has gained traction. While traditional haiku are singular and self-contained, modern poets have explored the possibility of linking multiple haiku together to form a sequence, each stanza or verse building on the last.
Renku: The Precursor to Multi-Stanza Haiku
Before discussing multi-stanza haiku, it is essential to understand the concept of renku, a traditional Japanese form of linked verse. Renku, formerly known as haikai no renga, is a collaborative form of poetry in which multiple poets contribute alternating verses, typically in a 5-7-5, 7-7 pattern. The haiku itself evolved from the opening verse of renku, known as the hokku.
Renku serves as a precursor to the idea of multi-stanza haiku, as it involves the linking of multiple stanzas or verses to create a longer, interconnected poem. While renku is a collaborative form, the concept of linking verses in a sequence has influenced the development of haiku sequences in modern poetry.
Haiku Sequences in Modern Poetry
In modern poetry, haiku sequences consist of multiple haiku linked together to explore a theme, narrative, or series of related images. Each haiku within the sequence retains its individuality, but the stanzas are connected thematically or through a progression of ideas. This allows the poet to expand on the traditional haiku form while still maintaining the brevity and focus that defines haiku.
Thematic Exploration in Haiku Sequences
One of the primary reasons poets choose to write haiku sequences is the desire to explore a theme in greater depth. While a single haiku captures a moment, a sequence of haiku can explore different facets of an experience or theme. For example, a haiku sequence might follow the changing of the seasons, the stages of a journey, or the evolution of an emotion. The interconnectedness of the stanzas allows the poet to create a more nuanced and layered exploration of the subject matter.
Narrative Potential of Haiku Sequences
Another reason for composing haiku sequences is to tell a story. While traditional haiku is not typically narrative in nature, a sequence of haiku can create a sense of progression or movement, allowing the poet to tell a story through a series of linked moments. Each haiku in the sequence contributes to the overall narrative, with the final haiku often serving as a resolution or conclusion.
Examples of Haiku Sequences
Haiku sequences have been embraced by many modern poets as a way to push the boundaries of the traditional form while still honoring its essence. Some well-known poets who have written haiku sequences include:
Jack Kerouac: Kerouac, a key figure in the Beat Generation, was known for his spontaneous and improvisational style. He often wrote haiku sequences that captured the fleeting moments of everyday life, blending the traditional form with his unique voice.
Gary Snyder: Snyder, a poet deeply influenced by Zen Buddhism and Japanese culture, has written numerous haiku sequences that explore themes of nature, spirituality, and human connection. His work often reflects the simplicity and clarity of traditional haiku while extending the form into longer sequences.
Richard Wright: The African-American novelist and poet Richard Wright composed a series of haiku during the final years of his life. Wright’s haiku sequences often delve into the themes of nature, life, and the human experience, capturing the essence of the haiku form while exploring broader themes.
Can a Haiku Have Multiple Stanzas?
Traditional vs. Modern Interpretations
The question of whether a haiku can have multiple stanzas depends largely on how one defines “haiku.” If we adhere strictly to the traditional definition of haiku as a singular, three-line poem with a 5-7-5 syllable structure, then the answer would be no—a traditional haiku does not have multiple stanzas. Each haiku is self-contained and complete in its brevity.
However, if we consider the evolution of haiku and the ways in which modern poets have expanded the form, the answer becomes more nuanced. While a traditional haiku is singular, modern poets have experimented with linking multiple haiku together to create sequences or multi-stanza poems. These haiku sequences retain the spirit of haiku while allowing for greater exploration of themes, narratives, and emotions.
The Role of Form and Function
When considering whether a haiku can have multiple stanzas, it is important to distinguish between form and function. The traditional form of haiku is fixed, with its 5-7-5 syllable pattern and singular structure. However, the function of haiku—to capture a moment, evoke emotion, and connect the reader with nature—can be extended through sequences of haiku.
In this sense, while a single haiku may not have multiple stanzas, a haiku sequence can serve a similar purpose, allowing the poet to build on the initial moment or image. Each stanza in the sequence functions as a standalone haiku, but together they form a cohesive whole.
The Creative Potential of Haiku Sequences
Haiku sequences offer poets a way to explore the creative potential of haiku beyond the constraints of a single stanza. By linking multiple haiku together, poets can delve deeper into their themes, create narratives, and explore the interplay of images and emotions.
For example, a haiku sequence might explore the changing seasons by dedicating each stanza to a different time of year. The sequence could begin with the freshness of spring, move through the heat of summer, reflect on the fading light of autumn, and conclude with the stillness of winter. Each haiku within the sequence would capture a moment in time, but together they would create a broader reflection on the passage of time and the cycles of nature.
Balancing Tradition and Innovation
When composing haiku sequences or multi-stanza haiku, poets must strike a balance between tradition and innovation. The challenge lies in maintaining the essence of haiku—its simplicity, focus, and connection to nature—while exploring new possibilities within the form.
Some poets choose to adhere closely to the traditional structure of haiku, composing each stanza in the sequence with the 5-7-5 syllable pattern and a kigo. Others may take a more flexible approach, focusing on the spirit of haiku rather than its form. Regardless of the approach, the goal is to create a sequence that resonates with the reader and captures the fleeting beauty of the moment.
In conclusion, while a traditional haiku is a singular, three-line poem, the evolution of haiku in modern poetry has opened the door to new possibilities, including the creation of haiku sequences or multi-stanza haiku. These sequences allow poets to explore themes, narratives, and emotions in greater depth while maintaining the essence of haiku.
The question of whether a haiku can have multiple stanzas ultimately depends on one’s perspective. If we adhere strictly to the traditional definition of haiku, the answer is no—a haiku is a singular poem. However, if we consider the ways in which haiku has evolved and the creative potential of linking haiku together, the answer is yes—multiple stanzas can be used to create a sequence of haiku that expands on the themes and emotions of the original form.
Whether composing a single haiku or a haiku sequence, the key is to capture the moment, evoke emotion, and connect with the reader through the power of simplicity and imagery. Haiku, in all its forms, remains a timeless and evocative form of poetry that continues to inspire and resonate across cultures and generations.
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mcboy-mmrt · 1 month
Mr. and Ms. Hyakunin Isshu
These two are the winners of the Hyakunin Isshu handsome guy and beauty contest. My daughter and I held a big tournament. The judging criteria were appearance(his/her face, kimono sense, aura), and if the two disagreed we would discuss it, and if we still couldn't reach a decision, the one with the better tanka would be declared the winner.
Ono no Komachi and Ariwara no Narihira were defeated, and it was surprisingly these two simple-looking people who were crowned champions.
ほととぎす なきつる方を ながむれば ただ有明の 月ぞ残れる
I looked in the direction of the cuckoo's song, but it was nowhere to be seen; only the faint light of the early morning moon lingered in the sky.
難波江の 蘆のかり寝の ひと夜ゆゑ 身を盡てや 恋わたるべき
Cut reeds in the Naniwa Cove. Remembering that night, I give my all to yearn for you for the rest of my life, just like a stake in a water channel. (*Multiple paronomasia in the lyrics)
(August 12, 2024)
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sardonicnihilism · 2 years
By Me
Chapter 6
Sarah rushed through the precinct doors, barely able to walk. Her muscles felt weak, unsteady; she felt lightheaded, her thoughts were cloudy, disjointed. Nothing seemed real anymore, like she were living in a cartoon and at any moment the paper they were all drawn on could tear into a million pieces.
"Hey Redcloud, you look whiter than I am," the chief mockingly called out as she passed by his office.
She turned to rip him a new one, but as her eyes came upon him, his normal miss-shapen visage was replaced by a truly monstrous form. His head was replaced by multiple heads, all intersecting at impossible angles, forming a cancerous mass of mouths and eyes. His body was a trunk of branching tentacles and arms, all reaching out. Sarah closed her eyes and shook her head. When she reopened them, he was back to his standard, everyday ugly. She just grimaced at him, spun around, and walked away as fast as she could.
She made her way to Jerry's office, where she barged in and said somewhat as a command, somewhat as a plea, "Come to lunch with me now".
They sat at the outdoor bistro, waiting for their food to arrive. Jerry could tell Sarah was extremely shaken, but she said absolutely nothing on their way here, and only person she had spoken to since they got here was the waiter.
"So you mind telling me why you wanted me come with you?" Jerry tried to keep his voice was flat but he couldn't hide the worry in it.
Sarah nervously looked around before turning to face him. In a voice so low, it was a borderline whisper, she asked, "What do you know about The King in Yellow?"
Jerry just looked at her, confused. "Why? Have you seen the yellow sign?" he teased.
Sarah brought her hand down on the table so hard that it actually bounced a little, nearly causing everything on it to fall over. "I'm serious!" she said, her eyes aflame. So angry was her voice, that it almost as a threat.
Startled, and a bit scared, Jerry decided to play it straight. "The Yellow King, created by Ambrose Bierce, in the short story 'Hiata, the Sheppard', later expanded upon by Robert W. Chambers, then adopted into the Cthulhu Mythos by H.P. Lovecraft. He's a Great Old One, half brother to Cthulhu, who he hates, shares traits to the Outer God Nylarathotep. That's about all I can remember, so will you answer me why you want to know that? Other than just looking for someone to talk cosmic horror with."
Sarah looked around again, but this time, she chose to look at the table and not Jerry. "He wears a mask, right?" she asked softly.
"In his human form, yeah. You're still not answering . . ."
"I think I might have seen him," Sarah answered him abruptly.
Jerry looked at her blankly for a moment. She stared at him with wide, watery eyes, begging him to hear her out. He took a quick breath and said, "Here or in Carcosa?" He meant it as a joke, but he immediately saw that she was taking him seriously.
"Possibly Carcosa," she replied. She then went on to tell him everything she experienced at the abandoned house she found. As she recounted the events, it was almost like an exorcism. She became less scared, less nervous, and more her own rational self to the point of feeling extremely embarrassed by the time she was done, but still, she was glad she did it.
"It sounds like there might have been some toxin in the house." Jerry offered up in an even, scientific voice. "Some sort of mold or something that caused a hallucinogenic state."
Sarah nodded in relief and acceptance. "I agree. It was so real, though. The emotions, the fear, just walking up to the place. I'm an atheist, but it was so intense, I started to pray to Wakan Tanka for protection."
"Wakan what?" Jerry asked. He had never heard the name before and wondered if it was an ancestor or something else. Maybe a Lovecraftian deity he had never heard of yet.
"Wakan Tanka. Europeans miss interpreted it as Great Sky Father or our version of God, but it's not that. There's really no direct translation for it. The best I can do is say imagine the Abrahamic idea of God, mixed with the Vedic concept of Karma, but not really."
"I don't understand, but I'm ok with it."
They paused as the waiter brought their food over. Jerry had a cheese burger while Sarah had a salad.
"Vegetarian or dieting?" Jerry asked. "Either way, I'm sorry for this," he said as he held up his burger.
"Neither, and don't be. I have a policy that I only eat the meat I kill myself. I think that's the only ethical way to eat meat. I hunt, I fish, but I don't raise livestock," she said as she stuck her fork into her salad.
"I didn't think that was an option in your apartment." Jerry was doing his to keep the mood light. Sarah was obviously doing better, but he could tell she was still a bit shaken.
Sarah took a mouthful of salad and then asked, "So how's finding that deleted text coming?"
"Harder than I expected, but I'll get there. What about you? What's next for you?"
Sarah took an extremely long, deep breath. "Well, I guess first thing is going back to that house. Look around better, see what I can find, wear a face mask this time. Then, go to the camp, see what they have to say." She then thought for a second and added, "Maybe do an Inikagapi."
Jerry looked up from his now half eaten cheese burger and raised his right eyebrow.
"It's a cleansing ritual," Sarah said sheepishly.
"You still spooked by that vision you saw, huh?"
Sarah looked away. "Yeah. I know it's not real, but just the memory of it, uh! It gives me the chills." She shook her head in self disgust.
Jerry grew very thoughtful and asked, "What if it wasn't a hallucination? What if what you saw was real? What would you do?"
Sarah didn't have to think about her answer; she already knew it. "I'd be angry. I'd be furious. If the supernatural is real, I'd want to know why it didn't protect my people. We sang the songs, danced the dances, performed the rituals, and all it got us was murdered and a bunch of fair skinned, blue-eyed babies against our will. I'd want to know what we did to incur such wrath and the white man so much favor."
"Maybe the supernatural can only guard against the supernatural," Jerry said, suddenly feeling really guilty about his own whiteness.
"Then the supernatural is useless," Sarah hissed. "We're better off with science, reason, and logic."
Sarah took a team back to the house to check it out, but the old feeling of dread had gone. The ash she had found earlier was gathered up for analysis. A few strange strands of cloth were found as well and bagged up. Other than that and a bizarrely large and twisted plant, nothing else seemed to be noteworthy.
The next day, Sarah drove up the camp. It was extremely neat looking. The various buildings looked more like military barracks than cabins for kids to make fond memories in. In fact, the whole place had a stern, no nonsense, feel to.
She walked up to the main office door and knocked. An extremely chipper, twenty-something, blonde girl came out and introduced herself in a voice that was way too upbeat for any human being to actually be. "Hello, I'm Tiffany. How may I help you?"
Of course you are, Sarah thought to herself. "I'm Detective Redcloud," Sarah said as she showed her badge. "I just want to know if you have some time to talk about a former camper by the name Lucia Flores?" The overly chipper Tiffany froze into a statue of abject fear. She stuttered for a bit before running back into the office.
"No, that's not suspicious at all," Sarah said to herself. She went to go inside when a curly, red-haired man suddenly stepped in front of her (with little Ms. Tiffany hiding behind him like a child).
"Michael Grant," he said in the soft, smooth tones of the con artist. "I am the camp manager here. Is there a problem I can help you with?"
"I'd say so," Sarah replied just as smoothly. "I'd like to talk to you about this girl, former camper, Lucia Flores." She handed him a photograph, which he looked over and smiled.
"Lucia was a good camper, had lots of fun," he handed the photo back to Sarah, "but that's not Lucia."
Sarah smiled back at him, unfazed. "Oops, I grabbed the wrong picture," she said innocently.
"I guess so," he replied, trying to size her up, "but we get to know our campers here."
"That's why we require the parents to send us a picture of them before they come," Tiffany happily added.
Michael snapped his head around and gave Tiffany the death glare. She knew immediately she had messed up.
"I see," Sarah just said. "Anyway, I would like to talk to you about her."
"There's not much to say but what I already told you," Michael replied warmly.
Sarah knew he would be almost unbreakable, but the girl, she was on the verge of cracking now. If she could get her alone for a bit, she would give up everything.
"Where did Lucia stay when she was here?"
Michael pointed to a building just over Sarah's right shoulder. "That one there."
"Ok, good. Mind if I take a look?"
Michael smiled broadly. "You have a search warrant?"
"I can," she answered back coolly but really wanting nothing more than to beat this jerk to a pulp.
"Well, when you do, that's when you can look."
"Ok, what about the contact information of the other children or staff that were here?"
"It's confidential. Plus, no warrant."
Sarah started nodding her head up and down. "Ok, I see how this is going to go. Listen, we can play this cop show drama bullshit all day long, but a fourteen year old girl who was in your protection has disappeared. Now, you can cooperate here while I'm still feeling friendly, or," Sarah started straight into Tiffany's eyes, "back at the station with my foot up your ass. Your choice."
"See you when you have that warrant, Detective," he said unshaken, but then she wasn't talking to him. Her real audience looked like she was on the verge of either crying or crapping herself (or both), which is exactly what she wanted.
That night, Sarah was tormented by dreams of monsters rising up and devouring humanity. She tossed and turned on the verge of screaming when she was awakened by her phone. She grabbed it from her side table and saw it was Jerry calling.
"Hello?" she said weakly.
"Sarah, I need you to come down to the office immediately! I recovered the missing text, and, well, you're not going to believe it! You got to get here now!" With that, he hung up.
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dbaydenny · 3 years
Michigan Things
French and Indian names
rivers, lakes, counties, the state,
deer, elk, moose and wolves
great forests, lakes of all size
crops and cars, friendly people
Hardy anglers ice fishing
yes, winter is pronounced snow
sleds, skis, snowmobiles,
a little salt on the roads
and you can go anywhere.
The robins returning
through the thining snow crocus
setting off fever,
maple syrup begins running,
Easter wiggles its way in.
The cherries ripen,
lakes delight swimmers, boaters,
tourists pass busy farmers,
baseball, golf, running fine sport
for the fresh delicious air.
Absolute beauty
the perfect showcase for leaves
with hiking weather
and dogs out pheasant hunting
as the final harvest ends.
D W Eldred
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redhoodisms · 3 years
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𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐬: finally, adding in the haikyuu content i’ve been meaning to post from my old account! anyways, i used to work at dons, so i might as well bring up the trauma of the old job and make some comedy out of it
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐝: hinata, tendou, kenma, bokuto, oikawa, ushijima
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hinata: noya and tanka told him to order the “mcgang bang” one day after practice. they told him it’s the fast way of ordering a mcdouble and a jr chicken. this poor guy, being gullible as he is, went along with the words of his upperclassman. the poor boy didn’t realize how dirty the comment was until he noticed the face on the order taker (who just so happened to have been recently trained two days ago). one of the works there knew what he was talking about and got hinata his older. tanaka and noya had a good laugh even tough that was the most horrific, embarrassing experience of his life
tendou: he’s the type of guy who sits in the drive thru and asks you about the different types of burgers you have to offer. just looks at the menu for what seems like ten minutes, asks about what’s in the ten piece chicken nugget combo (which makes you think that’s what he’s gonna buy) until he asks you about your dessert menu. he’ll just take up all of your time just to end up asking for a cup of water as his order
kenma: one of the dudes that will literally talk so quietly at the drive thru speaker that you have no idea what he’s saying and asks him to speak up multiple times until he drives up to the window and pulls up a picture of a happy meal on his phone because that’s all he wants to eat
bokuto: would literally ask for a cheeseburger with no cheese (which is a damn hamburger) and argues with the order taker saying that he “doesn’t want a hamburger, he wants a cheeseburger with no cheese,” it literally takes akaashi to yell at him in the passengers seat that he does want a hamburger and to agree with the order taker because he’s holding up the damn line
oikawa: is the customer who goes through the drive thru knowing exactly what he wants to order. when he pulls up to pay for his food, he’s the type of guy who strikes up a conversation with the worker and just sits there talking for like a good five minutes and ends up driving forward because a car honks at him. definitely a super nice employee who would give a tip to the person who took his order if he was feeling generous that day
ushijima: would ask for a fresh pot of black coffee. definitely strikes me as the type of person who would look right at you the whole entire time you’re taking his money and making his order and would mumble a small thank you before walking out of the place aggressively
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likes, comments & reblogs are appreciated <3
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smoltamaraw · 3 years
Okay… this is a Theory… and as far as my understanding goes.
Mugen Wakan is the REAL Wakan. Let me explain myself.
In-game we have beings from different beliefs and religion; Wakan is from the Lakota’s. From what I know Wakan embodies the phrase “everybody has something holy within them… may it be animals, people, etc” Wakan is like the creator for them. Similar to Equality and fairness and how Happy Wakan is to others, treating them equally… even on his date quest, he sees the foods you guys picked as equal…
I think instead of seeing Mugen Wakan as the BAD Wakan; he’s really just the original one to begin with.
Look on the case of Heyoka’s Exilation. Wakan want’s to treat everyone equally BUT he felt something different from Heyoka (tie this story into another blog repost I commented about Wakan’s Date quest analysis) which leads him to exile the poor person. (Out of sight, out of mind kinda thing) Happy Wakan wouldn’t be able to do such a thing BUT Mugen can because he’s into this “equality” thing and treating everyone as the same.
I’d like to think that essentially the Happy Wakan could be the result of the multiple loops instead of the other way around… maybe this interaction with Mugen Wakan in Chapter 13 will cause him to get that spark to be the Happy Wakan we know… that you can still love everyone specially by seeing something different within them to love!
We can go even further as to say that this will be the introduction to Happy Wakan and this will further support the idea of the “LOOPING” of the universe. (I don’t even know if we meet Happy Wakan in the main story quest as of now; it’s just Mugen Wakan in Chapter 13 which would make sense since we need him to transform to happy Wakan before we meet him hence Mugen Wakan first)
transcript from a conversation with @door-k !
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d0llpie · 4 years
hey can i request prompt 47 with tanaka also super angsty like i want to cry
tanaka x reader
Prompt: “i lost the baby”
Trigger warnings: miscarriage, heavy angst, like really a whole lot of painful angst just angst
a/n: thanks for the request, i hope you cry <3 I will be making a part 2 btw
wc: 2.6k part 2
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You were arguing with Tanaka, again. It started when he came home around an hour ago, three hours past when you planned a date with him. It had taken ages for you to convince him to go on a proper date since he was always ‘busy’. You needed to tell him you were pregnant, wanted to celebrate with him. Instead you were left with 50 unread messages and Tanaka waltzing in the house as if nothing was wrong. When he came and kissed you on the cheek “hey baby” like nothing had happened you snapped. “Where the fuck were you Ryu?” you stood up from the kitchen bench and begun throwing accusation after accusation at him while he just stood shocked, belittling you for ‘overreacting’ at his ‘simple mistake’.
“Oh you want me to apologize for being stood up? Hm?” You throat felt raw from the screaming, desperately just wanting him to apologize and tell him about the baby so you could make up and move on. Tanaka, stubborn as ever, wouldn’t let that happen. “I never said that, you’re working yourself up, stop stressing yourself out.” His calm tone only irked you even more, he could at least pretend to care. “What were you doing that had you so pre-occupied? Or should I ask who?” he snapped his head towards you, visibly annoyed, at least you finally caught his full attention. “What the fuck y/n? Are you seriously accusing me of cheating because I forgot about your stupid date? You know we can go on a date any other time why are you acting like such a bitch right now? Fuck sake you’re so dramatic.” You fought back the tears in your eyes, slamming your fist down on the table “When was the last time we went on a date- a real one? I wanted to spend some time with you ALONE for once to talk to you, but instead you can’t even tell me why you were soo busy to even send me a text cancelling.” A few stray tears slipped out in frustration, but you continued to glare at him, egging him on further. “I was out with some friends Jesus y/n, why do you have to bring your insecurities into everything.” You were hit with a wave of nostalgia, he’d said that line to you when you started dating in high school.
“Tanaka, hey baby, I was wondering if you wanted to come to my class to eat lunch today, I want to tell you something” You smiled up at your boyfriend as he smiled back “Of course baby! I gotta go to practice, want to come watch?” he pecked your cheek quickly, smiling widely at you proudly “Oh sorry, I have to study for a text next period but I’ll see you at lunch!” his face dropped but the bell rang, signaling your next class “Bye Tanaka!” you waved cheerily as he walked back towards the gym.
y/n: Hi, I’m in my class for lunch now :) see you soon <3
You frowned holding the homemade lunch you had wanted to give him. After around 15minutes you realized he wasn’t coming. You went to the gym to see if he was there with Noya, you entered the gym and found them both watching Kiyoko with lovesick expressions on their faces, spewing out compliments profusely. “Tanaka.. hey” he looked over to see you in the doorway “Y/N, hey! What’s up?” you stood there in shock for a minute before clearing your throat “Um can I talk to you?” he looked over at Kiyoko who was ignoring Nishinoya before reluctantly making his way over to you. “How come you didn’t come to lunch” you frowned lightly and he sighed “Its not like you came to my practice either, plus, I was hanging out with my friends, don’t bring your insecurities into this I told you Kiyoko doesn’t like me.” He pouted and you felt your heart clench. “Do you still like her?” you whispered and although he heard you, he pretended he didn’t. You plastered on a fake smile before retreating to the classroom, ignoring his texts and calls for the rest of the day until he brought you a bouquet of roses the next day. It was your first of multiple fights over his obvious crush on his manager. Eventually you got sick of the fighting and sappy make-ups so you just ignored it, knowing he could never have her and was with you because he loved you. Right?
“Fine. I’m sorry for accusing you, I’m not sorry for everything else, why won’t you just fucking talk to me!” The exhaustion from fighting was catching up with you and you began to feel light-headed. “Because it’s not a big deal y/n! Wait-what’s wrong?” you sighed, leaning against the wall “It’s the fucking baby and this stupid fight what do you think.” You spat at him and he stopped thinking for a moment. “Baby?” you looked up to see him smiling nervously at  you “Yeah you’d have known if you hadn’t stood me up.” He pinched the bridge of his nose “we’re having a baby, can you let this go?” you scoffed, done with this fight you stormed up to your shared bedroom, crawling into bed and staying as far from his side as possible. You placed a hand over your stomach, softly crying into the pillow while Tanaka stayed downstairs, opting to sleep on the couch.
Noya: Yoo how’d y/n take it?
Tanaka: she’s pregnant
Noya: oh shit, what’re you gonna do
Tanaka: what do you mean what am I gonna do? Raise a baby I guess, fuck idk man
Noya: that’s tough, Kiyoko is staying at mine😍 pray for me bro🙏🏼😩
Tanaka: lucky, i’m on the fucking couch
Noya: sucks🥶
He sighed before turning his phone off, fuck.
The next day you woke up to breakfast in bed and a very happy Tanaka smiling at you, “good morning, how are my babies feeling?” you wanted to roll your eyes and stay mad but you couldn’t deny the way your heart fluttered when he referred to you and your child as his babies. “good morning ryu..what’s all this?” you were expecting an apology like usual, or at least for him to acknowledge what happened “You’re eating for two now I guess! When’s your next appointment?” he seemed really freaked out so you placed a hand over his “next week, are you feeling okay?” you pressed the back of your hand against his forehead, he felt fine just a little sweaty. “I’m good, want to go out for dinner after work?” you were hesitant but nodded “You’ll come right?” it’s like his mood did a 180 when you said that “What’s that supposed to mean” he spoke through gritted teeth, trying to remain calm and collected. “You know…yesterday?” he scoffed “still hung up on that huh? You gonna berate me for every mistake I make when this baby pops out of you?” you were wide awake now “woah wait, I didn’t say that-“ “you accuse me of stuff, why can’t I do the same?” his tone was growing angrier by each syllable he spoke. You looked down in your lap, feeling your eyes well up with tears again. “Tanaka please stop” you whispered and he snapped “Yeah doesn’t feel great when you just want to stop but they keep going huh?” you don’t even remember why he was getting worked up, because you didn’t want him to stand you up again? You fiddled with your fingers and zoned out while he continued yelling.
You finally looked up when you heard the bedroom door close, breathing in deeply before hunching over as a sharp pain in your abdomen stopped you from making any big or sudden movements. You groaned out in pain, stopping Tanka immediately. Tanaka ran a hand over his head stressfully “are you okay? Shit. Uh, I’m going to call an ambulance” you groaned again “Call Yachi, she can take me I think we need some-“ tears pricked your eyes and you started to sweat “space, I’ll call you when I’m there.” You could see his eyes well up with tears. His hands were opening and closing, wanting to hold you but knowing better than to do that.
Yachi came over shortly after and lead you to the car. Tanaka saw the blood on your shorts and held his breath, letting a few tears roll down his cheeks. You were silent in the car over, crying softly and groaning in pain every few minutes. Yachi looked over worriedly at you, holding your hand and letting you squeeze her hand for reassurance. “Y/n don’t move ill get a nurse to help you out.” You arrived through the emergency section of the hospital and texted Tanaka
y/n: I’m going into the emergency room now
tanaka: okay, let me know what’s happening
He shut off his phone with a shaky breath, deciding to call his friends over.
Tanaka: Noya?
Noya: hey bro what’s up
Tanaka: Y/n’s in the hospital, can you come over?
Noya: What happened? Kiyoko is here man..
Tanaka: Bring her here, I don’t know what happened she started bleeding and crying
Noya: wtf? Did you hit her?
Tanaka: You know I’d never do that. I think it’s the baby…
Noya: We’re on our way, we have whiskey
Tanaka heard knocking and made his way to the door, he opened it to see Noya and Kiyoko there. “Hey, thank you both for coming.” he stepped aside to let them enter “So how’d the break-up go, is she okay?” he looked quizzically at Noya “You didn’t tell her?” he shook his head “sorry, we were watching a movie..” Tanaka looked unamused by Noya before turning to Kiyoko “We started fighting about me hanging with you guys instead of our date and she told me she was pregnant” Kiyoko looked at him disappointedly “You left a pregnant girl?!” it was unusual for Kiyoko to raise her voice but she felt horrible your you, she knew how much you loved Tanaka and she always felt guilty in high school for what you had to put up with, because of her. “What? No! I didn’t break up with her because she’s pregnant but now...I don’t know, she was bleeding and in pain and she’s in the emergency room now..” Kiyoko was restraining from slapping him, digging her nails into her palms. “Why aren’t you with your pregnant girlfriend, it’s bad enough you don’t love her and now this? You know a baby requires actually raising a human?” He dropped his head down, “I know, I already feel horrible…what if something’s happening to the baby?” he sat down on the couch, taking the bottle from Noya’s hand and taking a swig. “You can still raise a baby and not be together…” Noya spoke up, sitting down next to him while Kiyoko turned the tv on. “It’s not fair on you guys or the baby if you stay together.” He knew he was right, he’d been putting this off for too long, he settled for you and got comfortable with the live you showed him that eventually he stopped showing it back. He can’t remember when he fell out of love but he didn’t want to leave you, he loved you still he just wasn’t in love with you. Deep down you knew, you never let yourself think that for long though. Afraid you’ll end up leaving him, Yachi had tried to get you to leave before but you could never stand the idea. Lately it was like you were already broken up, two awkward college roommates. The idea of raising a baby with him scared you, you were so stressed and sick of overthinking that you passed out in the hospital after a few hours, forgetting to call Tanaka.
You stepped out of the car, hesitating to close the door as you breathed in deeply. It was around 4pm the next day and you had just been discharged from the hospital. “Do you want me to wait here?” Yachi asked from the drivers seat, her eyes were red and puffy, she’d been up all night holding your hand and crying with you. “I think it’ll be okay…why is Kiyoko’s car here?” your eyes stuck to the black car in the driveway that you knew was Kiyoko’s “y/n, i’m gonna wait here you should go inside hes probably worried…” you nodded before approaching the front door. Your legs felt like lead as you stepped up to the door, taking your key out and unlocking the door.
“Ryu?” you moved further into the house, seeing a passed out Tanaka on the couch across from a passed out Kiyoko. “Tanaka.” You said a little louder, making him stir.
Noya came into the living room from behind you “hey y/n, how are you?” he looked hungover and that’s when you noticed the empty bottles on the floor. “Hi noya- Tanaka!” you yelled this time, waking up both Kiyoko and Tanaka. “Y/n? heyyy, how was the hospital?” he yawned and sat up groggily, rubbing his eyes. You wanted to run to him and hold him, but you stopped yourself, trying not to focus on how tight your chest felt and the tears building up in your eyes again. “Y/n?” you heard Kiyoko’s soft voice from beside you and you broke down into tears, she caught you before you fell and moved you to the couch, rubbing your back. “I lost the baby.” You continued to cry as the other three in the room sat frozen. “Y/n, i’m so sorry, i’m so so sorry, I’ll come back later but I think we should go…Noya?” Kiyoko hugged you tightly before grabbing Noya and exiting the house.
Tanaka was silent, tears rolling down his cheeks. “What happened y/n?” he avoided looking in your eyes “they said it was because of stress…Tanaka I can’t take this anymore..” you sniffled looking in your lap. He looked up to see how tired and broken you looked, feeling his heart clench. “Y/n, I swear Kiyoko and Noya came over to hang out, I don’t have feelings fo-“ “It’s not about your feelings for her, it’s about your feelings for me…I need you to be honest” he gripped your hand, his lip quivering “I don’t want to lose you y/n…” “You aren’t in love with me Tanaka, i’m not stupid” you chuckled softly, rubbing the rest of your tears away. His silence said enough and so you stood up. “Y/n, don’t go” you scoffed “you can’t keep doing this to me, making me stay with you like this” you commended yourself on the way your voice didn’t waver. “I know, I know, but I-“ he stopped himself, knowing he couldn’t stop you. “I still care about you, I always will.” You nodded, cupping his cheek softly “I know baby, I love you Ryu.”
You walked back outside and sat in the passenger seat of Yachi’s car. You put on some music and she looked over at you before driving away, not asking any questions.
Tanaka sat on the floor of his lounge room, staring into his hands and crying, you were really gone and he couldn’t fix it, it was him who pushed you away anyway. It was him who had to deal with it now.
   a/n: sorry for writing this, i might make a happy ending part 2, send me ideas if you would like to see that <3
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maira-writes-shit · 3 years
I don't blush
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Haikyuu Ennoshita Chikara x Tanaka Ryuunosuke
Fluff, getting together
Never has never will.
Well maybe...NO!
Well maybe...NO!
Ennoshita Chikara does not blush!
Ok to be fair he isn’t incapable of blushing it’s just hard to make him.
The first time he remembers was in 1st year of middle school when his best friend had made a stupid comment that had send him laughing for a good twenty minutes.
Though it was a pleasant memory, he hadn’t blushed because he liked his best friend.
No he had known he was gay even back then and Maira had been the grates supporter he could have asked for (was still to this day. She punched a homophobic asshole for him once).
The next memory was in his 3rd year of middle school.
He had joined the volleyball team at the end of his 1st year and was now a regular.
At the time he had the biggest crush on his captain.
Chikara had blushed when he had come a bit too close while looking over his form.
(Chikara had confessed before a match. Turned out his captain was that homophobic asshole Maira pushed for him. They lost their games and Chikara ended up blaming himself for it).
He did blush when a 1st year confessed to him on the day of his graduation from middle school but politely turned her down.
He stopped blushing when getting confessions after that.
When he went to Karasuno nobody really noticed him until in about the middle of his 1st year puberty hit him like a truck and suddenly he got confessions left and right.
The next time had been the moment he had realized his feelings for his bald teammate Tanaka.
They were in the club room and Tanaka was talking about how badly he wanted a girlfriend and how sweet it would be for her to gift him something before his big game as a lucky charm.
Chikara had been on the roof with Kinnoshita, Narita, Noya and Tanaka one day in their 2nd year at lunch, eating and talking.
When Tanaka suddenly leaned forward to Chikara and wiped a bit of rice off his cheek.
His head had been burning and judging by the smug looks on his friends faces everybody (besides Tanaka) had noticed.
And then he was there in the gym trying not to blush.
But as Tanaka trained his jump float, doing his little routine before it, Chikara was feeling his cheeks burning turning him into a blushy mess.
The next time was at nationals.
It was Tanakas big game...
Memories of middle school flooded his mind as he made his way to where Noya and Tanka where.He abruptly stopped, mind racing.
But it was too late. „Hey Enno, you Good?”, Tanaka had made his way to Chikara, leaving Noya to talk to a slightly anxious Asahi.
„Yeah just nervous for that game.“, he answered nervously but Tanaka didn’t buy it.
He opened his mouth to argue when Chikara pulled out a little box wrapped neatly in pretty packaging paper.
„What’s this?“, Tanaka asked curiously
„...You said that you’d like someone to give you a lucky charm before your big game...“, Chikara confessed.
Tanaka's eyes lit up „Are you confessing to me Enno?“, he asked with- wait was that shyness in his voice?!
„I...I mean I do like you...“ He couldn’t continue to worry as hot and slightly chapped lips pressed against his. (He had blushed through all of this).
3rd year they had made it to nationals again in summer.
The ball dropped on the opponent’s side of the floor and everything was silent for a second, the only sound being the panting of the teams and the distance yelling of the crowd.
Chikara looked up at the person that had scored this final point for them: Tanaka Ryuunosuke.
Chikara screamed running up to his boyfriend with the rest of the team.
But Tanaka ignored all the pats, hugs and cheers he just hugged his boyfriend and spun him around laughing loud and clear.
Chikara blushed as he was pulled down into a kiss in front of his team, the crowd and multiple camera teams.
Their face would be all over the news tomorrow: Captain and Ace of the national winners kiss on court? But for the first time in a long time he didn’t care about his blush or the people or the attention.
All he cared about was his ace, vice captain and boyfriend in his arms kissing him like there was no tomorrow.
Ennoshita Chikara did not blush.
Well maybe because of his boyfriend...
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hinakagesposts · 4 years
kagehina headcannons (ur welcome)
1. Hinata can ALWAYS tell when something is bothering Kageyama and forces him to spend the night at his house until eventually kageyama tells him what’s wrong. (Kageyama is secretly super thankful that Hinata cares so much but he’d never tell him that).
2. Kageyama and Natsu are BEST FRIENDS, and Kageyama is constantly spoiling her. [One time when Kageyama came over to Hinata’s house, Natsu wanted to give him a makeover. This resulted in him wearing a tiara and having sparkly butterfly tattoos all over his face. Hinata took a picture and made it his lock screen and home screen.]
3. Hinata loves wearing his boyfriends clothes and so he’ll “accidentally forget” to bring his own pjs or sweatshirts so he gets to wear Kageyama’s. [Kageyama knows this but he doesn’t mind, he loves seeing Hinata wearing his clothes].
4. Kageyama is actually a huge cuddler and Hinata loves to tease him about it (even though it’s actually one of his favorite things about his boyfriend).
5. Hinata loves having sleepovers with Kageyama bc his boyfriend always has a sleepy smile when he wakes up and Hinata loves the idea that he’s the only one who knows about it.
6. Kageyama is actually really good at cooking so sometimes when they have sleepovers at Kageyama’s house—usually his parents aren’t home—he’ll cook dinner for them. (Hinata really wants to brag to everyone about how good his boyfriend is at cooking but was sworn to secrecy by Kageyama bc he thinks it’s “embarrassing”)
7. Hinata loves to watch scary movies with Kageyama because he knows that Kageyama hates ghosts and so he gets all clingy with Hinata whenever they watch scary movies together.
8. Kageyama LOVES giving Hinata headpats, for multiple reasons. One, because Hinata always has the most adorable content expression on his face and always tries to nuzzle into Kageyama’s hand (which makes Kageyama’s heart practically melt). Two, because Hinata’s hair is so soft and fluffy and it’s just fun to play with.
9. Hinata loves to give Kageyama hickeys. mostly because he loves seeing Kageyama so flustered but also because he thinks it makes Kageyama look even hotter. [Before they told the team they were dating, Kageyama went into the locker room w/ a bunch of hickeys and Noya and Tanka immediately started teasing him about it. In a moment of panic he told them he had walked into the vending machine trying to get milk, as an “explanation”. It’s been months and Hinata still hasn’t stopped teasing him about it.]
10. ⚠️this one contains some Kuroken⚠️ Kageyama and Kuroo hung out once to make Hinata and Kenma jealous. It ended up with Kuroo having to buy Kenma a new DS as an apology gift and Kageyama had to get pork buns for Hinata. (Hinata & Kenma weren’t even mad about it, they just wanted to take advantage of how whipped their boyfriends are for them).
11. Hinata loves taking care of Kageyama when he’s sick because Kageyama gets super clingy and honest with him and is constantly telling Hinata how much he loves him & how glad he is that Hinata’s his boyfriend. Hinata knows this even if Kageyama doesn’t actually tell him, but he absolutely loves it when Kageyama says these cute things out loud.
12. Kageyama secretly loves when Hinata calls him “Tobio”. He has a couple of videos of Hinata calling him by his given name, and he listens to them whenever Hinata can’t spend time with him because he’s sick/goes on a long distance trip with his family or whenever he starts to have a panic attack.
13. ⚠️KIND OF ANGSTY⚠️ Hinata knows Kageyama has PTSD from Kitagawa Daiichi, and that he has nightmares and panic attacks sometimes. He doesn’t tell Kageyama about it but he spent months looking up how to deal with them and is very protective over him whenever someone brings up his old nickname or what happened at the tournament. Kageyama doesn’t know this but Hinata was the one to finally get Tsukki to stop calling him ‘King’ (he might be short but he’ll still come for ur knee caps).
14. Kageyama loves giving Natsu manicures whenever he sleeps over at Hinata’s house and he was super proud of her when she showed him she’d learned how to make nail designs when giving her friends manicures. [His favorite color is Gold bc it reminds him of his boyfriend’s eyes and how beautiful he thinks they are.]
15. Hinata always packs his favorite hoodie he’s stolen from Kageyama before games because he’s found that wearing them makes him feel at home and relaxed.
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