#multiverse monarch x reader
domxmarvel · 1 year
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vrachis · 1 year
nijisanji women (elira, selen, nina and monarch) make me so down bad to another level and I'm this close to making another blog.
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wouldntyou-liketoknow · 2 months
Hi, do you still take x reader requests?? If you do, I was wanting a Phantom x reader/Y/N (she/they pronouns) and maybe Y/N got kidnapped by a rival being and he shows up rescue Y/N? Possessive Phantom is one of my favorite ideas, and he’s barely, just barely by a thread holding back from going full on eldritch being on the kidnappers + the rival. Maybe Phantom comforts Y/N afterwards too?
Call me Cos :D (for anon, I’ll be space anon if that isn’t taken)
Well, I do so love my body horror, so I'll admit that I kinda went further than that "just barely by a thread" part. . .
(This is based on a set of headcanons I posted a while ago; go here if you'd like to see them.)
Sorry this took so long, but it's finally finished! I hope you enjoy it!
(Trigger Warnings: violence, body horror, eyes, teeth, mentions of snakes, mentions of insects, implied kidnapping, implied illegal business, talk of death/dying, strong language. Please let me know if I missed anything.) 
“I’m really not sure what you’re hoping to gain from this,” you announced, resting your cheek against one hand as you looked out at the world through the bars of the cage. 
Your captor—an admittedly stunning woman with a halo of crystals orbiting around the golden points of a crown protruding from her silvery hair—hummed thoughtfully.
“Not too much, if I’m being honest,” she answered with a dismissive shrug.
You quirked a brow, straightening your back a little. It was difficult to look her in the eyes; they glowed with undeniable power. The most piercing, dangerous, otherworldly shade of blue you’d ever seen. 
Your brain was begging you to focus on something else. Anything else, really. The room outside your cage was extravagant, boasting marble floors and looming pillars and filigree carvings on the walls. Everything was inlaid with blue gemstones in some way. Even your cage, nestled in the corner, was polished and decorated to perfection.  
But you still made a valiant attempt to keep eye-contact. You couldn’t just let her think you were some shrinking violet. 
“Then why did you bring me here in the first place? Why did you bother to just wait in my mirror until I finally got home?”
The Multiverse Monarch took a few steps closer to further scrutinize you. 
“Why does anyone do anything?” She responded. “Why do you mortals insist on making sacrifices, traveling to places you’ve never seen before, crossing bridges that don’t even exist yet?”
“Because we’ll eventually get paid for it,” you replied. “Or, we all hope to, at least.” 
Monarch blinked, a small snicker forcing its way through her teeth. She quickly shook her head, engaging in the rolling-your-eyes-with-your-whole-body gesture. 
“Because it’s there,” she stated in the most matter-of-fact tone you’d ever heard. “Because it’s just something to do. Something to temporarily keep your little lives from continuing to be mundane as fuck.”
You hummed at the explanation. There was definitely some truth to it, but you thrived on sarcasm. You couldn’t help that; it was a survival mechanism. “I feel like doing any kind of business with Phantom already pretty far from ‘mundane as fuck.’ I almost ended up being one of his contractors when we first met, and now look where I stand with him.”  
Monarch tilted her head to the side, folding her arms across her chest. “That kind of thing happens with a lot of dealmakers and potential clients. Much more frequently than you’d think. Don’t feel special.”
“I never said I felt special,” you argued. And now it was your turn to smirk, since it was so obvious that you and Monarch were now thinking the same thing. 
Phantom was many, many things. And one of them was, so simply, shady as they came. However, he could also be honest when the mood suited him. 
When the two of you had first met, he’d seen you as just another soul with enough potential and enough need of supernatural assistance to be considered for his collection. You, on the other hand, had long-since honed your instincts to sense ulterior motives. And at that point in time, you’d been, for lack of a better word, tired. 
Before that point, you’d been stepped on and laughed at and criticized so. Many. Damn. Times. 
You’d gotten tired of that. 
You’d gotten tired of trying so hard and putting out so much and only getting a few breadcrumbs here and there to show for it. 
You’d gotten so tired that it was miracle you’d even bothered to read Phantom’s contract in its entirety. 
And even with the potential consequences literally written down right in front of you. . .you’d been tired enough to not care.
So what if your soul became the property of an eldritch abomination?
At least you’d get some time to finally enjoy a few things before that. 
You’re not sure what Phantom saw in your tiredness. Hell, you’d flat-out asked him before, and he hadn’t been able to give you a clear answer himself. But that was just it: he’d seen something that he wanted to keep. Not just for his collection, but. . .
Well, Phantom had been quiet for most of that particular meeting, mainly relying on his elevator pitch for small talk as you read through the requirements and expectations. When you took hold on his feather quill, he went silent. He’d stayed silent as you hesitated. You’d felt his eyes boring holes through your skull. And just as you were about to sign your name on the dotted line, Phantom had yanked the contract away, insisting that he needed to make a few updates to it. 
The rest, as they say, is history.
“Plus,” you added. “I’ve heard all about the spats the two of you have gotten into. And when you combine those with the business angle of things. . .I mean, I’m not sure what to call it, but it’s still not mundane at all. Isn’t that enough?”
“You’ve only heard about those spats from his perspective,” Monarch snarked. Insanity glinted in her eyes. A buzzing, humming, keening music suddenly stabbed its way into your ears, and you finally had to look away from her, ducking your head and kneading at your temples. 
More footsteps clicked closer, and a cold hand was suddenly grasping your chin, slowly forcing you to look back up. 
Her eyes. . .they looked even less human than before. Now they were compound, seeming to shudder in their sockets as that frightening blue light glowed brighter and brighter. 
A pair of long, sinuous antennae now protruded from her forehead, covered in a network of crystalline veins. They reached down to lightly tap against your scalp, making that unearthly music reverberate in your skull. 
“And enough is ภєשєг єภ๏ยﻮђ,” she concluded, allowing you to catch a glimpse of something shuffling about between the rows of her teeth. “ภєשєг ђคร ๒єєภ, ภєשєг ฬเɭɭ ๒є.”
“MONARCH!” A familiar voice suddenly shouted from somewhere outside of the throne room. . .or, it had to be outside the throne room, at least. But then, that voice shouldn’t have been echoing and bouncing around the corners with such violence. “I KNOW YOU CAN HEAR ME!”
Not if it was a human’s voice, that is. 
And that’s why you immediately recognized it. You’d been hearing it almost every day for a good couple years now, after all.
You’d been waiting to hear it today.
“I know you know,” Monarch called back, only slightly raising her own tone as a smirk played at her lips. She released her grip on your chin, strolling away from your cage to settle down onto her throne. “That’s what makes this kind of stuff so fun.”
What sounded like a Category 5 earthquake slammed against the towering side-by-side doors that waited across the room. The thunderous sound was followed by a cacophony of screeching, like razor-sharp claws being dragged across ornate wood and stone.
“Well, if we’re going with that logic,” Phantom seethed from wherever he was, “then you also know that if you don’t bring [Y/N] out here right now, I swear I’ll 𐍂𐍊Ƥ 𐍈𐍁𐨠 𐌴𐌰ζ𐌷 𐍈𐍆 𐌸𐍈𐍁𐍂 𐐎𐍊𐍀𐌾Ⲋ 𐍈𐍀𐌴-𐌱𐌸-𐍈𐍀𐌴!"
Phantom’s pitch seemed to warp like metal, now twisting and rattling in the air. It gave the impression of a hissing, growling, churning well; like he was speaking through multiple people—or multiple monsters, really—at once.
“And I’ll just grow replacements for them,” Monarch replied, examining her fingernails, looking extremely cool and collected someone who was facing promises of dismemberment. “If you’re gonna threaten me, then maybe aim for something that’ll be more difficult to recover.” 
Another shockwave pounded against the doors from the other side. The entire room shook; you could feel the floor vibrating through your shoes for a long moment. 
Phantom’s voice hummed, shifting from ferocious anger to vicious mockery in a heartbeat. “Like those clones of yours?”
You craned your neck to glance at Monarch through the cage’s bars. You had to bite down a chuckle at the way she stiffened; if there was one thing you and Phantom had bonded over, it was the art of schadenfreude. 
“My clones are scattered across the multiverse,” Monarch contended. “It would take you at least six-thousand-nine-hundred years for you to find all of them!”
She let out an icy snicker that made your spine want to crawl its way out of your back and go somewhere a little more quiet. “ץ๏ย’гє คɭгєค๔ץ ђคɭŦ-รєภเɭє; รђ๏ยɭ๔ภ’Շ ๒є Շ๏๏ ɭ๏ภﻮ ๒єŦ๏гє ץ๏ย’гє คɭɭ Շђє ฬคץ Շђєгє.” 
“Oh, now you’re in for it,” you murmured. Though the speculation was mainly to yourself, you had no doubts that your captor could hear you.
An animalistic roar echoed through the walls, and the doors shook in their frame yet again. This time, the boom was accentuated by the undeniable call of something shattering. 
“𐍊 ꡕ𐌰𐌸 𐌱𐌴 𐐎𐌴ࠋࠋ-𐍈ⱱ𐌴𐍂 𐌰 𐨠𐌷𐍈𐍁Ⲋ𐌰𐍀Ɗ, 𐌱𐍁𐨠 𐍊 𐌰ꡕ 𐍀𐍈𐨠 Ⲋ𐌴𐍀𐍊ࠋ𐌴!”
The latest tremor lingered, not just fading away like the last two strikes. You subconsciously held onto the bars in a white-knuckled grip.
Phantom knew you were here; he wouldn’t make Monarch’s entire palace collapse if it meant the risk of you getting crushed in the rubble. Despite your trust in him, your instincts were on still fire now, screaming that the floor was absolutely going to cave in beneath you at any second.
Phantom spoke up again, dripping with surreal danger. “What about all the souls you’ve gathered? What if I set my sights on those, Moth? They aren’t exactly easy to replace. We both now that better than anyone.”
Monarch stood on her throne, her movement too fluid and quick to be natural. The entire lower-half of her face seemed to have eroded away. Smooth, human-esquse flesh had been replaced by the mandibles you’d seen earlier. They shuddered and snapped, making an odd, almost musical chittering noise.
And right above them. . .her eyes. . .
Her eyes had grown disturbingly wide, rolling around in her head as each of the hexagonal units adorning either of them reflected everything around her. You could see yourself in the corner of them. She was still watching you as much as she was watching Phantom through the doors. 
Her antennae now almost resembled crooked swords, twitching so violently that it was a wonder how her crown stayed in place. 
The lights of the room flickered, growing dark and insidious. The temperature automatically dropped through several degrees; goosebumps prickled over every square-inch of your skin. Your senses were so shocked by the change that you almost didn’t notice the awful chorus of stretching and tearing that coiled through the room. 
By the time you finally looked back at Monarch, you choked on air. 
Her fair skin and silvery locks had just finished practically ripping themselves apart to make way for. . .not bones, perse. An exoskeleton: a shining, jagged, horrific carapace that looked like it was molded from liquefied diamonds. 
The woman was gone.
An enormous insectoid monster stood in her place. 
It was like nothing you’d ever seen before (which was saying something, since you’d seen quite a lot thanks to your relationship with Phantom). 
As though you were looking at the impossible result of a mythical threesome between a primordial praying mantis, spider, and butterfly.  
Far, far too many long, spindly, dagger-like legs and clutching, serrated claws to count. 
At the center of them all was a glowing abdomen that trembled with every breath Monarch took. It ended in a glittering stinger that would make even the world’s sharpest harpoon look like a toothpick. 
Her mandibles were now large enough to easily decapitate you with one bite. Each time they moved, an otherworldly chittering rhythm leaked out.
Four billowing wings as vast and blue as a trench in the ocean, covered in organized lines of piercing eye-spots.
No. . .those weren’t spots. 
Honest-to-fucking-goodness eyes.
And they were still keeping some focus on you. 
Monarch snarled. Against all odds, her voice remained soft. When it mixed with that chittering, however, the sound felt like needles. “ץ๏ย ๔๏ภ'Շ ђคשє Շђє ภєгשє.”
And with that, the doors finally buckled, flying off their hinges to embed themselves in the walls. 
A haze of heat and terrifying energy swept into the room, followed an instant later by another abomination. 
Despite the anxiety prying at your ribs, you still managed to smile. You even felt butterflies in your stomach.
Phantom was here. He’d come to take you back home.
At first, he seemed to be a sentient, slow-moving tornado of smoke. With your personal experience, you knew that he was simply wearing that fog sort of like a cloak. 
As more and more of his true form rippled into the throne room, as all the smoke sliced around him, you could easily see the shapes of bones that all fit together to form a colossal serpentine skeleton. 
A vast array of organs writhed further inside the seemingly endless ribcage, glowing similarly to the embers at the bottom of a firepit. 
That glow had absolutely nothing on Phantom’s eyes, however. 
Then again, you weren’t sure if you could really call them eyes. 
The sockets in his triangle-shaped head emitted spiraling plumes of fire. Beneath them, a maw filled to the brim with serrated fangs; the largest ones dripped with luminescent venom that sizzled as it hit the marble floors. A long, forked black tongue flicked in and out between all those teeth like a party favor. 
So, in short: the richest, purest form of nightmare fuel for anyone with ophidiophobia. . .well, almost. Two arms (only two at the moment. You knew more could be summoned and then retracted at a second’s notice) jutted out from his sides, each ending in a clutch of five talons.
And there was something peculiar pinched between two of those talons. 
“𐨠𐍂𐌸 ꡕ𐌴,” Phantom hissed as he raised his arm to show it off. 
It was spherical in shape, almost looking like one of those pretty glass marbles that always seemed to be in antique stores for whatever reason. 
But you knew better. 
The longer you started at it, the more it seemed to bounce—no, to pulse in the air. It gleamed with a soft, warm, colorful light. A living light. 
That was someone’s soul. 
You’d seen Phantom handling souls before, but those all had been his (technically) legal property, having been signed over to him by his clients. 
Judging by the way Monarch screamed as Phantom tossed it for his other talons to catch, this one had to be part of her collection. 
“𐍊𐨠'Ⲋ 𐍂𐌴𐌰ࠋࠋ𐌸 Ⲋ𐍊ꡕƤࠋ𐌴, ꡕ𐍈𐨠𐌷. . .” Phantom put a little more pressure on the soul in his grasp. It responded via turning a darker shade, almost partially deflating like a smoker’s lung. “𐌸𐍈𐍁 𐨠𐌰𐌺𐌴 Ⲋ𐍈ꡕ𐌴𐨠𐌷𐍊𐍀𐌾 𐍆𐍂𐍈ꡕ ꡕ𐌴, 𐌰𐍀Ɗ 𐍊 𐨠𐌰𐌺𐌴 Ⲋ𐍈ꡕ𐌴𐨠𐌷𐍊𐍀𐌾 𐍆𐍂𐍈ꡕ 𐌸𐍈𐍁.”
Monarch bristled. For a brief, horrible moment, you worried that she would reach over and clamp the cage to crush it around you like a soda can. 
You’d heard stories of her power. As far as you knew, she was one of few beings strong enough to have a stalemate with Phantom. 
The two of them stared at one another for what felt like hours. 
“คภ๔ ץ๏ย คɭฬคץร รคץ ՇђคՇ ๏Շђєг קє๏קɭє ςคภ'Շ Շคкє ן๏кєร,” Monarch accused, clicking her mandibles. She then let out an acidic sigh. “Ŧเภє. ﻮเשє ՇђคՇ ๏ภє ๒คςк Շ๏ ๓є, คภ๔ ץ๏ย ςคภ ђคשє ץ๏ยгร.”
“𐍀𐍈,” Phantom snapped. “𐌸𐍈𐍁 𐌾𐍊ⱱ𐌴 𐨠𐌷𐌴ꡕ 𐌱𐌰ζ𐌺 𐍆𐍊𐍂Ⲋ𐨠.”
Monarch hissed, leaning back, tensing up.
“How about you both move at the same time?” You called out, having finally reclaimed your voice. 
Both of the crimes against nature swiveled their heads in your direction. One part of you instinctually wanted to curl into a ball. The other part stood firm. 
No matter how terrifying Phantom was, no matter how much of a psychological hurdle it always was for you to see him in his true form like this. . .you still knew that he cared about you. He just wanted to keep you safe, to have you stay by his side. Once you were with him again, everything would be fine. 
He and Monarch side-eyed each other. 
One of Monarch’s legs reached over, clutching at the door to the cage. Simultaneously, Phantom pushed his talons, the soul still in his grasp, toward his rival. 
Then, less than a second later, they moved in tandem. 
As Phantom passed that unfortunate soul back to its owner, there was suddenly a gaping hole in the middle of the bars. You sprinted out and across the throne room, just barely managing to not trip over that long blue carpet. 
Phantom met you halfway, one clutch of talons hovering behind you, gently pushing you to stand closer to him. He lowered his skull, angling it to keep his fangs away as you leaned against him, stretching your arms in an awkward attempt to hug him.
“Շђєгє, รєє? ՇђคՇ ฬครภ'Շ ร๏ ђคг๔,” Monarch piped back up. You didn’t look at her, but you could guess at the snide grin slowly-but-surely spreading over her mandibles. Was this part of the adrenaline rush, or. . .whatever she’d been after? “คɭฬคץร ฬเՇђ Շђє ๔гค๓คՇเςร.” 
“𐌸𐍈𐍁'𐍂𐌴 𐍈𐍀𐌴 𐨠𐍈 𐍆𐍁ζ𐌺𐍊𐍀𐌾  𐨠𐌰ࠋ𐌺,” Phantom growled, holding you closer. You could see his horrific excuse for a heart thrashing and shifting through various colors unlike any you’d ever seen on Earth. “𐍊'ꡕ 𐌾𐍈𐍀𐍀𐌰 𐍂𐌴ꡕ𐌴ꡕ𐌱𐌴𐍂 𐨠𐌷𐍊Ⲋ 𐐎𐌷𐌴𐍀 𐍈𐍁𐍂 𐍀𐌴𑀌𐨠 ꡕ𐌴𐌴𐨠𐍊𐍀𐌾 ζ𐍈ꡕ𐌴Ⲋ 𐌰𐍂𐍈𐍁𐍀Ɗ. ʝ𐍁Ⲋ𐨠  𐨠𐌷𐍊𐍀𐌺 𐌰𐌱𐍈𐍁𐨠 𐨠𐌷𐌰𐨠."
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(A Solo Leveling fafiction)                                                                 The Starlight Princess and The Dark Knight Part I✨✨✨🌟🌟🌟
Ashborn x OC (Evangeline)
This is my first post and fanfiction so there might be some grammar errors so please go easy on me :")))
I will make a copy of the story as an Ashborn x Goddess Reader later.
Evangeline (aka: Evelyn is OC): Born from the first star during the first days of the Multiverse. She has lived through countless millenias and has watched over countless constellation (ie: fates of others) with her brother who was the deceased God of the Night Lupine, and now has to lead her Realm to a brighter future. Her Realm was one of the weakest despite being one of the first that appeared. She does not wish for power nor dominion over others, but a desire to understand mortal’s hearts, their drive, their motivation...and their love for each other. She was rather a curious individual. The other gods of her Realm made no argument against it, yet others from other realms such as The Order Realm mock her for trying to be like them. Some even think that they are inferior beings and sees them like any other creation, inconsequential and insignificant, tools for them to watch for entertainment. Yet she comes to love them and wishes that she could be with them daily instead of watching them from afar as a god           
Title: Goddess of Stars and Dreams and Queen of the Untold Stories and Fairytales. Ruler of the land of Wishes along with other Gods born from the Ocean of Memories. (This is from Shining Nikki game)
Powers and Abilities: Control over constellations, Stellar and Celestial Magic, can literally create meteor showers when in a bad mood and write the fates of others (though she prefers to let people decide their own fate and destiny)
Ashborn was one of the eight Rulers, now the Shadow Monarch, whose heart was and still is filled with vengeance and hatred towards his fellow brothers for killing their Master, the Absolute being. But after confronting the betrayal from the Beast Monarc and the Monarch of White Flames, along with his brothers, the Rulers, asking for forgiveness, he later retreated and was presumably lost before being taken back into the Monarch of Destruction's ranks. But he was lost in this infinite universe and wondered where he stood in all of this. He decided to travel around the multiverse to try and clear his head. In his travels, he stumbled upon a place where the endless sea stretched out to infinity. Stood before laying a sea of clouds, blocking his path. He tried using his powers to remove it but to no avail. He tried many times yet the mist of cloud would not budge. Just when he was about to leave, a silhouette appeared with long hair and a flowy dress. He immediately used his Ruler's Authority to see who was playing tricks on him. She dodged all of his attacks, much to his annoyance. She later stepped out of the clouds, raising her hands over her head, trying to defuse the situation, saying:
"It's alright. I mean you no harm,"
Ashborn was a bit skeptical but gave her a chance to explain herself.
"Is this some sort of game to you? Do I look like some pawn," he said with an aggressive tone to the point of frightening her.
She was surrounded by the intensity of the air around her. Something was off about him, not realizing it was screaming right at her. This being is anything but normal.
"No, sir, I'm sorry for the clouds, it's just doing its job of protecting the area behind them." She answered while trying to defuse the situation.
Ashborn calmed down and asked her what the area ahead was.
"The area you're trying to go to is the Realm of Dreams and Wishes, this body of cloud is used to protect it from any danger whatsoever. No one can penetrate it except for people like me,"
She said while holding a stance, trying to look as confident as she could.
"People like you?…" Ashborn curiously said
The girl was confused and worried at the same time, trying to come up with an answer for him.
"I'm a… messenger. Yes, a messenger from the Realm. people like me can come in and out of this place
Ashborn thought of his time back when he served the Absolute Being when he told him that there were many realms beyond this universe and that he was not as Absolute as he might seem. He entrusted this secret to his most loyal soldier, hoping that it could be of good use to him later on.
"So you can open it for me," he asked
"Yes, but you have to tell me what your purpose is here," she said as she stood her ground
Ashborn just simply told her that he was a traveler from afar, wanting to explore.
The girl was skeptical at first but found that there were no traces of malicious intent in his eyes and he seemed genuine. So she decided to agree to his terms under one condition that he must not harm anyone or destroy anything within this Realm.
He agreed to it.
"By the way, what is your name? Ashborn asked curiously as he knew he could not address her with just any name.
"Evelyn. My name is Evelyn," she responded as the clouds dispersed to reveal a sea of stars and constellations and islands covered with green grass, trees, and flowers of all kinds, hovering above it with beautiful infrastructure and waves chanting softly with aurora decorating the night sky like a multi-colored curtain. And at the center of it was a crystal-like palace reflecting the light that came from the two moons
"What's your name?" Evelyn asked him.
He went silent for a moment before responding:
"Welcome to the Realm of Dreams and Wishes, Ashborn,"
To be continued…
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allspark · 5 years
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Erik Burnham (A/CVR) Dan Schoening
The 35th Anniversary of the Ghostbusters is upon us! Let’s celebrate with four spooktacular weekly comics featuring different Ghostbuster teams in all-new standalone adventures!
First out of the Firehouse are the original ‘busting team of Peter, Winston, Egon and Ray, who have seen a lot of things during their time as paranormal investigators, but the latest case might just turn history on its head! Could it be that they’ve found proof of… Atlantis? It’s a case full of saltwater and slime with the ORIGINAL GHOSTBUSTERS!
Bart Sears (A) Rick Leonardi, Matthew Dow Smith (A/CVR B) Meghan Hetrick (A/CVR A) Bart Sears
Arkon the Giantkiller is fated to protect Auoro, the One True Chosen, so that she may destroy the evil Lord Omin. She just has to survive long enough to do it! Bart Sears pens the story he has always wanted to tell, a tale of brutal sword-swinging action as Arkon seeks to rescue the infant Auoro from her captors. With art by the all-star team of Rick Leonardi (X-Men) and Matthew Dow Smith (X-Files), the issue also includes a short story with art by Meghan Hetrick (Red Thorn), and a prose story written and illustrated by Bart Sears. Only an oversized, prestige format could contain this much epic storytelling!
An exciting new one-shot printed in prestige format!
J. M. DeMatteis (A/CVR A) Mike Cavallaro
Lost in an ocean of Infinite Nothingness, Number Horowitz has to wonder: Has the universe disappeared-or have I? It’s a question she has to answer quickly, because the lives of every living creature in Creation depend on it! Join Number and the Impossible Inc. crew for the cosmic conclusion to the mini-series!
David Lapham, Maria Lapham (A/CVR A) David Lapham
The line between hunter and hunted gets blurred when the Lodger gives into temptation. And out on the open road, Ricky and Golddigger close in for the kill.
The first black & white book from Black Crown! A new story from comics legends David & Maria Lapham (Stray Bullets)! Letters column, behind-the-panels process pages, & more!
“LODGER is from the team that brought us Stray Bullets, so you know we’re in safe hands, hands that just need one more rinse under a faucet to get the blood off them. This is small-town noir at its gothic best. Bleed on…”-Ian Rankin, best-selling author of Inspector Rebus
Vita Ayala (A/CVR A) Harvey Tolibao
After her latest defeat, Chandra feels broken as events of the past continue to haunt her, and a familiar foe seizes the opportunity to strike! Will Ajani’s heroic intervention be enough to help her overcome the threat and stop her from traveling farther down a self-destructive path?
Rising star writer Vita Ayala and powerhouse artist Harvey Tolibao continue to expand the bounds of the Multiverse in the first Magic: The Gathering® series in nearly five years!
Magic: The Gathering, its logo, Guilds of Ravnica, Ravnica Allegiance, and character names and distinctive likenesses are property of Wizards of the Coast LLC and are used with permission. ©2018 Wizards of the Coast LLC. All Rights Reserved
Kyle Baker (CVR RI-A) Kyle Baker (A/CVR A) Juan Samu
Readers of all ages can get lost in the technologically advanced African nation of Wakanda as they follow the adventures of its monarch, the Black Panther! King T’Challa is responsible for defending his people-and the world-from any threats. And he gets plenty of help-and sass-from his genius sister Shuri. A Marvelous new era begins here!  A bold new era for Black Panther begins here! From the mind of multiple Eisner and Harvey award winner Kyle Baker!
V.J. Boyd, Justin Boyd (A) Clay McCormack (CVR A) Chris Burnham
A terrifying noir nightmare in the occult underworld of Las Vegas! Face to face with an ancient evil, Alexis searches for signs of her old partner inside of what is now the demon Ashmedai. Narrowly escaping defeat (at a heavy cost), Chris and Alexis grow closer, only to be confronted by true evil-and it’s not what they expected… From the mind of VJ Boyd, co-executive producer of S.W.A.T. and producer of Justified, comes a fantastic new noir-ish tale!
Vito Stabile, Carlo Panaro (A) Francesco Guerrini, Paolo Campinoti (CVR A) Marco Mazzarello
What happens when Uncle Scrooge gets his greedy hands on Donald Duck’s magical hammock? Nothing simple and easy, that’s for sure! While Donald just wants a well-earned nap, Uncle Scrooge has other ideas in mind… See the hilarious results in “The Helpful Hammock!”
Guilherme Petreca (A/CVR) Guilherme Petreca
Ye is a curious young man, named after the only sound he knows how to make. His voice must have been stolen by the Colorless King, the source of all the world’s sorrows-terrifying, unrelenting, all-taking and never-giving. Now, Ye has no choice but the embark on a long voyage over land and sea, past grizzled pirates, a drunken clown, and more, to find the famous witch who can help him defeat the Colorless King. What he discovers may be a lesson for us all.
•   Advance solicited for January release! •   Young cartoonist Guilherme Petreca won Brazil’s prestigious HQ Mix Award for Best Artist due to the unforgettable imagery on every page of Ye, his first full-length graphic novel. •   In the tradition of The Little Prince, The Neverending Story, and A Wrinkle in Time, this graphic fable will leave young and old readers awestruck and eager to relive the journey.
  Join the IDW Hasbro Shared Universe related conversation here in our Comics Discussion and Reviews section and here for all other franchises, superheroes, or general comic book discussions! Not a member? Join our community by creating your own free account here! Or jump right into the live chat on our Discord server or our Facebook Group!
IDW Comics Shipping List for April 3rd! It’s time for our weekly Diamond Comics Shipping List! Check out some great titles IDW has in store for us next week like 
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domxmarvel · 2 years
Youtuber/Vtuber Masterlist
💙=Male 💖=Female 💛=Neutral 💦= smut 🌈=Fluff 💀=Angst 💜=Mtf 🖤=Ftm
Guidelines Please read before requesting
Corpse husband (NO SMUT!)
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Birthday special 💖🌈
Don’t doubt how much I love you 💖💀🌈
All morning 💛🌈
“Your style”💖🌈
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Vox Akuma
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Multiverse monarch/Leeandlie
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Honey 💛🌈
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Better that fantasy 💛💦
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No one like you 💖
Selfish 💖🌈
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146 notes · View notes
domxmarvel · 4 years
Guidelines & who i write for
(Updated: August 14 2023)
All characters will be aged up for smut
Please send all request as asks
I will turn down requests i’m not comfortable with or that I don't want to write
Please include a plot (Especially for smut)
Most of my fics (Smut) will be Dom/Top!Reader because that’s what I prefer to write
No ships,OC’s or gender-bent characters (That aren’t on the list)
Only x reader including Poly ( Characters have to be from the same fandom)
Fluff,angst, smut & Preferences
Oneshots,Drabbles,Blurbs & preferences/Multi character
Female!Reader,Male!Reader,Gender Neutral,FTM and MTF
If you don’t specify the readers gender I’ll pick whatever I think suits best
No pregnant reader No babies
No daddy kink
Light yandere only
Headcanons and Song fics aren’t really my strong suit,but I'll try my best to write them
Please don’t be vague,more details are better than less
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Lady Loki
Peter parker/Spider-man
Tony Stark/Iron man
Michelle jones (MJ)
Nick fury 
Natasha romanoff/Black widow
Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet witch
Pietro(Wandavision)/Peter maximoff/Quicksilver
Alec Lightwood (male reader only)
Isabelle lightwood 
Magnus Bane
Raphael santiago
Sweet Pea
Jughead Jones
joaquin desantos  (male reader only)  
Toni Topaz
FP Jones
Betty cooper
Veronica Lodge
Cheryl Blossom  (Female reader only)   
Brooklyn Nine Nine
Jake Peralta
Amy Santiago
Rosa Diaz
Young royals  (No smut!)
Prince Wilhelm (male reader only)  
Simon Eriksson (male reader only)  
Felice Ehrencrona
Never have I ever
Devi Vishwakumar
Aneesa Qureshi
Kamala Nandiwadal
Benjamin "Ben" Gross  
Nalini Vishwakumar
Fabiola Torres (Female Reader only)
Eleanor Wong  
Trent Harrison  
Ethan Morales
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Miraculous Ladybug 
Luka Couffaine/Viperion
Marinette dupain cheng/Ladybug
Adrien Agreste /Chat noir
Alya Cesaire/Rena rouge
Chloe bourgeois/Queen bee
Zoe /Vesperia
Felix Graham de vanily
Juleka couffaine/Purple tigress
Marc anciel  
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Carmen sandiego
Carmen sandiego
Graham Calloway/crackle
Julia argent
She ra
Adora/she ra (Female reader only)    
Catra (Female reader only)    
Scorpia (Female reader only)    
Double trouble
Queen Glimmer
Sea hawk 
How to train your dragon  
The dragon prince
Amaya (Female reader only)    
Terrestrius ‘Terry’
Runaan  (male reader only)  
Ethari  (male reader only)  
Janai (Female reader only)
Camilo (No smut!)
Mirabel (No smut!)
Across/Into the spider-verse
Miles morales/E1610 (No smut)
Gwen Stacy  (No smut) 
pavitr prabhakar   (No smut) 
Hobie brown
Prowler!Miles/E42 (no smut)
Rio Morales
Peter b parker
Dr. Olivia Octavius
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Corpse husband (No smut!)
Multiverse Monarch/leeandlie
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Detroit become human
Connor (RK 800)
Kara (No smut!)
Gavin reed
Hank anderson
Nines (RK 900)
Yandere simulator
Ayano/Ayato Aishi
Osana /  Osano  Najimi
Amai /  Amao   Odayaka
Kizana /  Kizano   Sunobu
Oka / Oko Ruto
Mido rana
Osoro /  Osorō   Shidesu
Megami / Megamo Saikou
Budo Masuta
Shoku Tsuburaya
Umeji Kizuguchi
Ryoba Aishi
Reiichi Tanaami
José Silva
Ken Kyonashima
Daisaku Aragaki
The legend of Zelda
Please specify which version (Game)
Twilight Princess
Skyward Sword
Hyrule Warriors
Ocarina of Time
Agent 47
Diana burnwood
Twisted wonderland
Riddle rosehearts
Malleus Draconia
Lilia Vanrouge
Azul Ashengrotto
Jade Leech
Floyd Leech
Leona Kingscholar
Jack howl
Vil Schoenheit
Rook hunt 
Idia Shroud
Divus Crewel
Mario characters
Princess peach
Princess Daisy
Just dance
Jack rose
Louise Dials
Resident evil 4 (Remake)
Leon kennedy
Ashley graham
Luis Serra
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Fruits baskets
My hero academia
Shoto todoroki
Izuku midoriya/Deku
Mina ashido
Tsuyu asui  (No smut!)
Tenya Iida
Denki kaminari
Eijiro kirishima
Mezou shoji
Kyouka Jiro
Momo Yaoyorozu
Tamaki Amajiki
Fumikage Tokoyami
Hitoshi Shinso  
Mei Hatsume    
Dabi/Toya todoroki
Himiko Toga
Tomura Shigaraki
Pro heros
Hawks/Keigo takami
Shota Aizawa/Eraserhead
All might/ Toshinori Yagi
President mic/ Hizashi Yamada
Fatgum/ Taishiro Toyomitsu
Gang orca/Kugo Sakamata  
Mirko/rumi Usagiyama  
Vlad king/Sekijiro Kan  
Spy x family
Yor Forger/briar
Loid Forger/Twilight
Demon slayer
Kyojuro Rengoku
Tanjiro Kamado
Giyuu Tomioka
Mitsuri Kanroji
Inosuke Hashibira
Shinobu Kocho
Tengen uzui + Makio,Suma & Hina
Nezuko (No smut!)
Muzan kibutsuji (+ Lady Muzan)
Kokushibo/upper moon 1
SK8 the infinity
Cherry blossom/Kaoru Sakurayashiki
Joe/Kojiro Nanjo
Reki kyan
Langa hasegawa  (male reader only)    
Miya chinen (No smut!) 
The way of the house husband
Tatsu/the immortal dragon
Buddy daddies
Rei suwa 
Kazuki Kurusu 
Kyutarou Kugi
*Not writing anymore*
Tom holland
Tom hiddleston
351 notes · View notes