#mun is so sorry this is so late
donuts4evry1 · 3 months
@tomnookishot i was on a hiatus for 2 weeks but since u requested jellyfish posting
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Here are two jellies I briefly did a search on. Not much is said about them in Wikipedia, but they’re both members of the family Corynidae (Meaning “club”, as in the kinda thing that you bludgeon people’s faces in with- which is a pretty metal name imo.)
Anyways, the one on the left is known as the Red-Eyed Medusa (Polyorchis penicillatus), and has a lovely entry on the Aquarium of the Pacific’s website. I’m particularly fond of its bright red ocelli, it’s not unheard of in the Hydrozoan world, but it’s definitely distinguishing.
The one on the right is known as the Hair Jellyfish in Japanese (Spirocodon saltatrix, which is much easier to remember). It’s pretty much everywhere in Japanese jellyfish infoblogs, but I think its hair-like tentacles are tasty looking.
My favourite thing about this family in general though, is how the insides are always so big and prominent. It reminds me of the inside of a pomelo, tbh.
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pure-patissiere · 7 months
❛ ━━・❪ 🎈 ❫ ・━━ ❜
♡𝑺𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒌𝒚 𝑺𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒕♡
❛ ━━・❪ 🎈 ❫ ・━━ ❜
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dragonsongmakhali · 1 month
hey all. been running on fumes as of late 😔
not a ton of time to scroll the dash so I miss a lot. sorry bout that! I'll try and catch up where I can ❤️
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enypneon · 9 months
the emperor is WHOOOOAHSHDHA????
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212th-chaos · 8 months
Hi! ☺️🫂
Oh! Hello! Welcome!! How is your day?
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faiththesinfulslayer · 3 months
I Will Follow You Into the Dark | Damon x Faith
@reformed-serial-killer and @faiththesinfulslayer
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masquenoire · 2 years
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Munday is here! Haven’t done one of these for a while but I promised a new hair job and it’s all done! The new colour looks a lot better irl than it does in my crappy phone picture. 🥲
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satbkpromptweek · 1 year
Thank you for participating in the first-ever SatBK Prompt Week!
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It was such a delight to see everyone’s wonderful artwork and stories! This event was designed to bring SatBK fans together, and you all delivered a beautiful banquet of lovely fanworks!
Even though the ‘official’ days are over, the prompt list is still very much open! Please feel free to continue making SatBK2023 content at your own pace! I will continue to check on this tag and check notifications so I can reblog the rest of your fanworks! C:
Thank you all very much for making this event a success! I continue to look forward to additional contributions and fanworks for this event!
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norts-trolls · 8 months
An anon wants to know just out of curiosity about your world and lore
Do all of them follow/worship the same being?
awww shucks well when ya put it that way (❤´艸`❤)
Anywhosit no they do not they each worship/follow a different celestial body/ life style. I put a chart up of that....somewhere on my blog i gotta find it again. The GHBs in my worlds are in charge of the "Main 4" circus of Utumn Which is Sun, Moon, Stars, and planets however because of some...shenaniganry there's been a fuck up of order and power dynamics the planet branch and all it's bits have been pulled in by the sun branch because the GHB of the south got fucking OBLITERATED by the GHB of the North. The other cults and circus that aren't a part of the 7 officially recognized groups also have their own beliefs and to an extent are either trying to avoid the gaze of the officials or are so chill the officials don't care.
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orangetintedglasses · 11 months
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( 'man do I even still like the spider-vash suit design' scribbles with the one point of inspiration I have '......... no yeah I do still like it' )
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archivedhellahell · 1 year
((sorry. like I said, I was just wanting to send off something kinda silly and funny to everyone. kept it simple on purpose, repeated so everyone could get a chance to play around. I didn't think it'd be so ill received and upsetting. I'm genuinely sorry for that, and I'll leave ya be.))
//Hey anon! How are you? Hope you are well. Don't need to say sorry to me. I get your point and that's why I responded. Honestly I don't mind receiving your anons or something like that. I even like receiving questions that make my muses interact. And I bet many here like it too. But I think the same question for everyone becomes a bit like a chain. Besides, suspicious. There's been a wave of anon hate lately, so anons like these makes us apprehensive. Then there are people here who don't like chains very much too.
So why don't you send a different question to each blog? This becomes interesting and makes muses respond in different ways. Sorry if Gabriel's response was a bit rude, and please don't take it personally.
I hope this doesn't discourage you from interacting with other rpers blogs. Questions about our muses are always very welcome and if you want to appear again I will answer without any problems. Have a good day!
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Life update: Dad finally got discharged from the hospital this afternoon! That means (for the moment) I am just completely relieved. Hopefully that will be accompanied with a rush of inspiration in the next few days so I can work on replies.
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misteria247 · 2 years
Sorry that i have to say this but i don't think i can finish ur bday gift srry :')) i just finished my tests today finally
But now i lack the motivation to fiish it
But, to not keep you curious and unaware, i want you to know that I planned on making a "baby with a gun" animatic using your toddler leo au
Srry again for canceling tge thing, might go back to it one day, but rn I'm just not into it :')
No no! It's honestly fine I completely understand! Thank you anyways for trying my friend, that simply means the absolute world to me that you even tried to do something for my birthday! Also ohmigosh baby with a gun that's so 12 turtle tot Leo omfg he would too! Also I hope that your exams went well and again thank you so much for everything!!!!
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piers-official · 1 year
What if "they are pokèmon" AU a la mystery dungeon games? Turn the both of them into little creatures.
//OOC: Okay so not gonna lie, I haven't played these games so i had to do some research and get some help from my friends who have played to give me ideas.
So I decided Piers should be a Lowkey Toxtricity and Marnie a toxel. I think it would work considering Toxtricities are known as "punk pokemon" and are also musical in nature (Plus Piers has one too).
I think Piers and Marnie would start off as NPCs, they own a music shop in Pokemon Square, where the sell acoustic instruments and music related items to help the MC and their team in Dungeons and battles (I understand Technology is rare in this universe? So acoustic, yea).
Piers could also be a music teacher in the town, and teach others how to express themselves through music and instruments, maybe even a bit of poetry and writing. Marnie helps her brother out around the shop (she's an older Toxel, so she's a lot more independent), and can maybe give clues and hints about various secret treasures in dungeons (maybe she overhears townspeople talking about them or something).
Eventually if you talk to Piers enough, Marnie asks to join! Piers is a little wary at first because Marnie's never been out on her own let alone in a dungeon, but the MC can convince Piers, and the musician allows his sister to go on her first adventure.
As a teammate, Marnie can gain the IQ Skill to use her acid spray move to break through dungeon walls, as well as burn off certain locks on treasure chests/doors/etc. She's also LOUD when she wants to be and can scare off potential other treasure hunters who may want to hurt/battle them (Could make battles optional perhaps?) If the player wants to unlock this, they would have to boost her IQ with gummies
This one is a bit vague, but since tech is rare in this universe, maybe your character can find a hidden item, like an old speaker or boombox as an optional item/sidequest for Piers. If you're able to find it and bring it back to Piers, maybe he gives you a key to a super secret dungeon, filled with all kinds of treasure and items. This would have to be a challenging sidequest though, because if it's too easy to find, that wouldn't be any fun and the HUGE reward wouldn't be as grand.
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entitytcken-a · 2 years
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@chaosmultiverse asked: ‘❤' + me 👉👈
Spread a little Positivity || ALWAYS ACCEPTING
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{🍎} Kitty! Of course I can talk about you <3 While we may not talk that much or rp that much together, you are one of the people that I enjoy seeing on my dash- hell, you roped me into a ‘new’ fandom all because of your intriguing and very fun to read rp between you and @starttraction​. (I say new because I was previous afraid to join but so far the people that have followed me are all very sweet, even if we haven’t interacted ooc yet) You are a phenomenal writer and you are honestly so good at capturing the essence of whatever character you set your sights on writing and I hope that you will continue to do so. <3
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mister-sane · 1 year
If you had to create a cocktail yourself, what would the ingredients be, What color would it be, and what would you call it?
tequila, strawberries and some lime.. i’m a big fan of strawberries. the name… i’ll let you decide.
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