james-silenthill · 10 months
9 people you want to know better!
TYSM @horrorcomedies !!!
last song i listened to: CyberGod by shrum! I've been really into red devils and purple ringers lately, I love industrial shit I cannot lie
currently watching: im kinda inbetween shows rn since succession ended, im thinking of sopranos or brba/bcs, but starting something new is soooo much work
currently reading: I have so many things im reading technically... slaughterhouse-V by Kurt Vonnegut, House of Leaves, The Poetics of Space by gaston bachelard, my friends been reading me mistborn, AND!!! the second issue of the zine Heterotopias by Gareth Damian Martin. I've been really into architecture lately, i can blame silent hill 2 for this. And Jacob Geller. I'm farthest percentage wise in HoL, and just started poetics of space AND heterotopias
current obsession: erm........ silent hill 2 O_O I'm getting into rdr2 rn and HoL obviously but. Silent Hill is my special place they make me crazy over there im gonna replay sh2 soon
no pressure but O_O @clownfucker9000 @kineema @munbunelle @soapypartiallycleandishes @privatemumbles @eyeimagery @too-music @definitelynotclayface @sithbian
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rayhantochtli · 3 years
alright all the 3rd life stuff has me so curious 😭 i know there's multiple seasons- what's the first season, where do i start?
Well hello there! 3rd life is the first season of this hardcore with a twist series, it started in May and lasted around 8 episodes for each participant. The current season is Last life, where there's new stuff but with a similar premise and goal, there's only 2 episodes for each member so far, as they work in sessions together and can't play in the server outside of the planned time.
Each season has its own story and are not correlated to each other, so you don't have to watch the first season to understand what's going on in the second; although, the ccs sometimes might make references to what happened in the first season.
Here's a list of the participants:
Grian (creator of the series)
Members that joined in season 2:
Mumbo jumbo
I hope this was helpful!
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chaos-monkeyy · 2 years
ohh THATS why youre my favorite author, cause ur rambling sentences fuck so hard
asdskldjfhsd why thank you! I do try 🤣💙
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kineema · 4 years
munbunelle replied to your post: ITS NOT FOR FUN EITHER ITS LIKE SUPERSONIC... he...
blease draw banshee super sonic scream and his mouth just opens like some horrible insectoid creature. love that
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problemsleuth · 5 years
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I DREW SSDD FOR AN ART TRADE W @munbunelle !!!!!!!!!!! i hope u like it!!! :D
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jawbonejoe · 4 years
munbunelle replied to your post “Writer question here: A check that features prominently at the break...”
remind the audience because i already forgot about it
I think that’s the right call, granted you haven’t seen the check yet. It comes in at the end of the next chapter...
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nedsseveredhead2 · 4 years
20:A song that has many meanings to you
Takes One To Know One by Maria Mena
Directed At A Very Specific Person From My Past
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titanofthedepths · 5 years
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@munbunelle These are the most cursed things Ive ever drawn. In order from left to right its Dogtoe, Mountaindew, and Garfield
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spiderscribs · 5 years
EGO IN 22..
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The man, the myth, the bastard
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lerasmistborn · 5 years
@picaresquerogue tagged me in this so here’s five thingwiejigs about me:
1. I broke my arm falling off a couch when i was 1
2. I’ve had a black belt for 5 years now. I’m getting old
3. My favourite colour is blue
4. Had to sit two seperate languages worth of exams in the same day. Thanks SQA for that
5. My joints are nice and screwy
Aight now to tag five others if yous want to do it: @simplykathika, @renarinsinternalscreaming, @munbunelle, @wingsdingsandpurplethings and @mauvemyheart. Yous were the most recent folks in my notifications thats why yous are tagged
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rayhantochtli · 3 years
hi! i want to start watching ethoslab... what series/playlist do you recommend i start with?
Hi! You're in for a good ride, my friend.
I definitely recommend checking out his hermitcraft season 8, it practically just started so there's not a lot of content to watch to catch up. If you like stuff with a bit of roleplay and angst sprinkled in it (but not too much) then his 3rd life series is perfect, it's also pretty short! Those so far are vanilla with some tweaks, if you're a fan of modded, grindy but kind of chill then Terrafirmapunk is what you want to watch this is a bit longer, but it's so chill it became my comfort series, BUT if you like modded, grindy, with lots of confusing stuff and frustrating to watch, Project ozone 2 is for you, that one has like 91 episodes so, telling you rn. If you actually prefer purely vanilla survival then his let's play is what you want to watch, but be warned, it has more than 550 episodes, you can start watching from the newest or the first or from the middle, whatever works for you, my friend!
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chaos-monkeyy · 2 years
have you ever looked into red dead redemption? i bet you'd have a great time with those cowboys
I've never played it before, but having just done a quick search on it, I am Looking 👀
(for the grimy cowboys and the game both 😂)
I'll definitely keep it in mind next time I'm looking for something new to play, thank you!!
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kineema · 4 years
munbunelle replied to your post: osiris is gonna get his nuts SLAPPED next season
asher… no……
sorry asher but rasputin is on a nut slapping spree and osiris is first in line
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problemsleuth · 5 years
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chartreuseeffigy · 5 years
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@munbunelle hey ... it fuckor
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spiderscribs · 5 years
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