#mundo lol
cosmicarcanist · 3 months
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A Human's Touch
kofi | twt | more of my art | etsy | prints
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league-of-skins · 1 year
Street Demon Brand, Mundo, Neeko, and Zyra
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andrewckeeper · 5 months
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LIDMF AI "Premio Nacional de Tauromaquia 2024"
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nuisancevian · 6 days
Me gusta la soledad...
Pero cae tan ácida cuando la sientes enmedio de tantos rostros conocidos.
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nomad2611 · 5 days
□| Janitor Thresh sketch
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glittertrail · 11 days
señores aún no tenemos Tumblr community (@staff DO SOMETHING) pero lanzo una pregunta así para distraernos
Cual es su pieza audiovisual favorita de Venezuela?
La mía es el politigato
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Mundo Draven and Soraka.. I like them together :] Their ship name is Aggressive treatment..
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juantinarchive · 3 months
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Mis domésticos insoportables 🥰
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phalanxus · 1 year
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Ko-Fi Sketches
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aguz-cm · 2 years
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The boys celebrating Argentina's World Cup win (and drinking fernet) 💙🤍💙
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cosmicarcanist · 3 months
hii, asking here because i’m shy lol
i saw on twitter that you (and chër) have been working on psychonauts aus. i think the concept looks really cool so i was wondering if you could tell us a little about what you’ve been cooking !! love your work btw <33
oh thank you so much! yeah me and cher talk a lot abt intricate aus (and canon) so i can share some of my viktor stuff for the psychonauts au (under the cut its long)
viktor was originally an intern for the psychonauts! He mentored under sasha, and he has the special ability of like tech psychic powers (he can remotely control any tech w his mind, hes also adept in most other abilities except he cant read minds at ALL)
He met chuck (pre mundo) who was working security there and decided to help him try to awaken and stengthen his powers while also testing his own devices! Sasha (and otto) rly believe in him so his machines begin to be used by the psychonauts and hes being tracked to join them!
The other psychonauts tho are p worried abt some of the stuff he talks abt, some of his aspirations and ideas, theyre... concerning (unless ur otto). Sasha still vouches for and defends his pupil cause hes just misguided his hearts in the right place hes just very intense and passionate and ambitious but he can be put on the right path! Some stuff happens, a kid dies, viktor thinks its the perfect opportunity for him to test his robot he built that requires a brain (it was originally built for an adult brain but viktor saw a kid in need whose life was cut short and he decided to take the chance now). The psychonauts see this as an affront to humanity, that viktors trapped a child in a construct and turned them into a monster, that this is unethical and dangerous; viktor sees the psychonauts as wishy washy centrists that twiddle their thumbs rather than help a child by any means necessary.
he gets kicked out.
hes stripped of any accolades, any prospects, even his own inventions (they choose to keep and USE THEM). Sasha fought to keep him, otto genuinely thinks what he did is right and Cool, but hes deemed a danger so they kick him out. Sashas concerned what this will do to his pupils psyche and that this is a surefire way to create an enemy for the psychonauts and he was CORRECT
viktor goes and becomes a weird hermit in the woods, sets up a lab out there. He got separated from chuck and he cant go back to talk to him, but after a short while he founds out chuck left and thinks he just left of his own volition without saying anything. He has drones survey the woods as a means of security but also kind of to see if he ever finds chuck (his drones act as a sort of hive mind of which he controls and can see through). Blitz comes with him as his now adopted robot son (gender nonspecific). Theres quite a few things viktor can never forgive the psychonauts for but one of them is treating blitz as if theyre a monster and not a CHILD
fast forward quite a few years and chucks come back from the asylum, now as mundo, and escapes hq into the woods where viktors drones find him. Viktor being psychic and also chucks ex?? boyfriend recognizes him immediately and is horrified to find him transformed and not himself, so he takes him back to the lab and hooks him up to a machine that he can astral project his own cosciousness into mundos head
where he promptly gets trapped
YOU as the player have up till this point heard nothing but horrified whispers and terrible rumours about viktor. Hed been stripped of the records as the man that had invented much of their tech, but you hear enough to get the impression hes a deranged, dangerous monster that killed a child and put their brain into an unfeeling unthinking automaton to do his bidding, and that he lurks the woods looking for more victims. You start to hear other stories tho that may pique your curiosity, so you go looking for his lab and have to brace yourself for whatever dangerous psychic youll have to face
instead you find viktor and mundo hooked up to this machine unresponsive, and for god knows how long. To advance youd have to enter mundos mind to rescue a trapped viktor, who is very hostile to you as a stranger that has suddenly entered this space, and a trespasser, but because hes been lost in the labrynth of mundos mind for god knows how long, he will reluctantly work with you to get out.
(im sure youve seen chers description for mundos mind/level but the tldr is viktor just cant wrap his head around navigating it alone so its a bit of an escort mission except viktor cant die so hes kind of just tagging along. You get to see moments of chuck/mundo and moments and memories of viktor and how he responds to them until you get to the end and fight mundo as the boss and can unite chuck and mundo as one entity hereafter referred to as atlas)
once the two of you are spat out and atlas has come to, viktor will reluctantly offer his services to you for the rest of the game, where he acts as a kind of shop and upgrade system, but at this point its fairly limited and hes still pretty standoffish.
If you want to fully unlock him and get i guess the true ending for these two, youd have to do viktors level which is completely optional because its BRUTAL. Just a completely unnecessarily harsh difficulty spike.
Viktors mind/level is a hostile environment. When you first enter its just a void with a small matryoshka in a spotlight. As you approach some wacky camera shit zooms in to find you on the surface of the now giant matryoshka, and the environment remains extremely dark, only your immediate surroundings are lit, save for the odd flash of bright light that will only briefly light up your environment. This place is overrun with enemies that are already difficult enough to deal with while trying to navigate in the dark as you look for the way to advance. The matryoshka acts as a giant safe where each doll is another vault you have to unlock to step down into the next level (each doll is also modeled after another "mask" for viktor, the outermost being the terrifying machine herald youve come to associate him as).
The real kicker to his level, though, is you are being pursued by an unkillable, unrelenting, furious and desperate machine herald through the entire level. The further down you go, the closer you get to the center, the more desperate your pursuer becomes, and the more relentless. If he catches you you will get thrown out and have to start all over, and the layout and puzzles will change. Every single part of this level is doing everything in its power to keep you from getting to the center
once you DO though, maybe you expect some kinda final boss fight against that pursuer, but once you reach the center you just find... viktor. viktor the day he got kicked out, just younger, fully human, small and afraid and extremely upset. No boss fight, just talk to viktor and help put him on the path of healing from this moment!
after finishing viktors level you unlock his shop/upgrades fully! His demeanor also changes towards you where he still feels a lil standoffish and awkward, but hes a lot more receptive to you now. His lab has also taken on more of chucks qualities since now atlas and viktor are reunited and can live together :) viktor seems more relaxed finally, sometimes he even sleeps now! he still refuses to return to the psychonauts but hes less obsessed with revenge against them, he just kind of wants to start his life over now with atlas
arguably this is the HAPPIEST au for him, psychonauts is a lot abt healing and how its a process, itll never be perfect but its all abt trying and accepting help so he gets to heal a lil as a treat here :)
uhh sorry this was the tldr version i just like coming up with fake levels, gameplay, idle animations, dialogue etc etc so its fun to stick him in a world like this and see what stays the same and whats different
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soggyskinflaps · 3 months
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Remake of an old piece of my main man Mundo!
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groriatrevi10xx · 6 months
...¡Throne Labyrinth!...
"Un tipo de relaciones/A Relationship Type"
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*Umbra y/and Arma*
>Odia a Arma con pasión, pero no negará que ella es una buena aliada y una buena comerciante.../He hates Arma with a passion, but he won't deny that she is a good ally and a good merchant...
>Y la admira por ser una Buena Madre.../And he admires her for being a Good Mother...
+Arma: Rival 🔥.../Aliado/Ally... ✴️
<Odia a Umbra, piensa que es una idiota... Aún así la respeta a su manera, también piensa que es una buena comerciante, pero no una buena aliada.../She hates Umbra, she thinks she's an idiot... Still she respects her in her own way, she also thinks she's a good merchant, but not a good ally...
<Umbra necesita ser más firme al criar a su Hija, es solo la opinión de Arma... Aún así, le sorprende que no haya arrojado a Teagan desde lo alto del Castillo, porque ya lo habría hecho.../Umbra needs to be more firm when raising her Daughter, it's just Arma's opinion... Still, she's surprised that she didn't throw Teagan off the top of the Castle, because she would have already done it...
+Umbra: Rival 🔥.../Aliado/Ally... ✴️
---Pequeño Diálogo/Small Dialogue---
°Umbra: ¿Arma?... Hmmm... Un rival astuto.../Arma?... Hmmm... A cunning rival...
°Arma: ¿Umbra?... Bueno, una rival molesta, pero ... Es muy agradable ver.../Umbra?... Well, an annoying rival, but... It's very nice to see...
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*Teagan y/and Umbra*
>Odia a su "Madre", realmente desearía que estuviera muerta... {En el pasado la amaba mucho y le hubiera gustado ser tan genial como su Madre}/He hates his "Mother", he really wishes she were dead... {In the past he loved her a lot and would have liked to be as cool as his Mother}
>Ella realmente cree que su "Madre" es malvada, no sólo como gobernante... Ella cree que sería mejor Reina que su "Madre"... {Celos tóxicos y enfermizos, llegando al punto de la obsesión...}/She truly believes that her "Mother" is evil, not just as a ruler... She believes that she would be a better Queen than her "Mother"... {Toxic and unhealthy jealousy, reaching the point of obsession...}
+Umbra: Familia/Family... ✨/Odio/Hate... ❌
<Umbra realmente ama a su hija, desearía poder hacerla feliz.../Umbra really loves her Daughter, she wishes she could make her happy...
<Le gustaría comprender a su Hija, para poder guiarla por el buen camino.../He would like to understand his Daughter, to be able to guide her on the right path...
+Teagan: Familia/Family... ✨/Tensión/Tenseness... 🚫
---Pequeño Diálogo/Small Dialogue---
°Teagan: ¿Por qué siempre tienes que ser la más bella?, ¿Por qué siempre tienes que ser tú quien se gane el amor del Príncipe?, ¿Por qué siempre tienes que ser la más inteligente, la más amable, sólo tú?, ¡¡¿Por qué siempre tú?!!.../Why do you always have to be the most beautiful? Why do you always have to be the one who wins the Prince's love? Why do you always have to be the most intelligent, the kindest, only you? Why always you?!!...
°Umbra: Aunque me odies, aún te amaré... Porque eres mi Hija.../Even if you hate me, I will still love you... Because you are my Daughter...
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*Arma y/and Teagan*
>Ella piensa que Teagan es una perra maleducada a la que se le debería enseñar una lección de vida.../She thinks Teagan is an ill-mannered bitch who should be taught a life lesson...
>Probablemente quiera matar a Teagan, pero no lo hará... No se rebajará a tan poco, realmente cree que la Princesa debería salir de su Mundo de Fantasía.../He probably wants to kill Teagan, but he won't... He won't stoop to that little, he really thinks the Princess should get out of her Fantasy World...
+Teagan: Tensión/Tenseness... 🚫
<Arma es la única persona a la que Teagan le tiene mucho miedo, ella piensa que es un monstruo… Aunque no lo admite…/Arma is the only person Teagan is very afraid of, she thinks she is a monster... Although she doesn't admit it...
<Siente celos de que ella sea una mujer poderosa, incluso más que su madre.../He feels jealous that she is a powerful woman, even more than her mother...
+Arma: Miedo/Fear... 🕸️
---Pequeño Diálogo/Small Dialogue---
°Arma: Sólo mírame... Soy lo que nunca podrás ser en tu vida.../Just look at me.... I am what you can never be in your life...
°Teagan: ¿La Reina de las Brujas?, Es una mujer patética... ¿No está cerca?, ¿Ella no me ha oído?, ¡¿Verdad?!.../The Queen of the Witches? She is a pathetic woman... Is she not nearby? She hasn't heard me? Right?!...
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*Teagan y/and Neko-Player*
>¿Cómo diablos puede ser este patético pretexto el Hijo de la Reina de las Brujas?... Incluso ha oído que la Bruja tiene dos más.../How on earth can this pathetic excuse be the Son of the Queen of the Witches?... He has even heard that the Witch has two more...
>Este niño tiene mal estilo y sin embargo es Hijo de alguien importante... Cómo desea su muerte.../This child has bad style and yet he is the Son of someone important... How he wishes for his death...
+Neko-Player: Odio/Hate... ❌
+Teagan: ??????....
---Pequeño Diálogo/Small Dialogue---
Teagan: Realmente un desperdicio.../Really a waste...
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*Nomula y/and Sombra*
>Le gusta Sombra, son como familia... Exacto, son familia... Aún no entiende por qué se unió a los Hechiceros, pero fue una gran sorpresa.../He likes Sombra, they are like family... Exactly, they are family... He still doesn't understand why he joined the Sorcerers, but it was a big surprise...
>Nomula está feliz de que Sombra haya elegido su camino, aunque no lo admita... Está feliz de volver a verla después de que desapareció durante más de mil años.../Nomula is happy that Sombra has chosen her path, even if she wouldn't admit it... She is happy to see her again after she disappeared for more than a thousand years...
+Sombra: Familia/Family... ✨
<Nomula es como su Hermana Mayor, todavía no acepta que a la Mujer finalmente le guste alguien... ¿Quién será el afortunado?.../Nomula is like her Big Sister, she still doesn't accept that the Woman finally likes someone... Who will be the lucky one?...
<Admira mucho a la Mujer, no hay personas tan geniales como ella.../He admires the Woman a lot, there are no people as cool as her...
Nomula: Familia/Family... ✨/Admiración/Admiration... ⭐
---Pequeño Diálogo/Small Dialogue---
Nomula: Tan ruidosa como siempre .../As loud as ever...
Umbra, Arma, Nomula y/and Sombra: Son mías... {They are mine...}
Teagan {Brittany} es de {Teagan {Brittany} is from}: @askkassandragf-v-2
Neko-Player es de {Neko-Player is from}: @vanetheglitchfox - @hello-conde
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emvisual · 7 months
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¿Cuanto sabéis de arte?
Seguro que a Wyeth le haría gracia.
Richard Williams. Christie's World. 2015 (oil, canvas) MAD Magazine.
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viejospellejos · 2 years
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Ouugghhh your art is SOOO charming man seriously you make all your critters look so plush…………
I *know* Mundo is your fav but I would really like to know why because I also quite like the himbo
(Also any other champions you adore)
(Btw I love the psychonauts AU)
(THANK YOU I WASN'T EXPECTING PSYCHONAUTS TO BE SO ACTIVE HERE!!! I do make a lot more league art but tend to keep them off of tumblr) Alright let me answer!
The answer to Mundo is a very long one but this older note I wrote explains a part of it (it would take me so long to properly address everything he's genuinely my favorite character in any media ever) (Note that my actual league champ pool has expanded significantly, Mundo is currently my support main)
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And here's a more or less cohesive spread of the champs I like, in no particular order (also some would have changed spots like Qiyana being lower and Swain-Graves higher etc etc)
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My current top 3 are Mundo Viktor and Draven :] Wahoo!
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If anyone ever wants to talk about league esp if we have similar favorites please feel free to immediately manifest in my notes/dms
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