#murayama imagine
hyugaruma · 9 months
H&L: Annoying Things They Do
re: their annoying habbits
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Cobra, Yamato, Noboru - Walking down the middle of the sidewalk, all three in a line, taking up the entire walkway
Rocky - Walking slow, even if there’s people behind him
Murayama - Talking during a movie, even at the theatre
Hyuga - Not replacing the toilet paper roll
Also Hyuga… - Leaving the toilet seat up
Masaki - Talking with his mouth full of food
Ice - Wearing, like, way too much cologne
Sarah - Eating someone else’s leftovers without asking
Jesse - Always running late
Brown - Putting an empty food container back in the cabinet or fridge
Ranmaru - Manspreading…
Hirai - Constantly re-asking the same questions, and never remembering the answers to them
Takano - Tapping his foot
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prodbyblush · 1 year
h&l leaders and texts they'd send you
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・❥・not requested
→ gn!reader
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airbendertendou · 1 year
self care with your love! ♡
synopsis : various!HiGH&LOW boys allowing you to dote on them. [+ a special guest at the end!]
no pronouns used / gender neutral, though there is tons of talk abt makeup!!
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smacking your lips together and MURAYAMA saying he likes your lipgloss color but before you can put it on him he smooches it away until it fades.
giggles hitting the room around you as FUJIO says the eyeliner you’re putting on him tickles.
convincing YUKEN that the hand lotion you always carry will help his scarred and rough knuckles. [it’s only a small bonus that it smells like you.]
at every sleepover you force ask him to have, SACHIO will allow you to put this slimey n cold sheet mask on him.
while sitting on his lap, HYUGA says the eyelash glue you’re using to put rhinestone freckles on him stinks.
P giggling as he hovers over you as you lay flat on your back, messily appling your eyeshadow.
you n KIZZY ambushing KAITO to put glitter all on his face, his cheeks heated n warm as he sits between the two of you.
suzuran watching on as their tough n badass leader GENJI curses, threatening people even w the multi-colored nail polish you applied to his fingies bc you couldn’t decide what color to do yours.
airbendertendou © do not copy, plagiarize, repost, or translate my content on any platform. if you see my content under any other name than my own, let me know. i only have this tumblr and an ao3 account under the same name. if youd like to b tagged / untagged, let me know! ♡
🍓FOREVER TAGS : @straysugzhpe ♥︎ @star2fishmeg ♥︎
🍓 H&L TAGLIST : @rouzuchan @yuken-gf @strxwberrychocolate @simpforchuchu @thatpoindexterpixy @vicious-defect
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Hi! I wanted to ask if I could get some hcs on how the leaders of S.W.O.R.D + Mighty Warriors comforts and takes care of their injured lover? I've had a bad week and got hurt recently and saw your requests open and wanted to ask. I hope you're doing well though!
I’m so sorry to hear that you’re having a bad week :(((
I hope this helps even just a little bit
I hope things start to get better for you, and that your injury heals quickly!!
I apologize in advanced for the Mighty Warriors, i still dont know much about them, and I know missed most of them, but I hope this makes you smile!!
All the love ~ ember 🤍
S.W.O.R.D and Mighty Warriors Take Care of Their Injured Partner
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Okay I know this man is portrayed as one of the toughest guys in the series, but I just know he’s a softie for his partner
When it comes to injuries, he’s got plenty of experience, and knows how to take care of almost anything
However, if it is a more serious injury, he is right by your side taking you to the hospital
And he’s not leaving your side until you are comfortable
Very very attentive to everything
Whether he is the one treating the injury, or its the doctors, he is paying attention to you fully and completely
If the doctor is the one treating the injury, he is listening to everything that they are saying so that he knows what to do when he takes you home
When y’all are back home, do not even think about lifting a single finger
He is an acts of service kind of guy, honestly he would love taking care of you
Again with being attentive, he doesn’t exactly know what you might need, so he over prepares
And he has no shame is asking friends for help getting him stuff if you dont want him to leave you alone
Need food? He’s asking Naomi to bring something from diner Itokan
Yamato is also on speed dial for anything that you could possibly need (bestie benefits lmao)
Has no issues changing your bandages if that’s what you need
And is immediately reassuring you that he wants to help if your an over thinker (talking about myself lol)
Honestly, Cobra is one that I would definitely want around
Becomes clingy when he knows your hurt, but dont tell anyone
Baby just wants to take care of you
Rocky is great at taking care of his partner, however he is not the best when it comes to medical things
Naturally he is taking you to the hospital, cause he knows that the doctors will give you better treatment than he can
Attentive to you, more than what the doctors are saying
When the two of you get home, he might need reminders on treatment and what to do
He was just so worried about you, he missed a lot of the instructions
Does everything he can to make you comfortable
Is totally willing to shut down the club until you are better, so that nothing distracts him from you
Another attentive man, he is constantly asking what you need
Acts of service pt. 2, will not let you move a muscle
Tries to keep his normal calmness, but is rushing to your side no matter what
Gets nervous that anything touching you will hurt you
Honestly, he wouldn’t be clingy with you, and might not cuddle you at all
He’s just so nervous that if he touches you, you’ll be in pain
Honestly, protects you from everything as if you’re made of glass
Might even feed you soup if you ask nicely (again, dont tell anyone)
Wont let anyone go near you unless you say its okay
Even then, hes watching like a hawk to make sure nothing could possibly hurt you
Treats you like a queen always, but is extremely careful when you are injured
I cannot with this man
Such a softie for you and honestly is not afraid to show it
He already is clingy, but when you’re injured, mans is glued to your side
Fairly confident with his ability to treat injuries, but will still take you to the hospital, just to be safe
Doesn’t seem like he listens to what the doctors tell him, but remembers everything when the two of you get home
Doesn’t necessarily watch over you like a hawk, but will scold you if you try to do anything on your own
He doesnt need to watch over you because he is stuck to your side
Honestly you are not getting him off of you anytime soon
Has his friends pick up literally anything you could possibly want or need because he refuses to leave your side
Honestly might get a little annoying asking if you’re okay or if you need anything
But its just because he loves you and wants you to get better
Holds you as if it’s the last time he will ever be able to
Refuses to let anyone near you because “you’re his fragile baby”
No shame in having others see him cling to you
Honestly his friends have no issues helping to get what you need
Partially because you’re friends with them too
Partially because Murayama would give them the “say no and I’m beating you up” look
He really does a good job taking care of you, though might go a little bit overboard, but its just because he loves you
Ohhh no
This man is freaking out
Internally of course
Not once does he lose his composure
Very good with injury care, so he probably will just treat the injury himself
Seems upset, but in reality, he doesnt want you to know that he is freaking out, cause he doesnt want you to freak out too
Another attentive partner
He’s already attentive to your needs, but when you are injured, he is willing to go to the ends of the earth to get what you need
Even if he needs to leave your side, he makes the trip very quick
Honestly is never gone for more than 15 minutes
And wants to get everything himself, cause he is internally blaming himself for you getting injured
Even if he had nothing to do with it, or no way of preventing it from happening
Poor baby :(
Wont necessarily cling to you, but also refuses to leave your side
However if you ask he will cuddle you for as long as you want
Another one who is cautious to let others near you, but isn’t super stressed about it
He’s stressed about your own well being and you getting better
If there are any issues going on in nameless city he will send the others to deal with it until you tell him its okay for him to go
He is their guardian angel after all (what a man)
Another leader that I would for sure want around when injured
When he finds out you’re injured, he’s beyond angry
I mean who has the audacity to mess with his partner ?!
Please tell him what happened before someone ends up in the hospital room next to you
With him, you might be the one calming him down
There is nothing he hates more than seeing you hurt, it makes him so angry
Still attentive to you, and will take care of you before he tries to hurt anyone else
If someone else did hurt you, they better flea the city before he gets to them
If it was a matter of you injuring yourself, like falling out of a tree or something PLEASE TELL HIM IMMEDIATELY
Sorry that was the first thing that came to mind lol
Might turn into a protective dad and lecture you about being more careful
He just wants you to be safe
Like Rocky, hes not the greatest when it comes to injury care so he is taking you to the hospital
Seems aloof throughout the entire healing process, however he did actually listen to the doctor, and he does actually take very good care of you
Doesn’t mind of others come to see you
Also isn’t super clingy, unless you ask him for cuddles
Very calm about the situation once he finds out what happened
Gets you what you need, and a little extra gift too to make you feel better
He is attentive to you always, despite what others may think
Ice is calm the entire time
Doesn’t really know how to treat injuries, but also doesn’t necessarily freak out when you are injured
Takes you to the hospital, listens to what the doctor says, and follows their instructions carefully
Attentive in a very calm manner
Very laid back, however he is still at your side the whole time
Will sit with you and cuddle you, but wont necessarily be glued to your side
Still takes care of the things that he needs to do, while also taking care of you
Productive king
Cooks for you, cleans for you, does anything you ask of him
But will also sit by your side all night watching whatever movies you pick with a pile of your favorite snacks that he picked up earlier that day
If you need something, but dont want him to leave, hes asking Sarah (bestie benefits pt.3)
If you try to do something on your own, hes not gonna lecture you, but he will question you
“What are you doing?” “Getting a glass of water…” “Why didnt you let me get if for you?” Type of thing
Honestly, others may think that he really doesnt care, but in reality, he cares more than he wants to show
And he shows you that he cares with how he takes care of you
Wont shut down the club, but also wont perform either
You are his top priority
Unbothered king
After his time fighting in prison, he knows how to handle injuries
Takes care of you himself
Is super sweet with you and only you, ALWAYS, but is more intense with others when you are injured
Does not want anyone distracting him from taking care of you
And will only leave to take care of business if it is something big
And if you say its okay, of course
Another productive king
He already treats you like a queen, its just emphasized when you are injured
Another acts of service kind of guy
Wont lecture of you try to do something on your own, and will only ask what you are doing, but wont be bothered by anything
He knows you are an adult and you can take care of yourself
But he does want to do it for you, regardless
Again, not super clingy, but will hold you if you ask him too (awwww)
Becomes even softer with you
Doesn’t necessarily treat you like you’re gonna break, but just wants you to know that he is there for you
Wants to show you that, despite his fighting habits, he can actually take care of you the way that you deserve
Loves you so deeply, sometimes he doesnt know how to show it
Will play with your hair while the music from the club is shaking the building (something you’re used to already)
Unbothered, but very attentive
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onlyrains · 1 year
Hello, I had a request about murayama❤🥳 an elegant and kind girl is appointed to the oya high school as the school nurse. Murayama realizes that he has fallen in love with this girl Also, how would the people in oya high treat this girl?
a/n: hi! i'm so sorry it takes so long for me to make it :( i decided to make a narration fic instead of hcs! it's longer than usual but i hope you like it <3 @c2e2r2n
A Beautiful Nightmare
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— pairing: murayama x f. reader
— t/w: harsh word
murayama had always been known as the tough and fearless leader of oya kou, surrounded by delinquent men everyday. his thoughts revolved solely around oya kou, and oya kou only. so when he saw a well-dressed young woman entering his territory he almost shocked to death. little did he know that his world was about to take a fascinating turn.
not only did she enter, but she also made the part-time student clean the infirmary room for her without his permission.
“what is this?" he exclaimed, sounding like a squashed rat as he tugged one of his underlings by the collar. he was surely confused and curious about the mastermind behind all this, but somehow, he lost his guts to approach her.
“we’re helping her to clean the room,” the underling replied, stuttering.
“who told you to?”
he shook his head. “no one. we offered ourselves.”
murayama clicked his tongue as he released the tug, then walked the other way, leaving his underling in confusion.
“what is going on? who is she?” he whines as he entering the classroom with furuya and seki inside.
“huh?” furuya sit next to him. “they aren't joking about the nurse?”
murayama grunts, “why am i didn't get any idea about this?”
“have you ask her, murayama-san?” seki asks in a full nervous tone in his voice. murayama looks at him and shook his head. “i can't.”
why? he doesn't know either. why can't he approach a girl when he can easily reach daruma ikka by himself?
he didn't say anything for a few seconds, then he swiftly headed back to the infirmary room with furuya and seki by his side. the next thing he knew, a smaller figure stood in front of him, adorned with a white cloak and greeted him with a serene smile.
“are you the leader here? murayama, right?” you asked politely. he hold his breath, your voice was just as mesmerizing as your smile to him until he was stunned and unable answer the question.
“murayama-san?” seki whispered in his ear.
“what's up here? who are you?” he pointed the room behind you.
you bowed a little. “nice to see you, murayama-kun. i'm the new nurse here, starting from today.” his underlings around him cheers and claps happily when you finally officially announce yourself as a part of the school.
“SHUT UP!” furuya shouted and you weren't flinched at all. murayama glanced at your name tag on your right chest then look at your eyes.
“what's going on here?” todoroki appears followed by fujio and tsukasa. they face clearly showing confusedness when they saw you.
you smile again. “hello, i'm the new nurse here. nice to see you.”
“WOOOOOAH?! WE HAVE NURSE NOW?” fujio yelped excitedly. you smile and nod once.
tsukasa, still with furrowed eyebrow, open his mouth. “they hired you?”
you nod again. “yes, the school hired me and you can reach me whenever you need me.”
how funny, murayama chuckles. “you won't have no patients, then.” then he leaves.
days have passed since your arrival and murayama found himself observing you as you took genuine care for his friends, underling, the full-time student. the way you listened to their troubles, and the comfort you offered with your soothing voice. you had an uncanny ability to heal not just their physical wounds but also their emotional scars. air of elegance and a kind heart that shone through you gentle demeanor.
and he knew that he wasn't the one who feel this feeling towards you. the school seemed captivated by your care and grace as well and that's a fair thing.
and today he finally admits to himself that he fully drawn to your presence. it was as if your gentle nature called to a part of him that he had long kept hidden. the tough facade he had always worn suddenly felt inadequate in your presence, and he yearned to unravel the mystery behind your serene smile.
“are you okay?” a soft voice pulled himself back to consciousness. he turned his head spontaneously and found your face inches away from his as you leaned to his side.
he hold his breath while his shock gaze meet yours. “murayama-kun?”
he blinks repeatedly and almost smacked his own cheek for being off guard if you didn't hold his fist.
“aren't you busy?” he asks, try to keep it cool.
“they're fine today and i can rest a bit,” you put your hands back into the pockets of your cloak.
you both stayed silent for two straight minutes, choosing to enjoy the rooftop breeze. at least for you, it was a peaceful moment. however, for murayama, he was actively trying to calm his heartbeat and keep his sanity intact. it was a rare situation where not everyone could witness the calm, collected, and softer side of him. sadly, you were unaware of his true self as well.
“they're not truly sick. they're just want your attention.” he voiced, instantly grab your attention.
“i know.” you replied. “but that's okay. i feel welcomed and they willingly sharing their problems to me. it's a relief, honestly.”
murayama turns his body to face you. “are you planning to stay longer here?”
you shrug. “i don't know. i feel like i will leave eventually but maybe not in the near future.”
“but it's not a safe place. must be a nightmare for you to be here.”
you look at him, which causing him to turn his gaze in another direction. “it's perfect, actually. students here needed someone like me the most.” you said full of confident before cringing. “someone like me—i mean a nurse.” you clarified while chuckling.
that was the first time murayama heard your laughter so closely. it was quite significant to him, causing him to react awkwardly. he couldn't control the rapid beating of his heart and suddenly felt an urge to express his feelings to you.
“ah, i finally found you!” kiyoshi gasped behind you and murayama as he held his cheek.
“eh, what's wrong kiyoshi?”
“i had a fight with fujio,” he said while pouting. “what happened?” you asked.
“nothing. it was just a playful fight.”
murayama glared at him when you tried his cheek to see the bruises.
“oh, your lip slightly chapped,” you say. “let's go to my room.”
“that's for you, murayama. talk to you later.” you pointed a canned soda on the table before going downstairs with kiyoshi.
murayama saw you leaving without expression then chuckle in annoyance. “those stupid assholes.” then grab the soda.
he now admits that he likes you as he swallows the soda you gave him. he can no longer resist your charm, and he finds himself craving your attention. there's nothing you can do about it.
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jiyongarden · 2 years
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incorrect quotes from: high-lowincorrect (3/?)
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simpforchuchu · 1 year
Okok, hear me out, since there's a Hyuga sister series, what about some other sword leaders? Maybe Smokey or Cobra's little sister. And they meet the Oya bois (Fujio/Tsukasa/Yasushi/Kiyoshi etc).
Let's be real, if these two have little sisters, they would teach her how to fight
It can be a HC or oneshot!! Btw I absolutely love your works~ I requested once (won't say which req) but I absolutely love it!! Take pride in your work.
Oya Boys x Sword Leaders' Lil Sisters | Hcs
a/n: Hii! You know i've deleted almost all of my old requests but i kept a few of them cause i want to write that topics too. And this was one of them xjkdkd Thank you for your lovely comments and i hope you like it :')♥️
Sorry for the grammer or spelling mistakes.English is not my main language so...
Thank you and love you 🥰
Warnings: none ig
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Cobra's Sister x Fujio
• I think Cobra is definitely someone who will teach his sister to fight. He'll teach her simple fighting techniques without hurting her, and he'll want to make sure she's protecting herself.
• I think he is a very loving and calm brother.  Although he cannot show his love with words, he shows it with his overprotective side.
• I think his sister will be calm like him but more lively person
• A smart, strong and calm young girl
• I imagine she'll get along well with Murayama. I am sure that as Murayama's sweet little sister, she will visit him in Oya.
• Of course Murayama-san will protect her from all evil.
• I think she will meet Fujio on one of these visits
• I believe she will be impressed by his energy and cheerfulness and they will get along well.
• It was definitely Fujio who wanted to be friends first...
• He could not hide his admiration when he learned that the young girl was the sister of the Sannoh's leader.
• Murayama will be the first to learn of the two's friendship.  ABSOLUTELY AGAINST THAT.
• And of course, Cobra won't be too happy when he finds out, but he won't say anything to upset his little angel.
• That's why he'll always be watching the little devil..
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Rocky's Sister x Tsuji&Shibaman
• I think Rocky will raise his sister like a princess so he won't want her to fight. He will always be there to protect her.
• Someone who understands women and tries to make them happy. Considering his past, he will put the most precious person in his life above all else and raise her like princesses.
•  Most overprotective one
•  He is not someone who is afraid to show his love. Although he looks scary, he is quite soft with his lil sister.
•  His sister is calm and knows how to have fun
•  I think she likes music and dancing.
•  Considering Tsuji and Shiba are musical geniuses, I imagine the young girl will meet the duo during her new album shopping with Koo-san.
•  Koo will watch them from afar, but will not interrupt.
• He will only watch from afar when he sees that the young girl is having a lot of fun and joy.
• After talking really long time with Tsuji and Shiba about a new music album, she will realize that their musical tastes are very similar and they will become friends.
• The long and funny conversation will end when Koo says they have to go now.
• When Tsuji gives the girl his number, Koo gives a rather nasty look, but he won't say anything when she accepts.
•  I think they will be pretty good and sweet friends
• Tsuji and Shiba will be overprotective too well as Rocky and the White Rascals
• When Rocky hears the story from Koo, he'll definitely want to investigate the two teenagers.
• When he finds out that they are from Oya High School, no matter how much he wants to protest it he will give up when he sees the happiness of the young girl
•  He'll definitely drop y/n on the next date and make sure he scares the boys...
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Murayama's Sister x Todoroki
•  I think Murayama's younger sister is just as crazy and energetic as he is.
• Murayama is someone who wouldn't show it even if he was overprotective.He does not like to restrain his sister and trusts her.
•  He has no problem with her fighting, he will support her even if she loses.
•  He grew up playing games with her and having little fights at home, so his sister is also his best friend.
•  He is not one to show his love with words, but he shows it with little jokes and small but meaningful gifts.
•  A crazy but smart sister... She likes to fight strategically
•  I can imagine she's a little cocky too
•  She'll probably meet Todoroki one day when she visits her older brother. She won't understand what a smart boy like him doing here, and she'll start to be interested in him.
•  Todoroki, on the other hand, will be quite surprised when he meets Murayama's little twin, but he will realize that their characters are very different even though they look similar.
•  It's definitely not Todoroki who wants to be friends first, he even finds her annoying...
•  But in time I think he will love her
•  Tsuji and Shibaman are definitely shipping them...
•  Murayama doesn't want his sister to be friends with any of Oya's so I'm sure he will threaten Todoroki...
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Smokey's Sister x Tsukasa
• My precious leader...
•  Smokey has a younger sister than Lala...
•  I think she looks more like Smokey than Lala.
•  Calm, kind and pretty warm person
•  She definitely knows how to fight and parkour like her older brothers
•  She often takes care of and plays with the children on the Nameless Street
•  Definitely someone everyone loves and admires
•  So I imagine the Rude Boys are all overprotective
•  I think she is quite cautious and skeptical. That's why she will choose her friends very carefully.
•  I believe that someone who is calm and kind can be her friend.
• Tsukasa knows how to talk to girls. So he will be a great friend.
•  I think she will meet him by coincidence and they will help each other with something.
• A respectful and lovely friendship.
•  Fujio will definitely like the young girl a lot but y/n is a bit distant towards him. You know Fujio can be annoying sometimes :D
•  Tsukasa doesn't want Oya to find out their friendship. But they probably will one day...
•  When Smoky and the Rude Boys find out about their friendship, they definitely won't support it.
• Smoky is pretty determined about protecting his family.
•  Maybe one day they can accept it but it will be quite difficult...
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Hyuga's Sister x Yasushi & Kiyoshi
•  I think Hyuga's little sister will definitely be a maniac like him.
•  Crazy but less evil...
•  A fearless young lady who knows how to have fun, laughs wildly and enjoys fighting.
•  Sound familiar?  Yes, these three are definitely made for each other.
•  The young girl will probably get into a fight when Yasushi and Kiyoshi fight someone, just because she is bored, and she will be scolded by the boys...
•  Pretty cocky but cute brat
•  They're definitely going to hate each other in the first place
•  He wants her to grow on her own but if anyone harms her, he will definitely burn the city.
•  He can show his love only by his actions...
•  Over time, the trio will get along better and y/n will invite them to the Daruma region...
•  Certainly the duo is not afraid to step into Daruma... They find it quite exciting...
•  When Y/n enters the streets of Daruma with the 2 teenagers, absolutely everyone will be watching them with a strange look. 
• Hyuga will watch from afar when he gets the news
•  He was happy to see his sister having fun, but he absolutely doesn't trust the boys around her. So he waits for their smallest mistakes.
•  He will meet the kids and he will especially like Yasushi when he realizes that he is a younger version of himself...
•  In time he will like them and begin to not hate their friendship...
•  I think he might be the least overreacting one...
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If Hyuga had a baby sister
featuring: Murayama, not edited!
To be realistic, revenge consumed so many years of his life that Hyuga would barely acknowledge his little sister's existence.
They don't even share the same mother. They've never even lived in the same home. Hyuga didn't even remember the year she was born.
During the middle of a SWORD issue, something happened. He got a call from an unknown number.
"Is this Hyuga Norihisa?"
He grunted, "Who wants to know?"
Out of anyone, he could have imagined he didn't think it'd be a social worker. The worker had wanted to take his sister from her foster parents for a long time now. Since Hyuga was out of prison, the worker had been trying to get into contact with him.
When he hung up, he laughed. They must have been desperate to look past his record.
It was also Hyuga's first time thinking of her for longer than a minute. Contemplating whether he should bother meeting her.
The clearest memory of her was when his father forced him to hold her. He was prepared for the newborn in his arms to start crying or fussing, but it never happened. Instead, she just looked at him and slowly fell asleep.
A day after the warehouse fight, Hyuga somehow ended up at the social services agency. He hadn't even made a final decision, but he was here.
The sight of this little girl sitting on the floor of a piss poor excuse of playroom. The walls were peeling, and the floor looked like it hadn't been clean in years. Still, she was just sitting there, with a paper lunch tray in front of her.
At first, he just stood there, and she just looked at him. Then he sighed and sat down on the floor with her. She still didn't say anything.
Reluctantly, he called her name. It was foreign on his tongue. When she looked at him, Hyuga realized how much she looked like their father.
"Hyuga," He pointed at himself and then laying back, leaning his weight against his arms.
At first, this little four year old had look of familiarity. Granted, they did share their family name, but then her face changed into something strange. It was almost empty, Hyuga had never seen such a thing on a child. But then he remembered something one of his brothers had said years ago.
"Anyone else with my name come see you?" He roughly asked.
His sister nodded.
"They say anything to you?"
She nodded again.
"Well, what was it?"
She spoke for the first time, "He said I should die."
Hyuga didn't understand why he had taken her home that day. Not one bit.
Maybe it was because what she told him, maybe because she was the only other Hyuga alive.
It could also be when he asked why she didn't eat her food, she had only answered, "I wanna save it. So my tummy won't hurt at night."
Hyuga had zero idea on how to raise a kid. Or talk to one for that matter.
"You smoke?"
She shook her head, "Nuh-uh."
Hyuga noticed that when he showed his little sister his kitchen, she kept opening and closing the cabinets and drawers. She kept saying, "Where the locks?"
He realized very quickly that he had to encourage her to take what she wanted in the kitchen.
To ask for things in general seemed to be difficult at first, but she was in a new environment.
Hyuga taught her how to microwave frozen foods and made sure the packaged food in the fridge was lowered enough to where she could reach.
Taking her to the Daruma Temple the first time, people thought he had a secret love child.
Nobody, not even the men that used to be from Hyuga Kai, knew there was a younger Hyuga.
Hyuga's little sister is going hide a lot from Daruma Ikka, even though they would still be getting to know each other, she would hide behind his legs. He isn't as annoyed at the action as he'd thought he'd be.
She would go as far as hiding her head in the back of his Daruma jacket.
One time, Hyuga broke one of his glass bongs. It became an incident he still feels bad for.
Pissed off, Hyuga left the room for a second to go find a broom. While he only left for a moment, his sister wandered over. She thought the colored glass was pretty, and she bent down to grab it.
"Don't fucking touch that!" He yelled.
She flinched hard.
Big eyes, her big watery eyes, looked at him, and Hyuga instantly regretted it. When she started wailing, he cursed.
"Shit. Hey, hey, I'm sorry. Don't cry." Hyuga walked over and lifted her up, away from the mess.
"Y-y.... mad at me!" She hiccuped between her crying.
He frowned, trying to find a way to calm her down. Cautiously putting a hand on her head, "I'm not mad. I'm not."
Needless to say, he immediately tried way harder to care for her after.
He'd buy her toy cars that look like his actual ones. They're all lined up on a shelf above her bed.
Sakyo and Ukyo call her "Lil' Demon."
The first time she gets taken to a festival blew her mind. The street food, the lights, the music, and dances. Another thing Hyuga learned, don't let go of a kid's hand on busy streets
Watching her look at the fireworks in amazement is a memory Hyuga likes reminiscing on.
From that day on every time there's fireworks, he makes sure to put her on his shoulders. She likes to hold her hands up, grabbing the air like she might actually catch the colorful explosions.
Not too long later, his little sister would eventually have to start attending school. The first day was a lot harder than Hyuga expected it do be.
"No..." She ran away from door, pressing her face into his legs. She was so little, her pink and red backpack was comically huge on her.
"Yah." Hyuga looked down at her, "C'mon. It's not so bad."
"Don't leave," She used those adorable puppy eyes at him.
Still, he shook his head, "I have to, kid. But I'll pick you up couple hours. We can go get ice cream after, 'kay?"
Napping at the Daruma temple whenever she sees Hyuga lounging around his eyes closed. She puts her head on his lap and she goes to sleep just like that.
When Hyuga finds her asleep, he carries her to the nearest couch or cot.
It was rare for her to get in trouble at school but when she did it was for the most unhinged cases.
Like stealing cookies from the cafeteria and selling them to people or bringing a snake she found on the playground into the classroom.
One time, he got a call from the school, his little sister punched a kid.
Hyuga sat down next to her, she looked up, revealing her scratched up cheek. He grimaced with a squint, then tilted his head.
"What happened?"
She grumbled with pout.
"Kid." Hyuga wasn't the type to ask twice, she knew this by now.
"That boy called me a bad word and pulled my hair." She pouted harder, ready for a scolding.
Hyuga looked around for a second before leaning over to whisper, "Did you put your weight into it?"
She nodded aggressively.
She convinced him to let her keep a couple stray cats in the temple. Hyuga didn't know how the hell was he supposed to say no.
She has a Daruma inflatable, not uncommon to see her punch it down like she's a little boxer.
His little sister loves hello kitty. They have a picture together with a hello kitty mascot that no one knows about.
She watches disney movies so much that one time he caught himself singing 'Part of your World' in front of his guys.
When Hyuga drives her in one of his lowriders, he makes the car bounce up and down to hear her giggles.
Sometimes, when Hyuga is napping she likes to come up to him and yell, "Boo!" If no one is around, he gasps dramatically and puts a hand over his heart.
Hyuga teaches her card games, showing her the tricks and how to read poker faces. As well as other gambling games. He says it's essential stuff.
The day Murayama wins against Hyuga, she doesn't understand what's happening. She thinks someone came to attack her big brother, so she ran in, biting and scratching.
"What the-" Murayama hisses and tries to shake her off.
Hyuga, on the floor, starts laughing. He lets this happen for a long minute until he rose up.
She got picked up by the collar of her shirt. Like a cat, she hangs limply in the air.
Hyuga snorted, "Alright, alright. That's enough."
"Whoa," Murayama leans down, takes a good look at her, "Is this your kid?"
"She's my sister."
"She looks like you," He nodded with a hand on his chin, "A mini Hyuga."
One time, Hyuga's little sister came home stomping. It was odd to see her come home so angry. When he walked over to her opened door he saw she was ripping a painted drawing.
He managed to calm her down and talk to her. Something he was getting better with time.
"For stupid mother's day," She said, throwing the paper on the ground. It must have been a project she had to make.
Ah. Hyuga could see the anger threatening to bubble out of her again. So, he hugged her. She jumped in surprised, before she sat still. Then, with no warning, tears fell quietly from her eyes.
"Stupid," She spat out.
"Stupid," He agreed.
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Hi helloooo, i hope you're doing alright ! If you don't take request you can completely ignore this ! Can I request the Oya high boys with a reader who is fully capable of defending themselves physically and verbally ? Like someone catcalls them and they just threaten the living shi out the guy ? But also when in front of their bf friends they don't say anything so they can look tough in case it embarrasses them ?? This is pretty detailed I'm sorry if that's too much ! <3<3
Hi my love! Thanks so much for your request; enjoy! 💕
🧨 Warnings: mentions of violence, swearing 🧨
The first time he hears someone say something inappropriate to you, Fujio turns around ready to Fuck Shit Up
"That wasn't very nice," he warns through clenched teeth, with fists balled up
He moves toward the offender, but is passed immediately
You knock the guy down with one blow and he runs off
Fujio, not used to seeing this kind of violence from you, is a little scared and a lot horny
He thinks twice before stealing food off your plate that night sdjkf
Knows better than to defend you
He's more of the "go get 'em baby, I'll hold your purse" type
If someone catcalls you, he might stop in his tracks and glare
But he doesn't plan on swinging; he knows you've got that covered
"Good job, dude. Now you're done for."
It's the same response he gives when someone insults Fujio, and that's not a coincidence
Tsukasa takes a quiet pride in knowing his bestie AND his partner will whoop ass
He will let you defend yourself, even though he doesn't like the idea of you being put in harm's way
"Yes, baby, you can absolutely kick that guy's ass, but what if you get hurt :("
If you kick someone: "Did you twist your ankle??"
If you punch someone: "You could have broken your hand!"
For all his whining and fussing, he knows better than to get between you and the offending person(s)
Totally the type to watch you beat someone up and follow it up with "AND THAT'S WHAT YOU GET"
You've never gotten the chance to kick a catcaller's ass in Todoroki's presence
Your man's temper is too short and his reflexes are too quick
Before the threat even leaves your lips, the guy is on the ground from a kick to the head
"Doroki, I could have handled that."
"I know. I'll try to be sorry."
You're pretty sure he'd stop beating up rude men if you asked him to, but you get a kick out of it
In a weird way, it's how he shows affection
I imagine that, with Yasushi's friendships and relationships, like attracts like
Tag-team ass-whoopings 🥰
Doesn't matter if two on one isn't fair
The guy decided his own fate when he commented on your ass as you were just minding your business
So it's Go Time, bitch :)
There's nothing that bonds the two of you quite like kicking ass and then walking off with an arm around each other
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awritersstuff · 10 months
Couple pic & SWORD Leaders
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Just Imagine bike trip with cobra and later camping at the place you find comfortable and night both of cuddling while watching the stars .😫
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Okey listen here fancy dinner date with rocky and after enjoying the food you both just decided to take a walk around the street 😋 and him taking your heels in his hands and giving you his shoe's.
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Omg this is sooooo cute like you both wears some random animal pj's and having fun . Soo CUTE YJDJEVDISOWVEJKFNF
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Okey just you doing his make up because he just seems like the guy who will let you do anything as long as you are happy. MY FAVORITE BOY YOUALL.
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Hyuga is not basically a very romantic man but watching fireworks with you is a total different love language. He is most definitely the type of guy to come behind you and kiss your neck . 😩
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hyugaruma · 9 months
I saw that your request are open,how would Murayama try to attract attention of the girl he liked, after realizing that he liked him?
Murayama: When He Likes You
re: murayama likes you. this is how he tries to show it
thanks for the req! i may have read your request a little wrong…? oops…so i hope this is okay!!
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• If you are in school or have a job, Murayama will make it a point to randomly show up to walk you to or from these places and home. Part of him just likes spending the time with you, but another more protective side of him likes to make sure you’re safe if you’re walking across town to get where you need to be. He’ll act all casual about it, making excuses like he was “just in the area,” but it’ll happen often enough that you know his intentions.
• He’s a big texter. Like, not normally, but if he’s interested in you then he’ll try to text you as much as possible. Usually it’ll be random things like a question he has on his mind, or something that happened during his day that he thought to share with you. Maybe a funny picture he took of Seki picking his nose. Just whatever, doesn’t really matter, he just likes chatting with you even when he can’t be with you. You’re on his mind a lot. He likes calling too, but there’s something nice and easy about sending you a text whenever he finds himself thinking of things to say to you.
• Speaking of calling, he loves an occasional late night phone call. Usually if it’s really late, and everyone else is sleeping but sleep is having trouble finding him. Murayama will text you asking if you’re still awake, and if you are, he’ll ask if it’s okay to talk on the phone. He really just likes hearing your voice; it relaxes him.
• Even though he likes texting and calling you, he likes seeing you in person even more. Murayama will constantly try to make plans with you, even if it’s something simple like running to the convenience store to grab a quick snack. There’s no end to the amount of time Murayama could spend with you; he’ll give you space if you need or want it, but if you allow him to, he could hangout with you everyday. He’s just working up the courage to ask if those casual “hangouts” can become a date someday.
• One thing he likes to do is invite you to watch his fights. Nothing big or serious, but playful spars between him and friends or him and the other Oya delinquents. He’d love it if you cheered him on, because he really just wants to impress you. There’s no way he’s going to lose with you watching him. Also, he’ll ask you to clean any booboos he gets afterwards, half jokingly, but also half hoping you’ll say yes.
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prodbyblush · 2 years
how murayama and hyuga lovers fall into a coma for 1 year in the process
now loading …
▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ 100%
・❥・ requested
→ gn!reader
Seeing the person who he promises to give the rest of his life locked away into a comatose for god knows how long had MURAYAMA thinking, what has he done for you to deserve this.
Feels awfully guilty and wholly blames himself for your current condition. Maybe if he had been by your side, he'd save you in a nick of time. He'd save you from being befallen in your state. Without you, he's become guilty and lost.
Furuya and Seki would have to beg him to get himself together, that if you were awake you'd say the same to him. Ever since your admittance to the hospital, Murayama's spent the rest of his days by your side - apologizing to you and falling asleep on the little couch on the foot of your. The part time students would have to pester him to eat and take a shower.
The first half of the year were agonizing for him, mind always drifting away during SWORD meetings. It's thanks to Furuya and Seki again that they remind him of what was being discussed. If not for them, Murayama would really not know, not even a gist of what was being talked about.
On the second half, he's somewhat coping much better than before. he's able to grasp the situation and move on a bit from it. but that doesn't mean he's not away from you, he still is.
And by the time you open your eyes and regain consciousness again, all the pain and suffering he's dealt with have finally been lifted off his shoulders. finally breathing much better than before.
Rowdier than before, more menacing to society, a wild dog lose from it's leash. That's what happens to HYUGA the moment he sees your poor figure enclosed in a comatose trap.
He's gotten into more fights than usual, damaged more property than before, Cobra and Rocky had to talk him out of it but their words just entered one ear and left the other. Hyuga feels so lost without you, he'll develop dark under eye bags and his personality will become a bit dreary.
Honestly he tries his best to continue his with his life, but somehow, it just doesn't feel the same. It's like he's walking and moving forward into a world where it's colorless. He'll spend less time in their turf and spend most of his time and days with you.
Unlike Murayama, Hyuga still has a bit of his sanity in tact and helping him cope. Sometimes when the doctors check up on you, he tends to get scary because, well, he just wants to hear good news about your condition. If it is not, he'll threaten them that they too will be in bed and in coma.
When it's just him in your private room, he'll let his mellow side come out - holding your hand, kissing your knuckles and pressing a tender kiss on your forehead. Sometimes he forgets to eat because, he's caught up and got busy watching over you.
And by the time you wake up, he'll let out a breath of relief. Feeling as if a ton of his problems has suddenly vanished and everything around him has been in color again.
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airbendertendou · 11 months
synopsis : you work at one of bonten's clubs, but recently, have been acting suspicious. a member is sent to watch you and is met with something completely different.
cw : bonten boys being sneaky , brief violence , mentions of guns , an abundance of pet-names
song inspo ; love foolish by twice
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if you have a blank blog [no bio, no user, no header or profile pic, nothing reblogged, etc] do not interact with my content. you will be blocked.
someone is following you. the club isn't far from your home — far from your boys. footsteps fall behind yours quietly and you gulp. shaky hands drag your phone from your pocket, pressing on the one until he answers.
"on your way home?" he doesn't say hello. he knows your routine — knows it's time for you to be near him. "[name]?"
"hey! yeah, a pepperoni is fine," you pause before letting out a breathy laugh. "you know how i feel about my pizza."
"someone following you?" his voice turns stern and serious. you let out a quiet mhm as you attempt to locate your stalker from the corner of your eye. it's what you'd rehearsed ; your panic words incase you were in trouble. "how close are you? i'll meet you halfway."
you turn your head with a nonchalant hum before rattling off the street-name you're near. a flash of a tattoo catches your eye before it's out of view — it makes you even more nervous.
you let out another staged giggle, "yeah, just don't watch another episode without me. promise?"
"already on my way, sweetheart."
— SANNOH HOODLUM SQUAD! ♡ ft. ran haitani
the sound of a motorcycle disturbs the quiet neighborhood around you. a breath is let out of your lungs at the sight of headlights coming towards you. echoed footsteps have long since fallen quiet, but that only heightened your fears.
cobra steps off of his bike, face stern and serious as he makes his way towards you. noboru sends a grin your way, yamato towering behind him as they scope out the area around you. cobra frowns at you, "you okay?"
"physically." crunching of glass hits your ears and you spin around. streetlights hit purple hair and you stiffen once more. "ran?"
he looks you up and down, his tongue in his cheek before he grins. "heya, doll."
your chest is pressed to a back before you realize it. cobra is looming in front of you, shoulders and chest widened threateningly. noboru is to your left ; yamato on your right, matching scowls on their faces.
the blond's voice is a growl as he speaks, "and who are you?"
"just the boss," ran raises his hands in surrender. he's too casual ; too relaxed to be outnumbered. sleepy eyes meet yours. "of sorts."
your breath catches in your throat. "he sent you... after me?" ran hums, tilting his head tauntingly. your eyebrows furrow, "why?"
"thinks you're up to somethin'." ran shrugs, stuffing his hands in his pockets. a flash of silver catches your eyes — he's carrying his gun, of course. "in enemy territory. telling secrets."
the words oddly make you relax a little. a misunderstanding, that's all it is. but, before you can speak, cobra does. "just who is your boss?"
ran grins, "you don't want to know."
"i live in... opposing territory," you speak up. brushing past cobra — you smile over your shoulder reassuringly at him — you stand between the men. "that's all. i travel back and forth between other claimed areas."
humming once more, ran thinks over what you said. he eyes the three men with you — sees how guarded you are. his eyes scrape over your figure once more before he nods. "okay. i'll believe you."
turning without another word, ran leaves you standing there. he looks over his shoulder at you, eyes gleaming dangerously. "get home safely, doll."
waiting until ran is long out of sight, cobra wanders up to you, placing his hands on your shoulders. you turn, letting out a breath of relief and grin. cobra frowns further, "don't get in front of me like that again, okay?"
your smiles fades at his words. cobra sighs, hands dropping to your hips as he squeezes. "he had a gun, angel. would much rather i got shot than you."
"whatever you say, mister sannoh, sir." you kiss his cheek delicately before walking to his best friends. "and thank you both for coming with him. i appreciate it."
"whatever you say," noboru grins down at you, "mx sannoh."
— WHITE RASCALS! ♡ ft. kakucho
a white bike pulls up in front of you as rocky steps off. he's got a lollipop in his mouth — blueberry, from the scent — and a nonchalant demeanor as he stands in front of you.
"you're here," you breath. you relax, your forehead resting on his shoulder as you control your breathing. "you got here really fast."
a clink! hits your ears as the lollipop is taken from his mouth. "you were in trouble."
sunglasses sit on the edge of his nose as he scours your surroundings. one hand holds the back of your head, hugging you close to his body. you savor his warmth and the comfort he brings ; the safety he makes you feel. rocky stiffens, his mouth near your ear as he speaks, "found 'em."
"[name]." rocky pulls you closer as your name is called. you turn your face, still hiding in your boyfriend's chest. you see a familiar suit, eyes crawling up until you see an even more familiar man. "may we talk?"
your eyes widen, "mister kakucho! ...were you following me?"
"my apologies," the man sends a half bow your way, "i didn't mean to frighten you."
rocky's chest vibrates with a hum. both of his arms are around your waist, a little more relaxed. still poised to attack if he needed to, though. "so, why are you following my flower?"
kakucho eyes the way you're standing — practically melted into rocky's chest. a small, distant smile curls on his lips before it falls away, back to his neutral expression. "the boss asked me to... check on you."
you face him fully now, your back to rocky's chest. "me? why?"
with a shrug, kakucho looks away nonchalantly. "just as a precaution." he meets rocky's eyes over you, seeing the silent threat in his eyes. he nods rocky's way, "we can talk more at work. get home safe, you two."
it stays silent as kakucho leaves your sight. rocky squeezes your hips, placing a kiss on your temple before backing off. "don't like that boss of yours. seems like a prick."
you snort, "you have no idea."
— OYA KOU! ♡ ft haruchiyo sanzu
it isn't long until murayama is stomping his way towards you. seki and furuya have to almost run to keep up with his hasty pace, failing to keep their serious faces on. you're bombarded with questions almost immediately.
"who is it? where are they? are you being threatened? did they touch you? if so much as a fingernail is broken, i am going to—"
both of your hands clutch onto one of his. a simple, pretty smile is on your face as you look at him. "hi, yoshiki."
"hey, sweet baby," he melts. the duo behind him share a glance as murayama shakes his head, getting focused once more. "i'm being serious. you've never panic-worded before."
pink hair pops up before you know it, a fist swinging murayama's way. in the time that it takes for you to widen your eyes, two bodies are on the ground. seki and furuya stand with you, blocking your body with theirs.
heaving breaths are all you hear until almost identical manic laughs spill from their lips. as the new figure sits up, you blanch. what could you have done for the guard dog himself to be after you? sanzu grins, "you're pretty good."
murayama lets out his own breathy laugh, "haven't had a fight like that in too long."
"boss?" the friendly, sparkling atmosphere is broken by your meek voice. your legs are trembling together, eyes wide and teary. why was bonten after you? "is... is there a problem?"
when sanzu's icy eyes slide to yours, you can't help but wish you never spoke at all. he huffs as he stands, wiping blood from his crooked nose. sanzu clicks his tongue in disappoinment as he stands before you. he says your name three times, "just what have you gotten yourself into?"
"you work for this guy?" murayama is beside you within the next second. his knuckles are worn and bleeding as he clutches your hand in his. "small world."
"boss said to keep an eye on you," sanzu sweeps his striped suit. a diamond encrusted grin is thrown your way — it makes chills run up your spine. "i'll be watching you, [full name]."
sanzu leaves, but your chest still feels crowded, like you can't breathe. you stare with a dead gaze at where he once stood. an arm is slung around your shoulders, heavy breathing echoing into your ear. "that sounded like a threat."
your eyes meet murayama's, "it was."
— RUDE BOYS! ♡ ft. rindou haitani
you're already talking to someone by the time he arrives. sneakily, smoky watches from the rooftop he's perched on as you exchange conversation with the man across from you. lilac hair wasn't something he was used to seeing — the color stood out in nameless.
"yeah," you shrug your work bag further up your shoulder. "that's it, i think."
rindou nods, looking to the ground as he kicks a rock. he goes to speak again but stops at the new figured that has joined you. looming behind you is a man with shaggy hair and a dead look to his eyes.
you tilt your head at rin's silence. you see a flash of green in the corner of your eye. jumping, you step away from the shadowed figure before sighing. "smoky. hi. what did i say about the sneaking thing?"
"sorry," a small flash of a smile greets you. he slides closer, his left pinkie linking into your own. smoky stares at rindou, "who's this?"
"friend from work," you answer before rindou can. a minute shake of your head distracts the purple-haired man. he smirks lightly — you were worried about him beating this frail guy up, right? you eye smoky, "is it jus' you or...?"
he smiles again, "only me. for now."
rindou sighs, scratching the back of his head. he looks at smoky once more before meeting your gaze. "and with that, i'll be off. thanks for the chat, [name]."
as rindou walks off, you lace your fingers through smoky's, leaning onto his shoulder. you let out a yawn, "ready to head home?"
he nods, leading you away. looking back, smoky watches the shadowed figures that follow an unsuspecting rindou. he gives a small nod — they follow their leader's command.
— DARUMA IKKA! ♡ ft. hajime kokonoi
a vibrant, purple car pulls in front of you, music booming from the speakers. hyuga slides off of the hood, standing in front of you meanacingly. he scowls, "problem here, [name]?"
you grin, "no, not now that you're here."
silence and then a snort. hyuga reaches out to pinch the top of your arm before he pulls you close. smoke travels from the pipe he uses, enveloping you in the smell and fog. you narrow your eyes, "that's so unnecessary, norihisa."
his arm wraps around the back of your neck, bringing you close. his mouth brushes against your ear, "whatever you say, baby."
a newer, white car pulls in to your right. the conversation and music pauses, eyes on the figure leaving the vehicle. you straighten up with a widened mouth. "kokonoi? um, is there something you need, sir?"
kokonoi smooths his suit out and tucks his hair back into the low bun it sits in. he greets you with a smile before his eyes fall on hyuga. "i didn't know you knew a hyuga, [name]."
"and how do you know my hyuga?" koko looks at you before tilting his head and smiling tantalizingly. you purse your lips, "right. your gambling problem."
"careful, [name]," kokonoi sticks his tongue out, "i'm still your boss."
you wrap your arms around hyuga's waist, bringing yourself closer to him. half of your face is hidden in his red jacket, barely visible pout on your lips. "we're not in work now, though..."
hyuga kisses the top of your head. "need somethin' from us?"
"just had a little question." koko looks at where you're attaching yourself to hyuga before nodding to himself. "things are starting to make sense now, though."
humming, you frown at your boss-of-sorts. "you're acting shady."
koko grins, closing his eyes with a small laugh. "aren't i always? see you tomorrow, [name]."
hyuga pats your bottom in a pattern as you both watch the white-haired man leave. he honks, flashing his headlights before he leaves. hyuga sucks in air through his teeth, "what a weird guy."
"are you allowed to say that?" a pinch to your butt causes you to squeak. "okay, alright! i take it back."
——♡—— ive decided i love pairing them together <3 but that was a lil obvious beforehand do we like the pairings though?? could’ve changed them but….. if youd like to b tagged / untagged in any tokyorev OR hnl content, let me know! ♡
🍓FOREVER TAGS : @star2fishmeg ♥︎
🍓 H&L TAGLIST : @rouzuchan @yuken-gf @strxwberrychocolate @simpforchuchu @thatpoindexterpixy @cheshirecatuniverse
🍓 TOKYOREV TAGLIST : @night-shadowblood-writes2 @muichirouswifeandhusband
airbendertendou © do not copy, plagiarize, repost, or translate my content on any platform. if you see my content under any other name than my own, let me know. i only have this tumblr and an ao3 account under the same name.
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what would murayama's reaction be if you dodge his kiss? AAHHAGSGAHAH
I love this request, though Murayama might not🫢
I hope you enjoy!
Much love ~ ember
Dodging Murayama’s Kisses
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You and Murayama are sitting on the roof of Oya High, and he’s feeling very lovey
You’re reading a book or doing something that requires attention
He taps your shoulder and puckers his lips
When you don’t move he goes to kiss you which you turn away from
The confusion on this poor boys face is priceless
He’s for sure overthinking and wondering if he did something wrong
Settles on the idea that you are just being playful
He grabs you tightly, pulling you in for another kiss
To which you dodge again
The second expression is a mix between confusion and shock
After three or four more tries poor baby thinks you’re mad at him and he leaves you alone
When you start laughing he looks at you as if you just said the most offensive thing he’s ever heard
“Why are you laughing at me? You already won’t accept my love…”
Please tell him it’s a prank, his heart is slowly breaking
Even after you tell him it’s a joke, he’s still pouty
“Why would you prank me like that? I thought you didn’t want me anymore.”
He’s gonna need some hella reassurance after that
Tell him everything you love about him, compliment his muscles, play with his hair a little, and he’s melting in your arms
Baby just loves you so so so much
Give him about an hour and he’ll be back to his normal self ☺️
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onlyrains · 1 year
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— t/w: none
dating the leader of oya kou is somehow unique. the weekly fights makes you can barely see your boyfriend's face perfectly without any bruises. even though he never got a serious injury, you have warned him a week ago to not involved in any fights to look proper today.
you have a wedding invitation from your high school friend and of course you want your boyfriend, murayama, to accompany you, and he has been busy since morning to pick out the best suit he has.
"is it look good, babe?" he asks after he tried on the outfit you bought him yesterday.
you nod in response as you smile widely. "you look great." your eyes are sparkling but he's still stare at himself in the mirror with a critical look.
"are you sure?"
"that was the tenth time you ask that." you scoff. his shoulders dropped and he turn to face you, "what about i drop you off and wait for you outside?"
"are you my driver or what?" you started to get annoyed.
"you can call me whatever you want, babe, trust me."
"no, you trust me. i said you look great and indeed you are. how can you being like this but confidently leading oya in fights?"
he come to your side and hug your arm. "it's more frightening, actually." he whine. “it's not something i am good at, babe.”
you take a deep breath and starting your drama. "how can i take you to my family then? you don't even want to show up among my friend."
he stand up straight and look into your soul. "what do you mean?" he asks still in high pitch voice.
you try your best to hold back your laugh. "of course i will take you to meet my parents someday. you don't think of that?" you ask. “you can take this as your practice round tho.” you continue.
his face is a pure shock. he even forgot how to blink and breathe properly.
you sigh as you look at your shoes. "okay, then, if you don't want to come. but promise me you are not going to be sulky when got i home, okay?”
a glimpse of your ex that suddenly showed up in front of your house last week made him clench his fist. actually, the person who got married today is not just your high school friend, he was also your boyfriend back then.
“okay, i'll come.” he determined.
you giggle a bit. “you still get jealous, huh? he only delivered his wedding invitation, you know.”
“of course i am! he's still look at you that way!” he blurts.
“what kind of way?” you tease him.
“don't tryna play with me.” he sulk. you chuckle, “okay, now breathe.” you suggest while put your hands on his shoulders.
“ARGHHHH.” he grumbled after failed to take a deep breath and stand properly. “you look so beautiful and i still feel like a garbage in this suits.” he grunts.
you laugh and cupped his face with your hands before give a peck on his lips. “you look great like no one else and it's going to be fine, okay?” you rub his cheeks with your thumb.
he pull your midi dress to hug your waist and kiss your neck. “don't leave my side, okay?”
you smile as you inhale his cologne. “okay, big boy.”
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fireofjudgement · 2 years
New Territory (Part 2)
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Previous chapter
Fandom: High&Low
Pairing: Murayama x f!reader
Word count: 1.9k
Warnings: f!reader, established relationship, friends to lovers, mentions of cheating, mentions of abusive relationships and domestic violence, mentions of pregnancy and pregnancy trapping, Murayama has a breeding kink (yes, that's the reveal), kissing, mentions of sex but no smut in this chapter, a lot of fluff actually ( with some angst)
"Here you go!" You gladly accepted the hot beverage he offered you. You didn't even realize how cold you were until you entered the room. His apartment was nothing special, it looked exactly like you'd imagine a bachelor's apartment to look like. You could definitely scratch the wife and kids - no woman has ever stepped a foot into this place, of that you were sure. "Are you sure you're okay? Do you need anything? I can get you a blanket or-"
"I'm fine. All I need is for you to be honest with me. I can handle the truth, whatever it is." You assured him, this time looking straight into his eyes. No more excuses, no more escaping. He had to tell you the truth.
"I..I don't even know where to start, to be honest.." he admitted. "It's so stupid, you'll probably just laugh at me and then leave." 
"I won't, I promise. I just want to know."
Finally. Something inside him must have broken, because for the first time since you've met him, he finally opened up to you. For the next couple of hours you'd sit there, quietly listening to him talking about his past relationships, how horribly all of them ended and how scared he was about history repeating itself. He struggled to explain why exactly all of that happened, carefully picking each and every word, but after a while he admitted that it was because of his..unconventional sexual preferences. More specifically, his fantasies of purposefully getting a woman pregnant. 
"So.. like a breeding kink?" You asked without flinching. You were surprised, to say the least, but also oddly relieved. He wasn't cheating on you, he didn't have a secret life, he wasn't a serial killer either. And he did love you, he loved you enough to be terrified of potentially losing or hurting you. You still weren't really sure what to think about his peculiar interests, but you knew one thing - you weren't going to leave him over something like this. You were shocked to learn how ashamed he was of something so harmless, so much so that he thought he'd have to hide it, or he'd lose you forever.
"Yeah..It was just a fantasy at first, roleplay, I guess. But when I met you, when I realized I'm in love with you..it suddenly became very real. I couldn't stop thinking about getting you pregnant with my child, then another one as soon as you've given birth.. When you mentioned being on the pill, my first thought was to swap it for something else without telling you..That's when I realized how far it all went and decided to ghost you, but I only did it to protect you.." he wasn't looking you in the eyes. He couldn't, but you knew how much pain he was in, you felt it. You were hurt too. Listening to him talk about his ex-girlfriends calling him a freak, a sexual deviant, even throwing a glass bottle at him at one point..He didn't deserve any of that. 
"Protect me from what?"
You couldn't handle it anymore. Rising from your seat, you rushed to comfort him, your lips seeking out his.
"And why on earth would you do that when you're the only thing I need?" 
His eyes widened in surprise. Your words clearly went against what he expected, but you didn't give him a chance to respond, closing the distance between you, desperate to feel the warmth of his body again. Words were the last thing you needed at that moment. You loved him, you missed him, and you needed him - now more than ever.
A couple hours later, you left his apartment with mixed feelings. On one hand you were ecstatic to have him back, to know the truth behind his disappearance and to finally have him trust you enough to let you touch him, be intimate for the first time since you've met. But on the other hand you were worried..your first time wasn't as exciting and romantic as you've expected and fantasized. It was clear that he was holding back, trying not to hurt you or weird you out, despite assuring him a thousand times that it's okay. That he's okay. Even though both of you finished, neither of you was really satisfied. You could tell how disappointed with himself Murayama was, and it hurt you.
After all was said and done, you've had a long, serious, and long overdue conversation. You admitted to him that you've never thought about children on your own but with him..if he would step up and support you and the baby, you could actually see the two of you starting a family of your own. And then there was the whole sexual aspect of it - you were especially curious about that. Murayama, however, didn't seem too convinced, fear still visible in his eyes. 
He asked for you to give him some time to figure everything out, but he also promised that he would never ghost you again, leave without a word. He promised he'd prove to you that he's a good boyfriend and, potentially, a good father. He made it clear that, should you not want children or be into the same things as him, he'd never force or convince you to participate in them anyway. Your consent, wellbeing and happiness were his priorities, so much more important than his fantasies and kinks.
And so you decided to give him a last chance - no more lies, no more excuses. No more ghosting. And so for the next few weeks you slowly tried to rebuild your relationship, giving each other time and space, always being there for the other, always being honest about your doubts, worries and expectations. So far it was going good, you could with all confidence say that you trusted him, the fear of him abandoning you again slowly dissipating, though not completely gone yet. You were trying your best too, making sure he knew how much you loved and appreciated him for who he was, with all his flaws and quirks and kinks.
The only aspect of your relationship still remaining rather unsatisfactory was your sex life. Murayama's trauma from past relationships and the fear of losing you for the same exact reasons turned out to be a bigger problem than you'd originally thought. He insisted on having public dates, your first time remaining your only one up until that point. It annoyed you, admittedly, he was your boyfriend after all and you wanted him. All of him. You were growing tired of only eating at restaurants, only watching movies at the theater, only spending time with him in public. You felt more like his friend rather than his lover. But you endured it all, telling yourself to be patient. As soon as he realizes you won't leave him, no matter what, he'll come around, you were sure of that. You just didn't know that day would come sooner than expected. 
It was a beautiful Saturday morning - perfect weather, your schedule free for the whole day, and Murayama right by your side. You wished you could just see him in his apartment instead of a park, but you tried to focus on the positives. There was a certain charm in having a little picnic together, enjoying the sun and each other's company. He even bought you flowers, something nobody else has ever done for you before. You appreciated small gestures like that.  Needless to say, the date was going great. 
Well, almost perfect. With how beautiful the weather was, it didn't surprise you that the park was full of people - happy couples walking hand in hand, families with children enjoying a day off, older people walking their dogs. Even though you knew these people did nothing wrong - most of them were probably just trying to enjoy their weekend after a long week of work or school, and they had the right to do so, at that moment you wished they'd all stay at home instead. The loud noise, children screaming and dogs barking mixed with the smells - some quite pleasant, others not so much - was definitely taking away from the quality time the two of you were hoping for, and needed so desperately.
You really tried to focus on Murayama, unwilling to let such a small inconvenience ruin your time together, but he knew you too well, immediately noticing that something was wrong. It didn't take long for him to figure out what it was either. It saddened him to see your disappointed, slightly annoyed expression, but he knew it was for the best. He hoped you understood it too. He also hoped you knew how much he appreciated you trying so hard, fighting for your relationship. Nobody has ever done so much for him, nobody has even tried to understand him before. 
His emotions have started to take over, his brain full of thoughts about your future together, his heart full of love for you. He wanted to express himself, make sure you know how much he loves you, make sure you feel how much he loves you, but just as he was getting ready to say something, he felt something small but heavy fly right by his face, missing it by mere inches. Murayama was caught off guard, embarrassment hitting him at the realization that he wasn't, in fact, dying an agonizing death, but was simply the target of an impressive, albeit completely misdirected, ball throw. It was hard not to get embarrassed when you looked at him like that, barely able to contain laughter. 
Not sure how to react when he was finally approached by the visibly terrified child - who was also the author of said throw - Murayama simply tried to play it off, congratulating them on their skills, and offering to teach them how to aim better next time. Better safe than sorry, right? 
You could see the little kid's relief slowly growing into admiration when your boyfriend suddenly got up and joined their game for a short time. The whole scene was so unexpected, so spontaneous and out of character for him, but for some reason you couldn't help but feel touched by the way he interacted with the kids. The way he made them laugh uncontrollably, finally letting loose and laughing along with them. Seeing him like that changed something inside you - you desperately wanted for him to be like that every day from now on. You just had to figure out how to achieve that.
He must have noticed you staring because he soon said goodbye to all the kids and came back to your spot, still a little embarrassed but also visibly happy and in a playful mood. Encouraged by your questions, he started reminiscing about his own childhood, his friends and what they would get up to in their free time. You tried to listen, always eager to learn more about him, but you caught your thoughts wandering in an..interesting direction. You were hoping he wouldn't notice, or that, if he did, he wouldn't mind.
"So..are you going to tell me what you're thinking about? Am I just that boring?" He tried to act playful, but you could see the worry in his eyes. He, understandably, still wasn't sure how strong your relationship really was.
"No, of course not! I'm sorry, I just.."
"You just what?"
"I just saw you with these kids and..I think you'd make a great dad, that's all." 
You weren't exactly sure why that thought even crossed your mind, or why you shared it with Murayama, but you quickly regretted it when your eyes met his, now completely dark. You couldn't figure out what he was thinking, the look on his face one like you've never seen before.
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