#muscrita pokemon
quillpokebiology · 10 months
I got myself a little Dedenne recently and I'd love some Dedenne facts
Dedenne Facts
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(Art by Meyly on Zerochan)
-The scientific name for Dedenne is "Radus Muscrita." Radus being a form of radio, and muscrita is the genus name for the electric rodent family. The translation for this name is "Radio electric-mouse"
-Dedenne have really big appetites and need to eat a lot. The fatter they are, the more electricity they can store
-Dedenne teeth never stops growing and constantly chewing helps them keep it in check
-In Kalos, Dedenne cause about 8% of electricity outages each year
-In Kalos and Paldea, the tooth fairy is a Dedenne with Ribombee wings
-They're naturally found in forests, meadows, and fields, but they are most commonly found in cities eating electricity
-You can't spay or neuter Dedenne. To prevent breeding, keep males and females from their egg group separate
-Unlike many other rodent Pokemon, Dedenne are social and live in groups
-Dedenne evolved to be small to avoid predators easier and to squeeze into small holes to get food
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-Dedenne breed a LOT, being able to have up to 14 pups a litter, and being able to breed every year!
-Dedenne are nocturnal
-Like most rodent Pokemon, Dedenne are food hoarders
-Dedenne are very common pets in Kalos for how easy they are to care for and cute appearance. You'll often see kids first Pokemon be a Dedenne
-When Dedenne like you, they'll often climb on your shoulders and head
-Staying clean to Dedenne is very important and they'll groom themselves constantly
-Wild Dedenne will hibernate when it's cold. Every once in a while, they'll get up to eat before going back to rest
-Dedenne have small cheek pouches which they use to store food
-Dedenne can and will eat their eggs if too many of they lay too many. There could be multiple reasons for this. The first reason is that they can feel an excessive amount of stress, especially first-time mothers. The second is that they feel like they laid too many, and feel they need to get rid of some. They eat more of their young if they have a live birth
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quillpokebiology · 11 months
Pawmi Facts
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(Art by @_angelily on Twitter)
(My friend recently caught a Pawmi named Pixel, and he wants me to do this. He's really new to pokemon training, so wish him luck!)
-The scientific name for Pawmi is "Muscrita manus" which roughly means "Eletric rodent fist"
-Besides Pichu, Pawmi are some of the only members of the Electric Rodent family to evolve
-Pawmi most commonly live in forests or plains
-The small fingers that Pawmi has are used for climbing trees and not much else. They fingers are weak and about as functional as pinky fingers
-Pawmi really love Combee honey and have been known to steal some
-They're seen as pests because they break into people's houses and eat their food. There's currently a controversial campaign to lessen the population of Pawmi in Paldea. But people are nervous it is going to turn out like the Pikachu Exclusion act in Unova, which ended up getting rid of all Pikachu instead of just some
-The most common Pawmi Variant are wood Pawi, which have brown fur instead of orange fur. They're a lot more common in forests
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-Pawmi enjoy a lot of grains and fruits, and have large appetiters. A favorite of theirs are oranges, grapes, grepa berries, barley, oram berries, and wheat
-No, Pawmi don't only eat cheese, and too much dairy can actually be harmful to them. If you want to give them cheese, give it to them as a treat and in small amounts
-Pawmi and the rest of it's line are hunted by Meowscarada/Floragato, Persian/Meowth, Gabite/Garchomp, Sylveon, Pyroar, and Krookodile
-Despite being electric types, Pawmi actually enjoy the water and are quite good swimmers
-Pawmi are short sided
-To make up for that, Pawmi have a great sense of smell and hearing
-Baby Pawmi are called pinkies
-Staying clean to Pawmi is very important and they spend a lot of their time grooming
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(Art by kantaro)
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quillpokebiology · 11 months
Out of all the Pika-clone like Pokemon, which is the easiest to raise? They're all so adorable, but I want to be able to take care of them to the best of my abilities.
Oh, that's a tough one. But I think the easiest to raise would be Pachirisu and Pikachu. Pachirisu is a very calm Pokemon, but they do propose some dangers (like shooting out electricity from their pouches, but all members of the Muscrita family do that). Pikachu is a very popular Pokemon because they're easy to care for and are low maintenance, which makes them easy to care for. I hope this helps! Good luck of finding the perfect one for you!
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quillpokebiology · 1 year
Pikachu Facts
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-Out of all members of the Musritca family, the Pikachu line is most closely related to the Pawmo line
-While Pikachu enjoyed being petted and cuddled by their trainers, they don't like their cheeks or tail being touched. Their cheeks store their electricity and are highly sensitive, and it can shock their trainers if messed with. They don't like their tails being touched because the reflex causes them to release electricity
-The fatter the Pikachu, the more electricity they can store. The Pikachu in Alola tend to be fatter
-In Unova, there is a group known as the "No Pika Society [NPS]" These people are highly against Pikachu, with some believing that they're not even real!
-Pikachu will run in a zigzag motion to escape predators
-Because of their friendly nature and how easy they are too care for, Pikachu are often used as secondary starter pokemon in multiple regions
-Pikachu are social Pokemon and live with other groups of Pikachu away from humans
-Pikachu's name originated in Kanto. A rough translation for it in Galarian would be "Electric crackling mouse"
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-Female Pikachu have a slightly higher pitched voice than male Pikachu
-Pikachu are shown to have a special fondness for ketchup. It's okay to give them some and small amounts, but giving them too much can be bad for them
-Pikachu are most commonly found in forests, but they do well in beaches and plains as well
-Pikachu are used as mascots in a lot of things. The most famous film company in the world has Pikachu as their mascot. They're also seen as the secondary mascot for the electric type (the first is Jolteon)
-Pikachu make their homes in dens, burrows, or trees
-They're underatabley good swimmers
-Pikachu can have up to eight(8) Pichu in one clutch. This amplifies with Raichu, with them being able to have up to eighteen(18)!
-Pikachu will raise their tails to the sky to sense if any storms are near. Sometimes, they'll do this during thunderstorms because if lightning hits their tail, there's a chance they can evolve
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-They're adventurous eaters, exploring the trash that humans leave around to find food. Most of thr time, they'll shock the food they eat
-45% of Unovans noted that they didn't know what Pichu was, or that Pikachu evolved
-Female Pikachu having a chip in their tail mostly came about so Pikachu could tell the difference between a male and female Pikachu to make mating easier
-Partner Pikachu is the second most popular Pikachu breed in the world. This breed of Pikachu is a lot more clingy to their trainers and more friendlier with a less-sharp appearance
-In case anyone's worried: the trans Pikachu is doing quite well! She is recently going to get surgery to put a chip in her tail, and she is in a happy, supportive house with her trainers
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(Post on Raichu under cut!)
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quillpokebiology · 1 year
Raichu Facts
(Kantonian raichu specifically)
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(Art by Vermeilbird on Deviantart)
-The genus name for the Raichu line "Muscrita Electrica" Musritca is the genus name referring to the electric rodent family, combining the old words "Mus" meaning rat, and "Electrica" meaning electric. The rough translation for the Raichu line is "Electric Muscrita"
-This fact applies to the entire pikachu line: fatter raichu tend to be more powerful, as they store electricity in fat
-Becauase of a certain anime (which will not be named), raichu have been depicted as bullies. But that isn't true! Raichu are actually incredibly sweet and friendly pokemon
-Raichu live in mostly forest areas, where they make homes in dens underground (usually tree trunks). Pikachu and pichu tend to make homes in tree holes
-Raichus back legs are pretty strong, with them being able to jump about 8ft in the air
-Raichu have white bellies because they didn't need to develop colored underbelly. Their color scheme allows them to blend into tall grass and avoid predators, but most predators can't see their underbellies, so they didn't need to develop any melanin on them
-Pokemon that hunt raichu, pikachu, and pichu: Persian, arcanine, luxray, braviary, and liepard
-There is no evolutionary advantage to Female raichu having a curved tail, other than so that other raichu looking for mates can tell the sex apart easier
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-Raichu have a feint glow in the dark
-Raichu prefer to eat tought-to-crack nuts, grains, and berries, and will roast their meals with electriciry. They also really like Moomoo milk from miltank apparently, and some farmers noted that wild raichu might steal or drink their miltanks milk
-Unlike pichu and pikachu who run when they sense danger, raichu almost always fight
-Fossils have shown that ancient raichu were fighting types. Scientists have decided to call this paradox raichu, "Gorochu"
-45% of Unovans noted that they didn't know that Raichu was a thing
-Raichu fur can give a small shock when touched
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Post on Pikachu under cut!
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quillpokebiology · 1 year
Omg I saw ur vid abt weavile facts I was wondering if u have any cool facts abt any of my favourite pokemon? :3
(Raichu, Eevee and Jolteon)
If you've already done them or don't want to u don't have to do my request lol
I've literally done all 3 of those! Here they are!
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