#muse: Alekt
th-ramblr · 2 years
1, 13, 14, 20
accepting ;;
1. Who has been your favorite muse to play?
{--This one’s a bit tough to answer. So I think I’m gonna break the question down a bit.
My favorite muse to play on tumblr specifically has to be Lavi from D.Gray-Man. Gonna have to go with Lavi because when I was playing him and made a blog, DGM was still a fairly active community. Hallow had come out that year so there was a huge boom in activity that the fandom hasn’t seen since, and in a search for some good blogs I just happened to start writing with someone in the fandom who was super popular because I really liked their characterization (and unfortunately turned out to be a nasty narcissistic abuser who grooms minors given a few months’ time, oof).
I had so many awesome interactions though and at the time there was also a lot of other events being organized with a good 20-30 regulars at all times. IC movie streams, Cards Against Humanity, Epic Mafia, Chatzy games... I have a lot of good memories from then and it was a lot easier I feel getting interactions back then. I’ve been struggling to get a feeling like that back but I’ve only really had two other times I got somewhat close and neither were on tumblr.
I had a bunch of crossover interactions too, like with the inFamous and Walking Dead fandoms, among others. I was a little bit of a big deal for a while, which was awesome, and I still have a couple of really good friends from back then. I had so many headcanons and awesome threads and AUs...
Unfortunately the fandom is sort of dead now and a lot of the people I liked seeing have moved on for a combination of reasons, from the fandom, some from the site. A lot of it was because of stupid drama and popularity contests. Upsetti.
Outside of tumblr, I’d have to say Alekt and Kytes. I’m actually working on a webcomic that involves both of them (still in the super rough stages tho), if that tells you anything about how much I like them as characters. I like them for entirely different reasons though.
Alekt is one of my “genius” characters. Dare I say, a little on the OP side. He’s generally secretive and mysterious, knows what he wants, and is loaded full of useful skills and talents. He has a way about him and personality however that’s easy to work with, and people tend to like him most of the time.
Kytes is basically the opposite. He’s not “stupid” but he is average intelligence with a lot of handicaps. He’s generally physically weak, he doesn’t really have any big aspirations and doesn’t think he could achieve any anyway, he possesses only a few real skills and most aren’t something he can brag about to anyone, and he has a shithead personality towards most people that makes him difficult to like unless you’re one of the few privileged enough to get his “soft side” (which is like, maybe two other muses total). Kytes is fun to play though specifically because he’s a train wreck and he’s constantly having to learn new things he should’ve already known if his life hadn’t been shit.
Idk, I’m gushing a lot more than this question probably warranted XD--}
13. Who are five of your favorite characters? (In the rp community or otherwise)
{--Just five? Sorry, nah, I’m cheating this list and you can’t stop me.
One of the biggest ones has to ofc be @noctiilvcent‘s OC “Reno” / Rune (not to be mistaken as the same Reno as FFVII). He’s just an incredibly complex character that’s seen a lot of character development over the years and I’ve gotten a first row seat seeing how he’s developed and changed which is awesome. Also I just gotta appreciate some unapologetic baddies.
Canon-character wise, besides Lavi ofc:
Richard B. Riddick from Pitch Black/Chronicles of/Riddick. Big time fave.
Qrow Branwen from RWBY. My best bad luck boy. Honestly pretty relatable.
James Ironwood from RWBY. I know there’s a lot of people who hated his descent into “villainy” in v7 and v8 but god damn I loved it. I really did. Obviously not in a defending-what-he-did kind of light, but just how his whole arc was written was brilliant. I wish we got to see more good-guy-turns-evil arcs like his. The fact that people have to sit bitching and whining how they “ruined” James as a character honestly just speaks to how well written it was, because lbh, we all wanted James to make the right choices and we were rooting for him before Salem beat his door down. And then he didn’t. Other people see that as a failure of the writers, but honestly it was the best written volumes in the whole show imo. Yes, even better than v1 through v3. No you can’t change my mind.
Also from RWBY, Winter Schnee and shitley Whitley Schnee. Marrow is pretty neat too. And Neo. Looking forward to what they do with her next volume. Also Torchwick.
Chuuya from Bungo Stray Dogs. He’s such a feral gives-no-fucks bastard. I love it. His ability is pretty neat too. Also his design is just #aesthetic.
Levi Ackerman from Attack on Titan. Do I even need to explain this one?
Thorkell the Tall from Vinland Saga. He's batshit insane and its great. Even my family likes Thorkell and let. me. tell. you. My family HATE anime. So god damn much.
Revy from Black Lagoon. You might be noticing a trend here by now. I like the crazy ones.
Road Camelot, Bookman, Komui Lee, and Yuu Kanda from D.Gray-Man.
Daisuke Kambe from Balance Unlimited. He's such a little shit.
Shibuzaki from Terror in Resonance. This man needs a god damn vacation.
Fai D. Flowright from Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle. Forever mad they didn't animate his arc when they made Spring Thunder Chronicle.
Yuliy from Sirius the Jaeger.
Shikamaru Nara, Omoi, and Darui from Naruto Shippuden. Shikamaru is my spirit animal (joke). Omoi’s constant anxiety is a god damn mood. And Darui is just badass, nuff said. And ofc the real star of the show Kurama.
Yuu Nishinoya from Haikyuu.
Also literally just everyone in 91 Days, Wolf's Rain, and Tower of Druaga.
Final Fantasy characters... Reno, Rude, Tseng (FFVII), Auron, Rikku (FFX), Balthair, Basch, Larsa (FFXII), Nyx, all 4 Chocobros, Aranea (FFXV).
Fetch / Abigail Walker from inFamous Second Son.
Ellie from Last of Us Pt 1. (We don't talk about Part 2)
Zegram Ghart the Black Wolf from Rogue Galaxy.
Waka from Okami.
Kurow from Okamiden.
Negan from Walking Dead.
Sorry but I just can't pick five.--}
14. What are five of your favorite ships? (In the rp community or otherwise)
{--Oh thank god something easy to answer x’D I had to actually sit and think for a hot minute just to find five and some of these are specific to particular friends only.
I don’t have a ton of ships tbqh.
Lavi x Lenalee from D.Gray-Man (main otp tbh)
Lavi x Road from D.Gray-Man
Lavi x Fetch (inFamous)
Faunus!Prompto (FFXV) x Weiss Schnee (RWBY)
Prompto x Gladio (FFXV)--}
20. If you could tell your muse something, what would it be?
{--Be nicer to people and you’d make more friends.--}
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He doesn’t make a sound, crouching low, arrow loosely notched. The last thing he expects to run across while hunting is a dragon, yet here he is, watching the beast as it watches him, trying not to move or seem hostile, but who knows how its going to react to him.
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crowtongued · 3 months
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crowtongued · 10 months
“ being alive is exhausting. ” (dazai @ alekt)
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"Maybe you're just looking at life from the wrong angle."
He blinks once, glancing away from the brunette, at the shapes of people going about their lives, walking on the street or driving their cars to a destination, of birds fluttering to and fro from their perches along power lines or street lights.
"I won't pretend to understand wherever it is you come from, but a lot of life is about perspective. Choosing to see value in the things around you, even if those things are small. A state of mind, I suppose."
A shallow pause.
"For most people, the greatest cage in their life is the one they form around themselves. They're the wardens of their own prisons."
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crowtongued · 1 year
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Hard and fast as his wings could beat against gravity, he was a single black speck in the sky, pushing higher and higher. The cross-winds roared past his ears as he chased the updrafts, one after the other, twisting away from the pull of the drafts when they diverged from his intended path.
All the world was white and blue and white, the single lone eye of the sun the only thing to break up the expected monotony of winter backdrop.
No other birds flew this high now, not even the lazy circle of an eagle patrolling the highest reaches. Only far-off planes shared his space, their engines distantly roaring, but the near winds were louder still.
His claws briefly scythed the air as he continued to ascend, even as his shoulders burned and the wind fought to push him back down. But like Icarus chasing too close to the sun, he pushed onward despite the wind’s rebukes.
Even for a bird’s capable lungs, the air was thin and hard to breathe.
Higher still.
As high as he could go.
The air too thin, his wings aching past their limits in the frost-bitten air, he slowed, stalled, and he fell.
And to fall was such a glorious thing, aimless and without purpose, falling only to fall. Letting the wind toss him to and fro like a mouse between cat’s paws.
He let his form Shift, shedding feathers for form-fitting black cloth, enchanted to change forms with him. Nothing that would slow or help his fall, and nothing thick enough to withstand the beating of high-altitude frost and wind that tore through his body and ripped away warmth with an insatiable greed.
But it didn’t matter, rolling with the wind against his back, letting strands of brown bangs whip upward wildly and completely uncontrolled, watching as clouds rushed past him.
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He breathed out a sigh, watching as his breath contributed to the clouds and then dissipated into nothing, dispersed so thin the eye couldn’t see. All he could hear was the angry howl of the air as he fell through it, scolding him for how foolish he was, to fly so high.
But the thrill...
Oh, the thrill of it.
The freedom to chase the sky so high on his own wings that the air of mother earth would forsake him. Could he fly higher, next time?
A violent tremble rattled down his spine from the frigid cold clawing against it, even as he simply let his arms hang limp, held in place only by the dance of the wind and gravity battling over his body, gravity always winning.
He could close his eyes, simply enjoy the ride, but it would be a deep shame to miscalculate how far he still had to go like this. He wished for the kiss of the air around him, but not the kiss of the ground.
A reckless free fall, but he had wings to catch him always, so long as he dared to spread them. And he wound - soon - but for now he breathed out a sigh, closed his eyes briefly, and forgot about everything.
For a beat. Or two, or ten.
But eventually he had to wake up. It was a nice distraction, a liberation from feelings he didn’t want to address another way, but the air was thicker now. He could breathe again, which meant the ground would be getting close.
Graceful and unafraid, he twists his body in mid-air, rolling all the way over to look downward and see the white-caked trees and hills creeping ever closer into view.
He let the Shift take again as he angled down into a dive, limbs and body shrinking, becoming more stream-lined and adapted to the sky, and the air acting on his wings brought him into a downward corkscrew.
With a quick but subtle angle of his fan-like tail, he went from a downward spiral and whipped along an air stream back upwards, briefly even faster than his fall.
Maybe he’d climb the clouds again. Just one more time.
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crowtongued · 2 years
Alekt: Some of your opposition also just want what's best for the people.
James Ironwood: ...we're talking about Robin and the Happy Huntresses, right?
Alekt: Well we're certainly not talking about manchild extraordinaire Jacques Schnee.
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crowtongued · 2 years
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bold what applies - italicise sometimes. bold+tilicise always applies, strikethrough never applies. repost,  don’t reblog.
fights honourably / fights dirty
prefers close - quarters / prefers range
chats during / goes silent
low pain tolerance / high pain tolerance
attacks in bursts / attacks steadily
goes for the kill / aims to disarm / fights defensively / strikes first
is provoked easily / provokes their opponent / teases
gets visibly frustrated / shouts while attacking
uses strategy / focuses on the battle / experiences conflicting thoughts during battle
rushes in recklessly / tries to read their opponent before engaging
fights wildly / fights calmly / fights apathetically / fights with anger / fights with excitement
fights because they have to / fights because they want to
fights without regard to wounds / runs away when wounded / hides wounds / takes a blow to protect another
prefers a blade / prefers a gun / prefers hand to hand combat / prefers a bow / prefers a shield / prefers a personalized weapon / prefers magic alchemy or spells
their greatest weakness is physical / their greatest weakness is mental / their greatest weakness is emotional
transforms for battle / fights as they appear
relies on strength / doubts their strength / relies on speed
uses everything they have / proceeds with caution / hides their full potential
exhausts quickly / has high stamina
behaves arrogantly / brags after landing a hit / belittles their abilities
uses psychological tactics / uses brute strength
avoids civilians / strikes down civilians
damages surroundings / avoids damaging surroundings
signature fighting style / makes it up as they go
mastered skill - set / learning their skill - set
fancy footwork / sloppy footwork
messy fighter / elegant fighter
accepts defeat / refuses defeat / begs for mercy
compliments their opponent / insults their opponent
uses unnecessary movements / moves efficiently / barely moves
prefers to dodge / prefers to block
defends their blindside / has no blindside / leaves blindsides vulnerable
uses all available advantages / strictly uses one main method
plays around / holds back / fights ruthlessly / shows mercy
waits for an opponent to be ready / strikes when opponent isn’t ready
fears death / fears pain / fears killing
has ptsd / avoids fighting
has lost a fight / has won a fight
has killed / refuses to kill
wants to die standing / would succumb slowly
TAGGED BY: @etherealflora​
TAGGING: @noctiilvcent​, @fatummortem​, @tredispade​, @smol-sirens-garden​, @victoryclaimed​, @indulgentia​, @triggerxhappy​, @flightofaqrow​, @crownshattered​
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crowtongued · 2 years
@bishonenprince​ Liked for a starter!
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“Apologies, I’m afraid I don’t keep up much with trends or celebrities or the like.” Whether the other is a celebrity exactly, he’s not sure, but if he isn’t, maybe it’ll at least lend a small ego boost to soften his own lack of familiarity, if the other were such to take insult. “My interests tend to lie far outside the socialite circles that are in-the-loop about those sorts of things.”
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crowtongued · 2 months
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{--Finally decided to give modding BG3 a shot, and...--}
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crowtongued · 3 months
{--Literally just Alekt and how he fights honestly.--}
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crowtongued · 9 months
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{--Just a man and his horse.--}
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crowtongued · 10 months
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He's standing outside with nothing but a thin workout shirt on. Is it the middle of December? Yes. Is it snowing? Yes. Is he still overheating? Also yes.
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crowtongued · 10 months
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crowtongued · 10 months
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{--Yo this is a super sexy mash-up.--}
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crowtongued · 11 months
How Do You Need To Be Comforted?
Tagged by: @eiinn-ulfr Tagging: Steal it
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Alekt: to be distracted.
anything. anything to get your mind off of what is happening around you... your brain won't be silent, and you need someone to take the focus away from your whirling thoughts.
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Spy: to be held.
you need someone to wrap you up, squeezing together all the parts of you that feel broken. you crave being shielded away from the world, where no one can see you... no one can hurt you.
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crowtongued · 2 years
Avian Reflexes ;;
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As a crow shapeshifter, Alekt has sharper reflexes in spur-of-the-moment situations or fast-paced activities which require careful precision, since birds see and hear the world in a slowed perception compared to humans (close to 2.5x slower). Since he can see and hear things with better nuance than most humans and even other Shifters such as canines and felines, visual and auditory tasks are many times easier for him to do at a higher level, such as driving a vehicle at high speeds, aiming and shooting a target with a gun or arrow, reading people’s movements and reacting to them, or hearing things and interpreting them before others. Spy (raven) and Gyr (eagle) share many of these traits as well. Being blind, Protem does not have the benefits of superior physical sight, but his hearing is incredibly precise. In contrast, his sense of smell is average at best, perhaps even worse than that of a human’s, but conversely he is sensitive to bad air quality and would be the first to react to toxins such as airborne gases or poisons, along the lines of the saying “the canary in the coal mine”.
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