#muse: Relta
joyfulmagic · 2 months
⛓Joscelin for Relta?
@xxofloveandlossxx // Joscelin x Relta, arranged marriage verse
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Relta adjusted her veil casually as she walked down the aisle, being “given away” by her younger brother, Prince Alastair. This marriage was to solidify an alliance between Lunaruz and Joscelin’s people, as Relta was heir to Lunaruz’s throne and “needed” a husband, supposedly.
Looking up at her future husband, she bowed to him, then stood as tall as she could with perfect posture. “An honor,” she informed him as she held out her hands for him to hold before the High Priestess of Queen Hera and a High Priest of Lady Aphrodite Areia.
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fantasiesandfolklore · 3 months
Open Starter to anyone Muse: Relta V: Phoenix Queen or V: Lionhearted
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“They tell me love is irrelevant, that royalty doesn’t get to fall in love,” Relta told her companion, looking up at them from where she was sitting down. “Do you believe not all are allowed to find love? That it’s limited by class?” She inquired, curious as to what they’d say.
Standing up, she turned to pour them both cups of tea. “Try this,” she offered a cup, not having done anything different to either of the cups of tea. She was an honest woman, usually, and one who wouldn’t act against someone unless in self-defense.
“I find tea soothing,” she confessed as she sat back down, nursing her own cup of steaming tea, enjoying it rather hot. “I drink it with honey after I give speeches,” she added, the honey soothing to her throat after giving rallying speech.
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alwaysaqueene · 2 months
i'm not sure if i'm doing this right. - @ofravensandseas (college verse)
@fantasiesandfolklore //@ofravensandseas
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“Worry not,” Relta assured Alois, the two having decided to exclusively speak in French, except during times she helped the man with practicing his English so he could master the accent.
She held his hand and put it on her waist, moving the other into position once the first was at the right location. “The music makes us know what we are to do, no?” She pointed out, smiling up at him with a sparkle in her eyes.
She was helping him with a mandatory “vintage” dance course they’d both decided to take as electives.
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melpomeneprose · 2 months
send me  ‘🃏 !’  and i’ll write you a starter using a tarot card as the inspiration
Anne Boleyn for visiting v: phoenix queen Relta?
From here. / @joyfulmagic
The Magician - Upright: power, influence, resourcefulness, intellect, and skill. Reversed: a warning to be careful and 'mind where you step or step on.'
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Admittedly Lady Anne B.oleyn hadn't been in England long, still, somehow she got H.enry the E.ighth's attention. Almost without saying a word. It would be tedious if it didn't benefit her and her family. She's made her way to court with her sister, Mary. Hoping at least one B.oleyn girl would have some staying power. Silently, Anne thinks, 'Is it not enough? The man is married, I bear Catherine of Aragon no ill will, I am merely a reformed P.rotestant, and he does have my sister and several others already.' but Anne doesn't voice such words, it would only get her in more trouble with her father.
She was new at court, as new as one educated keenly at French Court could be and already Catalina saw her as a challenge. Was her summons so much to bear? Well, she's determined to make this difficult. She will be no mistress.
Anne had almost gotten lost in her train of thought when I bright haired woman approached, she seemed respectable enough, though really -- respectability be damned. At French court she was taught to be memorable.
"Bonsoir, Madam, I am Lady Anne B.oleyn, at your service, a pleasure to make your acquaintance."
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Apparently I have a new NPC / guest muse despite having no muse to write 🤷‍♀️
Check out [Aeron Griffin]
His verses has him either as Relta’s SO or her ex, depending on the verse. 
He is open to ships, with muses of any gender 
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brac-archived · 5 years
❝Our people aren’t tools to be used and discarded.❞ - Relta to Sigyn? Healer buddies possibly!
@theymakehistory * relta and sigyn ! 
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Sigyn offered a sad smile. She couldn't agree but that didn't mean she would argue, not with someone who had seen as much of the darkness of disease and battle as she herself had. “I can only do very little for the world, but when faced with such thoughts I focus on that work.” She reached out a slender pale hand and touched the woman’s shoulder, hoping the gleam in her aquamarine eyes would at least be reassuring to her. “You do so much.”
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warringpeace · 5 years
STARTER for @theymakehistory​‘s relta muse: stephen | verse: pre-IW
It was rare for him to meet a fellow medical practitioner in his new line of work. Magic and medicine didn’t exactly go well together, and he remembered scoffing at the ‘magical remedies’ that some of his former patients had spoken of. Ah, if he only knew...
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“So what was your specialty?” Stephen was walking around the yard, observing the students, correcting stances, and making sure none of them accidentally hurt each other. “I was a neurosurgeon at Metro General in New York.” Though he felt a slight pang over being unable to practice, he knew that his new role was far more important than the previous one. 
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warxandxplastics · 5 years
[ attention ] for your muse to touch mine as a way of getting their attention- Relta? (potential doctor buddies!)
iword prompts compilation
found here:x  || Accepting
[ attention ] for your muse to touch mine as a way of getting their attention
It was the monthly gathering, where one of the staff would go through a case and all medical personnel would go listen, question and try to learn from it. Remi sat at the corner, after coming out of surgery, hot coffee in hand and chatting doctors around trying to decide where to sit.
It was hard to ignore the flaming red hair of the doctor passing in front  of him. As usual, unless with a patient, Doctor Remington’s attention was easily distracted by the fairer sex.  However, ever since he came back from his red cross tour, he decided to try and not get into too much trouble. After all, she was a colleague and he didn’t want to risk his work relations. Not anymore. 
“hey, be careful,” His hand automatically reached to hold the other doctor’s wrist, his coffee inches from being spilled over him.  
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“You shouldn’t burn the plastic surgeon, it’s too ironic...” 
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joyfulmagic · 2 months
Feeling Sir Guy && Relta. Like for something short starter, or send me memes for them!
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joyfulmagic · 1 month
@sprigdragonheirs // Hunter (Medieval/Selkie AU) & Relta (Phoenix Queen)
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Relta was walking by the lake’s edge, noticing something, someone?, large swimming in the water near the other side of the bank. “Hello?” the Queen called out, “is someone there?” She had weapons hidden on her person, not to forget her abilities.
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joyfulmagic · 2 months
Relta core
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joyfulmagic · 1 month
you have to take charge of your own destiny.
@fallesto — Daenerys Stormborn & Phoenix Queen Relta
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“It is an honor to meet you, Queen Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen,” Relta curtsied to the other woman, offering a warm smile with rouge covered lips. “I have heard legends of your achievements, or rather stories for they seem true,” she added, taking Daenerys’s hand and kissing her ring out of respect.
“Anyone willing to stop enslavement has a chance to have Lunaruz backing their claim for the Iron Throne, as I was told it is called,” Relta explained, being both diplomat and crown princess of her own kingdom. “I consider that being an action to take charge of your own destiny. It seems you live your advice,” she praised Daenerys, “I should do the same.”
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joyfulmagic · 2 months
@officerwaltons // Crown Prince Henry xx Crown Princess Relta
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Relta, flocked by her ladies in waiting, bowed deeply to King Henry the Eighth of his name and his wife, Queen Consort Jane. “An honor to meet you, Your Highnesses,” she informed them, despite being close to Henry’s rank in her home country. Relta understood her ‘progressive ideas’ may not be overly welcomed by the current king, but that left her hope for with her fiancé.
“It is an honor to be in England and to be wed here,” she added, offering a warm smile as she stood up straight once more. “I have wished to visit since I was a little girl, and now I am getting the dream of living here,” she told them, it being true that she’d fantasized about traveling England, Ireland, and the Continent.
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Hearing the music pick up after introductions were finished, Relta turned to her prince excitedly. “I have heard of your dances and been taught some! I believe I recognize this tune. Please, allow us to dance to it,” she pleaded, taking Prince Henry’s hands in her own and looking up at him pleadingly.
She looked innocent in her pleading, not like the steeled queen-to-be that she was inside. Music simply unlocked something inside of her heart that made her feel giddy, or melancholy, depending on the tune’s nature. It was part of her soul, or so it felt like, even when the music was foreign to her ears.
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fantasiesandfolklore · 3 months
Open Starter — Muse: Relta V: Phoenix Queen
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“Yes, I’ve felt such feelings for someone else, but…” the to-be queen trained off, Relta tossing her long, auburn locks over her shoulder as she looked over it at her companion. “I cannot allow myself to fall in love,” Relta stated bluntly, turning back to the window and gazing out it.
Relta sighed, gripping the windowsill until her knuckles went white. “What if I find someone and cannot give them what they deserve?” She asked, not sure if she wanted them to answer her or not as the answer likely wasn’t one she wanted to hear. “I won’t say I’m in love,” Relta insisted.
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fantasiesandfolklore · 3 months
@blackarrcw // Guy & Relta // V: Lionhearted
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“Is he so familiar that you call me by his name?” Relta inquiring, raising a brow at Sir Guy of Gisborne, having heard him mutter the King of England’s name. Robin had warned the illegitimate daughter of King Richard the Lionhearted that Guy had been in the Holy Land when he was, and knew what the king looked like.
“Or am I simply reminding you of him?” She added, cocking her head at the tall man, looking up at him without fear. A dagger as up her sleeve, ready to be slid down it in a moment if Guy took a wrong step. She was loyal to her father to a fault.
Pulling her hair short with the hand not concealing the blade and lowering her voice, she decided to toy with the man. “I look too much like him for someone who has seen him to deny it,” she noted in the lowered voice, mimicking her father’s masculine traits to Guy. She was daring him to attack her, to raise a blade to her.
Granted, if he was smart — smarter than Robin Hood gave him credit for — he’d know she was more valuable alive, regardless of who her mother was. She didn’t fear kidnapping, but perhaps she should, as Guy wasn’t as stupid as Robin and crew made him out to be.
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joyfulmagic · 1 month
If you lacked a healthy mother figure, Relta is your mother now.
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