#muse: nebula
vocesmcu · 9 months
STEVE ROGERS - (He/Him) (formerly @steverogerscpt).
LADY SIF - (She/Her) (formerly @ladysifcfasgard).
NEBULA - (She/They) (formerly @luphcmcidassassin).
KORG - (He/They) (formerly @mynameiskorg).
AYO - (She/They).
YON-ROGG - (He/They).
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vocesincaput-arc · 1 year
Send 🖋️ To meet a muse of mine yours hasn’t met before!
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"You're not bad for someone from this planet." Nebula stated from where she stood, watching the other battle what appeared to be, from Nebula's point of view, aliens of some kind. Because they definitely did not look human.
She knew she could help end it quicker but, quite frankly, she didn't feel like it.
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normal-about-the-dca · 6 months
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Left to right is Nebula, Star, and Comet. They're Muse Sprites! Their whole goal and purpose for being is to inspire people to create. The three are especially fond of reading and writing, so they help run a book club!
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ironman-tonystark · 5 months
I need to stop making friends with so many people that excel at standing in the shadows holding knives. My heart isn't strong enough to deal with those kind of jump scares.
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celestialmantdonna · 4 months
Going Knowhere || closed with thenexusofsouls
She was home. Mantis was finally home again. Not because Knowhere was her home as a place, but because home was where the Guardians were.
It had been two years since Mantis chose to bid farewell to the Guardians, leaving to find her own purpose while Quill left to return to Earth. The Celestial siblings had stopped running from their past, and it was freeing, as scary as the choice had been. Mantis had taken the three Abilisks with her… and the green seed Nuada gave her, of course.
Moments after landing, Mantis was greeted by some of the residents that lived on Knowhere. She rarely wanted to draw attention to herself, but she knew the three giant Abilisks would attract a few looks. Drax was all over her. He had picked her up at least three times to hug her, tightly squeezing Mantis until her eyes bulged from her skull. Part of the reason why Mantis had been at peace leaving his side was because now there were other children, children who needed him, after he spent years protecting Mantis since she reminded him of his daughter.
“Okay, Drax, enough! I want to say hello to everyone else,” she exclaimed, patting his back until he finally put her down.
Nebula, Kraglin and Adam hugged her affectionately, but soon enough Groot pushed them aside so he could hug Mantis, as well as Rocket. Cosmo licked Mantis’ face and Mantis giggled, patting the dog’s head. Cosmo was still the best girl in the galaxy.
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When Mantis asked where Quill was, Drax told her he was still on Earth, but he wrote to the Guardians regularly to let them know he was okay. They were family, all of them, and they would always be.
“I say we throw a party tonight,” Rocket suggested. “You’re back, bug. We've gotta celebrate. What do ya think?”
“That sounds good! Thank you, Rocket,” Mantis said.
“Abilisks!” someone cried nearby, and collective screaming followed.
After reassuring everyone that the Abilisks were with her, lest panic took over all of Knowhere, Mantis asked the Guardians if they knew where Prince Nuada was. She had left without saying goodbye to anyone but the Guardians, and she wondered if Nuada would be angry with her. Rocket and Groot offered to look after her Abilisks while Mantis looked for the Elven Prince.
Mantis walked with more self-assurance than before. She no longer held her hands in front of her body, letting her arms swing at her sides instead. She was more poised now, secure in herself yet more mellow. Confident – but not unfriendly. As if her two years of complete independence had allowed her to grow more than her several centuries with Ego. She wandered over to the spot where Nuada was, following the direction Rocket had told her, and a few bark children appeared to say hello. Mantis smiled and waved at them. She remembered taking them to Knowhere shortly after bringing Nuada's people, as well as Mr. Wink. She never wanted Nuada to choose either his people or his friends; he could have both. She tilted her head when she spotted Nuada, and offered a polite smile.
"Hello," she said, trying not to make things awkward. "Good to see you," she added. "Okay, I know I left without saying goodbye, but... I already said goodbye to my friends, and I realized if I stayed a little longer to say goodbye to everyone, I would not leave. I would just think about how much I would miss everyone and stay. The seed is fine, by the way! I have been speaking to it regularly and making sure it knew it was a good seed. My Abilisks would keep it safe when I couldn't, so... yeah."
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crabsnpersimmons · 5 months
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These nerds would never give up the opportunity to give creative advice! (It would probably be more helpful if they didn't all speak at once though...)
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jeonstellate · 11 months
they’ve established that kamala writes captain marvel fanfics; but, i wanna know: what’s her favorite to write? 👁️
personally, i think it’s self-insert + avenger!reader fics. but, after the events of the movie, she switched to captain marvel x valkyrie + royal!au + marriage-of-convenience!au, no doubt.
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quillsmora · 1 year
so about that ship...
i'm only going to talk about this once. this isn't a post trying to call out the shippers, get anyone "canceled", stop people from shipping them entirely, any of that –– this is just a post about my own personal opinions on the p/n ship. i've been asked about it a few times on here and on twitter so i'm just going to make this one long post about it and not speak on it ever again, because i'm not trying to start any drama or fan wars or whatever.
my main issue with peter/nebula has nothing to do with my own personal headcanons or that it "gets in the way" of my own personal ship, it's that it disregards nebula's character arc throughout the first two movies and turns her into a replacement for gamora again. nebula spent her entire time growing up being constantly reminded that she is "lesser" than gamora and feeling a deep jealousy towards her, as well as a longing for just a regular sister relationship. over the course of vol 1 and 2 we see her resentment towards gamora come to a head before she gives in and admits that all she ever wanted was for gamora to be that sister for her. for nebula to be paired with a man who loved gamora first, who still loves that gamora he lost, feels like a regression of nebula's character growth as it subjects her to living in gamora's shadow yet again.
and let's be honest, peter will always see nebula as gamora's sister. that's all he really knew her as for at least four years. we can assume almost everything he knows about her past, her interests, her life in general before/during infinity war was told to him by gamora, he got gamora's side of every story first. the thing that bonds peter and nebula together is their grief over gamora, it can be argued by what we saw in vol 3 that they were the ones most affected by her death (and groot, who according to a comment james made on instagram, saw gamora as his mother). any romantic relationship between peter and nebula would just naturally feel like nebula is being used as a replacement for gamora.
which also disrespects peter's character growth as well. the peter we first meet in vol 1 is a hotheaded, arrogant, womanizer (i mean this affectionately). he is a grown man who lacks maturity due to trauma and his refusal to acknowledge his trauma. through his relationship with the guardians, and gamora especially, he's able to deal with his past and begin to heal. gamora was one of if not the most important person in his life by the time we see him again in infinity war. we see how losing her absolutely wrecks him, it's the final straw that breaks his spirit and leads to where he's at at the beginning of vol 3. for him to subconsciously replace gamora with her sister is not in line with the character we see at the end of vol 3, the man who's finally willing to face his biggest loss and childhood trauma by reuniting with his grandfather. it's far more in line with the peter we meet at the beginning of vol 1, and peter has not been that man in a very, very long time.
there are a few other points i believe could be made as to why peter/nebula gives me, for lack of a better word, the ick. and as a white woman i don't believe it's my place to comment on the treatment of gamora, who is played by a woman of color (and who is portrayed as one in the one instance we see her as a human in the comics), in regards to race and fandom and shipping culture in general. i'm more than willing to hear other's thoughts on that matter, especially related to gamora's treatment not just by fans but by canon as well. but to give a short summary of my current thoughts, p/n feels disrespectful to the relationship both of them had with gamora the same way it feels disingenuous to peter and nebula's character growth.
so that's it, that's why i don't like that ship. i'm not going to get this in-depth or detailed about this ever again, unless people civilly ask me to expand on something.
i'm also not going to go into what the actors have said (outside of chris calling gamora the love of his life every chance he gets) because that's a whole separate thing that dives more into ways p and n's interactions can be interpreted by individuals.
and again, this is not me saying you shouldn't/can't ship them. i know that's not how the internet works, i've been told i shouldn't/can't ship things and it only made me ship them harder. i'm not looking for a fight or snark or anything like that, this is just my personal opinion on the matter as someone who has loved these characters for nearly a decade.
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void-tiger · 1 year
I dunno. I just find that wonder and smallness when looking at a starry sky or astrophotography and this awareness of how vast and apathetic the greater universe is, how distant and farflung other life-clinging rocks almost have to be to maintain equilibrium kinda…comforting? It’s lonely and space objects could eat me without even passing awareness that they’re doing so if I get too close but…it doesn’t make me feel sad? Just…calm. And delighted. And if I cry from it, it’s cathartic, not despairing. Just this almost peaceful awareness that things in a greater scheme of Sustained versus Destruction (if…corporations will ever stop poisoning things) things are relatively going to be okay. Breathe. (Here I can breathe.)
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emptypassicn-moved · 9 months
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@nebula-drcams        sent ;;
        “  8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about ”
From ;; 🔥 choose violence ask game 🔥 // Currently Accepting
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All of them /hj
Full serious ramble shoved under the cut since it got long.
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But in all seriousness there is a good handful more actually of opinions that I just find to be wrong in the fandoms I write in so time to ramble about a few.
A big obvious one is the iterations of characters that are fandom made but go against canon. These are your infantilizations of Tweek and Pip from Southpark, Drake from DT17, and sometimes Quackerjack from DWD. Also your "edgy anime twink bad boy" versions of Craig, Mole, or Damien from South Park as examples. I particularly have a hatred for the "edgy anime twink bad boy" Mole iteration because it is just SO insanely wrong to me. It always makes him 6'0" or taller, thin and twink-ish but also conventionally buff with abs, and weirdly "clean" looking for Mole. It's just extremely wrong to me.
Another is popular headcanons that I feel are just extremely wrong that don't technically change the "main iteration" of the character to not reflect their canon state. For me these are things like general opinions I tend to see where Damien or Mole are 6'0" which feels incredibly wrong to me. Or stuff like making a character notably shorter than another when they just aren't?? Like I have no idea if this is genuinely common or it was just "here's a weird amount of this getting recommended to you" but I've seen a lot of stuff where people make Quackerjack notably shorter than Megavolt when he really isn't?? Most media I've seen with them tend to portray them as pretty close in height. Also, an extension of this one includes sexuality headcanons. Things like "Pip is gay" is really just grating and wrong to me because he canonically likes women like have you seen his episode?? His original media??? The original novel has the man spending the whole fuckin' book wanting a woman. A headcanon like that I can't help but immediately judge the person for because to me that shows they probably do not give a shit about the canon of the character or their original media and all they're in for is shipping probably. This is because most people I meet who do that literally only do it for the shipping. There have been some people I met who make a character who's canonically shown interest in the opposite gender / sex gay or lesbian and didn't do it just to have gay ships but those don't tend to be the common part of the fandom. They're always just a couple of people who see the character beyond "uwu gay wittle bean" when doing that, never the common fandom opinion.
Now, this is one of my biggest annoyances in common fandom opinion. Relationships. Notably I tend to get the MOST annoyed with common opinions on Pip and Damien's relationship / Pip and Herbert's relationship. I also occasionally get annoyed by Mole and Gregory's. Pip and Damien gets me the most annoyed because it's always so wrong. You'll see everyone either go "Damien is Pip's best friend" or "Pip has no friends" when both are just canonically wrong. Herbert Pocket would be Pip's best friend, Pip's other friends include Butters and Dougie. It gets me annoyed because literally Pip and Herbert are integral to one another in their original media, it's like heresy imo to separate them like that or to replace their status to one another with someone else. They're quite literally the best example of "platonic soulmates" I've ever seen. I cannot over state how stupid ignoring Herbert's existence to make Damien into Pip's "best friend" is to me and just how factually wrong it is to assign anyone but him "best friend" status for Pip.
As for Mole and Gregory, I don't get as annoyed about it? But I really hate how "Mole does things for Gregory" seems to be the common status quo in the fandom. And I don't just mean "Mole works with / for Gregory sometimes". I mean he's treated like some kind of fucking lackey or lap dog / guard dog for Gregory, only there to do things to protect or please Gregory with Gregory never doing shit for him. Half the time it'll go as far as Mole forcing himself to do something he doesn't want to or would hate doing just to appease Gregory because apparently people can't let them compromise. It always is shown to have to be Gregory's way or no way. Mole doesn't get to have his own way or do what he wants if it upsets Gregory. It's basically just "Mole doesn't get to be happy in their relationship" or "Mole is happy serving Gregory in their relationship" and this goes for both platonic and romantic versions of their relationship I've seen be the common opinion in the fandom. It's just so... wrong of an opinion to have about them and feels super ooc for Mole.
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vocesincaput-arc · 1 year
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unheald · 1 year
i also have pretty new banners thanks to @murkyhazed (and new muses ) !
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qveenofgluttony · 10 months
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Send a 🙌 and I’ll introduce you to an NPC related to my Muse.
@nebula-gaster said: 🙌
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Magenta! An orchid mantis hellborn demon and another one of Beelzebub's "assistants" and core group of retainers.
She's actually Beelzebub's personal assistant as well as her event coordinator. She assists Beelzebub in planning her parties including her annual masquerade ball.
Magenta takes her job very seriously to the point where her job has become her life. She's worked hard to get her current position and resents other employees who got their jobs due to their connections or what she deems as Beelzebub's "generosity". Which has made it quite difficult for her to get along with her coworkers.
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vilestar · 1 year
"Ah, the joys of living near Noxus' borders. You can never truly miss the daily clown to clown communication." he proceeds to close his beloved book and shift his attention towards his nearest window. To witness the fiend retaining his composure despite the current circumstances is a shocking sight. Had it not been the case, he would've puffed out his chest and—
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apocketfullofmuses · 1 year
@heroicpaths | Nebula & Peter Parker
A blue finger prodded experimentally at the slice of pizza the young hero had placed in front of her; Nebula had eaten things she couldn't even name, but pizza was entirely new to her. Narrowed eyes contemplated it warily, as though it might explode in her face at any moment.
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"How do I know you haven't poisoned this?" She asked, glaring at Peter, one brow lifted. While Nebula was doing her best to live up to her role as a Guardian of The Galaxy - and had even sworn off killing, though injuring and maiming was still allowed - she wasn't any quicker to trust people than they were to trust her. "It smells ... strange."
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atimebomb · 1 year
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Incorrect quotes: Nebula feat. Quill. Mutuals May Reblog.
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