#muse; sophia
1womanarmy · 5 months
-continued from here for @sonofsaviors
[Text] sooo how much did you drink? Sophia considered for a moment. She had gotten considerably better among drunk people, but she did have to admit that Logan was a big softy when he had a bit too much.
[Text] do u need to be picked up??
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andy-wm · 2 months
I'm on my way to confess
Before all the antis arrive, let's check the translations...
Both Papago and Google Translate say Jimin is on his way to confess.
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I was suspicious as soon as I read the subs on the video, because Koreans don't use gendered pronouns.
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kyliafanfiction · 1 month
If Taylor's trigger had somehow pinged off of Shadow Stalker's shard, would a Breaker ability to like, momentarily merge her body into the swarm as a bunch of bugs or something like that make sense?
I can't decide if I think it makes sense. Shard mechanics are... weird.
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@smutventureland replied to your post “"These are the gift of the goddess... I fully...”:
Dorine: Seems calm on the surface, yet her trousers are very clearly bulging with a huge erection...
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​"Oh, you seem like lovely...-" She says that as her eyes took notice of the bulge upon it. ". . .lovely. . .~"
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What are your innate character traits?
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tagged by: @ghostofwinter tagging: @armandlucienduval @norvstforthvwickvd @rickgrimesdoingrickthings @lunarruled @emeryfleming @corxunum @istillsinq @uncxntrxllable @fvrsaeken & anyone that wants to do this one!!!! <3
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fazcinatingblog · 3 months
Faz's nightmare
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that-one-fandom-girl · 5 months
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I edited this post from what it said before to a more accurate post; I was kind of off-base about some things.
All the different people I could find in the trailer that looked like they had something to do with the plot-and my musings about them mixed with some of Arglefumph's thoughts from his reveal reaction.
The first guy feels like he's more the person who brings Nancy into the mystery, like he's her superior in the case like Sophia Leporace from VEN. And the long haired blonde {who I think Arglefumph said was named Adela} is the owner of the necklace. The rest though...are they all suspects? 'Cause that's a LOT of suspects :D.
I feel like we befriend Radek, since there's a clip of only Nancy and him sleuthing in the...prisons? dungeons? And he seems to know some things that would endanger him and make the culprit(s) come after him, since he's the one who says that "Monsters in Prague sometimes don't look it", or something to that effect.
The first older guy doesn't have much screen-time, but I think he's the one talking about the history of Prague in the beginning and then he's talking about the Alchemists back in the day being very clever; so, he's an historian?
Oskar, the only clips I've seen of him so far have been of him on the phone or angry, sooooooo...is he suspect #1? 'Cause the clips HER puts out of specific characters does help set the mood of each character, right? Plus, he kinda seems like a Thanos-from-LIE type character in that you don't wanna mess with him. Argle said he's the main museum guy, and the fact that he's somewhat cranky and always on the phone + I'm sure we'll have to snoop in his desk {probably the one we saw in the trailer} at some point; is he the one in the black market?
Lady with the flowers looks like the owner of the coffee shop, and since Adela and her seem to get into a fight; is it a case where one of the people who bring us into the case is the bad guy and are trying to cover their tracks {but what would Adela have to gain?}, or is Coffee-Shop-Lady suspect #2 and is one of the most suspicious suspects?
The second older guy seems like a tourist guide/business owner who deals with tourists a lot, and that's most all of what I gleaned from his very short screen-time.
Elka also seems to be friendlier than quite a few of the other characters in the trailer, she has a laptop with a whole lotta stickers from Nancy's cases, we've learned more about her than really any of the others, and she's the one telling us to be careful online, so my speculations of her are: she's a fan of Nancy's and so she wants to be friends with us/help us? Maybe we team up with her {and/or Radek} {and possibly Ned if he's in the game physically at all?} unofficially to figure out who's stolen the gems? After all, she's the one who's most associated with technology {which also makes her more of a suspect, lol}.
And the last lady-the Lillian Weiss lookalike. I just found out she's the jewelry store owner, and doesn't seem the happiest about Nancy asking questions about the stolen gems, although that could be just her protecting her job? In any case, this lady from the trailer seems kinda cranky and implied that everything with the necklace was fine when everyone else was sure the gems were fake, so is she hiding something about the case? Is she the one in the black market?
Honestly, I don't know anything about these characters other than what's been officially stated, so this is all just theory, but what about you guys? What do you think of each of the characters? Do you agree with me on some things, or do you have way different ideas of these guys?
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paragonofvirtue · 8 months
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"Huh, thought someone was talking about me for a second there."
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tfrost · 11 months
Some of my faves from today 🥰
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1womanarmy · 1 year
Send 🫂 to just hug my muse. No reason. Hug them.
Moments of panic happened and it made her feel like she was out at sea. Scrambling as she tried not to drown. It had her taking shallow breaths and feeling like she was going to vibrate out of her skin.
These times were few and far between now that Sophia was older, but they still happened. Sometimes seemingly at random. There was a tendency to hide them now, but whenever she was around Logan he just always seemed to know. Even when she was trying to hide her rising panic.
A wordless hug from him that engulfed her. Made her feel safe. Unlike her mother she liked feeling enclosed, secured. Logan had known her long enough to know this. The firm hug had her breathing regulating and the ringing in her head dying down.
Sophia hugged him back just as tight, tucked into his jacket. "Thank you..."
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andy-wm · 2 months
Slow Dance by Jimin & Sophia
What an absolutely stunning performance of Slow Dance by Jimin and Sophia Carson. Sophia's beautiful voice was a perfectly chosen addition to this song.
Kamsahamnida Sophia 💛
And it ended with possibly the most chaste hug in history from our polite and respectful Jiminie.
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He extended an invitation for Sophia to accept to the extent she chose.
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Jimin's manners hands not even making contact, and his face turned away.
Would all those delinquents who describe him as a womaniser care to explain?
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scornedangcl · 1 month
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Wait hold on, I got this randomly and this is hella cute!
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repost and bold your muses preference :
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summer / winter / spring / fall
rain / snow / sun
lace / silk / cotton / velvet / denim
water / soda / liquor / beer / wine / coffee / tea / orange juice
breakfast / lunch / dinner
meat / sweets / fruits and vegetables / spicy
pop / rock / country / rap / classic / jazz / other
staying up late / going to bed early
early rising / sleeping in
tv / movies / books / theater
extravagance / traditionalism / minimalism
love / money / power
having company / being alone / being with their s/o or best friend / a healthy balance
dogs / cats
black / white / gold
for tattoos / against tattoos / no opinion
white chocolate / dark chocolate / milk chocolate / none
city / nature / suburbs
religious/ non religious
outer space / ocean
lots of friends / handful of friends / one friend / loner
meat eater / vegetarian / vegan
text message / phone calls / facetime
conservative / liberal / somewhere in the middle / doesn't care
belief in supernatural / no belief in supernatural
bright colors / pastel colors / neutral colors / natural colors
Christmas / Halloween / Thanksgiving / New Years / none
email / hand writing letters / sticky notes
Tumblr media
summer / winter / spring / fall
rain / snow / sun
lace / silk / cotton / velvet / denim
water / soda / liquor / beer / wine / coffee / tea / orange juice
breakfast / lunch / dinner
meat / sweets / fruits and vegetables / spicy
pop / rock / country / rap / classic / jazz / other
staying up late / going to bed early
early rising / sleeping in
tv / movies / books / theater
extravagance / traditionalism / minimalism
love / money / power
having company / being alone / being with their s/o or best friend / a healthy balance
dogs / cats
black / white / gold
for tattoos / against tattoos / no opinion
white chocolate / dark chocolate / milk chocolate / none
city / nature / suburbs
religious/ non religious
outer space / ocean
lots of friends / handful of friends / one friend / loner
meat eater / vegetarian / vegan
text message / phone calls / facetime
conservative / liberal / somewhere in the middle / doesn't care
belief in supernatural / no belief in supernatural
bright colors / pastel colors / neutral colors / natural colors
Christmas / Halloween / Thanksgiving / New Years / none
email / hand writing letters / sticky notes
Tumblr media
summer / winter / spring / fall
rain / snow / sun
lace / silk / cotton / velvet / denim
water / soda / liquor / beer / wine / coffee / tea / orange juice
breakfast / lunch / dinner
meat / sweets / fruits and vegetables / spicy
pop / rock / country / rap / classic / jazz / other
staying up late / going to bed early
early rising / sleeping in
tv / movies / books / theater
extravagance / traditionalism / minimalism
love / money / power
having company / being alone / being with their s/o or best friend / a healthy balance
dogs / cats
black / white / gold
for tattoos / against tattoos / no opinion
white chocolate / dark chocolate / milk chocolate / none
city / nature / suburbs
religious/ non religious
outer space / ocean
lots of friends / handful of friends / one friend / loner
meat eater / vegetarian / vegan
text message / phone calls / facetime
conservative / liberal / somewhere in the middle / doesn't care
belief in supernatural / no belief in supernatural
bright colors / pastel colors / neutral colors / natural colors
Christmas / Halloween / Thanksgiving / New Years / none
email / hand writing letters / sticky notes
Tumblr media Tumblr media
summer / winter / spring / fall
rain / snow / sun
lace / silk / cotton / velvet / denim
water / soda / liquor / beer / wine / coffee / tea / orange juice
breakfast / lunch / dinner
meat / sweets / fruits and vegetables / spicy
pop / rock / country / rap / classic / jazz / other
staying up late / going to bed early
early rising / sleeping in
tv / movies / books / theater
extravagance / traditionalism / minimalism
love / money / power
having company / being alone / being with their s/o or best friend / a healthy balance
dogs / cats
black / white / gold
for tattoos / against tattoos / no opinion
white chocolate / dark chocolate / milk chocolate / none
city / nature / suburbs
religious/ non religious
outer space / ocean
lots of friends / handful of friends / one friend / loner
meat eater / vegetarian / vegan
text message / phone calls / facetime
conservative / liberal / somewhere in the middle / doesn't care
belief in supernatural / no belief in supernatural
bright colors / pastel colors / neutral colors / natural colors
Christmas / Halloween / Thanksgiving / New Years / none
email / hand writing letters / sticky notes
Tumblr media
summer / winter / spring / fall
rain / snow / sun
lace / silk / cotton / velvet / denim
water / soda / liquor / beer / wine / coffee / tea / orange juice
breakfast / lunch / dinner
meat / sweets / fruits and vegetables / spicy
pop / rock / country / rap / classic / jazz / other
staying up late / going to bed early
early rising / sleeping in
tv / movies / books / theater
extravagance / traditionalism / minimalism
love / money / power
having company / being alone / being with their s/o or best friend / a healthy balance
dogs / cats
black / white / gold
for tattoos / against tattoos / no opinion
white chocolate / dark chocolate / milk chocolate / none
city / nature / suburbs
religious/ non religious
outer space / ocean
lots of friends / handful of friends / one friend / loner
meat eater / vegetarian / vegan
text message / phone calls / facetime
conservative / liberal / somewhere in the middle / doesn't care
belief in supernatural / no belief in supernatural
bright colors / pastel colors / neutral colors / natural colors
Christmas / Halloween / Thanksgiving / New Years / none
email / hand writing letters / sticky notes
Tumblr media
summer / winter / spring / fall
rain / snow / sun
lace / silk / cotton / velvet / denim
water / soda / liquor / beer / wine / coffee / tea / orange juice
breakfast / lunch / dinner
meat / sweets / fruits and vegetables / spicy
pop / rock / country / rap / classic / jazz / other
staying up late / going to bed early
early rising / sleeping in
tv / movies / books / theater
extravagance / traditionalism / minimalism
love / money / power
having company / being alone / being with their s/o or best friend / a healthy balance
dogs / cats
black / white / gold
for tattoos / against tattoos / no opinion
white chocolate / dark chocolate / milk chocolate / none
city / nature / suburbs
religious/ non religious
outer space / ocean
lots of friends / handful of friends / one friend / loner
meat eater / vegetarian / vegan
text message / phone calls / facetime
conservative / liberal / somewhere in the middle / doesn't care
belief in supernatural / no belief in supernatural
bright colors / pastel colors / neutral colors / natural colors
Christmas / Halloween / Thanksgiving / New Years / none
email / hand writing letters / sticky notes
Tumblr media
summer / winter / spring / fall
rain / snow / sun
lace / silk / cotton / velvet / denim
water / soda / liquor / beer / wine / coffee / tea / orange juice
breakfast / lunch / dinner
meat / sweets / fruits and vegetables / spicy
pop / rock / country / rap / classic / jazz / other
staying up late / going to bed early
early rising / sleeping in
tv / movies / books / theater
extravagance / traditionalism / minimalism
love / money / power
having company / being alone / being with their s/o or best friend / a healthy balance
dogs / cats
black / white / gold
for tattoos / against tattoos / no opinion
white chocolate / dark chocolate / milk chocolate / none
city / nature / suburbs
religious/ non religious
outer space / ocean
lots of friends / handful of friends / one friend / loner
meat eater / vegetarian / vegan
text message / phone calls / facetime
conservative / liberal / somewhere in the middle / doesn't care
belief in supernatural / no belief in supernatural
bright colors / pastel colors / neutral colors / natural colors
Christmas / Halloween / Thanksgiving / New Years / none
email / hand writing letters / sticky notes
Tumblr media
summer / winter / spring / fall
rain / snow / sun
lace / silk / cotton / velvet / denim
water / soda / liquor / beer / wine / coffee / tea / orange juice
breakfast / lunch / dinner
meat / sweets / fruits and vegetables / spicy
pop / rock / country / rap / classic / jazz / other
staying up late / going to bed early
early rising / sleeping in
tv / movies / books / theater
extravagance / traditionalism / minimalism
love / money / power
having company / being alone / being with their s/o or best friend / a healthy balance
dogs / cats
black / white / gold
for tattoos / against tattoos / no opinion
white chocolate / dark chocolate / milk chocolate / none
city / nature / suburbs
religious/ non religious
outer space / ocean
lots of friends / handful of friends / one friend / loner
meat eater / vegetarian / vegan
text message / phone calls / facetime
conservative / liberal / somewhere in the middle / doesn't care
belief in supernatural / no belief in supernatural
bright colors / pastel colors / neutral colors / natural colors
Christmas / Halloween / Thanksgiving / New Years / none
email / hand writing letters / sticky notes
tagged by: @lunarruled tagging: anyone that sees this and wants to do it!
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kyliafanfiction · 1 month
Emma is a bitch, and absolutely nuts by the time Worm Starts, but she at least had to borrow her delusions. Sophia comes by her insane view of the world entirely naturally.
Well, as naturally as what is probably some sort of trigger trauma, but still. Her delusions are just... next level
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apinchofm · 1 year
Musings on Sophia Western - this precious bean!
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We are introduced to her as the legitimized daughter of a slave and Squire Western's eldest son.
We get her mother's name, which is rare in these dramas but demonstrates a willingness to acknowledge her background as opposed to whitewashing it away. She is aware of the violence that created her and the scene in which she and Tom discuss the complex feelings they have towards their fathers (neither knowing them) was great to watch because it demonstrated the complexity of Sophia's existence.
She is loved wholly by her grandfather and even her Aunt Western and she loves them back whilst also being resentful of her father who violated her mother and that's fine. The greyness for mixed characters in this time period
Also when her other aunt puts all that white makeup on her face but her skin colour and hair still reveal that she is black was so grim and very much shows the other side of her family in Lady Bellaston. She reluctantly accepts her as family but will do anything to make her miserable.
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