#muse;; i'm the righteous hand of god and i'm the devil that you forgot (nicholas d. wolfwood)
adventures-written · 1 year
Take Me To Church (closed)
Nicholas D. Wolfwood had lived a hard life. Growing up in an orphanage was not exactly the best living, especially with the lack of food and supplies in Noman’s Land. There were days where he wasn’t sure he could make it, though, taking up smoking at a young age had certainly helped the hunger. It was not the best habit, and he certainly got in trouble for it, but it helped him get by.
As he grew up, started to learn about the systems put in place, Nico vowed himself into Priesthood with the idea that he could take care of the orphanage. He wasn’t one for religion, not really. But this was the best way to look after the kids at the orphanage. He had taught himself how to use a gun, for protection obviously. They did face a lot of raids, especially with the way people were these days. Even kids weren’t safe.
A lot of older people had that every man for himself mentality. He really hated that fact about the world they lived in now.
Being a priest came with a few caveats though. Like he had to listen to the townsfolk too, take confessions and such. He really wasn’t the best with advice or guidance, not being your typical priest, but he tried. 
He was in the church by himself, smoking a cigarette. He had been told not to smoke in here, but he had a quiet moment and no one was around. Cigarette between his lips, he took a deep drag. He was lost in his thoughts, not quite realizing anyone had entered his church.
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adventures-written · 1 year
;; @sunlittgoddess​ || Continued from here.
Wolfwood was accustomed to weird shit given his own origins, but a wolf turning into a woman? Now that was a new one, but it explained a lot. He sighed softly, “I doubt that form of yours is going to make this any easier...” To be honest, he wasn’t fond of this particular job. Knives had come back more giddy than normal and he was called in almost immediately.
A brief explanation that he needed this wolf alive, and here he was. 
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Blowing out a puff of smoke as he sighed, he shifted his hold on his Punisher. “I assume you know why I’m here.”
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adventures-written · 1 year
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“Hey! You can’t just kiss and run, Spikey! Get your ass back here and explain!” Oh he’s chasing.
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adventures-written · 1 year
I just realized I had Nico’s height wrong.
Vash is 6′2″.
Nico is only 5′7″.
He’s a tiny little gremlin man.
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That wants to climb that tree.
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adventures-written · 1 year
Cutthroat Wedding
@letsbreakhearts || Plotted Starter.
Nicholas’s family could be quite brutal. Ruthless killers, people that you would not want to cross. They have a wide and expansive territory over the city, something other yakuza families fought with them over on a number of occasions. Though, recently there has been a sort of peace between the two most prominent families, allowing for a certain uncertainty to settle in the air. Whispers and talk of an alliance forming was spreading like wildfire.
He didn’t want to believe his parents would lower themselves to an alliance. Not when they had such a strong hold here. Besides, the family they were aligning with weren’t exactly a favorite. He had no issues with the youngest twin son, Vash. He was fairly friendly and was against the fighting altogether, but the elder twin, Knives as he called himself, was a pain in his ass.
They had more then one scuffle between them, both drawing blood from either side, but as of this recent truce, that was stopped. No fighting was to happen between the two groups until a talk was had from the head families. So that was why Nico was in a stuffy ass suit in some stuffy ass restaurant on neutral territory. They had rented the whole building just for themselves in order to ensure privacy and safety for both sides.
Tugging at his tie, he hated the damn thing. His mother insisted he had to wear it, but honestly, he didn’t see the point. He was thankfully in his own car on the way to the restaurant, which meant he could remove the item and hide it, along with unbuttoning the top few buttons of his dress shirt so he wouldn’t feel as stuffy.
Upon arrival, there were guards from both sides waiting for them, guiding him from his car and inside the building. He did receive a look of disapproval from his mother when she saw he was missing his tie, but he flashed her one of his smiles and she rolled her eyes.
Dinner began, parents making small talk, and Nico was seated near Vash and Knives. Presumably to also make small talk. It felt awkward and tense, the twins seeming just as oblivious about this meeting as he was. At least until Nico’s father stood to make an announcement with Vash and Knives father.
“This is a momentous occasion! Today we announce the union of the two strongest families in this city,” Nico’s father said, raising a glass, “And this union will be made official with the marriage of my eldest son -- Nicholas -- and the Saverem eldest son, Knives --” “What the hell?!” Nico growled, suddenly very on edge. Why the hell did he have to marry this asshole?! He received a stern look from his father to silence him. 
Vash and Knives father continued. “The wedding will take place one month from today to make things official, and in that time the two of you will be spending time together to discuss your betrothal and what that will mean for both sides going forward.”
Nico had half a mind to storm out, his gaze on Knives, glaring and intense. Not this asshole!
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adventures-written · 1 year
;; @needlenxggin​ || Plotted Starter for Music Artist AU.
Nicholas had been having a rough patch recently. Well, his whole life, but recent events certainly hadn’t helped. He had been trying his hand at College, though everyone kept telling him he wouldn’t make it. He’s heard that one before though. He always pushed himself to prove that he was more than some orphan from some no-name town. He could make something of himself. That was why he moved here with his best friend, Livio. They were going to make something together.
Then there was the accident.
Some dumbass thinks having a few drinks and he can drive no problem. Well, that asshole ended up totaling his car, putting himself into a coma and taking Livio with him. Nico’s spare time was often spent at the hospital, visiting Livio and making small conversation. Lately he’d been quietly playing music for him, hoping it would stir him or something stupid. He had gotten into this artist -- Vash. The guy was pretty decent and his stuff was meant to be uplifting. He thought maybe it would help.
And it did, at least, it helped him.
When he saw the posting on social media that this artist was going to be at a local pub in a few weeks doing a pop up show? He double checked to make sure there were no tickets to buy or anything. “Damn Liv...looks like I can meet that artist I showed you,” he looked over to the man that lay in the hospital bed. Machines beeping and whirring as they kept him alive and monitored, a sight that Nico had unfortunately grown too used to, and he hated it. “Maybe I can get him to sign something for ya...” He stood up, coming over to the bed to look down at his friend. “I should go. Got a paper that isn’t gunna write itself...Hang in there, ok?” He reached up to brush some of his hair, looking at the pale face that had been hidden.
God, he wished he could kick the ass of the man who did this.
The weeks went by, Nicholas working on papers and assignments for college. He had nearly forgotten about the event entirely until a reminder notification popped up on his phone. He would have to thank his past self for that.
He went straight from school to the pub, hoping to slip in before the rush, but there was already a mess of people there. Everyone was waiting, the pub alive with the chatter of young faces. He caught a few of the conversations and chuckled. Guy was a looker, of course he had so many people swooning over him.
He got himself some food and a beer, sitting relatively close to the stage for when the show began. Honestly, when Vash came out, Nico was expecting to find that the guys pictures were doctored in some way, but here he was looking exactly like his renditions online. At least he was honest.
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He watched the show, smirking at those who cheered at the lyrics for particular songs, or for an encore. He did clap at the end before it was time to get in line. File through the masses to get a chance to meet this would-be artist. “Hey,” he greeted when he got to the front and it became his turn. He looked at Vash, giving a nod. “You did good up there. You have a good voice. God, I can’t imagine singing like that. I probably sound like a frog...” He sifted out something from his bag, presenting a photo to Vash. It was him and Livio in some mountain setting. They both looked happy, like they were having a good time. “I was hoping you could sign the back of that? Maybe put one of your cheesy inspirational lines..?” he smirked, “I get it though if you only autograph your work though..”
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adventures-written · 1 year
@wolfsmuses​ Vash: "I have sinful thoughts."
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“Of course you do...Look, the slap was just a joke. Funny haha...” And he’s still blushing like a sinner at church. Damn it Vash.
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adventures-written · 1 year
@acrophobicdouble​ "Bark? Because wood?" :)
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“I’ll give you one chance to try again.”
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adventures-written · 1 year
@pacifistwithagun​ "Saint." Nai's somewhat proud of his attempt.
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“First good name I’ve heard all day, but I think it’s digging a bit too far into the whole priest schtick...”
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adventures-written · 1 year
@wolfsmuses​ Vash: "Wolf means a wolf!"
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“Everyone’s taking the Wolf part of my name so seriously...”
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adventures-written · 1 year
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“Now accepting new name suggestions. Nothing related to ‘Wolf’, ‘Woof’ or any other dog sounds.”
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adventures-written · 1 year
@redjaybird​ "Ha ha, you're short!"
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“Guess what? I can still go for the shins...”
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adventures-written · 1 year
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“Why do we have to bring height into this?” Screams in 5′7″.
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adventures-written · 1 year
What is my Muse's most beautiful feature?
Stolen from @needlenxggin​ <3
Feat. Nico
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“What the hell?!” He’s not blushing, you’re blushing.
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adventures-written · 1 year
@redjaybird​ "Bork bork"
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“Alright, looks like someone has a death wish!”
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adventures-written · 1 year
;; @livioshmivio​ || Continued from here.
He growls, looking back at him. “No, you’re following me like a dumbass,” he pointed out, “When will you learn to listen?” People had a bad habit of it. Did he just have a shit authority voice? He shifted his Punisher and continued forward. “Go back the other way, Livio. I’m not saying it again.”
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Next time he’ll be making him.
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