habitversary · 2 years
The Habitversary blog is now closed. The Habitversary challenges were run by Habitica moderator Cantras (hello). The volunteer moderators sought social contact with the paid staff [so they would see we were trustworthy and human] and more recognition of our work/skills [in the sense of "run ideas by us because we know the community well enough to judge reaction" and in the sense of "could you please say thank you when we handle stuff for you"]. Habitica has decided that it will no longer have volunteer moderators, taking moderation duties in house. I wish them the best, but the Tavern is an Eternal September disaster area without mods having a frequent eye on it, and looking at it stresses me out. Also this whole extended thing has put some baggage/bad-taste on the company in general. So I'm not using Habitica anymore, or running the challenges. And this is a side blog off my blog, so if someone wanted to resurrect the challenges, they'll need their own blog.
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habitversary · 2 years
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TiMbl4 Just wanted to say am glad, that stumbled upon Habitica the second time and started using it extensively! I've registered in 2019, but truly started using it 4 months ago! I've put a lot of effort into good habits and to minimize the effect of bad habits on me... So far, there is a difference! Difference in my physical and mental health! You'll hear this a million times Drink water! Eat healthy! Exercise! Do good things! Don't do bad things!, but the experience of other people doesn't influence you, if you're in a comfort zone and when all is relatively well. But when you're in a all time, low, low, low..., then it hits you harder and you start to truly understand. Habitica or any other app isn't a magic pill, you still have to put the effort, but they do make it a little easier!
And I like the quote from Bojack Horseman even more lately... It gets easier. Every day it gets a little easier. But you gotta do it every day —that’s the hard part. But it does get easier! Kudos to that!
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habitversary · 2 years
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My first year in Habitica: What a journey! I came aboard the mystery train, made many days non zero days, celebrated many holidays I’ve never heard of before, tried some world building and started my Hero’s Journey, learned a lot about goals and how to Break It Down, started in Duolingo, learned a lot about setting healthy boundaries, tried Hard Mode and joined the Rebirthers, and that’s not even half of my adventures. And what I want to say most of all is this. Thanks. Thanks a lot to all of you: Staff and mods and contributors, guild leaders and challenge creators, Habiticans all over the world sharing your experiences with me: Thank you.
I’ve had a great time, and I’m looking forward for the next year. And maybe this is the most important part: Although it’s cold and dark outside, I’m hopeful. I’ve made it through the last winter and a challenging year, and I’m sure I will make it through this winter, too. With all your wonderful help and support. You are enriching and beautifying my life. Thank you.
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habitversary · 2 years
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This November (the 15th) is my second Habitversary! After a pretty great first year, I have to say that this last year hasn't been as productive nor organized. I had to reduce the number of dailies so I could keep up with everything, while changing houses, improving the new house and manage work and all the chores with my long time boyfriend. We're having a little but of trouble staying on top of things (adulting is hard!), but Habitica's been, still, an essencial part of our daily lives. Thanks to this wonderful app, I've been able to keep up with my meditation sessions, I read everyday and manage to find time for a skincare routine. On the other hand, I've neglected my side-projects and barely exercised, even while using the amazing pomodoro challenge (life changer, I gotta say!) to help me through it all.
I looked at my last year Habitversary post and it amazes me that I still achieved a lot of what I set out to do for this year: I left my parents house, I've been sleeping great (house chores do that to a person, I guess, lol), barely touched any videogames and ate waaay less junk food. Now it's time to give my art hobby a real chance so it can become something more. I'm hopeful that I'll achieve something on that regard next year. It's really an everyday fight and I'll keep on using this app everyday (I haven't failed one check-in, yet!) Anywho, thank you for reading and have an amazing day/week/year, fellow Habitican!
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habitversary · 2 years
_onebucket_ Throughout this first month of me using Habitica, I've been able to form actual habits. I'll automatically do them or else it'll feel weird, which is a good thing. I now take better care of my skin and brush my teeth twice every day. I still need to work on my time management but this app has really helped me in the long run.
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habitversary · 2 years
• It helped me in academic,I was able to balance my routine with studies in the start I was 10 time more efficient then usual due to the excitement of rewards in habitica although it has been droped a bit now but i still feel the same enthusiasm.
• I was also able to keep my surroundings clean I used to keep my study table and room quite untidy but by taking part in cleaning challenge I was able to organise my room as i was feeling more motivated .
• I have started to be more socialised thanks to the support I got from habitica
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habitversary · 2 years
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My habitversary was on November 1st. Officially it's my third habitversary, but in reality I've used Habitica for about one year now. I wish I had started earlier. I love the supportive community here, and Habitica has helped tremendously with all the chores I have to do. I won't forget the things I only need to do every few months and I'll feel motivated to do the "real" dailies for the gold, drops, XP and especially quest progress, so my home is definitely cleaner now and things don't pile up as much as before. I've also made flossing a habit (thanks @danefitch for the S. Mutans Challenges). I'm currently working on my mental health and joined some of the great self-care challenges out there. Another area I want to improve in in the coming year is actually doing my To-dos
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habitversary · 2 years
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7 days ago (4th of October) was my 5th #Habitversary! In the last 12 months many bad and good things happened. Unfortunately I suffered a lot. I was very lonely and I also didn't recovered yet from the stress of the previous months when I started the master degree program on September 2021. This and the online lessons led to me not having many interactions with new people and not feeling motivated so in a year I passed only one exam. I also felt like I had many burdens I had to bear since my brother was suffering from depression, my mum was lonely, a friend needed help in finding a job and in general I was a psychological support for many people around me. Only after some months during this summer I realized that I was burnt out. I took a pause from university and this summer I tried to meet new people and I prepared to restart the university year. With the start of the academic year now I have to follow the lectures in presence and I have met many new people during the lectures and this is helping me to stay motivated and understand more what I am studying. Now I am feeling much better compared to one year ago and I am hopeful that better days are coming. During this bad and good times Habitica was always helping me and now I am participating much more in some guilds. Thanks for reading my message and I hope all habiticans are doing well.
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habitversary · 2 years
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My #habitversary is on the 17th of October. Been using habitica for a year and it's helped me keep my flat cleaner (which is something I really struggle with), stop the bad and absurd habit of pacing while I wash/rub my hands with soap (I used to have so many soap spots on the floor collecting dirt lol), and while it's helped me to work on my long term goals, the tavern function has thought me working on goals daily isn't about never missing a day and failing if you do but about the overall trajectory, and that no one can engage in a difficult long term project every single day forever. (October)
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habitversary · 2 years
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My #Habitversary is this month, and this is the beginning of my third year on Habitica. In the past year, I started seeing a therapist and learned I am neurodivergent. I am thankful to have found a Habitica party I enjoy, a community that is dedicated to kind inclusive support.
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habitversary · 2 years
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Ok so, this month has marked my 3rd Habitversary (mine’s on September 19). It’s a little hard to believe that 3 years already flew by. I’m so used to checking Habitica every day at this point that it doesn’t feel right if I can’t. Even when my phone wasn’t working, I still managed to check Habitica every day on my other devices. In other words, Habitica has become such a large and vital part of my daily routine that it’s hard for me to picture myself being functional and getting things done without it. A lot happened this past year, but I’m too tired to get into all that. I reached level 200+ this year too. I like the routines I made because of Habitica. Well, here’s to another year!~ (September)
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habitversary · 2 years
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Tomorrow is my #Habitversary, and in the past year I’ve been studying hard almost everyday and going to bed early. 
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habitversary · 2 years
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My first habitaversary is soon and the app has been tremendously helpful. Especially in helping me notice the small delightful things and tracking how I stick to my plans. It has helped me remember appointments and feel the achievement after attending them. In health and relationship matters the dailies and challenges are a good assistance for me.
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habitversary · 2 years
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Hey! Well in a week I'd be on Habitica for 4 years. I noticed I don't use the site as much as the first 2 years, I think I even missed my 3rd birthday here. But at school it was easier to log in daily, now I have a 'grown up job' I feel a bit.. ashamed? for the visual RPG part? I mean I can't log in on work for that reason and outside of work I only use my laptop in the weekends, so keeping this habit alive has proven to be hard. But in general, all the habits I tried to learn myself have been sustainable even without a daily checking. So that's good. I try to use it for out-of-work projects, but I noticed it is hard to keep on track if life is so busy. Are there more 'adults' struggling with this habitica-and-'adult life'-combining? Ed note: There are extensions to hide the game part of it, and I believe there used to be a "work mode" that hid that -- submit a feature request!
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habitversary · 2 years
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Today is my habitversary!! I feel like I have had "peaks" of habitica helping me throughout the year and then times where it doesn't. The problem is I go on bursts of having the motivation to work on habits and dailies for a couple days then I lose tons of health for missed dailies for the next couple weeks. I still need to learn to build consistent habits instead of finding temporary efforts. One thing I've really enjoyed is exploring different challenges every month. It's fun trying new things and it feels nice when I see a challenge that is exactly in line with something I need at the moment. I've even won a challenge this year! I'm proud of my one little gem I earned even though I don't have any useful way to use it. I'm sure I'll be able to add to it eventually. I'm enjoying the start if my last semester in school and hopefully have good things coming up for me and my husband. This next year will have many good changes and we'll see how I can keep using habitica as a tool through another year. Thanks for the good community here everyone!
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habitversary · 2 years
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My habitversary was yesterday. I'm very happy to use Habitica and it has helped me. There have been many ups and downs but it has always brought me back to a more organized life. It helped me a lot through college and now I'm still using it after graduating. I have trouble being consistent but some of the challenges have helped. There was one I really was plank a day and that helped me start exercising.
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habitversary · 2 years
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Today’s not quite my Habitversary—that would’ve actually been on August the ninth—but it’s been two years and twenty days since I joined Habitica, so I thought I’d reflect a bit.
I can’t actually remember where I first heard of this app or just what led me to download it one day, but I find that since then it’s really been conducive to my health. Very early on, I created a Daily for eating two different fruits and two different vegetables every day, and the only two days where I didn’t accomplish it were days where I was ill and didn’t have an appetite in general (one day in August 2021 and the other was almost a year later.)
Health-related challenges like the 2 500 000 steps in 400 days one also got me thinking about exercising more and indirectly going outside more, and now I view my daily walk as a cornerstone of my quotidian routine. I also got thinking about losing weight due to other challenges—I had been struggling with this since childhood—and as of today, I’ve lost 57 pounds since last March. So I do feel pretty good about that. The app’s also helped with my productivity, particularly when it comes to my studies.
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