#muse. : katherine pierce.
multi-royalty · 4 months
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𝙶𝚘𝚍 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠𝚜 𝚠𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚒𝚜 𝚑𝚒𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚕𝚍 𝚘𝚏 𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚜𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎.
don't reblog unless @malka-lisitsa
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infinitusvoces · 24 days
She continued to stay around town for some time, out of sight of many just as she liked. Katherine felt like she had all the information she needed to infiltrate her life at points, she did it a few times already. It was easy. She took her time, straightening her hair to make sure she even looked at the part of what she deemed her dull as dishwater doppelganger. No one was home at the moment, and she could slip right in. Now that she had been invited in, it was easy. She even wore what she felt she would wear. It was so, so plain. She'd never be caught dead in it as herself.
Once in the house, she grabbed a glass of water and put it on the table. She turned on the television, remembering her liking a specific show when she peeked in before so she turned it to that. Although she heard someone approaching, she chose not to react. When the door opened, she looked up with the remote in her hand. "Hey," she spoke from where she sat.
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carxlines · 9 months
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𝙲𝚊𝚛𝚘𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚎 + 𝙺𝚊𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚎 : you gave me the world that I wanted.
--- @malka-lisitsa
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fcrgedhearts · 1 month
@volonox | Closed starter for Damon
Katherine glided through the shadows, every step silent, her senses honed by centuries of self-preservation. She had always looked out for herself, and it showed in the way her lips curled into a smirk, her dark eyes gleaming with calculated mischief. To her, life was a game, and she never played to lose.
But tonight felt different.
The Salvatore boarding house was unfamiliar territory, but Katherine masked that well. A chill ran down her spine. It was the anticipation. The thrill of the game that never got old to her. Always one step ahead, always the one in control. But now? Something was off, something she couldn't quite pinpoint. The grand hall was deserted, the only sound the soft crackling of a distant fire. Drawn by an unshakable sense of inevitability, she moved toward it. As she entered the parlor, her eyes immediately fixed on the figure by the fireplace, his back to her, his posture taut with tension.
Damon Salvatore.
“Damon,” she purred, the name slipping off her tongue with that familiar, seductive lilt. But even she caught the faint tremor of uncertainty beneath it. Tilting her head, she let her smile return, though it didn’t quite reach her eyes. “I’ve been gone far too long. I've missed this place… missed you"
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ac1numa · 7 months
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@ttrustfalls asked: send a 📸 to see 3-5 pictures that my muse has/has taken of your muse(s) / stefan salvatore in kathe's phone / portfolio is something as well.
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faeryworlds · 6 months
open starter | Katherine Pierce | mutuals only
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"Are you that desperate that you're coming to me?" A small smirk appeared on the brunette her face as she turned around to face them. She was just enjoying this that it seemed she was the last resort and coming to her. "What makes you think, I want to help you?" Katherine then asked, knowing herself she wasn't going to make it easy, matter of fact who says that she will say yes to helping.
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multi-royalty-arc · 2 years
What about the plans we made?
Nadia spent 500 years looking for her mother.. wondering what she was going to be like, if she still remembered her.. at some points she probably wondered if she was still alive.
She would have made up so many scenarios to help get her through, and just to imagine what having a mother would be like, and whether Katherine would live up to the expectation.
They were taken from each other too soon, both times.
And upon finding Katherine, there was a lot of feelings, but Nadia finally had her mama.. and Katherine had her daughter.. the one she lost, something that had drastically affected her and who she become.
They didn’t get to have the best relationship, but given time they could have become a power duo.. they met at a time where Katherine was in trouble and despite her not being too kind to Nadia to begin with, Nadia steps up for her, Katherine would have recognised that, and she did.
Nadia wasn’t there to punish Katherine.. she was there for the mother she so longed for in her own 500 years of running and upon passing to the other side, I fully believe Nadia thought when katherine gave up Elenas body, Katherine would be with her again on the other side and that’s why Nadia didn’t try to fight her own death.
She thought her and her mother could be at peace together at last.. but of course, she couldn’t even have that.
I’m sorry it took so long mama… @malka-lisitsa
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vvaywardhunter · 9 months
Honesty Hour - Dean, you haven't been compelled what are you still doing with that bloodsucker?
"Okay first of all, fuck you. Second of all, she did compel me not to leave Mystic Falls, so I'm working with what I've got here."
"Oh, and also the sex is bomb."
And he's starting to catch feelings.
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thechaosmuses · 1 year
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@queenxvixens commented for a canon one liner from Damon Salvatore
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"I don't do jealous. Not with you. Not anymore."
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multi-royalty · 10 months
I love it
- @malka-lisitsa ( apparently this never made it to my new account)
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infinitusvoces · 2 months
Open Starter (IWTV series)
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Katherine Pierce lounged in a shadowy corner of the bar, her eyes scanning the room with purpose. The lighting was dim, creating deep shadows that served her purposes well. She paid no mind to the person in the corner of the space who was spouting poetry to a few other bar patrons. The air smelled of faint cigarette smoke, alcohol, and what she deemed as some of the worst cologne. She sipped on her drink, incredibly disappointed in its taste. It tasted cheap to her, but she was not entirely here for the drinks.
She continued to observe, waiting as she drank the whiskey. Her sips were slow, considering the quality of the drink. Had it been any other drink, it would be different. Her dark eyes, sharp and predatory looked from face to face, noting the subtlety in the body language of various patrons. There were so, so many options. One at the bar, one listening to the poetry, she was not quite sure which to choose. She continued to ponder as she drank. There was still time, the night was still young after all.
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carxlines · 1 year
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𝖭𝖠𝖣𝖨𝖠 𝖯𝖤𝖳𝖱𝖮𝖵𝖠 - in a moment of weakness, you eat chocolate or kiss the wrong boy, you don't jump off a clock tower
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longroadhcme · 2 years
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          "I’m not worried about you offing me. Because we both know I made you better by making you a vampire.”
featuring ; @eternalxbarbie.
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ac1numa · 8 months
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@salvatoraes asked: send a 📸 to see 3-5 pictures that my muse has/has taken of your muse(s) / stefan in katherine's photobook.
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criedouts · 2 years
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luminescenc1e · 2 months
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“ Yes, well. At least I put myself back together. ” It didn’t take her long to realize just how ruthless and brutal you had to be in order to survive. What sentiments you had, you needed to eradicate, those would only get you killed. “ And what about you? ” The diner was half empty, there was a radio in the back playing Christmas carols even though it was still summer, and the waitress, an older woman with streaks of gray in her hair was filling out the salt and sugar shakers behind the counter.
The dreadful cup of coffee in front of her was mostly full, the little sip she had, was enough to deter her from drinking anymore. “ You seem like you’ve seen your fair share of…bad times. ” A small bell announced another customer, another regular by the looks of it. “ I don’t mean to pry of course. ” She added with a smile, even though she couldn’t care less about the girl’s troubles, she played along. She was new in town, and it was nice to have a base somewhere, even though she wouldn’t be staying long.
selfhaunting asked: “They ripped you apart, and left you to put yourself back together.” @ katerina or damon ? / MEME - accepting
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