#museless headcanons
themuselesswriter · 7 months
Alastor Headcanons
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Early years
Alastor was an awkward kid who had hard time making friends, he was a center of school bullying
His father worked in the military line, he was extremely strict and abusive towards him and his mother, he disliked Alastor's behavior so he made him his daily target
Alastor was a mama's boy, she taught him to be creative and imaginative, she taught him to be kind and showed him how to have good manners
He often got hit by his father because he was trying to protect his mother
When Alastor was 17, his father got into a heated argument with his mother, he was almost going to kill her but Alastor stepped in, protected his mother and killed his father in the process
He had a mental breakdown and it broke him completely, his mother packed him a bag and told him to leave their little town and never come back
He used the funds and what his father left him to get himself into a good college, he originally planned on studying biology but he always found interest in multimedia, theater, journalism and such
He met his very first girlfriend, Jenny, on his second year at the university ( Jenny headcanons here) and he fell in love so hard, to the point that he poured his heart out for her and let his guards down, she knew everything there's to know about him, she helped him and supported him, made him move on from everything he's been through, she encouraged him to pursue a career as a radio host
After her murder, he tracked down her murderer and made sure to avenge her death in the most gruesome way by killing everyone they loved and leaving them to be the last
He moved on to another city and started a fresh
He met his wife at a book store, they were both reaching out for the same book so he decided to let her have it on the condition that she gives it to him once she's done
She was beautiful, had some characteristics that reminded him of both of his mother and his beautiful, spontaneous, carefree Jenny, which made her the perfect partner for him
He fell in love with what she represented more than her at the beginning, afterwards, he proposed, and their marriage went by smoothly
He never told her of his past, although she knew he loved his mother and that he used to be close with her, hearing about her death devastated him, especially since his mother requested he doesn't visit her on her death bed to protect him
He never told her of his sexuality, that he was asexual, but she noticed something was wrong, that's why she never insisted on any sexual advances
Alastor always sheltered his wife and only showed her his good side, in his head, if he showed her how much of a monster he was, she would get hurt, just like his mother, just like his Jenny
She learned about his murders when one day, he returned home very late, she was crying because she thought he was killed but he was exhausted and he just burst that he was the murderer
She tired to live a normal life but then, they gave up and decided to move to a secluded area in the woods, he was taking a walk after a fight with his wife in the woods to calm down and that's where he was shot, mistaken for a deer
Hell Days
Vox was his very personal fanboy, he was swooning over him, but Alastor was clueless, he barely navigated women, let alone men, so when Vox asked him to join him, he thought he meant in the Vees tower, he declined respectfully, not knowing that Vox was really asking him out
He first met Rosie when he arrived at hell and everyone was dismissing him, he bumped into him and he was still processing everything, hating his looks, missing his mother, Jenny and his wife, she felt bad for him and she helped him navigate hell, and ever since, they've been best friends, she noticed him as a nervous, awkward guy who can easily feel uncomfortable so she did her best to understand his ticks and make him feel as comfortable as possible
He hates feeling inferior and dismissed as it was something people usually did back when he was alive, that's why he had to be the star of every show, the most powerful, the smartest, the funniest, the most helpful, he had to have everyone's attention and admiration or else he feels threatened and unseen
He fought against Sir Pentious and Cherri Bomb a few times but he never killed them because they validated him and didn't disregard him, he saw them as worthy opponents, therefore, their battles were built on mutual respect even if they wouldn't say the exact words to each other
He thinks of Nifty as a friendly companion rather than a soul he owns because she doesn't judge his crazy but indulges it, he respects Husk as a soul that he owns but Husk questions him, so their dynamic is complicated
(more to be added)
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muselessart · 7 months
Nifty Gender Swap
So as usual, here’s our reference photo
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Now, get ready…
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And here you go!
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Okay so Hear me out
Nifty or Nifto (idk what we call the male version of Nifty) anyhoo, well, he works as a data entry clerk, he loves cooking, especially pies, he always dreamed of marrying the perfect girl who he could love and adore, and well, he thought he found her in the shape of his neighbor Agatha who lived across from the streets, he found her very beautiful, and perfect and he became really obsessed with her, he would often cook here food and leave it at her doorsteps which was a fun surprise first but then it started freaking her out so she called the police to find out the source of those anonymous meals, eventually, Agatha brings home a guy and Nifto loses it and unalive her and the guy then goes into a psychotic episode.
Also reveal video on TikTok here
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Hey everyone
I know, I know.
“Oh look, it’s Bunny, back with her bullshit.”
Yep. It’s me, back again, with my shit. But this time, my shit is important.
I’m shutting this account down.
Yep, you read right.
slash-and-burn-babe is going out of business.
Here’s why.
1.) I’m museless! Yeah babes, cat’s outta the bag. Part of why I’ve been quiet, threads and starters unanswered, indefinite hiatus. I’ve lost all musings for the Grimm girls. Sadly. I love them both so much, but I just can’t see myself writing for them anymore. My energy for roleplaying has been zapped. The creative mindset behind this account has faded. 
2.) This account has become too personal. My top tag for slash-and-burn-babe is ooc ; flaming shadow. Kinda off putting for a roleplay blog, yea? I feel like this blog turned from roleplay to personal headcanons. 
3.) The edge. Holy shit, this is hard. The apocalypse ain’t a fun place, I know. I emphasize this a lot in most threads. I wanna escape that dark corner, but I can’t seem to escape the dark, angry, cold environment that I’ve kinda put myself in. I need away from it, ya know? 
4.) I need to stop. I’ve lost a lot of contact with people I met through the grapevine of the RPC, and I can see why. From the tiniest corners (like here) to the big stage (such as Overwatch), the community can be a bit of a hassle. I no longer want to do anything on this account anymore. I don’t wanna run this page anymore. So, I’m not.
Here’s my info, should you want to keep contact.
My personal account: @spcdercore  Instagram: spcdercore Twitter: blackwatchvevo Discord: DM me on my personal
Thank you, everyone who has given me the time of day, and everyone who has made me feel loved and welcomed in this little corner of the RPC. Enjoy yourselves and I adore you all.
THIS ACCOUNT WAS RUN FROM 07/29/2018 - 02/28/2019
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linkkon-blog · 7 years
eventually, I will do all of my replies and write more headcanons about Linc. I’ve been a little museless lately and incredibly busy with friends and family
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themuselesswriter · 7 months
Alastor's College Girlfriend - Headcanons
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Okay so hear me out, I started headcanoning Alastor in his previous life having a girlfriend whose completely opposite to him and she's a sweetheart and basically the indirect reason why he became a cold blooded killer, so yeah, so yeah, I'll leave you guys to it!
Jenny and Alastor met at college, she was majoring in education and he was majoring in biology, it was the most cliche way to meet, she was carrying books and walking with her friends and he bumped into her and made her drop her books, he was an awkward kid at the time so instead of helping her out, he froze then ran away.
The second time they met was at the library, she was trying to reach for a book but she was too short, Alastor watched her struggle for good five minutes before he quietly helped her get the book then left without saying a word, she followed him and asked him for a cup of coffee.
Alastor was awkward, antisocial and lacked confident, he spent good twenty minutes outside the coffee shop pacing, trying to gather his courage to enter but he never could, he was about to leave when she saw him and basically dragged him inside, it was the best moment of his entire life.
After that cup of coffee, they kept hanging out more, Jenny's friends didn't like Alastor, because he was considered a weird kid who always dressed up as if he was going to a ball, meanwhile, she praised his style and found him very pleasant to be around so she ignored them.
It took Alastor five months to ask Jenny to be his girlfriend, he couldn't ask her face to face, so instead, he wrote her a letter and hid it in her book, later he felt stupid because how could someone so sweet and kind like Jenny be a girlfriend of an outcast like himself, he tried to retrieve the letter but it was too late as she read it in the middle of her lecture.
One time, Jenny was almost hit by a car because she was chasing a kitten, it was the single most horrifying moment in Alastor's life, he thought he lost her, it was also the first time he ever tells her that he loves her, they ended up adopting the kitten and calling him Husker.
They moved in together after a year and they were the happiest couple, everyone envied their relationship, her impact on him was great, he gained confidence, and he let his charming self show up and appear, she often praised his voice too.
For April's fools, she signed him up for a radio host interview, he ended up getting the job and it was the funniest thing, because who would've thought, shy, awkward Alastor would ever dare to become a radio host.
She is usually very calm and kind unless someone is picking on Alastor which happens a lot, his calm, shy state makes him an easy target, when that happens, she's a raging protective girlfriend.
Alastor was never interested in sexual intimacy, he liked cuddling, enjoyed the kissing, at first Jenny thought he was gay but then realized that he was merely asexual so she sat him down and told him about her discovery, she was supportive though.
After five years, he planned the perfect marriage proposal, he was going to take her to the same coffee shop where they had their first date, fill the place with her favorite flowers, get on one knee and give the speech of his life, he spent an entire month planning it and saving enough money for it through working odd jobs alongside his work as a radio host, he spent an entire day putting it in action.
When he returned home that day to take Jenny out on a date, he saw her laying motionless on the floor, stabbed 19 times, this broke Alastor completely and he vowed to avenge her death.
His mental state worsened as he spent two years tracking down her killer, and when he found him, he made sure that he knew exactly the pain he caused by killing everyone he loved before he finally killed him.
Once the killer was dead, Alastor moved out of the town, he gave Husker to Jenny's parents and left without ever returning there and found a new job at a different radio station.
He moved on with his life but there were things that made him think of her often, the color red, hot chocolate, kittens, his work at the radio station, his reflection in the mirror when he smiles as it was her favorite feature of him, sunsets and jazz music.
Okay so two things, the art is made by me so don't freak out about the credits, lol, and the second is, would anyone who can actually draw be interested in creating Jenny x Alastor comics with me? if so, hmu!
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themuselesswriter · 7 months
Vox asked Alastor to join him but he meant as in be with him but! Alastor, being a clueless psychopathic asexual who thinks everyone is terrified from, thought he meant join his team and work under him so he was like nope, unknowingly, rejecting Vox’s flirting advances and that’s why Vox is so pissed, because to him, HE was rejected and Alastor was parading his rejection while to Alastor he rejected the VEES so he didn’t care much.
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