#musing: aksel
babyitsmagic · 4 months
The Spies
Dahlia serves as the spymaster for the Court of Time, despite the fact that their nephew... does not trust them much. But no one is more qualified than them and Calix does value their expertise. She has a strong network of spies reporting to her. This post is about three of them.
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Half witch/half dearg-due. Very little bloodlust. Clever and ambitious enough that Dahlia doesn't fully trust her, but they're used to working with people they don't trust. Piper's witch magic makes her a huge asset, given that a lot of fae just aren't expecting it. But her strongest asset? She can lie, and no one other than her and Dahlia know that. She and Lynette are decent friends and she could teach Lynette magic, but she also would tell Dahlia if Lynette asked her to do it.
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If he were any less good at his job, Dahlia would kill him. Not because he's a threat or anything. They just find him irritating, and they're not used to putting up with people who irritate them. But he's a damn good spy with a knack for shapeshifting that lets him get into places not everyone can. He provides a lot of intel that a lot of the other spies can't get. Which would be fine, great even, if he didn't know exactly how useful he is and weren't so damn smug about it. Aksel has been a spy the longest of the three, and worked under Hawthorne for many years.
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Tobias is a flirt who uses his charisma to charm secrets out of people. He doesn't have to ask people to tell him things. He makes them want to tell him things, just by being himself. He's Dahlia's go-to resource for when eavesdropping or theft simply won't be enough. Dahlia poached him from the Twilight Court, where they knew his skillset was being wasted. As a result, he's full banished from his former court and, if he were to return, would be executed by any member of the court who recognized him. He almost had a thing with Kieran that ended before it could go anywhere, but probably only added to Kieran's mountain of trust issues, and he's 100% certain that Kieran would murder him on sight.
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cbindievrs · 1 month
Muse: AKSEL GRAHN. Test muse. Open to: Anyone. Ok to assume any connection. No Taboo.
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❛This day feels like it's never gonna end. I can't deal with it anymore❜
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enshrcuded · 2 months
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patrick wilson, gay, male + he/him → isn’t that aksel forsberg akeselric ogemseren? i’ve seen them hanging out with the merfolk. i hear they're 246 (but look 50), but they’ve only been in alexandria for 13 years. they seem to be inquisitive & approachable, but also indulgent & unrestrained.
has royal blood in veins, descendant of an ancient king.
originally came topside to scout and travel before being joined by his husband due to the loss of their homes as a result of global warming and pollution, and to get away from being hunted for sport.
they first settled in with humans but soon realised they got way more than they bargained for, so they began looking for a safe haven for others like them and that's how they eventually found themselves in alexandria.
more on the blog. (click the star labelled chronicle.)
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wulft-gone · 2 years
meme call or smthin,   like this if u want me 2 send u memes 
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entityforged · 1 year
bold whatever applies to your muse. italicize the things that only somewhat apply / are verse dependent. REPOST, DON’T REBLOG.
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been cheated on | been bullied | had your heart broken | broken someone’s heart | told a horrible lie | been betrayed | been framed or set up | stolen something of value | overdosed on drugs | been drunk | cheated | bullied | been publicly humiliated | punched someone in the face | been beaten up | broken a bone | been admitted to a hospital | put someone in the hospital | had a near-death experience | been drugged | done drugs | smoked | been arrested | been homeless | been forced to commit a crime | died and came back to life | kissed someone you weren’t attracted to | bled severely | killed someone | been forced to kill someone | had an attempt on your life | made an attempt on your own life | lost someone | loved someone | watched a loved one die | failed to save or help a loved one | felt helpless | watched your world die or disappear | had your life’s work stolen or destroyed | gone without food for over three days | gone without sleep for over three days | been tortured or questioned | been shot | been stabbed | been poisoned | been held prisoner | been trapped | been buried alive | been held hostage | held someone hostage | been stuck in a different world or universe or time | been abused by someone who should have loved or appreciated or valued you | had a panic attack | had night terrors | been in a car accident | lost your job | lost a fight | had sex with a stranger | been divorced | been abandoned | passed out from pain | cried yourself to sleep | spent a whole day in bed  | hurt yourself | taken your anger out on yourself | taken your anger out on someone you love | been used | been manipulated | felt used | manipulated someone else | had your memories or mind wiped or stolen or tampered with | been taken over by a hostile force | been terrified | played a cruel game on someone | been forced to smile | felt too many things at once | laughed when you felt like crying | been in denial | been denied | faced your demons
tagged by: @intrepidsz tagging: anyone who wants to do this....just say i tagged you ily
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moonroutes · 2 years
𝕚𝕟𝕥𝕣𝕠𝕕𝕦𝕔𝕚𝕟𝕘 ❕   ➜   aksel durmaz.
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( 29 | dueño de un bar / investigador privado | fc: 𝖺𝗅𝗉𝖾𝗋𝖾𝗇 𝖽𝗎𝗒𝗆𝖺𝗓 | board )
ㅤ۪ㅤ۫ㅤ☆  ◞    𝗺𝘂𝘀𝗲   ⋅   aksel durmaz.
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comiiical · 30 days
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Pick your poison today:Aksel
Aleksei, Scotty and Steve JR too (bonus ones but I can't put them there LOL)
Top (pun intended) 9 of muses that I feel and offer for writing today.
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oathfcrged · 2 months
Listen, Aksel likes to collect pretty stones and stuff for his smithing so he may or may not slip them into your muses bag when they're travelling together because he's already weighed his own down. It's a problem.
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rangersav · 4 months
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@tadpo1z; " sorry for waking you. " // things my friends' muses have said
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"Mmh, s'okay. I'm a light sleeper-- a big gust'a wind is enough to wake me." He murmurs, voice strained with exhaustion as he shifts to turn onto his back. With a gentle motion, he rubs away the remnants of sleep from his eyes, palm moving in slow circles against his lids. Baldur's Gate holds a special allure for Maverick, its bustling streets and towering structures a stark contrast to the simplicity of the town where he grew up. Yet, it's not just the city's grandeur that draws him; it's the promise of reunions with Aksel, and not only for the free lodging and extra muscle he supplies. Once he's awake enough to come to his senses, he casts a quizzical look towards the other.
"Somethin' troubling you?" Maverick probes, tucking an arm comfortably beneath the back of his head. "Is it the contract tomorrow? I'm telling ya, Aks, it's gonna be stupid easy -- a Flaming Fist broke into the Duke's quarters, stole a family heirloom, and then went AWOL. Not exactly 'high stakes'." He adds with a wry smirk, his eyes softening with affection as they meet Aksel's gaze. "Why don't you come on back here, huh?"
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wildskissed · 2 months
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Friendship Starters - @oathfcrged mused: “You know, in some cultures, it’s considered almost rude for one friend to spy on another.”
It wasn't as though he was wrong about that, and while she did have the good sense at least to appear sheepish, she knew she would do the same again. Her curiosity tended to get the best of her in the worst of moments, and she really didn't mean the behavior maliciously. At the same time, it seemed quite clear that Aksel was not at all amused by her particular choices.
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“I'll have you know that I am very sorry if you're offended,” Eve began, shaking her head a little and then looking him in the eye, “however, I think that it might be warranted in this case to at least take a peak and make sure that everything is on the level. If it is, I will be the first one to apologize.”
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tadbitfooled · 2 months
❤ + some love for oathfcrged & notyetfixed? 👉👈👀♡
send ‘❤' + a url & i’ll write positivity / what i think abt them. it can be yours or SOMEONE ELSE !
Both of these individuals are in starting phases of interactions with me, so here we go!
I enjoy the amount of work gone into Aksel's backstory. The fact that his father used him as a sacrificial lamb is very delicious and makes one wonder what happened with his father (might need to dig on that). I also enjoy reading her interactions with @oathwilled when I get the chance. They have a very good word flow together, complimenting each other's writing styles very well. I haven't gotten to interact much with her OOC, but she seem to be friendly from what I've seen!
I have spoken to her OOC before, in fact we apparently had each other's discords from my time in the DARP community. Very friendly and fun to talk to, but I know very busy right now so I'm hoping everything's going well with the move! She has a very good variety of muses, which can easily be melded with and work together. Also Gwenifar is going to defend her Gale if you try to blame him for Astarion being a brat again, Colette! But very looking forward to plotting other ways for our muses to mesh together.
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bardicbeetle · 4 months
An exercise in old muses and people who don't belong to me.
Welcome to I'm running an RPG and writing fic about plot points that I didn't get to because my players went a different (and equally fucked) route.
“You made it, good.” Christa smiles, easy and practiced. This guy is no different from any of the other desperate fledglings she’s made. “Follow me—we should get started as soon as possible.”
“You uh, you really have a cure for this?”
“I’m working on it,” she clarifies, she’s always found it best not to outright lie about that part. “it’s still experimental but it does help keep you in control and keep the hunger minimal. I’m hoping that I can get to a point where—”
“—What the fuck?”
He’s spotted Jonathan.
“Don’t pay him any mind,” Christa says, words laced with just a hint of suggestion, just an urge of don’t worry, let it go, he’s not important. “He killed my mother, tried to kill me, I’ve been trying to come up with a worthwhile way of destroying him but—” she stops, mostly for effect, one fist balling up. “—I just, just haven’t thought of anything that holds up to what he did. He’s harmless, and mostly unconscious, he won’t be a problem.”
Thankfully, the little mental push seems to put Aksel at ease.
At least enough that he follows her the rest of the way into the lab.
“I’m sorry about Rissa by the way,” Christa starts again, “she’s the whole reason I’m doing all this—she got turned when we were in high school and I always felt like it was my fault—” She weaves the story about Jonathan and his sister and the death of her mother the same way she always does. About how Rissa was infatuated with Jonathan, and his sister had wanted Christa for herself—and how all of it went to hell in a matter of weeks.
She talks about giving Rissa her blood.
About bleeding herself dry for years just to keep Rissa from hurting anyone because she couldn’t control herself.
Christa tells the story the same way she always does.
About Jonathan coming back.
About him forcing his blood down her throat after nearly killing her.
About him hunting Christa just as much as she was hunting him.
There’s a hypnotic edge to the way she talks.
Something she’d become very good at about two years back.
It made things easier.
Pressing her mind into other peoples.
Willing them to follow her lead.
It does snap when she tightens the first cuff, and Aksel jolts like she’s burnt him.
“It’s okay.” She says softly, “The process can hurt—it hurts less if you don’t thrash around. I’ll undo them as soon as it’s done—you have my word.”
And she would.
He just wouldn’t be alive for that part.
It’s almost a shame this time around. He seems so genuinely lost. As though the whole ordeal has sent him spiraling. It’s not something she’s seen often, but he’s not the first. A lot of the time people call her sooner—bare minimum before they kill. That alone made him a bit of an outlier.
It didn’t matter though.
The last time she’d done this, she had managed to stand outside in the sun for a few hours—but that was on half blood. She wouldn’t get the same result here.
A shame.
The warmth had been nice.
But his blood was new and weak and it would be decent stock to keep in case Jonathan got too skeletal or Rissa stopped providing her own.
Then she could keep going.
Eventually perfect at least the halfway point.
Get Rissa back in the sunlight.
And maybe someday, back to aging like she should.
“How did you… start all this?”
“It was a stupid idea at first,” Christa says, because it was, “the idea that a full transfusion of human blood could reverse the whole process. Drain out all the vampire shit, put human stuff back in, boom, hello sunshine and daytime tv. But it’s not that easy. Even our bodies don’t love being fully drained—it’s delicate keeping the balance right so that you don’t turn into a husk—”
“—a what—”
“—Don’t worry.” She says again, “I’ve done this enough times now that there’s really no risk of that. Besides, that was the first iteration—and like I said, it was a stupid idea and it didn’t work.” She walks away towards the cooler, leaving him tied up, arms legs and chest all fully strapped down to her one little office chair.
The bottom of the cooler is host to a handful of yellowy-clear IV bags, and she picks one out at random.
“Drink this—all of it. It’ll help with the pain.”
“What is it?”
“It’s plasma—dosed up with an alarming amount of painkillers. It’ll keep your hunger down while I take some blood and it’ll stop some of the pain from the next part. The dose has to be high because your body doesn’t respond the same to any kind of influence anymore. Drugs, booze, caffeine, none of it. Unless it’s a lot stronger.” This again, is half true. There are painkillers in there. But there’s also enough tranquilizer to put out a fucking moose. She’s not in the mood to hear screaming today.
The noise Aksel makes says none of these words inspire confidence. But he’s already tied down, so they don’t have to.
The last thing Christa does, as usual, is click on the webcam sitting on top of her monitor, aligning it properly so she can start the log.
“Alright, Aksel. Let’s get started.”
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cbindievrs · 10 hours
muse: Aksel Grahn | for @coquetties
Aksel wasn't drunk. In fact, he usually didn't drink much. He enjoyed a beer or two to wind down the night, but he hated losing control or feeling out of it. And it was precisely because of his sobriety that he was able to quickly recognize who had bumped into him that night, at the bar. ❝Hey, easy…❞ he said, his hands on Cindy's waist, because she didn't seem to be able to balance well on her feet. ❝You seem to be having a good night...❞
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valpohq · 3 months
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whether  it's  a  lavish  vacation,  searching  for  muse  through  the  region's  colorful  streets,  searching  for  someone  to  hold,  or  maybe  for  something  in  themselves;  the valparaíso region welcomes  you  !  you  have  24  hours  to  send  in  your  account,  and  be  sure  to  check  the  after  acceptance  checklist  to  make  sure  you're  not  missing  anything  ! 
Welcome Imani Lucía Acevedo ! Valparaíso welcomes you to the cultural capital of the region ! We hope you lose yourself amongst the historic district, or find beauty in the Casaplan gallery !
is that LAUREN RIDLOFF ? oh, no, that’s IMANI LUCÍA ACEVEDO, a FORTY-TWO year old COMIC BOOK ARTIST who uses SHE/HER pronouns. they currently live in VALPARAÍSO, and the character they identify with most is NED LEEDS from SPIDERMAN. hopefully they find their own little paradise here in el país de los poetas! ( link. again. dont look at me )*** aksels third bestie connection
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mccnrxse · 3 months
[ hand ] ( gale )
✧ . ┊ a touch starved meme ; accepting [ hand ]:   for your muse to hold my muses hand ( @oathfcrged )
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This was it. Their final fight was rapidly approaching. They needed a couple more days to get everything and everyone ready, and Gale spent all his free time and nights with Aksel because he wasn't sure if there was a future for him. Mystra gave him a way to defeat the Netherbrain, a pretty much foolproof way – get close enough and detonate. Even though the others were sure there were other ways to come out victorious, this was a failsafe.
Gale thought he had come to terms with his possible fate, but after returning to Baldur's Gate and seeing Aksel again, he wasn't so sure about it anymore. He now had a lot to lose.
He stood in the dark room, leaning against a doorframe leading to a balcony, eyes fixated on the starry sky, but he wasn't seeing it. He was deep in his thoughts, and didn't even notice Aksel coming in. Only when he felt the other man slip his hand in Gale's did he blink and look at him. A loving, but sad smile curved the corners of his lips. He brought their joined hands up to his mouth and kissed their intertwined fingers. He wanted to say he'd miss him in the afterlife if things came to that, but it would ruin their night.
❝You are wonderful, did you know that?❞ Gale asked, his smile growing wider. He pushed himself off the doorframe and cupped the other man's cheek with his free hand. ❝Please, never change.❞ He gazed into his eyes for a moment, trying to memorize everything about them, even the tiniest detail, and then he leaned in to give him a kiss full of love, longing, and passion. He kissed him like there was no tomorrow. And for Gale that might even be true in a few days.
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entityforged · 2 years
myhre tag drop
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