#musings┊her favourite position was ceo
herbrokenmelodies · 6 months
[ ◈ ] [ himiko ] makes a drunk confession to [ kyungseok ].
The drunken flush is hot and pink all over her face. She hiccups a lot, knowing that she had mixed her bad combination drinks of the night. Wine mixed with anything else did not always fall well for her. But tonight, tonight she just felt the need to get wasted and feel something. It was unlike Himiko to get drunk and be a sloppy mess. Yet here she was a hot mess with her favourite other hot mess, Kyungseok. Hehe, they were both hot, was all she could think about.
Until a wave of sadness comes over her, her arms are clinging around his neck to stand up straight. She thinks she's whispering but instead she was yelling loudly into his ear. Thank fuck they were in one of her VIP rooms, kinda alone, kinda not really as they bought a few hot people to party and drink with. Still, he was the only one her drunken self felt best to be around. "Listen, listen, hey listen!" Himiko squishes his cheeks, making him look at her,"Do you ever think about why beautiful, sexy people like us are always slutting it out," Himiko hiccups,"Because...because I do. I know why...why we beautiful, sexy, and super hot people do. It's because we are lonely. I'm so god dan lonely," tears well in her eyes,"Even...in the crows *hiccup* I'm so lonely. I'm not made to be loved. I don't....*hiccup* no one is going to love me."
Himiko cries a little more,"You are so lucky Kyungseok, everyone loves your hot ass! You're *hiccup* agent name has even got the word Love in it. Mine's got Stress!" For a moment she sobers up, eyes locking onto his wondering if he worked it out. Her drunken state takes over, as she presses a finger to his lips, hushing him,"Shhhhhhh, you aren't meant to know that I am Songstress and all the dark dealings and my backroom business *hiccup* oopsy daisy I guess you know now."
She pauses,"Wait, does this....hehe...does this make me one of the hot, sexy bad guys yeah?"
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freddve · 3 years
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meet the npc: matilda ‘tilda’ ritchie golding haum
1. how old are they and what do they look like?
𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐚 '𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐚' 𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐞 𝐠𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐚𝐮𝐦, 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐲-𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 | the oldest golding sibling. mother of two dogs and an adopted son. ceo of goldingium & ajaxco. capricorn sun, virgo moon, pisces rising. insufferable genius. sugar-and-ice personality. daddy’s girl. the broken ace. the dutiful child. emotionally tongue-tied. the responsible sibling.
tilda’s the product of an unplanned pregnancy — the sole reason why the marriage between mr. golding & miss nesin was brought forward by almost two years. she’s the voice of reason and a perfect example of how the golding children should behave. named after mr. golding’s grandfather ritchie golding, she was destined for greatness. a lady in her neutral toned power suits. birkin bags & louboutin red bottoms. custom made blue light glasses. nude lips. manicured baby pink nails.
the beatrice to all the dantes out there. she’s the epitome of divinity & she knows it.
2. what kind of a presence do they have in your muse’s life? do they have a positive or negative relationship?
𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐚 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡'𝐬 ( she’s always been peach for tilda, never frederica or freddie ) relationship is complicated. being the oldest sibling, there’s a twenty-four year age gap between them. at first, tilda was like a mother — scratch that, she was freddie’s mother; still living with her parents, tilda woke up at odd hours, soothing peach when she just would not stop crying. she was also freddie’s first friend & confidant. days when she was around to keep peach busy, you could hear the sighs of relief coming from the au pairs rooms.
matilda didn’t really grow up in a strict household — mrs golding was twenty-four when she had her; all it took was an army of nannies to raise their first born. still, matilda’s always felt like a burden to her parents, in her mind, she was the final nail in the coffin. so she promised herself she would make it up for it by proving goldings she’s not a fault, but a blessing.
their relationship was irreversibly damaged once she moved out, leaving her little peachy behind. to be honest, freddie’s always been too much to handle and patience has never been matilda’s forté. tilda expected freddie to be like her, a perfect copy of the perfect daughter, the opposite sides of the same coin, but frederica wouldn’t or couldn’t rise to her level, that tilda cannot really tell. 
3. are they revered in irving? do they have bad blood with anyone?
𝐮𝐧𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬, matilda’s never been to irving. freddie doubts she could point it on a map — kinda silly considering matilda’s literally a genius, but yes freddie babe, you do you. 
that being said, she has two beach houses in the area. despite never bothering to visit, she bought those for mrs golding, as she’s a big fan of irving. 
4. if your muse is no longer in contact with them, how did the relationship end? did your muse get closure over this?
𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐚 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡 haven’t spoken since the day after the wedding fiasco. matilda suggested the location for freddie’s exile, hoping the life away from temptations would set her straight. after throwing a tantrum & calling matilda a mistake, mother wannabe — freddie knew how to hurt her, and she wanted to hurt her bad, matilda left the room and didn’t attend the family dinner aka frederica’s farewell party. at first, it really felt like an exile. freddie believed she was being punished for not being like tilda. or tilda was jealous of her. either way, her sister hated her, and she was sure of it. but now, it’s been over eight months since freddie moved here, and she’s beginning to see why matilda chose irving out of all the places. 
memories are tricky. sometimes they fool you. a few months ago, after not receiving a birthday call from matilda, freddie went through her famous treasure chest and came across a postcard sent by matilda, dated the same summer freddie spent in irving. it looked gross and brown-ish, like she spilled coffee on it, and perhaps she did, but she could still read some parts of it, including “if you like it that much i should come and see there myself, but now baba needs me. you take care of mom + irving sun for me, okay? kisses, tilda”. 
frederica being frederica, she didn’t call matilda, but after years of troubled sleeping schedule, that night freddie slept like peach used to. an old piece of card with smudged writing was the proof she needed; her sister only wants the best for her. 
frederica peach golding’s treasure chest
ok, her treasure chest doesn’t fit the task, but i wanted to include it lol. frederica moved around a lot, sometimes within city limits, sometimes abroad, but often times it felt like she was hopping from one planet to another, always the alien, always the new kid. 
moving was fun. she got the plan her room, mrs & mr golding let her do whatever the hell she wanted. age ten, she even got herself a secret room like hannah montana’s, because why not? but it didn’t last for long. she was rapidly losing interest in decorating room after room, treating them as a c list rock band would with motels,  throwing fits & breaking things, not really including herself. the solution was easy — emptying the box tilda gifted her, frederica began to store her favourite items from each room. if it didn’t fit her treasure box, she wouldn’t take the item with her. so far, she has her signed twilight poster, a few memorable items like her grass ring, glitter pens, the rules of her secret language ( that she’s forgotten about ), family photos, a broken ipod, a piece of brick from the demolition of her childhood room, shrek dvd & finally left leg of her favourite toy, mr lollipop buns ( he was a big, stuffed rabbit plushie and wouldn’t fit the box, so freddie thought it would be best to perform an amputation on him - mr lollipop buns lives with her third nanny, isla’s children with his one leg).  
she has it hidden under her bed. has many colourful yet ugly stickers on it, and she wrote ‘fred’s not secret box’ hoping it would be enough to keep curious individuals away from her treasure box.
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ambivalent-auguries · 3 years
✩ for Shino and Jaume (from malibvnghts)
Send ‘✩’ for the following:
Who is more likely to raise their voice? Both lol Who threatens to leave but never actually does? Shino lol Who actually keeps their word and leaves? Jaume oop Who trashes the house? Jaume is trash Do either of them get physical? Both oop How often do they argue/disagree? A LOT bless Who is the first to apologise? Neither they just fuck lol
Who is on top? Jaume always Who is on the bottom? Shino always sorry, Shin-Shin Who has the strangest desires? BOTH they are both trash lol Any kinks? Which one don’t they have?? Mostly power play, pain, angry sex, control, breath play, tying up/being tied up, spanking, spitting there’s just so much fuck Who’s dominant in bed? Jaume Is head ever in the equation? Most times lol  If so, who is better at performing it? Shino, Jaume rarely does it lol Ever had sex in public? They’ve already gotten frisky on a balcony and Jaume will fuck Shino in an alley way at some point lol Who moans the most? Shino  Who leaves the most marks? Jaume  Who screams the loudest? Shino lol  Who is the more experienced of the two? They are both experienced Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’? Fuck lol  Rough or soft? ROUGH AS HELL THEY ARE SO TRASH pls save me from this ship How long do they usually last? Until Jaume is satisfied lol Is protection used? Yeah sure lol  Does it ever get boring? Nah NEVER that’s why they’re with each other lol  Where is the strangest place they’d have sex? Watch it be in a cinema lol
Family: NOPE Do not let these two be parents pls 
Do your muses plan on having children/or have children?  If so, how many children do your muses want/have?  Who is the favorite parent?  Who is the authoritative parent?  Who is more likely to allow the children to have a day off school?  Who lets the children indulge in sweets and junk food when the other isn’t around? Who turns up to extra curricular activities to support their children? Who goes to parent teacher interviews? Who changes the diapers? Who gets up in the middle of the night to feed the baby? Who spends the most time with the children? Who packs their lunch boxes? Who gives their children ‘the talk’? Who cleans up after the kids? Who worries the most? Who are the children more likely to learn their first swear word from?
Who likes to cuddle? Jaume but would never admit it the prick lol Who is the little spoon? Shino gets locked into being lil spoon lol Who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places? BOTH lol Who struggles to keep their hands to themself? Jaume ngl he likes having his hands all around Shino lol How long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable? 1 minute then Shino becomes uncomfortable lol Who gives the most kisses? Jaume and they’re almost always angry lol What is their favourite non-sexual activity? Talking business, travelling, sometimes partying, fighting lol Where is their favourite place to cuddle? They rarely cuddle but once in a blue moon after sex Jaume will force Shino into it lol Who is more likely to playfully grope the other? Both let’s not lie lol How often do they get time to themselves? Whenever they feel like fucking lol But Jaume is super busy and so is Shino so ya know 
Who snores? Neither If both do, who snores the loudest? N/A Do they share a bed or sleep separately? When they sleep in the same place, they share If they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart? Shino tries to lay apart but Jaume is a lil bitch lol Who talks in their sleep? Neither What do they wear to bed? Nothing loool Are either of your muses insomniacs? Nope Can sleeping pills be found by the bedside? Nope Do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side? Side by side lol Shino would punch Jaume if he tried to suffocate him lol Who wakes up with bed hair? Jaume lol Who wakes up first? Jaume Who prepares breakfast in bed for the other? Jaume What is their favourite sleeping position? Jaume’s favourite sleeping position is when Shino doesn’t struggle lol Who hogs the sheets? Jaume selfish prick Do they set an alarm each night? Jaume does Can a television be found in their bedroom? No Who has nightmares? Neither? Who has ridiculous dreams? Shino is the one with the imagination lol Who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed? Again, Jaume is a selfish prick lol Who makes the bed? The maid... What time is bed time? After midnight lol Any routines/rituals before bed? Sex lol That’s it, they fuck each other into tiredness lol Who’s the grumpiest when they wake up? Shino lol
Who is the busiest? Jaume Who rakes in the highest income? Jaume is a rich boyyyy Are any of your muses unemployed? Nope but Shino might as well be lol Who takes the most sick days? Neither lol Who is more likely to turn up late to work? They both have good work ethic Who sucks up to their boss? Jaume’s boss is his mum and he hates her and Shino doesn’t give a shit lol What are their jobs? Jaume is a CEO and Shino is an artist - yeah you didn’t see these two getting together huh? Who stresses the most? Jaume  Do your muses enjoy or despise their careers/occupations? They both enjoy their jobs Are your muses financially stable? Yeah 
Who does the washing? Jaume, I feel lol Who takes out the trash? Shino, every time he kicks Jaume out abshvf loool  Who does the ironing? Neither lol Jaume has his clothes sent to the dry cleaners and Shino barely has clothes which don’t have paint on them lol Who does the cooking? Jaume, he’s a good cook  Who is more likely to burn the house down just trying? Shino lol Who is messier? Jaume is a clean freak so Shino, he’s the slob lol Who leaves the toilet roll empty? Shino Who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor? Shino Who forgets to flush the toilet? Shino Who is the prankster around the house? Shino because he likes getting on Jaume’s nerves lol Who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere? Shino lol Who mows the lawn? The gardener... lol Who answers the telephone? Jaume Who does the vacuuming? The cleaner lol Who does the groceries? Jaume Who takes the longest to shower? Jaume but Shino finds himself in the shower because of Jaume lol Who spends the most time in the bathroom? Both, Shino because he’s forced lol
Is money a problem? Nope How many cars do they own? Jaume owns like three lol Do they own their home or do they rent? Jaume owns, I think Shino rents lol They would own if they lived together  Do they live near the coast or deep in the countryside? Jaume wishes he lived near a coast Do they live in the city or in the country?  CITY Do they enjoy their surroundings? Yeah they do What’s their song? THIS ABSOLUTE TRASH LOL What do they do when they’re away from each other? Probably have less stress lol Where did they first meet? A bar How did they first meet?  Jaume went like: Imma fuck you in the next hours, Shino was like: Pfff fuck off you creep, and then he fucked the creep lol Who spends the most money when out shopping? JAUME lol Who’s more likely to flash their assets? Jaume lol Who finds it amusing when the other trips over? Shino lol  Any mental issues? Does anger count lol Does mommy issues count lol Who’s terrified of bugs? Neither lol Who kills the spiders around the house? Jaume  Their favourite place? Spain uwu they are soft in Spain lol Who pays the bills? Jaume loool Do they have any fears for their future? Being tied down  Who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner? Jaume  Who uses up all of the hot water? Jaume because again he’s the most selfish prick Who’s the tallest? Jaume Who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other? Jaume lol He sometimes gets impatient Who wanders around in their underwear? Shino and Jaume takes it off lol Who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio? Jaume loool what a loser lol What do they tease each other about? Shino teases Jaume about everything and anything, Jaume teases Shino about how loud he is and how much he enjoys sex with him lol Who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times? JAUME LOOOL He cringes so hard at Shino lol Do they have mutual friends? They have mutual like people they know in the business lol Who crushed first? You know it’s Jaume lol weak ass bitch Any alcohol or substance related problems? Jaume just drinks a lot? Nicotine?  Who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am? Jaume lol Who swears the most? They both do, AGAIN do not let these two have kids fuck 
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greermarch-a · 4 years
TASK 001. → statistics.
Greer Josefin March
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Full Name: Greer Josefin March
Nickname(s): Her father called her Gee until he passed away. Another nickname from her childhood was GiGi. Payton couldn’t seem to pronounce Greer, and upon hearing their father’s nickname, a new one was created. 
Age: 30
Date of Birth: March 27, 1990
Hometown: Boston, MA → Beacon Hill
Current Location: Mystic, CT
Ethnicity: Swedish, Finnish
Nationality: American
Gender: Cisgender Female
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Orientation: Biromantic/Bisexual
Religion: Catholic → Her father’s parents passed, and he was adopted and raised in a very stereotypical Irish Catholic Boston family. This was passed onto Greer and her siblings. She struggles with her faith due to the extreme problems she sees in the Catholic Church, but she continues to practice due to her father.
Political Affiliation: Democrat
Occupation: Author ( aspiring ), Bookseller @ Hailey’s Comet, Adjunct Professor in Creative Writing & Literature @ Mystic Community College
Living Arrangements: A small house that she has now started to renovate near the coast and outskirts of town. Much of the inheritance she received has been allocated to her home. The home looks something like this.
Language(s) Spoken: Fluent in English; Conversational French, Italian & Swedish. Her father taught her just about everything she knows, and with all of his international traveling with business ( and her frequent attendance on those trips ) in combination with her traveling while abroad, she picked them up quite easily. Her grammar is horrid, but she’s very good about getting her point across for the most part.
Accent: General Northeastern American accent. Her Bostonian accent faded while abroad. Her accent is something similar to this. ( This is just for her tone & for fun. )
Face Claim: Alicia Vikander
Hair Colour: Naturally dark brown, currently dyed like this
Eye Colour: Brown ( x )
Height: 5′6′′
Weight: 120 lbs
Build: athletic, toned
Tattoos: One small, minimalist tattoo of Virginia Woolf on the back of her left bicep. ( x ) Another tattoo on her ribcage of “so it goes” from Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse-Five that she got a week after her father’s passing. ( x )
Piercings: One piercing in each ear ( x )
Clothing Style: Very neutral tones, comfy clothes, very casual business casual for work and everyday, but more casual on her off-days and at home. ( x )
Usual Expression: Soft smile queen, her expression is usually light but attentive ( x )
Distinguishing Characteristics: bright laugh and smile, olive skin tone, brown eyes, defined jawline, small dimples when she smiles.
Physical Ailments: N/A
Neurological Conditions: Generalized Anxiety Disorder; she was diagnosed her junior year of high school.
Allergies: N/A
Sleeping Habits: Greer tends to get 5-6 hours on a bad night and 7-8 hours on a normal night. She is more of a morning person, as she loves being able to wake up early, go for a run, and then write or get work done in the quiet morning ( 5 AM when she will typically wake up ). This can shift based off of her work load for the week and/or her muse for any writing she has been working on.
Eating Habits: Greer eats extremely clean and healthy. With all the working out she does to keep her energy and anxiety manageable, she will eat high protein diets full of grains, dark leafy greens, and proteins like beans, eggs, and organic seafood or white meat ( though she tends to not eat much meat for environmental purposes ). Her frequency is typically 3 full meals a day with two snacks in between the breakfast and lunch and then lunch and dinner. She will not eat any red meat.
Exercise Habits: She goes for runs and/or kick boxes six days a week, and she will do yoga on her off/rest day.
Emotional Stability: On the outside she is at about a 6. She’s rather impulsive and hotheaded, but she’s gotten much better about hiding it. When her anxiety is bad, this stability decreases. On the inside, it’s at about a 4. A lot of the things that she will not allow herself to express fully and externally manifests itself internally for her in stomach aches, headaches, and sleep loss.
Sociability: Greer is an introvert, but that being said, she is very outgoing and bubbly. She really values her social times with small groups of people she is comfortable and close too, and she needs it, but if it’s too much time spent in a day, she’s not able to get any alone time between waking up and sleeping in, or she is in large groups of people she doesn’t know well, her ability to socialize decreases.
Body Temperature: She’s like a little furnace. 
Addictions: N/A
Drug Use: Light marijuana usage when she was younger.
Alcohol Use: Social drinker, usually will drink about 2-3 times a week, but she will typically not have more than two drinks ( 4 if it’s a party typically ). Her drink of choice is typically an IPA, but she enjoys dry red and white wine.
Label: The Bibliophile
Positive Traits: spirited, adventurous, outgoing, passionate, independent
Negative Traits: unorganized, hot-headed, impulsive, nervous, overemotional
Goals/Desires: Her ultimate career goal is to write a book ( likely realistic fiction ) that is able to touch a diverse range of readers. Her personal desires are to reconnect with her younger sibling Payton, find a home that feels like home, and find friends and loved ones that feel like home. Her romantic side wants a passionate and gentle lover and life partner as well, though this is not as high on her list.
Fears: Enclosed spaces, Not being loved, Being cheated on, Never creating a legacy of some sort that inspires people (e.g., a book, career)
Hobbies: reading, running, kick boxing, home improvement, hiking
Habits: running fingers through hair, rambling, licking lips, fidgets constantly
Weather: Warm and sunny but cool enough to wear a sweatshirt ( aka perfect running weather )
Colour: Burgundy
Music: Primarily alternative indie rock and rnb. She loves stereotypical w|w alt rock bands and singers such as Phoebe Bridgers, Soccer Mommy ( Wildflowers was a huge inspiration while writing her ), The Japanese House, etc. Her father was extremely into artists like Stevie Wonder, Womack & Womack, and Prince, so she also very much enjoys rnb artists both new ( think Snoh Aalegra, Rihanna, Blood Orange ) and old. See examples here.
Movies: Book adaptations, period dramas, romantic comedies
Sport: Basketball
Beverage: Tea with honey or coffee (black) with cinnamon for hot drinks. Otherwise, lemonade with mint.
Food: fresh fruit ( especially berries )
Animal: otters ( she loves the photos of them holding hands when they sleep )
Father: Joseph March, deceased., former CEO and founder of March Enterprise.
Mother: Josefin Nyburg March, 65 years old, current CEO of March Enterprise
Sibling(s): Joseph II March, 33 years old; Payton March, 26 years old
Children: N/A
Pet(s): N/A
Family’s Financial Status: Upper-Class ( Corporate Elite )
Zodiac Sign: Aries Sun; at their best, adventurous and energetic, pioneering and courageous, enthusiastic and confident, dynamic and quick-witted. At their worst, selfish and quick-tempered, impulsive and impatient, foolhardy and daredevil. Pisces Rising. Aries Moon.
MBTI: INFP-T (The Mediator): Strengths — Idealistic, Seek and Value Harmony, Open-minded and Flexible, Passionate and Energetic, Dedicated and Hard-working. Weaknesses — Too Idealistic, Too Altruistic, Impractical, Dislike Dealing with Data, Take Things Personally, Difficult to Get to Know.
Enneagram: Four/The Individualist. Fours want to be unique and to live life authentically, and are highly attuned to their emotional experience. ( Eight & Seven are close 2nd and 3rd in that order. )
Temperament: Sanguine.
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Primary Vice: Pride
Primary Virtue: Diligence 
Element: Fire
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inescapcble · 4 years
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This isn’t really an intro as much as an UPDATE featuring a biography and some changes I’ve realised as I’ve gotten to know Leah’s character better, but given that I’d still recommend y’all give this a once over. Thanks to everyone for getting involved with her and my other characters, and I’m excited to do so much more with her. <3
Name: Leontine Artemisia Morgan
Nicknames: Leah (by select friends & family only), Madam Prez (slang)
Gender & Pronouns: cis female, she/her pronouns
Age & DOB: Forty | 14 February, 1980 | Anchorage, Kentucky
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Orientations: Bisexual / biromantic (with a lean towards women)
Relationship Status: In a ( secret ; open ) relationship with Princess Ivana of the Netherlands ( @ofivana​ )
Nationality: American
Religion: Agnostic
Neuroses: Undiagnosed Asperger’s syndrome (note: I, the mun, have diagnosed Asperger’s!)
Hometown: Anchorage, Kentucky
Father: Kenneth Morgan, CEO of Morgan Financial
Mother: Candace Morgan (d. 2019)
Siblings: Bocephus ( @hxll-0​ ) and Elise ( @ofchampagnetears​ ) Morgan (b. 1992)
Languages Spoken: English, Latin, French, Italian, German (incl. Swiss, Austrian and Bavarian German), Spanish, Portuguese
Educational Background: Institut Le Rosey, Harvard University, John Hopkins University
Occupational History:
1. Intern / Political Assistant at Capitol Hill (2002-06)
2. Representative for Maryland’s 2nd District (2006 special election — 2010)
3. Junior Senator for Maryland (2010-2016)
4. 45th President of the United States of America (20th January, 2017—)
Achievements: Youngest and first female president of the United States; shortest initiation in Society history. If I listed her political achievements we’d be here a while, folks.
Codename: Adrasteia 
Meaning: Adrasteia means “the inescapable,” which I chose as her label. It’s another name for Nemesis, the goddess of divine retribution, which i found quite fitting because she’s always managed to rise above people and attain what she wants, even if it is through using her parents’ money and power to her advantage at least in part. And now she’s the defender of the free world, in the most powerful office in the world — don’t make an enemy of the inescapable, for the inescapable will always get you.
Traditionalist or Reformist: Leah struggles to shoe-horn herself into either camp, but she supposes in general due to her own ideas that she’s some kind of reformist, even if that reform doesn’t include party islands and hedonistic displays. She prefers more power for women within the Society; more space for non-established families and for people to get in on their talent alone.
Goals In The Society: Her own advancement. To make her rowdy siblings see their own potential, and perhaps find a bond with them that feels less like she’s that cousin you don’t see often and don’t know very well. Ultimately, to be the Grand Archon, where she can make the most positive change. To use the Society to get rid of the Twenty-Second Amendment so she has more time to create further equally positive change for America. 
Opinion On The Society: It’s something she was always meant to be part of, but something that needs to be tweaked to fit the time that it’s in. Some people’s definition of ‘tweak’ is too far, but ultimately the most important thing is that she’s in it. Certainly she values it as an honour.
Enneagram: Eight, with a Seven wing
Temperament: Choleric
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Inspirations: Birgitte Nyborg (Borgen) | Kidz & SOS (Take That songs, inverse) | Peggy Carter (Marvel Cinematic Universe) | Official Secrets (film)
Tropes: The Ace, Armour-Piercing Question, America Saves The Day, The Chessmaster, Contemplative Boss, Married To The Job, Workaholic, Badass In Charge, Brainy Brunette, Deadpan Snarker, Iron Lady
A piece of art: The Kiss by Gustav Klimt
A song: Under The Ladder by Mélovin
A book: How To Use Your Enemies by Baltasar Gracián
A movie: Official Secrets
A TV show: Borgen
A historical era: Ancient Greece if she had to choose one, but she’s more one to look to the future than the past.
A historical figure: Artemisia of Caria
A colour: Royal blue
An animal: Lioness (she’s got the name for a reason.)
JOB: She’s sat in the Oval Office, folks, she’s doing it.
VACATION: Leontine doesn’t have time for vacations, especially not if she’s attending Society events, but if she did, she’d like to go to the Acropolis.
DAY: One day where Bo and Elise are calm; getting to go on a real date with Ivy and be proud of it.
AS A CHILD: To be President of the United States.
LAST NIGHT: I can’t tell you, because she didn’t sleep long enough to reach the appropriate stage and dream.
THAT THEY GAVE UP ON: She’s never given up on a dream. Never once, not unless she realises it was wrong in the first place. She’s not someone who gives up.
THAT THEY HAVE RIGHT NOW: Constitutional change; getting her siblings into the Society
TWELVE years — that was how long Leontine Artemisia was the sole daughter of Kenneth and Candace Morgan, but also how long it took them to forget why. Through generations of the Morgan bloodline the same issue had persisted; a work-ethic that was either partly or entirely based upon an unattainable ideal of perfection. 
Which, in itself, led to relationships like the parents’ own. Lacking in healthy emotional expression ( particularly on the side of the born Morgan, less so in his softer-hearted wife ) and with at least some business element regarding a ‘practical’ or ‘advantageous’ match. It wasn’t an arranged marriage, not quite, as they had found each other — mostly — alone, but neither could it be said to be a ‘love match’ the likes of which fill the daydreams of any hopeless romantic. 
And then, from there, they hadn’t realised how it would impact any child of theirs until it was too-little, too-late to do anything about it. When the nifty Morgan motto had already taken hold, dug itself into the young girl, going deeper with every comment Kenneth made about how she could be ‘better,’ or ‘how do you expect to be like me or your grandfather?’ 
It became Candace’s — being the far more empathetic parent, the one who was there when Leah fell and who had attached herself to her first-born in a way she would not attach quite the same with inevitable additions — goal to get her as far away from her husband’s influence as possible, so that she might have half a chance at coming fully into her own. Except, prior to achieving that goal, the terrors ( I’m sorry, the twins, but they were, and are, terrors ) came into the trio’s lives, and Leah was both no longer alone, and more alone than ever.
Which suited her fine, or at least she said it did. After all, she was still her mother’s favourite, anyone could see it. Could feel it, where Kenneth had turned his attention to the young babes to see which child would offer him the legacy he craved; because Leah’s goal — politics; the highest seat in the land, even then, regardless if she had to claw her way up there with her nails or not — didn’t particularly interest him at the time ( Morgan Financial needed an heir, and he was consistently frustrated at his eldest daughter’s disinterest ) and would interest him even less after she came back with European ideas from her next destination: the Institut Le Rosey in Switzerland, where she would meet a whole host of future A-Listers and members of the Society, including one Étienne de Polignac.
When she returned from Le Rosey at the age of eighteen, her next destination was already settled: the famed Harvard University, to study political science. Of course, she could be nothing but the hardest worker, something she would not let her university boyfriend — as much as she loved him at the time — get in the way of; it was clear Kenneth’s message had gotten through to her ( too well, as she would never feel good enough, always striving to impress him, when it was impossible ) when she chose career over her love life upon graduation. 
Because from a young age she had set her eyes upon the White House desk, organised her life around that ultimate dream; pursued law and civics, and abandoned the healthy social lives of others her age. While other members of her family could have been considered high-society socialites, all she knew was her own ambition. Quickly Leah herself became the pedestal for her siblings to follow — except, not her politics, as Kenneth would indicate by sending the twins to Phillips Exeter rather than Le Rosey — and was a point of pride when her parents decided she ought to go to public events; after all, she had to learn how to relate to people, didn’t she? Her first motto, and a tattoo she has that’s always hidden by her clothing, is: change your stars, if you try, you’ll succeed.
Leontine moved to Maryland after Harvard, where she worked as a political advisor at Capitol Hill for one of the Democratic representatives ( whilst balancing a second degree, in international relations, at Johns Hopkins University due to its proximity to Capitol Hill ) until she was of constitutional age to stand for election in the House. She won Maryland’s second district — rather than standing in her birth / home state of Kentucky — and then, upon turning thirty, became the junior senator for the state; however, these early political years were all overshadowed by one event: the war in Iraq, with which she vehemently disagreed, and which has continued to influence her strong anti-war stance throughout the rest of her political career.
‘The rest’ of her political career including her run for President in the 2016 election, resulting in the thirty-six year old defeating Republican nominee Donald Trump in the most resounding fashion since the Nixon landslide. And even then the opponent managed to win Massachusetts; not so here. 
She grew up privileged, of course she did, and she’s found her balance between being at peace with and being very aware of what led her to where she is today: the Oval Office, the young trailblazer wherever she went. Leah Morgan’s ‘brand’ is record-breaking, perhaps ( after all, she very quickly charmed people to her favour to admit her into the society as a 25-year-old initiate, a Societal record that still to this day stands. ) 
Leah’s mother Candace, however, was killed in a ‘car crash’ last Thanksgiving, a tragedy which she has not processed; she hasn’t any understanding of how to deal with grief — none of the Morgans do — so, at some point, it’s all going to come back to her.
But she was raised on ‘this is good, but you can always do better,’ and that shows more than anything in this woman with a lot of dreams and even more ambition.
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prxst-n · 4 years
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Name: Preston chao
Age: 26
Place of birth: Northchester, New York
Spoken languages: English, learning ASL, chinese
Sexual orientation: heterosexual
Occupation: security guard at the hotel
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 6′4′’
Scars: Chest after car accident
Tattoos: back of both hands; rose on one and wolf on the other.
Color: any of the colors that associate with fall; brownish-reds, deep oranges
Entertainment: watching 80′s movies, cooking, listening to crime podcasts, parties
Pastime: beer pong, movies, flirting, reading
Drink: peach soda and double shot espresso
G E N E R A L -
-To be born under a wealthy man might be a blessing to many but for Preston he’d consider it a curse. He is the product of an affair and lives uncomfortably under the roof of a huge secret.
-His mother had become a young cleaning lady for Bruce Langston; leader and CEO of the economical department in the city of derry. He is a huge deal and any scandal can lead him to lose his position, apparently he didn’t care about that when the man had sex and impregnated Preston’s mother despite having a wife. Once she found out she was pregnant Preston’s mother made absolutely sure that she used that for her advantage and so she became a live in maid, had her life paid for and when it came to her child everything that Preston would need would be taken care of. Even if it meant that Preston would forever be cast into the shadows of the family like an ugly scar.
- This was agreed upon after Bruce’s wife found out and bitterly accepted so her husband would keep his title and money. That was all that the woman cared about after all; not having to give up her rich and lavish lifestyle. But that didn’t mean she was at all accepting of the boy especially when just a few weeks later she became pregnant herself and now there would be two babies under the household that would have to know they were different.
- And the wicked mother she was. She purposely spoiled Preston’s half sibling making sure they had everything. Preston was set for live but they still lived as middle class people so no suspicions were made. Preston always knew he was never going to be treated equally and that was why in his teen years the boy began to rebel in hopes to get caught by his father.
- Bruce hated the fact that Preston was all just a huge thorn in his life. And didn’t exactly treat him all too kindly, even though living in the house was nice Preston was treated just as the secret bastard. Even to his half sibling that was born two years after him they were close.
-it was sad, the only other person preston loved more than anything and they had to act like they didn’t like each other. but it didn’t stop his young sibling from taking care of him and any moment they were able to have together they made sure they had fun. all until they were in public and had to act like they had no relations at all. how hard it was for preston and the sibling to at like they hated each other but it was what was forced upon them.
- This led to a few rebellious streaks in his life growing up, hanging out in the poor sections of town, dealing with boys who were not part of the langston Aesthetic and even getting in a lot of trouble by fighting. This only caused more of a hate for him in the household but as long as he was only seen as the maids boy to the town he got away with it. This family secret was deep. So much so when it came to schooling and his mother’s push that Bruce send Preston to the same schools as his other child, there was a fake scholarship created in the company that Preston was put under. No one suspected a thing and didn’t have to question why the Langston’s were paying for some no-good maid’s son.
- while in school Preston found the life of underground fighting. Getting bets and fighting in a ring with no rules. Due to his size and build he trained and soon became a top competitor. He was getting the spotlight and loved it, plus there was no better way to get a rush and release his anger then fighting in a ring.
-  Being the literal mistake in the chaotic family Preston is a bit of a bitter person. Eye rolling, stubborn, hot headed, and quick to defend himself.
- He’s had no one to stick up for him at home and he learned to do this on his own; he is hated at home and only has been told to never speak of his family ties, even being forced by his half sibling to never speak to him in public. This makes him pushed away. The tall boy in the back of crowds; out of the spotlight. Preston is not allowed to be seen. Not wanted and that affects the way he is motivated to show off his actual skills.
-his mother has been his biggest teacher and he has an everlasting respect for woman because of it. He will find himself too ashamed to ever mistreat a girl in fear of his mother finding out.
-As much as preston respects girls, he really loves to hook up with them too, not that he wont show them a good time but if he finds his chance with someone he takes it.
- If he was allowed he’d want to be in art, he’s been a lover of arts since he was a child and he is very good at it but of course he is far too self contentious on being forced down. Preston isn’t even allowed to use his size to play sports and as a result he sneaks off to other cities to fight at night. It’s not safe and he uses a fake name but people cheer for him. They see him it’s the only time he feels at peace… even if that peace is dangerous, illegal, and leaves him in bruises that lead his mother to worry.
-being an unknown artist he picked up on street painting/graffiti growing up. he has a bansky like lifestyle, painting at night and going by the alias PREZY. so far he’s picked up a big social following only he has never shown his face and doesn’t plan to. he uses his parkour skills to help him find unique spots to paint and display his art. EXAMPLES: HERE and HERE
-part of the lifestyle he picked up on the road was joining a gang. he didn’t want to take it too seriously and part of them understood. mostly just using him as brawn when they would make drug deals or the scary face on one side of the room is anyone were to talk to the boss. he spent a few years in a gang in new york and making sure he never burned bridges he moved on. still... seeing the things he had in that gang has change his views on things. made him even tougher and part of him is proud of that. some guys still keep in contact with preston and will see his fights when they are in town. 
-  He loves to party; going out and living the life away from that home of his where he is seen as a burden. It’s fun unless his brother is around and the whole time he just gets hard glares to not embarrass him.
-  Find him sketching in his books, doodling along the pages or in sketchbooks in the halls of courtyards. Don’t be surprised if you become his muse. He loves drawing people.
-  Anger; he’s quick to it no matter how much he doesn’t want to be. He just has been pushed to the side so much that he takes things seriously and any insult will trigger him. Sorry if he fights you, he just finds it easier than anything else. -  Aside from being a hot head though he has taken interest in girls and as most boys do tries to test out his flirtatious ways as much as he can. He might not be the best flirt, as he has been told his scowl and serious attitude seems to drive a pretty girl away at times but he still tries.
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noelgarcias · 4 years
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[ tommy martinez, cismale & he/him ] did you know that NOEL GARCIA was on full disclosure? yeah, apparently the TWENTY FIVE year old CHEF was hiding HE’S LIVING UNDER A FALSE IDENTITY TO AVOID HIS PAST. i never would’ve expected it from our resident ARTISAN. i wonder how they’ll deal with this, considering how PASSIONATE & STUBBORN they are. // written by pepper: twenty three, est, she/her.  
it is i, pepperoni mcpony back once again to bring you yet another messy ass muse. i am once again on that new muse juice, but also kind of on the recycled muse juice like i’ve used this fc and this name before but it didn’t work out, so i’ve changed a lot about him and revamped him and so now he’s better than every babeeyyy. down bellow will be a bit about noel, or rather dante if we’re being technical. you can just call him noel though. full disclosure (badum tss sdkjsdkj) this is gonna be messy as hell, because noel’s inspo is more scattered than percy’s but we’re gonna push through folks.
okay so noel’s family is kind of inspired by the quinns (from ‘you’ on netflix), the castillos (from how to get away with murder) and like henry gouldings family in crazy rich asians. 
dante isaac campana was brought into the world in madrid spain with a silver spoon dangling out of his mouth. you’d never guess from looking at him, what with his hobo chic style and generally unkept appearance but it’s the truth. he came in this world out of a well paid surrogate as the second child of the infamous sofia and gabriel campana. and he wanted for nothing because of it, his parents made sure of that.
gabriel was a ceo and sofia was a wildly successful author, and from the moment noel could breathe his parents had his whole life set up for him. after all they wanted their son to be successful and they planned to make sure of it. a hefty trust fund in his name, to be accessible at the age of eighteen. a place in the family business that he would fill the moment he finished university. they even had an arrangement for who noel would marry eventually, before he was even old enough to understand what the concept of marriage was. it was all planned out for noel without the slightest bit of input from noel himself, and dante  was just supposed for accept that. the funny thing is at first he did.
after all he was young and he had no reason not to. he loved his parents deeply at first, and they probably loved him in return, even if they had a bit of an odd way of showing it. dante’s parents were the type to shower their children in superficial affection. buying them things. kissing and hugging them when there was someone around to see. encouraging them only when it came to pursuits that they approved of. sure noel could draw, and learn guitar, and learn piano, as long as those things were just hobbies. as long as he didn’t forget the plan because The Plan was law.
dante only became aware of how conditional his parents love for them was when his elder sister started to slip under the pressure they put on her shoulders. anya campana was about fifteen at the time, and dante, six years her younger, had to watch as his sister crumbled. anya had always cared too much about what their parents thought of her, about impressing them and making them proud. it didn’t help that her parents made it clear that they would not accept anything less than excellence. the pressure drove anya to substance abuse, just to take the edge off, just to make things easier. it wasn’t long the weight of their parents expectations had drove anya to a full on addiction, all in the pursuit of success. but of course when dante’s parents found out they had no sympathy for her. only disappointment. their father had every plan to make anya, his eldest, the head of the company when she came of age, but that ‘slip up’ cost her the role. instead the position would be given to dante, and anya would be sent quietly to rehab. it was an eye opening experience for dante, honestly. to see just how replaceable their parents saw them.  
the truth is the campanas were fake. plastic. sure they smiled in the public eye and the relationship between the siblings at least was genuine, but the truth was gabriel was cheating on sofia when he thought no one was looking, and sofia had openly slapped each of her children across the face at least once, usually when she got a bit too much wine in her. the older dante got the more and more he felt his love for his parents becoming more of an obligation than anything tangible. 
when dante was thirteen, around the time anya’s second stint in rehab, all hell broke loose in the campana household. initially dante thought that his mother had uncovered one of his fathers many affairs again, but instead it was much worse. his mother had discovered his father had an illegitimate child with dante’s favourite childhood nanny of all people. considering sofia couldn’t have children herself (hence the surrogate for both of the campana children) and even gabriel was struggling with impotence, this was a shock and a slap in the face. only emphasized by the fact that dante’s ex nanny had passed away, leaving dante’s father as the kids legal guardian. 
and so suddenly dante had a younger sibling. it was a situation that took getting used to but it wasn’t long until dante adored them, and the feeling was quickly mutual. while dante’s father could barely interact with the child without inciting his wife, and dante’s mother treated them with coldness, dante and his sibling became painfully close due to circumstance. 
for years it went on like that. the three campana siblings all attempting to impress their parents for different reasons. his youngest sibling to feel less like an outsider, dante just because he knew no other way, anya because she desperately wanted to get back into their parents good graces. but anya never could do anything quite right, always somehow ended up messing up spectacularly and publicly. until one day, anya disappeared.
dante and his younger sibling were the first to notice. his parents just assumed that anya was on another bender, and when the siblings brought this to their attention that’s exactly what they said in reply. but they were wrong. in 2012 anya campana was kidnapped and held for a ransom of one billion dollars. dante can still remember getting the ransom call. he can still remember the sheer panic, the cold fear. and he can still remember his father refusing to pay the money. trying to negotiate with the kidnappers, as if anya’s life was just another deal. he can remember begging his father just to pay the money, because it wasn’t like they didn’t have it. but his father was convinced he could get the kidnappers to lower the price, or that the police would find anya before he had to pay it. they didn’t. anya campana died in the winter of 2012 at the hands of a couple of common criminals, all because their father apparently had his own idea about the worth of each of his children. 
dante was furious and disgusted and grieving. his sister, his confidante and likely one of the two people in his life to love him unconditionally, was gone. dante officially snapped when his mother had the audacity to write a book about the experience. by the time the book was picked up by a publisher, dante had packed his bags, liquidated his trust fund, taken his younger sibling and fled spain with two new identities for them both. his sibling was under the age of eighteen at the time, so the campanas really could have called the police and reported dante for kidnapping, but dante knew that his parents wouldn’t risk making a scene so soon after the spectacle that anya’s death was. he and his sibling would be safe for a while as long as they laid low. and they did. dante -- now known as noel garcia-- and his sibling moved to san francisco and have been keeping a low profile ever since. 
honestly, noel adapted to the american dream like a fish to water. having a new name, having no one in this continent knowing who he was, finally being out from under his parents thumb -- it was all so freeing, and noel really dove head first into that feeling. ever since he’s just been living the life he always dreamed of having. doing exactly what he wants and nothing less one hundred percent of the time (which is exactly how and why he got married, and is still married honestly). he lives his life on pure free spirited impulse one hundred percent of the time, with exception of rare show of responsibility he puts into helping raise his younger sibling. he tries to live his life in a way he hopes would make his sister proud. he’s determined to live enough for the both of them. 
somehow, despite the multiple private investigators his parents have undoubtedly sent to find them, they’ve remained undetected. that is until full disclosure decided to expose him. now noel is just waiting for the day one of his parents shows up at his door demanding he come back to take over the family business. he isn’t looking forward to it, but he is kinda looking forward to finally telling them to fuck off, which is really the only silver lining. 
god who knows folks like i said dkjsdjksd noel is a mess in my brain
PASSIONATE THOUGH! god he’s so passionate, like noel just feels everything on 10 one hundred percent of the time. The type to get teary eyed over a dead bird, but also the type to like stay up five days straight working on a project because he can’t get it out of his mind
despite this thinks romantic love is a straight up myth lmao because of his parents relationship, so we love a contradictory king. a bleeding heart but also a philiophobe. 
nurturing honestly? but only with people he actually cares about like his sibling and wife. a dad friend i suppose. 
but also impulsive. like the type to suggest going to vegas on a whim and get WILDLY FUCKED UP DRUNK, but also that really coherent drunk who can be doing body shots one minute and be trying to gently coax someone else to drink water the next. 
thinks he’s funny! sometimes he is tbh. very sarcastic honestly.
a big ol’ flirt just naturally. also bi, so equal opportunity for everybody. 
very touchy feely tbh because he’s a tactile person.
a live and let live kinda guy like actually,,, so close to a hippie that percy is triggered. 
a bit promiscuous but he’s okay with it. he’s a hoe but he knows it you know. 
the most generous person when it comes to money and kindness. the type to sit down with a homeless person and end up giving them his jacket, five hundred dollars, and a new outlook on life. 
the type to hold a grudge until the day he dies, but also the type of person who can’t NOT help someone who needs help you know. like he hates his parents but if his mother called him tomorrow like i want to see you one last time before i die, he would fly out to spain to see her smh he might not talk to her the whole time because he’s petty and like ‘there, you’ve seen me’ efjkdsfj but he’d do it. 
very liberal. literally can’t talk to conservatives without wanting to physically fight them. has definitely gone to a protest and gotten arrested for punching a nazi. luckily was released before the whole living with a fake identity thing could be found out. 
alright now onto the fun stuff.
deaf in his left ear and has been all his life. it’s kind of difficult for him to hear a specific person talking in a crowd of too many people, especially if you’re standing on his left so he might straight up text your instead. also if you’re standing on his left side in general, he might turn to face you better to hear you.
noel’s occupation is a chef at a restaurant but in truth at heart he’s an artist. like his art is his heart, and it’s actually very popular and he gets a lot of offers from people wanting to buy it but he can never part with anything he’s made so he always refuses the offers, no matter how much money the customer is bidding. he has refused offers on grounds such as ‘i didn’t like the vibes he was giving off’ or ‘that asshole was wearing a jack johnson shirt’ or even, once ‘pretty sure i saw that guy in a dream once. he fucking sucked.’ so most of his art decorates his and evie’s apartment instead, and he’ll even give some to friends for free. noel actually wants to become a full time artist but considering how picky he is about who actually buys his art, it’s unlikely because he’ll literally make no money. hence, being a chef. no matter what noel enjoys seeing people enjoy his food, so it works out. 
actually learned to cook from his family chef, and hasn’t really had time to get any professional training but he really wants to. he has absolutely snuck into culinary school very briefly before just to sit in on a few classes. just pretended he went there and made a bunch of friends and learned a lot of stuff, and even taught some culinary students a few things. but he was eventually discovered and kicked out rip, but it was a great time while it lasted.  
honestly pretty good at anything having to do with his hands, hence the artisan label. noel is the type of person who knows nothing about like mechanics but can like fix something if you put it in front of him. likes to make furniture as a hobby so hit your boy up if you want a sexy chair. also makes sculptures and does a bit of pottery, like your boy has his fingers in more than a few pots
intelligent in the way that he just has a lot of pretty well informed opinions like if you want a fun fact don’t go to noel but if you want a good insightful conversation he’s your man.
a big defender of the environment.
has a bunch of tattoos. i imagine him with at least one sleeve and he’s probably starting another. is seriously considering a neck tat. his parents would hate it and that just makes him love it more.
honestly got married a bit because it was a choice he got to make for himself that his parents had no control over. the thought of his parents still believing he will be playing into the arranged marriage they had laid out for him only for him to tell them he already married his bandmate was super satisfying.
doesn't do drugs at all, the most hell do is smoke weed. used to see his sister at her worst (aka withdrawal symptoms, two overdoses) and so he doesn’t even want to be close to anyone who does drugs, cause he can’t do that again. 
if you watch jenna marbles i want you to know that noel is julian in the kitchen and julian in the kitchen only
surprisingly has a green thumb? can revive almost any plant with relative ease
never learnt how to ride a bike tbh
surprising the type to get into physical fights when he’s drunk, which he hates, because it reminds him of his mother. 
younger sibling ; if you’ve guessed that i’m going to put a wc into the main for noel’s younger sibling than you’ve guessed right but if anyone here wants it before i put the message into the main let me know!
claire to his brad ; ... please. i’m begging here. noel is a chef but i haven’t decided where and i really want him to have a chef friend or baker friend who he just messes around with in the kitchen. maybe they even make amateur funnily little gourmet-makes-esque youtube videos where noel doesn’t show his face because he doesn’t want his parents to see but sdkjsdkj he’s like julian behind the camera, making comments and having a good time. give me this.
a virgo ; speaking of julian, noel does have julian energy and so he therefore probably needs a jenna. please give him someone to help with his impulse control. someone to say, hey, maybe you shouldn’t deep fry that turkey in a huge vat right outside your apartment in the middle of may. maybe you should just take a nap. you know?
a love hate relationship ; honestly i just want someone who noel actively despises but still helps out anyways. like he doesn’t like who they are a person, but he can’t leave them alone, because they’re usually in some sort of trouble and unfortunately noel just can’t watch people implode. 
one night stands / hookups / previous dates ; noel’s marriage is open but since he was keeping his whole marriage a secret in the first place these people probably wouldn’t have known that at the time sdkjsdkj but noel is perfectly willing to explain that now that full disclosure has exposed them and he’s got no more secrets to keep. 
a best friend ; or two! i’d love a bromance for him and another close friendship that doesn’t have to be a bromance, just someone who he’s really close to. 
okay this has gotten hella long so i’m gonna stop now but like this if you want to plot and i’ll come running! and to anyone who got all the way to the end of this... you’re the real mvp. <3
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herbrokenmelodies · 6 months
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Oh, I know how to feel, I know that love exists It's asleep with the fishes down in Atlantis Oh, my Lord, where's my soul? How did we end up like this? Fast asleep with the fishes down in Atlantis
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prxschxo · 5 years
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[ JORDAN CONNOR, 24 , MALE , HE/HIM ] welcome to the du pont institute for the young & gifted, [ PRESTON CHAO ]. you have been accepted as a [ SCHOLARSHIP ] student from [ USA  ], going into your [ SENIOR YEAR ] and majoring in [ SPORTS MEDICINE ]. your peers at the institute say that you are [ +STRONG WILLED  & +CHARMING ], but being [ -HOT HEADED & -BOLD] may be the reason why the police are asking about you. did you think they wouldn’t find out that you were michael’s [ EX-BEST FRIEND ]? [ DUCKIE, 23, SHE/HER, CST ]
Get ready for a muse! Much different than Gabe I am positive that Preston will be fun because he gets in a lot of drama. I really love Preston and I’m sure you will too !! Please feel free to message me if you want any plots or connections!
Name: Preston Morgans
Age: 24
Place of birth: Northchester, New York
Spoken languages: English, learning ASL, chinese
Sexual orientation: heterosexual
Occupation: Student
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 6′4′’
Scars: Chest after car accident
Tattoos: back of both hands; rose on one and wolf on the other.
Color: any of the colors that associate with fall; brownish-reds, deep oranges
Entertainment: watching 80′s movies, cooking, listening to crime podcasts, parties
Pastime: beer pong, movies, flirting, reading
Drink: peach soda and double shot espresso
G E N E R A L -
-To be born under a wealthy man might be a blessing to many but for Preston he’d consider it a curse. He is the product of an affair and lives uncomfortably under the roof of a huge secret.
-His mother had become a young cleaning lady for Bruce Langston; leader and CEO of the economical department in the city. He is a huge deal and any scandal can lead him to lose his position, apparently he didn’t care about that when the man had sex and impregnated Preston’s mother despite having a wife. Once she found out she was pregnant Preston’s mother made absolutely sure that she used that for her advantage and so she became a live in maid, had her life paid for and when it came to her child everything that Preston would need would be taken care of. Even if it meant that Preston would forever be casted into the shadows of the family like an ugly scar. 
- This was agreed upon after Bruce’s wife found out and bitterly accepted so her husband would keep his title and money. That was all that the woman carred about after all; not having to give up her rich and lavis lifestyle. But that didn’t mean she was at all accepting of the boy especially when just a few weeks later she became pregnant herself and now there would be two babies under the household that would have to know they were different.
- And the wicked mother she was. She purposely spoiled Preston’s half sibling making sure they had everything. Preston was set for live but they still lived as middle class people so no suspicions were made. Preston always knew he was never going to be treated equally and that was why in his teen years the boy began to rebel in hopes to get caught by his father. 
- Bruce hated the fact that Preston was all just a huge stick in his life. And didn’t exactly treat him all too kindly, even though living in the house was nice Preston was treated just as the secret bastard. Even to his half sibling that was born two years after him they were close, little diana not letting her parents hatred come between her and her only brother. 
-it was sad, the only other person preston loved more than anything and they had to act like they didn’t like each other. but it didn’t stop his young sister from taking care of him and any moment they were able to have together they made sure they had fun. all until they were in public and had to act like they had no relations at all. how hard it was for preston and diana to at like they hated each other but it was what was forced upon them. 
- This led to a few rebellious streaks in his life growing up, hanging out in the poor sections of town, dealing with boys who were not part of the Langston Aesthetic and even getting in a lot of trouble by fighting. This only caused more of a hate for him in the household but as long as he was only seen as the maids boy to the town he got away with it. This family secret was deep. So much so when it came to schooling and his mother’s push that Bruce send Preston to the same schools as his other child, daisy, there was a fake scholarship created in the company that Preston was put under. No one suspected a thing and didn’t have to question why the Langston’s were paying for some no-good maid’s son.
- while in school Preston found the life of underground fighting. Getting bets and fighting in a ring with no rules. Due to his size and build he trained and soon became a top competitor. He was getting the spotlight and loved it, plus there was no better way to get a rush and release his anger then fighting in a ring. 
-Preston always had a hard time setting in with the fact he was a burden and shadow to his father and would lash out. He didn’t know why Michael liked him so much but once Michael found out Preston’s secret he took him under his wing and they practically became brothers. 
-always close, preston didn’t exactly agree with everything Michael did and the two would fight but after a few hours it would be brushed under the rug and forgotten. Except for the final straw. 
-Michael started dating a girl and Preston was instantly drawn to her. Falling for her hard and quick. It wasn’t until Preston and the girl started to hook up that Michael ended their friendship and threatened preston’s secret which meant Preston had to stop seeing the girl and he was down a best friend. this has always been hard on the boy and even after trying to fix it with michael the two would only end up fighting again.  
-  Being the literal mistake in the chaotic family Preston is a bit of a bitter person. Eye rolling, stubborn, hot headed, and quick to defend himself.
- He’s had no one to stick up for him at home and he learned to do this on his own; he is hated at home and only has been told to never speak of his family ties, even being forced by his half brother to never speak to him in public. This makes him pushed away. The tall boy in the back of crowds; out of the spotlight. Preston is not allowed to be seen. Not wanted and that affects the way he is motivated to show off his actual skills.
-his mother has been his biggest teacher and he has an everlasting respect for woman because of it. He will find himself too ashamed to ever mistreat a girl in fear of his mother finding out. 
-As much as preston respects girls, he really loves to hook up with them too, not that he wont show them a good time but if he finds his chance with someone he takes it. 
- If he was allowed he’d want to be in art, he’s been a lover of arts since he was a child and he is very good at it but of course he is far too self contentious on being forced down. Preston isn’t even allowed to use his size to play sports and as a result he sneaks off to other cities to fight at night. It’s not safe and he uses a fake name but people cheer for him. They see him it’s the only time he feels at peace… even if that peace is dangerous, illegal, and leaves him in bruises that lead his mother to worry.
-  He loves to party; going out and living the life away from that home of his where he is seen as a burden. It’s fun unless his brother is around and the whole time he just gets hard glares to not embarrass him.
-  Find him sketching in his books, doodling along the pages or in sketchbooks in the halls of courtyards. Don’t be surprised if you become his muse. He loves drawing people.
-  Anger; he’s quick to it no matter how much he doesn’t want to be. He just has been pushed to the side so much that he takes things seriously and any insult will trigger him. Sorry if he fights you, he just finds it easier than anything else. -  Aside from being a hot head though he has taken interest in girls and as most boys do tries to test out his flirtatious ways as much as he can. He might not be the best flirt, as he has been told his scowl and serious attitude seems to drive a pretty girl away at times but he still tries.
C O N N E C T I O N S -
Muse: preston seen this girl around and every time he just... feels something. She makes him happy and even though it might sound creepy... he gets caught more then once sketching her; Fallon Kingsley 
I’ll scratch your back you scratch mine: They don’t really get a long but always help each other out when they need it: Alice
Crush; they are always one moment from hooking up and yet it always ends with one of them pulling away with a nervous smile, could be the girl that ended michael and preston’s friendship; daisy
You annoy the hell out of me; always butting heads and yet they hang around the same people; Alice 
you’re weird but I kinda like you: preston finds him awkward but nice so he still talks to him from time to time; Hugo
Party buddies/wingmen: Preston is a terrible flirt and at least he’s got; cristian
Friends: just close, eats lunch with, drinks peach mixers at parties;  william
Rivals: this person is more than annoying, Preston can’t be in the same room with them without fighting with this person; 
hookup, fwb, one night stands, exes; analyn (he was her first time)
the little sibling he never got; she was one of michael’s ex’s when Preston and Michael were still friends, Preston hated that Michael would brag about sleeping with the girl and preston never felt Michael treated her right, he found she was a good girl and deserved to be treated much better. He still is very protective of her and thinks she’s too good for dupont. soshanna 
his cash cow; The girl has been a past hook up but now, the only thing she hooks up with preston for is the percentage she gets off his winnings. She tells him where to fight, who he’s fighting, and how to win... and preston hands over some of the money he makes. it’s a good thing they have just... don’t tell her they are friends, she denies it every thime.; Sabina
Preston’s half-brother (or sister): this person got everything from his father that he didn’t and it’s all because his father could, and did, show them off to the world. Preston can’t hate his half-sibling but just once he wants to have his father view him as more than just the “maid’s son”. they are close though, and when they are alone they treat each other like the close siblings they with they could be; diana langston
should be girl: her and preston have a strange relationship. they are close but in a way that hurts him every time. They were a strong thing in high school and he got every attached to her, to this day he would do anything for her... which includes being her booty call every time her and her boyfriend break up. He wants nothing but to keep her happy but he knows that she and her boyfriend will always get back together and he would be stuck waiting for the call to drop everything and go to her when she was crying over her boyfriend; Maddy
the girl who changed it all: she was dating michael, and at this time preston and Michael were still at brother status, best friends no matter how much they fought. But when she came into the picture Preston fell head over heels for her and she had her eyes on Preston as well. They snuck around for the whole time saying they just hung out at the gym or were studying. When Michael found out he and preston fought so bad it ruined their friendship for good and even though Michael was no saint he was greedy and knowing preston loved this girl he wanted the boy to suffer. So to make sure of that he told preston that if he still saw his ex he would tell everyone how much more of a relation he has to the towns big bad political CEO. and no one could know that preston was his son. so preston tried to stay away... only to keep hooking up with her on the down low; 
the secret high school hookup: she stole his crayons when they were young and that sparked a feud between them. but a heated feud that had its breaks when the two seemed to be alone... he kissed her in the slide and that opened them up to years of secretly hooking up in high school just for the fun of it. they still act like they hate each other but the door is always open for good memories in between the times they are saying they hate each other; Calla
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sonderrow-moved · 5 years
If you are willing, could you share some NSFW headcanons about Jael?
Aaaaaaa you’re so nice to ask I fn;asfna;sogfgmak @mamorc​ Lemme tag @unknxwnhxcker​ since Fox is the only muse having ever been involved sexually with Jael so far.Given I’m not super good at not going on a huge uniparagraph tangent so I decided to pick some letters from this meme!
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Jael is typically of a jockey type; he doesn’t think much, acts, and doesn’t ask himself why he does things. This applies thus with sex. Sex happens because it feels good. And then after he’s done, there’s not much to it; he (and his focus is more on himself despite having some empathy towards his partner’s pleasure) felt good and that’s all there is to it. Why do you wanna talk about it? It’s just a thing people do.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Jael has quite predictable taste as they are fairly average. What he likes most in a woman are harmonious curves; shape doesn’t matter that much as long as in its ensemble things look appealing. One of his favorite thing are soft and supple textures, alongside long hair he can lose his fingers in and stroke during sex. See those smooth, silky hair spread over the pillow and mattress behind a beautiful, moaning face. If you were to pinpoint a part in his partner, the curve of their sides and their hair is what Jael prefers most.
In terms of body parts, Jael is quite proud of his physical abilities and thus his muscle mass as an ex special ops who always needed to strike at his peak performance. He’s quite satisfied with how he is altogether. His favorite parts being his handsome facial hair, the muscles of his arms and shoulders and his advantageous height.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?) 
Jael is actually very experienced!
More than average but less than the wildest people. It’s not for nothing that he has a capable reputation and not one of a simple douchebag; Jael was quick to understand that a satisfied lady is a lady who comes back. And you need to take care of her. The pros aka love, care, companionship and a compatible partners are way better perks than being a macho who doesn’t care about their female counterpart. Thus Jael learned with time and experience how to please a woman, read their body best he could and take the lead towards what he can fairly guess given their body language and soft cues what they wish out of him.
With men, it’s different. Jael has known two types. The first one is as show of dominance in tense and violent leaning situations in men-only areas. The second one are out of need towards more open-minded, trustworthy companions, mostly during months and months long of isolated, confidential and secluded assignments in the middle east. He could compare the sensation of those as a needy, drunken haze. Not entirely there but satisfying something despite not being ideal. Unlike some of his companions, Jael has a much more open mind about it when having a clear head, but he respects others nonetheless on the matter.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Jael’s porn is typical porn videos. It is always the same given he’s old enough to know specifically what he likes. They’re high quality, professional video with no fictional scenario. Girls have big boobs, implants or not as long as they appear round with no heavy curves towards the hips and buttocks. The camera thoroughly centers around the female actor and not at all on the male one. Males are typically non-tattooed and have fairly generic appearances. Females have dark, most often black hair and a bit of a natural tan to their skintone. They don’t have any piercings or tattoos preferably. Most of the content is pure nakedness while you can see some lingerie or high heels here and there, but it is most often random private properties with fairly vanilla sex happening.
What happens is that the content is not so important as jacking off is fairly straightforwards; what Jael uses as stimulation is the visual of a woman being pleasured, and she needs to be of his taste, that’s all.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Jael is a naturally playful person in his childish type persona. Roleplay may just be the highest kink on the list for his pretty vanilla person. Scenarios where Jael takes the position of power, no matter where his role would be initially. Being a student dominating their stern teacher, a doctor to a nurse, a CEO to their employee… It is all in good fun and would give as a result probably an actually more enjoyable sexy time with him. Since the before and after would lead to cheerful and comedic banters, alongside a unique kind of “playmate” bonding.
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relentlessdremer · 6 years
The Ultimate Relationship Tag
Who is more likely to raise their voice? AmeliaWho threatens to leave but never actually does? Neither of them. That isn’t something they do. It’s hurtful and there’s no purpose behind making a threat like that. Who actually keeps their word and leaves? Neither of them. They work hard on each other…being together. They’re not going anywhere.Who trashes the house? The kid. Do either of them get physical? NEVER!!How often do they argue/disagree? Sometimes. I mean they’re adults who are married. But they know how to talk about it…usually.Who is the first to apologise? Rhys. Amelia is stubborn as heck.
Sex: Don’t wanna.
Do your muses plan on having children/or have children? You know, I’m not sure. I know Amelia would love more children.If so, how many children do your muses want/have? She wants at least one more…maybe two. She never intended for Charlotte to be an only child.Who is the favorite parent? RhysWho is the authoritative parent? AmeliaWho is more likely to allow the children to have a day off school? RhysWho lets the children indulge in sweets and junk food when the other isn’t around? Rhys for sure. Who turns up to extra curricular activities to support their children? They both do.Who goes to parent teacher interviews? Usually Amelia. Rhys joins as often as he can/as often as he feels comfortable.Who changes the diapers? SharedWho gets up in the middle of the night to feed the baby? AmeliaWho spends the most time with the children? I think they do a pretty good job sharing child dutiesWho packs their lunch boxes? Amelia. If left up to Rhys, there’d only be sweets in her lunch box.Who gives their children ‘the talk’? Amelia. For sure Amelia.Who cleans up after the kids? Amelia/the kids.Who worries the most? Rhys.Who are the children more likely to learn their first swear word from? For sure Amelia! 
Who likes to cuddle? Both of them. Who is the little spoon? Depends on the nightWho gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places?Who struggles to keep their hands to themselves? AmeliaHow long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable? I mean Amelia could cuddle for a while. Rhys is definitely the first to get uncomfortable.Who gives the most kisses? Amelia probablyWhat is their favourite non-sexual activity? Cooking together? Maybe making/watching videosWho is more likely to playfully grope the other?How often do they get time to themselves? Not often. They have a preteen and they both have demanding jobs. But they try as often as they can to be intentional about sneaking in a night together here and there. 
Who snores? Rhys. Amelia too, but she isn’t about ot admit that. If both do, who snores the loudest? That is definitely a Rhys thing.Do they share a bed or sleep separately? Share a bedIf they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart? Most nights, cozy up together.Who talks in their sleep? Amelia does when she’s stressed about something.What do they wear to bed? A tank and short shorts Are either of your muses insomniacs? Rhys is. Amelia can be. But again, that’s why she’s stressed. Can sleeping pills be found by the bedside? Nope.Do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side? Both. Definitely both.Who wakes up with bed hair? BothWho wakes up first? AmeliaWho prepares breakfast in bed for the other? AmeliaWhat is their favourite sleeping position? Wrapped around one another. Or at the very least, Amelia gripping Rhys’ shirt/wrist/somethingWho hogs the sheets? AmeliaDo they set an alarm each night? YesCan a television be found in their bedroom? Yes. But it’s rarely turned onWho has nightmares? BothWho has ridiculous dreams? Both probablyWho sprawls out and takes up most of the bed? RhysWho makes the bed? AmeliaWhat time is bed time? MidnightishAny routines/rituals before bed? Amelia checks on Charlotte before she can settle down fror the night. She also brushes her teeth, grabs a bottle of water and cheks her phone one last time before she can settle into their bed for the night.Who’s the grumpiest when they wake up? Neither
Who is the busiest? Amelia Who rakes in the highest income? AmeliaAre any of your muses unemployed? NoWho takes the most sick days? AmeliaWho is more likely to turn up late to work? RhysWho sucks up to their boss? NeitherWhat are their jobs? Amelia: Lifestyle blogger/company CEO Rhys: worship leaderWho stresses the most? AmeliaDo your muses enjoy or despise their careers/occupations? EnjoyAre your muses financially stable? Yes
Who does the washing? Amelia or CharlotteWho takes out the trash? RhysWho does the ironing? The dry cleanerWho does the cooking? AmeliaWho is more likely to burn the house down just trying? RhysWho is messier?  RhysWho leaves the toilet roll empty? RhysWho leaves their dirty clothes on the floor? BothWho forgets to flush the toilet? Neither. That’s grossWho is the prankster around the house? AmeliaWho loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere? RhysWho mows the lawn? Neither of themWho answers the telephone? AmeliaWho does the vacuuming? AmeliaWho does the groceries? AmeliaWho takes the longest to shower? AmeliaWho spends the most time in the bathroom? Amelia
Is money a problem? NopeHow many cars do they own? TwoDo they own their home or do they rent? OwnDo they live near the coast or deep in the countryside? Neither. For sure neitherDo they live in the city or in the country?  CityDo they enjoy their surroundings? YupWhat’s their song? Um....idk. No idea.What do they do when they’re away from each other? Text. A lot.Where did they first meet? ChurchHow did they first meet? So Charlotte was definitely playing a game with Rhys and Amelia had to go find her kid. And then they started talking and that’s how they met. Who spends the most money when out shopping? AmeliaWho’s more likely to flash their assets? NeitherWho finds it amusing when the other trips over? As long as nobody gets hurt, Amelia for sure laughs.Any mental issues? Yep.Who’s terrified of bugs? Neither?Who kills the spiders around the house? Amelia is a catch and release spider killerTheir favourite place? Home Who pays the bills? AmeliaDo they have any fears for their future? They both have plenty of fears for their future. Who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner? AmeliaWho uses up all of the hot water? AmeliaWho’s the tallest? Amelia and this still messes me up! Who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other? AmeliaWho wanders around in their underwear? AmeliaWho sings the loudest when singing along to the radio? RhysWhat do they tease each other about? So many things.Who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times? Rhys probablyDo they have mutual friends? Um...probablyWho crushed first? RhysAny alcohol or substance related problems? NopeWho is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am? Neither.Who swears the most? Amelia does
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askauradonprep · 7 years
What jobs would the Descendants characters have?
Ooooh, fun! :D The good news is that Descendants takes place in the modern day, so a lot of jobs are still applicable to the Descendants verse. 
Ben - Probably runs to be head of state for whatever country it would be in the ‘real world’ AU, assuming the country was a democracy - he’s got a good family and money, so that would probably help. He probably went to the creme de la creme of universities and will study politics and law with minors in economics and public policy so he does well. He works himself to the bone and of course he goes to grad school, what is he, an amateur? Long story short, he doesn’t sleep for all his post secondary career. 
Audrey - I feel like Audrey’s very artistic and theatrical and would probably enjoy going in to the arts. But she’s supposed to carry on the family name and so she goes into politics, advocating for her ‘state’ or ‘province’ at the federal level. She probably studied politics and public policy and got involved in her school’s theatre department for fun, quietly musing it would be nice to be in the performing arts. 
Chad - Chad’s in politics, but on the sleazy side of politics where he takes bribes and treats people like they’re stepping stones - you know, the stereotypical politician. He’d probably manage to network his way into campaign positions. He went to grad school with Ben and Audrey but he didn’t take it seriously - he only took politics, no double majoring. His hobbies were sports and misogyny in school. 
Jane - Jane would make a super great event planner. She stresses herself out asking a million questions about decorations and food and what her employers want. She just wants their wedding or prom or party or whatever to be PERFECT! She went to college instead of university, for Special Events Planning and her phone rings off the hook. 
Doug - Doug wasn’t sure what he wanted to go into - accounting, computer programming, working in a chemistry lab somewhere, whichever. But as Evie’s business grew and grew, he became more and more invested in its success, and so now he’s become her brand manager with Evie as the CEO. With that in mind, he went to school for Business Administration with a focus in Marketing and a minor in Accounting. That way, if he and Evie break up and the job doesn’t work out, he can become a manager somewhere else. 
Lonnie - Lonnie’s a DJ who competes in kickboxing competitions. She has a bunch of medals and trophies on her mantle. She got started helping out her brother at his own DJing gigs but she’s since learned to solo. She started going to college for Musical Technology but she stopped after two years because she was booking more gigs and wanted to practice more for her kickboxing. So far it’s worked out, though her parents would feel more comfortable if she’d finished her degree. 
Jordan - Jordan became a professional blogger as her blog got more and more hits. She talks about fashion, makeup, lifestyle stuff, music, cooking, and basically whatever she wants to talk about. She didn’t bother with college and as long as the blog pays the bills, her dad’s cool with that. Her backup plan is to go into social media, organizing campaigns. 
Ally - Ally’s a travel writer with columns about the new and fun things, big and small, from different cultures in the places she visits. Whether it’s shrunken heads like the one Freddie gave her or an article about traditional food and its semblances, she’ll write about it. That said, she still has a tendency to run her mouth at first glance and so she’s written some fairly insensitive things, even though she means well. The good news is she DOES mean well and would probably change her writing style if she learned it was genuinely hurting people. She probably double majored in cultural anthropology and cultural geography. 
Mal - Mal’s probably an artist who’s got a bunch of stuff in galleries and things like that. Now granted, dating the President or whatever doesn’t hurt, but I think she’d submit her stuff under pseudonyms at first, just to make sure they like her stuff based on quality. She probably didn’t go to college with Ben - she probably attended an art college or something where she majored in Drawing and honed her craft. Yes, that’s a real degree you can get. I’ve seen it on a zillion college websites. 
Carlos - CARLOS IS A PRECIOUS BABY. He achieved his dream of running a shelter for abused animals and children. Sometimes he has to keep animals away from kids but he finds animal therapy helps both of them a lot of the time. He became a psychology major with an emphasis on crisis and abuse counselling and also got a degree in animal science with a bunch of animal welfare certificates. He lives with Jane over the top floor of the shelter with the kids. He likes to joke about having 20-30 children at any given time. 
Jay - Even in a world where tourney and ROAR don’t exist, he probably went into professional sports. It’s his biggest outlet. When he retires as he gets older, he’ll become a coach and teach the next generation - so he went into physical education to get his teaching credentials. 
Evie - …Is this a question? She’s still a fashion designer. Going to high school with some big names made it easy to get her name out there and she’s been rolling into her career since. She probably went to art school with Mal and majored in Fashion design and then went to grad school with Doug to major in business administration. She’s been considering branching out into makeup beauty products like lotions, jewellery design, accessories and hair care. …You know, in between chemistry papers that she publishes on the down low. 
Freddie - I’m thinking she’d still want to be a jazz singer. She probably skipped college so she could pound the pavement looking for opportunities. She started off singing in a club or a bar during daylight hours or maybe a hotel. Eventually she got noticed though and now she’s got a record deal and her smoky voice will be all over the radio. 
Zevon - He’d PROBABLY want to go into politics. I can see him absolutely scrambling and be willing to work as a staffer for decades. His issues with malapropisms make it tricky for some people to think he’s competent, but underestimating him is a mistake - he’s surprisingly good at planning and he thinks of unforeseen circumstances. Lack of post secondary on the Isle would make it harder though - so unless he gets off the Isle, he’ll probably be mixing up new medicines, products, etc. No magic doesn’t mean those skills are worthless.
CJ - Heck if I know. She’s one of those people who goes from place to place living off backpacking and taking odd jobs to pay her way. Most likely didn’t go to any kind of college ….which, tbf, she doesn’t seem to have finished high school so. There’s that. 
Dizzy - Probably a cosmetologist and hair dresser. She’s got her own hair and beauty salon where she supplements her favourite tricks with her mom’s old ones. She still gets SO EXCITED when she gets to do whatever she wants. She probably went to beauty school and got whatever licenses she needed and may have also gotten a certificate in jewellery design or something. She’s collabed with Evie before and would love to do so again. 
Uma - …….And now I’m mad because she, Harry and Gil probably just took over their parents shops or whatever, so she’s still stuck working the restaurant. At least now she might be a manager? Even so that bites. If she got off the Isle, those three are probably either sailors for hire (for like researchers or travellers or whatever), but I can see her as a lobbyist or activist for Isle issues. She’d be ready to kick in Ben’s door and yell at him for whatever he’s doing wrong. In which case she may have gone to school and majored in politics?
Harry - Hook owned a fishing shop, so he and Harriet worked out a deal. He does the actual fishing if she’ll run the shop. They also go around mugging people and taking money and things to survive so there’s that, but I presume you mean legal jobs. If he’s not on the Isle and Uma’s crew aren’t sailors for hire, I don’t know. I’ve only ever seen him as a sailor. A sword fighting teacher? Uma’s assistant? Oh, actually, he’s fairly theatrical. He might not make a half bad actor or dancer. I can see him vacillating a lot if he’s not a sailor, not getting tied down, just taking whatever classes for funsies while Uma’s there and then ditching as soon as she graduated if he doesn’t find anything in particular to strike his fancy.
Gil - Gil probably works at the hunting store with his brothers. If they won’t let him, he’ll go fishing with Harry. Outside the Isle, I’m not sure if they’re not sailors. A bodyguard would make a good job for him since he’s the crew’s muscle. Uma’s maybe? I can also see him going into sports like bodybuilding or maybe modelling. He’s a cutie who’s smile could make flowers grow, he’d do well. 
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kassebaum · 7 years
Hey, can you make one where Kara is addicted to eating Lena out. Lena obviously doesn't object since it's her favorite. - prompt from @mirmar24
Feel free to send prompts :)
Lena was starting to suspect that a certain activity was a firm favourite of her girlfriend.
Her suspicions started the morning she was woken from her slumber, waves of pleasure coursing through her body. Upon looking down, she had discovered the source; her girlfriend was buried between her thighs, her blonde curls splayed across Lena’s stomach as Kara’s tongue slowly and gently lapped at Lena’s soaked folds.
Lena had reached a hand down to tangle into Kara’s hair, the movement briefly making Kara’s tongue stop moving. A small whine escaped Lena’s lips as Kara’s eyes raised to look into hers.
‘Morning beautiful’ Kara grinned, before continuing on her mission to make Lena come hard before her first cup of coffee.
And she did.
The second hint came the evening of the annual L.Corp fundraiser. Kara had been staring intently at Lena all night, before finally taking Lena by the hand and practically dragging her to the nearest bathroom.
Kara had slammed the door shut, locking it to ensure absolute privacy, before pushing Lena against it and kissing her. She attacked Lena’s neck with her teeth and tongue, hard enough Lena was sure, to leave marks.
Suddenly, Lena found that her feet were no longer on the ground as Kara picked her up and placed her on the edge of the counter. Her dress rucked up to her hips; Lena had braced her arm against the nearest wall as Kara fell to her knees, a glint in her eyes as she whispered think you can stay quiet?
Lena was pretty sure that while the door was locked, her screams as Kara made her come left no doubts as to what was happening.
The averted eyes and slight blushes of some of the guests told Lena that she hadn’t been quiet enough. Even if she had, the giant red mark on her neck and slightly ruffed up hair, left nothing to imagination.
The third hint came in the form of her flustered naked girlfriend telling Lena she wanted to tie her down that evening, tie her to the bed until Lena begged her to let her come.
Lena had raised an eyebrow in surprise; a smirk gracing her lips. A Luthor doesn’t beg she had replied playfully before raising her hands above her head. Kara jumped off the bed with a giddy look on her face and returned with the tie from her dressing gown.
She had secured Lena’s wrists to the headboard, checking they weren’t too tight and started to make good on her promise to make Lena beg.
She kissed her way down Lena’s body before settling into her favourite position, biting softly on the flesh at the top of Lena’s thighs. She used her tongue to tease Lena, to bring Lena closer and closer to the brink of climax, but never let her topple over; not until Lena begged her.
Lena wasn’t sure how many times she came that night; she lost count at about five, her legs reduced to jelly, unable to move.
Kara looked incredibly pleased with herself as she released Lena’s wrists, kissing each of them in turn.
Told you I’d make you beg she had chuckled as she moved to spoon Lena, her tongue ghosting over the shell of Lena’s ear causing the CEO to shiver.
Lena decided she had enough evidence to prove that Kara’s favourite activity was going down on her, not that she was complaining- who would? Her girlfriend has incredible stamina and a ridiculously strong tongue that she can make vibrate with her super speed!
Given all the evidence, Lena mused she shouldn’t have been too surprised to find herself in her current predicament; perched on the edge of the kitchen counter, leaning back onto her elbows, while Kara’s tongue danced across her clit.
‘Fuck… Kara!’ Lena panted out as the strokes of Kara’s tongue became harder, more concentrated.
Kara hooked her arms under Lena’s thighs to pull her closer, lowering her tongue to slowly start easing it in and out of Lena.
Lena arched her back as her palm slapped against the marble countertop, unable to find anything to grip onto.
‘I’m so close…’ Lena gasped, her hips bucking in time to Kara’s tongue.
Kara curled her tongue, stroking Lena’s front wall. Lena’s hips canted upwards into Kara’s mouth, desperate not to lose any friction.
Kara slowly removed her tongue and returned her attention back to Lena’s clit, sucking on it, knowing Lena would come almost instantly. Sure enough, Lena’s hips bucked wildly as she screamed out Kara’s name.
That was Kara’s favourite part; she loved the taste of Lena and the sounds she made; the little breathy moans, the groans as Kara traced patterns with her tongue all over her body, but what she really loved was the way Lena came undone beneath her, writhing beneath her; the way she lost control of her body as her orgasm took over.
Kara stood back up and took in the sight of her girlfriend wearing nothing but the shirt she had picked up off the bedroom floor; Kara’s shirt, the shorts she had been wearing thrown unceremoniously over Kara’s shoulder, landing on the lamp by the wall.
‘So what brought that on?’ Lena asked with a grin, ‘You sent me out here to make breakfast!’
‘You put on my shirt…’ Kara chuckled, as though that explained everything. ‘You looked sexy’ she clarified.
‘I suppose I better make a start on pancakes then’ Lena smiled and went to hop down from the kitchen counter.
The next thing she knew, she was over Kara’s shoulder, being taken away from the kitchen.
‘I have a much better idea for breakfast…’ Kara grinned as she kicked the door to the bedroom shut.
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a-smoakiism · 7 years
‘✩’ (onelastxtime) (for any of our Laurel/Felicity ships)
The Ultimate Relationship Tag accepting
Send ‘✩’ for the following: 
Who is more likely to raise their voice? I think Felicity is. Laurel usually tends to be soft spoken, and she can raise her voice, but when frustrated Felicity 9/10 times is the first one too. Who threatens to leave but never actually does? Laurel easily, in anger I could see this being used against Felicity because it is her biggest fear, but only in angerWho actually keeps their word and leaves? Felicity. She don’t play with thatWho trashes the house? NeitherDo either of them get physical? Not towards each other, but punching bags take a beating when they are angry XDHow often do they argue/disagree? Not often, depends on whats going on in their lives Who is the first to apologize? Depends on the severity of the fight and who’s right or wrong, but due to Felicity having a very extra stubborn personality it’s probably Laurel more often than not
Who is on top? they take turnsWho is on the bottom? see aboveWho has the strangest desires? Umm... neither? Any kinks? noWho’s dominant in bed? LaurelIs head ever in the equation? YesIf so, who is better at performing it? They’d both say the other is but it’s pretty much equalEver had sex in public? no but Felicity has teased about itWho moans the most? FelicityWho leaves the most marks? LaurelWho screams the loudest? FelicityWho is the more experienced of the two? FelicityDo they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’? Make LoveRough or soft? BothHow long do they usually last? an hour is minimum Is protection used? Not neededDoes it ever get boring? NoWhere is the strangest place they’d have sex? Kitchen floor
Do your muses plan on having children/or have children? Yes, one each at lastIf so, how many children do your muses want/have? TwoWho is the favorite parent? BothWho is the authoritative parent? Laurel if only because of her lawyer skillsWho is more likely to allow the children to have a day off school? neitherWho lets the children indulge in sweets and junk food when the other isn’t around? FelicityWho turns up to extra curricular activities to support their children? BothWho goes to parent teacher interviews? BothWho changes the diapers? BothWho gets up in the middle of the night to feed the baby? They take turnsWho spends the most time with the children? equal-- though maybe Felicity slightly because she’s home more when Laurel is out in the field protecting the cityWho packs their lunch boxes?  Laurel and Felicity buy luncables for their children, someone else would have to make them something if it involves cooking xDWho gives their children ‘the talk’? Oh god Laurel-- felicity TRIED but it was a disasterWho cleans up after the kids? BothWho worries the most? FelicityWho are the children more likely to learn their first swear word from? Laurel
Who likes to cuddle? bothWho is the little spoon? Felicity prefers itWho gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places? BothWho struggles to keep their hands to themself?  BothHow long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable? all nightWho gives the most kisses? equalWhat is their favourite non-sexual activity? eating ice cream while watching things on netflixWhere is their favourite place to cuddle? bedWho is more likely to playfully grope the other?  FelicityHow often do they get time to themselves? not oftene nough
Who snores? neiterIf both do, who snores the loudest?Do they share a bed or sleep separately? shareIf they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart? cozy up Who talks in their sleep? FelicityWhat do they wear to bed? barely anything since most of the time by the time they get in bed they are too tired to do more than strip down and cuddle togetherAre either of your muses insomniacs? yesCan sleeping pills be found by the bedside? Felicity’s sideDo they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side? Wrap limbsWho wakes up with bed hair? bothWho wakes up first? LaurelWho prepares breakfast in bed for the other? neither they order in xDWhat is their favourite sleeping position? wrapped in each others armsWho hogs the sheets? LaurelDo they set an alarm each night? yesCan a television be found in their bedroom? YesWho has nightmares? bothWho has ridiculous dreams? FelicityWho sprawls out and takes up most of the bed?  FelicityWho makes the bed?  neitherWhat time is bed time?  as soon as they canAny routines/rituals before bed? Felicity hogs the bathroom taking all her make up off but other than normal brush teeth and hair and strip down routines no.Who’s the grumpiest when they wake up? Felicity til she has coffee
Who is the busiest? Ehh, I think overall Felicity since I headcanon her trying to get her own company up and running but they are both pretty busy with Laurel being a lawyer and vigilante Who rakes in the highest income? FelicityAre any of your muses unemployed? NoWho takes the most sick days? ehh... equal? maybe Laurel cause she gets hurt moreWho is more likely to turn up late to work? FelicityWho sucks up to their boss? Since Felicity is her own boss does it count as Laurel for Laurel to suck up to her even if Felicity isn’t laurels boss? XDWhat are their jobs? Felicity is a CEO of her own company and Laurel works for the DA?Who stresses the most? FelicityDo your muses enjoy or despise their careers/occupations? I think they enjoy themAre your muses financially stable? yes
Who does the washing? they take turnsWho takes out the trash? bothWho does the ironing? felicityWho does the cooking? neitherWho is more likely to burn the house down just trying? it’s a tie so farWho is messier?  ehh, they are pretty evenWho leaves the toilet roll empty? FelicityWho leaves their dirty clothes on the floor? LaurelWho forgets to flush the toilet? neitherWho is the prankster around the house? bothWho loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere? FelicityWho mows the lawn? neitherWho answers the telephone? bothWho does the vacuuming? take turnsWho does the groceries? neither they mostly order inWho takes the longest to shower? felicityWho spends the most time in the bathroom? felicity
Is money a problem? noHow many cars do they own? twoDo they own their home or do they rent?rentDo they live near the coast or deep in the countryside? near the coastDo they live in the city or in the country?  cityDo they enjoy their surroundings? yesWhat’s their song? girl crushWhat do they do when they’re away from each other? text each other over and over, or at least felicity doesWhere did they first meet? Verdant through oliver QueenHow did they first meet? Felicity was coming to talk to Oliver who was already talking to Laurel and they were introduced through him.Who spends the most money when out shopping? Felicity, mainly on parts for her computersWho’s more likely to flash their assets? neitherWho finds it amusing when the other trips over? Laurel, cause Felicity always tripsAny mental issues? some depression, anxiety, etc that comes with the jobWho’s terrified of bugs? felicityWho kills the spiders around the house? laurelTheir favourite place? their loftWho pays the bills? equalDo they have any fears for their future? yes, fears that something will happen to the other because of their job, fears that they might not make itWho’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner? out to eat? both XDWho uses up all of the hot water? FelicityWho’s the tallest? Laurel, but not by muchWho’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other? Laurel, if only to get some hot water while there is some ;) Who wanders around in their underwear? FelicityWho sings the loudest when singing along to the radio? FelicityWhat do they tease each other about? everything XDWho is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times? Felicity @ laurel Do they have mutual friends? all of them ???Who crushed first?  Felicity was so crushing on gorgeous laurel from day oneAny alcohol or substance related problems? Laurel has some, but Felicity respects that as best as she canWho is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am? FelicityWho swears the most? Laurel
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missppxtts-a · 7 years
The Ultimate Relationship Tag
Who is more likely to raise their voice? tony, though this rarely happens. Who threatens to leave but never actually does? neitherWho actually keeps their word and leaves? as if either of them would leave for goodWho trashes the house? more like tony sometimes trashes his workshop Do either of them get physical? neither of them would ever get physical. if anything, tony gets very light slaps on the chest or arm for a playful remarkHow often do they argue/disagree? serious arguments don’t happen that often. they just have these old-married-couple arguments, that aren’t serious at all, and their playful banters.Who is the first to apologise? tony usually does it first, sometimes pepper.
Who is on top? they switchWho is on the bottom? they switchWho has the strangest desires? both, though pepper doesn’t admit itAny kinks? we’re talking about pepper and tony, it’s self-explanatoryWho’s dominant in bed? bothIs head ever in the equation? yesIf so, who is better at performing it? tonyEver had sex in public? more than onceWho moans the most? pepperWho leaves the most marks? bothWho screams the loudest? pepperWho is the more experienced of the two? obviously it’s tonyDo they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’? bothRough or soft? bothHow long do they usually last? it varies but usually longerIs protection used? more or lessDoes it ever get boring? with these two? never!Where is the strangest place they’d have sex? let’s just say the most public place was an empty room at a gala.
Do your muses plan on having children/or have children? they already have childrenIf so, how many children do your muses want/have? they have six. five girls, one boy (maria, margeret, judith, helen, rose & anthony jr)Who is the favorite parent? the girls prefer their dad, their son prefers pepperWho is the authoritative parent? pretty much both tho pepper is the stricter oneWho is more likely to allow the children to have a day off school? tonyWho lets the children indulge in sweets and junk food when the other isn’t around? tonyWho turns up to extra curricular activities to support their children? both, as long as they have time to attendWho goes to parent teacher interviews? pepper unless she makes tony come with herWho changes the diapers? pepperWho gets up in the middle of the night to feed the baby? tony, he insists to do itWho spends the most time with the children? tony since he stays at home while she’s at work. though both do it when they are both freeWho packs their lunch boxes? pepper, sometimes tonyWho gives their children ‘the talk’? pepper gives it to the girls, tony to their son (poor poor boy)Who cleans up after the kids? pepperWho worries the most? both, with a tendency towards tonyWho are the children more likely to learn their first swear word from?  tony
Who likes to cuddle? pepper loves cuddles!Who is the little spoon? usually it’s tonyWho gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places? bothWho struggles to keep their hands to themself?  pretty much both but tony has a harder timeHow long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable? wait, you can get uncomfortable while cuddling?Who gives the most kisses? bothWhat is their favourite non-sexual activity? ordering some food, watching a movie, having some wine. family time with the kids is very much on top Where is their favourite place to cuddle? the couch or the bedWho is more likely to playfully grope the other? tonyHow often do they get time to themselves? not as often as they might like but they aren’t complaining. they try to get as much alone-time as they can get
Who snores? neitherIf both do, who snores the loudest? …Do they share a bed or sleep separately? they share a bed. when they are apart, they don’t sleep too well bc something’s missingIf they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart? usually they cozy up, they never lay apart too farWho talks in their sleep? neitherWhat do they wear to bed? pepper wears a t-shirt and shorts while tony wears a tank top and sleeping pantsAre either of your muses insomniacs? tony stays up way too long so pepper has to drag him to bed all the timeCan sleeping pills be found by the bedside? they have some in the bathroom but they are rarely usedDo they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side? both, it variesWho wakes up with bed hair? both (pepper says he looks really sexy with it)Who wakes up first? pepperWho prepares breakfast in bed for the other? tony likes to surprise her with it but they don’t often have breakfast in bedWhat is their favourite sleeping position? on the side (spooning) or the back, pepper just likes to stay close to him while they sleepWho hogs the sheets? neitherDo they set an alarm each night? pepper usually does when she has to go to workCan a television be found in their bedroom? nope, pepper didn’t want one in the bedroomWho has nightmares? both but tony tends gets them more oftenWho has ridiculous dreams? neitherWho sprawls out and takes up most of the bed? tony!! (pepper: your ass doesn’t need that much space!!) Who makes the bed? pepperWhat time is bed time? they don’t really have a bed timeAny routines/rituals before bed? nothing special, just the usual stuffWho’s the grumpiest when they wake up? depending on the time, tony
Who is the busiest? pepperWho rakes in the highest income? oh pleaseAre any of your muses unemployed? nope!Who takes the most sick days? sick days aren’t really existingWho is more likely to turn up late to work? tonyWho sucks up to their boss? they do that to each other okayWhat are their jobs? CEO & CTO of Stark IndustriesWho stresses the most? pepperDo your muses enjoy or despise their careers/occupations? they enjoy their careers very muchAre your muses financially stable? as CEO & CTO? yeah, probably not right?
Who does the washing? they don’t do it themselves they have botsWho takes out the trash? not really on the to do list eitherWho does the ironing? see: first answerWho does the cooking? pepper does itWho is more likely to burn the house down just trying? tony, which is why he isn’t allowed to cook for themWho is messier? tonyWho leaves the toilet roll empty? neitherWho leaves their dirty clothes on the floor? tony, but they don’t lie on the floor for too longWho forgets to flush the toilet? neitherWho is the prankster around the house? they don’t prank each other at allWho loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere? the car keys don’t get lostWho mows the lawn? they don’t have a gardenWho answers the telephone? both, tho pepper does it more oftenWho does the vacuuming? always the botsWho does the groceries? pepper when she gets the time to do it. otherwise they have other people do itWho takes the longest to shower? showering doesn’t take them that long (except for they do it together)Who spends the most time in the bathroom? tony, pepper and the kids are always complaining about it
Is money a problem? definitely not!How many cars do they own? a lotDo they own their home or do they rent? they own their home!!Do they live near the coast or deep in the countryside? near the coastDo they live in the city or in the country? cityDo they enjoy their surroundings? pepper loves it a lot, the view is amazing, tony thinks so too but is the happiest when pepper’s fine with it What’s their song?  once in a lifetime - landon austinWhat do they do when they’re away from each other? keep themselves busy with work, take care of the kids (depending on who stays at home)Where did they first meet? at work, where she started in accountingHow did they first meet? pepper noticed a mistake in his maths and wanted to confront himWho spends the most money when out shopping? bothWho’s more likely to flash their assets? neitherWho finds it amusing when the other trips over? both but they actually are more worried about the other hurting themselvesAny mental issues? we don’t mention the issuesWho’s terrified of bugs? pepper.. tho she’s not terrified, she just hates themWho kills the spiders around the house? tony has to do itTheir favourite place? as long as they’re together it doesn’t matter tbhWho pays the bills? bothDo they have any fears for their future? tony worries that pepper might leave him one day or that his children turn out to hate him, pepper is just worried that he might leave her for a younger woman or that her children get hurt badlyWho’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner? tony!Who uses up all of the hot water? that doesn’t happenWho’s the tallest? tony’s just abit taller but when she wears her heels, pepper is taller. tony doesn’t like it.Who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other? both Who wanders around in their underwear? tony’s more likely to do it, but it doesn’t happe often bc of the kidsWho sings the loudest when singing along to the radio? if that happens, both of them sing equally loud. though it happens that one of them stops singing to listen to the otherWhat do they tease each other about? tony teases pepper about her teenage crush a lot (”yes i had a crush on you, shut up”), pepper teases him about everything she can Who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times? pepper at tony’sDo they have mutual friends? yep!!Who crushed first? well, actually he was pepper’s teenage crush, but in a serious manner it was tonyAny alcohol or substance related problems? not anymoreWho is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am? that doesn’t happenWho swears the most? tony
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nationalcityy-a · 7 years
✩ [ for our ot3 verse mebbe ? ]
@atomiism​ && @mockingxcanary​
Who is more likely to raise their voice? Sara totally not thinking about that Legends scene with ray and NateWho threatens to leave but never actually does? RayWho actually keeps their word and leaves? KaraWho trashes the house? Sara wouldDo either of them get physical? NeverHow often do they argue/disagree? Not very often, if everWho is the first to apologise? Kara or Ray, it would just depend
Who is on top? Sara and/or RayWho is on the bottom? Kara, alwaysWho has the strangest desires? Sara 110%Any kinks? I mean, none, I’d think? Who’s dominant in bed? SaraEver had sex in public? I think Ray and Sara would probably try their luck, but Kara wouldn’t lolWho moans the most? KaraWho leaves the most marks? SaraWho screams the loudest? KaraWho is the more experienced of the three? Sara Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’? Again, it would probably dependent of the situation Rough or soft? Rough until suddenly it’s notHow long do they usually last? A whileIs protection used? YesDoes it ever get boring? With the three of them, neverWhere is the strangest place they’d have sex? If they could ever convince Kara to do it anywhere other than a bed or in the privacy of their home, then I’ll answer this question 
Who likes to cuddle? Ray loves to cuddle the mostWho is the little spoon? Kara, probably I imagine her all cozied up in the middleWho gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places? SaraWho struggles to keep their hands to themself?   RayHow long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable? Longer than they’d probably admitWho gives the most kisses? SaraWhat is their favourite non-sexual activity? CuddlingWhere is their favourite place to cuddle? The sofaWho is more likely to playfully grope the other? Sara probsHow often do they get time to themselves? Way more than they’d think
Who snores? RayDo they share a bed or sleep separately? Together. Though they have a spare bed incase someone starts whining about how hot it isIf they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart? Cozy up 110%Who talks in their sleep? KaraWhat do they wear to bed? Kara and Sara probably just wear shorts and a tee whereas Ray would wear boxersAre either of your muses insomniacs? Sara can beCan sleeping pills be found by the bedside? NopeDo they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side? Wrap around each otherWho wakes up with bed hair? KaraWho wakes up first? Sara or RayWho prepares breakfast in bed for the other?  I could see Ray making breakfastWhat is their favourite sleeping position? Cuddled togetherWho hogs the sheets? SaraDo they set an alarm each night? NoCan a television be found in their bedroom? NoWho has nightmares? Sara has nightmares but the other two console herWho has ridiculous dreams? RayWho sprawls out and takes up most of the bed? Kara probably accidentally kicks the two of them tooWho makes the bed? RayWhat time is bed time? Whatever time they feel likeAny routines/rituals before bed? -Who’s the grumpiest when they wake up? Kara
Who is the busiest? Ray Who rakes in the highest income?  RayAre any of your muses unemployed? NopeWho takes the most sick days? None of them SaraWho is more likely to turn up late to work? KaraWho sucks up to their boss? Kara 100% What are their jobs? Reporter, company CEO, and idk yet lolWho stresses the most? RayDo your muses enjoy or despise their careers/occupations? Yes, they love their jobsAre your muses financially stable? They’re minted thanks Ray
Who does the washing? KaraWho takes out the trash? RayWho does the ironing? KaraWho does the cooking? SaraWho is more likely to burn the house down just trying? KaraWho is messier? SaraWho leaves the toilet roll empty? NoneWho leaves their dirty clothes on the floor? I’mma go with Sara?Who forgets to flush the toilet? -Who is the prankster around the house? Sara would be but Kara and ray sometimes gang up on her to get their own backWho loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere? KaraWho mows the lawn? -Who answers the telephone? RayWho does the vacuuming? SaraWho does the groceries? Ray and Sara. They don’t trust Kara with the amount of sugary products she would getWho takes the longest to shower? SaraWho spends the most time in the bathroom? Sara
Is money a problem? NoHow many cars do they own? TwoDo they own their home or do they rent? They own itDo they live near the coast or deep in the countryside? -Do they live in the city or in the country?  CityDo they enjoy their surroundings? They love living in the cityWhat’s their song? -Where did they first meet? I’mma say Star City?How did they first meet? Ray and Sara grew up together, Kara kinda met them later in lifeWho spends the most money when out shopping? RayWho’s more likely to flash their assets? -Who finds it amusing when the other trips over? Sara, because Ray and Kara are the clumsiest people she knows Any mental issues? NoWho’s terrified of bugs? KaraWho kills the spiders around the house? SaraTheir favourite place? Their apartmentWho pays the bills? RayDo they have any fears for their future? I’m sure the three of them are wondering how this actually works in their futureWho’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner? Ray would, definitely Who uses up all of the hot water?  KaraWho’s the tallest? RayWho’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other? SaraWho wanders around in their underwear? SaraWho sings the loudest when singing along to the radio? KaraWhat do they tease each other about? The girls probably tease Ray when he talks science-y, but because they love their big nerd. Sara and Ray probably tease Kara about easily flustered she gets about everything. I can’t see Ray and Kara teasing Sara thoughWho is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times? They cringe at KaraDo they have mutual friends? All the STAR labs peepsWho crushed first? Ray and Sara crushed on each other firstAny alcohol or substance related problems? -Who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am? SaraWho swears the most? Sara
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