omanxl1 · 9 months
HOUSE elements | Deep Soulful Fix | Sept 9, 23
Digital Crate Digging Continues as we proceed and continue with this O-Dog Day Party, it’s going down like this! The saga  / struggle continues, we started out with a morning jazz set so we wouldn’t spaz because of it, it’s going down like this! Broadcasting live and direct from our remote outpost out off of I-20 in Atlanta, out in those Atlanta streets earlier checking out the players and…
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photosbyknow · 1 year
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#KEM #Ledisi and #musiqsoulchild Were all simply AMAZING last night! What a profound experience.💕 #soul2soultour was all that! Check out the live stream videos of the concert on FB.💕 (at Atlanta, Georgia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoSOadgOnQV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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uzumaki-rebellion · 2 months
"King Killmonger: The Golden Jaguar" Chapter 6
Need to catch up? Masterlist HERE.
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"Love Ever since the first moment I spoke your name From then on I knew that by you being in my life Things were destined to change cause
Love So many people use your name in vain Love Those who have faith in you sometimes go astray Love Through all the ups and downs the joy and hurt Love For better or worse I still will choose you first"
Musiqsoulchild – "Love"
His heart was in the shape of his woman.
King N'Jadaka held out his big hand next to Queen Yani's and let their wedding bands touch so the Wakandan media could snap holopics of the bride and groom exiting the Temple of Sekmet. He gazed at his new wife and her smile increased the size of her shape on the left side of his chest.
They were made for each other.
No queen on earth had ever come to the throne like her or had the power she commanded by his side. What the world couldn't see was that she held a priceless leash around his neck and could make him do things that no other woman before her ever did. Yani dominated his every waking moment and was the one he wanted to see first when his work day in the West palace was over. Their wedding cemented a holy bond and he preened before his citizens letting them see how blessed he was to have her and his beautiful children.
He lifted her ring-clad hand and kissed it, then led her down ancient fawn-colored stone steps toward a wedding carriage drawn by two mighty water buffalos whose bloodline his greatest grandmother Queen Shuriya had bred and tamed her entire life. The two giant beasts were direct descendents of the one she rode in a painting hanging in his royal office.
Sydette clapped her hands excitedly as she peered at the giant animals and the decorative vibranium blue colors painted on their flesh.
"They are so huge, Baba!" Sydette yelped.
"Come on, watch your step Sweet Pea, we have to ride through the street," he said, clasping her hand.
Riki climbed down the last step and latched his eyes onto one of the buffalo and raised his arms out wide to try and match the length of the giant curved horns adorned with gold and silver jewels that jutted forward making them dangerous for potential gorging. He glanced back at N'Jadaka and grinned. The great beast's head turned and stared at the little prince. Joba moved closer to her brother and both children peered with quiet curiosity at how massive Wakandan animals could be.
"Yani," N'Jadaka said, helping his wife onto the carriage where she took her seat and fixed the train of her dress.
He lifted Sydette into it next and his younger children waited for him to place them on board. His family seated, N'Jadaka stepped onto the roomy carriage and he and Yani waved at the crowd. Their children sat across from them with booster seats so they could see better.
The two coachman sitting in the driver's seat awaited a signal from the Kingsguard escorting them on foot. There was a slight jerk and the carriage began to move at a steady pace. The proud king kissed his queen and the crowd cheered louder. Flowers and soft palm seeds were thrown at them and the children tried collecting as many as they could catch with delighted smiles on their faces.
He held Yani's hand tight and they all watched their citizens celebrate. Behind them, the rest of the royal family rode in a protected motorcade and they wound their way through the streets of the golden capital.
The feeling of watching himself from afar took over and N'Jadaka took a deep inhale of fresh air. His emotions rested in his chest and throat. This was the fairy tale made real. He had a queen. A kingdom. A giant double palace. To lose so much, but to be given much more in return overwhelmed him.
He gazed at Yani and she continued waving at their people. They waited to cross over a bridge that would take them deeper into the heart of Birnin Zana and a flock of prized river birds flew across their carriage, their purple and blue wings a brilliant flash of color over their heads.
"That's a good sign, kumkani," the lead driver of the carriage said, "it means you will be blessed with many children."
Yani laughed and patted N'Jadaka's hand.
"Listen to the man, Yani, the heavens have ordained that we get it poppin'."
"Any excuse to get me pregnant right away," Yani said.
Riki slipped a hand in his side pocket and pulled out a folded square of money. He gave it to the king.
"What's this for Lil Man?" N'Jadaka asked.
"A boy. If you and Mama insist on making more of us, please let it be a boy. Toussaint and I are struggling to catch up in our age group," Riki pleaded.
"I will do what I can."
Yani took the money away from him and stuffed it into her bodice.
"Not you two plotting," Yani quipped.
N'Jadaka threw his head back and laughed.
"Mama, it's time to throw the bouquet," Sydette squealed.
The carriage crossed over the bridge and stopped once it got to the other side. As tradition dictated, Yani stood inside the carriage and tossed the bridal bouquet into the river water to signify the queen's blessing to become the new mother of the nation. The flowers floated away and spectators snapped holopics and cheered for their new queen.
"They were so pretty, I wish you didn't have to throw them away," Joba said, her face peering over the side of carriage.
Yani caressed her cheek.
"I will have more flowers given to me back at the reception," Yani said.
Joba looked happy about that and climbed onto Yani's lap for the rest of the ride through the city.
Admiration, awe, and even love flowed out to the new Udaku family taking over the throne. A tide had shifted yet again in Wakanda. His popularity was at an all time high with younger citizens, and even some of the old heads begrudgingly accepted his leadership. They finally accepted his love for the nation as genuine.
Their carriage ride continued until they reached Old Village, a section of Birnin Zana that had been the social center for centuries until Queen Shuriya pushed them into a new technological age that shifted the heart of the city elsewhere by the riverbank. While the rest of the world was barely entering the early modern era, Wakanda had already settled into post modern advances.
The family stepped out of the carriage and walked a quarter mile to another temple dedicated to Mama Wati that rested across the mouth opening of the Ibukan River which connected the water flow through the city to the ocean miles away. Priests of the water deity stood outside waiting for them. He and Yani were both anointed with fresh oils and smudged down with dried plants that only grew there. They were prayed over and then led out into an open street where citizens cheered them on while they made the final trek to the edge of the great mound, the place where vibranium crashed into the earth. Singers and dancers greeted them in a secured area where the family could all see the enormous rise in the distance where the glowing blue metal rested underneath.
Ogum shifted inside of N'Jadaka. So did Bast. He pointed to the majestic sight making sure his children studied it. "That's the place where it all began," he said.
Sydette, Riki, and Joba nodded and stared at the mound. At its tip, it stood nearly a mile high, but deep inside the earth where the rest of the vibranium sank itself, there was enough to supply his people for another millennium or more. They all felt the energy emanating from the ground they stood near. His vibram tattoo itched from the mighty source. The great mound wasn't just a mining area, but a holy place too. From their vantage point they couldn't see the mining side of the mound. Their view looked like an image one would see on a postcard or tourist advertisement. High above them the Royal Talon Fighter floated into view. It was time to return to the palace for a twelve course feast, with music, dancing, and a full evening of celebrating the new king and queen.
N'Jadaka gathered his family close as they were lifted up into the air by the gravity beam and gently pulled inside the aircraft.
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The cheers from their guests were loud as they exited the Talon Fighter and Yani had to pause in her steps to take in all the love. She gazed across the royal garden at the number of people calling out her new name.
"Queen Yani!"
She grinned and the children ran away from her toward Umama and Dante where all their young cousins stood gathered waiting to run around and play. Yani felt the shift in power in the royal garden. With her new isicholo firmly rooted to her scalp, she absorbed the way all the spectators watched her closely, especially the Wakandans of the noble class. No longer viewed as a separate entity from the king, she was now ogled openly as an extension of Udaku power.
Hugs and kisses were shared and the immediate royal family and the wedding party were gathered up near a view of the river and the backdrop of Mount Bashenga where a photographer snapped holopics before taking different groupings of Yani with the bridesmaids, the children, her husband, and then a lovely shot of three generations of queens. She stood in the center as Umama and Ramonda flanked her, their crowns breathtaking. Sydette and Joba were brought in for a candid, and then N'Jadaka and his groomsman and grandfather were photographed with Riki. Forty minutes later the bridal party was paraded around the guests and Yani saw the breadth of the decorations and reception set up. It took her breath away at how massive the royal garden was and how simply setting up where the sun would set behind them looked so different and unexplored.
N'Jadaka clasped her hand and led her to the head table. Guests were given a brief amount of time to personally greet the king and queen before their twelve course meal began. Love surrounded her and the enormity of her place as the queen of the nation sank down deeper.
Although it seemed like twelve courses would be a long grueling process, Yani found it to be relaxing and paced well. Everyone feasted, laughed, cried, caught up with each other, and dabbled in intrigue with so many important people in one place. By the time the royal orchestra kicked up the music for the first bridal dance, Yani was ready to move around and help her digestive system handle her stuffed belly.
N'Jadaka held her close as they shared their first dance as husband and wife. They then split apart to dance with their elders and then others were invited to join them. She took that opportunity to walk around and greet nobles with N'Jadaka once the dancing area filled up.
Heads bowed at her approach and she shared small chat with dozens of guests on the east side of the reception area. Umama and Ramonda had taught her how to move her eyes so that people around her felt appreciated even if she couldn't get to them one on one. She waved, blew kisses and kept her momentum moving through the hundreds of people yearning to see her up close with the king.
N'Jadaka held her hand like he would never let her go. His love flowed all around her and his gaze never left her unattended. They quickly moved back toward their own table and noticed Mpilo with his mother and sister speaking with Dante. N'Jadaka lowered his mouth to her ear.
"Should we make our announcement now before the party gets a little wilder with all the dancing?" he asked.
Yani squeezed his hand.
The month prior they had been meeting with Umama and the Council of Elders regarding an important decision about Mpilo and his baby sister, Nandipha who had recently turned fifteen. They took their place back at the head table and N'Jadaka gestured for Mpilo to come to him with his mother and sister. Yani sent word to the orchestra leader to finish the song they played that had the wedding crowd cutting up.
Mpilo's eyes grew wide with curiosity as to why he was being summoned by the king in front of two thousand guests. N'Jadaka was handed a mic and Yani stood next to him. The king cleared his throat and gazed upon the audience.
"This is my executive assistant, Mpilo, and he has worked for me since leaving primary school a couple of years ago. Next year he will begin his mandatory military service, and that is a very important and serious undertaking for our young people. My father proudly served and I understand the pride that comes from serving a country such as this…"
Yani watched Mpilo's face as N'Jadaka spoke. He was nervous and shy at being put on the spot, but his mother's and sister's faces beamed at being addressed directly by the king.
"As many of us have experienced in the Great Removal of the last war, Mpilo's father and brothers were taken. He has taken the great responsibility of caring for his mother and sister…however, I feel this is a great burden for such a young man starting out his life. Queen Yani and I have spoken in private about this and we've made the decision to have me step in as Mpilo's unvikeli."
Mpilo's legs almost buckled and his mother and sister kept his body steady. Whispers among the nobles could clearly be heard moving rapidly around dining tables. Yani held out her hand toward Mpilo and pulled him next to N'Jadaka. Her personal attendant Sindiswa handed her the same matching unvikeli necklaces that her own children once wore for T'Challa. Mpilo lowered his head and spoke with a soft voice.
"King N'Jadaka…Queen Yani…I am not—"
"You are not what?" Yani asked.
She touched Mpilo's chin and lifted it so their eyes could connect. The young man pressed his lips together. Yani unfastened the necklace and handed it to N'Jadaka. He turned Mpilo to face the guests while he hooked the necklace in front of everyone.
"Fatherhood is very important along with a mother's love and guidance. Queen Yani has told me time and time again that I have become a father figure to you in these hard times after the war. I humbly ask that you allow me to step in for your father to help guide you until you reach legal adulthood when you turn twenty-six. At that time you and your sister will be registered in our ancestral rolls as extended kin. When you turn thirty I will petition the Council of Elders to grant you a title with a rank that they deem appropriate. I will do the same for your sister when she also turns thirty."
Mpilo's mother and sister wept openly.
Yani touched Mpilo's hand.
Mpilo's chest shuddered and he wiped his eyes quickly. He raised himself higher and pulled back his shoulders.
"I will accept this kumkani," Mpilo said.
The guests clapped and Yani had other wedding attendants escort Mpilo's small family to one of the royal's tables near Umama and Dante. Yani and N'Jadaka followed, giving heartfelt hugs to their new kin. Music played again and the wedding celebration continued late into the night. Once the moon had risen and the children were allowed to stay at the reception for another hour before their bedtime. Yani sensed N'Jadaka's energy depleting. He was ready for the night to end so they could be alone. Their children would stay with Umama and they would have their home to themselves for the night before they had to finish the rest of the wedding duties the next day in Necropolis City. After that, they would be whisked away to their boat where they would have two solid weeks with no one else but them.
She strode past a crowded table of elder relatives from Umama's side of the family and zigzagged to where Twyla and her husband Bibi sat talking big talk with Kendall. Twyla gently grabbed Yani's wrist and pulled her down in the seat next to her.
"Look at you," Twyla said.
"I feel wonderful," Yani purred.
Twyla stared into Yani's eyes and cradled both of her hands.
"Are you finally happy? Have everything you want?"
Yani glanced over at N'Jadaka who strode past with his male cousins from the states. Every eye was on him and his bold steps made her heart thump faster. She patted Twyla's hand.
"It's like being back home when it was us against the world. That peace that we stole together…the peace I thought I would never have again…I have it forever now. Mi can breathe and not fear anything or anyone," Yani said.
"He is so in love with you. Everyone can feel it…oh look, here he come," Tywla said, her voice bursting into loud laughs as N'Jadak reached for Yani's hand and pulled her back by his side. He bent down and kissed Twyla's cheek.
"Tryna steal her again?" N'Jadaka said,
"No king, I would never," Twyla teased. "That was a nice thing you did for Mpilo and his sister. Did Nakia take you up on your offer to be Toussaint's unvikeli?"
"She's still considering it. Her mind is still bent on going to Haiti. I don't think she wants the pressure of the throne on her son. She likes being out of the public with Toussaint," N'Jadaka said.
"Well I think she should let you take care of Toussaint the way T'Challa watched over your brood," Twyla said.
"I agree," Yani interjected, supporting Twyla's declaration.
"Maybe she'll come around. But I won't force it. Umama and Ramonda are worried about her leaving and if I push to protect Toussaint, then she might flee sooner."
Sydette rushed forward and pulled on her parent's hands.
"The magic show is about to start!" Sydette shouted.
"Did you have more cake?" Yanis asked, wiping the side of her daughter's lips that were smeared with blue and purple icing.
Sydette licked the side of her mouth and grinned.
"I only ate a tiny piece. Come on, we have to watch the show!"
They followed Sydette toward a circular stone amphitheater hidden behind the tall row of forty-foot tall ironwood trees. The wedding guests trailed in finding seats and the royal family sat in the center front row. A female magician delighted the audience with an astonishing show that lasted forty minutes. There were acrobatics, visual illusions, mystery and panthers used to entertain a mesmerized crowd. The show ended with an acrobatic troop from Ghana, a gift from First Lady Vivienne Tettah and her husband President Kojo Tettah.
Music back near the wedding gazebo started up again and the guests waited to disperse and party far into the night. N'Jadaka led Yani to the center of the open garden theater and bid their guests a fun evening. They herded their children with Umama toward the East gate of the palace, waving and accepting the cheers and final well-wishes.
Parting ways with Umama and the children inside the palace, Yani and N'Jadaka braced their backs against the private elevator glass that whisked them up to their home. There were no night attendants or servants to pamper them. They were completely alone the way they wanted to be.
N'Jadaka helped Yani out of her dress in his bedroom and then she pulled off his robes. They took a quick sonic shower and scrambled to get into bed. Exhaustion prevented any frisky behavior. Happiness and love cradled them in the quiet privacy of the large round bed. Fireworks lit up the sky from their wall window. The king pulled his queen onto his chest and held her in a tight embrace.
A restful slumber guided them the rest of the night.
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N'Jadaka watched Yani sleep curled into his side.
He kept his left arm around her as her soft warm breath blew across his left pec. He checked his kimoyo beads on his right wrist and whispered instructions for their breakfast to be brought to his bedroom within the hour. Snuggling against his wife he caressed her cheek and then carefully kissed her forehead. They both needed rest and quiet before leaving for the family tombs in the city of the dead ancestors. Yani's name would be added to the ancestral rolls as they paid their respect to the past queens and kings. Afterward, they were free to honeymoon.
The wedding had been a tremendous affair and the Wakandan news and the global media had a field day reporting on the splendor and the grand entrance of Queen Yani. The outside world was permitted to see them leave the temple, but only the Wakandans could relive the experience on vids at home. World leaders who were still in Wakanda gave vid chats to their own people describing the experience. Royal images of the wedding party circled the globe.
Yani murmured into his chest and he looked down. Her eyelids fluttered open and he smiled at her.
"Hey Mrs. Udaku," he said.
She grinned and stretched her neck to kiss him.
"Since we never consummated the marriage, does that mean we failed our first duty as a couple?" she asked.
He laughed.
"We were too damn tired, girl."
"You must be getting old then, I could've done a little something," Yani bragged.
"All this talkin' now when you were snoring the moment we hit these sheets last night. Stop lyin."
"Hmmm," she said stretching, "It was a long day. A glorious day, but very long."
She pushed back the covers and slid down his body, engulfing his penis, sucking on it until the hot flesh hardened like a brick.
"Aye, Ma…protocols are in order. You make me nut and we don't pay our respects to Bast, we'll curse this union."
He pushed Yani's mouth away. She rose and left their marriage bed, naked as a jay bird and picked up the ceremonial bundle.
"Should we do this now, or after breakfast?" she asked.
She stood holding the bundle looking sexy and ready for anything he had in mind. His gaze dropped to her vulva. The piercings they marked her as his precious gift sparkled in the morning light that spilled from the window.
"You make it sound so clinical saying it like that," he said.
Yani padded back to the bed and stared at him.
"If we don't do it now, we might forget and mess up later. We'll get on the boat and be so happy that we're alone that I know you'll make love to me and overlook the rules," Yani said.
"We can set an alarm on our kimoyo beads," he suggested.
"So you don't want to do it now."
"I don't want to rush getting intimate with you."
She fondled her vulva, peeling back the outer labia. The pink inside already glistened. His dick jumped at the sight.
"Let's just do the ceremonial part now, pay homage to Bast and then we can relax until we are alone again. Our first time together as husband and wife shouldn't be quick," she said.
She reached for his dick and stroked it, letting the pre-cum pearl down the taught flesh. Fully engorged, his erection looked darker than the skin surrounding it.
"Okay," he huffed, watching her soft hand go up and down the shaft. A thick tear-drop shaped bit of pre-cum slid over the crease in her hand and he groaned. He didn't have to choke back on sound. The home was theirs to be loud.
Yani unfurled the ceremonial leather bundle and they touched the inscriptions of symbols and words etched into the leather. He helped her tie it using the strings on the four corners like a corset around her midsection. She used pillows from the bed to make her head and hips comfortable as he knelt between her legs.
"Ready?" he said.
She nodded.
N'Jadaka began to kiss and lick her clit, pulling soft moans from her lips as his tongue slathered her tender parts with saliva. He stroked his dick while working his mouth magic on her. Yani's thighs parted further while she cupped her breasts.
His lips dripped with her sticky love offerings, and by the time he was flicking the tip of his tongue just under her clit, Yani was calling out his name, letting the sound fly up to the high ceiling. It echoed like angels around them and he grunted a satisfied noise that helped her release into his mouth. Her vulva throbbed against his moist lips, the strong pulses pulling him up to his feet.
"Yani!" he shouted, jerking his dick faster hunched over her.
He aimed his release all over the leather corset, soaking it with hot white semen that continued to spurt as he squeezed his balls. Yani quickly unfastened the strings keeping the offering of cum from spilling away. His sweat fell onto her breasts and he gave one final tug to his dick.
"I've got it all," Yani said.
She curled the sides of the leather back into a bundle and he walked with her out to the balcony. A brass burning ring sat near the center of the space. Yani placed the semen-soaked bundle into the ring and they both struck a long match together, setting it ablaze. They each added small tied bundles of herbs to the leather and the smoke turned from white to purple and sent a trail of thick color up into the morning sky. N'Jadaka held Yani's hand and they spoke out loud ancient words to bless their union in the sight of Bast's offering.
The leather and herbs burned down quickly, and they showered together in his bathroom, taking their time lathering each other up and allowing steamy water to cascade down their wet bodies. He kissed and fondled his wife, enjoying the taste of her in his mouth and the scent of her skin in his nose.
Breakfast was full of them laughing and recounting the events of the day before. Yani held his hand tight when they left the palace together dressed in long white robes.
The trip to Necropolis City was taken in the Royal Talon Fighter with their children.
Walking the steps holding Yani's hand, N'Jadaka stared at the building that his body once rested in. Joba paused walking up the final step and N'Jadaka took her hand. His youngest daughter's body shook and he sensed her hesitancy.
"I'm right here Sunshine," he said.
Joba squeezed his hand and they entered the building following Umama and Ramonda. They walked along a long hallway that led to a special room away from the tombs. The walls in the room were covered by a gigantic purple and silver silk tapestry that displayed all the family names since the time of King Bashenga and Queen Tiye.
The only people allowed to witness the addition of Yani's name in person were their immediate family members. A small ceremony led by a Necropolis City elder didn't take long. Next to N'Jadaka's name was a space for Yani, and she signed a slender tablet that burned her name into the silk for all of time. A small sample of her blood had been taken to make the ink that burned into the material. Sydette and Riki watched with wide eyes. Joba clung to his hand.
Ushered back outside, the rest of their wedding party and familial guests waited for them, tossing flowers at Yani and N'Jadaka. Kisses and hugs were passed around and given to their children last. The ramp to the Royal Talon Fighter awaited them. N'Jadaka and Yani both fought the urge to run away from everyone.
"Have a beautiful trip!" Umama called.
N'Jadaka glanced at his children standing with his grandmother and grandfather. He waved, took Yani's hand and guided her into the Royal Talon Fighter.
Gliding along the Ibukan River, they spotted the royal house boat in the distance. Yani hugged him tight.
"Finally…our honeymoon," she whispered.
The Talon Fighter touched down on the ground near a dock. Okoye and Ayo departed the Talon Fighter first and spoke with the Doras guarding the boat. N'Jadaka squeezed Yani's hand and they both ran toward the boat, flinging off their ceremonial robes revealing swimsuits under neath. Okoye threw back her head and laughed.
"Be safe my king. We will track your trip discreetly and bring the royal children to you in two weeks," Okoye said.
"Bye!" Yani squealed.
N'Jadaka activated the onboard system and programmed it to sail away from the dock. He poured Yani a glass of champagne and they stood on the bow to watch it sail out of the golden city.
Yani toasted his glass again and he held her waist.
"To us, my king," she said.
"To us, my queen," he said back with all the love he could muster in his voice.
Chapter 7 HERE.
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vclcur · 1 year
Damn, remember those times we used to stay up late cracking corny ass jokes ? We used to go out, get lit and take stupid ass videos that we would regret when we became sober. You used to make me smile with just the simple things. But then everything became a whirlwind and we found ourselves in something we never thought would happen. You became my world in a whole different meaning. Just as fast as it came, it went. Washed away, almost like it was just a dream. Damn, am I going crazy, why does it seem like you have no idea what I’m talking about, what I’m feeling, what we were. You’re not Biz Markie, and I’m damn sure not just a friend..or am I ? Here you go making me feeling foolish, crazy, like I’m insane. 
Plot Inspo: Halfcrazy x MusiqSoulChild, Insane x Summer Walker, Kill Bill x Sza, Desperado x Rihanna, WYBL x Trevor Jackson, Stranger x Jhene Aiko, Friend Zone x Mila J
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Valencia's Playlist
Tennessee Whiskey- Chris Stapleton
I'm Like A Bird- Nelly Furtado
Ain't It Fun- Paramore
Sweet Lady- Tyrese
Lose Control-Missy Elliot (ft. Ciara & Fatman Scoop)
Stay- Rihanna (ft. Mikky Ekko)
I Need You Now-Lady Antebellum
He Wasn't Man Enough For Me- Toni Braxton
I Hope You Dance- Lee Ann Womack
Halona's Playlist
The World Is Ugly-MCR
Dance dance dance- Fall Out Boy
Say It (To My Face) - Meet Me @the Altar
Poor Unfortunate Souls-Pat Carol
Hate That I Love You-Rihanna
Someone New- Hozier
F*** Problems-A$Ap Rocky
Vision of Love-Mariah Carey
You'll Be In My Heart-Phil Collins
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vvh0adie · 1 year
look here, jungkook😐
im tired of yo bullshit😒
if you not gon give us r&b soul jungkook
then at least bring back vampire jungkook
or join yoongi as a rockstar
im gon need you to serve and eat soon
or i fear a meltdown might be comin’ your way
do you want that, jungkook?
you say you love army
but im not feelin’ it
i feel neglected
you’re neglecting me, jungkook🥺
ps: it should be obvi that i REALLY want that r&b album. just give me a little de’angelo, maxwell, musiqsoulchild. SOMETHING i beg😫
you didnt do hustle life and dark&wild for nothing. don’t disappoint mrs. stevenson
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j-ivy · 2 years
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FOR YOUR #GRAMMY CONSIDERATION #ThePoetWhoSatByTheDoor A special thank you to all the gifted voices and producers you hear on this album: @tarreytorae @sirthebaptist @lastpoet_abiodun @profjenkins @tsuaristocrats @johnlegend @therulernyc @verse_vito_zverse @xcelency @urucker @omarihardwickofficial @ommaskeith @soundsbyseaux @churchppl @stringschick @saintashleey @realtensei @umphreysmcgee @bjthechicagokid @pjmorton @sunnipatterson @thursdayboy @blk.veda @deoncole @djsd @ledisi @musiqsoulchild @gregmagers @mauricebrownmusic @marshallknights #joeyfernandez!!! Thank you to @zephfarmby for creating such a masterful and historic art piece for the cover!! Thank you @poptoyart for the amazing graphic work. #poet #poetry #spokenword #spokenwordalbum #spokenwordpoetryalbum #fyc #foryourgrammyconsideration #grammys #bestspokenwordpoetryalbum #albumoftheyear #songoftheyear https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj-xelnLFn1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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janlandpoetry · 2 years
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paulodebargelove · 1 month
2000s Vibes ( ) #Nostalgia #MusiqSoulchild - Love
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ilovernb1 · 1 year
Musiq Soulchild - I Remember You My Ex (by Musiqsoulchild)
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jonitadavisposts · 1 year
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I wrote about This is a free post. Please share and subscribe. It's a message of commiseration and hope for all the lonesome romantics out there today. The blog link is in the bio. Here is the URL: https://adhdwriter.substack.com/p/musing-on-love-on-my-first-lonesome?sd=pf @musiqsoulchild #valentines #adhd #neurodivergent #love #selflove #selflovejourney #lovesongs https://www.instagram.com/p/Cop0XZyPxtS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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omanxl1 · 1 year
HOUSE elements | Deep Soulful FIX | Mar 19, 23
 Sunday Jazz Continues check us out as we come through doing what we do, even though naysayers claim O-Dog is barking up the wrong trees! They claim that this is hazardous material, that we’re like Wuhan Lab leaks or like racoon dogs from over in the wet market spreading disease! Please! what we have is spiritual, but life comes at you fast, it’ll be like damn! is this another storm? per the…
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rahmercy · 1 year
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𝐍𝖾ω 𝐄𝗏𝖾𐓣𝗍 𝐑𝖾𐓣𝗍αᥣ 𝚰𐓣𝗏𝖾𐓣𝗍ⱺ𝗋𝗒 𝐀ᥣ𝖾𝗋𝗍!: 𝙿𝚑𝚘𝚎𝚗𝚒𝚡 𝙱𝚊𝚛 𝚃𝚊𝚋𝚕𝚎 🔖Book these beautiful stella chairs for your next event by February 14th for 14% off the most luxurious customized experience! ______________________________ Contact us to book your next corporate event, party decor, event furniture or prop rentals TODAY! ↗️ | ➕ 𝑭𝒐𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒃𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝒆𝒙𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒆 & 𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒍𝒔 𝑭𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒐𝒘 @SHIFTEventRental ______________________________ 📱𝑻𝒆𝒙𝒕 𝑹𝑬𝑵𝑻𝑨𝑳𝑺 𝒕𝒐 𝟖𝟑𝟑-𝟓𝟏𝟎-𝟑𝟐𝟗𝟗 📞 (𝟗𝟏𝟗) 𝟔𝟗𝟓 -𝟑𝟕𝟔𝟔 📍 𝑫𝒖𝒓𝒉𝒂𝒎, 𝑵𝑪 | ✈️𝑾𝒆 𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒗𝒆𝒍 & ��𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒗𝒆𝒓 𝒏𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒘𝒊𝒅𝒆🚐 🌐https://linktr.ee/shifteventrentals ______________________________ Song mood artist: @musiqsoulchild #eventrentals #eventfurniturerental #eventfurniturerentals #furniturerental #proprental #shifteventrental #proprentals #partyrentals #eventrental #partyrental #nceventrental #luxuryeventrentals #weddingrentals #corporaterentals #shifteventrentals #tablerentals #tablerental #luxurytable #nceventplanner #durhameventplanner #eventproducer #raleigheventplanner #celebrityeventplanner #ncevents #corporateeventplanner #brandactivation #durhamevents #corporateevent #raleighevents (at Raleigh/Durham/Cary/Morrisville) https://www.instagram.com/p/ConCAVgrLg1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hisscrollherheart · 1 year
My dearest HER,
One could not tell me that God doesn't answer prayers. When my eyes see your eyes, I get a good glimpse of His glory!
I can hear the angels singing as you roam the earth. My assumption is that you are one of His Fiercest and Firery warriors.
I honor Him loaning you to me, just for a little while called forever! You can protect yourself in every regard, but in your submission and femininity, you allow a King as I to work with you and you alongside me to this whole ONE thing.
Setting the world ablaze as a unit and praying to never be separated once united. I AM a King, but I humble before you!
Two separate halves, but yet WHOLE! You're the Yin to my Yang. We are apart, but we are ONE! Forever!
I do not own the rights to this music
#hisscrollherheart #lovebeyondthebox #est7982
#LoveAtFirstSight #CouplesGoals #InclineThyEar #PerfectTogether #TrueLove #SoulMates #LoveConquersAll #UnconditionalLove #MutualAdoration #HearMeOhLord #LoveIs #LoveIsInTheAir #ForeverAndAlways #Inseparable #HeartsOfGold #LoversParadise #LoveStruck #CupidStruck #OneInAMillion #LoveDeclared #LoveIsAlive #LoveStories #LoveOverHate #AlwaysAndForever #MyPrayer #musiqsoulchild #love
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Showing Love with @musiqsoulchild Catch more details on my radio show on Saturday 2-4pm. Tune into @therealrappradioshow on @downtownhottradio by downloading the mobile app., on our website, on Tunein.com and by phone (351) 999-5225. @wesellcanoncameras starting at $250.00. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cmcg8qfrdk5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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therealmrsdana · 2 years
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Valentines Day is full of love with @musicbykem @ledisi and @musiqsoulchild in Jacksonville Florida (at VyStar Veterans Memorial Arena) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClELfvFr_FW/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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