limonsoftaid · 2 years
Build A Mosque For Sadaqah Jariyah - MATW Project France
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Building a mosque is one of the best forms of sadaqah jariyah. It helps your fellow Muslim brothers to perform salah. Donate today to earn rewards in this life and the next.
Mosques are a very important place for Muslims. It is a place for worshipping Allah. It is also used for education and community purposes. But many of the Muslim countries do not have sufficient mosques in every community and/or area. So the people there have to suffer a lot. MATW France is finding communities with no mosques and building a place of worship there. People from those communities can perform salah in peace and comfort now. These mosques are also acting as an education centre for the children and the elders. Newly reverted Muslims are learning about Allah (SWT), His Messenger (SAW), and Islam. And most importantly, the bonding between community members is strengthening. We want to extend our hands to our generous donors in building the house of Allah. Send us your Muslim charity and we will build a mosque by your name or by the name of your choice. It is the best opportunity for you to gain eternal rewards as it will be your sadaqah jariyah.
MATW Islamic projects
MATW has engaged itself in several Islamic projects around the world. It all started in Togo but later we have spread our reach to Lebanon, Bangladesh, Palestine, Syria, Yemen, and parts of West Africa.
Small masjid – West Africa
A small masjid has a total area of 100 sqm and can accommodate around 90 people at one time. Send your Islamic charity to MATW France to earn eternal rewards.
Community masjid – West Africa
A community masjid has a total area of 150 sqm and can accommodate around 140 people at one time. Send your donations to MATW France to help us build such a mosque.
Large masjid – West Africa
A large masjid has a total area of 200 sqm and can accommodate around 170 people at one time. Your Muslim aid and Islamic charity will enable us to build such a masjid.
Grand masjid – West Africa
A grand masjid has a total area of 250 sqm accommodating around 270 people simultaneously. Building such a mosque will become your sadaqah jariyah for eternity.
Dawah support
Dawah is an important medium of letting people know about the five pillars of Islam. With your dawah support, we will be able to spread Allah’s messages among more people.
Donate a Quran
Donate a Quran to an orphan in one of our orphanages. Your Muslim aid will help us teach Quran to the orphans.
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alquranlab · 2 years
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how to be a muslim step by step guide alquranlab.com #newmuslim #howtomuslim #newtoislam #acceptislam #muslimrevert #revertguide #convertislam #newmuslimcourse #islambeginners #newmuslimteacher #newmuslimtutor #newmuslimtraining #muslimguider #imam #mosquenearme #muslimlearner #alquranlab #islamiccenter #muslimhelp
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ajourneytotruth · 6 years
LGBTQ Muslim communities?
Hi everyone, I’ve fallen off of the tumblr train for a while. I hope everyone is well though.
I was wondering if any of you knew of any lgbtq Muslim communities in nyc that are revert friendly?
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limonsoftaid · 2 years
Contribute Sadaqah Jariya- Build a house in Jannah
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Let Your Sadaqah Jariyah Have An factual Impact On People’s Lives Abu Huraira reported The Messenger of Allah( PBUH), said, “ Verily, among the good deeds that will join a religionist after his death are these knowledge which he tutored and spread, a righteous child he leaves before, a dupe of the Quran he leaves for heritage, a synagogue he has erected, a house he erected for trippers , a well he has dug, and charity distributed from his wealth while he was alive and well. These deeds will join him after his death. ”- Sunan Ibn Mājah 242
New Orphan Centre In Tripoli
We ’re on the verge of copping a property in El Mina, Tripoli, and turning it into a new orphan centre. We anticipate to give a safe living space for around 100 orphans there. We need your donation for property purchase and additionworks.However, you may contribute your sadaqah jariyah as orphan charity, If you feel for the Muslim orphans and want to do commodity good for them. Your donation has the power to bring a smile to an orphan’s lips.
Togo Orphans Homes Renovation
Togo is the first place from where the MATW Project started its trip. We erected orphans homes in Kpoga, Togo back in 2015. In these 7 times, the orphanages have come frail and need expansive addition. It also needs oil, plumbing, and a drainage system upgrade. We've formerly accepted the task and we know that by Allah( SWT)’s grace, we will be suitable to complete it successfully. You may contribute your fund online to help us speed up the addition process.
Home Refurbishment In Palestine
The out- and- out attack of Israeli forces is demolishing homes in Palestine. The recent Gaza attack has added to the risk vastly. Our levies are formerly on the ground and taking enterprise to refurbish homes where possible and produce new harbors for the destitute. These homes need general addition, plumbing and oil, carpentry workshop, and electric wiring. Your zakat or sadaqah jariyah can insure a safe roof over a Palestinian family.
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ajourneytotruth · 7 years
Asalam alaikum. It’s been a very long time since I️ have posted, and I figured I’d catch everyone up with my life, if I️t matters to any of you. The last three months have been a true test of faith. My beautiful island of Puerto Rico was all but destroyed by hurricane Irma and hurricane Maria. My home was destroyed and I️ had to throw out most of what I️ owned. I️ decided after one month of living without safe drinking water, little food, and no electricity, that I️ would call I️t quits for the time being and make my way to NYC to try and start a life here.
This has been the hardest thing ever. I️ suffer from severe depression, couple this with my life doing a complete 180 in a matter of hours, and you will understand that my faith has been shaken. I’m sad. I’m angry. I’m hurt. I’m lost. I’m confused. And even worse, I’m alone and have absolutely nobody here to turn to. I️ don’t know how to make this new life work, but I️ am trying.
I️t anyone can offer any advice to me on how to settle in nyc or more importantly any kind words to help me rebuild my faith, please don’t hesitate to message me, because honestly I️ need I️t right now.
If you made I️t this far to my post, thank you for reading. And thank you for caring. If you said a prayer. Thank you.
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ajourneytotruth · 7 years
book suggestions
As-Salaam-Alaiku everyone. summer break from Uni is about to start in a couple of weeks which means i'll have time for fun reading. does anyone have any suggestions for your favorite Muslim books that I should purchase? thank you in advance!!!
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ajourneytotruth · 7 years
Muslim friends in nyc area?
As I’ve posted earlier, I am new to the NYC area and a Muslim revert. I have no muslim friends and haven’t been to a mosque here before. I’m looking for any Muslim friends (even if you aren’t from NYC). Please reblog, message, etc. It’s lonely here and a Muslim friend would be nice
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