#must be funny
blackhat-organization · 7 months
I'd like to say ty to my parents for literally being dead and leaving me money because now i can fund my buying addiction
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gin-juice-tonic · 2 years
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minyminymo · 2 months
All they want is fuckinv money
Ab toh shyd khudki Kidney bechni padegi
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streettealee · 1 year
La Banque Shadowhunter
There could be so much interesting worldbuilding here and answers to questions but nooo CC just had to skip this part. You can’t tell us Shadowhunters earn money and there are rich Shadowhunter families because theirs is a name that’s last many centuries of service and then not explain how any of it works. It’s my personal belief/headcanon I suppose that it works in two ways: each Nephilim is given a sort of allowance from the Clave for simply being a Shadowhunter (because they all need to be supported somehow), think of living on the government dole or whatever, then comes in Shadowhunter trades and service which works more like capitalism. 
We know there are Shadowhunters who forge weapons (you can’t tell me that’s a role solely reserved for the Iron Sisters because not every weapon is made of adamas and it doesn’t just take an Iron Sister to bless a weapon either) who would then sell them for money. In Idris, I believe, there’d also be many other businesses that sell everything from food to clothing to homeware. More moolah. So, that’s the trades covered. Then comes in actual Shadowhunter service where they’re fighting demons and going on patrols. I’m pretty sure patrols work (or should work) on a roster of sorts with various shifts. The more you do, the more you’re paid, and so on. Since spoils are horrendous and discontinued since the Accords, and demons tend to just nope out of this plane of existence when defeated, keeping track of the body count probably doesn’t add to pay. So, we’ll just go with durations of service and general efficiency.
This still allows for rich families that have had Shadowhunter names kept alive for centuries as opposed to those who are Sighted and become Nephilim, those who disown their families, those who make new ones etc. 
This is just one worldbuilding theory and it’s very basic (I also am not an economics or business student, don’t come at me), but it’s always irritated me that CC never liked to spell out any of it beyond spoils and a currency, in fact, existing in some form so that there are wealthy Shadowhunters and so that Matthew can buy all his waistcoats.
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Rule #557
Doubloons are not a valid currency.
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lyfellian · 2 years
Imagine, Donna Sheridan-Carmichael and Sam Carmichael-Sheridan leave on their honeymoon. He takes her to Las Vegas, then Monaco, and she wins in gambling again and again and again. They go to balls, the most expensive restaurants before travelling to the lesser-known parts of Europe, sleeping soundly in slightly shabby, family-run hotels, chatting with the owners by day and dancing under the stars along the beach by night. Sam makes sure Donna doesn't lift a finger, and he stares with pure admiration in his eyes as she twirls, the moonlight painting her in an ethereal glow, worries and stresses a thing of the past.
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mychem1calbr0mance · 2 years
i survived the mcr5 reveal and all i got was fucking emotional damage
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starzalign · 2 years
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minseologs · 1 year
Saving Grace
Minseo sits quietly inside the church, marveling at the beauty of the cathedral’s walls. She’s been here a few times in childhood, and yet she acts as if it’s the first time. The stained glass art filters through sunlight that gently illuminated her surroundings and particularly liked the way it hazed over her like a halo. She didn’t appear to have any thoughts, and it disrupts her when a priest joins in.
“Back from work, Minseo?” The voice calls out, and a man dressed in robes comes along. “My— I haven’t seen you inside church since Jinwoo’s Christening.”
“Father..! Yeah— it’s been a while...” she bows promptly, waiting for him to sit by her side and continues to just look straight to the altar. “I’m going for a vacation, actually—”
The priest sits at a comfortable distance, as if he had known Minseo for ages. “Let me guess… you’re here to find a peace of mind?”
“I’m guessing papa came here for the same thing.”
“It was your mother, actually…”
Her head averts to the priest, gaze strengthens as he was also just appears to be mindlessly staring at the altar. The church provided some kind safety net for them, as if she knew she wasn’t allowed to escalate any situation.
“Before you and your sister were born, your mother came here a lot to pray. She would always say that it gave her time to think. Just about everything.” He mentions, reminiscing what once was. “What’s troubling you?”
“I…” She hesitates. She was sure there was a problem, but in a way where she thought it shouldn’t have been an issue in any other person. Minseo leans back to her seat and could only sigh, thinking what a priest could do to fix her problems. “I’m just— feeling torn. As if I’m broken in to pieces and be given to others with different perceptions. I’m not saying I want to be liked by everyone. I’m saying what if they find out I’m not who they think they are? A weak, and fragile person? Suppose I’m looking for guidance now.”
He chuckles at the thought, much to her dismay. “My dear, God only knows who is right and who isn’t for you. I know for a fact as someone as kind as you would figure things out, because of his guidance.” He points at the cross, Minseo attempts to be respectful of the thought.
“Tell you what,” he offers, holding out a hand. “Let’s say the Lord’s Prayer and I’ll leave you be. You know that one, don’t you?”
“With due respect, father, you know I’m not the most religious person. It would feel wrong.” The priest insists, inviting the hand to her direction again. So she did like any other obeyed request in holy ground. “I’m not sure if the angels would even hear…”
“Why don’t we begin?” He nods, so she reaches out too, closing her eyes. “Our Father….”
Who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven…
In a sudden moment, Minseo recalls what had happened earlier that morning. She could hear plea in her head, and was beginning to lose focus. A man was screaming in her head with apologies.
Give us this day, our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses; as we forgive those who trespass against us…
“I’m loyal to you, Miss Choi, I swear…!! one more chance!! I made a mistake, I’m sorry!” Minseo remembers the feeling of pity, and anguish at once. The feeling of betrayal was fuming from her chest, and yet her face wouldn’t tell a thing. She watches as a guard points a gun on his head, and before she could see murder in her eyes, she looks down.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil…
The church bell rings that jolts her out of trance. A gunshot was the last prominent thing she heard before the feeling of guilt washes over. Even if the blood wasn’t directly on her hands, she admits the defeat and exhaustion of constantly eliminating those who destroy her loyalty.
Hands gently clasp hers, as if the priest gave her extra blessings. A gentle smile couldn’t help but pass by, in amusement and disbelief.
“I’ll make sure to visit the children at the orphanage again.”
He chuckles, “of course, child. they miss you and always wonder if you’re doing well.” He stands and she mirrors, bowing again as Minseo was on her own once more. The solitude made her feel watched.
“Why do you do this?” She asks, looking straight to the cross. “You’ve given me too many chances, did you think I was a cat?” Her head tilts a little, getting annoyed in her own actions. “Is it because I do the charity stuff? Because my family help you build this cathedral? Was that our saving grace or something?” Minseo waits for someone to answer, to no avail. It was just faint buzzing and the outside world doing the mundane everyday.
Her figure stands and promptly heads over to where the candles have been lit from previous visitors. She takes out her wallet and places a ₩50,000 bill in the donation box. She didn’t light a candle, only walking away from what she had hoped God hearing her thoughts.
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methinmycoffee · 1 year
“Money, Money, Money” by ABBA but it’s Stolkien.
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alocalfrog · 5 months
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Can you imagine suing Boeing and coming home to find Boeing's faulty plane parts washed up in your backyard?
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scallywagggg · 2 months
The only thing that's stopping me from doing drugs is that I'm broke
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zero-witch · 2 months
Oh jeez
There are sooo many good concerts coming up. I think I'm gonna be spending a lot of money 😬 For Maggie freaking Rogers? Worth it. Let's hope I make a good tip from this trip!
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time-woods · 9 days
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guy doesnt know what pins n needles are
( part1-2/? ?)
(start) (<next part>)
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William Afton is a master manipulator in FNAF..
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bacchuschucklefuck · 4 months
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