#must screen for terfs and White Feminists
thundergrace · 2 years
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Would it be immediately canceled? Yes. Would I watch? Yes.
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olderthannetfic · 3 years
I wanted to ask you about radical feminism (TERF-ism & TIRF-ism). Radical feminism never seemed to be *necessarily* some of the really bad things that people on this blog say it is. For instance, everything roach-works says it is in an earlier post. There are at least some people I've read who are part of the movement of radical feminism (whether or not they would self-identify as that) and who really don't espouse any of the views in roach-works comments. (1/2) Thinking of the list of points
From nothorses - the people I’ve read (e.g. Iris Marion Young) *do* espouse many of these, but not so in a way that has to lead to these more extreme views that roach-works mentioned. One may not agree with them but they don’t seem so bad to me? Are they? Am I a terrible person? It disturbs me to hear something with the word 'feminism' in it denigrated so harshly, and it always seems to me like the views get mixed up with the worst half of the people who believe in them. (2/2)
(Appendix...) I feel there's a lot of truth in SOME of the views that nothorses correctly ascribes (i. m. o.) to radical feminists, in particular: "Women are all miserable with their bodies, cursed with the pressure to reproduce and have sex with men. ... miserable with their genders, forced as they are to ensure the overwhelming and constant suffering that is patriarchy." Is it just that the "all" makes the views too strong? Or is there, for critics, a more fundamental problem I'm missing?
I've seen some much nicer, saner people self-describe as radical feminists and object strenuously to how I see radfems... However, all of them still kept talking about porn in terms that only make sense if you're talking about the evils of the mainstream industry, and moreso the mainstream industry of the 1970s (which is when a lot of this rhetoric comes from). And yet this attitude gets over-applied to porn in general, regardless of medium, working conditions, or level of economic necessity involved in its creation.
The attitudes I think are pretty much universal in this ideology, and universally shitty, come out when they're confronted with fsub content by and for women.
Yeah, yeah, "mommy porn". I'm not saying Fifty Shades of Grey is well written or not kind of embarrassing, but when people start bleating about how confused womenfolk will get bad ideas from it, you should be suspicious, whether they're radfems or fundies.
"The hot billionaire falls in love with me for no reason and does all the work to make sex hot while I lie there like a dead fish" is a common fantasy. It really doesn't say anything about the woman in question, nor does it make the patriarchy stronger.
The big one to look for from nothorses list is #5:
Sex, in particular, is more often exploitative than not. Only some kinds of sex are not exploitative. Many kinds of sex that we think are consensual, or that people say are consensual, are either rape or proto-rape.
This is saying "BDSM is rape", which is something that most radfems do think once you scratch the surface. Rape roleplay is also rape and furthering the patriarchy.
Even if they make some small allowance for informed adults doing BDSM in some strict environment with specific rules, show them 50SoG and women's right to choose goes out the window. Sure, the relationship in the book looks pretty unhealthy, at least at the beginning, but the thing being criticized is readers' right to choose.
Even the radfems who support butchness and don't think butch women are gender traitors will usually be assholes over trashy wank material like 50SoG.
And once you open the door to "your libido is political", you've started down a very dark road that leads to a bunch of naturally kinky tumblr teens sitting in their bedrooms, staring at their computer screens, and wondering if they're a future rapist because they like a/b/o or sex pollen or something.
I get where you're coming from. Maybe you're in a context where most women are pretty miserable. But I'm not. I was raised by a mother who thought diets were stupid and telling your daughter what you think of her body is active child abuse.
Being a victim of abuse, including "you're too fat" type abuse, is neither inherent nor unique to women. Sure, women tend to be under the microscope, but so are lots of people.
As an upper middle class anglo white woman in the US and moreover as a woman who looks fairly conventionally femme even with my very hairy legs (much to my annoyance), I honestly don't experience that much policing. I already, through no fault and certainly no merit of my own, conform reasonably well to the "neutral" standard of white womanhood. My male equivalent would be the most unmarked in the US, but I'm only a little marked.
What this gender-obsessed analysis misses is that it's not about womanhood: it's about failing to be the "neutral" default. Poor people fail. Black people fail. Asian people fail. Disabled people fail. At least in the US. In Japan, third generation Korean-Japanese fail. Burakumin fail despite being ethnically Japanese due to having been a separate caste for centuries.
"Intersectionality" on social media tends to get used as miserypoker: the speaker with the most listed oppressions wins the argument and you should signal boost them or you're a bad person.
In actuality, what intersectionality means is recognizing that gender and sex may sometimes just not be very important in a given person's life if they experience enough privilege or if, conversely, they have such a profound lack of privilege elsewhere that this other identity overshadows gender in terms of their lived experience.
Radfem ideology says I must prioritize Woman out of my many identities. But, in reality, I feel more kinship with bisexual men than with lesbian women. I feel more kinship with kinky straight people than with bisexuals who want AO3 and pride parades to be nothing but g-rated hand holding.
I get that it's upsetting for people to be railing against something called "feminism", but that's like saying that disliking the Jews for Jesus makes you antisemitic. The whole point is that a lot of people feel that radical feminism is pretty anti-woman in many of its core values.
I don't think you're a bad person. I do think that some of the underpinnings of radfem ideology lead directly to sensitive people who are concerned about such things wondering if they are.
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apollos-celticswan · 4 years
Just a Thought Here
So I’ve had a thought. I’ve been back on Tumblr for a little over two weeks, and for the most part I’ve been excited because a lot of the reasons I left seemed to have stopped being an issue, until the last few days.
I originally stopped posting on here, and specifically in the PJO community a few years back because things became extremely toxic. 
I am a Trans/Genderfluid person of mixed race. I had happily made a place in the community that was so welcoming and kind until a mixture of Voltron and bad Social Justice warrior posting crashed through. People became opinionated to the point of sending destructive and cruel things not just to me, but to other people I knew who were drawing things that didn’t align with the person’s personal views of a character. This came to things like Race bending characters and sexuality/gender identity bending characters.
Here is my own personal situation with these things. 
As far as race bending goes, and this is particularly bad in the Harry Potter fandom. I don’t believe it is right to race bend a character in a series where the author (an actual racist terf) never represented the struggles of these minorities. I’ve seen so many “Hermione is Black and Harry is Indian” posts trying to prove how Rowling was secretly being inclusive, and what I have to say to that is no. She wasn’t. She wasn’t being inclusive at all. The struggles of these people, there cultures, their worlds, were not represented. I do not feel comfortable with anyone trying to give her that credit when it is deeply undeserved.
My other viewpoint is that race bending is a sensitive situation. You can’t just paint Annabeth brown and say you are inclusive. That isn’t sensitivity. That isn’t acknowledging or creating a narrative where the people of that ethnicity (whatever one was painted on) are represented. I think especially in Rick’s case, he does a pretty decent job of making sure the POC and LGBTQA+ characters have their cultures and struggles acknowledged and set as a part of their growth as a person. (Not always. Like anyone writing from the outside, it’s not always perfect, but I think he tries really hard and I appreciate that.)
Instead of arguing why or why not someone who was never cannonly specified as a minority might be one, I think we should spend more time making our own original characters that portray these people and struggles.
My other question for these people who left rude comments in my inbox about not race-bending characters is, “Are you an advocate for these people off your computer?” if the answer is no, and especially if you are Caucasian and sixteen and angry, just stop. You aren’t standing up for anyone or being inclusive. Screaming through a pc screen that your “baby boy character” isn’t how you envisioned him to an artist, isn’t going to bridge the education gap, quality of life divide, or end unfair border policing. Please stop. 
Now on the topic of queer characters. I have been call transphobic as a transman in the PJO fandom more times than I can count because I don’t draw Will, Nico, Percy, or Annabeth as Transgender. I do not believe they are transgender. I believe that if they were Rick would have made that clear as he has been very good about doing in his works. If that ever changed at any point for characters that are lacking in back story, awesome!! That’s super cool! Now, that being said, if you envision that character as such, also awesome! But that doesn’t mean you get to call someone transphobic because their view of a character is different than how you see them. This goes for race and queer rep. 
Your opinions do not entitle you to be cruel.
Now lets get to today. 
With the news that the Disney spin-off for PJO is up and coming, I’ve been again seeing this gatekeeping bullshit. “Every character MUST be POC or I won’t watch it” or “If they don’t make -character- queer the way I like Rick is OBVIOUSLY homophobic” 
I’ve seen people arguing in tags, not discussing, but mudslinging and social justice warrioring, and let me just say guys. You all look ridiculous. It’s embarrassing for this fandom. It’s embarrassing as people. It’s embarrassing as a queer person seeing other queer people shred down others for a differing opinion. 
It is okay to be white in a show. 
It’s okay to be straight.
It’s okay.
It’s not okay to whitewash a character of color, or wipe their struggles. 
It’s not okay to straighten a queer character or dissolve them to a pathetic sterotype sidekick.  Hate is hate. If you believe women are better then men, queers are better than straights, or POCs are better than non-POC people, you are part of the problem.
A rasict is someone who hates on someone or oppresses someone for their skin color or ethnic background.
Intolerance is when someone lashes out at someone who is different from them.
When you hate on or trash talk someone who is different from you and your words are “well they’ve said it about people like me” what makes you different?
What makes you different? All of you?
Are you better because you are a straightaphobe? Because you are cruel to a person of christian faith? Because they are white appearing? 
Stop villainizing people because they are different from you. Stop. You aren’t a feminist or an activist. You are hating. And hate is not a place I want to stay in. If that is what this community embraces, that is horrific.
Instead of criticizing, lets all be happy together. Lets embrace Rick’s vision. The actors’ vision, and the adventure of seeing these books become a live action we can enjoy and love. They don’t all have to be POC. Or queer. Or women.  I want to live in love. I want to see that love that Rick built come to us in a diverse and beautiful way.
I hope I’m not the only one. 
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queenboudicaa · 6 years
A brief history of trans activism
Jane Clare Jones
The Annals of the TERF-Wars
Prologue: A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…
Transsexual women: We just want some basic human rights.
Women: Okay.
Transsexual women: We have this condition called gender dysphoria and it’s really painful and we need to transition to live as the other sex because it’s the treatment for the dysphoria.
Women: Yeah, that sounds tough. Okay, if that’s what you need to do.
Transsexual women: We’d like you to treat us as women.
Most women: Um, okay. Sure, we can do that if that helps.
 Prequel: A long time ago in a lesbian bar that no longer exists
Lesbians: We don’t have to treat you as women for sexual purposes, do we?
Many transsexual women: No, that’s cool
Nascent trans activists: Well, actually, if you don’t want to fuck us then it invalidates our womanhood and that is misgendering and it’s a human rights abuse and you should want to fuck us.
Lesbians: It’s a human rights abuse if we don’t want to fuck you? What the fuck?
Nascent trans activists: Yes, you should want to fuck us.
Lesbians: Even if you still have dicks?
Nascent trans activists: Even if we still have dicks.
Lesbians: Um yeah, sorry, we don’t do dicks. We’re LESBIANS.
Nascent trans activists: You are vagina fetishists with unconscious bias and are gatekeeping your vaginas. We are women and our dicks are women’s dicks. If you don’t want to fuck us, you’re bigots.
Lesbians: We’re not bigots, it’s just you’re male, and we fuck female people.
Lesbians: Um yeah, we’re not really feeling that right now to be honest.
Nascent trans activists: TERF TERF TERF TERF TERF.
Lesbians: HEY PEOPLE! These people are pressuring our sexual boundaries because they say they’re women but the way they’re pressuring us doesn’t make us feel like they’re women…in fact, it makes us feel like they’re men and we don’t fuck men. We’re lesbians, we don’t fuck men. That’s the reason we did all the marching, so that was okay right? RIGHT????
(Nascent trans activists: TERF TERF TERF TERF TERF)
Lesbians: HEY PEOPLE!!! Could we get some fucking help here?
Rest of the LGB community and world: Did someone say something?
 Episode 1: The First War Begins. Scene 1: Cyberspace – probably around 2013
Trans activists: So hey, when we said we’d like you to treat us like women that wasn’t right, because actually, we ARE women and we demand that you treat us exactly like women because we are women and that you to stop violently excluding us from all your women things.
Women: Um, we thought you were male people who had to transition to help with your dysphoria?
Trans activists: No, that is out-dated and pathologizing. Women are women because they have a gender identity which makes them women.
Women: Um, we thought we were woman because we’re female?
Trans activists: No, you are women because you have magic womanish essence that makes you women. We have the same magic womanish essence as you, it’s just that ours got stuck in the wrong body.
Feminists: That sounds kind of sexist. Can you tell us what this woman-essence is, and how it gets stuck in the wrong body, because that sounds like a weird metaphys…..
Trans activists: It’s SCIENCE.
Feminists: Science says there’s ‘magic woman essence’??? Are you sure? Because feminism would…
Trans activists: Shut up bigots.
Feminists: Sorry? What?
Trans activists: You are our oppressors, you don’t get to speak. When you speak you oppress us, and it literally kills us.
Feminists: WHAT?
Trans activists: You are cis women, cis people are our oppressors.
Feminists: We’re what?
Trans activists: It’s your new name, it comes from Latin, and means you have a magic gender essence that matches your body, and because your magic gender essence matches your body you are privileged…
Feminists: Hang on a minute, women are oppressed because they are women, we’re not really sure that’s a privilege…
Trans activists: YOU ARE PRIVILEGED BECAUSE YOUR GENDER IDENTITY MATCHES YOUR BODY. Nobody knows the pain of being trapped in the wrong body. It is the greatest pain of all the pains that has ever happened to all of human kind, and everyone who does not know this pain is privileged and is therefore our oppressor.
Feminists: Um, were not really sure we’re oppressing you, we don’t have much social power to oppress you, we’d just like to ask you some questions about this gender identity thing….
Feminists: What? No, we just wanted to ask you…
Feminists: No no no hold on, we’re just trying to ask you a question…
Feminists: What??? We’re like genocidal what??? This is fucking crazy. Can we just try and calm down and talk about this?
Trans activists: NO. There is NO DEBATE. Debating is literal violence and makes us unsafe. Repeat after us – Trans women are women. Trans women are women because they have woman essence, just like cis women. You’re not women because of your bodies. Bodies have nothing to do with being a woman.
Feminists: Okay, this is sounding nuts now, because we really think our bodies have quite a lot to do with our being woman.
Trans activists: Bio-essentialism!
Feminists: What? Essentialism is bad we agree, but that means thinking people with certain kinds of bodies have to…
Trans activists: No, essentialism is thinking male and female people exist.
Feminists: But male and female people DO exist.
Trans activist: FUCK YOU TERF. DIE IN A FIRE.
Feminists: Woah.
Trans activists: How many fucking times do we need to tell you this cis-scum? Your body has nothing to do with your being a woman. There is no such thing as female biology.
Feminists: WHAT THE FUCK????
Trans activists: The gender binary was created by white heteropatriarchal colonialism.
American trans activists who don’t know the rest of the world exists: Colonialism colonialism duh.
Feminists: How the hell is the colonization of North America responsible for the creation of male and female people? And while we’re here that sounds kinda racist…
Trans activists: Two-spirit people burble burble sex is a spectrum burble clown fish burble burble intersex people burble burble some women don’t have ovaries burble social construct burble Judith Butler
(Academics with cool-girl syndrome and assorted edgelords and wokebros: JUDITH BUTLER!!!!)
Trans activists: ….burble burble, there is no such thing as female biology and women are women because they have magic gender essence and therefore some women have penises!
Feminists: Okay, this is batshit. We REALLY need to talk about this.
 Episode 1: The First War Continues. Scene 2: Cyberspace – around 2013-14
*Enter Intersectional Feminists from top, bottom and side of screen….*
Feminists: Hang on, we thought you were feminists. We thought you cared about female people.
Intersectional feminists: Female people are so last century. Only White Feminists care about female people.
Feminists: White what?
Intersectional feminists: All the feminists before us were white middle-class women and they only cared about what white middle-class women care about and they were only interested in getting good jobs for white middle-class women and they didn’t care about Black women and were dried up whorephobic prudes who didn’t realize sex work was liberating and mostly they just wanted to kill trans people.
Feminists: That sounds like some mad-ass caricature.
Intersectional feminists: You would say that, you oppressive old crones. You’re just saying that to maintain your power.
Feminists: No we’re not, we don’t have much power. We’re saying it because it sounds like bullshit. *Starts trying to explain all the things second wave feminism did to help women*
Intersectional feminists: We’re not listening to you, you oppressive bitches. We’ve hidden all your books in the library to protect young minds from them. You are whorephobes and transphobes and racists. We are intersectional. Only we have learned from the Tumblr-oracle how all the different oppressions have different points on a scale that add up to who is the most oppressed and you are white (so are we mostly but we’re pointing at you because somehow that means something, maybe because we have asymmetric hair-cuts and our profile pics give great side-eye) and you are women and that means that you are the least oppressed and that means that your feminism is shit and that means that you have to centre all these other people in your feminism and if you refuse it’s because you’re the oppressors and the most oppressed people are trans women and they must be the centre of feminism from now on.
Feminists: You want us to centre male born people in our feminism?
Intersectional feminists: THAT’S RIGHT BITCHES. And there is no such thing as ‘male-born people.’ That is cissexism and is literal violence. You need to educate yourselves. We don’t have the spoons.
Feminists: Um yeah, we know quite a lot about the history and practice of feminism and we’ve thought quite hard about it and I think we’re going to carry on centring female people if you don’t mind.
Intersectional feminists: OPPRESSORS
Feminists: Female people are oppressed and our political movement…
(Ps – Would you like to try this sourdough bread I made with yeast from my vagina?)
Feminists: Okay. This is getting REALLY fucked up now.
Intersectional feminists: Run away and cry your ‘White Feminism TM’ tears you dried up old witches. And don’t fucking kink-shame us or we’ll shank you.
Feminists: Um, this feminism seems not very…
Intersectional feminists with new blue hair:BIG DICK ENERGY.
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