#mutuals 🥰💜
enbyeddiediaz · 6 months
baby i have to step out for a minute will you watch my puzzle for me so the cats don’t get it
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(you can work on it while i’m gone)
I'll try my best, honey but that cat is speedy
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catgirlknighted · 11 months
let me touch that Braille on those tittles, let me learn it with my tongue
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a-cosmic-elf · 4 months
Oooo- ask game! For the Fanfiction Writing Ask:
55! 62 (for ME: Absolution)! And 75 (for research purposes).
Hi, @tafferling ! Thank you for sending me this; it really had me thinking! I’ll put it under a cut because it’s going to be pretty long, lol
55. Have you noticed any patterns in your fics?  Words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc?
No, I don’t think so. Unless rare pairs and OCs can be considered a theme.
I seem to like starting my stories with a line of dialogue, sometimes from canon. I enjoy doing that, and I don’t care if it’s considered ‘meh’ in writing circles. This is fanfic. Readers will recognise it, and I get a kick out of making an immediate connection that, in turn sets the scene.
62. In Absolution, is there a deleted scene/idea you wish you could have included?  Why did it get cut?
No, I think everything in the main story is still there. It’s just evolved over time.
I do have Emrys’s origin story, everything leading up to that point where he reaches self-awareness, mostly written. I plan to release it as an epilogue since it’s ridiculously spoilerific and in a slightly darker (currently nsfw) tone. It’s a tragic love story.
Emrys eludes to it when questioned by Yin:
"I've been meaning to ask you, how did they do it? How did the turians build a ship powered by a mass relay? It's hard to get my head around."
"Hmm." Emrys seemed to think on the question for a while before responding, "Several project leads were overseeing their respective areas on the design and construction. One of them was a brilliant young scientist. He had been a child prodigy, in fact, thought to be a genius. By the time he reached adulthood, he had unlocked secrets of mass effect technology that others before him, and since, have only dreamt of. His level of understanding, skills and knowledge were unprecedented. He was indeed ahead of his time."
Yin was transfixed, "what happened to him?" he asked.
"Oh, it's not an unusual story. At the apex of his career, he fell in love. It got him into all kinds of trouble. He was never the same after that." Emrys said, staring forward as if he knew what that was like.
And if you put that together with the following from the infamous chapter 13:
</Personnel Record: Shyyla Cirian
/Rank: Doctor [SPECIAL ORDER] sibling of Primarch Jasris Cirian.  
/Assignment: Head of AI development
/Current location: THS Absolution, deck 15, section 001
/Status: DECEASED.
/end of report.>
You know a love story between a young and gifted engineer and the head of AI development (the Primarch’s sister, no less, who’s caught the eye of the evil General) will be heart-wrenching. But the best origin stories are usually tragic. And I like dark tales with romance.
75. Is there a particular fic that readers gravitated towards that you didn’t expect?
I’m glad that you asked this one. There’s always that one fic, right? The one that you spat out in an afternoon but stands head and shoulders above the rest, not by comments or kudos, but by hits because nobody comments on porn.
I mean seriously, it’s trash! I’d delete it, but the stats don’t lie, lol
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Thank you again for such a lovely ask and for supporting my oc brain rot. It truly means the world to me. 🙏🏼💕🥰
Fic writing asks
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eloisephillip · 1 year
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Cannot believe it's been six years since I've joined this site (I'm actually like a whole ass month late with this post lmao). But anyway, thank you all so much for continuing to follow my little mess of a blog, it truly means the absolute world to me!
I've had some of the best experiences of my life on this site, thanks to the lovely friends that have come and gone and those that are still around today. So, thank you all so much for the love and friendship that you've given me!
Some special shoutouts to some very very lovely mutuals who I feel very privileged to have following me 🥰🥰🥰
@userbettycooper @joey-potters @misty-quigley @laylakeating @roykeeleyjamies @paceyjoeys @hunterwillow @missbennet @tabithatate @archiesbetty @faithinthefuturedeluxe @mulderscully @jakeperalta @witter-potter @jennifersbod @jimalim @matbaynton @miriammaisel @cardigan @tylerkennedys @bakerolivia @slayerbuffy @charlottesmatthews @colinshughes @professionalpenthief
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feralbeeast · 2 months
If you suck me off I'm just gonna be nicer to you so we'll be in a fucking spiral
[Assuming this is in response to the "need to suck my mutuals off for being so nice to me"]
Oh noooo 😇💜 definitely not planning on giving you ground breaking head over and over for being so sweet to me and making me so horny all the time..
💋 so my place or yours?
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meowph-132 · 7 months
Hello! I have been tasked to do this since I have been asked the same thing!
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers!!! Love you! ✨️✨️✨️
I’m sorry for just now getting to this @arise-children-angel-is-here!… I honestly thought WAY too hard on it (^◇^;)
Mine would have to be my cats, cartoons, sushi, ROTTMNT (especially the au’s created from it), and the amazing people on here! 💜
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lovely-menza · 1 year
FELIZ CUMPLEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! espero que la pases muy pero muy lindo 🥺💞💖🥳
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enbyeddiediaz · 1 year
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thank you!!!
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lorenlily · 2 years
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in my defence ajjsjsjjs,,, ily <333
it really is not lol there's so many stuff thats been out for years i should've listened to by now that i still haven't like i didn't listen to 5sos (WHO I LOVE) until a month ago sjsjsns
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a-cosmic-elf · 4 months
For the fic writer asks:
56 and 37!
This is going to be a personal one, probably long winded again, so I’ll put it under a cut.
56. Are there any fics that you would change or rewrite if given the chance?
The current version of Absolution is a rewrite. I’ve changed minor things, like how Kat used to call Seb ‘Boss’ - after a while, I found I didn’t like it. I wanted them to be closer and less formal with each other.
I also re-added in the confirmation that Yin is trans. He always has been, but I was afraid I’d get hate for it, so initially, that part had been cut. I felt brave after enlisting the help of a sensitivity reader and reinstated it for the re-write.
I don’t believe you have to ban writers from writing the ‘other’. It’s like acting. A good actor should be able to play any part, regardless of their personal experiences. Who I am really shouldn’t come into it. And if we want more inclusive and diverse stories, demanding cishets stick to only writing cishet is not going to help that cause. Careful research and enlisting sensitivity readers is the way forward.
The original version of the fic is still up but archived locked. I only got to chapter 9 before I had a falling out with my previous beta, which coincided with falling ill with depression. I wanted to die, ended up in therapy, and so on. It took a lot to return to the story after that. It was like returning to the scene of the crime. ‘Oh, and here’s where I fell ill and wanted to kill myself’ like fuuuuuck.
2020 was tough on everyone. Like many, I was already struggling, so lockdown took all of it and held it under a microscope. The most important thing is that I sought help, I’m recovering, and I started writing again. I took that opportunity to rewrite the story from scratch. I like how it’s going so far, but…
37. What fic has been the hardest for you to write?
Again, Absolution. It still feels like an impossible hill to climb, made worse by association with my illness, and it is an OC fic in a fandom notoriously hostile to OC fics. A fandom I now dislike for being a toxic dumpster fire. And the other related canon ‘Absolution’ happened.
I found it very hard to return to the Abby again after that or even speak of it. It feels wrong. Part of me wants to go back and rewrite it again, removing the ‘absolution’ part so that I don’t cringe every time I like to talk about my fic. (Notice how I rarely mention it on my blog unless asked). I’m getting better at it, but I still find it jarring. But the name is so essential, woven into the very fabric of the story. It’s the name of the goddamn ship and the theme of the entire piece. It would be very hard for me to remove it at this point.
Bioware has upset me. The whole reason I started writing it was because their narrative has more plot holes than a seventies string shopping bag. I know it’s just a big coincidence, but I feel like they stole my subtitle on purpose, and now the only reason I want to finish it is out of pure spite because I believe I can write a better story than them with one eye shut, standing on my head, dancing the Macarena. I mean, look how I’ve been able to fix their story retrospectively without touching canon events at all. It’s easy. I don’t know why they didn’t do it themselves. Canon is just asking for fic writers to fix their shit when they’ve been so blatantly incompetent. 🙄
I didn’t find it hard to come up with the story. I’m just finding it hard to care about Mass Effect these days. Or the videogame industry as a whole in recent years. It feels like just one letdown after another. Games have never exactly been award-winning sci-fi, but it has felt increasingly like the story part of game development has meant less and less to developers over the years. They now sacrifice everything - story, most of all - just to get something out of the door. It’s depressing.
Sorry to end on such a bum note. It’s always going to be angsty talking about which fics were the hardest.
I am still committed to finishing Absolution. Spite alone is a powerful motivator, but your and other’s support makes the struggles worthwhile.
I’m sorry I haven’t got back onto AO3 this week. I prefer using it on the laptop, and I just haven’t had a chance to switch it on. I also wanted to pace myself, savouring all your lovely comments because I rarely have so much interest in my work.
I would have replied earlier this evening, but I had to lie down with a headache. Whew, it’s been a tough day. My head still hurts.
Thank you for the ask! I wanted to make sure that I at least reply here! Feel free to ask about the Abby any time. I am working on chapter 17. It’s just been a slow process because of, you know, everything above. It kind of kills the creative process. Talking about it with fellow readers and writers reignites that spark, so thank you from the bottom of my heart. 🙏🏼💕🥰
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bestie i need you to know that i had a dream about brad dourif last night,,, i think it was just from seeing all your posts? 💀 it was a weird experience cuz i dont usually remember my dreams but Local Man Brad Dourif was ingrained in my memory today <3
same, bestie, same😳 Local Man Brad Dourif is on all of our minds today 💜💜
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redradley · 1 year
💌 Send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome. 💌
Awwww! Thanks homie 🥰!
I suspect you'll be getting a lot of these back 🥰🫂!
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yoohyeon · 1 year
Mutuals please choose an emoji that isn’t already taken on this post for your own mutual tag 🥰
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jinstronaut · 2 years
I LOVE YOU OMFG I WANNA SMOOCH YOUR BRAIN AND YOUR HEART🥺🍊🍊🍊 thank you so much baby that set means the absolute world to me…
ryen 😭😭😭😭 i hope you don’t mind me posting this bc i want to keep it forever 🤧
pls ur so so welcome i’m so happy you enjoyed it so much!!!! he deserves to be immortalized 😤 for he is a work of art, just like you !!!!
ily again i hope you had the best day!!! 🙏🏻💜✨
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enbyeddiediaz · 1 year
Name one thing that makes you angry instantly
stupid people
specifically when I tell people that we need to do smthg a certain way for a specific reason and then they don't bc "that doesnt sound right" or bc they're older than me even tho I have more experience and knowledge in the area and it all goes to shit and they're like "oh so I think it was supposed to be done like this" and it's the way i told them to do it so I have to stand there like "if you had fucking LISTENED-" and then fix everything that wouldn't have needed fixing if people weren't dumb and listened to someone who actually knew what they were doing
this has happened several times in several different situations and every single time I'm filled with such an undescribable primal rage
send me an ask honesty hour!!
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lorenlily · 2 years
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(and here's a lil speak now compliment designed specially for you: i see sparks fly whenever you smile <3333)
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