#mutuals let me know your cursed ships gonna see if anyone can top that
dicktat · 2 years
what’s your most cursed dl/dl2 ship and whats your favorite dl/dl2 crack ship?
*unrolls a comically large scroll that hits your feet*
Well since you asked…y’all can’t blame me if my answer is bonkers.
I feel like most ships have been explored quite a bit since the game…doesn’t have many characters? However, the weirdest ship me and my friend came up with would probably be Bozak/Crane (lmao this is my chaotic clown duo). Bozak Horde was just the saw series with a touch of homoeroticism. Also someone got me interested in Rais/Crane fr and I don’t think it’s necessarily “cursed” but like,, not my proudest moment.
Okay let’s talk the second game. My opinion on ships is just a huge clusterfuck (I wouldn’t even call it a polycule anymore lol). I had a whole headcanon of Aiden going around Villedor making everyone his b helltaker style (look at him, he’s a dom okay he’s just inexperienced). But something that I haven’t seen quite often would be Waltz/Hakon or Waltz/Aitor. Shitty crackships! Being me I’m a huge sucker for hatefucks, more chaos=better. Juan and Aitor is nice too and I genuinely ship it but it’s not cursed enough so sorry boys ;(
And now the crossovers. Just as you think this post couldn’t get worse. I’ve seen people ship Rais/Waltz sign me up what’s better than one mentally ill antagonist how about two. I don’t care their relationship might cause countless casualties let’s see those fuckers gooo. Speaking of which since we’ve already established the epitome of cursed ships let’s end with something wholesome. How about Crane/Hakon? I mean two dilf babygirl manwhores (okay maybe not Crane) what’s better. The babygirl power between these two are so raw it cancels the previous bastards’ energy out.
Anyways thank you for coming to my tedtalk I hope this post is cursed enough to make ppl uncomfy <3. Have fun reading and suffering!
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themadlostgirl · 4 years
When It’s Cold (3)
*It’s the mutual pining for me*
A few weeks had passed of Felix and I living together and trying to find our way back to Neverland. So far all our ideas and plans lead to nothing and I was starting to get disheartened. It felt like we were never going to get back to Neverland at this rate.
Life in the mansion was pretty nice though. We were a little worried during the first week, paranoid that someone was going to return and throw us out into the cold but no one even came near the house. I was starting to wonder if anyone besides us even knew it was here.
Over the course of our stay I learned how to do laundry and bought a bike so I could get to and from town quicker. Felix and I had discussed stealing a car but seeing as how neither of us knew how to drive and stealing a car would put us under investigation we didn’t. Felix on the other hand turned out to be quite adept at cooking. He found a recipe book in one of the drawers of the kitchen and seemed to enjoy figuring out how to make certain dishes. Aside from a few burned casseroles and a very unfortunate miscommunication involving spaghetti he was doing really well. Almost every evening he had some new dish ready for dinner. I started baking again so we always had warm brownies or chocolate chip cookies in the house.
Life was good. When we weren’t looking into ways back to Neverland we were lounging around the house. We found a record player in one of the rooms and played it when it was too quiet. A few times I had caught Felix dancing around the kitchen while cooking dinner at which point he immediately stopped and pretended he wasn’t. It made him a whole lot less intimidating seeing that he was secretly a bit of a dork underneath the hard exterior.
I think that was the best part of being stuck here together. We were learning more about each other. Felix was really closed off from conversations at first but after a few days his tongue loosened up. I learned that he got the scar on his face as a result of an incident before he came to Neverland though he couldn’t remember what exactly. He preferred sweet over salty and loved chocolate covered pretzels. On Neverland he used to collect sand dollars until the other boys found his collection and smashed them all. It was nice learning these little things about him. It made me feel like we were closer.
When the idle days became too much to bear we turned to sparring to keep the boredom away. We turned the ballroom into a sparring arena so we wouldn’t lose our edge. So far we’ve only broken one vase!
One such day we were in the ballroom again fighting and I had finally got a leg up on Felix and pinned him to the ground. “Gotcha!” We were both breathing hard and I was sat right on top of him with my arms pinning his wrists against the floor. I froze as the position we were in rocketed into my mind. Felix took the moment of hesitation to break free from my hold and rolled us over so I was pinned under him. I could have argued that this position was even worse.
I swear I tried not to stare at his lips. I really did but one quick flicker down his face and I couldn’t stop looking no matter how many times I forced my eyes to look back up at his eyes.
He let me go when he saw I had completely checked out of the fight and left, leaving me reeling on the floor as to what just happened.
For as friendly as things between Felix and I got there was a problem running parallel to it. I had hoped that the last of my dirty thoughts and weird feelings for Felix would have gone away after that first day but it seemed to be having the opposite effect. The closer Felix and I got as friends the more I was pining after him and it was torture!
At some point I stopped trying to deny my body the release it craved when my mind created lewd fantasies of Felix. There was nothing wrong if it was all in my head. No one would have to know and our relationship as roommates, partners, and friends would be untarnished.
I had everything under control. That is until the night the electric went out.
There had been a huge snow storm and it knocked out power to the whole town. Huddled under a bunch of blankets and thick warm layers of clothes helped keep out any chill but it didn’t keep me warm enough. I had left the warmth of my room to start a fire in the fireplace and noticed that it was already lit. Felix was sitting in front of it with a blanket wrapped around him.
“Cold got to you too?” I asked as I sat down next to him.
“Didn’t realize how much I hated being cold until the heat turned off.” He sighed.
We sat in companionable silence for a while, listening to the fire crackle.
“Felix,” I finally said, “Do you think we’re ever gonna find a way out of here and back to Neverland? It’s been over a month and we haven’t made any headway.”
“I know.” Felix turned to look at me, “It gets a little harder everyday to keep up the flimsy hope that we’ll get back home.”
“I’m sorry I made come here.” I told him, “You would be back on Neverland without a worry in the world if I hadn’t asked you to come with me.”
“My decisions are my own. No use blaming yourself for them.” Felix ruffled my hair, the only form of affection he willingly showed.
“So why then?” I asked, “Why did you come to Storybrooke with me?”
“Why did you ask me to come?” He countered.
I took a deep breath. This same old impasse.  He wouldn’t answer me unless I answered him first.
“I wanted to have someone I knew I could rely on.” I answered, “The boys that left on the ship with the adults couldn’t be relied on. They wanted families and lives away from Neverland. They wouldn’t help me get revenge for what those bastards did to Pan. But you were always loyal and I knew that you would help me if it meant avenging him.”
“You could have asked any of the other boys that chose to stay. They were also loyal. Why not ask one of them? Or was it that you had and I turned out to be the only one who said yes?” Felix said, drawing the blanket in closer around him.
“I didn’t ask anyone else. I asked you because I knew you were the only one I could trust. The only one I wanted to come with me.”
This caught Felix’s attention. He opened and closed his mouth as if searching for something to say but came up short.
“So now you have to answer my question.” I turned towards him fully, “Why did you come with me?”
His mouth snapped shut and he looked away from me. I feared he may leave without giving me an answer but he stayed seated. An internal war dueling inside his mind as he mulled over what to tell me.
Finally he exhaled and searched my eyes. There was something softer about the way he gazed at me that had me holding my breath. When he spoke it was barely a whisper and had me leaning closer to hear.
“I came with you because...because I…” He swallowed, “I came with you because I didn’t want to be on Neverland without you. We never hung out but I was never ignorant of you. You brought so much life to those around you and I...”
“Felix,” I exhaled. I reached to touch him but he pulled away just as I did. He started to stand up but I grabbed the blanket around him halting his actions.
Felix stared down at me, eyes wide and panicked. He looked like a rabbit caught in a trap.
“Please don’t go!” I blurted out. “You don’t have to run from me.”
“What makes you think I’m running?” He asked, his voice low.
“What else would you call this?” I stood up as well. “It’s just us here, Felix. No one else can hear or see what we do. You don’t need to act tough and stoic for the sake of your reputation. I’ve already seen you dance around the kitchen while cooking soup. I think the masks can come off now.”
“I’m not wearing a mask, little girl.” He spat.
“Keep telling yourself that.” I turned to leave. Why had I said anything? I completely ruined any and all progress we had been making up to this point. If I thought he might have been distant before he was sure to keep away from me now. Stupid feelings and hormones making me say things I shouldn’t be saying!
“Wait!” Felix caught me at the staircase. I wasn’t in the mood to deal with this anymore and it must have been evident in my eyes as he turned me around to look at him. “Just wait a moment.”
“Felix, I’m tired in more ways than one. Just let me go.” I tried to shrug his arms off me.
“Please,” The word bled from his lips. I don’t think I’ve ever heard Felix say please in my life. “Please just give me a moment.”
“A moment for what?”
“To think.”
“Think of what?” I demanded. “Whatever it is you want to say just say it.”
“I--I--” He stammered. “Damn it,” he hissed before slamming his lips to mine.
The sheer force of the kiss nearly knocked me backwards. The ferocity of which he kissed me was hungry and passionate. Like he was drowning and looking for air. The blanket around me dropped to the floor as I clung onto him to keep balanced. My lips moved against his with similar excitement. My heart was hammering so loud in my chest it was all I could hear.
When the need for air became too much we pulled back. Felix rested his head against mine. Eyes screwed shut. I was still trying to wrap my mind around what had just happened when he cursed under his breath and shot past me on the stairs. The sound of a door slamming shut broke me out of my haze.
Felix kissed me.
Not a quick kiss either.
Felix kissed me like I had been dreaming about for the past several weeks. I tentatively touched my lips, savoring the memory of the way his mouth felt against mine. I quickly doused the fire in the living room and rushed up the stairs. I hovered outside of Felix’s door trying to find the courage to knock.
“I know you’re out there,” Felix’s muffled voice came from within startling me. “I suggest you save whatever you have to say and take it with you back to your own room.”
“Felix,” I sighed, “I think we need to talk about what happened on the stairs.”
“Forget about it.” He snapped, “I don’t know what I was thinking.”
“I think you do. I think you know exactly what you were doing and that scares you more than if you were just reacting out of hormones.” I snapped back. “So how about you stop running and hiding from me and give me a straight answer for once!”
“I said to go away!”
“Fine!” I shouted, banging my fist against the door, “But you should know that I didn’t mind it at all you insufferable ass! I actually quite enjoyed it but, of course, you don’t care about that. Goodnight Felix.”
I stormed off back to my room and slammed the door shut behind me. I rolled into bed but sleep did not come easily. My feelings before were only more confused now after Felix had kissed me. How could he just kiss me after saying something unexpectedly sweet and then abandon me without a single word of explanation?
How is it even possible to like someone you hate so much?
Felix is a fucking idiot.
That’s it. That’s all it was. He was an idiot and he had proven that more than well enough tonight when he kissed you. Oh god above he actually broke and kissed you. He told you why he had been so willing to follow you away from Neverland and then he kissed you.
In the moment he couldn’t get the words he knew he owed you out. They were there scrambled in his brain but unable to get past his tongue. So he put his mouth to a better use.
He nearly moaned when he got a taste of you. Your breath was minty. Your lips so soft against his. He hadn’t meant to get so lost in it. But he finally had you in his arms and he didn’t want to let the sensation go.
Then you were kissing him back. Your hands tangled in his hair pulling him closer. Urging him on as he pressed your bodies together. He could have gone on forever kissing you if reality and common sense hadn’t come back to him in the moment you both were catching your breath.
He was supposed to be finding a way back to Neverland, not making out with you! But it felt so good to kiss you. You had been so perfect and warm in his arms. Thoughts of picking you up carrying you back to his room had entered his mind but were just as quickly dashed away. He couldn’t afford to be distracted. Not even by you.
You came pounding on his door yelling at him about his rude treatment towards you. Screaming about how you enjoyed the kiss as well. That almost had him running to unlock the door but the sound of your door slamming down the hall left him sat on the floor in frustration. How could he fix this? Was there anyway that he could? Would you even want anything to do with him after tonight?
Your words came back to him in that moment of contemplation. “It’s just us here, Felix. No one else can hear or see what we do.”
You were right. Of course you were right. No one else’s opinions mattered. There was no reputation to protect or people to disappoint here. He was not here for anyone to gossip about around a bonfire. It was just the two of you in this big mansion alone. There was no need to be embarrassed.
If only he had come to that realization before he shut you out for good.
There was one thing he could do to make this right. It could also backfire on him horribly but he’d rather try and fail then lose you forever because of one careless night. He would need electricity to do it but hopefully it would be back on in the morning. Restless but determined Felix crawled into bed. Plans of how to fix this mess so he could have your soft lips on his again dancing in his head.
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arirashkae · 7 years
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“First lines meme! List the first lines of your last 15 stories. See if...”
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First lines meme! List the first lines of your last 20 15 10 stories. See if there are any patterns. Then tag 10 of your favorite authors!
Write down the first line of your WIP and tag as many people as there are words!
ok, rather than continue the feedback loop of tagging, I’m gonna merge these two memes and answer them all at once, and then not tag anyone
Gonna alternate between my AO3 and WIPs here
‘Oh, that is not fucking fair.' : Quod Cattus Respice In Trahebatur, 2017 Fluff Week prompt, outtake from the Cat!AU
(WIP) “Boss? I need to talk to you for a minute.” (I feel bad about this one, because normally I like the ship that’s upcoming, but this brain weasel will. not. go. away.)
“Wash! Dude! Where the hell have you been?” : Agent Washington, Chick Magnet, another fluff week prompt, and I am predictable XD
(WIP) It shouldn’t be reassuring, hearing meaningless rambling coming from a flash of orange just out of the corner of his eye. (little bit of Locus & Grif on their way to do a Big Damn Heroes)
“I’m sorry, Sam, but this is exactly why we put you down as an emergency contact.” : What Little Girls Are Made Of, 3rd Fluff Week prompt, in another Universe, Locus stays with the Wus (this one went a bit sideways XD)
(WIP) Emily Grey is a miracle, determined to save her friend. (ok, those of you who were in chat with me back in February might remember the moment when I first experienced “seeing red”. this is the fallout of that and, uh, is not happy. probably won’t get posted, but another brain weasel that won’t leave.)
Maryland knew the stages of dehydration and starving. : Poor Mary Is A-Weeping, 2017 Angst War prompt that went very sideways
(WIP) Locus stared at the cleaning bot in his hands. (Stabby the Space Roomba vs. Felix, aka Locus is a little shit)
He opens his eyes. : An Eye Opening Experience, other Angst War prompt, asking for Locus traveling back to the beginning of the CHorus Arc. (Have you noticed prompts tend to go sideways? XD)
(WIP) Wash muttered his way through every curse he knew as he strode over to the "Red Base" end of the canyon. trying to write Sarge teaching Wash to knit as stress-relief/therapy
Six paces from the bars to the back of the room. Spare Key, for the 2017 Bingo War (the next handful are all Bingo War XD), Medic square: trapped in a small space together. Locus and Tucker both get nabbed by Sangheili fanatics that hate the thought of a human with a Key, not realizing there are two of them now
(WIP)  “I’m not like him,” Tucker snapped. amusingly enough, the continuation of Spare Key
Donut sat back on his heels and stretched. Pine Nuts, Medic square: Mutual pining. Doc & Donut setting up their garden, and both being idiots in their own heads.
(WIP)  Sam let his pencil doodle idly as he skimmed through the book in front of him. College AU, Locus accidentally screws up a translation assignment and summons a Luck Demon (Felix), who won’t go away. (Somehow turned into “How many people can I hook Locus up with in 1 fic” when I wasn’t paying attention)
“Did Santa say ‘the people of this planet?’” Touch Me and You’ll Sink, Medic sqaure: Temple of Procreation (These two were willing to cooperate until I actually started writing. Assholes.)
(WIP) Samuel Ortez, codename: 'Locus', stood at parade rest before his superior. Black-ops AU, hand to god an exercise in A/B/O dynamics and the worldbuilding that would evolve around that
When the New Republic rebels attacked and managed to cut the power to the base, Wash was in Medical with Dr. Grey, having been unsuccessful in his attempts to avoid her. Elevator Music, another “Trapped in a small space together” fill. Locus & Donut stuck in a freight elevator, with a bit of Wash panicking over the concept.
(WIP) "Ummmm, ... sirs?" A collection of scenes from my ridiculous self-indulgent BS with an OC Freelancer. (favorite bits are any time she’s at breakfast with the mercs and brain-breaking the underlings. it makes sense in context. i hope.)
“Felix, are you sure this is a good idea?” La Petite Mort et La Grande, also for “Temple of Procreation”, wherein Felix turns on the ToP while on their way to the Purge, as a distraction. tag highlight: “holy fuck you guys ‘Felix being a dick’ doesn’t even begin to cover it”
(WIP) It wasn’t music. I couldn’t end this list without touching on HeartSong, my musical not-soulmates AU. Don’t expect this one any time soon, as I’m still trying to untangle the plot threads enough to see what goes where. (Next two sentences:  No one could agree on what exactly it was, but it wasn’t music. But until someone came up with a better description, most people called it music. )
So, I apparently have a tendency to start with dialog or action. :shrug: not sure if I want to stretch past that or not XD
I have some WIPs I didn’t use b/c they’re in my “drafted, needs editing” folder. This is just the things that are “actively” being written (define “active” XD)
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blumenwrites · 7 years
Erejean Week 2k17-Apocalypse
so usually I don’t join in for these ship weeks but the erejean tag is so dead nowadays and I haven’t written nearly enough for these two a03 link should be up later when the site is working again :(( nevertheless I actually???? met???? a deadline???? wild
Out of the many things Eren missed one of them was the birds. Growing up in the countryside had meant that every morning he would wake to their screeching as they prattled about the trees right next to Eren's window. Even in the evening they would carry on shrieking as if they weren't already being annoying enough. Once, a bird had miraculously flow into his room (to this day he still had no clue how since all the windows were sealed shut) and he had yell at it and direct it towards the open window with pool noodles before it took the hint. At least there aren't any pigeons Jean had said and added besides aren't birds chirping supposed to be sweet? before moving on to complain about how he didn't appreciate Shiganshina for the great place it was and why city life was objectively The Worst. Although he still didn't quite see the charm in those flappy fucks, whilst lying in bed with only the static air to keep him company he had to admit that maybe there was a novelty in the twittering and tweeting of sparrows in the morning.
Eren shifted his head when he heard the door open to reveal Jean walking over towards the bed with a plate of scrambled eggs and a crooked grin.
“Get back in bed,” Eren groaned through a slow yawn, holding open the duvet in invitation and really, how was Jean to resist? He placed the plate on the bedside table and pulled Eren by the waist closer to place a kiss on his forehead. Eren mourned the loss of Jean's stubble from last night but appreciated the scent of lemon soap lingering on his throat and chin. He ran a hand through Jean's thick hair and hummed.
“You need to cut your hair,” Eren mumbled, voice still thick with sleep.
“Hm, only if you do it for me,” Jean replied. “Come on, Eren, you need to get up,” he coaxed as he played with the straps of Eren's tank-top that needed washing. Later. Everything could wait until later.
“No,” Eren whined as if he were a petulant child, burying his head into Jean's shoulder.
“I milked the cows for you but the stables aren't gonna clean themselves.”
“You're not selling this very well.”
“Eren. Get up.”
Eren burrowed himself under the sheets, encasing himself in a protective cocoon. That was until Jean cruelling ripped the covers away, exposing him to the comparatively frigid temperature of the room.
“Ugh, fine! By the way, I'm breaking up with you,” Eren scowled, ripping off his pajamas to change into his usual flannel shirt and jeans.
“Love you too,” Jean beamed and god, Eren hated how cheesy it felt to say it, but it felt like stepping into the sun for the first time after a long winter.
Staggering into their shared bathroom, Eren frowned at the flecks of shaving foam that Jean hadn't cleaned off the mirror and the toothpaste growing crusty in the sink. He never was particularly fussy about cleanliness but then he had met Levi and ever since even seeing a speck of dust made him recoil. Unfortunately, Levi's wrath hadn't had the same effect on Jean, meaning their bedroom floor was normally scattered with yesterday's clothes before Eren could pick them up, leading to a lot of raised eyebrows and muffled laughter from their friends.
Although Eren missed commercial toothpaste their own-brand baking soda concoction did the job well enough. It wouldn't be uncommon for them to just forego a typical cleanliness regime but basic hygiene was one of the few things keeping Eren on the borderline of sanity. Plus, morning breath was something no one wanted to deal with.
Eren finished his plate that Jean had prepared and made a mental note to thank him once his fury at that morning's betrayal had simmered down. He trudged down the aching stairs and cursed the sun that blinded him the moment he stepped outside. It was an irritatingly bright, cheerful day and Eren just wanted to crawl back to bed.
“Afternoon, Eren,” Armin greeted with a wide smile.
“I've just woken up, therefore, it's morning,” Eren grumbled, feeling far too much like an old man for someone who was only twenty-five. “Do you need any help?” Eren nudged his head towards the weeds Armin was pulling up.
“Don't worry, I've got this for now. Some of the carrots are already prepared for harvest though so if you could get around to that later that'd be great.”
“Okay, I'll do it soon.”
They departed with mutual waves and continued to their respective jobs. When Eren wandered into the stables he spotted Jean brushing off the amounting dust on Julius' flank, face sour but his shoulders relaxed. Eren picked up a stray comb and began picking out straw from his mane.
“This little shit, honestly, I swear he was rolling in his hay for the fun of it. And he knocked over his water on purpose too,” Jean grumbled, brows creasing in a way that never ceased to make Eren snigger.
“I understand where he's coming from. Pissing you off is incredibly fun,” Eren laughed as he tugged at a particularly intricate knot.
“I hate you both,” Jean scowled like a wet cat. Eren blew a kiss that was not received kindly.
Even so, they worked comfortably in silence for the rest of the afternoon, tending to the stables, checking the water supply, harvesting early food, and salting the meat for storage. When the sundial indicated that it was nearing seven, Eren and Jean walked down together towards the perimeter to greet a tired looking Mikasa and Annie. Eren's nose twitched at the scent of decay and ash.
“One zombie in the morning neared the fence and we burned the body as protocol,” Annie explained as Mikasa swung off her crossbow to hand it to Eren. “Other than that, no activity like normal. There's six arrows and two rounds left for the rifle.”
“Anything else to report?” Jean prompted whilst positioning himself on his usual branch of the thick oak tree that was probably older than earth itself.
“No. As always, be careful,” Mikasa said before turning to join the others for dinner. Eren would be bitter he was missing roast night but he had already made Mikasa take his shift the night before so it was only fair.
Staying on watch was a painfully dreary job that included a whole lot of doing nothing but they had learned to appreciate the quiet after months of running from shack to shack with danger waiting to pounce around every corner. Making it to Armin's grandfather's farmhouse had been a massive risk and yes, they complained and about the back-breaking upkeep but everyday Eren was grateful for their safe haven in what would otherwise be hell on earth.
“Eren, look!” Jean stage-whispered, jerking his head over the fence. Eren searched the green but empty terrain beyond and located what Jean was staring at. What looked to be a small ball of fluff that could easily fit within one's hand was sniffing around, padding around to twitch its nose at the strands of overgrown grass.
“Wow, when was the last time we saw an animal outside the gates?” Eren mused aloud. Even without the buzzing of the electric wired fence and the scavenged barricade of rusted materials and pikes to ward off predators, most animals had been infected or eaten at this point.
“It must have been a year ago with the dear Connie spotted,” Jean answered. Eren had felt guilty for having to shoot it but it had provided a week's worth of food for the entire group. Besides, even if they had let it go, eventually it would have been bitten but this, a small, harmless rabbit, this they could appreciate.
“Mikasa and I used to have a rabbit when we were younger,” Eren reminisced, the sudden memory of begging his mother to allow him to get a pet gracing a smile to his lips.
“What was its name?” Jean asked, beaming at Eren in a way he never would've imagined anyone to look at him. The sun caught the flecks of gold in his eyes and Eren was momentarily stunned.
“She was called Flopsy,” Eren replied, turning his head slightly to hide his blush. Jean snorted, causing Eren to chuck a pebble at him.
“I'm sorry, I just didn't expect you to be so predictable. What else, did you have a black and white dog called Oreo?” Jean snickered.
“God, I want Oreos again,” Eren groaned. They shared a moment of silence for all the junk food that was no longer a ten-minute walk away. At least they would never have to relive that month on canned runner beans again. Now even looking at peas made him flinch.
“I think Sasha was mentioning that she was working on a doughnut recipe,” Jean offered in reassurance.
“If this ever blows over the first thing I'm doing is going to McDonalds and ordering six Big Macs, five Oreo McFlurry's, and three chocolate milkshakes to go with it.”
“Eren, don't; we haven't eaten yet.”
“What would you go for?”
“I'd go to Krispy Kreme and eat an entire Premium Dozen for myself and no one could stop me.”
“Same. Sometimes it's just the pointless shit I miss, you know? Family and security in knowing I have the next day in front of me aside sometimes I just miss ordering Dominos at 11 p.m. for my hangover the next day.”
The sun was beginning to sink and the rabbit had gone. Eren glanced at Jean and smiled softly with a gentle sigh, taking his offered palm in his, stroking his fingers along the callouses and scrapes.
“When society gets its shit back together again we're gonna go on one of those food tours around America and eat twice our weight in greasy food,” Jean promised with a grin that made Eren's heartbeat stutter.
Eren squeezed his palm and leaned against his bony yet comforting shoulder.
“I'd like that.”
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