kylesjiang · 4 years
tasterico, alleo
tasterico: two bennington residents you’d love to have a threesome with?
“uhm- i’m not too sure about this question. m-maybe robin a-and ed, but i’m never that lucky. i’m sorry, i’m so uncomfortable right now. ᶜᵃⁿ ᶦ ʰᵃᵛᵉ ᵗʰᵉ ⁿᵉˣᵗ ᵠᵘᵉˢᵗᶦᵒⁿ ⁿᵒʷ, ᵖˡᵉᵃˢᵉˀ”
alleo: would you ever date someone from your childhood?
“yes! totally! that would be so cute- imagine like reuniting with them and just talking about the fun and not-so fun childhood memories you shared. oh, i would love to have that!”
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leo-geller · 4 years
luman, tomphia, mooks
luman: do you think love can persist despite distance?
“no, not really. i mean, i don’t have a lot of experience with long distance relationships, but from what i’ve seen they never work out.”
tomphia: how many times have you been rejected?
“i don’t know? a standard amount i guess? don’t get me wrong: i’ve had plenty of relationships, but haven’t gotten every girl I wanted & have definitely struck out a few times. it hurts, but it’s part of putting yourself out there.”
mooks: how affectionate are you in a relationship?
“pretty affectionate. physical touch is a big turn on for me and, whenever i’m dating someone i basically am all over them when we’re by ourselves. i’m not big on public pda, but anything goes behind closed doors.” 
“also we should normalize guys being affectionate and, like, wanting to be the little spoon and stuff. just because i’m a guy doesn’t mean i don’t like getting my hair stroked as i lay my head in your lap. normalize that shit.”
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rcbinpenn · 4 years
alleo, murphia, tevward
alleo: would you ever date someone from your childhood?
“no way. that would be way too regressive for my tastes. i think it’s important to leave the past in the past, to clearly define different chapters of your life instead of letting them blur together.” which is ‘bullshit excuse’ for no, he doesn’t want to date the epitome of the ignorant wealthy conservatives that he fights against in his political life. except maybe cassandra - she was the only person in his eleventh grade history class to know who che guevara was, that was pretty hot.
murphia: do you believe labels are necessary for a relationship? 
"oh, absolutely the fuck not. if anything, i think labels are what kill a relationship. capitalism,” and it’s a talent really, the way he can bring everything back to america’s flawed economic system, “has produced an environment where we want to put names on everything, put everything into neat little boxes that’s easily digestible for a consumer. the only reason we so desperately crave labels for our connections is because that’s what we’ve been taught, but to allow fluidity into a relationship rather than strict boundaries? that’s an act of protest in itself.” 
tevward: how bro can you go?
“i’m trying to go for none. have you not heard my take on overt displays of masculinity yet? sit down, this is going to take a sec.”
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lttommy · 4 years
white noise records 😎
white noise records: your muse gives mine music recommendations
it was a harmless comment. offhanded, even. surely, when murphy mentioned that he was looking for new workout music, of any ulterior motive, it would’ve been to hint tommy to tag along with him to the gym. 
no. no, of course it couldn’t be that easy. instead, tommy latched onto the most predictable part of the statement and took murphy’s phone, then and there, to start rifling through his music apps like the proverbial panty drawer, making soft little asides to himself about which bands he approved of or which he had never listened to as he started glancing at his own phone, looking the most productive and focused the other had probably ever seen him. 
it makes for terrible, absolutely non-existent conversation. quite literally. tommy’s newfound fixation lasts even as they say their goodbyes for the evening, where tom is giving one-armed hugs because the other is holding his phone speaker up to his ear. 
and that seems to be the end of it. the topic is not returned to for days, until tommy sends murphy a link to a playlist, titled, simply, #28. it’s the same length as murph’s regular workout sessions, and top-to-bottom with more obscure songs by some of murphy’s liked artists, more obscure artists that sound like some of murphy’s top songs, and a couple absolute left fielders hidden in the depths where the energy flow called for it.  oh; plus the remedy to his error. a text to caption the playlist that reads, ‘if we listen to the same music at the gym tg, you think i’ll get your gains too? 😝’
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lucythompson · 4 years
gingers: your muse gets drunk and mine has to drag them out of the bar
lucy was on her third (it was actually the sixth, she lost count at two) cocktail for the night. she was one second away from getting on the table and performing a pretty sick dance number to tlc’s no scrubs when she turned to the right and saw murphy. “heeeyyy,” she slurred, waving him over and patting the empty seat next to her. “how are you today - or tonight rather. what time is it? 11:30? oh okay, so it’s still tonight.” she was sober enough to put her phone back in her bag. she probably wouldn’t hear the end of it from her friends (and her parents) if she lost another phone. she was halfway through guzzling down her drink when she turned back to murphy again. “i should stop? what do you mean? aww c’mon the night is still young, am i right? no, i’m not drunk, not a single bit - zilch, nada, nope.” her pounding head had other words to say but she turned back to her drink. “you know, you’re a really great friend. like really really great. you took me to see lizards and even held them with me! only you would do that and wow you’re such a great person - friend, person friend!” okay maybe she was drunk off her mind. after finishing her drink, she smiled at him, “and since you’re such a good person friend, i’ll listen to you.” she hopped off the bar stool and went off balance for a second, catching herself by holding on to murph’s arm. “okay, okay, maybe i should have listened to you sooner.” she chuckled at herself and looped her arm around his unless she really wanted to fall on her face this time around. “will you,” she whispered meekly, which was pretty uncharacteristic for lucy, “will you walk me home? i’ll make it up to you, promise! i’ll cheer very very loud in your next game and i’ll give you snacks, okay?” even in her drunken state, she was pretty sure murphy was gonna do it regardless but still, she wanted him to know he has his back no matter what. 
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raphaelbrcoks · 4 years
gretchen, nico, sophia
gretchen: what’s your favorite type of cookie?
"okay so, complex questions require complex answers.” he straightens up, ready to delier to solid knowledge. “my favorite homemade cookies are chocolate chip, a classic, but only when they’re right out of the oven. my favorite store-bought cookies are trader joe’s soft-bakes snickerdoodles, but only when the holiday season is right around the corner and everything starts tasting like christmas. and my favorite girl scout cookies are thin mints - which, fun fact, are the only vegan girl scout cookie - but only after i’ve been pressured by an eight year-old who speaks like she learned all her manipulative tactics from sun tzu.” 
nico: what are you wearing? no really.
“oh, uh.” he looks down at today’s outfit, forgetting already what he put on hours before. “so we’ve got this pink floral shirt situation going on - apparently these words mean something in french, but fuck if i know what - then this black belt that i’m almost certain i stole from eddie, some classic tan slacks, fresh-out-of-the-laundry white socks, and these very dope blush/orange-colored shoes. the shoes are actually the only part that isn’t thrifted, but i got them from this black-owned boutique in brooklyn so i still think it’s fairly ethical consumption.”
sophia: what aspect of yourself are you most confident about?
answered !!
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frankieshq · 4 years
anne, ap6, madi
anne: what plots/interactions leave you feeling protective of your muse
Have y’all seen how I write Frankie? I put her in so much pain hnGGGG. Although honestly, when it comes to Frankie, I’m not really protective per se. I honestly think she’s one of the toughest characters I’ve ever had and even though I put her through hell (especially when it comes to relationships), I like to think she’ll end up really happy someday uwu.
ap6:  what’s your character’s go-to comfort movie or comfort tv series?
her go-to comfort movie is definitely a toss-up between lilo and stitch or kiki’s delivery service. for comfort tv series, she loves rewatching atla and friends. friends, especially, is the sort of show that plays on the background while she sulks on a rainy day. 
madi:  what does your muse wear to bed?
frankie usually just wears anything comfortable that she has lying around. her common go-to bed outfit consists of a hoodie and some pajamas. sometimes, the pajamas are swapped out for a shirt if it’s too hot or the hoodie is swapped for an old shirt.
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h2ohq · 4 years
hi im confused is this is american or Australian
australian do u knot know how to read dummy
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toogoodmusic · 4 years
R&B singer MVRPHY discusses his first original release, "Freeways," his experience on The Voice including what he wishes the camera's captured Kelly Clarkson telling him and what it was like on Team Blake Shelton. Find out all that and more in this brand new interview.
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svphias · 2 years
closed starter ♡ @mvrphys​
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“ ... she did NOT just say that. ” it may be seven in the morning but that doesn’t stop sophia from causing a ruckus, slamming the frying pan against the stove top before walking over towards the smiling one year old. “ isla, that will not be your first word ! say mama for me, baby. ” soph has hope for a split second, but that hope’s soon torn from her as isla slaps her hands around in her scrambled eggs and screams the bad word again - DADA. it’s a mother’s worst nightmare, really. “ i cannot believe you’ve done this. i wrecked my body for you and this is how you repay me. ” a melodramatic soph is evidently rather comedic to isla because not only is she throwing around her food, but she’s giggling away like she hasn’t just broken soph’s heart. “ murph !!! come and get your child !! ” 
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Made a mix for my favourite boy @evan-flowerboy-hansen ^^;
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kylesjiang · 4 years
summer, bug, cleo
summer: what’s an unfulfilled dream that your muse has? 
wouldn’t call it an unfulfilled dream, but she always wondered how things would have been if she took on the family business, instead of running off to new york
bug: what do you like most and least about writing your muse?
i like how vastly different kyle’s character is from me and how, in every interaction, i would have to like really just take a step back and ponder on how she would react so far, she’s only been crying and smiling asdhjsahd. but, that’s also like the reason why i’m having trouble writing her because we react so differently in certain situations. 
cleo: what would your muse’s amortentia (love potion) smell like?
the scent of sun-dried linens and freshly-baked bread
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leo-geller · 4 years
roman, kyle
roman: what are your thoughts on the west coast?
“haven’t been, but i’ve loved everything i’ve seen & heard about it. definitely wanna hop onto Polly & get out there sometime.”
kyle: how many times have you fallen in love in this lifetime?
“uh...maybe once? but that was a stupid teen romance. her name was Sadie & i thought we’d work out, but in the end we just weren’t a good fit. i’m not so sure if i believe in love anymore, anyway.” 
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goldvnby · 4 years
eddie didn’t bother to knock at murphy’s. an old habit from when it used to be his own apartment. but tonight he was here for a little more than beers on ( what was rightfully his ) couch. in fact, mentally it was all but his apartment again. so heading inside he simply greeted murphy by calling out a misleadingly casual “hey” before b lining it to his old room to drop his hastily packed over night bag on the bed. “man could you take rex in with you tonight i need my old room back” digging through his poorly packed bag he frowned, “and hey do you have like some sleeping pills or some xanax or something ? whatever you have is good — oh and a reactine too please.” he added glaring at the cat that had replaced him.
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elimckinney · 4 years
The day ended pretty well for Eli and it wasn’t as tiring as the other days, especially because they’re doing really well on this big case they’re handling. She wasn’t planning to be at the Underground tonight, but her previous mentor told her to bring the new fighter. Got no choice, Els, she thought to herself. She arrived at the Underground and sat behind the ring and beside her previous mentor, Lilly, giving her a better view of the fighters on the ring. “Murphy, over here,” she yelled, as she saw the other walk in. @mvrphys​
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lucythompson · 4 years
❀ starter for @mvrphys​ ❀
Setting up for an Instagram live almost came methodically to Lucy however, with the shift of location (her kitchen now instead of her bedroom), she had a some maneuvering to do. She and Murphy were beta-testing their cocktail mornings series on Instagram before putting it out on YouTube. An aesthetically pleasing spread of breakfast ingredients lay on the counter as well as carafes of multi-colored liquors and fruit juice. Satisfied that everything was in frame, she took a quick selfie and sent it to Murphy. Hopping on the counter she sent a follow up text, “Everything’s set for the live! Where are you?”
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