indipopcorn · 7 months
Among 30 million orphans, only 3,70,000 are in childcare institution.
With 1.35 billion inhabitants, India is the country with the second-largest population in the world. Approximately 158.8 million people are under the age of six in the population. Thirty million of these kids are orphans, accounting for a sizeable share of the young population. Just 370,000 of the 30 million children are enrolled in daycare centres. India has a large number of orphans as a result of several national problems. In a 2016–17 research, the Ministry of Women and Child Development (MWCD) discovered that there are 9,589 orphanages (CCI). Just 9% of these receive support from the government, as 91% of them are non-governmental.
First of all, a large number of children in India are left orphaned due to their parents' inability to support them or their decision to flee a hazardous circumstance. According to the International Learning Movement (ILM), a large number of parents choose to forsake their children rather than making an effort to care for them, with over half of the population living in poverty. A child must be in an orphanage or adoptive home in India in order to be eligible for adoption. The youngster is now considered to be "legally free for adoption."
Even worse, according to DW, 91% of orphanages that are not directly managed by the government are not associated with adoption agencies, rendering them essentially unnoticeable to the general public. The process of adoption can be challenging and demoralising for those who are considering parenthood. According to DW, in a report, prospective parents express dissatisfaction with "a lack of support from services while applying for adoption." Prospective parents must contend with a "lack of information and transparency from the Central Adoption Resource Authority (CARA)" as well as frequent "delays and uncertainty of referrals."
How dangerous it is to be an orphanage!
Millions of orphans in India are left to fend for themselves on the streets, where they are vulnerable to several threats. The most harmful kind is trafficking since it targets unprotected minors for exploitation. According to DW, although the orphans who wander the streets are shielded from the law, they are defenceless because there is no physical force to keep them safe. The U.S. Department of State's Trafficking in Persons report for 2022 states that 59% of the trafficked victims in India were female, while 47% of the trafficked individuals were minors. Of the girls, 27% are married before turning 18, and they are typically sold as child brides. According to ILM, the youngsters are frequently coerced into fighting for radical organisations.
“Bhakshak” movie is eye opener. Leadership to women who is under impression of her husband will not bring a change in nation.  Stop giving money to beggars and for drastic change a wealthy person should donate in population control and education to these children.  We need an attention of entrepreneurs for it. CSR activities should be conducted wisely.
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queerbirdnerd · 2 years
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Spiderwebs in the Morning - 08/11/22 Found these webs shinning in the morning sun. Check out more at www.QBShutterbug.com #bestofthebuckeyestate #harnessyourphotography #yourwildohio #nature #naturephotography #ohionature #ohionaturelovers #ohionaturephotography #lgbtqphotographers #spiderweb #landscapephotography #mwcd (at Atwood Lake Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChgCvyiNDBb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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upscmagazine · 3 years
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buckeyedrone · 5 years
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Quick flight today at Senecaville Lake 1-12-2020 #Senecaville #CantonRealEstate #AkronRealEstate #WadsworthRealEstate #OhioRealEstate #RealEstate #DronePhoto #BuckeyeDrone #Clifffranks #RealEstatePhotographer #REPhoto #Akron #BuckeyeDroneREP #GuernseyCounty #SenecavilleOhio #SenecavilleLake #MWCD #MuskingumWatershed #Camping #Fishing #RVCamping #dji #djicreator #tinyplanet #ohiooutdoors #ohiocamping (at Senecaville Lake) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7SBrCGneOR/?igshid=1mew65pzaidqj
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visualdesolation · 6 years
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Beti Bachao Beti Padhao
हमारे देश की बेटियों के लिए हमारे PM श्री नरेन्द्र मोदीजी ने Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Yojana को प्रस्तुत किया था| जानिये बेटी बचाओ बेटी पढाओ योजना के लिए Application कैसे केरे? और Beti Bachao Beti Padhao अधिक जानकारी प्राप्त करने किए यह आर्टिकल पूरा पढ़िए|
इस में Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Online Form उपलब्ध नहीं है| BBBP Scheme 2020 Detailed Information.
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Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Yojana Website
Website पर जाने के लिए यहा CLICK करे।
❀ हमारे देश को आज़ाद हुए आज ७० साल हो गए है पर, हमारे देश में अभी भी बेटीया आज़ाद नहीं है| हमारे प्रधान मंत्री श्री ने सुकन्या समृद्धि योजना भी प्रस्तुत की हुई है|
❀ हमारे माननीय प्रधान मंत्री श्री ने बेटियों की रक्षा और उनकी पढाई के लिए यानि की उनके जन्म और जीवन की रक्षा करने के लिए Beti Bachao Beti Padhao को प्रक्षेपित किया गया है|
❀ Beti Bachao Beti Padhao In Hindi के चलते बेटी को सुरक्षा मिलेगी जैसी की हमारी सरकार ने इस योजना के तहत बेटियों की रक्षा के लिए कायदे भी बनाये हुए है जिससे उन्हें सुरक्षा मिलेगी|
❀ हमारे देश में यह बर्षो से चला आ रहा है की लोग अपनी बेटियों को जन्म लेते है ही मार देते थे| पर अब तकनिकी सुविधाओ के आड़ में कुछ लोग अपनी बेटियों की भ्रूण हत्या कर देते है जब की वे जानते है की भ्रूण हत्या करना गुनाह है|
❀ आये दिन हमारे देश में बेटियों की भ्रूण हत्याए की जाती है| इसकी वजह से बेटियों की संख्या कम हो रही है| इस योजना और कायदों के रहेते भी कुछ लोगो की मानसिकता तो बदली नही जा सकती है, पर इससे इतना फर्क पड़ेगा की लोग कायदे के डर से ही बेटियों की भ्रूण हत्या नहीं करेगे|
Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Yojana(BBBP Scheme)
➜ Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Yojana हमारे देश के लिए बेहद जरुरी योजना है| इस योजना के चलते हमारा देश बेटियों का मूल्य समजने लगा है| और कुछ लोगो की मानसिकता में भी बदलाव आया है की बेटिया हमारा धन है|
➜ इस योजना से केवल बेटियो ही सुरक्षित रहेगी ऐसा नहीं है। इस योजना के तहत बेटिया सुरक्षित भी रहेगी और उनकी पढाई भी अच्छे से हो सकेगी जिससे वह समाज में अपनी पहेचान बना सके और अपना जीवन सम्मान के साथ जी सके|
➜ इस योजना को माननीय श्री प्रधान मंत्री ने हरीयाणा से २२ जनवरी २०१५ को प्रक्षेपित किया गया था|
➜ जैसे की हम जानते है बेटियों की संख्या साल प्रति साल कम हो रही है| हमारे देश में बेटियों की संख्या प्रति 1000 लडको के सामने 1991 में 945, 2001 में 927, और 2011 में 918 लडकिया। लडकियों की संख्या दिन प्रति दिन भारी मात्रा में कम हो रही थी| इसको ध्यान में रखते हुए यह योजना Implement की गयी थी|
➜ इस योजना के लिए हमारी सरकार ने 100 करोड़ का बजट तय किया है| इस योजना की देखरेख तिन लेवेल से हो रही है|
➜ पहेला, राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर – नेशनल टास्क फाॅर्स सेक्रेटरी ऑफ़ MWCD
➜ दूसरा लेवल राजकीय स्तर पर – स्टेट टास्क फाॅर्स सेक्रेटरी
➜ तीसरा, जिला स्तर पर – डिस्ट्रिक्ट कलेक्टर
अगर यह पोस्ट Beti Bachao Beti Padhao आपको पसंद आऐ तो इसे अपने मित्र, सबंधीओ के साथ SHARE करे। अगर कोई जानकारी छुट गयी हो और आप जानते हो तो आप हमारे साथ SHARE कर सकते है। जानकारी SHARE करने के लिए COMMENT Box में अपने अभिप्राय लिखिए।
यदि आप अधिक जानकारी प्राप्त करना चाहते हैं तो यहां क्लिक करें Click.
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todayresultonline · 7 years
Women and Child Devt Corp TGT PGT PRT Recruitment 2018 - Online Apply
Women and Child Devt Corp TGT PGT PRT Recruitment 2018 – Online Apply
The Ministry of Women and Child Development latest vacancy related updates for TGT PGT PRT Teacher posts will available very soon. All aspirants, who are want to join Women and Child Devt Corp, please check its wcd.nic.in official page to get any updates about the current recruitment.
Women and Child Devt Corp Vacancy 2018 – TGT PGT PRT Teacher | Application Form | Online Apply
The Ministry of…
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divyabhashkar · 3 years
नन्ही कली प्रोजेक्ट भारत में लड़कियों का जीवन बदलने में कितना कामयाब?
नन्ही कली प्रोजेक्ट भारत में लड़कियों का जीवन बदलने में कितना कामयाब?
भारत में 24 जनवरी को हर साल राष्ट्रीय बालिका दिवस के रूप में मनाया जाता है. यह दिन महिला और बाल विकास मंत्रालय (MWCD) की एक पहल है और इसे 2008 से मनाया जा रहा है, जिसका उद्देश्य लड़कियों के सामने आने वाली असमानताओं को उजागर करना और एक बालिका के अधिकारों और उनके महत्व के बारे में जागरूकता को बढ़ावा देना है. जैसे शिक्षा, स्वास्थ्य और पोषण. दिन के विशेष कार्यक्र��� के एक भाग के रूप में, एनडीटीवी बनेगा…
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queerbirdnerd · 2 years
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Swallow & Sunrise - 08/13/22 (Part 3) Last Saturday morning the sunrise at the lake was amazing. The temperature overnight cooled down a bunch and the lake was warmer than the air so it was steaming and then there was also fog moving in from the other side of the lake. This set of shots are all of the fog that was rolling in. Check out more at www.QBShutterbug.com #birdphotography #birdingforall #planetbirds #bns_birds #best_birds_of_ig #your_best_birds #birds_captures #eye_spy_birds #nuts_about_birds #bestofthebuckeyestate #harnessyourphotography #ohiowildlife #ohiowildlifephotography #yourwildohio #wildohio #odnr #wildlife #wildlifephotography #nature #naturephotography #ohionature #ohionaturelovers #ohionaturephotography #lgbtqphotographers #mwcd #landscapephotography #sunrise #fog (at Atwood Lake Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/Chh-gBLMtkl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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visualdesolation · 6 years
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olivia01 · 4 years
Amazon offers you the most profitable and opportunistic platform as an online seller. There are no risks of opening a physical store with so much investment or getting your own ecommerce website made.
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queerbirdnerd · 2 years
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Swallows & Sunrises - 08/13/22 (Part 2) Last Saturday morning the sunrise at the lake was amazing. The temperature overnight cooled down a bunch and the lake was warmer than the air so it was steaming and then there was also fog moving in from the other side of the lake. This set of shots are all of the steam and sunrise but on top of that the swallows were all over the water at the same time. Check out more at www.QBShutterbug.com #birdphotography #birdingforall #planetbirds #bns_birds #best_birds_of_ig #your_best_birds #birds_captures #eye_spy_birds #nuts_about_birds #bestofthebuckeyestate #harnessyourphotography #ohiowildlife #ohiowildlifephotography #yourwildohio #wildohio #odnr #wildlife #wildlifephotography #nature #naturephotography #ohionature #ohionaturelovers #ohionaturephotography #lgbtqphotographers #mwcd #landscapephotography #sunrise #swallows (at Atwood Lake Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChhwfiOs7FI/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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eduminatti · 4 years
Safeguarding your kids from cyber-bullying
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“Blowing out someone else’s candle doesn’t make yours shine any brighter”
In the era of digitalization, everything is happening digitally, whether it is launching missiles, communication, banking, office-work or buying a pair of flip-flops. To understand cyber-bullying, first, we need to know what is the usage of cyber platforms. Cyber education is necessary to safeguard your kids, in the best schools, there is proper education provided to students so that they beware of cyberattacks. Top admission providers  are adept in providing better guidance to students. It's entirely true that the culture of computers, networks, servers and other information technologies have tightly tied us. We, humans, are utterly dependent on cyber-platforms for our day to day works ranging from social media glamour to worshipping god. The day is not so far when people will get married to the digital world. AI (Artificial Intelligence) - a new specialization in this field is making everything virtually possible, i.e., virtual reality. We all know that where there's a sweet, there are ants. The inference is plausible. Crime evolved in humans from the beginning only whether it is done physically, mentally and now trending one 'digitally'. Whatever may be the reason behind all these crimes, but one thing is sure that is immorality and a spark for lakhs of distracted people out there. 
Cyberbullying is the provocation or bullying executed through advanced gadgets like PCs, Laptops, cell phones, and tablets. The stages where cyberbullying can happen incorporate web-based life, talk rooms, and gaming stages where individuals can see and partake in the sharing of substance. The various sorts of cyberbullying include causing mortification through disdainful remarks on online stages/applications, or through SMS or informing. It contains posting, sending or sharing harmful, awful or bogus data about another person for causing embarrassment and character death. Readily availability of data services, free wi-fi zones, social media presence our youngsters are more inclined towards high increasing rates of cyber-bullying in India. If we talk about India, as indicated by an investigation led by Symantec, almost 8/10 people are subjects upon the various sorts of cyberbullying in India. Out of these, around 63% confronted online maltreatment and affronts, and 59% were dependent upon bogus gossipy tidbits and tattled for corrupting their picture. A similar report positions India as the nation confronting the most elevated cyberbullying in the Asia Pacific area, more than Australia and Japan. Truth be told, half of the ladies dwelling in prime Indian urban areas are a casualty of online maltreatment, as indicated by a study by Feminism. Prodded by the expanding instances of cyberbullying in India, the Ministry of Women and Child Development has propelled an unmistakable helpline (grumbling [email protected]) to report cyberbullying, online provocation, and cyber criticism, especially against ladies and youngsters.
Recently a case from Delhi-NCR reported about the "Bois locker room" on Instagram in which teenagers (even below 16 years children) are bullying girls, women etc., abusing them, planning for rape and other vulnerability. When the complete case was investigated, it was found that the admin was a girl kid only, she was cross-checking other boys. And these all millennials are below 16 years of age group. This is just one recent ugly example of the state of cyberbullying in our country. Each day this happens in different forms, and an innocent has to suffer.
Being a parent, it's our utmost duty to check our kids and take some actions in order to safeguard them from this polluted, dirty gateway. In this digital time, kids are growing up with innovation readily available. In this manner, various sorts of cyberbullying have become a family unit event. Young people and youths are progressively helpless against cyberbullying as they have restricted comprehension of the great and the awful. As a parent, it is your obligation to know about your youngster's online exercises so as to forestall cyberbullying. Be discerning of the applications and digital media that your kid is utilizing. It is essential that you guarantee that your kid connects more in disconnected exercises than dependence on PCs, web-based gaming, and cell phones. In the awful occasion of your kid encountering cyberbullying, it is fundamental that you find a way to show your help just as you report cyberbullying.
As a parent, we should make sure that our kids are aware of cyber-laws, IPC sections related to bullying and teasing. Creating a kind of fear in kids will really work in safeguarding kids getting into that zone. Some of the cyber-laws are :
Sec. 66 A, C, D, E; 67 B; 72; 503; 509; 499; 500 etc. of Indian Penal Code are some essential and fundamental sections that one should know nowadays. 
Incognito Forensic Foundation (IFF Lab) is a private legal research centre in Bangalore and Chennai that offers conference and digital lawful administrations for cyberbullying. On the off chance that you need any direction on the most proficient method to forestall cyberbullying or report cyberbullying in India, IFF Lab is there to help you.
Also, the GOI has created a separate portal for filing complaints of cyber-crime and cyberbullying. The action will be taken immediately, according to GOI. 
For conclusion, I would like to say that cyberbullying is an issue in social orders that are propelled enough to have the innovation to interface with others on the web and isn't easily fixable. Cyberbullying can influence anybody, however, is generally noticeable in the present youth. This will require schools, and particularly parents to know about the issue and follow up on it. Dispensing with cyberbullying will need a consolidated exertion and won't be disposed of overnight. Indeed, even still, parents and schools have to kill and stop this conduct now, at that point laws shouldn't be fundamental. So schools and parents, know about what children are doing on the web and their smartphones and take actions if they are accomplishing something that they shouldn't be.
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visualdesolation · 6 years
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Invasive Thought Collector, landline telephone, cassette tape answering machine (Panasonic KX-T 1920 easa phone answering machine), wood, locks, soundproofing 
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sweepstakesvalue · 4 years
The Great Camper Giveaway
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Win RV Camper by joining The Great Camper Giveaway Prize: – New 2019 Coachman Clipper and a voucher for a season of camping at any one (1) MWCD facility, valued at $3600. Read the full article
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ultraheydudemestuff · 4 years
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Atwood Lake Park
9500 Lakeview Rd.
Mineral City, OH 44656
Atwood Lake Park is located in Tuscarawas and Carroll Counties in east central Ohio. An easy drive from Akron and Cleveland, Atwood Lake Park is a close getaway vacation. Atwood is one of the state's -- and region's -- top lakes for sailing and pleasure boating. Atwood Lake Park features a wide, sandy beach, vending area, changing room with showers, playground, picnic area and picnic shelters. Atwood Lake is a reservoir formed by Atwood Dam across Indian Fork, a tributary of Conotton Creek. The lake is named for the community of Atwood which was purchased, demolished and inundated. In addition to the Indian Fork the lake also has coves to the north up Elliott Run, Willow Run, and two unnamed streams along Bark Road and Ohio State Route 542.
The dam was completed in September 1936 at a cost of $1,403,900 by the Muskingum Watershed Conservancy District. The operation of the lake and dam, along with the property immediately surrounding the dam site, was transferred to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Huntington District, after the approval of the Flood Control Act of 1939 by Congress. The MWCD continues to be responsible for the management of much of the reservoir areas behind the dam, serving as a partner to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for flood reduction. In addition to operating a number of recreation facilities, the MWCD cooperates with the Ohio Division of Wildlife for fishing and hunting management.
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