#my 0512
fleetingmotivation · 1 year
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[Alright, we're recording, you can begin.] OH! uh... h-hi, i'm ssc oh-five-one fo- [You can use your own name, not your code number.] Ohhhh.... My n-name is, um, Cherry. Soda...
[Hi Cherry, why don't you introduce yourself.] I'm Cherry Soda, and I am a Smith-Shimano Corporation pilot. I, um, am an ok shot, and i um, like music? [What kind of music do you like Cherry?] Mostly Breakcore?I like how fast it is, it helps me zone out... Is that not a good answer you look upset, did I make you upset? I'm sorry! [Its alright 0514, I just am not a fan of whatever you said. How about you tell people about what Smith-Shimano Corporation did for you?] You mean letting me pilot? [I meant regarding your transition, but you can talk about whatever you want.] Ah! ok. ... *papers rustling. Um, SSC- [Smith-Shimano Corporation] -Smith-Shimano Corporation actively helped me in becoming the me i wanted to be, with both medicine and gender affirming accommodations. do i read- [Yes this part here.] I think that anyone looking for a place that will encourage experimentation with gender as well as piloting a mech should report to a SS- A Smith-Shimano Corporation recruitment center.How was that? [That's good for now 0512. You're free to return to quarters]
SSC-0514 (Codename Cherry Soda) was originally part of a "Random Batch" - a batch of gene clones specifically focused or creating variation in expressed genes. These batches are useful for variety testing and as control groups for other experiments. 0514 had difficulty playing with other children, and as the years progressed developed an anxiety disorder that would get worse as time went on. At 14 her scores in pilot aptitude and general competency were low enough that the system flagged her for extradition from the pilot program and deportation to a standard colony world. While in a meeting about her failing scores she asked about a rumor she had heard about "women being better at taking heat because they are usually colder." When affirmed this to be true but negligible, she seemed sad. An onsite psychologist began meeting with her to discuss her relationship with gender, which eventually led to her deciding to transition. SSC was personally in favor of this development on account of the high rate of transgender pilots making up the ranks of LANCER pilots, as well as the optics associated with becoming viewed as The Transgender Corprostate. A researcher note at the time said: "Imagine if we could steal that title from HORUS! So many LANCER's would flock to us!"
0514 picked the name "Cherry Soda" and began medically transitioning soon after that. Her scores mildly improved, enough to secure her place in Live-Fire test scenarios. On her first sortie she was deployed as long-range support for the repossession of a VIP Convoy during a minor rebellion on SSC world Gardeniea-D12. Her Squad commander later said of her: "It was like something else, H- sorry, She was a totally different person, i was pushing up with the vanguard and by the time we reached the enemy convoy the entire guard detail was nothing but scrap. I asked her what happened and her voice was totally cold when she said she had cleared the way." Needless to say, but she received commendations for this. While her scores tend to flag in test scenarios her performance in Live-Fire scenarios are within the top 5% of all SSC pilots, putting her in the LANCER tier. On a personal level she seems excited by this, but she may just enjoy the praise.
Currently we are attempting to use her in a marketing capacity, a task she seems willing to help with. I recommend granting her Affordances with anything gender related, as long as we don't force anything on her (this would both corrupt our data and taint our image.) Test footage of her day to day life in our home facilities, as well as combat footage of her piloting is currently being recieved well, especially among our target demographics (queer people both within and without the gender spectrum) Test audiences noted "Enjoying her Pathetic Girl Swag" and "I want to buy her ice cream while shes sobbing hysterically."
She currently favors Long range combat and high mobility Chassis. She pilots a Customized SSC Dusk Wing, which She calls Amen Break. Amen Break has an onboard Comp/Con unit, who Is the only thing 0514 seems able to speak to without stuttering.
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homotoastt · 2 years
myspace recreation
hey im looking for myspace93 users (or users of any other myspace recreation)... i made a discord server in memory of it!!! soooo add me on discord The Friendzone Fairy#0512 if you want, i change my username every month so ask if its wrong
edit: actually ill just send the link here, please only join if you know of, used, or are interested in myspace93 or any of the clones!!
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pokehexdex · 1 month
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Of the elemental monkeys from Unova, which one would you choose to have on your Pokémon team? Green is my favourite colour, so I'd probably pick #Simisage! https://pokehexdex.wordpress.com/0512/01/01/simisage/
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badgyal444 · 3 months
What happened to @0512-97? I used to follow you on my other blog that got deleted. I’m glad I found this one cause you were fire on the other blog and this one too.
i lost access to that page lol and thank you.
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Who's Behind the Hamas Attack?
As always, I will not come with a conclusion but present facts and the connections among them.
As per Wilson Center, the terrorism-brutal attacks started on October 7, 2023, aimed at "civilians in their homes, on city streets and at a music festival". Wilson Center used the term "multi-prong military operation" to categorize the attack. More and more evidence shows that it is likely a premeditated military-level lighting-attack operation for geopolitical reasons.
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Why does it seem premeditated?
While most of people believe that "a decade-old global consensus on avoiding civilian casualties" is "growing stronger" in Gaza and both sides have more trusted interlocutors who can help arrange a cease-fire" (https://www.csmonitor.com/Commentary/the-monitors-view/2021/0512/The-hounds-of-peace-that-could-end-the-Gaza-war), they ignored how desperate Russia becomes in the invasion war that it waged against Ukraine and Russia's in-fact-ally, the CCP's evil still remains very much underestimated:
Two facts:
October 7, the day chosen for the attacks, is also Putin's birthday;
On October 10, 2023, together with the flag of Palestine, Hamas supporters displayed the flags of Soviet Union and of China
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On Oct. 8, the day after the attack, a CCP's mouthpiece, 牛弹琴, posted an article, calling "the bloody and cruel reality" "an unprecedented victory for Hamas".
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He detailed that "these Hamas fighters crossed the border with the army, navy and air force. They blew up the separation wall, broke through the blockage on sea with speedboats, and crossed the border by paramotors"
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and paid compliment to Hamas "demonstrated the strong vitality and combat effectiveness of Hamas":
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He even said "when we were working in Jerusalem, one question that we had been asked often was that 'when will there be peace in this land?' The answer is definite: never."
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Assuming he used to be an intelligence officer who worked in Jerusalem for the CCP, if he contributed to the attack plot with his above-mentioned view to blame the historic reason, it may explain why he managed to come up quickly with this article that is full of details about the attack, and prematurely blamed the historical hatred for the attack.
Meanwhile, Chinese VOA reported on Oct. 10 that "Anti-Semitism is on the rise on the social media of China". Needless to say, in the Communist China where free speech is highly restricted, beside the official propagandists, who else can stir up public opinion? Without Zhongnanhai's permission, how could any "free speech" become the mainstream on China's social media? It's all under the CCP's Propaganda Department's control.
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Another "co-incidence" is: I actually posted on TwitterX, on Oct. 8, my discovery with another link to a different website but to the same article, the link is now "404/not found" which happens very often to sources that I cited in my reports, one of the CCP's strategies to discredit a researcher.
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On Oct. 8, 2023, one day after the attacks, 中时新闻/China Times, a Taiwan media published two articles getting to the motives behind the attacks. One of these was titled "War broke out again between Israel and Palestine, directly affecting Ukraine's anti-Russian war".
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In this article, it pointed out, without hesitate, the motive behind the attacks "since both Ukraine and Israel need support, it may force the US to make difficult decisions on how to deal with limited arms."
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It further stated that "the New York Times reported in Jan. that the US had withdrawn artillery shells from a large ammunition stockpile in Israel that is rarely known, in order to support Ukraine..."
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It appears that the author had a long-time preparation before the publication and yet the publication was made one day after the attack took place when most people were still in shock.
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In another article published on the same day by the same media 中时新闻/China Times, it says "Hamas lighting attacks have no clear target and are mainly aimed at causing chaos and harm".
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Without knowing in advance the purpose of the attacks, I doubt who can make such assertion about the motive within one single day after the attacks.
It is important to note that, according to Wikipedia, the Taiwan media, 中时新闻/China Times, has already veered to pro-CCP position and I think the two articles about the Hamas attacks demonstrated its higher ranking position as CCP's mouthpiece.
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In China, a CCP's propagandist, 淡然9764, applauded for Hamas attacks on Israel, saying "China’s diplomatic Tai Chi is getting better. You touch me in the Taiwan Strait, and I provoke you in Israel". Please note that this statement was made in the tone of a Chinese diplomat, not from a nobody.
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In addition to the above propaganda of the CCP, considering the "co-incidence" between the date of the attack and of Putin's birth day, as well as the anniversary of the Yom Kippur War, plus Russia's stalemate situation in its invasion war against Ukraine, you will know better the saying that the CCP never takes a move for a single purpose: to leverage the tension between the US and the CCP in Taiwan Strait, to reduce Russia's burden in the Russia-Ukraine war and to give a gift to Putin, one stone and three birds, the CCP's "win-win strategy".
Evidence shows that 淡然9764 plays the CCP's mouthpiece role on Weibo, posted things like "Chinese electric cars are selling like crazy in the Europe. Germany's century-old car-making technology has vanished." and that "Huawei Wenjie M7 released electric car, far ahead. The US and the Europe have lost, everything is connected.
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As for the attack aimed at the music festival, here is a tweet post came to my attention. It alleged that China sent multiple “tour groups” of all male members to Israel to upload information about the music festival via WeChat, and then transmitted it to Hamas through Chinese satellites. Hamas dispatched hundreds of AK gunmen to block all exits, executed the massacre.
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To this allegation that need to be verified, I would like to point out two facts:
1st, it's a "deja vu" for me to see again the strategy of "blocking all exits and get all people killed or arrested". It was during the 2019 Hong Kong Protests, I saw some pro-CCP people suggested Hong Kong government to deal with the protests with this strategy. If this is what happened to the attack in the music festival, Hamas clearly learned it from the CCP's secret police.
2nd, as for the “tour groups of all male members to Israel to collect information and transmitted to Hamas, it remined me of my discovery in Jun where some illegal immigrants from China were displaying China's flag and making a military salute.
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Senator Schumer, if you remember the CCP's ambiguous position at the beginning of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, you will know why the CCP refused to condemn the brutal and multi-prong military operation by Hamas. Bear in mind, when the CCP's elite, Di Dongsheng who serves for Beijing's think tank, referred Dr. Warren Costs as his "friend regardless the big difference of age", he also designed BRICS currency system to destroy the US dollar system and admitted their goal is to destroy the opponent who used to be their "teacher and friend".
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Beijing government refused to condemn Hamas' Attacks, just like it refused to condemn Russian invasion of Ukraine, now we all know why. While Beijing government was "promising" not to provide weapons to Russia, its propagandist revealed the fact that China exports raw materials for weapons to support Russia (from 2:25):
After Hamas attacked Israel, we learned that in the 1st quarter of this year(2023), two Chinese companies in steel pipe business exported "seamless steel pipes"(look like raw materials for Hamas rockets, please check the video & image in the links below, Tumblr now limits the number of images to 30 in one post) to the Middle East for a total amount of $18,66 million US dollars, a year-on-year increase of 205%. Their placed orders reached 13.4 million dollars by April, 28, 2023, a year-on-year increase of 370%.
Update on Oct. 15, 2023
Based on what I heard from Chinese Twitter Spaces about the Hamas' attacks on Israel, one reason behind the Attacks is to serve the CCP's "Chip War" because "Israel boasts the 2nd largest tech ecosystem outside of Silicon Valley". Two people in different Spaces mentioned the possibility of a war in Korean Peninsula and one of them specified that it's because of South Korea's key role in the world's chip market. According to them, at the end, it will be a war in the Taiwan Strait that serves the CCP's multiple goals including to destroy Taiwan's semiconductor industry. Here is my exclusive video including what I heard in Chinese Twitter Spaces with English subtitle:
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"Co-incidentally", on October 7 when the attack took place, a CCP warrior @fengxiaoyaoA, was badmouthing TSMC in Taiwan and pointed finger at the US:
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On Oct. 8, the CCP warrior posted 5 videos in name of "Palestinian terrorists are everywhere" but the contents of the videos are blaming Israel. The videos are watermarked "Sima Nan speaks sarcastically". The videos appear to be prepared in advance and served for the CCP's propaganda immediately after the Attacks. Please note that when the CCP warrior took a clear pro-Hamas position quickly, Beijing government remained in silence and refused to condemn the Hamas terrorist and military attacks.
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For those who don't know Sima Nan, aka 司马南, he is a notorious CCP propagandist/influencer, serving the CCP shamelessly. Here is an example of Sima Nan's double-face: saying one thing when he was in the Communist China :"If (China's) public security is like that in the US, how can we live our lives?(from 0:13 of the video below) To be honest, ghost place like the US, I wouldn't go even if you pay me to go there.(from 1:08 of the video below)" and saying another when he was in the America: "The public security is good, the landscape is good, and the air quality is good. We won't leave (from 1:00 of the video below)", typical double-face of the CCP warriors.
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Beside Sima Nan's sarcastic talking skills with the totally misleading tweet post, the CCP has developed sophisticated and deceptive narrative skills to propagate and cover-up their agent-acting behaviors, circumventing detecting/alarming system.
For example, a Twitter account @x9068jEeXBlxHpN who revealed his insider background of China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs posted on Oct. 7 that "Israel deserves it(attacks), due to its own fault", meanwhile, he admitted that "behind Hamas, it's Russia, China and Iran". In another post, he said "Hong Kong and Taiwan helped the CCP become stronger, why do we want to save Taiwan?" He is using true or false information to make conclusions (leave Israel alone, don't save Taiwan) that are in favor of the CCP.
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(To be updated.)
The CCP’s Psychological Warfare
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scnm3ypssws · 1 year
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20230511 0512
模写 reproduction for my study
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j-a-smiths-blog · 2 years
0512 13Mar23: Check-out day.
So, most of you probably are not aware of the process of how things go in the military. They should run just as efficiently as what is done in the civilian sector, except they try to add multiples to the equation and not like variables.. more like quantity. Four weeks ago, we got orders to transfer. 88 of us. Then, three weeks ago, they got us all together so they could brief us on the process and fill out paperwork.
They were not even prepared. What should have taken less that forty five minutes, possibly even thirty, dragged on for an hour and forty-five minutes almost two hours, all because they set a date and came unprepared.
I turned in my paperwork either the next day or the day after and made copies cause... It's the military someone's going to lose it. An entire week passed, and then a hitlist was sent out of personnel that didn't turn in their paperwork. Why the fuck was my name on that list?!?!
Found out the two civilians that get paid way more than the military does were not communicating, and it was easier to just send out an email than to verify.
Boom added stress to a group of people who really don't need the stress.
Here we are on checkout day. If I hadn't asked last week, I would still be wondering how this process is going to work. Not a single person tried to reach out via phone, text, or even an email to explain that today at 11 I have to be over at the other bldg to do my checkout. On top of that two people are going to sit there and block sign an entire checkout sheet and send us on our way... but somewhere in there some of us have to take that checkout sheet over off base to two other bldgs, medical and dental, to check out our records and then return in a timely manner so we can be officially processed out of the command.
Then tomorrow, I have to go check into a new command who still, for some reason, isn't grasping the concept that I am there to process out of the Navy. If everything goes well, I should be starting terminal leave in four months, which means April, May, and June. My focus should be completing everything I need for separation, not worrying about fitting into a new command.
And the "World's strongest Navy" wonders why over 30% of their personnel are non-deployable. Why suicide numbers are climbing. Why people go AWOL. Why recruiting and retention numbers are plummeting.
Sadly, the government is going to eventually switch their stance and make a mandatory military requirement. The only way that will even be remotely effective is if they give one hell of an incentive for personnel that complete the requirement, and because it's the military, they are going to scrutinize every single dotted I, crossed t, punctuation the "who nine yards".
"World's Strongest Navy" doesn't sound very strong.
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my-0512 · 4 years
We both went our separate ways
But with you, lovely were my days
Alas, I told myself, I’m free
I ask myself, am I happy?
Multiple doors opened to me
But were they opportunities?
Without you, I looked to improve
To face you and then make a move
My time without you was lonely
How I missed your smile so lovely
I thought about you everytime
You’d give me smiles of a lifetime
You were angel, and I was soul
Your mere presence, it made me whole
Crazy how you circle my mind
You always put me in a bind
You were the light when it was dark
You immediately left a mark
I saw you and I was amazed
Everyday I crave your embrace
Now, I find myself in your arms
O so mesmerized by your charms
For me, the true meaning of glee
Is when I’m in your company
I found a friend and a lover
Who became my one true partner
Thank you for every little thing
For that I’ll let you hear me sing
I’m grateful for that shooting star
For it gave me the brightest star
But I thank you the most my love
You made me believe in true love
—Soul (poem sent to me)
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astitchaday · 3 years
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And it’s finished aside from the framing!
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bravery-sought-a · 4 years
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Buffy  ||  s2ep6 
For @historypowered
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bellblake · 6 years
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2.11 // 5.12
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witty-thoughts · 5 years
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fanarchoslashivist · 3 years
Really enjoying @rycaon-0512's Winterseer fic, and while doodling my own pookas from Unmade Bed I ended up with at least one pose that I thought fit your spear wielding hunter well.
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I hope I did him justice, I was going for a double maned lionhead then a true long furred rabbit.
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jojordan · 4 years
Rules: we’re snooping on your playlist. Put your entire music library on shuffle and list the first ten songs, then choose 10 victims. Tagged by: @7anai
1) Let You Go - Moonchild
2) The Mint (ft Navy Blue) - Earl Sweatshirt
3) Make a Bag (ft Moneybagg Yo) - Megan Thee Stallion
4) And We Hear “I Love You” - Lena Platonos
5) Cool to You - Teenage Priest
6) Born Sinner (ft fauntleroy) - J. Cole
7) Blue Comanche - Westerman
8) Price on My Head (ft The Weeknd) - NAV
9) Sticky - Ravyn Lenae
10) Off My Feet/Westside Rider Anthem - Matt Martians
I tag: @inickel, @0512-97, @lilazraw, @johliex, @ayruuun, @se-rxna, @v12nico
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Subject M-0512
Subject M-0512 by JDtheanimefan
Izuku Midoriya escaped from overhaul leaving behind eri. panic attack? yes. does this suck? definitely. am i sorry? very.
Words: 544, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Others? - Character, Shuuzenji Chiyo | Recovery Girl
Relationships: no - Relationship
Additional Tags: im sorry, bruh moment, what is this, Nomu Deku, Kinda?, Midoriya Izuku Has PTSD - Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, thank you shota you are the only reason we are alive
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27372574
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I want to meet new people!! Down below I’m gonna drop some info about me!!
My name is Alexander! You can call me Ander, Alex, Ale or whatever you like
I’m from Argentina
I’m 15 yr
I use he/him/they pronouns
I speak english/spanish 
I’m gay and poly
Openly sexual
I smoke
I swear a lot
Umbrella Academy
Brooklyn 99
Yakusoku no Neverland
South Park
Ansatsu Kyoushitsu
Steven Universe
Tres Acordes
Big Hero 6
The great Gatsby
Sex Education
Scott Pilgrim vs the World
Gravity Falls
Mother mother
Palaye Royale
Tally Hall
They Might Be Giants
Jack Stauber
Freddie Dredd
Frank Iero
The Casualties
The Cure
Jimmy Urine
Something Rotten!
Miracle musical
Be More Chill
SU the Movie
Avenue Q
Sweeny Todd
21 Chump Street
Dear Evan Hansen
Unus Annus
Ted Nivision
Team Fortress 2
Stardew Valley
Yume Nikki
kinning (hope u r okay with fiction kins and doubles)
Character design
Playing the bass
Alternative fashion in general 
Social media:
Discord: Ander UvU#0512
Instagram: @/the_katastrofico_ander
If you don’t mind my VERY bad accent and pronunciation then we can do calls! DON’T BE SCARED TO CONTACT ME AT ANY TIME!! Also pls like/reblog this so i can follow you! <3
Si les interesa ser mis amigos entonces no tengan miedo de hablarme cuando quieran! Seria muchisimo mejor si hablaras español así podemos hacer llamadas sin problema. ヾ(≧▽≦*)o denle reblog/like así los sigo <3
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