#my Feline friend
felisglacialis-stuff · 3 months
The end of an Era
Yesterday morning, on the 27th of March 2024 my dear cat Neo passed away at an age of almost 17 years. He was the last of our Oriental cats and his passing marks the end of an era for me. Our first Oriental Longhair was Jayto, born November 27th 2003 who later got company of Nintu, a black Oriental Shorthair born August 26th 2006. Sadly, Jayto got sick and died at an age of only 3 years old, not long after Nintu came. Nintu needed another Oriental cat friend because our ‘regular’ cat Joey, who had been with us since early 1995, was not interested in Oriental cat style stickiness. And so Neo came;  a black Oriental Longhair born on May 9th 2007. Neo and Nintu have been best buddies for over 13 years. They played together, slept together and went on adventures together- including our family holidays. Their personalities were polar opposites and that made them such a good match.
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When Nintu died on May 7th 2020 at an age of almost 14, Neo missed his buddy so much that we adopted Yuka, a red ‘regular’ cat. He gave Neo some proper distraction with his naughtiness - hence his nickname “Geboefte” , which means criminal in Dutch.
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Neo was one of the loveliest, social and most easy going cats whom I’ve known. He was timid and careful but also the most talkative and intimate. Cuddles were almost always welcome and most led to roll and belly-rub session. He had the peculiar habit to do ‘stairs sticky’ as we called it: he stood on the first or 2nd floor while you had to stand a few steps lower on the stairs with your face was at his level and cuddle him.
We often gently joked about his funny look and mannerisms. He was exceptionally small (3.5 kg at max) for a tomcat, always had a bony butt, a pronounced sternum bone that stuck out and a lean but well filled ‘sack of organs’ along with a slightly kinked tail tip. Despite his small size, his paws were proportionally huge, which was not a desired trait for the breed - but I didn’t care; I love big paws. He had a very typical quiet, calm and elegant gait with small steps and an elevated head. Quite the opposite of Nintu’s big steps  and -always-in-a-rush- pace. Neo and the other Oriental cats have left us so many precious memories. These will always remain. 
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Neo was also the last Feline with whom I had an intimate bond. Since I moved out of my parents’ house in 2012. I was not physically living with him anymore but I came back regularly and Neo was always there to be ‘sticky’ again. Until now. The next time I’m going back, he won’t be there anymore.
But his spirit stays
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breadmecoshy · 6 months
I think the most frightening emotion of Kokichi in the game is this one
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After all his antics, screams and acting, he just
Looks at you
It seems unnatural and empty, and that makes it creepy
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And then he does this (sorry)
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cheeseproducts · 2 months
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happy birthday rei
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daftpatience · 4 months
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digit is sometimes 5 apples tall
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muckyschmuck · 5 months
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junethechaotictherian · 7 months
Hold on lemme just-
*sits like a cat*
anyways what were you saying?
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carpetbug · 7 months
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literally kick her in the head!
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purrpowerco · 8 days
Only A True Cat Lover Will Understand ❤️
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gir1bong · 1 month
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Chaplin <3
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ausi-is-furry · 18 days
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Photos from the con! (2/2)
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hrokkall · 1 year
PLEASE tell me ur leshy and/or kaycee headcanons id love to hear. why did leshy chew off his nails post kaycees mod as stated in ur claw post. i live on angst and im so emotional abt these two's relationship
See this post for context
Aw, glad to hear you like my headcanons for these two. They live in my brain too—neither one of them pay rent but they’re making friendship bracelets together so I’m not going to kick them out.
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Having said that, the reason for the claw-chewing is because Leshy was buried underground, trapped in his version of the game in the dark without anything to do or any input from anyone—player or Scrybe alike—for who knows how many years. His nerves got to him after a while and, well… he’s at least got the certainty that he still has teeth.
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glamboyl · 4 months
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Happy Valentine's Day!
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muckyschmuck · 5 months
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THAT unemployed friend at 4:27 pm
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red-sky-dry · 9 months
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Drawing my girls like 90s anime characters.
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therian-cat-mitzy · 3 months
Oh boy. Creatures and critters of tumblr.com, I need help :,)
Recently I've noticed that I've had more animal urges- which is fine, it's normal for me. Until I realized that they aren't my normal behaviors. They're more... canine? I have the urge to yip and growl, and while I can still feel my tail, it's not sleek anymore, it's shorter, and it feels like I have different reactions to the same emotions.
I did some researching, thinking maybe if I connected with anything, it might be that? But none of the canine animals have really... felt right. I'm not a fox, or coyote, and while wolf feels close, it's not quite right. Hyena and dog have also been crossed off, and jackal doesn't fit either- though golden jackal feels close,like wolves do.
If anyone knows of any other canine animals, I'm all ears (lol)!!
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hydrasquadd · 2 months
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Dashing Dove
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