#my annual ouat rewatch
chaoticbug · 1 year
As I have finished my Once Upon a Time rewatch here is a list of some of the flashbacks  I’m shocked we never got:
An episode of Emma dealing with being pregnant in prison, or even just or her in prison.
Emma adapting to life directly after she gets out of prison
An episode of Regina actually being Snow’s stepmom in the enchanted forest
Henry noticing he is the only one to age 
Charming telling Snow about him impersonating James
Snow and Charming rebuilding their kingdom after they defeated Regina before the dark curse.
A Granny backstory
How Blue became the leader of the fairies
Why Tamara hated magic/ how Pan recruited Greg and Tamara
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spampisavrex · 11 months
on my kinda annual ouat rewatch and the 1st season is one of the best i've seen in my 8+ years of watching being obsessed with tv shows intensely
also my crush on emma swan comes back full force every time :)
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sassyandclassy94 · 11 months
Nine People you would like to get to know better Tag Game
Three ships: Emma Swan & Baelfire/Neal Cassidy (OUAT); Laurie & Amy (Little Women); Hiccup and Astrid (HTTYD), I guess? I don’t know, SwanFire is honestly my main OTP. They picked me, ya know?
First ship: Spirit & Rain. But if we’re talking humans then it was definitely Willie & Missie LaHaye from the Love Comes Softly series
Last Song: “Anything to Save the Crown” from Sight & Sound’s DAVID production. It’s so neat too because it mirrors King Saul’s song “Anything to KEEP the Crown”. David sings it after he sins with Bathsheba and it’s so epic and so engaging because he’s singing, Bathsheba is singing, and when you watch the actual play, Uriah is being lowered underground (to the basement lol) all while these parts are being sung. It’s chill-inducing. Actually, I highly recommend you give the soundtrack a listen. It’s SO good (and makes me want to go back😭). PS: Saul’s song is the ultimate villain song😉
Last movie: The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (It’s my annual rewatch, babies!!!)
Currently reading: “The Princess Will Save You” by Sarah Henning (it’s a reverse Princess Bride. So far it’s good)
Currently watching: “Criminal Minds”. Im up to season 9 and have been watching it when I can all year long lol (it’s a long haul)
Currently consuming: What? I don’t even know what this means lol!
Currently craving: seltzer water lol! I’m always craving that stuff - particularly Bubly😉
Tagging: @themeepyfreak @redbone135 @oldfarmerbillswife @notyourspookygirlfriend @phoenixwrites @ljf613 @coneygoil @swanfireprincessmydear @morningdawnbreaks and anyone else who would like to do this :)
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ncassidy · 1 year
time for my annual rewatch of ouat (s1-3x11 only bc I no longer punish myself)
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1jemmagirl22 · 2 years
Okay so in a desperate attempt to distract from my love for Shadow and Bone I decided to give in and finally watch Once Upon a Time in Wonderland (Before I subject myself to my annual OUAT rewatch and the suffering that comes with it) and um, do the Duffer Brothers like this show? Cause um, first off, Millie Bobbie Brown is young Alice and the laugh that escaped me when I saw that was brilliant, this girl has been in everything. And second, uh, Jaffar went full Vecna and tried to break all of Alice’s bones to get her to wish. No other thoughts just putting this out here. 
If the Stranger Things season 5 has any form of hearts being ripped from people I’ll know for sure. 
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joey-potters · 3 years
Now that I’ve finished OUAT time for my annual rewatch of Dawson’s Creek with the remaster and original them song <3 
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intothewickedwood · 4 years
Once Upon A Time Rewatch: 4x06 Family Business
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My doggy Happi’s here to watch with me! Usually this time of the week she’s at my Nanna’s, so I’ll ask her what she thinks at the end. I remember watching the first seasons for the first time with her on my lap and she loved it!
Maybe I’m biased because I’ve only got into reading books recently but I can’t believe Belle’s mum risked her life for some freaking books! Just get out of there! You can always buy new books! Or go to a freaking library! And this is why I am not a Ravenclaw. Though, it is somehow my secondary house after Hufflepuff. 
Oh God, Belle’s risking her life for books too. Like mother, like daughter.
Oh snap! They’re here! I freaking told them, didn’t I!
Oh gosh. Poor Belle. 
Aww! Snow got to see Emma as a teen! I bet she watches those videos whenever she can. And now I have made myself sad.
So if there’s a North Woods, does that mean there’s more that one wood? I always thought there was only one.
Wait, David, you tore apart her house?!
Tehe. Now I’m imagining Ingrid driving an ice cream truck. 
I wonder why Ingrid waited for Elsa’s arrival till she revealed her true colours. 
Belle, are you sure you want to know every detail of something so traumatising?
Elsa: “there doesn’t seem to be anything on Arendelle here. Do you know where to look?” Belle: “No. I’m sorry. I’m really not that familiar with Arendelle or your sister.” Belle lol. You totally just gave yourself away. She didn’t even mention her sister there. That sounds super suspicious.
I love Anna. Have I mentioned I love Anna? Because I do.
That’s a pretty big ice cream truck. At least compared to the ones I’ve seen.
I swear that is the only time Emma and Robin ever talk to each other. 
Regina: “What now? Should we question the cow she gets her milk from?” Honestly, that’s probably a good idea, considering that this is OUAT and some cows can probably talk.
No way can his hook break a padlock!
Aww. Poor Elsa’s got tears in her eyes.
Oaken is significantly smaller here. They should have gone full on Hagrid special effects with him.
I’m burning up in this heat. My cooling mat is in the wash and I miss it. I highly recommend them, especially if you have a dog or cat. They’re super cool to sleep on too (see what I did there xD?)
I could really do with some nachos right now.
I like Regina’s lipstick.
Couldn’t Roland have at least tried true loves kiss with Marian? I mean, it wouldn’t have worked ‘cause it’s not her but it seems like the logical thing to do.
Why is Gold so desperate to make a deal with Ingrid? He even threatened her if she declined.
Time for Belle’s annual Disney Princess adventure! So far she’s been on one with Mulan, Ariel and now Anna. I may be forgetting someone!
Belle and Anna seemed to get along quite quickly. I think Anna just has one of those personalities.
Lol. Anna trying to climb a mountain and just falling straight away xD!
Why did Anna take the magic hat box with her on her journey?
Anna to Belle about Rumple: “I just pray you never cross paths with that twisted man.” Oh Anna, if only you knew.
I find it so sad that Emma and Ingrid couldn’t have just been a family. If only Ingrid had not forced her in front of a moving car. They could have been happy.
Can Grandpappy read minds?
You know, Belle reminds me quite a bit of Shona from Jeopardy. I like Shona best but they have similarities.
I want one of those stones! They’re so pretty!
Aww. Anna considers Belle her friend <3
It’s kinda awful that Ingrid’s parents erased the memory of their own daughters from every book, record and the people of Arendelle. I wonder if they erased the memory from themselves. Or hang on, wasn’t it Gerda who wanted their memory erased? Gerda, I have questions.
I love this scene with the mirror and Belle. I love the idea of a mirror like that. It’s really cool!
Omg Ingrid has atmokinesis too?! She can control the weather?! Or at least make it stormy. This woman is powerful!
Aaaaaah! Oh my God! Belle! Help Anna!!
Belle! For God’s sake!!
Belle! Hurry!!
Oh no! That was a big fall!
Woah. Mirror!Belle’s eyes are trippy as hell.
This mirror really picks at Belle’s insecurities. It really gets to the root of her character. I wish more characters faced the mirror. I’d have loved to have known what each one would say. Now I need to read this au. Prompt for anyone who finds that a fun concept!
Jesus Christ! She could have cut his throat! Good job he’s immortal!
Belle: “I should have never kept a secret from you, especially ‘cause I know you’d never keep one from me.” The irony lol.
So it was Belle who made the suggestion to summon Rumple in the first place.
I guess the mirror doesn’t work on Rumple.
Why did Rumple leave that cut on his neck? He can just heal it. Oh, wait! No he can’t! The Dark One dagger can hurt him! I forgot! So, it seems he can eventually heal from a wound inflicted by the dagger, so long as it’s not fatal. He just can’t heal it magically.
So, if Ingrid has no leverage, why exactly is Rumple so desperate to make a deal with her?
Anna needs to see a doctor after a fall like that!
Oh man, Ingrid was gonna be a family with Anna and Elsa. That hurts!
I don’t think Helga looks like Emma at all.
But the prophecy was never fulfilled. Emma never became Ingrid’s sister.
It’s actually pretty heartbreaking that Ingrid just wants sisters who accept and embrace her for who she is. She had that and she’s trying desperately to get that back but it can never be the same :’(.
And what did you think Happi? I’ll let her type: c in jigyhuklg get
Honestly, same Happs! I liked this Ep! Especially the Anna parts and the mirror part!
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ihadalovelytime · 5 years
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With the murmurs of Autumn humming quietly, yet just on the horizon, comes my annual Once Upon a Time rewatch. It’s just what the doctor ordered. I just can’t get enough of these magical cinnamon rolls. I don’t have my own copy of Her Handsome Hero (OUAT fans will know what this is) but here’s my version: a 1901 anthology of romantic writing and artwork. Also my plain notebook that I promised myself to fill with actual writing. Not journal entries. Not feelings. It doesn’t have to be specific, but it has to be word play and fiction and poetry. And my only requirement is to fill it. Reading/watching stories that inspire you is sure to get the juices flowing again! #amwriting #ouat #bookstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/B0CYfzAA36C/?igshid=526inq914kzy
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chaoticbug · 2 years
It’s been almost 7 years sense the 5x08 5x09 double episode and ending on the 5x08 cliffhanger  and going to that still frustrates me.
The Bear King is not a bad episode its just so god-awfully placed.
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chaoticbug · 2 years
The more that I think about it the more ridiculous it is that once upon a time was just like “snow is and would be a bad mayor.” 
The only time the show has her attempt to be a mayor is within a few weeks of her giving birth to Neal. Snow is very much a brand new mother. She literally says she is not sleeping.She should have been on maternity leave!! 
My girl was literally raised from birth to be a leader, and was a successful leader from the time she starts to reclaim the kingdom till the curse hits. She would have been a good mayor of storybrooke!
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chaoticbug · 2 years
listen you can say a lot about once upon a time, but at least the show tried to send its characters to therapy to deal with all their traumas
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chaoticbug · 2 years
again, you can say a lot of things about once upon a time, but holy shit was their casting for older/younger versions of characters top tier!! Bailee Madison as young Snow was perfect, like she had all of Ginnifer Goodwin’s little mannerisms spot on.
Every time I watch 2x16 The Millers Daughter I forget that there is a different actress playing young Cora because it is so perfect at matching older Cora. 
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chaoticbug · 2 years
I genuinely think episode 4x02 of Once Upon a Time (White Out) is the worst episode in the entire series. And like 90% of that feeling is from Bo Peep alone
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intothewickedwood · 5 years
Once Upon A Time Rewatch: 2x11 The Outsider
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Last episode of what I consider to be 2a. Most people, I think consider 2x10 to be the start of 2b but idk I just like 2x12 as a start to 2b. It’s also when I start referring to Hook as ‘Killian’, at least in my tags.
If more people new about the spell that allowed them to cross the town line and keep there memories, I wonder how many people would leave. There must be people who want to explore the rest of the land without magic.
Leave Archie alone, Hook! And Mr. Gold was Archie’s patient for all of 2 minutes, as far as we know. He can’t know much about him.
Gold’s so happy to go look for Bae.
So the EF storyline happened a day after Belle gave Grumpy advice!
It makes me sad to see Grumpy as Dreamy. He was so wide-eyed and full of hope back then.
She’s so happy for him! I love their friendship.
I can’t believe Alice and Robin’s baby, Teacup looks exactly like grown-ass Grumpy.  
Oh snap! Was Hook actually reading that book or was he just being a dramatic biatch.
Hook looks so happy when he’s chasing Belle, it’s like they’re playing tag.
Who needs weapons when you have bookshelves!
How dare they do that to Belle. What a bunch of bastards!
Belle, that wasn’t so clever bringing only a dagger to fight the yaogui.
Poor Henry :(.
I get they’re homesick but why would they want to go back to a place with no indoor plumbing?!
Oh snap! Mr. Smee was a bad choice for someone to kidnap and tell about the town line. He could tell Hook everything!
Stop it! Stop hurting Belle you monsters! Those men are so awful and disrespectful!
Go Mulan! She’s such a badass! I love her!
Okay, but I would’ve sold my left foot to have seen Mulan fighting in the Emperor’s army! I love that movie! And it would have been cool to see OUAT’s interpretation.
How did Belle just know which book to look in and find the page she needed so quickly?  
Gasp! Mr. Smee was Peter Pettigrew this whole time :O!
Those seagulls be floating!
Belle’s super smart to have figured out where the boat was. I wouldn’t have figured it out. If OUAT characters were the scooby doo gang, Belle would be Velma, Pongo or that mysterious wolf (who according to wiki isn’t the same as Graham’s wolf friend) would be scooby, David would be Fred, maybe Will Scarlet would be shaggy, and Daphne would be……can I have Snow as Daphne just for the sake of having Snowing as a couple in this AU?
Woah, I’d trip over those invisible stares for sure.
Wait, how does Belle know Archie? I wonder if she went to therapy after being locked up for over 28 years. I like to think she did.
Snowing doing dishes together in cute outfits! I cry!
Oh no! Poor Henry’s calling to hear Archie’s voicemail :(. Poor kid. Archie meant so much to him.
I think this is Belle’s first annual Disney Princess adventure! And with Mulan! I am blessed!
You gotta wonder if Belle’s apparent lack of fear for Hook is partly due to the fact that she doesn’t exactly know how a gun works.
Hook does not know the meaning of personal space boundaries. Ngl, I wouldn’t complain if that were me but that’s just me, myself and I being wild xD.
Ngl, I would not be able to sleep easy at night knowing the person I was with killed their first wife. That’s pretty scary.
I wonder if Hook would have lowered the gun if Belle had said she didn’t love Rumple anymore. I don’t think he would’ve. He was too fixated on hurting Rumple.
Okay but I love the way Rumple fights with his cane. He really freaking goes for it!
Belle be wild trying to kill the yaogui with just a sword. The thing has a mane of fire! How you gonna get close to it??
I like the look of Mulan’s village.
Oh, okay! She was way ahead of me! She just poured water over it! Good one!
Phillip! Poor dude!
Holy bananas, Rumple! Chill with the cane!
Lol! That little slap Rumple gives Hook xD!
Henry’s so relieved. God bless.
Aww. Belle called Mulan her friend!
Mulan and Phillip meeting! They cute. You can take Warrior Royals out of my cold, dead hands! I really needed to see more of their adventures together!
If only Belle had stayed with Mulan and Phillip. Oh, so Claude was one of the adventurers turned guard for Regina.
On what grounds can Regina arrest Belle, though?
The shawl worked!
Come to think of it, there probably wasn’t enough potion for other people to use to leave town.
Belle, step further away from the town line!
Where’d he shoot her?! What the hell, Hook?! What she do to you?!
Oh in the shoulder. So Hook didn’t intend to kill her, at least, not at that moment.
Hook wild. He totally cool with getting burned alive by Rumple.
Ouch! There goes Hook!
Apparently the stunt double had to be hit by a car continuously to shoot that scene. Holy cow!
Poor Belle didn’t deserve this!
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