#my apologies if tumblr puts it in there anyway
crunchy-rocc · 4 months
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get to meet them next month ….. everyone start cheering
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wildwizardcreation · 3 months
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Pick a song for each letter of your URL, and then tag that many people! Much thanks to @angelthingy for tagging me <3
Bird, you can fly - Eyemèr Untitled - Knuckle Puck Re-emerging Signs of the Apocalypse - Spanish Love Songs Never Meant - American Football I Was Hiding Under Your Porch Because I Love You - Waterparks Nightmare On Southfield - Action/Adventure Green Squirrel In Pretty Bad Shape - Hot Mulligan Cigarettes & Saints - The Wonder Years Overstepping - Belmont My Life For Hire - A Day To Remember Pints Of Guiness Make You Strong - Against Me! Understanding In A Car Crash - Thursday Thank God It's Friday - Ice Nine Kills Early Sunsets Over Monroeville - My Chemical Romance Right Choice - Can't Swim Paradise Lost, a poem by John Milton - The Used El Niño Considers His Failures - Spanish Love Songs Rationalize - Action/Adventure Sick Of It All - Magnolia Park One Step at a Time - Four Year Strong No Children - The Mountain Goats And Now I'm Nothing - The Wonder Years
Good lord did that take a while to finish... time to start tagging uhhh *counts* twenty-two people now: @sucker-for--anything-acoustic @tradedsymmetry @broke-bruce-wayne @mackie-ds @juliens-bakery @breaking-justin @flashlight-smallknife @cemetery-pigeons @ogbulesky @dysphoria-things @eyemermusic @plainramennoodles @unnervinglyferal @ameliafromafairytale @aiam-maianaise @weirdpinkandmagical @crazyworkswell @kind-wizard @leonidele @thevictorianpirate @mira-kyria @cant-even-spell-my-own-url
Okay I think I tagged like all my mutuals and then some... suffice to say I am sorely regretting my longass username. Anyway these tags are low pressure and open as always, so feel free to join in! (or not, I'm not the cops)
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neverendingford · 5 months
along the same line as the whole "why do you need to know someone's autistic before you stop bullying them for their autistic traits?" thing I've seen floating around
apologizing for it once you know is meaningless. it doesn't change the fact that you deliberately mocked someone for their behavior.
a customer mocked my stutter and I've lost all patience with that so I looked him in the eyes and said "I have a speech disability" and he immediately got all apologetic and was like "I wasn't making fun of you". Bro yes you were. you didn't realize you were making fun of a disability I've spent my entire life struggling with, but you were nonetheless.
just because you don't know you're being an asshole doesn't mean you're not being an asshole. you can apologize but I'm not going to forgive you.
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xisanamii · 2 months
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liu wei featuring his homie (gay) and homie (platonic)
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insanityonfeathers · 10 months
I'm rewatching hunterxhunter and can i just say, every time kurapika and leorio look at gon with those eyes of adoration, this warm goddamn feeling gushes all over me. I don't think I've ever awe'd so many times consecutively. And now I have to dump images of kurapika and gon looking adorable in that older brother who's taking of his curious little brother vibe like rn.
There's just something so pure about having characters that care about each other and it's noticeable in every other frame without emphasis being placed on it. Like kurapika and leorio wincing every time gon gets punched or even hanzo choosing to smile every time he encounters gon after their fight.
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r2y9s · 7 months
My Dear Bunny - Chapter 1
Fandom: Raffles - E.W. Hornung
Rating: M
Relationships: A.J. Raffles/Bunny Manders
Additional Tags: Sugar Baby AU, POV Bunny, POV First Person, I always have this urge to write Sugar Baby AUs and Bunny is my newest victim, WIP
"My dear Bunny! Is that really you?" Hearing my old school nickname in this familiar voice stirred something long locked away in the pit of my stomach. I ignored it. Pulling myself together, I shifted slightly on my client's lap to get a more comfortable look at my old schoolmate.
"Why, Mr. Raffles!" I said with as coy an air as I could muster. "What a strange surprise."
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thefandomcassandra · 9 months
I've finished drafting Schrödinger's Cat and the outline alone is 8K words (nearly 8K I'm rounding up shhhhh) and I'm looking at it like "Ah, I am incapable of being brief and it's glaringly obvious lol" anyway uh...the first chapter outline? About a hundred words. The first chapter thus far? 1.2K and counting. Brevity is the mind killer. This is gonna be so long.
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sunsetsandsunshine · 1 year
Hiii! 😄 I'm new to your blog and saw that Ducktales happens to be in your fandom list. So~ I thought I'd surprise you wiiiiiiith.. THIS!
(Sorry I can't link it. Tumblr's stupid new policy won't let me when I'm on anon. 😠)
It's been a couple years since I read this post and I still love it~! The funny thing is, the person who wrote the headcanons isn't even from the T-community (and has likely never even heard of you guys), just a regular Ducktales fangirl. How coincidentally convenient she's made a post that caters to DT fans in and out of the community~ 😉 (I wonder why she deleted her account.. 🤔)
ALR- I don’t even know what to SAY because these headcanons r so accurate and adorable- so u made a couple of my own to piggyback on what she said :D!!!
I feel like Louie would most DEFINITELY be the first one out of the tickle fight- not just cause he’s the youngest but also bc he’s the most ticklish. It just makes sense. I do think he is capable of tickling ppl back (but he loves getting tickled- not that he would admit it ofc), so he just curls himself in a ball to try and protect himself.
Dewey is pretty good with holding his ground when it comes to tickle fights. Can actually admit he likes being tickled AND tickling people (he’s the textbook definition of a Switch). To teases, to taunts, this man is EVIL and takes a lot of pride in it, honestly.
And omigosh- I totally agree that Huey would accidentally hurt someone when being tickled. Definitely some punches to the face for sure- he would feel really bad abt it afterwards but he DOES warn his siblings before they tickle him. Over the years they’ve just learned how to block his punches and such.
Webby I’m actually not so sure of? Since she’s knew to this whole “friend” thing, I feel like she wouldn’t know what the HECK she’s doing 💀💀💀. But since the three triplets get in tickle fights often, I bet she would observe them from a far to see what makes them flustered and where they are most ticklish. Overtime, she is the one you would fear if she were to tickle you, honestly…
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fictionadventurer · 2 years
Bad news, everyone. Turns out that if I want to read Jane Austen + superheroes content from my Powers and Prejudice universe, I'm going to have to write it.
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everymlmhybrid · 8 months
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still fighting for my damn life with the video but. also. ohhhhh my god oh my god. being so normal about this scene even more so with the slightly better quality. being so normal.
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adammilligan · 2 years
also previous posts are why it's soooo important to me that in postcanon adam gets a minimum of a few years to learn how to live on his own for the first time like. ever. before michael comes back. because when he went to hell he was so young! he was nineteen! and he hasn't actually been his own person in a thousand years and i think he should get to figure out who he is. and it'd make for such a good contrast because while adam is probably not going to be lively like he was before hell for a very very very VERY long time he would be livelier as he carves out a little place in the world for himself and learns how to live without hell or imminent destruction hanging over his head. and then michael who was clearly already spiralling in the wake of adam's death in 15x19 would be in absolute shambles after he's killed by chuck as well. he'd spend those years in the empty wasting away. he'd be so much more defeated than ever before because he's never existed without purpose he's never existed without his father hanging over him in some way whether it's following his orders or hiding from his wrath. so when they reunite you'd have adam whose eyes have the tiniest bit more life to them after being able to live and you'd have michael who's so defeated that he doesn't even bother to play the role of high and mighty archangel as a defense mechanism anymore like he did in 15x08. the only thing that makes him light up is the fact that adam is alive again. and they both learn where to go from there.
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breadclubrising · 2 years
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It’s Weird That It Happened Twice
On two separate occasions, queer Canadian wrestling Tumblr friends have taken it upon themselves to draw soft floral Ibushis to cheer me up. Top, bright as the sun by @pidgywrestling original post | inspired by this photo
Bottom, I AM THE LIZARD QUEEN! by @leaveharmony original post | based on this photo
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lilgynt · 2 years
OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD. i forgot to update about so many life events
#personal#it’s important cause this is how i keep track of MY life#you know how much i’d forget without my tumblr personal tag#ANYWAY.#MY OLD WORK PLACE SHUT DOWN#i found out when filling up information for my new job and i looked up the address and oh my god i could puke that’s so fucking funny#LOVE that the manager who groomed me was like ur made a huge mistake leaving… last time i visited oh my god#i am sad about jimi tho he was my favorite and im still in love with him :( i do know his twitch streaming channel tho#oh and my brother apologized ? kinda?#i guess he could tell i was stand off ish during thanksgiving#and also side note damn i cannot win thanksgiving i bring up my issues there’s drama i don’t do shit there’s drama#anyway he bought me a tank full of gas and was like i understand i can’t buy forgiveness and this isn’t me trying to this is just me saying#i’ve been a dick. it was a longer speech about how he’s ready to put this behind him if i am but he gets if i’m not#i didn’t know how to respond bc it’s like okay are you doing this just to move past the issue or like. do you find anything wrong in ur#actions. and he never answered me on whether he likes me or not#so i was like okay. appreciated and left it at that#he chilled in my room his last day here and we just chatted a little#it still had this odd feeling of like my views of our relationship have permanently changed but he seems exactly the same and i can’t tell#if he felt any change or if i’m just by myself#it does suck that it feels like it’ll never be like before again and it feels like. like that’s my fault#like if i could just be normal and move on we’d be fine but i’m still upset and. gg and audrey emphasize that i’m just not taking his shit#anymore but it still feels like my fault#very funny how kept buying me things tho like 30 buck discount on a car thing smoothie food tank full of gas#that was a little funny.#also super sweet how upset everyone is i’m leaving. i already had to make plans and promises to visit its very sweet at work#but also oh my god i’m so glad i’m leaving i worked a full day black friday and that was fine but post closing i could kill my manager#some dude PUSHED his way through the door and the attendant holding it and her only response was that’s fine#and he was there till fucking 9:21 also i was the only cashier scheduled past closing and no one made an announcement till like. five after#we closed thankfully the other cashiers stayed cause there was a shit ton of people like no shit! but her being like that’s fine set me off#sooooo bad
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hotvintagepoll · 5 months
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Cary Grant (The Philadelphia Story, His Girl Friday, Bringing Up Baby, Charade)—just the peak of old-school Hollywood sexuality. The glam, the suits, the gentle wit, the acrobatics, those eyes that always looked like they knew exactly what movie they were in and were laughing at the joke...
Vincent Price (Laura, Leave Her to Heaven, House on Haunted Hill, The Masque of the Red Death)—svelte, stylish, horrifying, beautiful, wickedly funny, camp and gorgeous and evil. he was an art connoisseur who advocated passionately indigenous art, he was an actual literal gourmet cook, he was so liberal he got greylisted during the mccarthy era for being too rad, he's my favorite muppets guest of all time
This is round 4 of the bracket. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage man.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Vincent Price propaganda:
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Submitted: this fancam
Submitted: this entire Tumblr page
Cary Grant propaganda:
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"My Golden Age of Hollywood professor, who was very outwardly gay himself, put it this way: Even though Grant's sexuality was kind of an open secret in Hollywood, the public couldn't know in any real way. But anybody could see that there was a queerness about him, so he was casted for roles where he physically embodies his masculinity in a non-explicit but queer way. Bringing Up Baby is famous for the scene where Grant wears a frilly robe (pictured below, but what people don't always realise is that he plays kind of an awkward nerd in that movie. He's a hot awkward scientist in a grand robe!!! Hot!!! In The Philadelphia Story, one of my famous movies of all time, he plays C. K. Dexter Haven, a rich, sarcastic, supposedly abusive guy. And yet, what we see is this laid back, dandy-ish figure, who absolutely does not feel threatened when a woman he supposedly loves (Katharine Hepburn) starts having feelings for, and hooks up with another guy (James Stewart). He lets a drunk Stewart into his office and helps him get his job back! Obviously that is the script and not the actor, but the whole film, and that scene in particular, shows him having this very queer attitude of openness toward Hepburn and Stewart, which is only amplified by the casting of Grant and his portrayal of the character. Anyway, this is not an essay arguing for The Philadelphia Story to be considered a queer film, all I will say is: he's super hot in it."
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The link to the above mentioned frilly robe scene from Bringing Up Baby: "I just went gay all of a sudden!"
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last minute cary grant propaganda: the last few paragraphs of that new vanity fair article about him and randolph scott that just came out 2 days ago on cary's birthday where he calls it "gravity collapse" and "love at first sight" and says their souls touched and and and i'm actually sharing this mostly because it makes me emotional but also because a vote for archibald is a vote for love. this is my message. apologies for sounding mildly insane.
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hiveswap · 5 months
Summary of The Cat of The Year poll atrocities of 2023/2024
I'm sure that most people on this side of tumblr have seen the Jellie vs. Nefarious Anglerfish poll going around with like 60k votes at this point, and I'd really like clear up some of what happened since I was around for the whole thing.
Url blocked out for op's privacy. They have already left but don't look for it if you haven't seen it/don't harrass them if you already have.
1. The previous round (preparation)
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I discovered the poll in its previous round, needless to say she beat Jort's ass severely. This was around the 3rd of january, meaning that this round finished before jellie's passing with only about 7k votes. Op did add their own piece of propaganda from their main:
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...which was FINE. (except for stuff we'll see later) Of course running a poll while biased isn't ideal but I for one didn't even know they were the op until much later. I also added my own piece in a separate thread, and they didn't interact with it at all. There was no drama.
2. The Finale
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Jellie unfortunately passed away right before the starting of this poll, which was the catalyst for what happened next. Op did exactly as last time and added a slightly more mean spirited encouragement to vote for the other contestant. This is the point where I believe that i fucked up personally.
I added this thinkpiece accusing op of associating all mcyters with Dream (who we all hate for the record) despite them not alluding to him at all. This is because tumblr has a history of disimissing all mcyters as... everything that dream was been accused of. Op did allude to not caring for mcyt. but they didn't say what i accused them of. This is important to point out because this reblog of mine is still being spread. Jellie was in the lead at the time, but not by the time i woke up next morning.
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I won't be including anyone else's additions because I don't want to put blame on any specific person. Just felt like clearing up mine.
3. The Fuckening
Some time later op made this post to their personal blog:
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which is insanely shitty because, as other people have pointed out, the "lame ass youtube cat" didn't die to inconvinience op or ruin their fun, and people would have probably voted for her anyway because jelly is universally beloved in the mcyt community. This isn't anti democratic. This post was added to the poll with a caption saying op should not be running this poll, and it took off. Op later went on to say that this was a joke:
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This apology was not taken well by people, (including me) because "you were not meant to see it" isn't an apology and they still very much made fun of someone's pet dying. Safe to say this did not make the drama stop and only added fuel to the flame. I believe this was the point where the conversation of mcyt fans being unjustly sent hate to was reignited.
We should discuss that! it's a real thing that happens often and is equal to childish bullying. However, in this case, OP was the only one getting sent hate to my knowledge. The notes were mostly saturated by mcyt fans, and even now i can only find one or two hateful stance towards us under the whole 20k notes post.
4. Conclusions
Op posted a second apology to the catoftheyear blog to try and calm people down (i believe this is comprehensive and a lot better than the previous one) The blog was deactivated shortly after, so i only have my phone screenshots of it that i also added to the poll itself at some point:
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(Edit) Here's proof that op did not write the justification they got criticised for, from the notes of the original poll:
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This apology didn't get seen, or get accepted by enough people, so op made this statement on their personal:
Needless to say I am deeply dissapointed (and guilty) that it's come to this. Yes, op said tasteless things that made us all angry, but telling a human being to commit suicide is worse than being insensitive about a stranger's pet dying. Even after I posted about the blog being decatived i had someone come into my notes to wish that "they never find happiness" i mean wtf. This isn't like shipping where we can do whatever without the content creator's input. this is fucking harrowing and i can't imagine how i'd feel if this was done in my/my pet's name especially after losing them as recently as a week ago.
I hope no one from hermitcraft who is on here (let alone scar holy shit) learns about this like they did with previous lighthearted tournaments. If you truly respect the creators you claim to be a fan of as people, you do not tell people to kill themselves over them. And finally, let Jellie fucking rest, guys. she had a long, good life. I hope op can come back and also avoids behaving like this if they ever wish to do so. I'm angrier at mcytblr, though.
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