#my artstyle keeps changing smh
sualne · 2 years
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Anyway it looks like this now:
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that-gay-gal · 25 days
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I love changing my artstyle for no reason then immediately going back to normal after
Rambling under the cut bc no one cares about that
I haven’t drawn this guy in a while… that’s upsetting. I need to draw him more. He’s my son I can’t believe it’s been so long :[
I blame Knuckles. It’s his fault I’ve been obsessing over Sonic rn smh (can’t wait for the 3rd movie tho)
Anyway i really like drawing Raphie like this I think imma keep this way of drawing him :]
I now see the appeal of the giant ass bow it’s very fun to give him :3
Also more scars on Raph real⁉️ and no I did NOT forget the eye scars I give him in the second image ssshhhhhut up >:( /j
Y’all ever want to draw characters but have absolutely no clue what to draw them doing? That’s me with Raph rn WHY ARE IDEAS SO HARD
Pinterest, if you can hear me, please save me.
Anyway have a good day y’all!!
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rottingsparrow · 2 years
Part 6! Of rereading Lore Olympus. Ep 51-60
On these next few parts i really just kept ranting oops. Also I just keep getting busier and forgetting to read more, but I haven't caught up with what I've read yet and that's the only thing keeping me going. Does anyone read these? Last part:
Ep 51
“What about my brother” artemis please its kinda clear at this point
So did hermes question anything or
“ i have no right to be jealous” yeah also theyre just friends dude
“Oh but hermes liked persephone” no hes a gay man argue with the wall(/j)
Why they got eels
I love how tall and slender hecate is seeing as like eventually everyone dissolves into one shape
Yes im over exaggerating what about it
Who are the fire people i love them
Bro imagine dying and like “finally free from this hell where i have to work all the time” only to be put to work when you die
“Everyone should get a fair trial with the king of the underworld” i agree but wouldnt that take forever too like there are so many deaths all the time
I literally get so tired of hades in this episode mfer has such a lack of control in his emotions
like . are you physically unable to have a conversation with her without losing it so you gotta ice her out??
“I cant accept gifts from employees” i mean yeah if they are trying to bribe you its just fuckin food man
Also this part minthe keep it in ur pants ur at work
Ep 52
Wow all women hate persephone bc shes so gorgeous so they treat her bad and like make out with her crush
My point got lost there but you get what i mean like women cant just exist they either are used to compare persephone and show how good she is or uplift her
Im not saying you cant have mean women please do but the way it all comes together just. :/
Persephone is like trying to hard to be nice and friendly and hades just kinda sits there like an idiot smh
Hermes my beloved
I want bakalava now
How would she have a driver's license demeter kept her in the mortal realm you think she would let her get that
Why do they want a car thanatos you have wings my guy
I mean. Did you die hades?
Also smth to ask before hand lmao thats on you
Hecate, agent of chaos, my wife, my everything, my-
Ep 53
I know hecate has reasons to do things but i like to believe she doesnt and she does what she wants
Theres no way minthe sounds happy on the phone when she knows its just hecate
Nah nvm shes probably scared of her
How. how does anything get done at this place
Hades can you. Can you treat her like a friend or even a worker instead of a crush its not that hard youre a big guy
I love the eels
The moment when the artstyle changes randomly and you have to get adjusted to a new one
Hecate is now a different shade of blue what
Fuck you hades putting all your emotions on a 19 y/o
Unfortunately he does treat her like any other of his employees hes just. A shitty boss
“Oh no she thinks im mad at her” yeah dude ur acting like a dick
Sorry this just pisses me off
“Shes like me” she just like me fr
Why is the building confusing what do they gain from that
Its actually so rachel doesnt have to remember the layout
Ep 54
“Is she angry” no shes tired wtf do you think
I know rachel tried so hard on the “please dont grab me” panel girl was sweating
Personally id just leave if i was the reporter but ig he needs smth
Asking for a statement isnt the bad thing its the grabbing and like pressuring yknow
Do they have close ties
I know its supposed to be casual but i wouldnt hold my mothers friend/ business partner. Whatever their lie was, like that
Idk how i would actually im going to be thinking of that
I do like how she has a trigger but im gonna be real i dont think its ever brought up again
Sure you could say she is just good at avoiding it but idk
“I dont always get to do what i want” you literally do unless it doesnt help the story
Rereading has made me see how many things are in place for the story that disappear when not needed
“Man im a lousy tour guide” and a lousy boss :D
I do just want to make sure you guys know how much i hate hades as a boss
Ep 55
Its a lobby. Thats funny ill laugh at that
“That not exactly what we do here” what do you do
I havent read greek mythology in so long
“They may become hysterical” please explain psyche i saw i reply talking about how we didnt see her reactions to phone
They were so right that mustve been fucking bonkers
How do they ease them into it? Do they go through all the years of technological advancements just quickly??
Who is hecate talking to
Let her get the jacket make hades pay the designer to make another one
Also only 3? Like 20 id get but 3? Nah
“Why is she employed here?” you were there yesterday minthe remember she got an introduction
I think hades needs an HR department yknow what
I agree with hecate except no one treats it like a work place
Not even you really lmao
If they are scared of her why would they go bitch to her esp if they know she doesnt care
Small medium cause shes so petite but she has curves bc shes gorgeous and-
Rachel smythe sniped me :/
How did she put that on
Ep 56
Whose the green person in the back poseidon idk
Also glasses again :)
“Stop staring at me with them big ol eyes”
Yes i already made the joke its funny tho
meg/persophone is my otp /j
Seriously its already more healthy than hades gotta be honest
So nice of her to let her borrow it how is she gonna return it. They talked more im sure but its funny to think that she actually doesnt know who meg is
Why does his hair get longer in the mortal realm get up
Omg does he have extensions that would be so funny
“I have to have control” yeah you do its gross
I love persephone fury look tho
Wait why did her hair grow
I get like thats the style in that time or whatever but
“I for one find you terrifying” is such a cute line not gonna lie
Persephone why do you look like youre trying to kiss him
“How can she be doing better than me” because zeus is married
I feel like thats obvious
Blue nymph obviously evil she has to be shes a woman and-
But also i forgot her name. Tha. no uh
Its thetis :)
Ep 57
“My visions arent always correct. But they are most of the time” is such a sloppy line
Omg i forgot that hera was the reporter
Also idk how her visions work but couldnt it have been literally anyone? How does she think shell narrow it down
Persephone you are wearing a skirt thing be careful
Also. dont push off people chest just generally
Her hair got much longer but i can excuse this one bc shes using her powers and they tend to coincide
“I gotta inspect that volcano” yep. Sure is a volcano
“But once they die theyre all in service to the underworld for the rest of the eternity” is there a way to die after death bc that sounds awful
Ok but why do they have to wait how does that earn you money
Like no i get the like immediate ride for a obol or whatever but why 100 years. You lose out on so many laborers for a while that way
I love Styx hand in marriage
Haha why is she bald in the last panel
Ep 58
“Reminds me of a younger me” is supposed be like a red flag but was zeus not chill during his formative years
Why does he get so mad a her vision genuinely
Also like why he get mad about her guessing apollo
I know i know “reputation ruined and so is ours” people change yknow also i do second guess your ability to choose olympians
Spit on him queen
This is one of the spots where i feel like rachel was just pushing to make zeus a bad guy. Not like a dick but actually antagonistic qualities
“I prefer the financial benefits of ongoing unpaid labor” haha so funny /s go fuck yourself
Yeah theyre dead and have nothing else to do but damn
“Why would my mom hide it from me” i mean. Thats fair but youre the one that calls her like hovering so i doubt she wants people trying to sex you
I mean fertility doesnt have to mean sex its more than that also one second
Nvm i googled it i was gonna say hestia was a goddess of fertility but shes the goddess of home a stuff my bad
Arnold reaction meme
Oh why is it dangerous
No i know why lmao
Persephones jaw goes from ) to ] in a matter of seconds
“Just stay away from tower 4 until we get to the” THE WHAT??? THE WHAT
Thats not a joke the sentence ends there
“OH you said yes!’ to you helping her like friends do
Ok but how will he know its her
Ep 59
Yes persephone you communicate clearly!! Be healthy!!
I love the flower nymphs personally i know everyone says we dont see persephone be close with them but its the little things i think
“I literally have no idea why you want to be here” me either hades
Haha flower nymphs are dumb! Village people! Haha racism
No i know thats not what shes saying but the racism of nymphs is overlooked
Me, everytime she was handed something pomegranates: :OOOO ITS THE!! ITS THE THING
No minthe has a right to be upset id be pissed if id have to change someones entire schedule
Not the snapchat filter
Why is his name big spenda thats so funny
Ep 60
As someone who has been jealous before i have to say this isnt healthy
Like duh but so intense for someone you barely know
Hades, watching her in silence: wtf is happening
Im glad she realizes its unhealthy
Ok i know i said they dont ever bring up the “any time any place” question but they do here which reminds me that that deal should no longer exist now that hes her boss
I dont think hooking up is bad esp when they werent in a relationship tbh
Like now she is in a relationship so yeah its bad
I love snarky chat that is the most real thing in this comic
“ we need to do smth about persephone” or yall could do your jobs. Kooky idea i know
She is still flirting with thanatos which is bad
Yknow assuming the boundaries her and hades set was monogamy and no flirting
And yeah hes flirting too thats also bad
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daisydevorak · 3 years
Heyyo~ I always admire Daisy's design, but I've been curious about her half-gloves - is this a practical or just fashionable design choice?
Awee thanks for the ask! 🥺💗
It's more of a fashionable choice to be honest. The real reason is because of my tablet glove I wear while drawing. It keeps my hand from sticking to the screen! And since I draw so much and I love how it looks, I decided to give them to Daisy, in hommage to my drawings and her artistic talents. At first I made them black because mine is that color, but I thought it clashed too much with her outfit. Actually, lemme show you her design progress, why not?
Here's her first version:
I thought her design was too plain & goring, and I first wanted her eyes to be green but I didn't really like it so I went with golden eyes instead.
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Second version:
Please don't ask me what happened with her face I have no fucking idea.
That's when I introduced the black gloved but as I mentionned earlier, I thought it was too dark and out of place so I tried to add black accessories and clothing pieces but it ended up as a clusterfuck and I was unhappy with her design. Tried something with her hairstyle as well but it was a miserable flop.
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And finally, the current version, but older sprite.
That's when I decided to keep her design simpler with similar colors. I changed her gloves color from pitch black to a soft brown. Much better uwu
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And the current sprite, nothing changed, only the artstyle. (that only proves in how little time my style evolved.) I will be making another one as well since my artstyle changed, again xD
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Gosh my older versions are criiinge smh
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hikari-writes · 4 years
I haven’t seen other isekai villainess series yet, I didn’t even realize it was popular until after getting into my next life, so if you have recommendations, I’d love to try out more!
HameFura was my first Isekai villainess ever! Coincidentally, I'm also a fan of reverse harem so the series really excites me! I don't think there are other animes for isekai villainess (in fact, I think HameFura is the first of its genre to have an anime adaptation. I wish they'd adapt more in the future though) but as you'd probably guess, there are a lot of Light Novels featuring that genre! There are also many manga adaptations of them! Some of the popular and the ones that I'm currently reading are these, though i must tell you that some of these recs are just isekai in general/reborn/reincarnated/transferred to isekai. So these are a variation of isekai genre rather than just a "reincarnated as isekai/otome game villainess" (ho boi,,,, this is a long ass one forgive me)
The Villainess' Slow Prison Life Began With Her Broken Engagement (completed, pretty short but there are the continuation in the LN, which I'll def check in the future!)
Middle-Aged Man's Noble Daughter Reincarnation (haven't read it yet, but it seemed interesting, so I'll just add this too!)
The Vengeful White Cat Lounging On The Dragon King's Lap (this is a transferred into isekai but i thought it's pretty cute! Ongoing)
The Mage With Special Circumstances Wants To Live Peacefully (MC originally lives in the this fantasy world, so i wouldn't say this is an isekai, but it's cute and interesting, so i totally recommend it! Ongoing)
Since I Became A Saint, I'll Do Whatever I Want With My Second Life ~The Prince Was My Lover Who Threw Me Away In My Previous Life~ (reborn in the same world, really interesting and I love the MC. Ongoing)
I'm Thinking Of Quitting The Villainess' Entourage (This is cute 🥺🥺 still ongoing though)
Tensei Saki Ga Shoujo Manga No Shiro Buta Reijou Datta (similar to HameFura where the villainess recovers her memories and changed for the greater good, but the setting for this one is shoujo manga rather than otome game. I think the MC is really cute and love how hardworking she is. Ongoing)
I’M A Villainous Daughter, So I’M Going To Keep The Last Boss (WHY DOES THIS HAVE TO END SMH 😢 Like, I love LOVE this manga so freaking much! Totally recommend it 10/10! Just a heads up, original otome game heroine who's kind like HameFura Maria in isekai manga/LN is considered rare. Original otome game heroine like this manga are considered to be more common. So,,, prepare yourself 💀)
Mahoutsukai No Konyakusha (the world the MC is reincarnated in doesn't have any relation to something from her past life, so this is a general fantasy setting. BUT IT'S CUTE SO WHATEVER 🤗 I believe this one is completed 🤔)
For Certain Reasons, The Villainess Noble Lady Will Live Her Post-Engagement Annulment Life Freely (interesting MC, story has main subject, which is medical stuff cause mc was a nurse in her past life, ongoing)
Of Course, I'll Claim Palimony! (This is just so interesting, and i love how straightforward the MC is, not a reincarnated MC or anything, she is originally from the world :) ongoing)
I Was Reincarnated, And Now I'm A Maid! (Reincarnated as the villainess maid instead! This is pretty heartwarming but there aren't many chapters currently, still ongoing)
Endo And Kobayashi’S Live Commentary On The Villainess (This is just so amazing and interesting! Not reborn/reincarnated, but instead, the ones from the normal world is playing the game and gave commentary on the game, one of the character (the prince) can hear them, even though he's in the game. Ongoing)
Milady Just Wants To Relax (reincarnated in a novel world as the villainess! Tells the story of the after life of MC opening up a cafe after she was exiled. So fluffy and the Love interests are beastmen)
Fiancée’S Observation Log Of The Self-Proclaimed Villainess (One of the most popular isekai manga after HameFura! Instead of the female MC's point of view, this is told in the villainess' (aka MC's) fiance's point of view! Also, the villainess in this one wants to confront her bad end rather than avoid it like in HameFura 😂 and she's as dumb as Katarina so 😔😔👌👌👌 ongoing)
When I Woke Up, Twenty Years Passed! ~The Villainous Daughter’S Afterlife~ (cute as shit and hot male LI 😌😌😌 ongoing)
Seijo No Maryoku Wa Bannou Desu (this one is transferred into isekai, i stan the MC so much, she was treated like shit at first, but it gets better dw,,, and the lead male is just so 😍😍😍)
The Villainess Want To Marry A Commoner (this is honestly just so cute and relatable! The reincarnated MC loves one of the supporting cast rather than the main LI in the otome game, so she gets engaged with him and decides to stay away from the heroine and the LI, ongoing)
The Result Of Being Reincarnated Is Having A Master-Servant Relationship With The Yandere Love Interest (reincarnated into yandere otome game! Male lead is a lowkey yandere for his master aka the villainess (MC), ongoing.)
Isekai De "kuro No Iyashi Te" Tte Yobarete Imasu (similar to seijo no maryoku, but still quite different! This is enjoyable too! Completed)
Inso's Law (the only manhwa I'll list here. I just love the relationship the MC and all the LI and original heroine. This one is set in a world of romance novel, but not one that the MC already read or knew. The MC just knew she got transferred and is forced to live in a romance novel world because of how all the laws that applied to a common romance novel is shown when she was living her life there. She was assumed to be the heroine's (normal looking) best friend. Ongoing)
The Banished Villainess! Living The Leisurely Life Of A Nun Making Revolutionary Church Food (ONE OF MY FAV! This is just so cute! (Heads up, shit may or may not go down 👀) but this is still the cutest shit ever, male lead is a scary looking guy that's actually really soft and dense and he loves the villainess (MC) but again, MC is too dumb to realize that 😔 BUT IT'S CUTE SO IT'S ALRIGHT! Ongoing)
May I Ask For One Final Thing? (BADASS MC! YES!! MC is originally from the world and she kicks ass at the people who wronged her, ongoing)
The Villainess Is Adored By The Crown Prince Of The Neighboring Kingdom (again, one of the most popular isekai villaines after HameFura. And again, the original otome game heroine is the exact opposite of Maria, so prepare yourself! This thing is cute as heck! It shows how the Villainess (MC) was treated like shit by one of the male lead (a prince)but then a hotter guy (the neighboring prince) came and proposed to her,, lmao serves the prince right, ongoing)
Isekai De Mofumofu Nadenade Suru Tame Ni Ganbattemasu. (Reincarnated to a fantasy setting world, and the smol MC is adored by all animals, SUPER FLUFFY, just like the title)
I Swear I Won't Bother You Again! (Reborn again in the same world,MC decided to stay away from the Heroine and won't bully her.....which backfired horribly 😜ongoing)
Marielle Clarac's Engagement (MC originally from the world, just shows the life of her as a romance novel writer in the noble world. This one is super cute too, ongoing)
I’M Not A Villainess!! Just Because I Can Control Darkness Doesn’T Mean I’M A Bad Person! (Set in shoujo manga world, and the MC was a misunderstood girl 😢😢😢😢 i love her sm 😔 ongoing)
The Reborn Witch Foretells Destruction (reborn to a fantasy world, and the artstyle is my personal fav! I just love the relationship the MC has with the love interests)
I Am Troubled That My Fiance Is A Villain (just sum cute shit, MC born as a side character, but somehow caught the attention of the otome game Villain and was proposed by him. Also the original otome game heroine is....i think you already get it by now)
The Villainess Will Crush Her Destruction End Through Modern Firepower (BIG BAD BITCH ENERGYYYYYY even though she's a freaking loli, lol remind me of Youjo Senki...villainess MC was reincarnated to an otome game and one interesting trait of her from past life, she loves guns and revolver,,, and all those stuff, ongoing)
It Seems Like I Got Reincarnated Into The World Of A Yandere Otome Game (again, yandere otome game, but the yandere flags are all taken down, so it's safe, (still have some of those yandere tendencies tho) ongoing)
Fake Cinderella (just a patisserie reincarnated to a fantasy world, and she was engaged to a prince that is really fond of her (i say fond because their age gap is a little....questionable) ongoing)
Koushaku Reijou No Tashinami (i barely understand what's going on half of the time but i love the romance the MC villainess has with her LI. (And the LI isn't one of the capture targets from the og otome game) focuses on the subject of politic so.....RIP. but i still love the romance 🥳)
Lady Rose Wants To Be A Commoner (I 👏 LOVE 👏 THIS 👏 It's just freaking amazing and cute! MC is reincarnated as the otome game heroine, but she lets the event flowed to her bad ending, so she got to be exiled and live her life as a commoner. Interesting MC and amazing artstyle! Ongoing)
I Reincarnated Into An Otome Game As A Villainess With Only Destruction Flags... In A Dire Situation!? Verge Of Destruction Arc (HameFura spinoff! This one is set in the world where Katarina is already bullying Maria because her past life memories came like, 5/7(?) years after the incident with the scar with the prince unlike in the OG. I actually just need more HameFura content so,,, 🥺😔👉👈 Katarina's still the same ol dumb so dw,,,also more side characters are introduced! Ongoing)
The Villainess, Cecilia Silvie, Doesn't Want To Die, So She Decided To Cross-Dress! (Haven't read it yet, but i LOVE the genderbend idea!)
The Earl's Daughter Was Suddenly Employed As The Crown Prince's Fiancée (MC is already originally living in fantasy setting world, and her interactions with the crown prince is just so freaking cute i can't,,, ongoing....i think?)
The Daughter Of The Albert House Wishes For Ruin (This is so much fun to read! Same as fiancee observation log, the villainess MC wishes to confront her dead end for some reason, ongoing i think?)
AND THAT'S ALL I CAN GIVE! This post is long as heck, and i haven't even talk about ALL of them, plus there's also the manhwa. 😂😂😂 but i hope you'll like these!
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suushidragon · 4 years
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 ANYWAY I was feeling kinda down after seeing a homophobic group and decided, fuck it. LGBTQ+ ships! Lets go bro. Also Pride month is coming fast and I can't wait, especially bc well I can't go to the prarade bc it was cancelled. Anyway these are just my headcannons and you don't have to agree with it. So please don't harass me if it's not what you like. Also lets not be hateful in the comments please and thank you! <3 Also yes! I changed my artstyle again. Sandwings are pretty much the same except having some thorns on their horns and also their breaded dragon neck is more promanite. Icewings have fur on their tummy still. But ALSO their horns look like snowflakes and come in many different styles. Also Icewings who keep their horns safe and clean are seen as attractive. I got this idea from Spookapi 's old art of Winter and I was like 'hey uh, i want to do that but even CRAZIER'. So I did. Psst, also please follow Spook their just really cool and deserve a good following. --- Queen Glacier x Ex Princess Blaze Glacier's Design: - I decided to make her have a more gray blues in her - She's battlescared. I did this bc the books described her as imposing and powerful and I was like 'bruh she HAS to have SOME scars like hghh' - Her horns are safe though bc she cleans them and sharpens them daily - Makes blankets, meals and hot coco for her wife - Later down the line they adopt some orphane dragonets and Glacier gives up her power as well, shes getting to old for this shit. - She's headcannoned to be a Lesbian Smh makes me kinda upsettie spegettie that Glacier is dead. Like gosh her and Blaze are just really cute and I just want them both to have a happy ending like hghhgkjgss. But noooo salty Darkstalker gotta do what he gotta do. Blaze's Design: - I gave her a more pinkish/terracotta color - She smells likes sweet berries and loves to dazzle herself and her wife in jewerly and expensive perfume - She's a big flirt and still manages to get Glacier in a fuss when she sticks her tongue out. Glacier finds it really cute - Has had many MANY flings with many different dragons but actually falls in love with Glacier after Glacier saves her from a Skywing. She just was so surprised someone would do that for her and it made her happy. Although the blood did make her sick - She's headcannoned to be a Pansexual Honestly I love Blaze as a character although her cannon design actually bored me quite a bit like...wowie. So I decided to make her more pink/orangish while also being darker instead of pale. --- *Please do not talk to me about drama in the fandoms I make art in. I can't handle with drama to well.*
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