#my autistic tendencies plague me daily
mythology-void · 9 months
there are literally no misses he eats down
every single piece of content from this account for the next month and a half will be in depth literary analysis and random sh*tposting about this musical and this musical ONLY
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shriekinghag · 5 years
Innocently asking, why are Germanics so plagued with furries? In America, the most furries are found in like the Midwest which is filled with Germanic immigrants. You don't really see many Italian or Slavic furries for instance. Meanwhile in Europe you see curries the most densely in like Germany and Sweden. Is this related to autism? I am not trying to be offensive I promise, I'm just baffled what causes this. Surely there's a genetic factor? Did Neanderthals like wolves too much? :s
Tbh I have never researched about furries or became involved with anyone irl. And I have no idea about the data regarding furry population xD So what I can tell you right away is that even here in germany, where you say furries are quite prevalent, it is a tiny subculture, not something you interact with/see on a daily basis or even ever, if you’re not part of the community or know someone, I guess.
I’m pretty sure it has nothing to do with autism, because not only do I know a lot of autistic people irl and online who are not furries and not interested in that topic at all; but also I don’t see any reason for why there should be a link. It’s not like being a furry and being autistic have anything in common. I don’t understand why you make a connection from it possibly being a germanic thing to it being an autistic thing? I’m gonna be honest here: the idea of being a furry being linked with autism feels offensive to me, like, my defense goes up. I say this as a person who doesn’t even have a problem with furry culture (apart from the fetish stuff). It’s just that linking people who have strong, deviating from the norm interests with autism is problematic in so far, as it’s a harming stereotype that autistic people always have one very strong special interest and it must be something it is basically life consuming. This stereotype doesn’t hold true to most of us and makes it difficult to navigate expectations from others, in broader society but also in “conserative” autistic communities.
I would also object to there being a genetic factor. Wanting to be an animal, wanting to create animal personas, wanting to express yourself by getting creative with this idea is not something genetic. The people for whom it is a fetish are also not born with this fetish: fetishes are learned. Cultural factor may play a part in this, tho. You see, immigrants always bring their culture to where they are going, so if it’s true what you say, it still doesn’t make a genetic origin more likely. While our genes do strongly influence our personality and can have an impact upon our creative talents and talents in combination with environment usually creates most of our interests, but the environment factor for this have been found pretty high in studies about different interests. And while “furry culture” was not amongst them - as far as I know - I wouldn’t see how it is any different.
I know the trend in science right now goes to ascribing everything to your genes, but that is bullshit. Your genes determine all the tools you are equpped with when you are born, and the second people interact with you, you start to adapt those tools as in: you learn which one you use in which situation. (This can be positive or negative.) They also determine certain tendencies like will you easily gain weight, will you have certain allergies, will you have talent in sport/coordination/singing/intelligence/... and therefor how much work you have to put into these abilities to develop them, etc.. But all these things will always be insluenced by your environment: parents, friends, culture, ... So while it might be easy to ascribe things simply to genetics, it needs complex explanations on how you end up in a subculutre.
This turned into a really long rant and I’m so sorry. I don’t know if I took your question way to serious. It’s just that I’m really passionate about the genetics vs environment debate. ^^’
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