#my babygirl needs a matching haircut
running-tweezers · 11 months
I just saw this screenshot…
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…. I don’t think I need to say anything else.
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russellsppttemplates · 3 months
They're my babies! (Lando Norris)
While preparing for baby number three, you start to notice just how grown up Matilda and Fraser are
Note: english is not my first language. I'm back and I'm not sure if I still know how to do this 🫣 Thank you for being so patient ✨️ I hope it's enjoyable to read!
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated 🤍 and I'm not actively taking requests right now, so if you have any ideas or concepts you want to share, feel free to send them in but know that I don't know when I'll be able to get to them!
my masterlist
Cw: reader is pregnant, mentions worries associated with pre-eclampsia, prematurity and themes associated with them
Tag list: @myloverjk-blog @hiireadstuff @c-losur3
"And where are my two boys going?", you inquired as you heard Lando tell Fraser to finish his breakfast so they could get ready to go.
"Daddy is taking me to get a haircut!", Fraser beamed as he ruffled his curls, "they're hindering me in the eyes", he explained.
"I'm getting my hair trimmed as well", your husband offered, kissing the top of your head after he set your tea next to your plate.
"Thank you, love", you whispered, "me and Tilly are staying in today, aren't we, princess?", you checked with your daughter. When you were putting her to bed the previous night, she asked if you could stay home for the day so she could help you with preparing the nursery for the arrival of your babygirl - the furniture was already in place, now you just needed to fill it with clothes bedding and all of the products you needed for your baby girl.
"Yes, I'm helping mummy with Lottie's things!", your oldest daughter smiled before taking a spoonful from her porridge.
"That's very nice of you, sweetheart", Lando praised, kissing the top of her head and getting the plates from the table to put in the dishwasher.
The boys headed upstairs to change while you and Tilly stayed back downstairs, giving her your undivided attention as she told you about what happened in school. With the approach of the baby's arrival, you and Lando made extra effort to spend alone time with each of your kids.
"Mummy! Tilly! I want to show you something, where are you?", Fraser called just as you were getting ready to go upstairs yourselves.
"We're heading upstairs!", Matilda replied.
At the top of the stairs, you were met with your husband and your son dressed in a white t-shirt and dark green shorts. Apart from the little cartoon Fraser 's t-shirt had, they were identical to the eye.
"Are you matching? Look at you two!", you cooed, stretching your arms so you could take him in and have the little boy close to you.
"I don't want to hurt you, mummy - I'm a big boy", Fraser mumbled as he set him on your hip.
"You won't, my love, I'm good", you assured as Lando also rubbed your back, "you two look so handsome".
"It's true, daddy and Fraser look handsome! Can we match today too, mummy?", Matilda asked.
Lando blushed slightly at the attention he was getting, hiding his face on your daughter's neck and blowing a raspberry there, making her let out a loud squeal followed by her melodic laugh, "that tickles daddy!".
"You look really beautiful, mummy", Fraser whispered on your ear, resting his head on your chest and playing with your hair.
"Thank you, baby boy", you kissed his cheek, "are you planning on giving me a new hair do too?", you joked.
"No, it looks pretty like this, but I just like to play with it", he mumbled.
The four of your stayed in the hallway for a bit before, just taking in the moment before Lando and Fraser really had to go, not wanting to miss their appointment.
Matilda helped you pick out a loungewear set that was comfortable and breezy before she went to her wardrobe to grab one of her lavender dresses, thinking the colour was perfect to match your own clothes.
"Where are we going to start, mummy?", Matilda wondered, sitting down on the rug inside the nursery and looking at all the boxes filled with unfolded clothes.
"These are all washed so we just have to fold them and organise them into the drawers - I'd you want to play or do something that you find more fun, you can do it, Tilly, I don't mind", you assured, hardly thinking folding clothes would be the funnest activity for your seven year old.
"No, mummy, I want to help you! Can you just put some music on your phone, please?", she asked, prompting you to play some of your favourites in your Spotify app.
"The top ones can be for the baby grows - we'll go through a lot of them so they need to be quick and easy to grab", you explained as you got the folded clothes from her hands.
"This one here is so pretty, mummy!", Matilda pointed to a babygrow you remembered her wearing when she was a baby.
"We got this one from uncle George and auntie Carmen when you were born", you smiled, unfolding the piece to take a good look at the embroidered stars on the piece. Despite having been worn multiple times by both Matilda and Fraser, the piece was still in good quality given the materials it was made out of.
"Me? Was I ever this little?", Matilda argued softly, standing behind the piece so she could see the difference, "wow, it's so hard to believe that", she mused.
Your emotions got the best out of you as your memory took you back to the times of newborn Matilda. You and Lando were first time parents and naturally things didn't fall into place right away - there was a lot of learning still and finding out what worked for your baby and your family despite everything you read on the books, but the newborn bubble was a time you cherished fondly.
"You were! I even remember this one being a little loose on you, daddy had to roll up the sleeves so they wouldn't bunch up on your hands", you recalled your husband doing so, holding her to his chest as he adjusted the fabric on the little one's body.
"I'm so much bigger now!", Matilda smiled before folding the piece again and placing it in the drawer.
"Yes, you are", you gulped, keeping the tears at bay as you watched your not so little girl independently carry on with her task.
A call interrupted you, Matilda handing you the phone from its spot on the chest of drawers so you wouldn't have to get up.
"Thank you, my love - hello!", you asked to the other side of the line, engaging in conversation with your sister in-law.
"Is it Nana Cisca or auntie Cisca?", Matilda asked when you put the phone on speaker so they could talk too.
"It's auntie Cisca, Tilly! How is my little princess?", she asked over the phone.
As soon as they talked about everything they needed to talk, and ending the call with a promise of a drawing session in the garden for when the weather looked nice, your daughter and you bid goodbye to your husband's sister.
"Mummy!", you heard Fraser call after the door closed just as you were plating up some snacks for you and Matilda.
"You boys got home just in time for snack time!", you called back, bringing the plates to the table before Lando and Fraser stepped inside the kitchen.
The sight before you could only be disguised as double vision. Fraser always looked a little bit more like Lando when compared to the physical traits he got from you, but right now, there was Lando and a mini Lando.
"Do you not like my haircut, mummy?", your son asked as a tinge of insecurity made it to his voice.
"Of course I like it, Fraser - I love it!", you quickly assured, picking him up so you could take a good look at his handsome face, "you look so handsome, my love! You and daddy look so much like eachtoher, that's why I was quiet for a bit", you explained.
Lando approached you, pecking your lips and rubbing your baby bump, "the hairdresser said the same actually", he mused as he sat next to Matilda and stole one of her strawberries.
"There's enough food for all of us, let me make some more", you smiled at their antics.
"I want to go down, mummy", Fraser asked so you could set him on the floor.
Lando took the opportunity to swap with the little boy, offering him his spot at the table and heading to stand next to you by the counter.
"And do I look handsome too?", your husband whispered on your ear as he circled your waist, his hands landing on your baby bump and feeling her move.
"The most handsome of all, although Fraser is serious competition", you giggled.
"He's one cute little dude, isn't he?", your husband stated, "what can I say? We make really cute kids, Y/N Norris", he kissed your neck, "and we're about to have proof number three of that - how has she been?".
"She's been well behaved today, although as soon as she hears your voice, she goes back to being a wiggly baby", you chuckled as you felt a particularly hard kick.
"Calm down, sweet girl, daddy is excited to be home too but we can't kick mummy like that, can we? You can't be a trouble maker already", Lando spoke softly, kissing your cheek one last time before he carried on helping you make something to eat.
"And that way, she always knew that she could count on her friends", you finished Fraser's bedtime story, tucking him in properly before setting the book back on the shelf.
"Good night, mummy", Fraser mumbled sleepily, "I love you to the moon and back".
"Sweet dreams, Fraser, I love you all the way around the milky way", you mumbled back, kissing his forehead and leaving the room once you turned off the light.
You could faintly hear some noise coming from Matilda's bedroom, knocking on the door softly before opening it and seeing Lando sat on the bed with Tilly on his arms, a finished book on his thighs as they spoke softly.
"Still not asleep?", you nudged.
"I wanted Tilly to show you this", Lando pointed to the drawing on top of her desk, "tell mummy what that is".
"This is our family, and we can use this to teach Lottie when she's born", Matilda clarified, "Nana Cisca has the same name as auntie Cisca, Lottie can be confused, mummy", she reasoned.
"That's very nice and thoughtful of you princess", you smiled, tracing all the lines on the paper.
You and Lando wished her a good night before leaving her bedroom, Lando popping into Fraser's room to kiss him goodnight another time and to check if he was asleep before meeting you in the bedroom.
"This morning, Tilly found the baby grow with the stars George and Carmen gifted us and she held it up against her chest and I have been a mess since", you admitted as Lando held out his arms for a cuddle.
"She's really grown up, isn't she? I have no idea how she thought about the names", Lando chuckled.
"Your sister called this morning and she wondered if it was her or your mother - she seemed to stick with the thought but I didn't think much of it", you shrugged your shoulders as you rocked in eachother's embrace.
"She's really clever, she gets that from you, that's for sure", Lando offered.
"Seems right since you managed to get rid of my little baby boy and bring back a mini you version from the hairdresser!", you scoffed as Lando looked at you with a quirked eyebrow, "don't act all innocent! Fraser was my cuddly baby boy this morning, then you took him to get a haircut and suddenly he looks like a pre teen! And he said he didn't want to cuddle me", you pouted.
"Well, I did take him for the haircut, but I didn't actually do it myself", Lando argued playfully, earning him light slap on his chest, "but I did tell him he had to be careful with you now that you're towards the end of the pregnancy", he nudged.
"Lando", you pouted.
"I didn't tell him to not cuddle you! I just told him that he needed to be careful with you carrying heavy things and stuff like that - he was the one to suggest that from now on he would only cuddle you when you were laying down!", your husband told you in his defense.
"He's still my baby! And Tilly is too! I want cuddles with my babies no matter what!", you stated, feeling Charlotte kick Lando's tummy since you were still glued together, "you too, my love, in due time", you mumbled the last part.
"I tell you what, tomorrow we'll have a cuddle session in bed, all of us and I'll make sure Tilly and Fraser are as close to you as possible", Lando smiled.
"That sounds good", you agreed, kissing his lips before you started getting ready for bed.
As you sat down after pulling the covers, Lando noticed there was still something that was leaving you unsettled.
"I can tell something is worrying you still - you have that frown line Fraser has on his forehead too", Lando nodded as he rubbed your feet and ankles since they had swelled a bit lately.
"What if I can't be a good home for this baby, too?", you asked as Lando quirked an eyebrow at you, "Fraser had to come earthside earlier because my blood pressure was a mess, and before that I spent days in hospital trying to make sure he had the least amount of deficits possible. What if I can't carry to term this time around either?", you whispered the last part, almost like if you said it any louder, it was bound to happen straight away.
"I'm scared too, my love", Lando spoke after gathering his thoughts, "but we are doing what we can to make sure this baby cooks for as long as she has to before coming to us - we're having extra appointments to check with everything, we're being active and healthy, I'm also travelling as less as I possibly can, and we have both of our parents coming here for help on a schedule so you don't stress out so much - I know you'll never admit it because you think it's a dirty expression, but those two?", he pointed in the direction of the kids' bedrooms, "they're definitely my children because of the chaos they cause and it's stressful. I love them to death - I'd do anything for them -, but, my word, is it hard sometimes?!", he giggled as you nodded in agreement, "I'd never want you to feel all the parenting stress on your own, it's not good any other time and it's especially not good when you're carrying our little girl", he smiled, kissing just above your baby bump.
"I just want to be a safe home for Lottie", you rubbed your babybump.
"And you are, Y/N, her first home and the safest of them all - and even though I'm not wishing for it, if it happens again, we know we can handle it and most of that is because your such a strong woman", he praised as he sat next to you and held your hand in his, "we're in this together and you can always come to me whenever these scary thoughts come around", he kissed your lips.
"Thank you", you whispered again, pecking his lips.
"That's not a nice greeting, I deserve better, gorgeous girl", he smirked, supporting himself on his arms while carefully hovering over you while he was still able to, "you deserve better, and apparently they say this can be very relaxing and lower your blood pressure, so you're in for a fine night, pretty mama", he said as he stole a proper kiss from your lips.
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agendabymooner · 1 year
if not for you ! daniel r. x ofc (måneskin member! ofc) // toto w.
"there'll be no spring if not for this love of mine"
summary: posts and tweets exchanged between lester and others during the baku race weekend as she babysat toto and tilly wolff's children. OR chaos ensues in the paddock and the hospitalities as the wolff kids and an asshole ex-lover (is he really?) made their presence known to almost anyone
content warning: character-centric, mentions of questionable man, appearance of characters not yet shown in the series colour me your colour, toto wolff being canonically fashionable, use of explicit language, faceclaims used for the kids, danny is full on babygirl in the instagram comment section. f1 drivers being messy.
note: sorry for the awol guys, i was walking my fish. tomorrow is the start of the canadian gp 2023 and i am sad that i am not there. maybe next year when i have the money? or maybe when i work for pr. who knows. since i'm not there, i'm just celebrating and writing this.
ALSO!! should i do a blurb or something relating to lester babysitting the paddock kids- like the wolff kids? i've started on it but...
enjoy xx
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[first image dialogue: i don't normally look at the time because i dress faster than this. i even dress ren and tia for less than seven minutes and they're always dressed nicely for their music classes]
[second image: if they're dressed ten minutes after, that's not my doing; toto dresses them and he struggles a lot. he mostly gets them ready if he's taking them to work or if i'm off to a meeting in milton keynes]
[third image: we've made a lot of trips to ralph lauren and tommy hilfiger because he thinks that he can just mix and match the clothes that we got there for the bunch. said it's a "capsule wardrobe." that's what happens when you're married to a fashion expert, i suppose.]
[fourth image: you'll be able to know if he dresses them once you see the jumper/dress shorts/trousers combo or the dress/jumper combo. you'll know he did the preparing if tia's hair is put in place with a hair clip. she loves it when her papa puts in barrettes in her thin hair.]
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tagged tillywolff, mercedesamgf1, redbullracing
view 32142 more comments
carlossainzjr ay, i didn't know they were running a barber shop! i need a haircut
tillywolff i don't recall buying that toy set for them 🧐
charles_leclerc maman said to get it for them so it can remind them of their mamé pascale
tillywolff thank you so much for taking care of ren and tia! i've been told they enjoyed being with their zia lori. maybe you can take care for adelmo next time? liked by loressandro
loressandro i will definitely set up a playroom for the next time!
landonorris thank you so much tillywolff for the best hairstylist ever 😇 i got the best trim in the grid right now and no one can outdo it
mercedesamgf1 boss is asking who's responsible for allowing one of the wolff puppies drink red bull? just asking for research purposes 😊
charles_leclerc maxverstappen1
lewishamilton maxverstappen1
user1 LMFAOOOO not lewis and charles snitching on their in-law 😭
charles_leclerc user1 i need to be in toto's good graces again.
maxverstappen1 it's a red bull water bottle 💀 stop trying to push me back at the starting level mf charles_leclerc
user2 those kids are so toto coded 🥰
user3 if you can survive lando, you can survive the wolff kids 🙌 liked by loressandro
danielricciardo if you can survive the wolff kids, you can survive our kids 😘 liked by loressandro
thomasraggi_ yeah but try surviving her kids 💀
ykaaar you're about to have the BEST years of your life, danny
ethaneskin alessandro-ricciardo kids bout to treat the tracks like mario kart deluxe 🤡
loressandro guys please... this is the only man who's willing to put up with me. stop scaring him away
danielricciardo i'm not scared, i am challenged 😎
landonorris danielricciardo mental health wise? bc same.
danielricciardo when are we having our little ricciardo??
loressandro depends if your swimmers are still working in few months or years. also if you stop laughing at your own nephews and nieces, dickhead
danielricciardo got it ma'am. anything just to have your kids <3
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rebornologist · 9 months
Good day, hope you’re doing good and well. Can you please write headcanons for Dino from KHR thank you 💕
Hello! I am doing quite okay ahaha, I fell ill right at the beginning of the year and that actually explains my return to writing just a bit bc I had 0 energy for anything else. I just sat and wondered about the nation's husband here for a bit, so apologies if some of these are kind of a stretch!
♡ Misc. Dino Cavallone Headcanons ✧
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He went from having a fear of horses to becoming a horse girl. I like to imagine that his parents may have had an interest in riding (or that the Cavallone family literally fixes horse races for shady $$), so there would be these huuge beautiful top of the line horses at their personal stable.. however, he was absolutely terrified of them and was too afraid to look them in the eye, much less ride one, until Reborn forced him to face his fear; He's fallen on his ass and been kicked in the face more times than he can count, but as he slowly learned that horses were just big skittish animals that needed to be treated with love and respect, he began to love riding and working with horses and down the line earned the nickname "Bucking Horse/Bronco".
Dino loved the Barbie movie, he is extremely Alancoded. And his all-out cowboy barbie outfit (lowkey Reborn made him do it) drew too much attention at the theatre, to the point that some kids were calling him Ken and asking for photos. He ✨served💅 the public that day.
I refuse to believe that Dino was an only child and he turned out so well?!? He's extremely older-brother coded, I would bet my life that he has at least one younger sister or half-sister (though arguably Tsuna is his non-blood brother) that he just doted on until idk she prob kaboomed and wasn't used as a plot device
He's a tall man, has type O blood, he should be donating it because he's such a good person, right? He did once! He passed out and is a little nervous about going back again.. to think that he has a whole tattoo sleeve..
Some of his tattoos are actually coverups!? He never planned to get a full sleeve, but needed to cover up some shitty flash he got in his younger days. He decided to get something bolder and flashier to cover it, but then the rest of his arm being bare just bothered him.. so he added elements until uh oh, it's a full sleeve that goes all the way to the back of his hand. Despite being a pretty boy his entire life, he seems like the type to have had some img issues and regrets with his initial tattoos (he got them just bc he thought it would make him cool and tough), covered them up and felt like he looked too shady.. and then learned to love them and embrace them as art. He likes the asymmetry of how heavily inked one side of him is, and is considering a big ankle/calf/thigh and maybe a hip piece on the opposite side leg to balance it out, but he's a bit nervous about the pain (I giggle). Omg what if the skull and flame neck tatt is matching with some of his men (theirs are in different spots) after a particularly drinks-heavy party night*.
Sometime between the "present time" of the KHR timeline and TYL, he adopted a shorter haircut and learned how to style it from Reborn! They got more time to reconnect as Reborn became less busy with shaping Tsuna into the "perfect mafia boss" or whatever and began to lengthen the kite string gradually.
Dino is a total softie at heart, and has moments where he cut people slack that other mafioso, especially older bosses, would not have. His men love him because he is strong and they know his heart is right, but whatever softness he had in his early 20's he had to shake off real hard as time went on.
Because of all the mental and physical work it takes for him to do his job, sometimes he wants nothing more than to be babygirled for once, and literally nobody knows but just maybe Romario has an inkling.. the sense that it may be the case.
*smart ppl don't get inked under the influence, don't even drink before or after you get tatted ok lolol stay safe out there
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Date night🍷(KhalilxReader)
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Requested: ❌
Characters: khalil, y/n,
Story type: y/n story (part two)
Warnings or triggers: none (there will be some fluff and some nicknames like princess, babygirl, etc. but that's it)
Enjoy the story!
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Khalils pov:
It's been about one month since I asked y/n to be my girlfriend and honestly, it's the best decision I've ever made. I've been thinking of taking her on a date but I don't want to rush things. I want my babygirl to be as comfortable as possible. She deserves the world and I'm going to make sure she gets it. I thought of an idea and immediately picked up my phone.
Conversation with y/n👇🏾
Me: Goodmorning princess☀️
Y/n: Goodmorning my love, how are you?
Me: Im doing good how about you?
Y/n: Im doing well 😌
Me: Can i ask you something baby?
Y/n: yeah sure
Me: Would you like to go on a date with me tonight?
Y/n: yes baby id love to go on a date with you🥰
Me: alright I'll be there at 8 to pick you up
Y/n: i can't wait to see you😘
Me: i can't wait yo see you either my princess
Me: look in your room and you should see everything you need to get ready for our date ;)
Y/n Pov:
I looked around my room noticing three things: A glittery red dress, Golden earrings and a necklace with me and Khalil's itnitials on it. I got took a shower, got ready, and did my makeup.
~time skip( 7:30pm)~
I sprayed some perfume on and walked out the door. When I looked up, I noticed Khalil standing outside of a black limo. He had on a black tux with a red handkerchief that matched my dress. He also had on a gold watch and a fresh haircut. "Ready to head out princess?" Khalil said staring you down. "Yes my love" I replied getting into the car as Khalil opened the door for me.
Khalil pov:
As we were on the way to our destination, Y/n's beauty had me in a trance. With or without makeup she looked like a literal goddess. I grabbed the pink and red roses and handed them to y/n. "Awww that's so sweet of you khalil" she said smiling while smelling her flowers. The moonlight shined and glistened over her skin. "We're here" the driver said. I got out of the limo and went around y/n's side to help her out of the car.
Y/n pov:
Me and Khalil walked into the lavish restaurant and the waitress quickly sat us at a table. I ordered salmon and khalil ordered a steak. The waitress brought us our drinks and I noticed her trying to flirt with khalil. Khalil simply shrugged it off not paying her any attention. His eyes were so focused on me he didn't notice the waitress's antics.
~time skip~
Khalil was getting ready to pay so we could leave. The waitress handed him the ticket. "Y'all are good to go. Hope to see you here again" she said smiling at khalil and side eyeing you. You picked up the ticket and noticed she had written her number on there. *two can play that game* I thought. I wrote something back on the ticket and called her over. "Excuse me ma'am you left your tip" I said fake smiling at her and handing her the ticket. The ticket reads as follows:
I Don’t think he's into you. Besides, clowns work at the circus not restaurants. (P.s. Im pretty
Sure they'll be quick to hire you. who knows maybe you can be pennywise he's your twin after all :)
The waitress stormed off and you smirked at her as you and khalil headed out the door.
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Hope you enjoyed this imagine!
Excuse any errors and thanks for reading🫶🏾🤍
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wrestlezon · 2 years
aew dynamite 2/8/23 liveblog containment zone
ooo starting it off with mjf new jacket. put that on the list of mjf outfits oh hes fighting takeshita right, its all coming back to me omg he got black and pink briefs too
[ mjf vs takeshita ]
takeshita dont fall for the handshake!! HE FELL FOR IT NOOO its cool seeing a rare MJF Match™ hes doing all the bits. ref shield im anti-spraytan. come on dude just dont have it wow the crowd is loud. what are they saying? lets go nashville nashville sucks??? BITING... unhinged takeshita is cool. im a little mad i got the uh. wrong ddt tickets for march though -_- ok i lied im pretty mad. im obsessed with how mad i am. im not going to get over it forever what a good bit that lead into the deadlift german suplex. takeshita is soooooo strong mjf so smug. your hubris!! ok im gonna need to see that midair corner flip thing again. what the. how did he end up on his feet so smoothly and nonchalantly hes doing a lot of this "psyche!!! IM FINE ACTUALLY!!!!!" stuff. its fun i like it. ARMBAR!!!!!!! BITING i think mjf is a good wrestler. i like to see him wrestle, which is rarely, because he rarely wrestles. takeshita bare knee attack. rolled ref shield part TWO his knee attack is silly looking im sorry aha! knee damage revenge!!! unless hes doing some sort of pretending-to-sell thing like how hes been doing this whole time ok takeshitas powerbomb thing ruled senton!! i am so scared every time i see one ok thrusting armbar? real mad he lost to garcia in the tumblr babygirl tournament huh
lmfao the catcall from the crowd when he put away his ring oh! its danielson omg takeshita bladed from the ring??? hes all blooded now LMAO NOO THE CAMERA CAUGHT THE BLADEPASS...
[ samoa joe video promo ]
samoa joe is just like "im gonna beat you up wardlow" joe i have to say thank you for giving wardlow a haircut
[ the bunny vs jamie hayter ]
the bunny!! she had a big match a while ago she had to cancel due to illness or injury, right? itll be cool to see this match hayter's hair buns look cool. theyre like lil animal ears. nekomimi ringrope leg choke :)c what is britt baker doing with this gatorade sign. advertisement? LMAO "how did u like that jamie" taking turns doing apron combat ohhhhhh thats a hayterade sign i get it now oof the bunny had hayter land right on her face huh that ended fast... <:( i hope shes good
[ backstage with saraya and toni storm ]
dang saraya pulling out the babygirl nice ok thats like 4 babygirls in short succession. cmon dont wear it out ladies youre gonna need to learn how to spraypaint Ls if youre gonna make this your thing. distance and speed im just being a hater u_u they will have to win me over from square one
[ backstage with mjf ]
hey nice its an mjf interview lmao ok the blood on the armwraps buddy? sick and twisted mjf hes damp. hes talking about picking up girls in his car but im kinda distracted by how he kinda looks like wolverine with his hair and beard where is this going mjf oh i see. he is telling a story about how he is a real scumbag badguy, criminal style im sorry hold on im not doing my part as an audience member and believing his fake story. give me a second to internalize it
[ ricky starks vs the JAS gauntlet ]
oh he has to fight all of them in succession? that would explain why this angelo parker match was short i dont know if they explained it on commentary i was still trying to suspend my disbelief enough to be angered at mjf's story about being evil and unforgivable matt menard got mopped up i love garcia :) i dont love sammy guevara but hes making garcia suffer and i can appreciate that part nooo i love rickys spear dont counter it with a headlock. garciaaaaaaa whoa stood up into big powerbomb. ricky is so strong i will say this every time someone slowly lifts another person up. sorry wait what the hell??? why do they have to do this to ricky. god
[ backstage with the acclaimed ]
bowens a little somber here
[ backstage with danielson and takeshita ]
uh oh. they locked him in is danielson gonna walk out with door fragments because thatd be cool his. tracksuit we've reached critical babygirl calls tonight. no more babygirl. dont ruin babygirl for me oh he just shouldered down the door regular style. thats fine too aubrey you could count slower. whats mjf gonna do? enroll in referee school and come back in time to count him out??? danielson appeared that was a really loud chair dropkick oh no hes blee-- DONT LICK THAT AUGH THANK YOU AUBREY blood on da camera lens its hard to pay attention to this match between the action and also the active commentary i can only ever pay attention to one at a time omg that tumble off the apron rush stop taking a shower during your matches lmfao mjf and taz are just chit chatting right now mjf is in casual chat mode its funny. hes not doing his mjf voice as much danielson looks sooooo red and pink right now. wild. good color what a match
oh mjf is so mad hes fighting off all the security!! good. nice
[ backstage with the uh. impractical jokers ]
i hate the impractical jokers btw. i cant handle that much secondhand embarrassment. so i am not enjoying this crossover i am enjoying the distant match happening in the background i didnt have time to get lunch before dynamite and my friend had connection issues during so we're just barely behind enough to skipping through the commercial breaks. im so hungry
[ ar fox + top flight vs the elite ]
wait is this the main event. this is going to be a hella long match dante with the verticality the three flipmasters are here and theyre fighting against the young bucks, also flipmasters. i dont think kenny is a flipmaster? but he sure can wrestle ive been informed that the acclaimed match also exists. im sorry acclaimed i forgot. to be fair im just afraid of them losing the belts lmao ar fox following through to senton on nick(?) back to back jumping outta the ring attacks those kinds of corner backflipping slams, i never know who is the one taking the brunt of the damage there HOW does dante just gain altitude while being horizontal matt jackson with the triple pin god lmao YES top flight teamwork moves :)c and then the elite win. well it wasnt gonna turn out any other way
[ hook video promo ]
this is an extremely quiet video oh its just a "hook is a cool guy" video
[ stokely backstage ]
hes mad at hook!? LMAO HOOK ok i get it. i like this
[ main event time! acclaimed vs gunn club ]
wow we caught up to live yo listen the gunns are in so much glitter right now lmao excalibur criticizing himself during pip... schiavone is right youll get another chance to pronounce picture in picture king i am zoned into this match. or zoned out of it. no reports man bowens really getting into it time for everyone to just lie down for a bit OH NO!!!!!!! THE REF GASP!!!!!!!!! BILLY GUNN OH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! no way billy goes back to them. they hit him with a belt yeah!!! kill them acclaimed!!!!!! slow count ref debuff NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ?????????????????????????????????????????????????
billy gunn holding bowens' hand............
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metalbuckaroo · 3 years
Hey, lovely! For your sleepover. How about...
“I desperately want to take you out for dinner and slow dance with you until the sun comes up, but I also want to grip your hair as I watch you writhing underneath me.”
Please feel free to ignore if you received this. 💖
Checking In
Summary// A hotel getaway with Bucky's favorite receptionist
Warnings// Lil angsty, some fluff, some smut, cursing, tiny mention of drinking, 18 plus only, minors dni
Note// I kinda love this request. I didn't use the quote, but its based off of the quote, this also got LONG and took sooo long.
My new masterlist and taglist will hopefully be done tomorrow night.
Im really hoping it doesn't flop bc I'm lowkey proud of it and also spent a lot of time on it
Moodboard by @commonintrest
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This was the slowest Bucky had went with someone in a very long time. Three dates in and he hadn't even had the chance to see you naked. It was driving him crazy to say the least.
Anyone else wouldn't have gotten a call back, but for you; it made him want it even more. So, he came up with an idea to take that extra step.
Walking into the hotel you worked at, he gave a nod to the security guard and flashed you a charming smile; his hair much shorter than when you saw him last. "Like the haircut." You said, turning in the chair to look at him. "Feels more... professional."
"Checking in again?" You asked, leaning your chin on the base of your palm, reaching your other hand to card your fingers through the short hair.
Bucky shook his head and leaned his forearms on the desktop. "No. We are checking in somewhere else. Tonight, when you're off."
His eyes trailed down to the top of your blouse, looking at the few buttons that where open. "Buck, I'm not staying in a hotel with you." You smiled, shaking your head. "Come on, I'll sleep on the couch if you're too uncomfortable." He smirked.
You thought it over for a moment before sighing and nodding your head. "Yeah, ok." You agreed, letting him pull you in for a brief kiss by the back of your neck. "Fantastic. I'll be here at five to get you."
"I'll have to go get cl-" Bucky shook his head at you. "Won't need 'em." He said, turning to walk out. "Bucky, don't you dare."
"See ya tonight, pretty girl."
As promised, five o'clock hit and Bucky was pulling in front of the doors in his sleek black car; quickly getting out.
His usual suit was traded in for a more casual button up tee and dark jeans, the prosthetic that matched the shape of his right arm perfectly on display.
He rounded the desk and picked up your bag. "You can't be back here." You teased, making him roll his eyes. "Come along, babydoll. We have plans." He said, hand between your shoulder blades to guide you with him.
Bucky's plan would surely get that extra step at least jumpstarted. The heated make out sessions in his car when he dropped you off were starting to get to him.
He refused to call anyone else to handle the tightening of his jeans, the wait made him yearn for you even more.
So, he patiently waited as you changed into the lavender sundress he'd sent for, listened and talked over dinner on the patio of the motel, and just basked in your enjoyable presence.
"Dance with me." You said, hand laying on his bicep. He chuckled lightly and shook his head. "I don't dance, sugar."
You raised your eyebrows and cocked your head to the side, fingers tracing down the vein that ran the length of his arm and to his hand. "Well, you're going to, or you'll be sleeping in that room alone." You laced your fingers in his and he looked at you with an amused expression. "Oh, really now?"
"Mhm, c'mon. It's a slow one, so you won't embarass yourself." You teased, feeling his hands on your hips as soon as you turned your back to him. "I never said I couldn't dance. Just that I don't, babydoll." His gruff voice said in your ear, moving to stand in front of you once in the midst of the other couples enjoying their night.
"Couldn't say no to you if I tried anyways." He said softly as your hands rested on the back of his neck, his on the dip of your waist.
The Bucky who took you on dates was different than the Bucky who strolled in your lobby at least once every two weeks. He wasn't glowering when he looked at you; instead he had a smile that made the corner of his eyes crinkle and your heart flutter.
He hadn't smiled so hard and so much in years. He was addicted. To your voice, fiery attitude, and gleaming smile; and he couldn't even imagine how much more he'd crave once he finally got a taste of you.
"Gonna let me sleep in the bed, pretty girl?" He cooed, hands roaming over the swell of your ass. "Of course, Mr Barnes." You grinned, pecking a kiss to his dimpled chin. "Could dance with you all night if you wanted me to." He said, squeezing gently. "I wouldn't complain."
His lips slotted over yours, your eyes fluttering shut at the softness of them.
He suddenly lifted his head, bottom lip brushing the tip of your nose as you opened your eyes again.
Bucky's cold demeanor he usually had while walking through the lobby of the hotel returned, smile fading into a deep scowl as he looked at something behind you.
"Is something wrong?" You asked, worry lacing your voice as you cupped his stubbled jaw in your hands, feeling the muscle of it flex. "Just stay close." He murmured, pulling you closer to his front.
You furrowed your eyebrows at him, lips parting to say something, but the stern look in his eyes stopping you as they stayed glued on whatever was behind you.
"Barnes, didn't expect to see you here- like this." A voice that was slightly higher in pitch than Bucky's sounded from behind you.
Bucky tucked you into his side, hand on the small of your back as he stared at the shorter man. "Just enjoying my night. That a problem?"
You swallowed thickly and gripped onto the back of Bucky's shirt, crumbling the perfectly ironed fabric in your fist as your heart pounded. "Needa talk." The man said.
Bucky's eyes flicked to a group of men sitting at the corner of the patio before looking back to the man in from of him. "Go sit down. Order us some more drinks." Bucky said sternly. "Bucky-"
He finally looked down at you with an icy stare, making you shrink back slightly. "Now isn't the time to argue with me. Go sit down." The tone of his voice was one you hadn't heard before.
You nodded and turned to walk back to the table, picking at your nails as you took your seat again.
Looking to where Bucky was sat at the table with the group, you chewed your bottom lip. You knew what you were getting into when accepting that first date, you just didn't think it'd follow you everywhere.
He tried to stay patient, he was in rival territory and knew it was a terrible idea; but this was one of the nice hotels and he wanted the weekend spent right. Keeping his cool was the only way he was going to be able to do that.
He was barely even listening to half of what the men were saying, glancing over at your nervous posture as you picked the nails he had just paid to get manicured; even though you protested against taking his money.
Until one statement had his head snapping back towards one of them. "The girl seems... sweet. Make you happy?" It wasn't meant in a way a friend would ask when checking up on another friend. Bucky felt it burn through him like a threat.
"Yeah, well, she's got a mouth on her and I'm losing my patience. So, you men have a good night, you owe my girl an apology for ruining her night." He stood, teeth gritting together.
You noticed Bucky's tense stance and straightened in your seat as he got closer. "Rude bastards." Bucky grumbled, taking your hand in his and tugging for you to stand. "What did they want?"
Bucky thought about lying, but he promised you he wouldn't. "Talk business. Can't believe they'd interrupt me over stupid bullshit." He sneered, pulling you along with him back into the hotel. "Where are we going? They're going to bill you for those drinks." You huffed, picking up your pace to walk next to him. "Don't care."
By the time the two of you reached the door to your room, Bucky had you pressed against it; fumbling to swipe the key card as his lips attacked yours.
Your hands fisted into the front of his shirt to keep your balance as shoes were kicked off, Bucky backing you towards the bed with his large hands holding the sides of your face.
You fell back onto the bed when the backs of your knees met the edge of the mattress, taking him with you; Bucky's body parting your legs.
The kiss was hungry and desperate, sharing breaths as his hands gripped at your outer thighs and pawed their way under the skirt of your dress.
You pulled away from the kiss, breathless as he dipped his head to latch his lips on the underside of your jaw. "Bucky, wait-" You panted, pressing his shoulders lightly. "What?" He breathed, stopping all movements as he looked at you; eyes dark and lips kiss swollen. "I-"
"You're a virgin. We can wait, if so." He cut you off, face dropping slightly. "No, no. It's not that. I just haven't had sex in awhile." You said, gnawing at your tongue. "Want me to go slower?"
"I just don't want to take things too fast." You whispered, tracing the collar of his shirt with your fingertips.
Bucky took a deep inhale, warm hand moving to hold your chin. "Babygirl, listen. I'm not going to kick you out of my bed when we're done. You got me attached with this damn chase you gave me. Wanna take care of you. Okay?"
You nodded and pulled him back down to you, his tongue slipping between your lips as his fingers worked at the buttons of his shirt.
Gently pushing them away, you replaced his hands with yours to pop the buttons open as his tongue glided across every inch of your mouth he could reach.
You lifted your back off of the mattress for his hand to feel for the zipper of your dress, grazing your fingers down the tensing muscles of his chest and abdomen; stopping at the button of his jeans.
"Don't get shy now, take 'em off." Bucky mumbled against your lips, sliding the straps of your dress off of your shoulders.
The wetness between your legs grew as your tugged at his belt, whimpering into his mouth when he pressed his hips against you to show how hard he was.
Pulling away, Bucky sat up to tug your dress down your torso and legs; eyes drinking in the beautiful sight in front of him as he shoved his jeans off and palmed himself through his boxers.
"Take the shirt off." You panted, backing up the bed. A smirk grew on his face, metal thumb sliding back and forth in the waistband of his boxers as he looked at your glistening folds. "Ask nicely and I just might." He taunted. "Please."
You watched the way his muscles flexed with each movement, the shirt sliding off of his arms and to the floor; revealing the mess of scars Bucky hoped you'd ignore and a large tattoo on his ribcage.
Next were his boxer briefs, pooling at his feet as his cock twitched in the air; swollen tip red and leaking precum. "You're staring, babydoll." He said, voice low as he moved his body back over yours.
"Can't help it." You swallowed, the weight of his cock against your thigh as you felt the firmness of his back. His hand slipped between your bodies to guide himself to your heat, spreading your slick with his tip.
"So wet, barely even touched you yet." You whined at his words and gripped his shoulders. "Buck, please. Stop the teasing."
The smirk on his face grew before he brushed his lips against yours. "Hm, I don't know. Kept me waitin' so long, might just tease you a little more." He hummed. You bucked your hips against him, his tip barely pressing into you. "Fuck..." Bucky said in a low groan, a shudder passing through his body.
He made sure you felt every ridge and vein, pulling breathy sounds from you when he pushed deeper. Your walls so tight and warm around him, he already had to hold off his release.
"Look at me, sweet girl." He breathed, nipping at your bottom lip and rolling his hips into yours.
When you opened your eyes, the adoring look in Bucky's made your breath hitch. Hands wedging under your back as he sat up, holding you to him so you were sitting on his thick thighs.
"So beautiful." He groaned as his hands glided over the curve of your back to your ass, metal and flesh fingers digging into the skin.
Guiding your hips in a faster pace, he could feel you clenching around him, swallowing the blissed out sounds you made with a breath taking kiss as his grip on you tightened.
The soft ow that passed your lips made Bucky loosen his grip and move you in a slower pace. "Need me to slow down?" He panted, pulling away from you slightly.
You frantically shook your head, hands clinging to his shoulders; needing to feel his skin against yours. "No-no. Don't stop, please, keep going." You whined, bucking your hips along with him.
In a swift movement, your back was pressed back into the mattress. Your fingers laced with Bucky's as he pinned your hands at the sides of your head, his hips meeting yours in a faster, rougher pace that knocked the breath from your lungs and made your head spin; his cock sliding against every sweet spot, some that you didn't even know existed.
Salacious sounds from both of you echoed around the room, your eyes fluttering shut again and body arching into him so your front was flush to his as the coil snapped.
"There you go, baby. Feel so good, so worth the wait." Bucky moaned out, chasing his own release with shorter thrusts.
A whimper of his name falling from your sweet lips sent him over the edge, his hips flush to yours as he spilled into you with a guttural moan.
He slowly rocked his hips into yours, riding the blissful feeling for all that it was as he looked over your blissed out face.
It was the moment your eyes peaked out, staring back into his lust darkened ones that Bucky knew. You were the one thing he needed to protect. To hold close and never let go.
A tender kiss was placed on your lips, a satisfied hum leaving Bucky as he slipped from between your legs to lay beside you.
You slowly moved off of the bed to grab a shirt and go to clean up, legs feeling wobbly with each step to and from the bathroom.
Bucky sat on the edge of the bed when you walked back into the adjoined room, legs still a little jelly feeling as you made you way back to him.
He laughed, an actual belly laugh that made your heart swell as he pulled you between his parted thighs. "I have some... unexpected business to take care of in the morning."
You nodded lightly and sat your hands on his shoulders. "I want you to stay in this room and keep the door locked. When I come back, we'll do something." He promised, gently massaging your sides. "Something, huh?"
A squeak escaped your throat when you were pinned back underneath Bucky, his hips pressing into you. "Oh, don't you get me started. I'll keep you up all night."
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uwuwriting · 4 years
Osamu, Sugawara and Kuroo w/ multiple babies
Request: HI YOU WRITE HAIKYUU NOW OMG! Chose whichever Hiakyuu boi you want honey i just want some more-than-one baby action. The reader is pregnant and they find out that they are having more than one baby. KOOMBAYAA. - anonymous
I LIKE YOUR ENERGY ANON. I already know who I’m going to write for and oh this is way too cute. I love twins. I wanna have twins. I wanted to be a twin but oh well. Love yaa. 💖💖💖
warnings: fluff, pregnancy
Miya Osamu
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-You two ran the shop as a happy married couple for the past couple of years now. 
-You stopped helping when the smell of the onigiri made you sick.
-Osamu believed that it was his fault, maybe his cooking was deteriorating. 
-But when he bought your favorite snack and you threw up, he knew that something was wrong. 
-Going to the doctor was the first course of action and boy were you shocked when you were given the news. 
- “It seems that you’re three weeks pregnant. That would explain the vomiting and your sensitivity to smell. Congratulations.”
-Osamu was so happy he even called his brother despite knowing that he would be at practice. 
-He’s so careful with you from that point on. 
-He cooks everything himself and tries new things trying to find what doesn’t trigger your vomiting. 
-Loves to feel the baby when you two are cuddling. 
-As much as he doesn’t want to bring it up he believes that you eat a lot. 
-Like a lot a lot. 
-He doesn’t want to tell you because your mood swings are starting to get worse and he hates seeing you cry. 
-So he tries being more sly and he arranges a doctor’s appointment. 
-His plan was to ask the doctor when you were out of earshot. 
-He didn’t get his chance immediately so he decided to ask after the sonogram. 
-Everything was fine until the doctor furrowed his brows and squinted at the screen. 
-You knew something must be wrong and you were starting to panic.
-Is the baby alright? 
-Is there a problem?
-You squeezed his hand and he reciprocated the action. 
-His own thoughts were running wild but he had to stay calm and collected.
-For both of you. 
- “Seems like....you’re going to have twins.” 
-You both let go of the breath you were holding and were about to celebrate when....
- “Actually no... triplets!! You’re having triplets.”
-The room was silent for a few moments. 
-Then the doctor points out each baby individually and congratulates you again. 
- “You’re in for a tough ride Mrs. Miya.”
-Osamu called Atsumu again in a state of shock. 
-It was like he was living in a haze and he can’t quite snap out of it. 
-His fingers were laced with yours as your other hand was rubbing your stomach, your mind going wild with the revelation. 
- “What do you want Samu you know-”
- “Triplets.”
- “What?”
- “We’re having triplets.”
- “WHAT?”
-The rest of the months were hectic. 
-The nursery had to be changed to fit three babies and you had to buy triple the supplies. 
-Your stomach was ready to explode by the ninth month and you were begging Osamu to do something to end this misery. 
-Then your babies were born and yall.....I’m wheezing. 
-Identical triplets???
-What are the odds????
-And they are all girls?????
-Excuse me are you playing a prank on their poor father?????
-He already was stressing over the fact that he might have a daughter and he would have to chase the boys away. 
-But now it was times three???????
-He is really happy though. 
-Atsumu buys them matching onesies.
-Power ranger onesies, Powerpuff girls onesies, Sailor moon onesies. 
-Anything that had a powerful trio really. 
-You did confuse them at times. 
-And when I say at times I mean all the time. 
-I see Osamu calling them food names.
-Like its Soba, Tofu and Onigiri. 
-When they get older and can help at the shop they become the mascots. 
-One is on the cashier, the other is taking orders and the last one is giving out the packages. 
-Plus everyone knows the Miyas from the infamous multiplying girl joke a critic made. 
-He gave his order to one Miya girl and then another one emerged from behind the counter and as he turned around he was met with another one bring supplies into the shop. 
-The man almost had a stroke. 
-They are angels though and are an immense help.
-They love their dad to death. 
-Good luck though trying to separate them when they start fighting. 
Sugawara Koushi
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-This sweetheart of a man.
-I love him so much.
-And so do you. 
-You have been trying for a baby for the past three months. 
-One morning you wake up and rush to the bathroom, throwing up. 
-You both knew what was going on but before you got too excited Koushi went to get a pregnancy test just to make sure. 
-When it came out positive you went out to celebrate with your friends from high school. 
-They were all so happy for you.
-Daichi and Asahi both promised to be the best uncles this baby will ever have while Kiyoko started planning baby shopping. 
-Everything was perfect, your morning sickness had died down as the months passed and your doctor assured you that everything was well. 
-During one of your appointments, Suga couldn’t make it being held back at the school because of a parent-teacher meet up, so you had gone on your own. 
-You were fine with it reassuring him that it was fine and you would update him when you were done. 
-So when the doctor said you were expecting twins everything started to turn.
-You didn’t know which one was the cause of this dizziness.
-The happy news or the shock from the news.
-You called Daichi to come pick you up because you didn’t want to bother Suga.
-Which was a stupid move since he would move a freaking mountain for you. 
-Suga called you later and asked you how it went. 
-He was met by just a plain ‘come home please.’
-He was panicking. 
-He was almost sure that something happened and you lost the baby. 
-But when he was met with all of his friends at home smiling with happy tears in their eyes, he knew that he should be expecting good news. 
-You skipped to him and kissed his lips, a large grin on your face. 
- “Do you remember how we said that we shouldn’t buy any baby clothes since we don’t know the gender yet?”
-He nodded at your words, waiting for you to tell him if he was going to be holding a little boy or a little girl in a few months. 
- “Well the wait was unnecessary, we’ll be needing both anyways.”
-It took him a few moments before the realization hit him. 
- “Twins.....We are having twins....Oh my god I love you so much.” 
-He picked you up and span you around once before carefully putting you down, tears cascading down his cheeks. 
-When the babies are born he is so damn happy. 
-The type of teacher who constantly shows photos of his kids.
-Since they are different genders you both get satisfied with having a child favoring you. 
-You have a daddy’s girl and a mamma’s boy. 
-They both love you equally in reality they just know who to ask when they want something. 
-Suga adores them. 
-And they adore him. 
-You have come home one too many times finding the three of them sleeping on the couch, the twins on his chest curled up into one another while their father’s arms circle them. 
-Adorable all three of them. 
Kuroo Tetsuro
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-You two already have one daughter.
-You have been together since the first year of university and your daughter was born while you two were 27.
-She wasn’t expected. 
-Kuroo wanted to marry you first and he was planning on doing so before you announced your pregnancy. 
-It caught him so off guard poor baby had to do a double take. 
-But he couldn’t be more glad for his babygirl. 
-He loved her so much.
-So much that he hated watching her grow up and soon leave his embrace. 
-That’s why you were now throwing up in your bathroom, a pregnancy test laying on the counter the two lines facing the ceiling. 
-Kuroo and your daughter were so excited. 
-Your daughter had no idea what was going on but her dad’s laugh and large smile was enough for her to start giggling and clapping. 
-Kuroo became extra careful with you, looking after your daughter and taking care of her more than you. 
- “You shouldn’t lift heavy things or bend down much.”
- “You mean she’s heavy?”
- “No no I didn’t-”
-Cue the waterworks.
-Your mood swings were bad during your first pregnancy and he wanted to forget those times. 
-His brain legit blocked  out those memories after your daughter was born. 
-So having those bad times in mind he tends to not provoke or piss you off. 
-All three of you went to your appointment, wanting your one year and a half year old to see her sibling. 
-Now since you already had an experience with sonograms you were looking for the small lump. 
-The thing is that you saw two small shadows .
-You were confused but just scratched it up to you not being able to clearly see your baby. 
- “It looks like you are carrying two babies Mrs. Kuroo.” 
-This man was both terrified and super excited. 
-Terrified because how would he deal with two rascals at once? 
-I mean your first daughter was already kind of a handful. 
-And excited because he was going to be blessed by two angels. 
-He immediately calls Kenma and Bokuto to share the news.
-They both drop by your house to give you their congratulations although Kenma’s did sound more like condolences. 
-Bokuto is over the moon because yay he was going to be an uncle again!!!
-Then they are born and everyone has a heart attack. 
-Identical girls. 
-He was leaving in a house with four women now. 
-Four women. 
-He is the type of dad to get them onesies with a 1 and a 2 on the back so he can tell them apart. 
-Suggests to give them different haircuts when their hair grows so they can actually tell them apart with some ease. 
-You see another problem you are facing are the similarities between those two and their older sister. 
-They are a year apart and while they are toddlers your first daughter is bigger than them. 
-But once they hit the ages 7,8,9 you have really try and tell all three of them apart. 
-They get confused for each other at school all the time. 
-By teachers  too. 
-Somehow they became friends with the Miya triplets and you should see them playing at the park. 
-It’s the most hilarious thing seeing the other parents trying to understand how many of them there truly are. 
-They see one Miya triplet accompanied by the Kuroo twins and then after like five minutes the see one Kuroo girl with two Miyas. 
-It’s confusion x6. 
-And if someone else has twins too???
-And they are spotted by the same face squad???
-You can add another set of identical faces in the mix. 
-The twins always buy the same clothes and have the same haircut so they can mess with everyone. 
-They always prank their uncle Bokuto with switching their clothes and pretending to be the other. 
-They force their sister into it too and now you are trying to understand which ones are the twins and which one is the eldest sister. 
-When you find out you’re pregnant again, Kuroo is begging for the baby to be different this time.
- “Please have a different face.”
-Little did he know......
-Poor guy. 
-When the girls go to the hospital while you have appointments they totally mess with yalls colleagues psychology. 
- “No i’m (first D/N)!!” says the youngest of the bunch. 
-A moving circus that’s what yall are. 
@brattyquirks​ @the-arcana-fan-fic​ @angelwritings​ @axerrri​ @reinyrei​
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Gotham’s Puppet Princess, PART 3
(PART 1) (PART 2)
Manny/Mandrake belongs to @kelelamentia, thanks again for letting me borrow his character!
After a long walk Marinette had made it back home. A.K.A Pops’ brand new hideout, which originally was an old abandoned toy factory. Honestly, it was a miracle that Batsy hadn't found them yet. But hey, if he’s not even looking for them then should she really care? Shrugging her shoulders she walked over to the secret entrance door, and knocked to the rhythm of Shave and a Haircut, Two Bits. Then it opened slightly to reveal Punch, who was waiting for her to say the password. They both knew that she didn’t have to, but Punch had a job to do.
She smiled and said, “cottontail.” That’s right the password was the name of her beloved stuffed toy that was lost to HER. She resisted the urge to growl, and tried thinking of puppies, glitter bombs, and rainbows. But all she wanted to do was smash anything that had reminded her of HER. Yes smash. Smash her head with the mallet. Make her scream. Pops can join in  too! Then she can get...Cottontail. Cottontail. Cottontail. Suddenly, all her rage had dissipated and she was left feeling happy. 
Cottontail always made her happy. 
Pops had said that he would get her a new Cottontail, but he’s been busy so he hasn’t gotten a replacement bunny. Which is good, nothing could ever replace her beloved bunny. 
Punch nodded, took a step aside and she walked in, “Hey Punch, could you take this to my room, please?”, she asked, gesturing to the bolt of fabric she was carrying. He nodded, and took it from her arms and walked away in the direction of her room. “Thanks a bunch, Punch!” She yelled over her shoulder as she walked towards Pops’ office. 
Did she hear Pops yelling?
The closer she got to the door, the more she heard. Why did she hear arguing? She definitely heard Pops yelling, but she couldn’t make out the words. She recognized Pops’ voice, but there were two distinct voices that she couldn’t put her finger on. Hmm. The door was closed...Arguing...Pops’ office...Pops must be in the middle of planning something! The perfect chance for her to step into the spotlight and make her second debut into the crime world. Hopefully, they can squeeze that into whatever Pops is thinking up.
Giggling, she knocked twice on the door and waited. After a minute or so, the voices died down and she heard her Pops say “It’s open!” Smiling, she opened the door and walked in to see Pops, looking angrily at...Uncle Eddie and Uncle Harvey. Visitors! Yay! But why was Pops yelling? M-maybe they were here to help with whatever Pops was planning? Yeah! That’s it. 
Squealing, she ran over to Uncle Eddie, wrapped her arms around him and placed her head on his chest, “Uncle Eddie! It’s been forever since you’ve come to visit!”, she cheered. 
But he was stiff and unmoving, shouldn’t he be hugging her back by now? She stopped her hug and looked up at him, he was staring at her looking horrified. She  asked, “Uncle Eddie? You okay?”
“Yeah Riddler buddy. You’re looking kinda pale. Right, Two-Face?”, Pops’ voice came from behind her, she looked over Uncle Harvey who flinched when their eyes met. He looked away and just kept looking over at Pops. 
“Uncle Harvey?”, he flinched, Mari took a step back and looked at Pops, silently asking him what was going on? Why were they doing this? Why was this happening? Pops smiled at her and gave her a look that said not to worry. Okay then, she won't worry. She trusts Pops. She looked back at her Uncles and noticed that they were just staring at her. Gee, with the way they were acting you think they thought...that she was dead.
She looked over at Pops who was still smiling “Pops!”, she yelled. He turned to her and said, “Yes Dolly?” 
She glared at him, “Did you forget to tell them that I didn’t kick the bucket?” Pops had a look of realization on his face, and shrugged his shoulders. He smiled like it was no big deal. Yeah no big deal, it’s just most likely her entire family thinks she bit the big one. No wonder she never got any letters! Then again she never really sent any out either. 
But that’s not the point! Marinette was about to yell at him when  Uncle Eddie began to do something. He walked over to her, bent down to her level, and looked her in the eyes. She recognized looks of disbelief, relief, and  joy.  Slowly, he reached his hand out and gently cupped her cheek. His eyes then started looking a bit watery.
“It’s you. It’s really you.”, he said, small tears now streaking down his face. Uncle Harvey snapped out of his trance and followed Eddie’s lead. He bent down to her level and smiled, his bad side’s jagged smile looking less menacing than usual.
“I missed you Princess.”, Uncle Harvey said in his good voice. His bad voice adding, “Don’t go doing that again.”
“Of course it’s me.”, Marinette smiled. Then both of her uncles wrapped her up in a hug and she welcomed the touch. When the hug finally ended, Marinette stood up. She looked to her Uncles said, “I thought Pops would’ve told you that I had lived.” She laughed nervously, “ Although that would explain why no one came to visit me.”
“It was for your own good. We couldn’t have any info spilling to Harley that you were alive.”, Pops spoke up. Marinette watched as he walked over to her, her uncles both quickly moving aside so that Pops could bend down to her level. “I mean, if Harley knew that you were alive. She probably would’ve hunted you down, and heaven forbid, finish the job.”
Marinette froze, the image of HER  standing over her while holding Pops’ severed head flashed in her mind. “Hey Babygirl.”,the familiar voice rang in her ears. Marinette trembled and felt her eyes start to water. She looked at Pops, and saw him wiping a tear from his eye. She threw herself into Pops’ arms. “I’m sorry Pops! I’ll never question your reasons again! I should’ve known you were doing it for my safety.”, she sobbed into his jacket. 
Pops wrapped his arms around her and said, “There, there.” His soft voice made Marinette cry harder. Then Pops gently grabbed her shoulders and pushed her away so that she could look up at him. “Chin up Dolly, or the crown slips.” 
She quickly wiped away any tears she had and began trying to calm herself down. But her eyes were still watery and her breathing was still a bit labored. “How was the city? Did you have fun?”, Pops asked. His tone was weird, but whatever. It's Pops, he’s always been a little weird.
Marinette nodded, “Y-yeah!”, She smiled and when he grinned at her she continued, “I think I found a toy that could provide a good laugh! She’s making some very bold claims, and I want to see how it plays out.” Pops smiled at her and ruffled her hair. 
“That sounds...fun.”, he grinned at her, “Now run along, and get ready for dinner.” Marinette nodded and made her way to the door. 
But then she stopped in her tracks, spun around and Marinette smiled, “Oh! What do you think of my hair?” 
Pops looked at her closely, he placed a hand to his chin, “You dyed your hair green?” 
She nodded excitedly, and then pouted, “Well I tried to, but my hair is so dark, it looks more like there's a green tint to it. I wanted to match you, you know ‘cause I’m your sidekick and all.”
Pops tsked, walked a few steps closer and booped her nose with his finger, “You are my partner, not my sidekick.” Marinette’s eyes widened, partner? Partner! That means she’s equal to him! She felt giddy. She thought of her knocking Harley off her pedestal, taking her spot and then rising until she was right next to Pops. It made her so excited! 
“Partners?! Hell yeah!”, She cheered. She punched the air and ran out the door, and giggled as she skipped happily up the stairs to her room. As she was passing by Bud and Lou’s beds she threw them kisses and couldn’t resist spending a few minutes playing with them. “Bud! Lou! I missed you guys!”, she cooed as she sat down with them. “It was such a long day!” They gave her kisses and she couldn’t help the smile on her face. “Oh you guys are the best brothers ever!” She rubbed her face against theirs. As much as she wanted to stay with them, she had to get ready for dinner. She stood up and her heart broke when they whined. 
“I’ll be back after dinner, okay boys?”, they pouted and she frowned. “I know. I’m sorry...What if I snuck you guys some steak after dinner.” They laughed and their tails were wagging excitedly. “It’s settled then, I’ll bring you guys steak 
She threw the doors open and spun around in the room that had once been her prison so long ago.She sighed contentedly, “This’ll be so much fun.”, she smiled, then her eyes landed on Harley the mallet. Harley's smile stared back at her, “You knew this day was coming. So don’t give me that look!”, she grabbed the mallet roughly by it’s handle.She growled, “This just goes to show that I’ll be the better villain than you! I’m worth more! I’m Pops’ partner! Y-you were just a henchman!”
Still Harley the mallet smiled, the sight of it was beginning to piss her off. So she chucked it out the door of her room. The crash of the mallet hitting something as it landed made her jump, huffing she plopped herself down on her vanity and pulled out her make-up and face paint. It’s true she’s so pale that she doesn’t need the white cover-up, but it helps her hide any identifying blemishes like her freckles. Plus it makes her eyes pop!
She blew a kiss at her reflection, and smiled when her movements were copied. She smiled at herself, and then she noticed it. Her smile. W-was her smile always so fake looking? M-maybe it’ll look more genuine when she and Pops hit the town, or whatever he was planning with her uncles. Yeah! That’s it. 
Or she’s just overthinking it. Yeah that seems like the more reasonable option. There was nothing wrong with her smile, she’s just a bit nervous about reentering the spotlight. 
Just as Marinette was about to change into something for dinner, her phone vibrated. She unlocked it and was shocked to see a text from an unknown number. It’s most likely a client. ‘Who knew I’d be so popular?’, she thought to herself. She shrugged and clicked on the text. 
Unknown number: Hey, this is Lila Rossi 
Unknown number: Damian Wayne’s fiance? 
Unknown number: Your card said you're a dress designer, but I’m assuming you also make them. My class is going to the Wayne Gala in a few weeks. I was hoping you could make me a dress since we’re friends.
Marinette thought it over. Lila’s an obvious liar. She is on a class trip. Most likely, Lila can’t pay for the services. It would be bad for business if she made a free dress  for a girl who is obviously lying. It would make Marinette D. Levi  seem like a gullible fame seeking idiot. Unless...She said that it was a gift.A gift for a girl she thought was a friend. She doesn’t even have to make her a new dress, why waste such valuable fabric on her.  Just find an old dress that a previous client never paid for and adjust it to Lila. Maybe the peacock dress. This will just be a long game of dress up.
Smiling, she typed her response:
Me: You assume correct!
Me: Of course! I think I have just the dress for you. All I would need to do is adjust it to your size.
Unknown number: Oh that sounds so nice! 😌 I knew it was fate for us to have met! Damiboo will be so happy!
Me: How do you feel about birds? Specifically peacocks?
Marinette grinned as she walked over to her closet. It was kept in a protective sleeve and was mostly forgotten in her clothes. She grabbed it and slipped it out of its sleeve. Finally it saw the light of day again, The Peacock Dress, one of her first commissions. It seemed like the perfect dress for Lila.
The client had been meaning to pay for it, but then they got caught up in a Superman fight while in Metropolis. Their family didn’t want it because it brought up memories, but paid for her time and services, but never paid for the dress. “Keep it”, they told her. So she did.
Why was she giving this to Lila? Such a precious dress, maybe she should send a picture and-
Her phone beeped, she unlocked it.
Unknown number: ❤️❤️❤️ I love peacocks! It’s my favorite bird! How did you know?
Marinette’s heart sank, she looked at the dress. The client would’ve wanted the dress to have been worn. But not by Lila. Was she taking this game too far? Or was she taking it too seriously? 
N-no. It’s just a game with a  toy. That’s all
She stroked the embroidered feathers on the shoulder, the client had been such a nice person. A light that had been taken too soon. She narrowed her eyes, those damn so called heroes. Not caring of the world they destroy in their quest for “justice”. She frowned.
She sighed and put the dress back in it’s sleeve. She put on a coat and rushed back to Pops’ office. She popped her head in and surprisingly scared her uncles. “Popsicle! I’m going back out! Meeting with a client!”, she said, and then ran out the door. 
She heard him yell, “B-but Dolly! Judy made you your favorite!” as she ran back into the outside world.
___*****Line Break*****___
“Smile, darn you, smile.”, Marinette sang softly, “Everybody loves to grin. Follow my lead, recite my creed and smile!” 
She skipped merrily to her destination, The Wayne Hotel, a.k.a where Lila’s class was staying. The dress she promised Lila was safely tucked away in a protective sleeve, which she carried via hanger. Honestly, the dress was too pretty and too nice for Lila, but isn’t that what you do with toys? You dress them up and pretend they're something else?..Because that’s all she is to her, a toy, something for her to play with until she’s bored! She doesn’t need another “friend” that will just leave her behind to die under a crumbling building!
 Sighing, she entered the building and then she heard someone say, “Please hold the do-” Marinette spun around and saw the girl with the glowing earrings running toward her, “ Hey! You’re the girl from earlier!” 
Marinette smiled, “Yup! That’s me!” Throwing a thumb pointing at herself, which flawlessly turned into her extending her hand out. “My name’s Marinette!” 
The girl smiled and took her hand, “I’m Alya, it’s nice to officially meet you!”  Then Alya’s eyes traveled to the dress and her eyes lit up. “Oooh what’s that?” 
Marinette perked up, “It’s a dress commission for...a client.” Judging by the girl’s previous response to Lila’s lies, it was obvious she wouldn’t be pleased if she said the dress was for Lila. 
“Client? Oh you’re working! What’s the name of the company? My class is going to the Wayne Gala in a few weeks so I’m kind of in the market for a dress. Our class representative didn’t bother to let us know beforehand.” Alya said, her tone becoming a little irritated towards the end. 
“MDL Boutique! The DL stands for don’t keep us on the downlow! Spread the word!”, she grinned excitedly, meanwhile Alya stared at Marinette with a confused look on her face. It was so funny and so adorable, it made Marinette giggle. 
“That’s what happens when you have talent and everyone can see it!”, She winked, and handed Alya her business card. “Pretty soon my name will be all over Gotham! Marinette D. Levi, dress designer, dress maker, and matchmaker!” she cheered with the biggest smile. 
 It was nice for Marinette D.Levi to have a dream to aspire for, even if it was unlikely for it to ever come true. Soon she’ll officially debut as Puppet Princess and she’ll be Pops’ partner! A-and that’s for the best, who needs work? All work and no play would just make her dull. Right?
Then Alya snorted, gaining Marinette’s attention, “The “D” wouldn’t happen to be for Dolly would it? I used to love that movie so much when I was younger!” Marinette beamed, Alya was now the second person to get the reference in her name.
She laughed, “My po-apa is a comedian of sorts. He loves a good joke, and since his nickname for me is “Dolly” I figured it would be a good tie in to my love for him! Ya know?”
Alya smiled, “that’s so sweet! My dad’s a zookeeper and he takes care of all the animals.” Before Marinette could respond, her phone beeped, she pulled it out. 
Pants on fire: Are you here yet? My room’s on the 12th floor
Pants on fire: Text me when you get here😁
Marinette frowned, she put her phone away and looked to Alya. “Sorry, my client is expecting me.” When Alya nodded, Marinette continued, “You have my card. If you want to ask about a dress or whatever while you’re here in Gotham, feel free to give me a call.”
Alya smiled, “Of course! Thank you so much!” Marinette extended her hand for a farewell handshake and then Alya pulled her in for a hug. Marinette froze, she’s hugging her? Without her asking for one? And it felt...nice, kind of heartwarming? Slowly Marinette brought her hands up and returned the hug.
A few seconds later, Alya pulled away and grinned at her excitedly, “It was so nice to meet you. I will be sure to give you a call later!” Then she winked, her glowing earrings were so bright that they illuminated around Alya like a halo. Then Alya walked away towards a blonde boy and a bespectacled boy in a red cap, leaving a star struck Marinette behind. 
“Y-yeah! I'll pick it up!”, Marinette exclaimed excitedly, maybe certain people weren’t toys. Maybe they were friends. She smiled and it felt right. Friends. She has a friend! She ignored the flashes of Manny’s face as she looked at the retreating form of Alya. 
Manny wasn’t a friend, he was...he was... then memories of their time together were all that she could think about. Them laughing at something that one of them had said. Singing along to cheesy pop songs that came on the T.V. Them chasing each other around either from anger or a game of tag. The moments they shared planting little flowers in his garden. Lying around and watching cartoons. Those rare minutes he would become a human pin cushion for her growing fashion designer dream. 
Then the moment they officially had become friends was brought up.
“I don’t usually play with girls, but you don’t look like you have cooties. So I guess we’ll be friends.”, He had said as he looked at her with a cautious look. 
“I usually never play with anyone besides Cottontail!”, she grinned at him, she extended her hand out towards him, “Do you wanna be my friend Sir Poop head?”
He grinned back at her, “Yes Princess Dumb butt!”
Okay...Manny had been a friend, but then he left her to die under a crumbling building. Last she checked friends don’t do that! So when did he stop being her friend? And how can she keep that from happening...with Alya.
Are they even friends? Maybe acquaintances, yeah. Not friends yet, just acquaintances. She smiled and began her trek to the elevator.
Me: I’ll be there soon
Crap! She forgot to ask her why her earrings were glowing! Oh well, she could ask her next time she saw her.
___*****Line Break*****___ 
Here she was, Lila’s room. Was it too late to turn back? Lila still hadn’t replied, or heard her knocking. Speaking of which she's knocked three times in the last ten minutes. Was Lila here or not? Sighing, she twisted the door knob, and it was open? ‘I swear if I find a dead body in that room I will scream and sic Bud and Lou on the killer!’, she thought as she walked into the room.
“Yes of course he is, Mama!”, Lila’s voice appeared. “He wants to take me shopping to all the finest stores in Gotham! I told him that he shouldn’t feel obligated to do that, but he insisted on treating me like a princess! Luckily I managed to convince him to take me to a nice restaurant instead. The Midnight Paradise!” Lila paused to let her mom talk and Marinette took this chance to walk further into Lila’s hotel room. “Yes that restaurant! The food was to die for! Also, I think we saw the Wayne family while we were there. Adrien offered to introduce me to Bruce Wayne at the Wayne Gala.” 
Marinette blinked, ‘Who the hell is Adrien? I know she's not dating Damian Wayne but...Keep your lies straight! Unless...This Adrien is a classmate of hers, which would explain why she was lying about Damian Wayne.’ Marinette was now staring at the back of Lila’s head, ‘This is going to be a messy game.’
“Oh...Okay. Okay. Goodnight Mama. I love you.”, Lila said. She gave  a few air kisses and ended the call. She threw her phone on the bed and gave a loud, “UGH! She sure loves to hear herself talk.” 
“That’s a bit harsh wouldn’t you say?”, Marinette spoke up.
Watching Lila jump was absolutely hilarious, she spun around and various emotions flashed in her eyes. Marinette recognized shock, fear, annoyance, anger, and fake joy. ‘Impressive. The girl can really act.’, Marinette wanted to snort. 
“Marinette! Oh you’re here!”, She smiled, Marinette immediately saw through the act. “Why didn’t you text me you were here?”
“The door was open. And I did.”, Marinette smiled, “Multiple times actually.”
Lila pulled out her phone, and Marinette saw her grimace right before it turned into a look of guilt, “Oops! My bad! I’m so sorry Marinette! It’s just my mama called and I guess I was distracted.” She pouted, “Can you forgive me?”
Marinette smiled, “It’s fine. I understand completely!” Marinette waved her hand, “Anyhow, I brought the dress.” Lila’s eyes widened and the bluenette fought the urge to roll her eyes and kept smiling. She freed the dress from its sleeve and Lila lit up. 
“I-I love it!”, Lila squealed. Marinette studied Lila, for the first time since she’s met this girl. This is the first time she looks genuinely happy. Is it that she’s happy to get a dress like this, or that she “fooled” me into giving it to her? Lila looked to Marinette, “Do I really get to keep this dress?” Marinette nodded. Lila smiled so wide, she looked like a child in those christmas movies. Then the smile disappeared, Lila looked a bit serious and now stared Marinette in the eye. 
“What’s the catch?”, she asked with an angry look in her eye. Marinette shook her head, and handed Lila the dress. She smiled, “I wouldn’t say catch. I mean I’m just doing a friend a favor after all.” 
“You want me to do you a favor as well?”, Lila asked, she laid the dress out on her bed and crossed her arms. “Well, I guess it wouldn’t hurt.” She looked back at the dress, “What do you have in mind?”
“I was hoping you could get me into the Wayne Gala. As your plus one?”, Marinette smiled sheepishly. 
Lila smiled, Marinette saw the look of smug victory in her eyes. “Of course! What are friends for?” Marinette smiled and cheered! 
“Oh thank you! Thank you so much Lila!”, Marinette extended her arms out and Lila pulled her in for a hug. “I should be thanking you, you’re giving me this dress for free after all!”, she responded happily.
Marinette smirked into her shoulder, then she felt her phone vibrate in her back pocket. She pulled away from Lila and unlocked her phone.
Popsicle: Almost time for curfew. Come home now!
Marinette pouted, “Sorry Lila. My dad wants me to start heading home before it gets too dark outside. Lila’s eyes held a look of annoyance, hidden away by her pouting face. “I’ll be back tomorrow with my tools, do the proper measurements and adjust it to your figure!”, Marinette waved as she walked out the door.
“Okay then! Goodnight Marinette!”, Lila cheered. “Wait! You forgot the dress!” 
“I’ll be back tomorrow. Goodnight Lila!”, Marinette continued walking down the hall.
___*****Line Break*****___
It times like this she’s happy to have an alter ego. Free to walk around without the threat of someone calling the cops. Sweet little Marinette Dolly Levi was nothing like the fabulous Puppet Princess. Oh well, better go home and sneak her brothers some steak.
She walked merrily towards the entrance doors and was about to take her first step out the door. “Marinette?”, a voice said, and she froze. 
She then spun around and was met with a familiar pair of emerald eyes. “Damian?”
Apparently she’s more recognizable than she thought.
(Author’s Note) Hey guys! Thanks for reading part 3! If you want to be tagged please feel welcome to ask in the comments! And if you have any questions feel free to go and ask in my ask box! 
Also Manny’s reason for becoming friends with Mari was kinda based off my brief best friendship with a boy from K-1st grade. Now that I’m thinking about it, that was the weirdest friendship I ever had. We mostly just tried to gross each other out with dumb nicknames. What even was K-1st?
Taglist: @thestressmademedoit @enchanted-nerd @brokenwordsarehard2 @tumbling-down-hills-and-stuff @mochegato
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yvesapphic · 4 years
hinapia - minkyeung as your girlfriend
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request: Hiiii! Can I request minky from hinapia as a gf please? I miss seeing my girlies performing on stage but at the same time i want them to stay safe :( Have a nice day and take care of yourself btw❤  note: i miss them too, but i think the comeback is near, eunwoo and bada’s hair are black and yaebin have a new haircut. also there are rumours of siyeon joining??????/ this would be the end of me
you already knew she had a crush on you but she would never confess
you’d throw little hints aroud her
like “if i was your girlfriend...”
she was so oblivius about your feelings
“i like you, nerd” you had to confess in a dumb way so she could understand 
since then, you’ve been a sweet couple
having her back when the disband of pristin happened
and holding her hand on the very first hinapia stage
a lots of hugging, like all the time
hugs on when she’s happy
when she’s sad
whenever, wherever.
being hinapia’s fake 6th member
she calls you “babygirl” around the girls
bada would be a supporter and would talk about her “mommies” with fans a lot
you giving minky massages when she’s tired from practice
going on dates at 2am bc, in her words, you look beautiful at night
yes, she’s that type of cheesy gf
sometimes she’s very insecure about being a leader and it reflects right on your relationship
she will need your support sm 
and you will always be there for her
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sex with minkyeung:
can’t you feel the big dick energy?
minky is into bdsm. lightly, but still.
ropes? yes. handcuffs? yes.
a dom
but would sub if you wanted, but a power sub
she likes when you sit on her face
and has a chocking kink (giving and receiving)
things would be pretty fast and passionate
but if she’s punishing you,,,,,,, she will do it in the most slow way 
her favorite thing on sex is scissoring so you two can chase your highs together
not into straps, only if you wanted to use on her 
even if she’s a dom and everything, i can’t see her with dirty talk kink?
maybe she could try if you wanted, but it’s nothing something natural from her
aftercare: showering together (round 2) and sleeping in matching pajamas
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thepatricktreestump · 5 years
Naughty or Nice: ch20
A/N: agh i am so sorry this took forever to write. i’ve been all across the country, trying to find places to stay seeing as i’m literally homeless, but also enjoying myself at concerts and making lots of new friends. also not to justify the wait or anything but it’s very fitting there was a gap between the last chapter and this one seeing as where we are in the story there’s been a break between the reader and the boys and leg two of the tour is just now starting up sooo.... hope you enjoy it
               Before the start of the second leg of the tour, you made a solemn pledge with yourself to avoid the boys at all cost before the chaos started back up again, making them postpone their bet, and irking them both even more so. If you were just a little puzzle piece in their rivalry game, you’d shut it down completely. You weren’t just a toy; you were an independent, confident, clever young lady who got what you wanted. Even if that meant taking wants away from others. You smiled to yourself as you entered the lobby of the recording studio, ready for the last meeting before the start-up of the second half of the tour, both of the boys chatting at the table when their heads perked up to see you.
               “Why so stunned?” you raised an eyebrow.
               Sure, you had made some changes. A new shade of lipstick, a fresh haircut, a crop top, and a little bit of makeup combined with some high heels and a miniskirt gave you just enough boost to make eye contact. Plus, you wanted to look professional for the meeting. You couldn’t help yourself but wink, making them practically drool at the sight of you.
               “Holy hell,” Tyler breathed.
               “What?” you smirked. “Like what you see, Joseph?”
               “Considering you sort of fell of the face of the earth for the past few weeks, I think we’re both stunned to simply see you alive, much less this, I mean-” Josh made an excessive gesture towards you. “This.” He ran a hand through his hair, still speechless. “Wow.”
               “Thanks,” you simpered, strutting towards the conference table with camera in hand, pulling out a seat across from the boys, setting down your camera and resting your chin on your palm. “So, what have you two been up to?”
               “Music,” Tyler managed to get out.
               “And thinking about you,” Josh added, earning a death glare from Tyler.
               “Look we didn’t mean to upset you or anything-” Tyler began but you shook your head.
               “You didn’t,” you insisted. “I missed both of you. I just needed a little time to myself.”
               “What does that mean?” Josh raised an eyebrow.
               “A little self-love never hurt anyone,” you insisted and the boys hummed in agreement, still not quite understanding what you implied, but dropping the subject.
               “We’re headed out of the states for this leg of the tour,” Tyler explained. Mark entered, along with Chris and Michael, and some others as well. You nodded with a smile, watching as they entered the room. You hoped they hadn’t eavesdropped on anything. “Uh, hey guys.”
               They gave a small greeting before Tyler dismissed the topic and let the tour managers begin the presentation. Like Tyler had explained before, this would be out of the states and onto new continents. They were traveling to Europe and Asia, Australia and Russia, and a couple islands as well. You hadn’t visited too many places, and so you were stoked for the entire trip. They went over meal plans, travel accommodations, hotels and rentals, scheduling and delay procedures, even security precautions and strict rules. Apparently all the shows were sold out too, so it would be booked as ever. Due to the large scale of the tour, they had decided to hire another photographer to work alongside you, Brad, who had proved just as talented and personable. He was quite nice and showered you in plenty of compliments, and before you knew it, you were back at home, ready for the busy day and trip to Europe tomorrow.
               At a time far too early for any human to hear an alarm clock ring throughout the house, you groaned and headed out for the airport. Being on a private flight was mandated due to security reasons, but deep down inside, you liked to think it was to be spoiled. You greeted both of the boys with hugs, to which Josh had reciprocated with coffee, and you showered him in kisses to Tyler’s annoyance. “What?” Tyler scowled. “Josh brings you a cup of dirt water and you worship him but I get you a first class ticket on a private plane and all I get is a hug?”
               “Oh shut up Joesph,” you rolled your eyes. “You know I love you.”
               “Mhmm,” he blushed and Mark laughed at the three of your antics, reminding you that you still had to go through security.
               Once you were settled on the aircraft and up in the sky, Josh had taken you towards the back and gave you a smile, one you knew far too well. “Oh god,” you stared at him, shaking your head in disapproval. “No, Josh, you couldn’t have-”
               “Surprise,” he couldn’t help but grin, pulling out a tiny bag from one of his backpacks, handing it to you. “I promise it’s nothing too expensive, I just- I don’t know.” You took it and he scratched the back of his head, looking at you. “A little something to let you know I missed you.”
               “Josh,” you whined. “You didn’t have to.”
               “I know, I know,” he reassured. “But I wanted to.”
               “Alright,” you rescinded, looking up at him through narrowed eyes before opening up the packaging and revealing a small necklace. You gasped. “Oh my god, what’s this?”
               “A little something,” he repeated.
               It’s adorned in gold, the nickname shaped in cursive print along with a golden chain to match, the word “Babygirl” as the centerpiece. You had seen necklaces like this before, in gift shops and on the necks of Instagram models, a symbol of a relationship or anniversary type treasure. You blushed as you held the necklace up to inspect it, your cheeks a shade of rose as the golden chain glinted in your eye. Josh was smiling ear to ear. You had no words. Instead you simply just smiled, giggling as you stared at the necklace, doing a little tip-toed hop of excitement in your place. You squealed with excitement.
               “Do you like it?” he hummed.
               “Yes,” you nodded vigorously. “Thank you, thank you!” You set the box to the side, lifting the necklace to your breast, beaming. “Would you be so kind as to put it on for me?”
               “It would be my honor,” he reassured. He carefully unclasped the chain and brushed your hair from the back of your neck and delicately placed it around you, then closed it and let it hang, taking a step back to admire it. “My babygirl.”
               “Mhmm!” you pressed your lips to his, kissing him softly. “I love it, Josh. Thank you so much.”
               “No need to thank me. You know I love spoiling you,” he reminded. “It’s my job.”
               “How about you spoil me with some cuddles?” you proposed in a sing song voice. “Babygirl always loves daddy’s cuddles!” You kiss him on the cheeks and he chuckles.
               “Well I could never say no to that,” he insists, scooping you up in his arms and taking you to a sofa nearby. He wraps you up in a fluffy blanket and presses a kiss to your lips, then lays down beside you, whispering for you to get some sleep.
               When you wake up, you hear murmuring, and so you decide to keep your eyes closed and eavesdrop softly. You stir slightly and you hear the boys pause, before you resettle and they continue. They’re talking about you. They almost always are.
               “I just don’t know if it’ll be the same,” you hear Josh sigh and you press your lips together, glad you’re turned with your back towards them. “I just really hope we didn’t offend her or hurt her or anything.”
               “We’ll just give her time,” Tyler insists. “And if things aren’t the same, then I guess they just aren’t. It doesn’t mean we won’t miss her any less.”
               “I just hope things won’t be awkward between us,” Josh argues. “Sexual and romantic encounters aside, all feelings taken out of the equation, I still want to be friends. She’s a really amazing person, and I just don’t want to lose her.”
               “Yeah,” Tyler pauses for a moment. “Me too.”
               “Things just feel different I guess,” Josh mumbles. “I mean, new country, new leg of the tour, new changes…”
               “Just make sure she’s okay, yeah?” Tyler asks and you can almost envision Josh nodding. “Good. I will too.”
               You feel a hand go to caress your hair softly and you can’t help but hum, and you hear Josh chuckle softly. “Wake up, baby,” he says. “We’re almost there.”
               The show that night goes smoothly, and you stick to your routine of editing while the boys are showering and settling in for bed, but in the back of your mind, you’re still thinking about what they’ve said. It has been a while, to say that it wasn’t would be a lie, but likewise the boys, you didn’t want things to change. You still craved Josh’s cuddles and affection and Tyler’s kisses and late night fucks. The duality of both of them put together was enough to make you fall to your knees, and you wouldn’t exchange having them for the entire world. You just needed a little bit of time to yourself, that was all. Especially with the break. Now you were back and ready for whatever they had prepared for you. It was much nicer now seeing as each of you had your own hotel rooms for this leg of the tour, although it made you wonder who’s room you’d be spending the night in tonight.
               “Hey,” Tyler sits beside you on the sofa that evening in the floor’s lobby and you close your laptop, smiling at him. “It’s been a while, I feel like I haven’t seen you for literal years.”
               “Same here,” you laugh halfheartedly, flickering your eyes up to his. “I missed you.”
               “Missed you too,” he replies. He leans in for a kiss and before you know it, you’re moving your laptop over to the coffee table and crawling into his lap, straddling his hips, deepening the kiss and pressing your lips onto his. He hums into your mouth and you run your hands up his back, sifting your fingers through his hair, sighing as you both pull away. He leans in to whisper in your ear and you feel your body shudder with anticipation. “I think we have a little bit of catching up to do, hmm?”
               “Please,” you find yourself whining. “I missed you Tyler, I miss you, I need you-”
               “Someone’s desperate,” he smirks and you can’t help but let out a whimper.
               “We need to-” your breath hitches as he grabs your ass. “Move. We need to move. We’ll be caught dead if someone sees us here-”
               “No, you’re right,” he nods, and you slowly climb up off of him, looking around to see if anyone else is present. Thankfully they’re not. “Meet me in my room in five?”
               “Yeah sure,” you try to catch your breath and watch as he walks away, tugging his hoodie down to cover up his hard on. It only makes you even more flustered. You can’t put away your laptop and walk down the hall to his room fast enough.
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